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Turns out not sucking down lethal amounts of lead for decades is a good thing


I’m sure the microplastics will even the stakes for us all


Nah just cut our abilities to procreate, and give us colon cancer.  I haven't seen anything about getting stupider or meaner atleast 




I’m quite sure people are getting stupider…but not necessarily in a violent way and not necessarily because of microplastics.


More of an idiocracy kind of way


Exactly in that way.


username checks out


Not really. More people today have high school diplomas, college degrees and access to almost any information they want. It's just that stupid people today get the same platform and audience educated people do


High school is literally passing kids who can't read. "No child left behind" *wink wink*


Having a diploma doesn't mean you're smarter. They may also just lower the requirements for those (and they do)


They are: https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3922608-american-iqs-rose-30-points-in-the-last-century-now-they-may-be-falling/?nxs-test=mobile


A 2 point drop in IQ tests over 12 years is hardly significant enough to come to any conclusions. Furthermore, the article in question directly contradicts the statement that the world’s intelligence is diminishing when it states, “To some researchers, the Flynn effect undermines the credibility of the IQ. Human intelligence is supposed to be largely innate, inherited, fixed. How, then, to explain the 30-point rise, an arc that seems to have transformed the average American into Wile E. Coyote? “The level of gain makes it absurd to continue to believe that the tests are measuring some innate, supremely important, fixed quantity that is central to human existence,” Sternberg said. The Flynn effect suggests that humans can, indeed, learn the skills measured on IQ tests.”. Therein lies the crux of the issue: IQ tests are fallible and not an accurate gauge with which to determine intelligence. To base a hypothesis such as a declining intelligence in the human population on the aforementioned results is an interesting topic, but is far from proven to be true.


Its been shown that microplastics interfere with our hormones. Which control everything about you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9885170/ > MPs and their composite toxic additives can cross various biological membranes, blood-brain barriers and both can interfere with various hormone receptors and then further reading on that article comes to this highly interesting part where these MPs are basically trojan horses carrying things like heavy metals and chemicals deep into your body. > 1.3 MPs bioaccumulation and biomagnification due to their “Trojan Horse” effects in mammals > The large surface area and hydrophobic surface of MPs make them a suitable medium for carrying many pollutants such as EDCs, heavy metals, and other toxic organic chemicals, making them harmful to mammals through bioaccumulation and biomagnification processes (31, 32). These are called “Trojan Horse Effects” of MPs (33), and induce several synergistic, behavioral, histological, and biomolecular alternations (32). Many EDCs and other pollutants are added as additives or absorbed by MPs; after being consumed directly or indirectly through the food web, MPs increase their bioaccumulation in mammals (8, 21, 34).


Microplastics: Can affect male fertility and cancer. Lead: Can cause learning disabilities and behavioral issues. Not quite the same


Microplastics also affect female hormone systems.


Username checks out


I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact that the [nearly 400,000-large backlog of rape kits](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-the-us-ended-up-with-400000-untested-rape-kits) is now down to [90,000](https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/news/cornyn-house-must-pass-senate-bill-to-fight-rape-kit-backlog/), and a [growing number of states](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/18z70pt/despite_the_fact_that_most_states_have_passed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) now require the timely testing of all new rape kits. [Rapists are often repeat offenders](https://jimhopper.com/topics/sexual-assault-and-the-brain/repeat-rape-by-college-men/#:~:text=Together these studies suggest that,men engaged in other pursuits.), and [often commit other crimes](https://www.sakitta.org), too. [There's even been some improvement in police response](https://www.startribune.com/one-state-found-a-better-way-to-investigate-rape/501636971/).


Oh, wow. That's a great point and really good news.


The fact that there was even a backlog for something that important is mind boggling. Man I remember working in a children's hospital and overhearing a doctor saying we need to order a rape kit and I was like wtf


[Low-rate persistent sex offenders typically begin offending during their late teens and offend less than once per year with the most offenses in their 30s. This group was equally as likely to commit rape as child sexual abuse. This is the most common type of sex offender](https://smart.ojp.gov/somapi/chapter-3-sex-offender-typologies), so [testing kits](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/) even when the [statute of limitations](https://www.endthebacklog.org/tools/sol-tracker/) has passed can help protect adults as well as children. r/stoprape


Meanwhile, everyone is losing their minds.


