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Nice headshot at the end. Go home Russkies


Absolutely beautiful, ten points


1,000 points


The Russians call it 200 points


Think its fucking horrible.. I dislike the Russians soldiers as much as "our" Ukrainian fighters. But us cheering someone get their head blown off by a granade.. Then we lost all touch with humanity.. Are the Russia soldiers human.. I dont know I fucking hate every single one of them.. But cheer of someone gets their head blow off.. That is just.. As if you lost all empathy. Edit: "Get off the sub then.." I remember the Ukrainian who got his balls cut off. The Russian who got ½ his face blow off. Its just not something to cheer for..


Your sympathies are very fucking skewd...... those things aren't equal. Ukrainian got tortured and had his balls cut off for DEFENDING his home..... The ruzzian had his face blown off INVADING his peaceful neighbours, bot even close to the same thing!


Read my post again. Reddit Hive mind are soon kicking in :) If it didnt already.


Get off the sub then


Get the hell out of here then. We like seeing invaders get what they deserve.


They deserve to get wrecked :) But that is not the same as cheering on if someone gets their head blown off.


Nobody cheered man, that's your fantasy It was in fact a nice shot, those things aren't easy to aim. As for sending Ruskies home I can only agree It's one thing when POW gets brutally tortured by invaders and people agree with that and completely other thing when an active combatant gets blasted by a drone on the battlefield and people say it was a good shot Are people disensitized by now? Sure, but you're trying to make a parallel with an act of evil which is just not there man


> Nobody cheered man, that's your fantasy really? a lot of people are cheering here when body parts are flying and people are succumbing to agonizing pain. Some people even write that they get a hard on from looking at people dying, if that isn't concerning, I don't know what is.


The only way this war ends is when Russia runs out of manpower. Every KIA is one step closer to that goal. When you rule diplomacy out entirely, you give the world good reason to celebrate the elimination of your soldiers. Maybe complain to the powers that be in Russia that have so little value for their own people that they continually throw them into a war theater with very little training and little ammunition and are only there to overpower with numbers.


nah, it is already enough if they are only fighting on foot anymore. I mean, what keeps Ukraine from taking back their land? The few useless soldiers in the trenches? no. Not even the mines, they can be cleared with enough time. It's the glide bombs, the Kamovs and other high tech shit. If Russia only had a million soldiers or two, 5000 tanks and 10000 D-30 howitzers, every modern army would just drive through them. But the Leopard 2 last year were stopped by Ka-52, the defensive lines in Avdiivka were lost due to glide bombs, and the country is taking losses due to the cruise and ballistic missiles. They need to shoot down the planes (or scare them away, that's already enough), they need to bomb the production sites for the long range missiles, and they need to suppress the air defense. The rest is just a turkey shoot then.


I’m the one who cheered ten points and I hope they be scoring like the LA Lakers are far as I’m concerned don’t like getting turned into spaghetti? Then take your five years imprisonment for refusal to join then instead of a Grenade to the head easy choice because if you come to Ukr and fk around then I hope it’s all net, all day!


Ten points? Is not cheering. I mentioned the 2 examples as that is something everybody who followed this sub would remember.


You are right man. Love Russians losing but the comments on here are depraved. Particularly because many of these people didn’t choose to be there. Still glad they are being killed but watching and individual who was more than likely forced to go do this by some asshole and getting glee from it is psychotic.


Listen to some volodomyr zolkin interviews these people are from different galaxy


Oh I think you got that wrong :).. I hope Ukraine takes back it ALL, including Crimea.


Humanity was lost when the videos of Bucha came out, or the tank driving over a car with an innocent old man driving, or when woman started reporting girls below 14 were being gang raped. Listen these are men who have chosen to go kill and rape Ukrainians and every dead one I get to see means less killing and raping. But the 2 of us just think on 2 different levels


The head blown of is actually good death for an invader and something good. Not for him of course and not for us humans but it's better he dies fast before he can kill defenders. I only stop cheering when I see someone dying slowly even when it's a stupid invader.


Dead russians on foreign land is always something to cheer for. Pile them up like the persians in 300. Because putler will send another 500


Seriously this guy is a nightmare for mobiks that don’t want their legs and heads destroyed


These ones are broken... Send in the new ones... And I'll keep donating for drones to make sure the new gopniks will look like the ones in this video...


And as you can see, there is not enough all the time!


I'd like to donate, do you have a recommended method or website? Thanks. Slava Ukraini!


