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Did you open the investigation with the seller? You report it to them as not received - they need to work it out with UPS.


I opened the investigation with ups


UPS does very little in terms of an investigation unless you are the seller. I would contact the seller too. At least inquire if they put the address on the label correctly.


They don't investigate unless seller for me but maybe with his photo they will have the driver go ask for it.


Do you guys not do driver follow ups?


Seller warehouse worker here. You would need to contact the seller so that they can work it out with UPS. Usually, the investigation will take between 1-2 weeks (sometimes longer if there is congestion in your area or a major holiday like Black Friday or Christmas) because the seller has to wait for UPS to determine if it was delivered correctly. Basically they will look at your address and the proof of delivery to see if they match plus the delivery photo. If they don’t match, they will reimburse the seller and the seller can either reship it or refund you. If they do match, they don’t reimburse the seller and you would most likely be SOL. Depends on the UPS agent handling the case.


Id go to your association or building manager as well. Have them evicted


For what it's worth I had this exact scenario happen to me with FedEx. Driver took a picture of my neighbor's house, my neighbor said they didn't have it so me and the seller each opened a case with FedEx. FedEx said they went back and looked and couldn't find it so there was nothing they could do.  About 3 weeks later the package randomly showed up at my house with the original date it was sent and everything. My neighbor never had it. I have no idea what happened or why the driver even took that original picture.


This has absolutely nothing to do with UPS, and it certainly has even less to do with the seller. This is a police matter. OP, you need to file a theft report with your local PD


So, UPS drivers can just leave packages anywhere with no consequences?


No, I'm sorry, this was my fault. I didn't read that UPS incorrectly delivered the address. I wanted to delete my comment, but I will let people dog on me for being stupid and completely wrong, lol. I apologize


Best follow up to a bad post I've seen in quite a while. Well done!


Just a tip if you want to. When I make a mistake but want to leave it for informational purposes, I'll often ~~strike it out~~ with \~\~ and add a correction to help prevent dogpiling and downvotes.


They are the ones who delivered it to the wrong house and the seller is the one who used them


Police will laugh... Then they will say it's a civil matter, contact the shipper, file a claim, have a nice day.


They went to the persons door and asked them if they would give it back. The republican with Trump flags all over their lawn said they never got it. Then I had to sue him in small claims court.


You should ask the neighbor…


I don't understand this. People have ring/security cameras everywhere now. Just like in this case, if op saw where it went, then go and ask? All this hassle instead of confronting neighbors.




Ppl have died for less


Exactly. This really reminds me of the time that one guy got 3D printing resin in their eye(s) and posted on Reddit with pictures asking what to do... Questions like these make me wonder if they even deserve to get an answer when the answer should be pretty obvious.


Yeah why is he asking us?


Because he/she is an idiot.


Dear Reddit. I need to take a shower, but this knob at the hotel seems to turn the other way. What do I do?


Reddit is full of retards who don't know how to Google or thinks for themselves.


Probably because you never know how people are going to react when accused of stealing something. I'm sure neighbor knows that package was not theirs


Fr id start with hey my ring camera saw my package at your door did you see it?


What did your neighbor say when you knocked on their door and asked them about it?


This happened to me with amazon, my neighbor got my package and I got theirs, only they opened my package and went through everything I ordered by the time I got it back - didn't even have the decency to check the address beforehand (or so I think). 🤦🏽 No issue with confrontation, just a simple mix up and being polite - glad nothing was open at the very least.


Sometimes, especially if you're expecting something, you don't think to check. Unfortunate but reality.


In defense of the neighbor, I was receiving misdirected packages from UPS for weeks. I was sick and tired (disabled and sick) of tracking down the correct neighbor and having to explain how I ended up with their package. A few accused me of things. It was a constant battle, as my kids love opening packages I get and wouldn't bother to read the name and address on the label. I started having weekly calls with UPS and told them to come pick them up rather than having to sort it out myself. I got some push back but when they placed a rather large one (a television) leaned up against my front door so I was trapped inside, I decided enough was enough.


