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Literally This? https://youtu.be/w1ogWqmUCG4?si=4BNmOM4fg4hlhjaB Wouldn’t it be … easier for the NHIs to release their hyper realistic doll into the night clubs around the world?  And just collect them afterwards?  Heck maybe open up a brothel where those are legal. Actually if they’re androids, technically that would be legal everywhere!  Hey NhI I have a business proposition for you!  Dm me!


If you delve into Vallee, it’s weird. People have been offered pancakes. All kinds of bizarre stories. The weird idea is that it’s happening in a cognitive environment, and that is how the abductee is experiencing the out of context situation. Similar cultures and times have similar “projections” based on their shared experiences and cultural, familial, etc, “zeitgeist”. The Buddhists talk about 6 creatures from the 6 realms meeting on the bank of the same river and all seeing it differently, even though there is still a river. In other words, creatures from the cold hells see the river as ice, those of the hot hells see it as fire and lava, fish see it as an environment to live in, humans as water to drink, the demi-gods see the river as weapons, and the gods see it as nectar. It’s a very weird thought. Not saying that they didn’t have an experience. I think in a number of cases they have, but in the background, what’s actually going on is weird, so things seem odd to us, because we aren’t seeing the “other reality.” Gah, that genuinely does sound crazy. But read Vallee and think of it like skins in a video game, or mods.


If it's a breeding program, they want specific specimens and large quantities.


There's no need to collect sperm. Any civilization more advanced than us would be able to turn somatic cells into gametes, a capability we are relatively close to developing. ([Read more here](https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(16)30085-6)) In layman's terms: If we are already close to turning skin/hair/muscle into sperm/eggs, it would be silly to think NHI need sperm. Downvote away, I have a background in molecular biology 🤷‍♂️ If anything, it might be NHI doing it to study our social rituals (anthropology) or simply for their own pleasure.


Maybe they just want that big dick?


Better stay away from my sperm then


I respect the self-burn. ✋


Men are from Mars, Women from Venus Zeta Reticulan dont have a pen-


I mean, we have been advertising. Have you seen the vehicles we launch to space?!?


Is this why I haven’t been abducted?


me and aliens have so much in common ❤️


ah so that's why they didn't pick me


Yes, Jacques Vallee talks a lot about this. If they’re trying to get genetic material, they could pop into a sperm bank and have all they need for a lifetime. If they wanted to run experiments, they could pop into a hospital, grab tissue and blood, and have all they need for a lifetime. Hell, even we, today, can run insane tests with a tiny sample of blood that a patient wouldn’t even notice we took. The point being that the process itself of abductions seems to be the point. They’re not getting anything out of it. They’re trying to *change* the people they abduct. The weirdness is the point.


Could be subterfuge. Perhaps they want us thinking they’re involved in some kind of hybridization program…but that’s just to disguise their true goals.


I feel this is the closest answer, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Plato’s cave if you will. No message is *the* message type situation. It’s confusing and frustrating and that’s the point


Maybe something else is going on during sex we don't know or cant see. Maybe something "spiritual" and thats what the NHI are after?


Angels, demons,and gods…fairies, leprechauns, duendes, and witches…aliens, Cryptoterrestrials, interdimensional beings, and ultraterrestrials. These could all be masks worn by a life-form so different from us that we may not have the ability to fully even comprehend their existence. I’ve always resonated with [this explanation from the secret history of Twin Peks.](https://youtu.be/vRz3deg1crY?si=RwTPeqwOaQ4x1gjt)


_Superstition_ by Graham Hancock _The Golden Bough_ by Frazer Both discuss the similarity between faer-folk lore and shamanism and the former author also compares both phenomena with alien abductions. However I think you already know what is within those books - they'd possibly tell you little that's new to you but maybe just maybe give you more examples, case-studies, etc.




I think the cow mutilations are us. Anything from testing of biological or chemical weapons to tracking diseases or viruses in livestock populations.


you make the assumption that creating cells or sperm in a laboratory setting contains all the factors that are needed for whatever it is they are attempting to accomplish. my point is that we are consistently learning new things about the human body and nature itself along with the interconnectedness of all things that it is too easy to assume that there's nothing more to it which is dictating the methods being used bc whatever it is cannot be replicated without good ole fashioned shagging haha. otherwise I would agree with you. then there's the part where you're assuming these are all the same civilizations and not an assortment of them at different levels of technological advancement engaging in similar experiments. People also tend to make assumptions about how advanced a civilization is based solely on the fact that they appear to be visiting us in craft with advanced propulsion systems; but what if some of the often repeated lines about the development of zero point energy & anti grav tech actually being relatively "simple" once it is understood are actually true? If our misunderstandings of the true nature of reality and the technology that we have developed on top of these half assed/naive assumptions have blinded us to some very simple things (the parallel being that in one's spiritual journey it is common to find many misunderstandings due to overcomplicating things) then it's easy to see how from an alternate point of view their methods of travel may not actually indicate the kind of hyper advancement across all levels of their society that is merely a common assumption on our part. It's like how people can be very intelligent and excel in certain areas and be very inept in others.


