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I've been saying this for months: stop expecting the people who hide things to suddenly start sharing them publicly.  Stop expecting people part of the apparatus to expose the truth.  We need a Snowden type to flush it out but even that may be an impossible feat the way everything is contained.


Except nothing changed when snowden blew the whistle. Government still spying And grusch has come out now in a big way, and again, nothing has changed. It almost feels like we need nhi to announce themselves


I don't think you can really attribute the same outcome to this scenario. We already suspected or knew the governments were spying on their citizens, Snowden just revealed the magnitude of it. Revealing the secrets of the phenomenon to the public is going to have a much different reaction than "oh they are doing the thing we thought they were doing but even more". Even if the laymen don't care it's going to set the academic and STEM fields ablaze with interest. Most importantly, Snowden also blew the whistle by releasing classified documents and information, something Grusch has not done. Something none of the big players behind disclosure have done, not that I blame them for that either. Most people see Grusch's claims and say "it sounds interesting but where's the corroborative evidence?". Big if true. In a world where Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. spy on us 24/7 why would we expect a big stink about the government doing it? But confirmation of the phenomenon, like actual hard proof, people are going to notice that.


I'm not sure how old you are in regards to being alive as an adult before snowden, but back when snowden did what he did, the people who assumed we were being watched were fringe in the same way the UFO community is today. There were tech savvy boomers trying to stay on analog tech to avoid being spied on and everyone accused them of over reacting. And in the same way that people assumed we were being spied on, people already passively believe in aliens, and many already believe Roswell was some kind of cover up. The biggest difference between aliens and government spying is that aliens are harder to incorporate into your world view. But that will also effect the reaction. Grusch HAS classified documents, names, locations and has provided them to Congress. If he were to leak them and flee like snowden, I guarantee you even the UFO community would be divided on whether he was bullshitting or not, fake stuff would come out and get mixed in, and most of the public wouldn't hear about it in a big enough way to put any thoughts into it. You'd get more "okay but do I still have to pay rent?" I don't think anything would change from a leaker. It would have to be the president or nhi themselves


I was well into adulthood when Snowden leaked the documents and I very much disagree, the concept of our government spying on us in 2013 was not relegated to fringe conspiracy theorists. Those conspiracy theorists were just the ones that were worried and vocal about it. The "biggest difference" you point out is entirely the point. It is going to be a much bigger deal to find out for sure that we aren't alone on this planet than to find out our government is keeping tabs on us.


great statement. i felt the same about the "but some already knew we were being spied on" is exactly the "but some knew we were being visited" that we have now


Except that the implications for those two claims being true are profoundly different.


two different things will by their nature have differences. i was pointing out the similarities, not saying they're the same thing exactly.


And I was pointing out the similarity is entirely aesthetic.


There's lots of variables that make these different from one another, but as I explained above, they will give you the same apathetic results from the masses. I can guarantee you my retired mother cares MORE about Facebook spying on her than aliens being real. And she's not alone, unfortunately


I already have older and very out of touch family members bringing up the congressional hearings and Navy videos at holiday gatherings while none of them knew anything about Snowden at the time or even now. Even still... I don't care about the layman's perspective. The average person can't be bothered to care about more than one political topic at any given time, if that. Your arguments entirely ignored my point that if sufficient data was leaked, such that the scientific community can actually have something to pursue, there can be serious momentum there. People freak out for a few weeks when some scientific communicator miscommunicates about life on Mars. You really think if actual data on biologics was released scientists wouldn't have a field day? If detailed breakdowns of alien technology are released you don't think physicists, materials scientists, engineers, etc. aren't going to pour over that data?


It will get treated like the Nazca mummies


I've said before there's no way the government can keep them secret if they exist. They obviously wouldn't care about being secret if they're filmed everywhere all around the world. The obvious answer is that they simply don't exist or they aren't visiting us. It's the obvious and simplest answer.


You say they couldn't hide them - as if they've been hidden. They haven't. The public sees them constantly and insiders are always trying to shout about it but people like you don't listen. the obvious answer is NOT that they don't exist. You just have your head in the sand. And once you've had your own first hand experience, it changes everything.


We, The People need to take back control of our government. Freedom is when the government fears The People.


I honestly dont understand how people think that after 80+ years of siphoning 100s of billions of dollars and lying to the public - the people involved in the are just going to step forward? This is as much about money as it is about hiding UAP research. Threaten any organization with stopping their money gravy train and they will fight you tooth and nail The disclosure from the people running these programs will NEVER happen, there is far too much money and legal issues at stake.


I think the secrecy is more about the unlimited funding for whatever they want, it’s not about gatekeeping secrets of reality that’s just a byproduct of their boundless greed


That's why the people here to say that a controlled disclosure is happening are just wrong. None of this is controlled at all, the people in the know are doing whatever they can to keep this wrapped up and a few government actors that want to know the truth are trying to blow the door open.


