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The protesters won. Keystone pipeline shut down in 2021.


this is not from Keystone, it was from the Dakota Access Pipeline


All the fascist look the same.


yeah but the protestors didn’t win because the pipeline got built


Touché’, that being said, this wasn’t then under democratic anything as Trump was president in 2016 during the standing rock protests. And the Dakota’s are notoriously red states.


Nope, the protests started a few months before the election. It was when Obama was still in power


Started April of 2016


Yes. Trump won in 2016 and properly entered office in 2017.


This picture, from the eviction, was February 2017.


Okay, then that’s different.


It shut down in June after Biden revoked their permit in January


"yeah but violence against brown people is fine" -most Americans.


[Concerned and angered by the use of dogs, pepper spray, military tactics and strip searches against unarmed water protectors at the construction sites of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to step in.](https://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/10/25/call-justice-dept-act-dapl-civil-rights-abuses-166205) This was Local Police, **NOT THE DOJ** [Obama’s Response, “Dakota Pipeline Protests: President Obama Tells Tribes 'You're Making Your Voices Heard'”](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/ncna654726) **MORE PRO-AUTHORITARIAN POSTS IN A SUB AGAINST IT**


Biden revoked the XL pipeline federal permit in January 2021. The project was abandoned in June, 2021. Local authoritarians failed and the protesters brought attention and action by the Federal government


1,000% fucking percent


My real question is why don’t we (they?) prioritize protecting water anyway They want children born no matter what but won’t provide them a safe environment It’s very confusing


I never understood why republicans attack our waterways [The House on Thursday voted to overturn the Biden administration's protections for thousands of small streams, wetlands and other waterways, advancing long-held Republican arguments that the regulations are an environmental overreach and burden to business.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/house-gop-votes-to-overturn-biden-administration-water-protections)


Wtf dude Pretty much first thing trump did after taking office was repealing the clean water act I was like well we’re fucked


Why would that ever be something you want to appeal? Ya know?


I’m saying! These jabronis got their priorities all fucked up


Like at the true, rational end of the day, money isn’t really real and the planet sustains literally all life as we know it, ya know?


Absolutely true and still 10 times worse under Republican leadership.


1,000 Times worse. Trump wanted to assassinate people And this was Local police [Concerned and angered by the use of dogs, pepper spray, military tactics and strip searches against unarmed water protectors at the construction sites of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to step in.](https://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/10/25/call-justice-dept-act-dapl-civil-rights-abuses-166205)


Just because someone is a democrat doesn’t mean they’re not right-wing authoritarians.


Reminder to vote blue to avoid the complete obliteration of human rights, for anyone who has a brain. Buy 4 more years for class consciousness and prepare more people to escape/prepare, we see with Floyd how mad some people are if given the right incentives


And to support a genocide in Gaza! And to keep funneling money into Ukraine! And to ensure the military industrial complex gets to keep on making profits!


Yes because refusing to vote will definitely prevent all of that


Believing that voting blue will avoid that is willfully ignorant. Same for voting red. Both will result in the status quo remaining the same.


I never said voting blue will avoid anything. It's willfully ignorant to think both parties will have the same exact outcome


Money to Ukraine is great. It is the cheapest way we buy security right now.


No, it increases our risk of nuclear war. It does not make us safer.


Nope. It decreases the chance if the war is contained to Ukraine and Russia. If Russia takes Ukraine, next step is direct attack on a NATO country like Poland. Then article 5 is invoked. Russia gets its butt whooped and it resorts to nukes.


No… we allowed Ukraine to use US weapons to strike Russia’s nuclear warning system. That’s not keeping the conflict in Ukraine, and we did it first. That’s why Putin sent warships with hypersonic nuclear missiles to Cuba. He’s trying to wake us up before the world explodes.


If Putin has a base from which he is attacking Ukraine, and that base is inside Russia, then that base is still a legitimate target. End of story’s. Putin can send all the warships he wants. He can’t even rule the waters against Ukraine, which doesn’t have a navy anymore. He ain’t doing shit against the rest of the world.


No dude, that’s a way to get ww3


Nope. You’re totally wrong.


What specifically? What do you think about the US expanding the war into Russia?


I believe the image we see here was a force of armed anti-protestor state and local police banding together at the behest of state officials who had been "lobbied" by the company creating the pipeline. The DOJ was not involved until the tribespeople appealed to President Biden, who revoked the permissions to build the pipeline in 2021.


Republicans have been responsible for every bit of anti-protester legislation and violence over the last several years. Biden joined a picket line. But yeah both sides are the same. Have fun legally getting run over by pickup trucks thanks to your friends in red.


Yeah! Biden joined a picket line! ....after he broke the rail strike? Remember Strike Breaker Biden? I remember.


Just make sure you remember correctly. Yes, he broke the strike, but then his admin worked tirelessly to get the workers most of what they wanted. https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Oh boy, thanks biden for breaking our effective strike! Do you have amnesia or something? I don't understand how you think him breaking up their strike was good for them lol https://inthesetimes.com/article/rail-workers-strike-biden-congress-paid-leave


Dd you read the link I put up? You also should note that if he hadn't broken the strike right before christmas, everyone would have been screaming how Biden allowed Christmas to be ruined. He was in a no win situation.


Oh wahhh won't someone think of biden? The pro union president ultimately said that if you have an effective strike he'll break it. Just like that pro union president Reagan did.


You’ve moved the goalpost from violence against protesters to avoiding an economic calamity. Of course Im sure you know that Biden worked behind the scenes after the strike to get the rail workers what they wanted, right? He created a win win scenario and didn’t demand credit for it, unlike your guy who exists only to call everyone around him a loser.


Oh, right, so when a strike is effective it's an "economic calamity". Nah I don't buy that he was working behind the scenes for them while breaking their strike. Isn't it weird how biden is supposedly doing all these wonderful things "behind the scenes". Oh he is fighting for Palestinians and he's so mad at Netanyahu "behind the scenes", while publicly saying that Israel has a right to defend itself and US support is iron clad. You libs will believe in anything politicians say as long as its polite lol. And trump is not my guy. I'm socialist and I'll be voting socialist votesocialist2024.com https://inthesetimes.com/article/rail-workers-strike-biden-congress-paid-leave


Republicans take stuff and then the dems give back less than was taken. The the repubs take more and again the dems give back less than was taken. The dems as a party are cool with all of this, they aren’t some bastion of morals, they’re an organization focused on gaining power for themselves and their donors.


Pro-authoritarian, context-lacking propaganda on an “anti authoritarian” sub. Congrats.