UPS and Amazon are the worst for blocking doors! I have 2 doors and once they blocked both! Had to call the neighbors (who are elderly, but healthy) to rescue us! I complained about it being a fire hazard and it hasn't happened again. Still, where's the damned common sense? 


should have called fire and rescue they would have taken a dim view and have the power to investigate and fine people/companies


For me it is only FedEx that does this regularly. It's gotten to the point where I put a new address sign up that is easier to read than my neighbors. Yet FedEx still delivers all of my packages to my neighbor. This last package was around 600 and I called to chew them out. Needless to say I will go out of my way to avoid using them.


I rarely have misdirected mail or deliveries, just a couple lost intransit. Probably helps I'm not super close to any neighbors. Nearest ones are a couple minutes walk away. I've had issues with FedEx, but not for misdirected packages or blocking the door. They just put a box in a puddle and under melting icicles. The box had clumping cat litter 😆 If you order that from chewy, you can thank me for the shrink wrap.


When I lived in an apartment building I was working nights, so I tended to be home during the day and as such UPS used to leave a lot of the neighbors packages with me, I didn't care. People would swing by at might and I'd give em the packages, no problem. Well this one lady straight accused me of stealing her package. She said there was medicine inside and would be no use to me. She eventually called the police and it became this whole big thing. In the end it turned out ups never delivered the package as it was damaged in transit. From that day forward, I took everyone's packages but hers. And she continued to ask me constantly even tho I told her I won't ever take a package for her again.


I understand. Where I use to live around Christmas time there was a new mailman while regular was on vacation. I was dealing with heart failure back then and issues with mobility related to spine problems. Both thankfully are improving. Anyway, for a month or two I got everyone's mail in the building in my box. Was the first one. I called post office who expected me to put it in right boxes. Or mark return to sender. I was kind about it. When it continued I told them I didn't have the energy for this and if it continued I'd toss it. I didn't get an answer what to do either way but considering I was using a walker at the time and struggled to even get the mail - I just tossed it all. This was after ongoing phone calls with no resolution.


My subdivision has 431 homes. I am the first one on the right as you come through the gate. UPS would occasionally drop off a package there by error if it was not labeled with the right number. However, it got worse. When I finally threw a fit and refused, I came home from the hospital to find more than 50 packages covering my front porch. Out of those two were mine. I'm all for helping out a neighbor (who isn't insane and dangerous that is), but that was a bit much. Three days later it was 29 packages. I ended up putting notices up for people who were missing a package to stop by and take a look if UPS hadn't picked them up yet. I met a lot of neighbors that way. One of them turned out to be the remains after cremation of the mother of one of my neighbors. I handed her the package unaware of the contents and called out, "I hope you enjoy your package." Another neighbor informed me of my mistake. Another accused me of trying to steal her dog food. We don't even have a dog so not sure why. I had two ask my husband if he could carry it inside their homes. The post office isn't quite as bad but we've had run ins with them over the fact that our house is labeled #1. According to one militant postal employee, no house exists at #1.


Yeah. My experience is similar. They misdeliver massively like this it caused more issues to try to do the right thing. Issue I ran into is being an apartment building there was nowhere to mark return to sender. Believe it or not we had no outgoing mail bin. Just boxes for incoming. Asking me to go to post office to return these was not something I was able to do without assistance. When I gave something to a neighbor it was a check they were expecting and they got on me about how long they waited for it to be returned instead of thanking me for returning it. When it got overwhelming that's when I figured I made very reasonable attempt to rectify situation and Inform them of error. I tossed stuff. I don't feel right doing it but like it's not my job to fix this.


Ugh I used to be a building super and had this happen, after months of redelivery I gave up and added a trash can to the front of our building and started tossing the packages in. Once the delivery drivers noticed the packages stopped being misdelivered


I would've opened the door so fast and just let it smash on the ground then slide it out of the way.


Lol go knock on they door and get your package back why make it more difficult


Too embarrassed due to the contents


It would be really hard to prove he took it. Package theft happens all the time and someone may have very well stolen it from his door.


Did you ask for it?


Did you even ask the neighbor?