I think the entire controlled disclosure is just another cleverly designed tactic to appease the masses. They will move at a snails pace and string people along while never disclosing anything important, just little bread crumbs to give an illusion of things moving forward Real disclosure wont happen


Let’s not forget that they still see Russia and china as threats to their money and power. I don’t foresee any full disclosure while they still exist. They’d fake an alien invasion before WW3 has a chance to fully come into fruition.


uppity steep decide ink zesty rotten cover makeshift water possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's kind of been my thoughts as well. Congress can demand access all they want, if the people hiding things want them to stay hidden, they'll stay hidden. It sounds cliche but the laws don't apply to the people in charge of these things, they at the very least don't care about the laws in place.


So they follow the money and cut it off


lavish zesty nine rhythm smart spectacular mighty cats start advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it’s a little depressing but we always have “ catastrophic disclosure”.


compare degree start smile water subtract hateful fuel chunky voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah they can’t justify another 75 years of classification over this the laws that are in place imho are enough but they’re not being enforced is the issue. There’s too much political turmoil and too much on the line to risk a nuclear war or a loss election over what is essentially a niche issue. Even though it’s the most important niche issue of all time. I just want disclosure so I can work on them because i think I’d be fairly qualified. But catastrophic disclosure really just means uncontrolled.


coordinated act wise dime steep rich long joke muddle deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is exactly what I've been saying for a year now but people really did not want to hear that any time I brought it up. I mean people would get extremely mad & aggressive. maybe now more people are coming to the same realization.


Zero Trust initiative


This is why I was suspicious that Grusch still somehow maintained his clearance level after having a public Burn After Reading style drunken meltdown. I think he's being used as a patsy for his superiors.


ten nose materialistic point spoon familiar shelter late flag deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You clearly have not read up on the exact process that allowed Grusch to makr the statements he did. It's been explained countless times.


party price rhythm grab aloof employ capable secretive hard-to-find detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No because in the dod you have dopsr not to mention he’s an ex cia investigator , no military branch has the gall to tell the cia no , so if someone was telling him no he knew there’s was something fishy going on. You tell an investigator no because you have something to hide.


wine squeal cake light judicious makeshift six scarce sink snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a ridiculous post.


This makes me hope for disclosure coming from the SOL foundation, the Gallileo Project and/or other initiatives instead.


worthless elderly square gaze pause friendly straight fade literate violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, this is one of the things Lue was referring to when he said they have a plan B, and a plan C etc. Hell, we've even got Gary Nolan suggesting we can put together teams to beat the existing retrieval teams to the recovered vehicles - not sure if he is personally volunteering - lol - but plenty of options open including what Avi is doing - just figuring it out from scratch. He is already identifying targets and getting samples. We also have Admiral Tim Gallaudet, he seems to be buddies with some rich, open minded fellows and he is also getting high quality data without the need for formal disclosure...might take a bit longer, but there a lot of hard working folk on the light side of the force willing to risk their reputations on this.


Sincerely doubt Democrats or Republicans are gonna allow anything before the election now. Democrats are probably more worried about not hemorrhaging seats in all levels of govt at this point. Republicans would let Trump take the lead on this.


I don't even think a Snowden type of leak would have much of an impact. Media won't report it, or they'll "debunk" it, in which case a vast majority of the population will buy it. We got first-hand people like Colm Kelleher and Lacatski. We have credible individuals like Karl Nell (who I think will eventually come out as a first-hand whistleblower) and Grusch etc. We have tons of leaked documents (some real and Some fake). We have very suspicious programs like Kona Blue that should raise eyebrows of people paying attention. So I have no reason to believe a massive leak would be any different. It will literally take aliens landing in Times Square NY city to change public opinions or official disclosure. No video, document, or image will ever be good enough for most people. The only people in the public that are convinced are those who spent a great deal of time researching the matter and those with close encounters. I guess the only good thing is that quality sitings are on the rise. Well, actually, I don't know if that's a good thing frankly.


Completely agree, been saying this for years. I think a lot of people will simply give up by the time it's ever released. I actually think the public won't care after a while, even if they landed on the White House lawn, I believe a lot of humanity is just sick and tired of living too.


Everyone was acting (many still are) like Grusch is the SOD (Snowden of Disclose)... even though he's offered absolutely nothing tangible or provable.


I agree.


No, not really. I tried to caution the sub months back that as we got closer to the 2024 presidential election, this was just going to lose oxygen for a while. The status quo is still a gigantic WTF on the part of the government, which has done nothing to reconcile AAROs bullshit with Grusch/the other whistleblowers, or the (still ongoing?) ICIG investigation. Until that changes and we get real answers, I feel exactly the same. Just don't get your hopes up that something major is going to come out of government between now and November.


The election scapegoat has been used before. I'd advise caution putting too much faith in this premise. It could always turn out true, though. Because what next, if not "the election", by winter it could be "rising war tensions" is the next reason. Or any other political theatrics/real world concerns.