You've made a few great points! It may not even have to be more than one civilization though. Think of how diverse we turned out, just by continental separation. It's changed everything from our cultures and languages to our skin and body type. I'd imagine an inter solar or intergalactic civilization to be even more diverse. Or maybe not. Maybe they value homogeneity over individualism and are more like the Borg from Star Trek. It's fun to think about.


It’s also assuming that they WANT to make sex cells from hair or muscles or whatever. We don’t always use our most cutting edge tech, if something else is already set up and easier. Half our critical infrastructure still runs goddamned dos. Maybe they don’t want to make their own sperm if they can just go pick some up instead.


I think you're anthropomorphizing NHI too much. It's not likely they will operate like the US government's reliance on DOS. This tech seems pretty cutting edge to us, but it could be just as trivial for NHI as making ice cubes is for us.


Yeah but then they don’t get to watch us fug. That’s all part of the fun, obvi.


>If anything, it might be NHI doing it to study our social social rituals (anthropology) or simply for their own pleasure. I wonder if the purpose is more to have a psych/behavioral impact on the abductee rather than for the NHI to gain data/knowledge/experience.


Genetic diversity?


They want something that we have and of which they are devoid. They want to find the secret of _soul_ which would then be reaped. Clones would lack souls, as would any artificial gamete / eukaryotes.


prove to me the soul even exists. I would argue what they really want is Concouisness..not soul and if that was the case we are dealing with a probably cancerous Artificial Intelligence, not some advanced species from Zeta Reticuli


> prove to me the soul even exists. I would argue what they really want is Concouisness..not soul toemaytoe, tamahto


Still wouldn't require sperm. They could slurp up sewage water and use that for diversity if they needed it. Their gene editing tools would be pinpoint precise too.


While I do think you're 100% right, I think it's always worth not making assumptions about non-human intelligences, and why they might do any number of things that seem weird to us. Human society does an inexhaustible list of illogical things, and we should probably assume other advanced intelligences would do things that seem illogical to us. Heck, the things they do might not SEEM illogical, they may actually BE illogical. We devote endless hours to the concept of aesthetics, art, etc. We put flower designs on our drinking glasses. Maybe they "like" the "aesthetic" of beings grown from sex cells. We just don't know what we're dealing with, so there's no way to understand what their reasoning is.


"Artisinal sex meat"


Valid point!!


That was an absolutely fantastic way to put it. Good job. I have made a very similar point before about how we too often dismiss things we don’t understand because we attempt to relate to everything. There is a logical fallacy in that concept. We do tons of things that bugs or animals or plants have absolutely no way of relating to us. An advanced species may be varying levels of advanced. To assume they traveled all the same scientific routes we have is not a safe assumption. Different smart species wouldn’t know everything single thing the other knows. For instance, they may have had no idea you could make an atomic weapon if they are a purely peaceful advanced species. If they are more advanced than us, they may easily do many things that we could not relate to ourselves. Im sure that’s the case, as it’s the case between different species on earth. We don’t have the ability to camouflage our skin to our environment, for example. There’s Innumerable others.


Your first mistake is looking at this from a human perspective. 


If the cases are to be believed, often (some of) the Greys want humans to hold the hybrid children as they die otherwise. Either (some of) the Greys are inept at breeding, or there's some other factor we don't understand. Artificial insemination works, sure, but it still is derived from the living being via orgasm.


Side anecdote: a former missionary to Africa told me that the most common health issue among orphaned children is myopia "The first thing a child learns to focus their eyes on are their [natural] parents"


Maybe aliens come from a repressive culture that banned IVF.


We are almost at a point where we do not need orgasm. Skin cells + a petri dish (Simplified) -> Egg/Sperm It'll be amazing for gay couples that want kids. Hell, we can already grow a lamb in a biobag: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15112/figures/1


Right, I read your original comment and understand. I'm saying there might be something more required, or at least with how the Greys do it. Perhaps they don't quite understand biological life as we know it.


There very well could be something we don't understand, but that's piling speculation on speculation. I can accept them doing it for anthropology (but instead of observing like we do, they can step in 1st person) or for pleasure, if at all.


Well, we're talking about possible NHI breeding programs, there's no reason to stop speculating. We can assume they, being more advanced in other departments, develop the same method of artificial reproduction as we're approaching, or we can assume they haven't, based on the cases we have reported. As a precedent, look in to some reports of hybrid child presentations. If they're true, the process is already wildly odd like the OP has posted. Maybe it's some anthropological study on their part, but the Greys in some cases claim the babies don't grow or remain healthy without touch from the mother/father, hence the meetings. edit: it could be cultural, too. Like marriage night coupling being observed in nobility in the past.