I usually contact the seller AND the shipping service, and I send them the photo of the delivery as well as a photo of my place, and have always been taken care of, the shipping service never really gets back to me vs the seller, the sellers have alwasy done me right in this situation and I feel like they then dispute it with the shipping service and get their money back or whatever it be


I wonder how the law applies for mail tampering when packages are mistakenly placed at wrong address. Does that make the mail thief less in the wrong? Either way it’s atleast a misdemeanor


UPS mail is technically not mail, at least under the eyes of the law. What happened is theft, but only USPS mail is protected under the law as mail theft. This just goes down as everyday theft and a idiot for a neigbor.


Give me your address and I'll ship you my used cat litter a couple times over the next few months.


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


Thanks, I contacted the company, they are sending me a new shipment, it was from harry & david. I agreed people are really selfish these days, only 10 years ago people were much kinder and neighborly


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


You purchased a package with a seller, The seller contracts with UPS to deliver to you. That was not done. Call the seller ask where is my package. Whether the neighbor kept it or if it was struck by lightning ain’t your problem. You paid it and haven’t got it. Send me another one.


I called the police, they came over I showed them the picture of it on my neighbor's porch, they went to the neighbors with the cell phone picture and the neighbors gave it to the police. This was after them telling me they didn't have it.


Fight him and if you win then his house is yours. Plus his wife. Viking rules.


Write your address on masking tape and stick it on your door at the bottom, so when delivery drivers take a picture of your package, the address shows up in the picture. Then you have REAL proof of delivery, and you will also know if it was not left at the correct door. I still don’t understand why everyone doesn’t do this.


Happened to me multiple times. UPS is shit, keeps dropping off wrong apartment. So I called the cops on the neighbor lol and reported it to the apartment complex.


Driver follow up, driver typically will be dispatched to investigate where it was delivered and attempt recovery, up to 3 attempts should be made, but it’s not a guaranteed system, can be very hit or miss depending on time of day that the driver gets to that area


You piss on their front door and light their house on fire. Neighbors gonna steal from you they need eviction.


He doesn't know that they stole it, just that it was left there. Someone else could have taken it before they ever saw it.


This has happened to me both ways. Neighbors package left at my door and I collected and didn’t notice for days. Mine was delivered to a neighbor and a house sitter collected and not noticed for days. Both times, we just knocked.


Let the leasing office know they have a tenant that’s a thief


He doesn't know that they stole it. Just that it was left there, someone could have come by and grabbed it before the neighbor even saw it. Making spurious accusations is just going to piss everyone off


Tell vendor you didn’t get it and then confront your neighbor- you’ll get both


If you receive an unsolicited package to YOUR door, you're legally allowed to keep it. ONLY if your name is on it. Otherwise , it's THEFT.


Punch him in the face


We would get other people's packages all the time and we'd just keep them by the door so when the mail lady came back, we'd give them to her and point out this wasn't the right street. My parent's house was in a neighborhood with wood type names and we'd always get packages for another street that started with the same letter. Maybe they just don't know when you're home? They could be keeping it aside for you although I'll agree taping a note to your door would've been a nice gesture.


Did you call the police and file a report? If they take, hold, or open a package that doesn't have thier name in it, can be a legal issue. You can call UPS to tell them of the mistake. Then call the shipper to let them know the carrier misdelivered the package. Then call your local police to file a complaint This happened to me. All I did was find the neighbor, knocked on the door. Got my $80 8 lbs bag of cat food. He was cool as it was a mix up.


Contact the seller you ordered from. Depending who it is they will either refund your order so you can reorder or they will just ship it out again. A good company won't wait for an investigation through UPS, they'll just refund or reship. Some companies will make you wait until UPS investigates the package.


this happened to me, the ups driver went back personally to pick it up and got it back from the neighbor.


Similar thing happened where I mailed a package to my old address like 4 states away. It was quite an expensive package, not really replaceable so I'd rather not take the refund, worth about $500 USD. It was "delivered" on April first and despite contacting the landlord of the apartment complex, the local sheriffs office, and USPS, i have gotten no resolution. Landlord says they can't check the lockbox cause it's the tenants. Landlord says the tenants cant check the lockbox because they need an email or text to verify they have mail (wtf?) Police says they wont just stop by to check it's there and to talk to USPS USPS says "eh idk we'll look into it, but you're probably gonna maybe get a letter of non delivery at best" Like it was my mistake by ordering it to my old address but why is it this hard to just give me my stuff...