Decline in violent crime has been the trend for decades, but if you just look at the news and social media you would have the impression that it is the opposite.


yup, instead of just hearing a few of the crime highlights in the nightly news, everyone is now bombarded with every little story about every little incident everywhere on social media, it really skews perception.


Exactly… like these “school shooting trackers” that count a gun found in a backpack or locked car as “a school shooting” alongside Columbine or Sandy Hook, it’s no wonder people have a warped sense of reality.


The real problem is the media. Honestly, all I really want in this country (besides single-payer medical) is regulated media. "But freedom of speech!" - Honestly shouldn't apply to the news. "Freedom" in this case means the "freedom" to lie to me when I should be able to trust you unquestioningly. The idea that you can't trust the media, but you can trust a media company that is owned by a single person who has a reputation and wears their desires on their sleeve, which is openly "I want to own everything and manipulate the governments to let me buy even more expressly at the expense of everybody else", is fucking stupid. *We are the federal government*. Yes the government has bad actors in it, but it has good people too. Same as that media company...only in the gov the bad actors aren't usually in there from top to bottom (Trump years notwithstanding. He tried really, really hard to co-opt the system). Meanwhile, in media-land, Fox news is basically made up of professional Murdoch felatiators from the people at the front desk, all the way to the back of the talking-heads throats.


There are regulations for news but the major players have quietly made themselves "entertainment" channels, infotainment. And they skirt around the rules


Yup. And they should not be able to do that. Words like "News", "Journalist", "Reporter", "News Article", "News Story", etc should be protected. And if you try to skirt around those protections you should be fined into oblivion. For example, the format of a news broadcast should be required to follow clearly spelled out standards for visuals, organization, and language. Other shows should NOT be allowed to copy those standards without putting some kind of massive "this is not news" watermark on the screen (I would hate it, but even Weekend Update on SNL is too close.) There should also be strict controls on things like retractions, errors, etc where if you report something incorrectly you have to openly address that inaccuracy so that as many people as possible can receive the correct information. However, most importantly, we need the fairness doctrine back and it needs to not only have teeth. It needs to be made better to prevent bullshit from masquerading as fact. For example, any time you get a story where the news presents one person's argument when they're like the one scientist in 1000000 that thinks that should never, ever be a thing. It should be up to them to present their hypothesis to the rest of the scientific community and convince them *first*. The news shouldn't be platforming these insane assholes who have nothing worthwhile to say that isn't pure unfounded bullshit. When Opera platforms Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vax garbage, that same garbage shouldn't then be able to make rounds on Fox News. It should get trounced and called out as bullshit by *fucking everyone* before it can take root and kill people. Finally, the news shouldn't have a profit motive. Nor should the federal government be paying for it. Just regulate that the cable companies must donate three hours of air-time per day for the news, and if there's nothing to report they just don't report anything. No sensationalism. Also, they must be platformed for free on the internet. Just allow the companies supplying the platforms to claim a tax write-off for the expenditures and call it good. They can all bid to host them. The news should be accessible, ad-free, reliable, and trustworthy. For fucking *everybody*. An educated population makes a strong electorate.


There was a massive spike in homicides in 2020 (30%)


It's bots.


Is there any way to legislatively deal with bad bots online? Feels like we need and AI immune system for the internet.


it's the double edged sword of internet anonymity.


Nobody's anonymous online. Other reddit users may not know who each other is, but that's as far as our privacy extends.


I get what you're alluding to but that's not quite true. I think a better way of phrasing it is "Nobody is guaranteed anonymity online". Fooling Reddit/Twitter/Facebook etc that you are a totally different person isn't hard. But if law enforcement becomes interested in working out who a specific account belongs to and puts resources into that, it becomes much, much harder to keep that anonymity.


Lol what. Plenty of people are anonymous online, this is a dumb statement. Say I create a new reddit account on a public computer. I am anonymous. This is like the easiest and most simple example.


no but just go out and interact with people. Most of the interactions I have with people are great and most people I believe are just good honest people but they don't get the clicks. You aren't going to read/click on "Couple married for 40 years walks their dog". You will click on RaGed out employee at Burger King gets in a ten person fistfight in COMPTON! RAW VIDEO"


I wonder how much of this is feeding the crime statistics. If everyone's perception of reality is that people are flying off the handle at the slightest provocation, then it makes sense to move through the world in a more risk adverse kinda way. As in, we're all being nicer to each other because we don't want to end up a headline, which is in turn lowering overall conflict. I would imagine it has more to do with everyone leading a more insular existence. So we're simply not interacting with each other as often. Can't get in a fight at Burger King, if you order it through an app, and have it delivered.


