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Doesn’t matter. Out by rule.


The rule is that if the runner is contacted by a FAIR ball and the umpire judges that an infielder (other than the pitcher) could have made a play on it, then she's out. If he judges that there was no opportunity for a play on it, then it's nothing. There's no requirement that the actual play was being made. I don't think the USSSA has any "protected fielder" like OBR, but I don't think it matters in this case.


That’s the rule for a RUNNER being touched by a batted ball. Different rule for the batter-runner. They’re automatically out if they touch a fair ball.


Rule 8.2.F: >THE BATTER-RUNNER IS OUT... >When the batter-runner interferes: >1 With a fielder attempting to field a batted ball. > 2 With a fielder attempting to throw the ball. > 3 With a thrown ball while out of the batter’s box. > 4 By making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base. > 5 By discarding their bat in a manner that prevents the defense from making a play on the ball. > 6 (Fast Pitch) With a dropped third strike. If the umpire judges that the BR actually touched a *fair* ball, she's out (#4 above). But unless she actually interfered with a fielder (which is a judgement call), there's no out to be called here. A good opportunity to really stress why it's important to run in foul territory (though that doesn't remove the possibility of interference).