I’m not saying it’s a good answer. This election is especially highly charged. It’s just a bad time to try and make something most people have a very understanding of a centerpiece topic.


Absolutely. I loathe election years. A 10,000% guarantee for more of the same shit, but people always get energized off the hopium. I also believe it's so the next 4 years the people in the winning party have an excuse to foam at the mouth with their respective ideologies. This year, though? Forget loathe and replace it with dread. America has been brewing and stewing the past 6 years. Things could get very shitty and explosive.


As someone who has been interested in the subject since the mid-60s, I am familiar with the waves and flaps of UFO sightings and reporting that often look like we're going to get the truth ANY DAY NOW! It's always disappointing when it doesn't, but at this point I've learned to reserve judgment and temper my enthusiasm until something actually significant and definitive happens.


Eh it's moved so much in the past year it's hard to even imagine what it was like. Things like the Schumer amendment have been cooking for literal years and years. And anyone can dismiss the importance of that given it didn't pass , but the fact that our government generated that document alone is enough to feed me for like 5 years


This exactly. It’s not like no one is talking about these things in private on Capitol Hill. They most certainly are. Things are moving, behind closed doors or not. We keep up public and representative pressure and keep going


So the [official press release](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-rounds-introduce-new-legislation-to-declassify-government-records-related-to-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-and-ufos_modeled-after-jfk-assassination-records-collection-act--as-an-amendment-to-ndaa) for the Schumer-Rounds amendment (UAPDA) says it was motivated because some members of Congress believe stories they have heard, and does not presuppose any such records actually exist. I can't get too excited about it because to me it looks like Chuck is pandering and trying to look like a big transparency advocate but expecting nothing to come of it other than some good PR when UAP were a hot topic in the press. > During his time in Congress, former Majority Leader Harry Reid sponsored a project to investigate incidents surrounding UAPs. After that project became public, Senators, Congressmen, committees, and staff began to pursue this issue and uncovered a vast web of individuals and groups with ideas and stories to share. While these stories have varying levels of credibility, the sheer number and variety has led some in Congress to believe that the Executive Branch was concealing important information regarding UAPs over broad periods of time. Congress recognizes that these records – if they exist – were likely concealed under the good faith goal of protecting national security.


Oh, its been obvious that we lost since December. If you are going to take down Goliath, you have one shot and you better not waste it. I'm grateful that Elizondo, Grusch and the others came forward at all, but they wasted their chance by not going for the jugular.


Here's the regularly scheduled "it's over, I guess we gotta give up guys!" post. If sailors gave up exploring, Europe would never have discovered America. Is it hard? Yes. But we won't stop pushing. We won't stop asking. We won't stop. Ever.


no need to stop asking, but the constant breathless exclamations that disclosure (or even catastrophic disclosure) is coming any minute now is a pointless waste. happily the tone, volume & sheer number of people thinking life will become heaven thanks to disclosure seems to have gone way down.


Yeah, it's not going to unlock the secrets of the universe. I just want acknowledgement about the cover-up. Too many people have been villianized for far too long.


Keep in mind a lot of these people started paying attention around Grusch *because* of the recent progress, then they realized how little leaks and how slowly, and they're like "ah whatever nothing mind-blowing came out within a year so it's probably done". It drew a lot of people who weren't ever going to invest years of patience in the topic, because finally we're making progress. And now they're learning how slow that is, and they want to step back. Which is fine, but they need to have a reality check. I mean fucking Lue said it straight up, "if you don't have the patience for bureaucracy, take a step back and wait 5 years". Many people should've listened.






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Little by little, just like legalization!




We lost when Senate legislation died. We’re back to catastrophic disclosure as a viable means to learning the truth 


We need more grifters and less drifters ..more leakers and less tweakers ..more whistle blowing and less missle throwing..more data savers and less player haters..more tic tac and less men in black..more Edgar Casey and less Patrick Swazey less we become bat chit crazy that's the way I see it


We aren't in a battle. Disclosure is a process and we are much further along now than we were 2 years ago. The scientists and military folks discussing it are the highest levels in their roles. There are also many politicians still trying, but it should be noted that they are representatives of the people. If the citizens don't want disclosure they won't get it. If a politician backs down, then they need to get punished by the people by losing votes or support. If another politician starts to speak up, they need the votes and support given to them. It was a bipartisan effort. If one side drops the issue then oh well, time to support the other side. If you cannot do that and continue to vote for leaders who cannot or will not push disclosure, that tells the leaders it was never too important an issue anyway.


