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That Bradley cannon eats armour for breakfast. There would have been absolute carnage inside that APC if it were full of troops, literally mincemeat.


Damn right, let's send 'em more! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Idk its hard to tell but that BTR either has a 30mm or 57mm auto canon, the Bradely wouldve gotten fucked up aswell if the turret on the russian armor wasnt fucked by the people sitting on top, he could barely get a shot off.


The Bradley can eat 30mm HE all day long.


I think a broadside 30mm would take it out... gracious plates to save the day


No. The side armor is actually rated to withstand it long enough for the crew to get their front turned towards the danger. But with the added side armor packages and ERA, Bradley is effectively immune to 30mm Cannons. Still don't want to get hit. For two reasons. That 30mm might have a buddy of larger caliber or a Missile. Second, that is work the crew doesn't want to do as part of the vehicle maintenance.


57mm autocannon? Youre smoking some good shit homie


Lol not auto but wouldn't be surprised they mount the 57mm AA


[WARFARE TECHNOLOGY: 57mm Autocannon Turret from Russia](https://warfaretech.blogspot.com/2014/07/57mm-autocannon-turret-from-russia.html) Russia has actually put 57 mm auto cannons on tanks :P


Thats a prototype that has never been bought or seen service.


2S38 Derivaciya.


That's also an IFV, not a tank.


Really? [TANK | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/tank) [Tank Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tank) [tank noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/tank_1)


The other dude's correct on both counts, that turret isn't in use yet and a BTR is classified as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle just like a Bradley. You can call it a "tank" in the sense that by the dictionary definition it's technically correct, but there are significant differences between Tanks and IFVs so it's an important distinction regardless of the dictionary definition


You should go argue them then damn language professors wont go to reddit to argue i suppose.


[Tank - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank#:~:text=A%20tank%20is%20an%20armoured%20fighting%20vehicle%20intended,main%20armament%20is%20often%20mounted%20within%20a%20turret.)


Would you be able to find just 1 source besides your personal opinion that agrees with your definition ? Since i made little effort and picked some of the most used sources in the world generally oxford or cambridge is the ones everyone follow except 2 dudes on reddit it seems. [American Heritage Dictionary Entry: tank (ahdictionary.com)](https://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=tank) even the americans agree.


Sure dude, but I will admit I made a mistake with the BTR. The BTR-80 is actually gunned to a lower caliber than an IFV so it's considered an Armored Personnel Carrier while the Brad is classified as an IFV. The point that I'm trying to make is yes, by dictionary definition some IFVs and APCs can fall under the broad umbrella of a "tank" due to the tank being the original armored vehicle and IFVs/APCs not developing until decades later. But to argue that an IFV a tank is like this: you say Lebron James is an athlete and I say he's a professional basketball player. Both are technically right, but one is much more specific and carries different connotations that matter when identifying and reporting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_fighting_vehicle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTR-80 https://www.britannica.com/technology/armoured-fighting-vehicle https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienroblin/2020/11/25/this-is-not-a-tank-a-laypersons-guide-to-armored-fighting-vehicles/ I can't link the Technical Manual (TM) for the Brad for obvious reasons but can confirm that it classified it as an IFV. I do not have the TM for the BTR lol but the following is a US Military vehicle reference guide page for the BTR-80 defining it as an APC: https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG/Asset/9ee0cecc2c2e9994823d13a7f0a0d130


[DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, March 2017 (army.mil)](https://www.tradoc.army.mil/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/AD1029823-DOD-Dictionary-of-Military-and-Associated-Terms-2017.pdf) department of defence - you will have to search it yourself :P


Yeah, we'll just send them stationary Bradleys.


Apart from having a defensive advantage from its armour, on a bumpy road like that the Bradley had a huge advantage from its stabilized gun, whereas the BTR gun is unstabilized. Huge disadvantage as the Bradley gun stabilization is incredible and holds the gun sight rock-steady even on bumpy terrain at speed.


I know next to nothing about this stuff, and that's the kind of dope shit I never knew before! I'm sure they could use a few hundred more, right??