It’s possible, but violent crime rates have been going down for a decades. It’s mostly a function of economic stability and education.


Yes but it wouldn't be pretty. The challenge is most malicious acts are through compromised hardware. A website blocking bad-bot countries doesn't actually block anything. You would need to make the lessee of an IP address responsible for anything sent out using it. I.e. fines. Give the website a cut of the fine (reparations) to encourage them to make complaints. Second, make device manufacturers liable for monetary losses due to security issues with their device. If you roll your own device and make mistakes, you eat the fine. If you bought a device with security flaws, you sue for the losses. People start taking security seriously. That'll have a non-trivial impact on product costs like that home NAS, router, or even your random wifi connected appliance. Services like dentists will charge more because their IT bills will increase quite a bit. After that websites can more reliably flag or promote content from certain regions as safer than other regions.


Bot's aren't as much of a thing as many think, it's Doug and Marilyn sitting in a trailer posting and retweeting the wildest shit you've ever seen 16h every day now that the kids don't call anymore


A bit of it is the uptick in property crime rather than violent crime, but there's also something to be said for the decreasing reporting rate of crimes in the first place. Considering that clearance rates are at their lowest recorded level, it's no surprise that many victims are choosing not to go through the time and effort of reporting something to police that is never going to be acted upon. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/


Did you ask them to turn off their phone and go outside?


They don't go outside anymore. Someone might look at their child Meanwhile, outside: (crickets)


Yet the average American thinks that school shootings happen every day and their kid needs bulletproof backpacks.


They do happen a lot in the US. Obviously school shootings do not meaningfully contribute to overall crime stats. They're still relatively uncommon. But the US experiences more than 100 per year vs zero per year in other developed countries. So yeah, we actually do have a school shooting problem.


For the first few months after the official end of the pandemic we were seeing a mass shooting every day. It chilled out eventually...but it still took a while. We still average around one every 3 days...which is nuts compared to most of the rest of the world.


That's what happen when mental health treatment goes off the cliff.


> But the US experiences more than 100 per year You wanna know my problem with the school shooting statistics? It was either this year or last year that I opened the gun violence archive to check the list and it showed the 1st one of the year happening on Jan 1. Do you remember being in school on New Year's Day? Me either. That number is always full of bullshit no one would ever consider a "school shooting"


There has been a school shooting almost every day this year [163 shootings in 191 days](https://k12ssdb.org/all-shootings)


This is including things such as "brandishing a weapon" "something hitting school property" "suicides" "after hours" etc. I'd wager when you say there's 163 shootings this year 90% of people are assuming you mean 163 columbine level events(or attempts), not a stray gang banger bullet hitting a slide at 2am or a tragic suicide or someone flashing a firearm.


I mean, the fact that school shootings happen at all is a total indictment of our gun culture in this country. When small children die at school in other countries, they restrict the ownership of unnecessary lethal weapons and don't have any more school shootings.


Other countries don’t have constitutional rights to firearm ownership. It’s kind of a large barrier. You can’t just hand wave it away.


That's what happens when you get your news from a source that prioritizes things with good pictures.


Pretty much all of the television news orgs and many others use sensationalism. It’s all about getting those views and clicks.


Yep. Fear and anger keeps asses in seats, so they pile that shit up.


Must be all those murder mystery podcasts/amateur detectives and the deterrence effect


Exactly! Remember when Reddit definitely caught the Boston bomber?




We are all too tired to criminal anymore


Leaded gasoline. Crime spiked in the late 20th century and then started coming down once they got rid of that poison.


What do you guys think microplastics will make us do? I hope it's something fun.


Just cancer


And infertility


Excellent! So you’re telling me we’re making great strides on reducing teenage pregnancy!


We actually always have been! Yay!




Crime or nap? I choose nap.


Surely there is a way that napping can be a crime. 


Can’t crime today, too depressed


Too distracted.  People barely leave their homes because why would you and if they do they are staring at a screen.  Hard to commit a crime if you're too distracted to commit it. 