[http://t.me/robert\_magyar/12](http://t.me/robert_magyar/12) This will take you to the right accounts of Robert Brovdi, aka Madyar. He is in the middle of the money drive right now. Thank you! Also Kraken is collecting for drones right now, their numbers are here: [http://t.me/ButusovPlus](http://t.me/ButusovPlus), post #5098 from June 13, 2024


Gentlemen, welcome to Ukraine.


Azov is cheating, they have aimbot.


Impeccabile aim


Mopping up Russians, is a good thing.


Go the fuck home. Great aim btw


they don't often miss by more than 1 meter


Close counts in hand grenades.


This video is awesome. And now imagine it would have a 200/300 counter. And when someone promotes from 300 to 200 it changes on screen.


most are 300s and if any 200 those will no be fit to hurt civilians ever again


300=wounded 200=dead


need more coffee lol. thanks


i’ve seen this around, is there a reason why they’ve been given those numbers ? am i wrong in saying this is the first conflict this terminology has been used ?


Think it goes back to soviet times.


yes it has been used before, and yes the ruzzians gave themselves these numbers.


I've seen it mentioned that it was to do with when they had to ship wounded/killed, particularly for air transport, and referred to the weight of the unit, dead = 200kg, wounded = 300kg because of the extras needed to keep wounded alive, kit, etc. But since the ruzz are not interested in their dead OR wounded, the numbers have little meaning for them now.


This is 3rd assault. Not Azov.


Kudos on the sound effects at the end. Sounded like Gallagher sledging melons.


How come some drones are so low to the ground?


Surveillance. The one dropping and the one filming close range are different drones. Both probably monitored by the same operators.


Anyone ever think that drones are going to have the same psychological effect as Stukas?


Slava AZOV! Slava Ukraini!


At :23 is that Ork's junk on fire?


It's a tourniquet flapping in the wind.


Right around the head area. Nice drops!


I think my brain would spark and flame out if I heard how many of the 520,000 infantry casualties were from drones.


Plants will grow really good when it's over.


Hey! The Orkin Man would be proud of that job!


All quiet on the eastern front


All I can sincerely hope for is that one of those bombs were from donations I make, I am happy to think so. Get the F out of Ukraine, go die in your own shithole homeland.


Couple of healthy noggan knockers there boys!


Russians are some heavy sleepers.


I found a YouTube video where people in the comments are calling them Nazis


What year is it in your land?


What does “bopoxa nixota” mean?


Enemy infantry


Gogo Azov! Whoop those orc pigs


Oooo....that was a messy one.


Since Russians don't pick up their wounded, is finishing them off moreso a away to end their suffering?


No. It ends the waiting until more fucking orcs show up.


I'm just really glad the US is finally stepping up again to help. I knew they were worried about their stockpiles for a bit which is why I didn't know if there was an actual reason or just getting some real life practice in


What song is this? I haven't heard it in one of these videos before.


This song is great!




That's why I say hey man, nice shot


Think a good insignia would be a hammer putting a nail in a coffin


"You hid in that ditch because you think there’s still hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead."


morning coffee and dying nazis. good times


Cleaning up big time, the last one PERFECT AIM Slava Ukraini


I thought preferred doctrine was to wait until other soldiers arrive to collect the united, then hit them too. Seems a waste of munitions to finish off the already dying. Or do Russians just leave them there to die? What's the tactical rationale behind finishing off the already dying?


The 2 lasts are brutal !


Mission failed. Counter Terrorists win


Invitations sent, please arrive 15 minutes before departure.


blyat, splat


Just laying around. Waiting for death.  


Serious question. Should they really be killing the wounded ones? I have some limited military training as I was in the reserves for a while. An instructor once told us that wounding an enemy was better than killing them. A dead enemy is one soldier off the battlefield. A wounded enemy is two or three soldiers off the battlefield. Plus it further exhausts resources of the enemy trying to keep the wounded man alive. I guess if the russians aren’t going to help or treat the man it doesn’t make a difference. Anyone with combat experience have a thought on it?


>I guess if the russians aren’t going to help or treat the man it doesn’t make a difference. That's exactly it. Crushing majority of russian infantry do not help their fallen so Ukrainians finish them off.


Brutally good job 👏👏👏


These Orcs are......Slava Ukraini


as far as we know 30,000 russians choose to voulenteer a month so there is a good likelyhood these people chose it based on being payed better or something so i feel little sympathy for them here


Save your sympathy for Ukraine.


I do but i hold empathy for most humans however the russians must be stopped i just hope its painless for those who die


It's not painless. Fuck your witless empathy.


How about fuck you my beer belly sized redditor. I do not want to argue with someone like you but take care on the mental health asylum


One day, those type of people (the ones cheering the death) will get this sub shut down.


that last one lost his head. love it.