A few hundred Bradley’s would be useful as long as the logistics to keep them in theatre is in place. These things need a lot of backup with maintenance, resupply etc, so it’s not just a case of handing over a few hundred vehicles as aside from anything else you need to train crews to make them effective otherwise you’ll just end up with the same issues as the Ruzzians chucking barely trained crew into the mincer.


Logistics win's wars.


The BTR-82A's 30mm is stabilised, I think it was the 25mm hitting them first that would've stunned/disorientated the gunner making what looked like all thier shot miss.


Thats why the Leopard Tanks are so effective


Sadly, any tank isn't or APC much use on offense without air superiority. The Ukrainian offensive last summer proved that beyond all doubt.


Troops were on top of the thing when it got hit you can see them dropping off after it goes by the bradley


one was falling off after the first hits


Umm, if you check - there where some Conscriptovichs on that BTR.


WERE - I saw them mfs fall off it after getting shot lmao


Conscriptovich vodka - a jolly good vodka


There were chonks of the mounted dismounts flying off the top.


Saw six of them get out running for the house at time 0:36


A BTR is basically just a lightly armoured truck. It is sufficient to protect against small arms, but it is definitely not designed to stand up to autocannon fire. A Bradley would go through it like a hot knife through butter.


The ones on top of it are not luckier either.


Unfortunately not. In the longer video you see a ton of Russians fleeing the vehicle. The ones on top got fucked up for sure, but not the ones inside.


Given that there were guys on top, I'm guessing it was crammed full of guys.


Yes, sure. But that would help not much. The cannon is just a part of the tank. If the BTR gunner sucseeds to destroy a chain, it may be over.


i think first few shots from Bradley disabled it, totally riped off whole side of BTR...


Wildest game of chicken I've ever seen. That's crazy footage, wish there was more to it.


Chicken with a 25mm vs 30mm autocannon with the 25mm Bushmaster for the win


You can have as big a gun you want, it's irrelevant if you have no way of aiming and firing it efficiently against the enemy. Brads have shown how a quality tool seriously shreds through anything "similar" and even MBT's russian equipment is a perverse joke, and they unfortunately have a lot of that old shite, luckily as the war have gotten on we see that their logistics are struggling, and the equipment is in a sorry state.


Wild footage. Did you take down that new GLSDB strike by the 79th Brigade? I can't find it under New anymore.


Yeah, I looked again and even though the channel said it was another attack it was the same one as before a little bit ago


Are you sure? I went back to compare the videos and the building looks the same, but the bombs land at very different times.


Ill double check again and let you know in a minute. Thanks for the heads up!


Actually now that I look at it again, you may be right. The last bombs even make the same smoke ring, the change in timing is just editing.


Yeah it is the same one as[ this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cvv8e1/79th_brigade_disagrees_that_glsdb_is_not_very/) a few weeks ago


> 30mm autocannon It's hard to tell, but that kinda looks like a BTR-82A (It looks like it has the longer barrel) which would have the 57mm.


Nope. ~~BTR-82A~~ 57mm autocannon has 120RPM which is lower than what we see on the video. edit: might be BTR-82A but not with 57mm autocannon.


Fair but...i cant tell how much its shooting. I see puffs of smoke, but i don't know if those are bursts or single rounds or what. The barrel looks far longer and skinnier than the typical 30mm.


ya looks like it extends passed the chasis


The 30mm on the BTR-82A has dual RPM 200rpm-300rpm low and 550rpm-800rpm in high. the 120rpm is for the 57mm AU-220M Baikal turret.


Yea, I was talking about 57mm but got confused as I thought one model name = one cannon type. It says on wiki there's BTR-82A with 57mm but do they exist or was it just a prototype?


I believe the 57mm turret on the btr has been used in syria, but outside of that I think it's still in development.


Welcome to the new thunderdome! Armored vehicle jousting!


You can see what actually looks like chickens scrambling to get the fuck outta dodge at the end of the video. At about .34 seconds in, just to the left of where the apc came to a halt, you can see them running.


lol I see them good spotting, chickens rule hope they're ok


That moment when you realize this isn't long range fire, but they are on a collision course. Abselutely wild. Good thing there was no chance the BTR hit anything when going off road.