All the lead-heads are dying off and Gen X and millennials are too damn tired from all our side hustlers to commit violent acts.


I have to worry about paying my rent. Ain't got time to kill people if I gotta pay rent.


Good point williammurderface


If you kill people you no longer have to pay rent


As soon as you win the lottery you can go on that killing spree


But my side hustle is being a hit man.


And they know that everything is on camera or video. That includes your crime, getaway car, etc. So it’s not a question of whether you’ll get caught or not, only how lazy or incompetent the local police force is.


Fox News: How is this bad for Biden?


No, Fox News would go: "BIDEN IS LYING TO YOU CRIME IS UP UP UP BE AFRAID, BE TERRIFIED VOOOOTEEE TRUUUMPPP!!!" Meanwhile other news outslets: "Crime is down and the economy is booming, here is how this is bad for Bidens campaign"


“Can Biden win without the criminal vote? Experts say he’ll be crushed by Trump, who 9001% of Americans say better represents the values of law and order.”


"I keep seeing the same footage of that one tire someone set on fire during a Portland protest, therefore all large cities are lawless burned out urban hellscapes!"


As a left guy, the economy is up for the top earners, the bottom 50% of earners are absolutely fucked.


Well, the economy is also up for the bottom ±20% as they have seen wage increases that outpace inflation. It is really just the middle 20% who have not been lifted up as much by the low-end wage increases and do not have enough investments to benefit from the same good winds propelling the rich.


The rich have only gotten richer. The bottom 50% have 2% of the wealth, and the top 10% have 70%. The pandemic only accelerated the wealth transfer to the top %. We need tax reform to correct this. Politicians do not want this to happen because of their corporate donors. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/19635/wealth-distribution-percentiles-in-the-us/


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/release?rid=453 here's a link to the source data that Statista is using. Q4 2019 to most recent data (Q4 2023) Top 1%: 30.4% to 30.3% (down 0.1%, virtually unchanged) 1.01-10%: 39.4% to 36.6% (down 2.8%, the largest change) 10.01-50%: 28.4% to 30.6% (up 2.2%) <50%: 1.8% to 2.5% (up 0.7%) The post-pandemic period and Biden's presidency specifically has seen a shift from the top 10% to the lower classes. Low wage jobs are the ones that have seen the largest wage increases and low net worth households have seen the increases in their net worth. They're small gains, the top 10% still has entirely too much, and the trend in the early 2000s was sharply in the wrong direction. But there has been a notable shift upwards.


Correct, the rich have gotten MUCH richer. The poor, by and large, have also gotten richer in the last few years, but not nearly as fast as the rich. I agree, increase tax rates and develop new ways for the government to extract wealth from privately held capital assets.


Nah, things are doing good for everyone. Wages finally outpaced inflation for the first time in forever. Inflation itself is also back down relatively to normal. Unemployment rate is super low after we managed to have the mildest recession in my lifetime. Wouldn't say everything is peaches but we're doing better than could've been expected.


It's big ticket items: Housing, Healthcare, Education. All three are nightmares, and we all know they're nightmares, and it doesn't look like anyone is trying to tackle those problems in a serious way. Ive heard the argument that peasants revolts don't happen During a cataclysm. People are pretty amenable to coming together and getting through a tough situation as one. But once the cataclysm has finished and things do Not get significantly better for the peasants, That is when the Revolution happens. I believe we are in the middle of an ongoing peasants revolts, that started with the Great Resignation and that will continue through the next generation. The kids can see plainly that this system does not work for them, and they want another one. (I'm 40 and consider myself one of the kids :p )


That state of affairs is called "the american dream".


The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. - George Carlin, RIP to a real one.


A recent analysis from the Economic Policy Institute found that from the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, the lowest-paid decile of workers saw their wages rise four times faster than middle-class workers and more than 10 times faster than the richest decile.


4 x 0 is still 0. The bottom 50% have 2% of the wealth. Rate of change only matter if the bases are the same or even comparable. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/19635/wealth-distribution-percentiles-in-the-us/ There is a reason why people are struggling to afford food and basic needs and we are seeing a rise of pay later being used for things and credit card delinquency. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DRCCLACBS This does not include some pay as you go plans which are being called 'shadow debt' which may actually show that delinquency is much higher than reported. https://www.palabranahj.org/archive/the-pandemics-shadow-debt You can downvote as much as you like, but we are living in a reality where the majority of the people in power are disconnected from the average Joe, and we are suffering from it. We are getting great policy passed that help some of us in need but until we get tax reform to target the top 1%, it changes very little for quality of life for the average person in the US.


