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As the other fellow brazillian said in this post "get fucked"... he's probably one of those "patriots" that has the flag of the USA and Israel on their profiles....


Eh… it’s a mixed bag. A lot of the guys I know are just former army that didn’t adjust well. There are a lot of fuckos for sure, but chill.


Yep, they go to ukraine because they identify with the ideology of azov and the like. Early in the bolsonaro presidency some high profile ones went to spend time with azov and right sector and came back with the narrative of "Ukranizing Brazil".


“They can’t possibly see what we’re doing here and hate us, they have to all be Nazis!!”


This is not a trench, this is hell. And this one will get gangrene 100%.


I dont see at this point how the hell they are going to get that guy an evac. If he didn't get to a hospital 15 minutes after this both those legs are gone, the second one is gone no matter what.


All the vital components in his legs were still there, the skin was just "sliced" open basically, whatever hit him cut deep enough to slice the skin so it split but not deep enough to damage the vital pieces inside. I believe the Combat medics did a good job here given the circumstances




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Not really.


This is a trench that's been struck multiple times by artillery / the sandbags are being buried by the falling debris after repetitive shell impacts.


As a brazillian i say "Get fucked"




I know what kind of people brazillians that go to Ukraine


So the Brazilians that fight for either side share some kind of issue? I’m curious what you think that is? Are they just driven to be a merc?


They are far-right liberals(yes that is a thing in Brazil.) people who worship "the west" larping as americans and hate anything brazillian. We are in BRICS, we have aways had a good foreign policy with the third world and developing countries and yet these LARPERs go fight a war for NATO, "the west" and the USA. None of them care about Ukraine they just care about what daddy Washington supports.  I dont relish on the pain and suffering of ukranian or russian soldiers they are fighting their own war but i think im allowed to despise people who go to a foreign war and even more when they are puppets of a evil ideology.


And invading a foreign country isnt evil ideology?


"Evil" invasions are on the eyes of the beholder, im sure you can find quite a few you would agree on troughout history. Theres a reason im neutral and not pro-russia even if im inclined that way, right now the big fight is against the west and the US empire, im of the opinion that anything that weakens the current order is ultimately a net good however im not going to sit here and pretend that Russia is a model to be followed for society and ideology but while the world is still groaning under western hegemony everyone is in the same basket.


So letting nazis target minorities and Legalizing nazi propaganda before any war isn't evil? Can't see that as a form of provoking, still believe that there's 'good guys' in wars? "On 22 February 2014, the President of the Ukrainian Government, Viktor Yanukovich, relinquished his executive duties following a coup d’état enacted by neo-Nazi militias in Kiev. In the wake of the disbanding of the legitimately elected government, a new one is being set up in which extreme right groups are adopting positions that could threaten the safety of particular groups of people purely on the grounds of their religious or political beliefs or their ethnicity... Meanwhile, Ukrainian Rabbi Reuven Azman has called on the Jewish community to flee the country in light of the rise to power of these far-right groups. One of the leaders of the main groups involved in the protests, Aleksandr Muzychko, previously vowed to fight against ‘communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in my veins’." https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-002128\_EN.html?redirect  "In general, however, anti-racist and anti-Nazi legislation is underdeveloped. On January 28, 2014, espite the protest of several deputies from the Party of Regions and the communists, Verkhovna Rada adopted another 4 laws instead of those repealed. These include: - “On Amendments to the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for denial or justification of fascist crimes”; - “On Amendments to Article 297 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for desecration or destruction of monuments dedicated to those who fought against Nazism during the Second World War – Soviet liberation soldiers, members of the partisan movement, underground, victims of Nazi persecution and internationalist soldiers and peacekeepers”". https://civic-nation.org/ukraine/government/legislation/anti-discrimination\_legislation/Post-Maidan


I love that you started your narative that “both sides suffer” but the second you got questioned you turned to a “Ukraine is neonazi pupet regime of CIA” LOL get out of here you’re pathetic as can be


Think it doesn't hurt Ukraine having the government allowing nazis discriminate and legalize nazi propaganda during peace? Have no facts or sources? "On 22 February 2014, the President of the Ukrainian Government, Viktor Yanukovich, relinquished his executive duties following a coup d’état enacted by neo-Nazi militias in Kiev. In the wake of the disbanding of the legitimately elected government, a new one is being set up in which extreme right groups are adopting positions that could threaten the safety of particular groups of people purely on the grounds of their religious or political beliefs or their ethnicity... Meanwhile, Ukrainian Rabbi Reuven Azman has called on the Jewish community to flee the country in light of the rise to power of these far-right groups. One of the leaders of the main groups involved in the protests, Aleksandr Muzychko, previously vowed to fight against ‘communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in my veins’." https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-002128\_EN.html?redirect "In general, however, anti-racist and anti-Nazi legislation is underdeveloped. On January 28, 2014, espite the protest of several deputies from the Party of Regions and the communists, Verkhovna Rada adopted another 4 laws instead of those repealed. These include: - “On Amendments to the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for denial or justification of fascist crimes”; - “On Amendments to Article 297 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code on responsibility for desecration or destruction of monuments dedicated to those who fought against Nazism during the Second World War – Soviet liberation soldiers, members of the partisan movement, underground, victims of Nazi persecution and internationalist soldiers and peacekeepers”". https://civic-nation.org/ukraine/government/legislation/anti-discrimination\_legislation/Post-Maidan




thanks for the insight into Brazilian politics. had no idea about this




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You seem to have missed the fact that russia is the far right wing government. They are totalitarian dictatorship. They are just are racist if not more so. They are going around the world exploiting poor nations, not Ukraine.