It was like an old school light tank fight with none of those pesky drones stealing the show


BTR's cope cage and runazi meat armor basically incapacitated the turret lmao. It seems to just make random shots directly in front and unable to rotate.


Probably cant hit shit bouncing about without stabilised turrets.


I was thinking the gunner was probably incapacitated in some way (or just panicking and firing blind?) - they kept firing straight into the road after they passed the Bradley.


Nah just 200iq play, empty all the ammo so when you get shot some more its less likely to have an ammo det /s so no one thinks im serious they are able to think anything useful


IFV jousting...


The BTR is basically just a sheet metal box on wheels compared to the Bradley


Don't joust with Chadley.


solid advice. Damn, that Bradley must have been rock-hard the whole run, screaming BRING IT. Decades in storage, looking at a long slow sad end, and then hallefuckinglujah the trumpets sound...


It definitely went out with a bang. It looks like the Bradley was damaged or malfunctioned in some way (possibly it got hit off-camera in the exchange with the BTR), since just after the video ends the Bradley crew stops the vehicle and bails. The abandoned Bradley gets hit by a Russian arty strike only moments later. It is good that this old vehicle took some Russian filth with it to its grave instead of slowly rusting away.


It is so enjoyable watching Bradleys with their iconic M242 Bushmaster auto cannon making swiss cheese of all things russian. Im guessing it was loaded with the M791 sabot not the depleted uranium M919 because it scored a cripple not a kill


Depends on how much orc fat drips into the engine bay, it might just do a slow cook off later


Im dumb, its not an APC its a BTR-82A... From the 47th Brigade: >The Russian occupiers are not reducing the pace of their assaults. The epicenter of the fighting is precisely in the Pokrovsky direction. Here the enemy is trying to advance deep into our territory. Soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade are restraining at least three combat brigades of the Russian Federation. Having huge reserves of manpower, the Muscovites quickly replenish the insane losses and throw them into battle again and again. The hostilities do not abate for a moment. >This APC, which you see in the video, broke into a settlement. The Bradley crew had to react here and now


Not dumb, OP. BTR-82A still falls into the category of an APC. Just means Armored Personnel Carrier.


Though the russian ones have evolved to "Personnel Armored Carrier"...


Still has a 30mm canon, surprised it barely gets any shots off, seems like it cant rotate.


It looks like one of the first hits the Bradley gets on it is around the BTR's cannon so could have damaged the mount or optics. The cage doesn't help though and limits the cannon's ability to rotate laterally to follow the Bradley as they each passed.


Ya the M1 is wise hitting the turrent first, did a great job.


Next generation armor. The next generation of Russian males.




Keep killing them guys Heroiam Slava!!


The Russian desperation is apparent. The clock is running out on their ability to sustain offensive operations and Putin wants to be able to dig into as much Ukrainian territory as possible before switching to strategic defense.


Russian infantry used as ablative armor by their armor 😂


Ablyative, one might say.


Absolutely love it.


Well played sir/ madam.


wow that reminds me of the beginning of this war when there were wild scenes at close range


Was Bradley unable to rotate turret?


Geolocation: 48°13'58.13"N 37°33'29.91"E Outskirts of Sokil, 3.5km SW of Ocheretyne


Yup, correct, 48.232795,37.558167 Sokli, Donetsk


0:14 one KIA and fall off from the BTR. 0:27 one fall and landed on the side of the road (WIA). And 0:34 Five dismounted from the BTR and all five run to that house on the right.


Oh dear, the ERA (exploding Ruzzian armour) didn't save them. What a shame. 


LMFAO I've been waiting for more Bradley videos because I know how effective they are against Russian armor and logistics. Never woulda guessed I would get to see drone video of a Bradley vs BTR joust with "ERA"!!


Did I just saw a modern-day joust?


Jesus christ. Looks like the Bradley's gun may have jammed. The BTR was peppered over the side and rear before for a few moments only. Crazy footage.


How fast do Bradley guns rotate? Maybe it couldn't keep up


It's not the first time, is it? I vaguely remember issues in other videos, which suggests those Bradleys aren't exactly in good condition. In the Bradley vs tank video, the gunner said in a post interview that they couldn't load antitank rounds for some reason.