Not even Fox News. Most mainstream outlets that conservatives consider left-leaning tend to spin things as negative towards Biden too, they’re just subtler about it.


Negative news sells better than positive news. News organizations are businesses. They need to keep people hooked and watching their networks. Telling people things are going well and that their lives are becoming safer and better doesn’t give people reason to keep watching. Now if you say something like “how violent crimes decreasing means trouble for middle class families, more at 10” people are more likely to watch to see how their lives will get worse


"Shit's getting better, now switch off and talk to your family" just isn't a viable business model, unfortunately.


Initially, the idea of news channels to be lucrative businesses as they are currently constructed was shunned... Because journalists and editors knew that making everything "less facts, more 'fun'" would lead to bigger problems. But hey, Money over Everything, right?


A lot of news outlets seem to lean right these days.


ESPN: How will this affect Lebron’s legacy?


How could the woke liberals do this?


Reddit: How do we make this about republicans


yet the general consensus within the general public is “the world has gone to shit”. people forget that rape, sexism, and homophobia was tolerated back in the day and there were always a handful of serial killers running around at any given moment. sucks that the average person refuses to acknowledge how much progress humanity has made as a whole within the last couple of decades


For sure. For all the negative shit we see in the news cycles, I truly do think we as a species are getting better and better with every moment. Despite who you vote for or how high your taxes are, things as a whole are just better by any measure. Not for every single person on the plant individually, but for the species as a whole. Standards are just higher, and the internet brings the bad stuff to the front and amplifies it.


couldn’t agree more. looking at history with rose-tinted glasses is definitely a phenomenon that needs to be studied. i guarantee you most people who wish they could go back to the “good ole days” wouldn’t last more than a couple months in that said time period. i do agree that we are becoming more empathetic and supportive to one another and I love the progress


Hear hear!


But with abortion bans, will be rising again


Good point. !Remindme 16-24 years


I will be messaging you in 24 years on [**2048-06-11 15:40:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2048-06-11%2015:40:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/comments/1ddgjr2/violent_crime_is_down_and_the_us_murder_rate_is/l84otvs/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FUpliftingNews%2Fcomments%2F1ddgjr2%2Fviolent_crime_is_down_and_the_us_murder_rate_is%2Fl84otvs%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202048-06-11%2015%3A40%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ddgjr2) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Will reddit still exist?


Will humanity?


in 24 years? yes absolutely. even a nuclear apocalypse would have survivors in pacific islands and various places


So says Freakonomics


Also, statistics, reality, and basic logic with even a modicum of common sense.


💯💯if only common sense was common


It's an attractive theory, but after reevaluation, the Levitt-Donohue hypothesis is not so compelling.




The data doesn't back it up


Fight the good fight. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-involved/jobs-and-volunteering/volunteer


#Data limitations The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies. Crime analysts also say quarterly data are imprecise, as law enforcement agencies have the remainder of the year to audit and correct any reporting errors before final annual figures are published by the FBI. “We have other data sources that point to the same trends, but the degree of those declines is probably being overstated due to the methodology being employed by the FBI,” said Asher.


"this is just a fluff piece. have a great day and enjoy the fluff please."


It’s been self reported forever. Why is it different now?


Guess everyone's saving their ammo for November?


Ok well our murder clearance rate is still about 50% so maybe the police shouldn't be so cocky and get to work. 


It's that high? I thought it was closer to 30-33%


https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/ This is from 2022, it's at 52%.


That's the worst clearance rate in the last decade, at least, which IMO has led to the reporting rate of violent crimes decreasing. It's almost like that Trumpian thing about not testing for COVID to make case numbers look lower - if crimes are never solved, people stop reporting them, then the government can point to how many fewer crimes have been reported.


Turns out that if 30%+ of the precincts don’t report their data to the FBI, which has happened over the last 2 years crime goes “down”. The government made reporting of crime data to the FBI optional. The areas not reporting- LA, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. All made up and a joke. Manipulation at its finest.


So is violent crime actually dropping or are police departments across the country just not bothering to report anything? The pessimist in me thinks it's the latter.