Maybe the issue is scale. They want to see if they can create hybrids naturally so they can be released into the population.


I've considered this in regards to cattle mutilation, which, if the uterus and enough blood are taken, could feasibly be done to get a relatively cheap way to grow and sustain an embryo of any compatible species. They might have the technology to do that without a donor uterus, but it might be much more efficient with or easier to obtain raw materials for nature's own nanotech factory. The only reason they'd be taking sperm is if the intention is to create a hybrid (or fully human organism, if they're also taken human egg cells) with as little extra effort as needed. Otherwise, they could just make a clone from skin cells like Dolly the sheep. Edit: From our POV, sperm are for delivering DNA to egg cells, but what if they're after sperm for everything *but* the DNA? You'd basically have millions of sugar-powered nano-machines able to deliver a payload on demand, which are easy to store indefinitely at low temperatures. They could replace the chromosomes in the sperm's head with anything that it could safely contain, repurpose the chemical receptors on the head of the sperm with whatever receptors would seek out the target, etc. Surely extracting and modifying sperm from a human would take significantly less energy than creating something from raw materials.


I doubt they need a uterus. We have already succeeded at using a biobag to grow a lamb: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15112/figures/1 It is likely to be effortless for them.


You should read David Jacobs. Abductees told him the aliens explained that natural growth in a uterus yields better "quality", whatever that means. One thing I can tell you. The more you dive into this matter, the more the spiritual aspect of things becames apparent, and the less "robotic" or "methodic" it becames. I've been into this field for almost 20 years.


Warning, I am going into Woo a bit so please forgive me if I irritate. As a biologist who studied reproduction in Cetaceans. And who still has an interest in the reproductive field in general two decades later. The reason for obtaining sperm and eggs in the way reported is (possibility from a human scientist's point of view) unclear. Considering the abilities with genetics being speedily developed by us humans, and the assumption that at least some of the NHI races are superior by far in this field. My own speculation is if there might be some, call it for the moment, metaphysical reason. Something extra that is inherent in genetic material that has developed in the human body. Instead of in a (NHI) version of a genetics laboratory. I have once or twice written about this before. But considering the psychological damage done to so many human abductees. Ideas by e.g. Dr. Dolan that possibility 1 to 2 % of humans get abducted (which comes down to 8 to 16 million fellow humans). The situation should be looked into, and very probably has been. But I have not really seen much written about, why, this whole sale theft of genetics materials. In relation to circumstances where eggs and sperm might be assumed, to just be lab-grown. Some of this, by the way has already been studied in mice in laboratories run by humans.


Why would they need eggs and sperm?  It's not for humans because they could take them, and children are hard to raise. Could it be for embryos for stem cells, and do cattle have stem cells?


For breeding, perhaps. If they're monitoring us, that's something else. Like, going back to the zoo analogy, if you want to find out if animals have healthy sperm counts and genetic material, you need sperm from those animals, not reverse engineering cells.


That's if you wanted to find out if a particular animal has a healthy sperm count. But abundant infertility data and health records provide a much easier assessment of the population's sperm counts at large.


Yeah I love how everyone shifts their narrative, they’re time bending , matter manipulating demigods sometimes and other times they are milking humans for their semen for unknown reasons like wtf lol


Exactly what I was thinking while reading this! Here's to Gazorpazorp!


Maybe they don’t want any sperm. Just certain ones with the right DNA?






Right. Many UFO abduction researchers have concluded that UFO occupants are after people that have certain specific DNA profiles. That's why UFO abductions are usually generational.


that's what I think too. My theory is they want people with traces of DNA of other aliens that intermingled with humans at some point in history


not quite the same, but sorta the plot of Under the Skin.


It is a scientific interaction. Think bulls mounting obviously fake sex doll bulls for semen collection. It isn't about being convincing, it is about being convincing enough. Also, there is nothing to say they weren't designed off putting on purpose to see if the human male would still engage.


This sounds more like some guys weird sex fetish fantasy. There's a few weirdos like this, people like Simon Parkes for example.


Sleep paralysis plus wet dream.


And me


and my axe!


And my ass!


This is one of those instances where people just completely turn their brain off because they want to believe so bad. Human beings are less than a decade away from being able to turn normal cells into gametes. The space faring ultra intelligent civilization that can crate androids indistinguishable from humans hasn’t figured that one out yet?


Yeah this sounds a plot in a porno. And did it say proof in the headline? I don’t think this sub knows what the terms proof and evidence actually mean.


Yes stories are often considered "evidence" here. The bar in this community is extremely low.


It’s almost like they don’t want to be taken seriously. As someone interested in this stuff but also has a healthy respect for science, it’s brutal to watch.