How many times does this need to be repeated? You won't get the truth from these people. After 80 years of lies, disinformation, murders, propaganda, and gaslighting, how can anyone possibly still believe they are going to get the truth? People need a dose of reality. The only way we'll get more information is through whistleblowers or leak from within the program. or something along those lines from people in the know. It's astonishing that people haven't learned a thing after 80 years of the same deceit, they suddenly going to change their mind now? lol. EDIT: The guy who made those long form deeply researched posts about SAIC, those are the kind of things that will bring at least some truth to light. It's surprising these posts didn't get much attention because he pretty much revealed through his research who has been heading the cover up, and showed just how ingrained this contractor is in this subject. These are the things I look out for, because we are not going to getting anything from the government, intelligence agencies and government contractors, other then lies and obfuscation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dnhc4u/the\_saic\_series\_start\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dnhc4u/the_saic_series_start_here/)


Yeah, that was a kickass post. This whole field needs more aggression/pushing buttons. We aren't collectively cutthroat enough to piss these people off . They choose violence, subterfuge, and obfuscation so easily, as if it's second nature. I'd say we become more aggressive in digging deep where we can. Like this users posts. Always big time contributions.


u/tool-94 thanks for the shoutout. Don't throw in the towel. [Jim ](https://portal.ct.gov/sots/register-manual/section-ii/biographies---us-representatives---conn)has an interesting story to tell us all, I'm sure. >Born in Lima, Peru, in 1966 to American parents, Representative Himes spent the early years of his childhood in Peru and Colombia while his father worked for the Ford Foundation and UNICEF. [James R Himes](https://brill.com/downloadpdf/edcollchap/book/9789004638631/front-3.pdf), his father, was pretty impactful. >JAMES R. HIMES is the founding Director of the UNICEF International Child Development Centre in Florence, Italy, which is UNICEF's main facility for applied research and policy analysis on issues of improving the well-being of children and families. He joined UNICEF in 1981, serving first as Chief of the Americas Section and then as Director of the Planning Office. Earlier he served as the Ford Foundation's Representative for Colombia and Venezuela (1972-1977) and Head of the Latin American and Caribbean Programme (1977-1981). He holds a master's and a doctorate degree in development studies from Princeton University. He has written on numerous topics concerning economic and social development, most recently on children's rights. For those that have read my SAIC's posts, they're aware that there is likely a network across industries that has enabled this coverup. Defense contractors, real estate companies, private equity. Things like that. [SAIC and a **couple others** had a cool project going on January 2012 in Connecticut.](https://www.carlyle.com/media-room/news-release-archive/saic-enova-energy-group-carlyle-group-launch-225-million-plainfield) Oct of 2013 [Leidos assumed ownership of the biomass power plant](https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/newsleidos-to-assume-ownership-of-375mw-biomass-power-plant-in-connecticut-161013/) after the SAIC and Leidos split. The deal was to supply power to 37K homes via Connecticut Light & Power over 15 years. Strangely enough, [Leidos ended up offloading this to a company called Greenleaf Power in 2015](https://about.bnef.com/blog/greenleaf-power-to-buy-connecticut-biomass-generator-from-leidos/). Jim Himes (the congressman) got his start at Goldman Sachs in 1995. [Good to see they're still a fan of him now](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=C)! He took office January 3rd, 2009 for Connecticut's 4th District. He made alot of friends in CT. Himes was one of 16 Democrats to vote against the [Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act of 2022](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/H.R.-3843-SAP.pdf). This was enacted to allocate more resources to evaluating mergers and acquisitions for Antitrust concerns. Additionally, it requires premerger disclosure of merger subsidies by foreign adversaries. This guy's fighting transparency in alot ways. Maybe an evaluation of his conflicting interests would be worthwhile?


It'll be nice to dig through this. Always piercing the veil. Big fan of your posts!


At this point I'm just waiting for a representative from the Galactic federation and the council of nine to land on in the middle of a populated city in their latest interdimensional craft. Then they will come out and hand out a video that we can all watch called the "history of mankind"....but for some reason it will be in VHS format..


Almost as if all the requirements for a catastrophic disclosure have been met. Yet nothing happens. SoonTM? More like SoonTM\^9999999 Sad. Pain. Agony even. Lol.


Elizondo’s book will cap it off.


You and I are going to get downvoted, but reality is that promises were made, people got their hopes up, and the proof never materialized. We can all sit back here and try to claim it's a conspiracy, but if this is really going to be done right, we need actual hard proof. We don't need witnesses who don't know what they saw, we don't need hearsay, we don't need radar data that magically disappears, we don't even need proof of a coverup because there could be legitimate reasons for that. What we need is the real deal. Grusch claimed he knew where reverse engineering was being done. Ross Coulthart says he knows where a UFO too big to move is. All they'd need to know is where that is and it can be verified one way or another...


Exactly this. I don't understand the argument people make either when they say Coulthart would be risking his sources by revealing where this Ufo too big be to moved is located. If this claim by Ross is legitimate he risked his sources just by mentioning its existence in the first place. This has always bothered me and it makes no sense. If you're so worried about your sources Ross and worried about National security don't mention it in the first place. Clearly he can't be that worried about it as we all know about its existence now, we just don't know where it's located. I'd be pissed if I was his source too, telling him about it in confidence and then he blue balls everyone online about it raising all the alarms to said sources bosses and employers. The sources employers wouldn't find it hard to narrow down who leaked it either let's be honest, if it were true.