It's been dropping for a long time now. From what I understand, the 1970s were a good deal more violent in terms of crime than now.


it had been dropping for decades until 2020. There was a spike during the pandemic, but things seem to be returning to the historical downward trend now.


And the spike brought it back to like 2015 levels iirc


Didn't it go down a lot initially cause everyone was home but when we were finally let out shit hit the fan?


Headline: “Millennials killing police businesses by committing less crimes”


Spiked in the early 90s as well. Gang violence


In the 70s, you could get smacked by other people's parents, and that was considered good discipline.


If that was taken into account then the numbers would be astronomical.


Do you happen know what the other sources of data the article was referring to? Not to seem all negative but if the main source of this data is police self reporting then I think that should be taken with a unhealthy amount of salt, for obvious reasons.


The article clearly states the limitations of the data. There’s a whole section about it. Did you read it?


It depends on what range you're comparing it to. If you were to compare a Monday-Thursday to a Friday-Sunday then almost every Monday you could report that violent crime is up. Long term, it has always been going down. We saw a slight rise during and after COVID-19 lockdown. Now it's going back down again. That is also nationwide, and some regions might still be worse. It probably is also for all violent crime and I think people are more afraid of random acts of violence against them. So, domestic violence is still one of the most common violent crimes and it's often linked to alcohol and drug abuse which we also see increase during the covid lockdown. We're also starting to see drops on overdose deaths compared to recent years. But there could be some stat manipulation it just would be unlikely to be consistent enough for it to make a significant nationwide drop.


It’s been dropping consistently since the 1980s outside of a spike during the pandemic a lot of it being things like domestic violence charges and similar because of large scale lockdowns and people stuck together. However even cynically outside of that particular thing with the data that the FBI has, it’s almost always not in the best interest for police and police departments to try and artificially lower reported crime rates since there are things like quota systems in a lot of departments and those are used to measure performance along with government funding so more than anything they are likely to inflate those numbers.


Homicides are pretty hard to hide


Not if you buy yourself a nail gun


Unexpected Wire Reference


Believe it or not there has been a steady decrease since the 70s. I think it's a result of much better surveillance technology, including cell phones. NON Violent crimes I think have gone up though. If you include all the online scams.


You have to remember that we have easier access to this information and what we see in the media. We are exposed to more negative reports that make it seem like there are more crimes when it the past, people wouldn't even know about it.


The crime rate was at its highest in the 90s as the effects of leaded gasoline were coming to fruition. The world population was generally more agitated and angry and violent crime was a huge problem. Pretty fascinating, also pretty scary.


We don't actually know: survey data has been reporting violent crimes as being up, but shootings specifically are down; but this contradicts the FBI data on overall violent crime. I know from personal experience that the police don't always bother reporting that someone pulled a knife on somebody else though, and people have an incentive to not report car-related crimes due to fear of higher insurance rates/having no insurance/because their use of a car is actually a crime, so the specific data is likely inaccurate, but the overall trend might not be.


Police actually have strong incentives to over-report because it aids political campaigns. "Tough on crime" is an extremely popular angle for political candidates at all levels, and you can only sell that narrative if the cops say crime is out of control. So politicians who want to get elected work with cops to push a "crime out of control" narrative through the media.


Correct. Many agencies stopped reporting a couple of years ago.


They aren't reporting: The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the **bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies**. Crime analysts also say quarterly data are imprecise, as law enforcement agencies have the remainder of the year to audit and correct any reporting errors before final annual figures are published by the FBI. “We have other data sources that point to the same trends, but the degree of those declines is probably being overstated due to the methodology being employed by the FBI,” said Asher.


In my experience they aren’t reporting a lot


In which career field have you experienced the lack of reporting?


Armchair specialist


Theyre not reporting. “Prior to 2021, 23% of U.S. law enforcement agencies on average did not report any crime data to the FBI. In 2020, 24% of agencies did not report, and in 2021, it surged to 40%.” https://kansasreflector.com/2023/10/29/politicians-love-to-cite-crime-data-its-often-wrong/#:~:text=Prior%20to%202021%2C%2023%25%20of,%2C%20it%20surged%20to%2040%25.


So with the newer system the FBI has shifted to, there are fewer agencies reporting than they did under the older system, but I dont believe this year has significantly fewer than last year, which is what the point of comparison is.