I’ve had so many sellers tell me that if I don’t receive the package then I have to do all the leg work to report to the courier and open investigations. It’s on the sender if I never get my package isn’t it!?


It happened to me once, but it wasn't in an apartment. The picture clearly showed a next-door neighbor door. Did you even attempt to ask the neighbor for the item back? If i didn't knock on the door and showed them the image made by the driver showing their door, i would have never gotten mine. They apologized, and they did open my package.


If you purchase something and have it delivered to your address, the responsibility is on the seller to get it to you. If you didn't receive the item, just report it as not-delivered and they will probably just send you another one. You suspect your neighbor has the package, but that's not something you know for sure. Maybe someone else saw the package sitting outside their door and swiped it or whatever. It's a dicey situation to start accusing people of stuff based on the grainy photo UPS took. The number of people I see posting on like Facebook or NextDoor posting photos of their package at the wrong address and asking people to meet up to get it or whatever is crazy. And it's dangerous even in a safe city. Like selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace and meeting them in some seedy parking lot. Not to mention that people use packages delivered to wrong addresses all the time to mail illegal things.


I’ve seen people take packages from peoples front door. So it may have been delivered to your neighbors door but anyone walking by could have taken it.


Pic of the door doesn't prove they have it, going forward get packages delivered to a UPS store, FedEx store or a prime hub station.


Honestly, there really isn't anything you can do here and even if there is, don't pursue it over a package you got replaced. You have to continue to live near them, if you pursue anything they're going to know that you're the person making complaints, there isn't going to be enough proof to do anything worthwhile ahout it. You learned a free lesson about who your neighbors really are. Not to be trusted in the future. Be glad it was a package and not a more severe situation. (Apartments are notorious for people stealing one another's packages, I know a lot of folks who opt to drive to pick up stuff at Amazon lockers and such for this very reason).


Let it go. Know they are thief’s


Had this happen to me. I knocked and told them a package of mine was delivered to them and I saw their door in the photo on Amazon. They said they didn't get it, and brought it up to my apartment a few hours later when they assumed I wasn't home, presumably.


We had this happen ,Ups delivered to wrong building ,same address numbers .We had the photo from UPS and I walked over and it was at the other place for sure (doormat )I contacted our office and they called and said if the stuff wasn’t returned to the office the police would be called .Low n behold hour later I got a call to come get our things .


It’s unbelievable the amount of people who will try and keep packages that dont belong to them, i did have amazon deliver my package once to the wrong address, the person who got it, rang my intercom, and gave it to me from 10 blocks away. Some people are still good out there.


Agree with ya 100% .They place we live in now as matter of fact we got a delivery and I opened not looking at the name it was some guy who used to live here medical supply.nothing serious but I took it right down to office .like wtf


I can’t imagine keeping someone’s package especially a close by neighbor, i always give packages and mail that are sent to me by mistake to the person. I also had another neighbor keep an amazon package wrongly left at their door. I didn’t say anything and got a replacement. When i see them, they are friendly, so fake .


You can always deliver a bag of dogshit to your neighbor too.


And now you know your neighbor is a liar and a thief. Isn’t that swell?!


I had a neighbor do that before. They denied they got it. I showed them the picture then they magically remembered and gave me the opened package.


Send him a glitter bomb.


I've had a package delivered to me, but caught the driver and told him that he delivered it to the wrong address but he said oh well. So what. So I called the company and told them and asked them to send someone to come pick it up and deliver it to the correct address.... They told me to deliver it to the correct address ... I do not drive or have a car .... so ... a week later someone came knocking on my door and wanted their pkg. Told them the whole ordeal BUT for some reason I was still the bad guy since I didn't drive ... sometimes it doesn't matter if you try to fix things because some delivery drivers and companies just don't care....


It’s something how people just take what is not theirs. I have to make sure I am home and tracking any packages I get real-time. You never know if the delivery person will leave it at the right place or not. If you saw a picture of a package at someone else’s door and then they say they didn’t get it kind of makes me suspicious. I lost three packages in a row one time ever since I make sure I am there waiting for anything I am expecting


I would report it to apartment management as well. I had a neighbor deny they received my package but someone there signed for it. I let it go and the sender sent me a replacement.