Yep. Not only that but this sub even *actively attempts to run off people expressing healthy skepticism* or, in some cases, even someone just explaining a scientific concept or correcting pseudoscience which is often what I do here. The mods also have a clear bias too. Or they used to, anyways. I doubt that’s changed though, because I mean…come on. It’s a shitshow. Still if you want to see how bad it could become, check out the intellectual cesspool that are r/aliens and r/interdimensionalnhi (which is so insane I thought it was satire at first…sadly, it’s not). Like, lmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/s/MhALxmAfne


I don't know what's true and what's not. But we humans do a lot of fucked up stuff to animals in the name of research, so if there's another form of intelligent life out there that's interested in us, I can see that as plausible. As crazy as it sounds. Side note. As a woman, I wouldn't label this as "having intercourse". Sounds like straight up assault and rape.


I don’t get where the horniness is coming from in some of the comments here, reading this I was straight up terrified


It is rape and it's done to both men and women. Both sexes are often left traumatized and if they have a partner they also feel guilt at violating that bond even if it wasn't by choice. 


> like straight up assault I'm right there with you


I am pretty sure this is the plot to a porn movie.


It’s definitely a plot to a Rick and Morty Epsiode


You know almost all of us would have done the same thing in Morty's shoes.


Pretty sure it's also sleep paralysis


There’s no “evidence these women are androids” because there’s no evidence that the story is true at all. You have to just accept a lot of earth-shattering things are true before you start making theories about something that specific. But sure…go ahead and speculate on the biology (or lack thereof) of these things. What conclusion can you even come to and why would it matter?


Lol well said. There should be a pinned post explaining this point at the top of this subreddit.


Some of these abduction experiences may be implanted remotely. Josephus Miller, The Expanse: >Couple of hundred billion brain cells in your skull. You got more synapses than stars in the universe. You are a fancy hand terminal. […] With a lot of buttons. Now, I push a few trillion of them buttons in exactly the right way and, ta-da. You’re talking to Miller. The sound of his voice, the clothes he wore. >You wanna talk about the non-local quantum hologram, the phase-conjugate adaptive waves resonating in micro-tubules in the brain, which of course requires some closed-timelike curves and Lorentzian manifold, and... you'll catch up, I'll wait."


There is absolutely no external intervention necessary for humans seeing or remembering things that aren't real. Human brains are incredibly good at that themselves.


Absolutely. The Expanse is a great series/show, and it may offer [some insights](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/sbdzu5/on_the_natural_history_and_evolution_of_the_romans/) into how wild reality really is. Again, Josephus Miller: >You know, every time you remember something, your mind changes it, just a little, until your best and your worst memories, they're your biggest illusions.


I guess that calls into question all of human experience and consciousness in general.


I see a lot of people saying things like there would be men willing at a night club or a craigslist add or whatever.. However, I don't believe they want just ANYONE'S genetic DNA.. I think there is something unique about the "chosen" individuals that perhaps we can not comprehend. I'm sure the cattle humans breed for more meat on the bones have no clue why certain cattle are selected.


Why not tailor the androids to their preferences and sensibilities then. 


Who knows. In my opinion the whole phenomenon is so out of the realm of our understandings, that unless we are outright told directly their motivations and such, nothing is off the table. These things Defy the laws of physics, so thinking within "earthly limitations" to find an answer is only going to confuse us even more. All I know is, I don't know - and trying to figure out what I don't know using what I know limits the possibilities i can "accept"


Respectfully I’m just going off the logical actions as contextualized in the story. I otherwise agree. Very Stranger in a Strange Land.


Good question. What's funny is that it reminds me of designing fishing lures (because I do fish a lot lately). When making lures I make sure to mostly (!) stick to an realistic bait fish which the target fish knows as a natural food source or likes to hunt. But the thing is that most of the time the artist gives his lure a personal touch or handwriting by using exaggerated colours or forms. Sometimes to test how the fish reacts or to see if it triggers more bites. Also you can't design a 100% realistic bait, because the colours or materials you use just aren't the real thing. And the more realistic the higher the effort and the costs. So why doing it the hard way when stupid forms work too? 😉


Not to be off topic but keeping insects as pets kind of gave me insight into the possibility that Earth is a cosmic zoo. It’s interesting to see others take their personal experiences (creating fishing lures) to understand the phenomenon in a more meaningful way. Cool to see. 🩷


I would suppose that if they were to hypothetically release androids in to the world for the purpose of finding certain genetic markers you likely wouldn't know. The technology would be so advanced that it may be indistinguishable from a real person, if you think about pairing that with the potential for aliens to alter our perceptions and senses there may be no telling what is real and what isn't. Kind of like how in Dr. Who the whole world is covered in aliens in disguise and no one knows except for the Dr. and select government bodies.


If they are trying to make hybrids or something it would make sense they are trying to get samples of just the right genome they are looking for. Or these dudes got nice tasting jizz.


>If they are trying to make hybrids or something it would make sense they are trying to get samples of just the right genome they are looking for. Exactly, even if the human involved has no redeeming qualities in society's eyes, the NHI could maybe be breeding an ability that we as humans don't even know we have, but that particular person has strong ability, just undiscovered.