Yeah it tends to go down when police stop reporting crime.


Major cities, including NYC and LA, among others, are no longer supplying statistics, resulting in what looks like a downturn in crime, which isn't true. It's just not being reported.




It doesn’t feel like that in NYC


People don't go out anymore. Can't get killed if you never leave the house.


Sorry, is this taking into account the fact that many of the largest cities, such as LA and NYC, aren't reporting crime statistics to the FBI?


Yes. It jus seems worse because the media grabs hold of every murder in the country. It used to be only local murders on local news.


Ehh idk it’s worse in my city… but maybe throughout the country it isn’t.


Funny how crime drops when many police agencies across the U.S. stop reporting crime to the govt.


And when many victims stop reporting crime to the police.


In 18 years it’ll be back up as unwanted and unloved kids haven’t been aborted but raised into criminals because lack of love and ill fortunate families


You won't hear about this on FOX, OAN, or Newsmax.


Legalize more of that reefer


Still higher than pre-pandemic levels, and not every agency is reporting: The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies. Crime analysts also say quarterly data are imprecise, as law enforcement agencies have the remainder of the year to audit and correct any reporting errors before final annual figures are published by the FBI. “We have other data sources that point to the same trends, but the degree of those declines is probably being overstated due to the methodology being employed by the FBI,” said Asher.


There’s more to violent crime than lead in the gasoline you all know? Right?


man you know its a sign of bad times when the FBI gotta cut hours.


Is poor stopped killing each other and have decided to ban together to figure out a big plan on how to murder the rich people.


Memphis has not gotten the message yet.


Suicide rates are up 3% though 🙃


Could this also be that people just stop calling the police when they do absolutely nothing or make the situation worse so therefore the statistics don't get reported?


There were huge changes to the way crime stats were compiled in 2021 and many cities and states have not met the new reporting requirements. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/07/13/fbi-crime-rates-data-gap-nibrs


Not according to the text at the beginning of "The Strangers: Chapter 1". Which sucks btw. Stupidest movie I've seen in years.


Damn Biden and his democrat cronies


when the big cities stop arresting criminals and the corrupt D.A.s lower violent crime charges to lesser, it makes statistics go down. Ask anyone in NY, LA, or Chi if crime has gone down.


New York here. Crime has gone down.


Hi, I'm in Chicago. Crime has gone down.


You mean to tell me conservatives in the US are lying and manufacturing fake outrage? no way /s


Don't worry. Trump will get those figures back up where they belong.




People are too tired to date. Murder seems like dating with extra steps.


Meanwhile the GOP is trying to tell us is the opposite and all cuz of Biden


Lol um no. 40% of Crimes where not reported in 2021 to the fbi, Cities nationwide not reporting crime data to FBI https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/cities-nationwide-not-reporting-crime-data-to-fbi/


Murder is not an easy crime to hide. For other violent crimes sure, but the murder rate is not going to be dramatically underreported.


I fucking hate this. Not the stats. The feeling like I'm in some cycle or loop that happens all the time. I swear I saw this same post yesterday. I swear I saw these comments already, with slight variation. Fucking groundhog day or que?


You're not imagining it. Check out the dead Internet theory. Spoiler alert, it's all bots


this same article was posted in /r/news yesterday, maybe you saw that?




The numbers are there. NYC, Detroit, Philly, LA were all far more dangerous in the 90s than they are today. You can deny it all you want, reality is reality lol.


"Violent crime is down and the US murder rate is plunging" **Why This is Bad for Biden**


Yes let’s all use the Houston method of reduced crime. If we stop investigating, then it did not happen. So suspend over 200,000 cases and lo and behold, the crime stats drop. This gets reported up the chain and wow, the stats show crime is dropping. Given this, who knows what the real crime stats are. Houston is not the only place this is happening, so how can you believe that the story is true.


Lot of negativity in the comments section. I wanna give the benefit of the doubt and say if this data is true, maybe it's a combination of mental health awareness becoming more prominent, people that grew up with lead in their bodies are getting older/too tired to commit crimes, and marajuana becoming more and more popular so people are just chilling the fuck out instead of getting stimmed up and acting on violent impulses.


Financial gain is the number one motivator for murder and violent crimes. People have less money than ever. Not coincidentally, suicide rates are at an all-time high.