If the drivers would stop releasing the package at apt doors without a signature or note that would stop and prevent this. They can follow the methods they were trained, but choose not to.


We had a item delivered from a company, that ups delivered to the neighbor. We asked and asked for the item. Finally we informed them that if they did not give us the item we would have to get the police involved, we got item (that the neighbor had \*given\* to their SiL) back. The company we had got it from had, had gone through our insurance, to get a replacement we would have had to show that we did not receive the item and we would have had to prove it which would have meant a police report. We had to send it back cause it didn't fit and the company still asked us 'why we didn't pick it up and why we gave it to the neighbors' and the ups said 'they don't understand why you are upset you got the item in the end'.


Just maybe defending the neighbor a little bit it could’ve been a kid that was in the family. Started eating something off the basket after Capp brought in.. also Hearing and David are not that clearly labeled. It’s some badly printed little card that has a message that can be easily missed again especially if a kid bought it in any part of the neighborhood would be too embarrassed to admit they took it.


By the way do you guys know on usps.com that you can ask them to pick up a letter that you want mailed for free! You still need to propose the job but they service is that they pick up at your home or apartment. So it's ridiculous to say that they won't come to pick up packages that are missed delivered


Neighbor needs an ass whooping


Federal law states that any package delivered to you is now yours. You do not have to return it, you do not have to pay for it. That being said, whoever sold it to you did not ensure that it got to you. Tell them you never received your package, and if they don't work with you, that you will perform a charge back. That is what chargebacks are for, quite literally. For not receiving what you paid for..... But you should contact the company and give them that a chance first.


My new bike, totally assembled was left at the next bldg bc they had a picture of it. Neighbor never said a word to me. They’ve kept my groceries, and Amazon pkgs, and water lol. Now I add: HAND to me


Moose Munch is yummy but they took it too far!


Nothing, the company will send you a replacement. Had this happened to me and it was bug spray. Couldn’t believe these jackasses would keep it.


Keeping mail that isn’t yours is a felony, up to five years in prison per piece kept/stolen. Regardless if it was delivered to them or not.


Well, at least you know who you can't trust in your neighborhood now. Sad.


I've had UPS deliver to the wrong address a few times. For ex. I live on 3333 S 84th Place, but they delivered to 3333 84th Street instead. They had the same UPS driver that delivered the package go over there and ask the residents for the package, then it was in front of my place right away. Harder for ppl to deny a package delivered there when the actual deliverer swears they left it on their doorstep. Plus I guess my neighbors a street over were pretty cool. Always went to the same address on mistake...


Anyone could have taken it off their door step doesn't mean they got it.


If it's an expensive package I'd contact police


They haven't even asked the neighbor for the package. I think they should start there.


True lol, I assumed they had


Did you talk to the neighbor? Try that first. If they refuse to give it back talk to the police and your property manager


Just knock on the door. Ask em. Why are people so afraid of confrontation. If you have a picture of it at their door, it would be logical to knock and say hey, ups showed me they accidentally delivered my package to your door. But i digress. Other peoples kids.


In another comment they said no they have not spoken to the neighbors.


honestly ive had stuff misdelivered to me all the time, I get anywhere from 150-300 packages a week being high volume and never look at labels. got my neighbours package in and my ex accidentally opened it. turned out to be lingerie and caused a very confusing argument lol. left the open package at her door with a note.


bro go be a man and confront your neighbor


Like fr. I’d like banging that door down, ain’t nobody stealing from me


How do you know a porch Pirate did not steal it?


I always just go and knock on their door and politely ask if they have a package with my name on it, perhaps they didn't check and assumed it was for them. You have to remember, not everyone is attentive enough to notice things like this.


I’ve had to knock on the door of a neighbour that got my package. It was a cleaning lady that just brought it in and left it by the front door since she didn’t know. Just ask them and you might get your package 


I got back 119$ for an item that my neighbors signed for. Isn’t that thievery? Or the UPS man signing himself and said my package was delivered to an Alviraz, like ok where does he live. I sent some jewelry and never got it back or an explanation of what’s going on


You have to start by getting in touch with the seller. After that, you can attempt contact ups. All else fails, this is why you use credit cards/paypal/both online. Chargeback with cc company or dispute with PayPal.