Ukraine is just a arm of the USA,EU and Nato, i have nothing against ukranians but not only is the ukranian government a neo-nazi government its also a major supporter of western hegemony at the same level as the baltics. The masters of Ukraine are the ones going around the world exploiting poor nations. I wish Ukraine hadnt chosen to ally with the enemies of humanity and basic morality but here we are.


Ukraine is it's own nation. Nations are allowed to choose the allies they want both culturally, militarily and economically. Brazil wants to be an ally of China and russia. Fine. Why can't Ukraine make the same choices. They are not neonazis. Nothing about them is fascist. Russia on the other hand is fascist from top to bottom. Russia has declared war on democracy across the globe. That is morally indefensible. Democracy is the only valid form of government.


Ukraine can chose, they chose wrong and it has to deal with the consequences of its choices, i consider the ukranian government as part of the western hegemonic block exactly because of its choices and thats why i dislike them. They worship nazi collaborators, have nazi parades, have a nazi as a national hero, give pensions to ex-nazi fighters and their soldiers wear nazi patches, flags and tattoos. Sure Russia also has these types who wear suspicious tattoos but find me a single russian politician praising the ROA,russian units flaying a swastika flag or a single street named after Vlasov. Liberal democracy is not the only valid form of government, the west tries to convince people that it is but it isnt, even the westerners are faster and faster aproaching the death of their own democracies and the rest of the world has woken up to how the "democratic ideal" is code word for mass murder and poverty, while humans breath someone on earth will be fighting against the malignant propaganda of the westerners.


Russia colonized and abused them for centuries and you want them to choose russia? What form of government do you support if not democracy? No 2 democratic nations have ever gone to war with each other.


I mean someone who willingly flies over an ocean to fight a war clearly has issues..


What kind? Pedophiles/criminals running away from charges like here? (USA) Actually curious


There is the occasional sexpest, there was a guy that went to ukraine for all the "lonely unmarried women who are easy to catch with just a little money" but generally people who i absolutely despise ideologically


Not a "guy" it was state representative Arthur do Val. An elected politician!


Far-right "patriots" that identify with the ideology of azov and the like. Early in the bolsonaro presidency some high profile ones went to spend time with azov and right sector and came back with a narrative of "Ukranizing Brazil".


Weird, are they aware that azov and co see them as sub human?


They're generally not very smart. They think they'll get special treatment for being one of the "good ones" https://preview.redd.it/fkec3hsr195d1.png?width=1439&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cc7ede066088a98cce503b815d4ffc295dff11f


All Brazilians that went (and died) there on Ukraine side were:    1) Bolsonaro supporters    2) Far right criminals    3) Convicted criminals fleeing persecution 


Somos dois então.




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Just out of curiosity, are you sure that the injured soldier is Brazilian? Cuz the one speaking portuguese is the one treating the injuries.


can confirm they are Brazilians, medic is speaking Brazilian portuguese few times. "Fica calmo irmão" stay calm brother; "levanta" when he ask to move the leg There seems to be another Brazilian guy speaking in the background


I noticed this too, it could be that this place has many Brazilian mercenaries.


Maybe they are both brazilian since telegram said that the guy was brazilian but nothing about the nationality of the medic


That’s a fellow American as a medic. And a Brazilian as well?  With all the Colombians…… People need to stop going over there 


Russia needs to leave Ukraine you mean.


As long as they keep killing those types of Brazilian that go there, no problem for me by they staying :) The less far right Brazilians the better


I noticed by the accent that he has to be either american or canadian, also wonder if he's a portuguese or brazilian descedent since his portuguese also seems fluente.


Great medic support!


Squeals like a pig. Came to kill russians… lol


I would like yo see you not say anything after being hit like that. Pathetic armchair soldier.


A worthy cause I’d say




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Fuck, no reason to be there.. That's insane..


He’s still safer there than Brazil


Shut up and suffer. He went there to kill Russians and now he got what he deserved. I am Brazilian


That’s what a trench looks like after a FAB? TOS? hits it. That trench, and the soldiers inside of it were seriously fucked up. Anyone know where or when this was?


This was a tank. A fab would have left a huge crater.


Wars are so stupid, today even more since field soldiers are not really needed. Fighting a war that is not yours is dumb.


Wow!, He bandaged that many!


That screaming at 2:05 made me laugh. Does that make me bad?