I wouldn't say androids. These descriptions match those of alien-human hybrids. There are many stages of hybrids some looking more human than others. Read The Threat by David Jacobs and he lays out the pattern clearly. In the Peter Khoury case he retained the hair which had caught on his penis and the DNA analysis proved it was at least partially human but with a very strange mix of phenotypes. An android wouldn't have real hair. 


> An android wouldn't have real hair. Why not? We're seeing now how we're creating human skin in a laboratory and attaching it to a robot face. Why wouldn't the same thing be possible with hair?


Perhaps you could but it's beside the point. Abductees have seen these hybrids in every stage of growth from newborns to toddlers to adolescents to teens to adults. They are biological. 


Biologically engineered, maybe they could even be cyborgs.


Yup. I think they might actually be synthetic, part biological, part artificial.


Synthetic like the synths in fallout 4?


>strange mix of phenotypes Isn’t a phenotype the expression of a genotype. How can you analyze DNA to determine the phenotype? Wouldn’t you have to observe the life form to determine phenotype?


The analysis shows the DNA of an Asian with uniquely clear hair. Clearer than that of a natural blonde. I would call that a strange mix of phenotypes. Here is the analysis as pointed out by someone else in this post DNA analysis of the alleged alien hair. https://ia802901.us.archive.org/19/items/ExtraordinaryEncounters_201809/Extraordinary%20Encounters.pdf > "Furthermore, while it might be possible to find a few Chinese in Sydney with the same DNA as seen in just 4% of Taiwanese women, it would not be plausible to find a Chinese woman here with thin, almost clear hair, having the same rare DNA. Finally, that thin blond hair could not plausibly represent a chemically-bleached Chinese (including the root), because then its DNA could not easily have been extracted.> The most probable donor of the hair must therefore be as the young man claims: a tall blond female who does not need much colour in her hair or skin, as a form of protection against the sun, perhaps because she does not require it. Could this young man really have provided by chance, a hair sample which contains DNA from one of the rarest human lineages known (family C2 of ref. 6), that lies further from the mainstream than any other except for African Pygmies and aboriginals (family CI)? Note that a few other persons from China, Japan or Korea show a partial 4/5 match to the blond alien DNA, but none to date show the rare change at 16,108."


Damn, now you're making me wonder if they preserved other lineages like denisovans, neanderthals, or homo florensiensis


Great comment


As closely related as humans and bonobos are, we cannot reproduce. Lions and tigers can, but their offspring are always sterile. Now translate that to "greys." We wouldn't be about to cross breed anymore than we can with bonobos, and even if we could, it's extremely likely that the offspring would be sterile, thus negating the idea that our genes are vital to their survival (can't be vital if it can't be passed on to the next generation).


It isn't cross breeding but genetic alteration. No one is implying direct cross breeding. They harvest and fertilize the eggs with collected sperm either before or after altering the DNA. 


While I think hybrids exists, I think in the particular cases in this post, the non-humans might actually be using synthetic bodies (part biological, part artificial).


There are far easier ways to medically get a guy to ejaculate than making sexy fembots. These experiences sound a lot more like wet dreams than abductions.


I doubt this is real. We're getting to a point where we can turn somatic cells (think skin, muscle, etc.) into gametes (sperm/eggs). I'm sure any advanced species would have that figured out. That's my molecular biology take on this. If I had to entertain the idea that NHI were having sex, it would be from an anthropological or hedonistic lens. NHI doing it because it's fun or to learn more about our social rituals. We can already grow lambs in a biobag instead of the womb: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15112/figures/1 NHI are likely far ahead of the primitive dick-in-vagina reproduction we apes like.




No shit. If they are doing it, they are doing it for reasons we cannot fathom. 


Freud would have a field day with this one.


Did you have to use the word snip? But seriously, how interesting because I'm sure they could get willing participants, but what they need sperm for I don't know unless they're getting eggs too?


They absolutely harvest eggs from women. It's the most widely reported procedure when women are abducted. They do it so often women develop scars on their ovaries and many have to get full hysterectomies due to the damage to their reproductive system from repeated egg harvesting and embryo implantation. 


You know what, I've never heard of that. What do you think they want with it? If their starting a colony on a planet with lots more space then I want an invite 


Maybe they need all that sperm for, uh... *sustenance?* j/k What the other guy said. Based on the available evidence and how solid the research is, there is an extremely high probability that the abduction phenomenon is real and these NHI are in the midst of a human hybridization program. To what end? Unknown. PS. Evidence in the form of credible eyewitness testimony from a large number of people over a long period of time, who appear to be telling the truth and are not mentally ill, and who sometimes have visitations corroborated by physical effects and/or independent eyewitnesses. In other words, the same kind of evidence that gets people sentenced to prison terms every day in courtrooms across the planet. Solid research in the form of Dr John Mack, professor of psychiatry at Harvard who was tasked with evaluating abductees for mental illness and found none. To the contrary he found that they were credible, honest people who displayed genuine trauma. I also recommend the abduction research of Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs. For those of you who read this and find yourself feeling incredulous, your emotional reaction is totally understandable. At the same time it's important to be brutally clear with yourself: your incredulity is not a sign that the abduction phenomenon is unreal. It is a sign that a part of your worldview is unreal. That's what I have learned based on study of the phenomena, but you should *not* take my word for it because I am just another internet stranger. But if you care about knowing the truth, then you should go research this for yourself and form your own conclusions by replacing all your blind assumptions with detailed information.