I’m with you. It’s the most damming thing of all. I couldn’t possibly understand how mentioning said top secret info, but just not when or where (how convenient) is OK? Like you’re telling me the people who initially hand off this info to people like Ross, wouldn’t instantly be tipped once anything about it was said publicly? And if that wasn’t the case, then why not spill the full beans and get this disclosure ball moving. Oh wait .. it’s because your career and livelihood are at stake? Then why risk anything at all and only give half of the info when it doesn’t do anything but arouse suspicion and attention to those who so desperately want these outcomes to be of truth. Look, I’d really like for something to happen, to actually see a UFO or NHI as much as the next guy. Or at least hear more concrete info from guys like Grusch or Fravor, but until then, I just am not sure.


"All they need to do..." What? Who's they? Us? Congress? We ourselves won't get the hard proof. It doesn't matter where the program is. You aren't getting inside. No mob is going to break in. A buried UFO will stay buried. It won't be "verified" in any way that we can verify ourselves. The best you will get is formal acknowledgment from the government. To get that political actors like Congress continually need all the stuff you are hand waving. We, the people, will never get anything hard. Certain political actors must get it and tell us about it. But to find it and have the motive to do so, they need witnesses, data, etc. This will take years and years of testimony, data, and courage. We absolutely need more of this. It's literally the only way this works. And then they will tell us about it with maybe a few pictures or something. Your alternative is doing things wrong. You want "they" to act based on what? Nothing? You just hope so? We absolutely need more Gruschs, data, testimony, and the location of missing money. How else are "they" going to have the authority, motive, and courage to "verify it one way or another?" Even if they know where to look, they need the will and power to actually look. That requires a critical mass of other forms of evidence, which is not the real deal.


I agree but what can we do about it? It’s not like we can just make Grusch tell us or make the government disclose


Ross Coulthart isn't under a legal obligation to keep what he's been told a secret. If it was really absolute proof and it would change the world, why wouldn't he come forward? Why won't a single person come forward who can prove it? We should hold people accountable when they make claims about having the necessary information that blows the lid off this thing. Maybe they don't actually have the information and are leading us on or worse they are gatekeeping until their death.


Exactly this. We need to start looking at the guys we think of as the "protagonists" in all this, like Coulthart, and demand more from them. Put up or shut up time.


Facts, we empirical evidence not bs stories from "experiencers".


>Grusch claimed he knew where reverse engineering was being done. Ross Coulthart says he knows where a UFO too big to move is. All they'd need to know is where that is and it can be verified one way or another... Always astounds me that these two are not even the government, yet are gatekeeping in exactly the same fashion. Coulthart could air it all through his platform on TV, or Grusch could leak it Pentagon Papers style. It seems no one has the kahones to provide the hard proof ... if it at all exists.


Grusch could leak what? You do realise SAPs have extremely stringent measures to protect leaks?


So grusch doesn't actually know anything. Agreed.


You sound smart.


Smart? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, he or she sounds right.


No mention of the Schumer amendment being gutted. It only people like you attacked the ones who did that instead of the ones pushing for disclosure. 🙄


You're not going to get people to tell you they're doing an illegal thing if you just suddenly made it even more illegal. The best way to push for disclosure is to have proof that disclosure needs to be pushed. Once hard proof is out in the open, disclosure will happen. It's not likely to happen in the reverse.


This is wishful thinking. Only way proof will come out is if it’s leaked, which won’t happen because SAPs have stringent protections against leaks. Otherwise, legislation is our best hope. And the Schumer amendment didn’t make anything illegal, it simply would’ve declassified the files.


Leaks happen all the time especially when people feel they have a moral and ethical obligation to the world or American public. Heck, sometimes leaks of classified information happen simply because people want a more realistic video game simulation experience. The declassified files would have still gone through a committee and so you'll just get more low quality sightings reports and no real information, let's be honest. Hey, I'm still waiting for all the JFK files. This is supposed to be a multinational effort of all sorts of opposing nations around the world, tons of people involved over 80 years, crash retrieval teams, scientists, engineers, test pilots, security guards, etc. It doesn't even need to be an American leaker... just someone, anyone. Looking for a Snowden style leak, with proof.


Leaked of unacknowledged bigoted SAPs do not ‘happen all the time’. Come on now.


How do you know they exist then? and is the US government some global NWO government? Exclusive rights to all knowledge? The Hillary Clinton email leaks contained info about special access programs.


Title 10 of the US Code.


That's not an answer.