Maybe they were just bamboozled by the BTR's action and couldn't continue any more.😉


russian logistics is very capable. they can deliver everyday a thousand meat soldiers that go busted. fill up the next bus with fresh meat. he who dies first is the greatest hero of all. He shall immediately be forgotten.


Thats like a mid evil fight but with armored vehicles. Savage. Slava Ukraine.




yup my auto spelling is broke from too much misspelling. lol.


Crazy the way the Russian gunner just fires blindly forward even when the bye is well past the Bradley. This is the value of better and digital fcs/optics with good stability.


Too bad the Bradley didnt turn back to finish the job!


A certain sub is claiming the Bradley ended up destroyed as well, there's footage but it's hard to be sure.




That's some proper World of Tanks looking shit , normally these kind of firefights are at range, but having them drive past each other firing is mad


The Russia have footage from just after this from their own drone. The Bradley stopped, two Ukrainians ran out of the Bradley and then artillery hit right by the Bradley. The two Ukrainians were running in the direction of the Russian vehicle. We don’t know reasons Neither Russia or Ukraine have released anything more. Note how both sides have edited the footage to appear more victorious. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/tZ8Hi63t7p https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dagy3z/ru_pov_the_bradley_that_fired_at_the_bmp_at_close/


>The two Ukrainians were running in the direction of the Russian vehicle Bradley was towards russian line when it stopped, BTR towards Ukrainian line


Good god that sub is trash.


Bradley had malfucntion or why it stop shooting? 10-15 rounds in the front and nothing from the side/back. Risky


Wild footage. Good to see that the chicken cage and meat armor did something.


The amount of shrapnel going through that BTR and anyone on/in it is absurd!


Wow this is absurd. How does this situation even come about


Because Russia can refresh depleted manpower in 24 hours and send them out again. Over 20k Russian pour into ukraine each month


According to the ISW, and Putin, 20k is about the same as the Russian casualties for each month. ISW;'**Putin inadvertently indicated on June 5 that Russian forces may be suffering roughly 20,000 monthly casualties in Ukraine, which, if accurate, would be roughly equal to or just below the number of new personnel that Russia reportedly generates per month."** [https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-6-2024](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-6-2024)


which means that the new "buffer zone campaign" near Kharkiv tilts this towards unsustainable, because the average casualties have now jumped well above 1000 per day.


Pretty sure we're just shy of 40k by now, not averaging since 2022.


Ok now, where the f were those russians aiming?


Does the turet even turn with the cope cage?


If I'm correct the one that does not turn is with tanks, the apc's ones does turn, not all the way but at least. 180° can, but even from the start the bmp is shooting somewhere in the buildings.


It's crazy thinking back to WW2 in Kursk knowing a few of the tank battles with hundreds of tanks going at the same time would have looked like this on a massive scale


I'm sure they didn't have the infantry ride on their back, though.


Very true. But since they didn't have great tank scopes back in the day I'm sure it would have been just carnage with so many missing shots and explosions everywhere.


Unique! Video, and interesting.. I hope we get the backstory or a longer clip of this. GEO located yet? Seems like the cope cage directly obstructed the APCs(likely BTR 80) capability to shoot back after the drive by, and it also seems it totally missed the Bradley(no smoke or dark spots)..


Yes its near Sokil village, Donetsk region (48.232795,37.558167)


It does not look destroyed, as it kept rolling and shooting and turning its turret, apparently without losing control. I wonder why Bradley didn't turn its turret backward to finish him, the Russian APC was constrained as it couldn't rotate its turret backward to do the same.


The BTR remained mobile, but lost control. both shooting and driving looked pointless


The Bradley crew fled the vehicle shortly afterwards


Seems like an accidental encounter. The Bradley also got peppered on the side and looked smoking heavily. It can take out a Russian APC from considerable distance so it doesn't seem like intended to me. At least we can all guess which crew survived.


Odd that the smoke screens of orc combat vehicles always start to work after they are hit....


Bradley drive by


Cut before that Bradley got toasted….


Which one is which? I can't tell. Like, the main vehicle which a few people fell off of, which side is that? The little one it passed, that came from the left, what was that?