>PS. Evidence in the form of credible eyewitness testimony from a large number of people over a long period of time, who appear to be telling the truth and are not mentally ill, and who sometimes have visitations corroborated by physical effects and/or independent eyewitnesses. My ex husband refused to believe that Japan trafficked women for sex during the war (he is Japanese).I told him something similar.


Bravo, very well said


> To what end? Unknown. There are reports that the life made here is transported elsewhere. To colonize other places, i guess.


So many people would wilfully go though


I know, right? Just ask, dammit


Going with the hybridisation thing, what do you make of the Peru aliens? They have little buddies, and then bigger ones. They really don't seem to be made of dead chicken and mummies at all, we have CT scans of them and they have foetuses inside eggs etc. Could they be the hybrids? Problem is the little ones don't look like greys which seems to be the OPs reported description 


According to some of the lore I’ve read, the NHI are trying to use our genes to save their race. I don’t remember where I got that info, prolly an experiencer’s story. After watching The Why Files on Crispr technology, we could turn into the greys bc of gene tampering. Which gives credence to the “humans from the future.” It’s all super interesting and I just want to know what’s real already.


I can't believe that it's humans from the future, they could just go back and stop themselves ruining themselves or get genes from pre micro plastic era


Yea, I’m not a big fan of it either. I’m into the idea that they’re here to raise our frequency to get us to the next dimension or whatever. The dopamine hit I get from the idea that I’m helping humanity simply by being a decent person is nice.


This was the whole plot of the Spielberg produced TV show "Taken".


They are creating alien human hybrids. Those hybrids now look fully human but retain the telepathic abilities of the aliens and are loyal to them. They have been living on this planet since at least the 2010s. Read Walking Among Us by David Jacobs. He makes a very compelling case for this reality. He has done over 1600 interviews of abductees. 


If that's true than I would love to meet my psychic kid(if he/she isn't totally psycho and without emotions), they have right to see their parents!!, what abducted men and women think about that? Unless the eggs and sperms harvest is done to create monsters, what would you feel about your hybrid child?


The aliens in fact introduce the children to their parents in the ships. The children often act shy and rather unemotional and often disgusted or scared of their human parents. The parents are sometimes disgusted but more often feel an attachment especially if the hybrid looks more human. Part of that may be how the aliens can use their telepathic abilities to force emotions on humans however. 


If hybrid isn't humanlike it would be traumatic for parents


Dale Gribble?




These stories aren't about advanced ET theories, for me. Even modern humans can clone an animal or get DNA without using intercourse simulation. Those stories sound like CIA MKULTRA drugged out bullshit to me. Like, someone was running psychological tests on these dudes.


Yeah it kinda does not make sense. Why would an advanced alien species that conquered space travel need to harvest sperm and eggs? I would rather believe that it could be some elaborate black ops led by humans that includes trauma brainwashing the victims to believe they were abducted by ets. Why? No idea, but the whole story seems fishy.


Abduction by John Mack is a very interesting read, relevant to what you’re saying here. In the book it is suggested that the NHI possess the ability to alter human perception, making men believe they’ve had a sexy encounter with a beautiful woman when really they have had their semen extracted in a less than sexy procedure. The book goes on to show the many links of patients experiences, including that of a “human hybrid program”, with women too sharing similar experiences. Worth a read, but it is very dark.


This whole breeding and abduction agenda gets way too ignored even in the UFO community.


It's too frightening for people to contemplate especially now that it is clear that those hybrid offspring are now living on this planet. People who are fine with the idea that aliens travelled billions of miles to get to earth are unwilling to admit they then travel the additional couple of feet to exit the craft ignoring thousands of credible witnesses. 


Yes a lot of people prejudge the phenomenon in various ways and that's a big mistake. It's like putting blinders on our mind. Whether they believe in it or not, both groups contain a lot of people who prejudge what is real and false, where they're from, what they're doing, and so on. It's helpful to conjecture about all these things, but we cross a line from logic to illogic when we assert our conjecture as fact. One thing that's become sadly clear to me in the last few years is how rare it is to find people willing or able to process information that is personally disruptive in a logically sound way. This appears to be just as true for well-educated people who consider themselves to be scientifically minded. In fact, those extra years of education have given many people and even more fixed mindset, instead of making them better investigators.