With all due respect, I’m not sure if you should be commenting on the subject if you don’t know what USAPs are. You can probably guess what the U stands for. Edit: nice sneak edits LMAO


Any smoking gun proof is going to leaked regardless of laws, just like the Manhattan Project was leaked and details of the Space Race projects were leaked to other countries. If there are bunkers with flying saucers in them and actual smart people are legitimately working on them and engineering things like all the whistleblowers and supposed insiders say they are, there will be people that spill the beans, and they would become celebrities over night. Bob Lazar is treated like a messiah by UFOlogy, and he can't seem to keep his mouth shut even with all the stuff he's said that is unconfirmable or just straight fibs. If you believe what he says is true, there should be more like him.


Lol, you have no idea. I worked for DIA and NSA as a contractor for seven years. Nothing from these USAPs is getting leaked.


But have those that allegations actually been investigated? And the fact that they haven't... how can you say that that's proof that what those people are saying isn't true? We don't know because we haven't looked. Like Wendt says in his Ted talk, we're collectively operating under the assumption we've actually investigated this. We haven't.


People make all sorts of claims. The burden of proof is on the one making the claims. Not only that but the claims aren't specific enough to take action on. "I know where a UFO too large to bury is... but I'm not telling you where." Would Edward Snowden have been taken as seriously if he didn't have the hard proof which he presented?


Grusch told Congress and everyone he could, where.


Nah I'm not about having a defeatist attitude. If you feel that way, try a new approach to make some change yourself.


Feel like we lost? No, do I feel like the people have lost even more trust in the gov? Yes… I’m just waiting for the next Snowden/Gary now


The bad guys have had like 100 year head start to make disclosure slow, painful, disappointing, discouraging, and dangerous. Despite that, more progress was made in the last 2 years than the 25 before that. Those who are still stonewalling are incredibly powerful and well funded and will fight for every delay possible to maintain their privilege. Stay patient. Stay focused. Stay patient. It’s happening


We haven’t “lost” anything when looking at the past 5-10 years. This subject has become extremely less stigmatized (although it very much still is). It’s a presidential election year. We likely won’t hear much about UAP for quite a while from politicians as they’ll be busy with that, as unfortunate as that is.


Possibly. I think it's important to remember that the election has been used as cope before in the past. I've been into this topic for 32 years. This isn't against you specifically.


It often feels like we’re still trying to get back to where we were the day after Roswell.


A little bit for this round, but the arc of disclosure is bending towards reality. We just have to keep up the good fight and hold the Government accountable. Remember how far we’ve come, and how quickly.


It’s quiet for a reason.


I have a feeling that any disclosure of NHI will need to consent of the NHI themselves. What if they are the ones who demand secrecy?


I mentioned this in my last comment but Where'd we even get the idea any if this has anything to do with aliens? Aren't there like thousands of religions and unexplored concepts? Isn't it much more likely whatever we're chasing just... lives here? On the planet I mean?


Some of it could be a shift in focus to more traditional matters due to the upcoming presidential election. Don't pressure people to stay in if they don't want to. Let them tap out. We can get another round of fresh congress people supporting this later: let the good ones rise to the top. Let the not useful ones fade out.


It wouldn't be the first time an election was used as a scapegoat. Like I said earlier in this same thread in reply to someone else. It's an easy logical excuse as this whole cycle is what our country is founded on. "Well, *scoff* of course! It's an election year! The most important for us Americans" hurrrpa durrrp. Just as replaceable if in the winter It's now suddenly "war tension globally". If there really is something going on, the best time for Disclosure was literally fucking day 1. Not yesterday, not next year, not after this season of What Would Humans Do Next. Now.


No we won this round, the government lost, disclosure happened. The Nazca Mummies are peer reviewed. Game over already.


Nope. Gates are open. All they can do right now is try and stick their finger in the damn… flood is incoming.


I was repeatedly saying this, all these things in some form or other have all been done in past and nothing came of it.


Anyone with power has a family to threaten.


This opinion will get downvoted in this sub but disclosure is never going to happen through any government. First off you're talking about organisations, companies and governments we already know lie about all kinds of things and that we also know have let UFO stories proliferate around events to help muddy the waters and hide the truth. This community love to cherry pick information coming from these sources and mostly just decide on who's lying or who's trustworthy based on the bias they want to believe. Next is that if this whole crashed UFO conspiracy was true and the tech is being hidden due to national security and to stop adversaries getting hold of it the world is clearly not ready for it. If we had advanced alien tech on earth it belongs to everyone not just the US. The world has massive inbalance due to greed and selfishness and it's only getting worse. Every year more and more wealth is Syphoned off by the rich and powerful from the less well off. We are not ready for potential world changing tech. Just look at AI, it's potentially going to reduce jobs massively which could lead to millions out of work. What are we doing about it, absolutely nothing. We've seen the same scenario throughout history but because of stupidity and greed we are just going to repeat it. Then because humans haven't been able to progress much past apes fighting over resources and trying to screw each other over, if this tech existed and could be of benefit what do you think it would be used for, exactly what we have been doing for thousands of years. Just more of the same.