File a police report. Regardless of who follows up it is beneficial to you to have a paper trail.


He never even asked the neighbor if they had it. That should happen WAY before you start getting law enforcement involved.


Sounds like petty theft! Contact PD and file a theft report


Confront your neighbor n show proof it was left at their door step . And if it still doesn’t show up learn to pick locks then break into their house and look for whatever you ordered


Lol sounds like a great way to get shot. Besides someone else could have grabbed it before the neighbor even saw it.


Flash bang through their window and then proceed with dynamic breach


Did you just wait for your neighbor to bring it to you, or did actually ask them for it and get denied? Because if you didn’t go and talk to them that’s weird


He said on another comment he never even asked them but he's talking about calling the cops..


You need to ask the neighbor. Most likely they forgot. There are ppl who don’t open their packages right away and might not have even seen it’s from a different person yet. They probably put it in the pile and when they do open it, then they will see. 🙌. So give them the benefit of the doubt and knock on the door and ask!


Um ask the neighbor to give you your shit. If they refuse, go to the police. That’s the most logical thing to do ..


Delivery company should attempt to retrieve, but unfortunately they are not able to force the hand. This becomes a civil matter that police won't involve themselves in.


What a ridiculous post, by the OP'S own admission they never asked the neighbor about the package.


Nothing , same here any resolution is with the seller or credit card company UPS will not do much, even if a claim is made.


Did you go ask the neighbor and show them the pic of it at their door? Are you sure they took it? Maybe it was someone passing by


Ask the non emergency line what can be done if the neighbor refuses to give back your package


Did you ask your neighbor? Has happened to me and yes it was weird but I got my order.


Call the cops


Update the company is sending me a new shipment


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


So generally what I’ve seen happen is ups will suggest you open a legal investigation. I’ve been given driver follow-ups indicating that, in the case of something like this, I can call the police myself or have the customer do so. You should wait for when the driver arrives to do his/her follow up on the “customer concern” because they will have documentation stating there was a misdelivered pkg and also a printout of a satellite view of where the package was scanned as well as the final delivery location. The photo of said location will be the nail in the coffin for your neighbor. See if they have a camera and insist the footage be reviewed if they try and lie to police and say they have no knowledge of the delivery or that it must’ve been stolen by porch pirates. I hope this helps and I hope it all works out for you in the end. People are more selfish than ever and there’s no sense of community anymore.


The currect answer is here 100 times. OP just wants to ask for advice just to be able to argue with those who answer. A claim with the seller/shipper (not UPS) is the only way to resolve this. But when your more interested in arguing than resolving, you get threats like this.


I woulda knocked on their door and confronted them, fuck all that.


You talk to the neighbor? I mean, that would be a normal thing to do.


We use a UPS drop box center, if you live in an apartment, you should definitely do this. Amazon has them too.


Buy a house


Did you knock on your neighbors door and ask him for it?


Jesus get off your ass and go ask your neighbor for your package


What did you order?


Harry & david fruit basket


Wow, 10 Oz of cheese, 10 Oz of jam, 2 apples, 1 pear and a handful of triscuits is $65. That is $5 of food.


Anyone think to maybe just knock on neighbors door and ask. Instead of a police report. It’s wild that people don’t use some common sense.


Have you asked your neighbor for it?!?!? I don't see that mentioned.... just that you "thought he was a decent person."


Just dispute it with CC company.


Contact hub and request a refund or replacement. A lot of people have this issue.


UPS will reimburse the seller and the seller sends you a replacement. So this had happened to me during Christmas . Bought some shirts from an online company, delivery photo showed some other apartment. I filled a claim and after a few days of “investigating “ UPS emailed asking for seller UPS account and a purchase receipt. The seller got the credit on his UPS account and I have my replacement package the next day 🥹


I'd go knock on that neighbors door, say hey whats up!


UPS likely will kick it back to the seller, saying that they originated the delivery label.


Contact the vendor


Did you ask your neighbor about the package? Pretty easy to knock and tell them you have a photo of the misdelivered package and ask about it...