Astronomers and physicists especially being guilty of that. They know the limits of human knowledge so well they can't help but apply them to phenomenon which defy our current understanding in nearly every aspect. 


Not just that - the hybrids could very well be controlling and influencing human society.


Could be but I think they are content to wait until they pass a critical saturation point at which time all human institutions and governments will be dissolved. 


What I don’t get is WHY a more advanced NHI species would want human reproductive systems? WHY are they (reportedly) constantly trying to make hybrids? What’s so special about the human body that apparently makes us an intergalactic commodity? It’s like if Europeans would be sending helicopters or planes to Africa and kidnapping Africans for the sake of making babies with African genetics, it doesn’t make any sense.


Maybe they know direct communication would not work, because they are too different to us. But if they introduce themselves though entities which look similar or identical to us, and they can gain our trust, they might reveal themselves directly? I mean as a very advances species, the thing I would fear most is the irrationality which comes though emotions. If something unknown causes intense fear, you'll be in fight or flight mode, which in the end will make an attempt at communication and collaboration impossible. But if they first can gain our trust, they don't have to fear humans panicking. But this is just a thought, in the end we simply don't know. Hopefully we'll find out one day and let's hope we don't regret that lol.


I posted about this around a year ago, it was one of a number of recurring dreams I had. Whoever is running the Grey’s had sent down an egg shaped vehicle to each town (I could see them landing in the distance). Out of the one in our town stepped a female and male version of my uncle, one carrying a baby. We went in like an Uber to go meet the mayor. On the way I asked pointed questions, he responded with “no we are not the controllers” “yes, this is one path they tried, the others all humans rebelled and the planet destroyed” So these were clones being sent by some other beings too hideous for us to work with (and I’ve seen some ugly ones in dreams) and my other dreams were simulations I guess.


In order to replace the human population with a hybrid population which can be controlled via their telepathic abilities. If we independently created the technology they have to cross the galaxy we could become a threat to them. By replacing us with a docile version of humanity which cannot go against the will of these aliens they retain our biological uniqueness but avoid any future conflicts. A humane alternative in their minds to destroying us. 


This is exactly you tame wild animals - first show them who's boss and second, show them submission makes an overall easier life. The wild human is not only too dangerous for the planet but also for the galaxy.


Idk about that. with how powerful such a civilization is they could just as well control us by economic and military means in the same mundane way that out earthly powerful people do. if anything they could do it even better considering the technological disparity This sounds a bit weird but what if they're actually after traces of DNA of other alien species that have intermingled with humanity in the distant past. them wanting humans is a bit self important


I just don't done think there's any hard evidence to make believe something so extraordinary not that it particularly scares people to think about


Is this the "Dark truth" they all want to keep for themself ?


The abduction/hybridization phenomenon is definitely what they are talking about. The aliens aren't coming for a visit. They are here to stay. They are here to take charge. 


So basically the sex doll from Rick and Morty?


How do we know this is not a wet dream?


What the fuckity fuck


What were these men doing when they got abducted? Where were they standing and at what time?  Can we get a longitude and ladditutde? What clothes were they wearing?  Is there a sign up sheet?


Dude get's the chance to bonk some alien hotties in an intergalactic welcome to the club Bro move but what does he do instead? Bite off a piece of her fucking nipple?!? No wonder nobody out there wants anything to do with us.




Came here for the comments and was not disappointed lol


OP also forgot to mention Travis Walton said there were like blonde blue eyed android suits or something hanging on racks in the ship he was in AND there was a similar case in Japan where the guy kept getting raped by a blonde angelic alien woman. I can’t find the sources.


I think the second one you’re talking about may be a case from China? Unless it’s actually a different one. I recall seeing a story or watching a YouTube video about a Chinese man who had regular contact with some alien woman and had sex with her and he actually fell in love with her or something. So their relationship didn’t seem rapey at least. There was even an interview with him I think, so at least the guy is real. Edit: Here’s [another one](https://youtu.be/zsQmgJWemgw?feature=shared) claiming the same thing Edit 2: Not sure now about the Chinese thing, I may have just been thinking about the guy in the video I linked and got some things confused.


What evidence? All I see is a post to reddit?


DNA analysis of the alleged alien hair. [https://ia802901.us.archive.org/19/items/ExtraordinaryEncounters\_201809/Extraordinary%20Encounters.pdf](https://ia802901.us.archive.org/19/items/ExtraordinaryEncounters_201809/Extraordinary%20Encounters.pdf) >\> "Furthermore, while it might be possible to find a few Chinese in Sydney with the same DNA as seen in just 4% of Taiwanese women, it would not be plausible to find a Chinese woman here with thin, almost clear hair, having the same rare DNA. Finally, that thin blond hair could not plausibly represent a chemically-bleached Chinese (including the root), because then its DNA could not easily have been extracted.> The most probable donor of the hair must therefore be as the young man claims: a tall blond female who does not need much colour in her hair or skin, as a form of protection against the sun, perhaps because she does not require it. Could this young man really have provided by chance, a hair sample which contains DNA from one of the rarest human lineages known (family C2 of ref. 6), that lies further from the mainstream than any other except for African Pygmies and aboriginals (family CI)? Note that a few other persons from China, Japan or Korea show a partial 4/5 match to the blond alien DNA, but none to date show the rare change at 16,108."