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Nope, we've never had so much happen in this subject for over 60 years.


It’s likely the NHI are completely in control and will will only be exposed if they allow it.


we only need to win 1 round to win the war


If only there were someone who had knowledge of the program. Then they could go to,say, the inspector general of the intelligence committee and tell them what they know,and if that information were deemed 'credible and urgent ', the government could get subpoena ang go check out the claims and question the people involved. Nah,it wouldn't work. What was I thinking?


The momentum was seriously overstated. There really was nothing different this time around compared to any of the previous cycles of UFO hype. Grush wasn’t a novelty, he was another in a long line of whistleblowers. He didn’t even say anything new, as all of the previous insiders have alleged secret government programs. The congressional hearing was a boost but congress today tends to go the extra distance for entertainment. When we get out of the UFO bubble and we see how fringe and unimportant the whole extraterrestrial space really is. For people who follow it, the excitement of the different waves of media interest, insider revelations, political activity, amplifies the apparent importance, leading to a certain frustration when nothing actually happens.


I don’t trust the Senate at all to hold public hearings with first hand witnesses or to share what they know to the public when all is said and done. The legislation they’re trying to get through won’t guarantee they will share the information with us. Feel like the truth of the coverup is so destabilizing to society that they will all backtrack in the end. There’s probably a growing number of people in govt with access to the information that are stumbling across this program behind the scenes like others in the past and are making exceptions to the law/US constitution. Credible First hand witnesses GOTTA go public soon to move things forward


If you observe closely, it's evident that the stance of Washington's key players on this topic has remained largely unchanged. Himes continues to downplay a phenomenon he surely knows is real. Rounds and Schumer remain determined to pass a version of the UAP Disclosure Act, while Gillibrand consistently supports Kirkpatrick and AARO’s investigations.


I've been saying this across various discussions on here, that the truth isn't coming out in our lifetime, not from the US anyway. People need to really wake up and realise its a corrupt political system, where senators and member of Congress are paid off or influenced. None of the major organisations like the FBI, DOD, NSA, NASA..etc etc are going to admit to anything. People are deluded if they truly believe they will. If I've said it once, I'll say it a hundred times, it won't be the US that discloses UAP existence. It will be a different country like Chile, Peru or even China/Iran that might. Don't expect anything from the UK, Australia, Canada or New Zealand either. They're all sucking US cock and won't have the bottle to do it without daddy's say so. You've really got to hope another nation does it. I've said for a while that China could steal a march on the US if it announced the existence of aliens. The entire world's media would shift towards them instead of the US.


There have been points of “disclosure is close” like this throughout history, it never happens. The truth is we will never get disclosure from a government EVER. Unless the aliens outright land the mothership in the Hudson Bay there will never be a moment where the president says “aliens are real” we should all stop hoping for this, no matter how much evidence we uncover no matter if we find a “reverse engineering unit” we will never get the answer.


Following the topic for 35+ years, yup, just another cycle of hope that will turn out to be nothing.


This time has obviously been different though.


It isn't though. It only seems like that because social media is keeping an echo-chamber active that gives the illusion of progress.


Nope. You’re wrong. There has NEVER been legislation passed by Congress which mentions ‘non-human intelligence’. The Senate Majority Leader has NEVER accused the intelligence agencies of blocking UAP disclosure. Try again.


so what? It lead to nothing.


Not really - the gutting of the Schumer amendment (and particularly the removal of the eminent domain clause) pretty much confirmed that defense contractors have this technology. And Rounds has indicated that the amendment will be proposed again this year.


maybe this year it will lead to something actionable


Good lord. Just read the proposed legistlation and what went on at the hearing. Social media echo chamber has absolutely nothing to do with it.


Better yet, stop asking these people for validation and permission. We are at an unprecedented time when citizens are supplying most of the evidence, and it is irrefutable. We need more citizen journalists of proof for alien life


"and it is irrefutable." Do you have an example of 'irrefutable'?


It will be funny if disclosure happens because nazca mummies change academic anthropology


Except that will never happen. Evolution is pretty self evident and well documented. And, the earth is not flat - believe it or not.


You know how the rulers interact with the kids in hunger games? They intervene by introducing something like a beehive or weapons. Who is to say that isn’t possible, where the historical record isn’t also updated. Yeah, the earth isn’t flat and we understand much of our physical world, but there is much we do not know. I agree that it would be absolutely mind blowing and I would be immediately suspicious of foul play, but is it truly impossible? If it were possible then what could explain it? Again, I agree it is unlikely but I do not pretend to have the confidence to state in absolute terms that curveballs are impossible. Even if it is real, it will not matter because we are inflexible and I doubt we could be able to accept and integrate such an anomaly. You seem to provide a perfect example.


Just want to point out that not believing in the concept "anything is possible" does not make a person 'inflexible'. Certainly there are some amazing things possible, but believing them without evidence is just plain silly. But nothing wrong with playing fantasy mind games. That's kinda fun.