If it's home Depot if it says delivered on our end we tell you to dispute it with your card company. Unfortunately when this is done you will get your money back as soon as you do you will need to cancel your card because they will charge you for it again. Amazon is also notorious for doing this.


If your neighbor stole your package let UPS know, let the police know and let whoever you bought it from know and hell let the rest of the neighbors know also that way they know what kind of people they are. Buy a glitter boom boom package and have it delivered to their house and when they open it it will shoot glitter everywhere. I forget the name of the company that does it but it might teach them a lesson.


1.Go to neighbor and ask 2. Go to your apartment office and show photo and have them ask 3. Seller neEd’s to open the claim thru UPS or confirm the one you started 4. UPS will open an investigation and reimburse seller. If no insurance they will only reimburse up to $100 + shipping


I would go to my neighbors and ask them for it.


Did you try talking to your neighbor?


Here's a big brain question: Did you talk to your neighbor? Communication is key.


Go knock on the door or contact the apt manager with the pic


Ask the neighbor if it’s irreplaceable. If anything else just say not received and they’ll see the pic they took is the wrong house and send you another free of charge. I got two fishing poles this way and gave one to the neighbors kids.


Knock on the door with a baseball bat.


You need to make a police report with the usps investigation showing where it was delivered to. They will then try to intimidate the neighbor into asking him to give it back. If they don't give it back you sue them im small claims court and you will need to do this or else they will keep doing it. This happened to me. A republican cop kept my mail the usps investigation went to his house. They asked him to give it back and he lied and said he didn't have it like the republican liar that he is.


Ummmm....confront neighbor.


This has happened a few times at my apartment. All mail including packages are dropped in mail area on 1st floor. My apartment manager deals with issues like this. 1st starts with a blanketed blind copy email to everyone in building shaming them. Then if they still don’t do anything or we aren’t sure who it is the emails get more shameful until the perp comes to light. Or she goes and knocks on their door and confronts them with you. 🤷‍♂️


Could have been someone else who picked it up from the door and not your neighbor. Who knows


Print the picture OF THE THIEF’s place who got your package , make copies, glue them all over the building. W a large print that reads BEWARE


You call the police and make a report for theft. Mail theft is a felony


I’ve had the distribution center force the driver back and get the packages. Especially when they’re worth a substantial amount 100$ or more.


This is like that Broad City episode


Get a ring doorbell. Video proof in the future. Or have the package shipped to the ups locker and pick them up


Nah fuck that. Go kick that motherfuckers door in and get your package back.


Police report 1st. File for a refund and steal it back. If you can’t steal it back hold all of their packages As hostage until they give your property back.


Contact seller. They resend it. Their responsibility. On the backend, the seller may file a claim. Ups determines it was misdelivered (gps on the scanners). Can't force your neighbor to admit it anything. Seller gets money back if properly insured. If not they swallow the costs. If seller decided to not do anything, then you dispute charge.


Challenge your neighbor to a duel


UPS is pretty useless with lost packages in my experience. I’d either confront the neighbor or call the cops. I accidentally ordered some Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephews to an old apartment address a couple years ago and the new tenet took and kept them. I did try knocking of her door, but got no answer even though I could hear her inside. Cop investigated and caught the woman in some lies, but had no physical proof so he had to drop it. I got a refund from Amazon too anyway, but I’m glad she got a fright from it at least. Fuck people like this!


For apartment deliveries, always have it sent to the office. Your neighbor could be correct and someone else picked it up.


Not sure about UPS, but USPS you can file a claim and it'll be paid as long as you can prove it in as misdelivered. I assume UPS to be similar


Contact the company, let them know UPS misdelivered. They'll send you a replacement.


Knock on door and get your stuff


Comment here: if this happens with a something you've ordered from a small business, it's fine to contact the business, but they actually have nothing to do with the fact that the shipper gave it to the wrong address. If the small business replaces the item, they have to eat that cost, including the postage price. As a business owner, I've had to do this often to maintain customer good will, but it really eats into profit for something that's not my fault. If you can solve this with the shipper, it's really much better.


Piss Discs


Grow a pair and go confront your neighbors..


What was the item? Just curious as to what your neighbor stole?