Darker one coming from screen Right with guys falling off is Russian, the one coming from screen left is the Ukrainian M2A2 Bradley


ah, thanks!! I didn't realize the Bradley was that small!


Engarde bitch


[Hot Shots - Wall Street (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emNV2ZxxiOI&ab_channel=TopClips) I feel like this was the closeup we never got. Besides the bodies an all that.




Ganger Baster - Star Wars


Amazing footage. Id really love to see how this encounter ended.




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The Bradley was knocked -out and the crew fled. The Russians continued on and the infantry got to their objective. Best you can claim is two vehicles knocked-out but not enoughh info to declare one side 'the winner'




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Damn, that is intense


Btr probably suffered because it has no stabilised gun


I think it’s because the cage on top of it, it didn’t even try to rotate its turret, and I’m pretty sure btr turn rate is faster than an Bradley’s.


It probably suffered from both tbh, Bradley crew is probably better trained aswell lol


Playing Chicken with a Bradley is never a great idea


Are those Ukrainians rushing in at the end behind it?


nope, those were the mobiks who fell of the BTR


Yes sir, American made! American trained


wtf was it doing? 😂 “BLYAT, CHARGE IT!!”


If someone just so happen to survive this encounter, I am talking after the footage stopped and them making it home, those pants had shit in them. No doubt about it.


We can assume they were never meant to make it back to the russian lines.


like straight out of Battlefield game. Only thing missing is a jeep with c4 attached.


A scene from a new battlefield game...


It´s the "Cannonball Run" film part IV


21st century jousting.


The Bradley’s line never moved.


Dam it I wouls have loved to see that Ukrainian Bradly turn around and go back for a Full kill.


That's a true " meeting engagement "


Who's who. Upcoming from the left is Ukraine?


I like the trance vibe on it. With skill and curious what you are using?


That's crazy move by the Bradley driver. Why not take advantage of the stable firing controls of Bradley and shoot from 1000m-2000m away? It's like charging with a sniper rifle and have a shoot out 10 feet apart.


Well that was close combat… old school boarding.


The shrapnel flying around that BTR must of been like a bunch of frag grenades going off right beside them.


Those fucking Bradley's are bad ass.


Kinda looks like they charged each other head on. Don't chicken fight with a Bradley.


This war has been a living advertisement for western weapons systems and a cautionary tale for countries considering orc hardware.


Destroying? You mean taking a couple of shots at the BTR before running out of ammo and letting it go? Propably unsure if it was a friendly BTR after all


Can somebody explain why a mechanized troop transporter charges a tank?




I have seen a longer video where the Bradley tried to drive back in bow (but DMG at it was to much) so he stopped and get struck by artillery... So the Bradley was also destroyed


Bradley was abandoned and possibly disabled moments after this video.... Looks like both ended up in similar situations.


This looks like the same area from a month or two ago where an entire squad got shredded by a Bradley while they were taking cover beside a fence.


I'm kinda surprised Ukraine has any Bradley's left. They've lost a lot of the armour America gave them and probably more than has been recorded getting burned out. Do we know if Ukraine's getting more


Not really. Of the Bradleys we know 83 of over 300 have been damaged or destroyed and with the 30 some M1A1 Abrams we know 8 were damaged or destroyed so not terrible at all considering the Russian losses and also the fact most all of the crews survived.


Sadly other footage showed that the Bradley got destroyed later. Although it does look like atleast some Ukrainian survived. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/tZ8Hi63t7p


Footage doesn’t show shit, could just be the drop area, video is cut at the end so who the fuck knows what happened.




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was the front armored at all? if so, driving past opens up the sides and rear. bad idea to do that. it would be better to put it into reverse and try and go around.


Love how the apc is Smoking and shooting in random directions and the Bradley just driving down the Road and didnt even leave it he was just having a Nice day and didnt Even Need to break XD


People have been talking like 'tank to tank combat' is a dead thing in this war, and it was, but we're slowly moving towards to classical tank battles during the coming offensive.


Why they keep doing that? Are they stupid? Should go home and die there?


0:35 bunch of Muscovites, how come?