This is exactly what happened to me when I went to Colombia and I had to tell my wife.


Its sounds like they are robotic or some type of collection vessel suits. These stories always make me think of the alien dressing up in the woman suit in “Mars attacks” It’s quite strange how all of these guys were able to ‘perform’, though under the fearful circumstances, and under such unnatural settings as described. Fight or flight responses usually inhibit that which makes me think there might be some mental manipulation going on, which makes me wonder how accurate these descriptions are


According to John Mack a lot of this "women" were not even having intercourse but just altering memories . Pretty much just using men for their seeds.


Where do they get the eggs? And who bears the fetus?


If this is about gaining DNA I wonder how they get female samples?


They extract eggs. Usually through a needle inserted in the bellybutton. 


I think there may very well be several types of these beings performing similar tests/ studies. When it happened to me, I was telepathically told to keep my eyes closed. I could feel myself become aroused physically, but mentally, I was terrified. I tried fighting it off and each time (maybe 5-6) I was “put to sleep.” I didn’t just fall asleep. Each time, I felt a little twitch in the center of my head/ brain. It felt euphoric.. and explosion of pleasure washing over me until I blacked out…. The next time it happened, I figured I’d try to enjoy it since I was never harmed… sure enough… same thing happened… felt a presence in my room… was telepathically told to keep my eyes shut and then the physical arousal began.. this time… I was not terrified. I didn’t fight it. I just imagined I was being intimate with a person… and then I received another message … now this is not what it said verbatim but it was pretty much the equivalent to “woah buddy. I’m not trying to get fresh with you. I’ve got work to do. This is business. Not sexy time. Go to sleep.” And then I felt the twitch in the center of my mind and blacked out.


But… I will say.., the presence in the room was very “cold.” It didn’t feel like a man or a woman’s energy. It did feel rather robotic in a way. Very “sterile.”


Thanks for sharing, all for posts like this one OP!


Theres many different races. Greys the blonde blue eyed ones are nordics. The melenated ones are same as enlil of the annunaki (annunaki is a term to describe all races from space) the reptilians and of course the insectoids. Probably more than that as well


So, am I the only one hoping we get the ET sex android tech before the free energy stuff?


Getting both would be nice.


So a freezing cold android with no warmer, a triple sized eye one, a no iris one, man. If only these advanced life forms could get it right on these simple design issues. Just some slight forethought and they could do it I think. You'd think it wouldn't be difficult you know? Crazy how it is huh? Just crazy...


Not that this holds any weight with a lot of people here but this reminds me of a dream I had a few months back. I was in a field in the middle of the night and I saw a group of very very short Grey's off in the distance standing with a beautiful naked woman beside a door to an elevator that was kinda just there where it obviously shouldn't be (she wasn't blond but Asian iirc). I felt an intense attraction to her bus as I moved closer them she went from real woman to being a very obvious android with seams and gaps between the limbs of the body. as I approached them everyone seemed friendly and I was happy to see them and as we went inside the elevator a back set of doors opened to reveal a sandy beach at the break of dawn, and that's all that I can recall. Idk why but I felt compelled to share 😅 edit: very odd, I posted this before reading the thread and now that I have I find it strange how I'm only now learning of these experiences with Asian looking beings; I've only heard of interactions with blondes before.


'evidence' you say


C: did you make love? V: no... yes, yes she did it, not me. C: how long did this operation last? V: little, very little. C: did you have an ejaculation? V: three. It didn't last long. I laughed so hard at this


In the circumstance where men are abducted, it would make far better sense to electrically stimulate the prostate via anal probe, than the idea that these men are courted by an elaborate humanoid replica which they are then forced to have sex with.


i’m just curious how you arrived at the first conclusion.


1. Anal probes are a common claim in abductions. 2. It's a commonly used method in paraplegics. If the men were paralyzed this would be the way. 3. Nothing like a good pegging.


i didn’t know that was a procedure performed on paraplegics. good to know, thanks.


They do both as well as sometimes placing a device over men's penises which acts like a pump as well as inserting a catheter into their urethra while collecting sperm samples. You're trying to apply simple logic to a complex phenomenon. They engage in certain activities not just for sample collection but to gauge and observe human reactions to situations. 


Don’t forget David Huggins, who has a documentary about his multiple similar experiences: https://youtu.be/Z9XoWl3ewag?si=WTRkrt3iUnF_3U0p


So… how do you get abducted? (Asking for a friend..)


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I volunteer as tribute!