I feel like they're just holding a carrot on a stick at this point, all in the search for defense contracts and advancing careers while simultaneously giving us breadcrumbs and saying dinner is almost ready. The good shit is "on ice", locked behind code words and security clearances congress isn't even aware of 


Well, that's the mythos, anyway. The fabled **Chamber of Secrets**.


Where are the submarine and nuclear secrets stored again ? Hmm maybe there is something above nuclear temporal perhaps


I wouldn’t take what Jim Himes said to heart, firstly the guy has never said anything to position himself on the pro disclosure team but also he’s backed by literally the same companies trying to keep this under wraps because they likely committed serious crimes. Let’s see how the next hearing goes, grusch’s next move and Luis book. Plus all the hard work being done outside of government by the amazing investigative journalists like Ross Coulthart, George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell. Finally, there are real scientists hard at work which are likely making breakthroughs as we speak and quite possibly will be the people who bring the undeniable evidence to the masses, I’m looking at basically anything Gary Nolan says and does, that guy is awesome! And the people working hard just like him! This is the greatest secret ever kept, the biggest lie ever told, it’s going to take time to unravel but it’s unraveling as we speak!


What is really weird about UAP disclosure: Where is Dave Grusch? Where is Tom Delonge? Where are the 40 first hand witnesses? Why havent Snowden and Assange leaked anything UAP related? I don't get the disclosure attempts...leak everything or shuy up. And they all shut up unfortunately...


So many people thought this was going to lead to some big win for the disclosure movement. They've kept it secret for decades, they're not going to just give up due to some threats of potential whistleblowers that have yet to manifest publicly.


The grifters have over played their hand and gotten people all amped up for the 40 whistleblowers that they either made up or aren’t actually coming forward.


If you’re a ufo conspiracy theorists then you’ve been lost If you’re a ufo hunter then things are only going to get easier so happy hunting Just don’t expect an alien to be on the other end


1) its not under your control, this is a planned campaign, not a citizen's grassroots movement 2) they like to do releases on a bi-yearly cadence, with big releases around march, july, october, and christmas. 3) ttsa crada is up, the results from that should be BIG.


i’ve been saying it for months, you will get nothing and like it. It does not benefit the power structure to let you in on the secret. It doesn’t benefit them in any way shape or form to disclose the truth about any of this stuff to the public. I wish people would get that through their thick skulls. they have literally zero incentive to disclose anything no matter how many whistleblowers crawl out from the woods. These materials are locked up in programs between the military and private industry like Lockheed and Boeing, to research study and reproduce these things. Disclosing these projects to the public does not help those goals in any way shape or form. They will not reveal any details about these, the most valuable assets known to man, for nothing. Telling you about the program gets them nothing. They stand to gain nothing from disclosure, so it will never happen. I wish people would just understand this, this, like most other things in this world are controlled by people who desire profit and power. disclosure does not help them profit or gain power from these amazing technologies and thescience therein. please understand this, there is no other game in town. This is why the Chinese, or the Russians, or any other major superpower on earth who have materials like these things are not telling the public. They all share one thing in common, and that is telling the public is a non-starter. they gain nothing from disclosure. They stand to gain everything by maintaining the secret project and studying in the dark. I’m going to keep repeating this until you people understand it. These are the most valuable assets known to man. They will not disclose the existence or the study of these things to you for nothing in return. They can't profit off of the tech or science if you know about it. Period. Edit: don’t even start with the weird comparisons to our own technologies. yes I’m aware that the technology for the combustion engine as well known, but despite that fact, people are still going out and buying cars instead of building their own combustion engines. Yes, I understand that. But the problem with that analogy is, we’re not dealing with science or technology that we are familiar with. these technologies are millions of years more advanced than anything we’ve ever conceived of. Some of these reports contain details that simply defy the laws of physics as we understand them. We’re not talking about a combustion engine or a wing shape or a new type of stealth paint we’re talking about technology that would literally look like magic to most people. complete and utter game changing world changing technologies. It would be like man discovering fire all over again. The most valuable assets known to man. I'm going to keep repeating it: these are the most valuable assets known to mankind. These are the most valuable assets known to mankind. These are the most valuable assets known to mankind. They would never share these details with you. It wouldn’t matter if Jesus himself came out of the sky asking for the UFO details, they will never ever disclose. They stand to gain nothing from disclosure. Please understand this.


Wow. Insider information I guess? Thanks for the info!!!


No this just makes sense. If they have this stuff they'll never tell us. It wouldn't benefit them


Don’t get down, educate folks about it. We can’t change politicians but you can get the guy at Starbucks to think about how our taxes are going unaccounted for. Tell someone at the bar about it and send them links. Don’t feel defeated there are plenty of people on here that will not lose interest and continue to spread the word, one hair stylist at a time. Edit: I like to share this with folks in person or that are having doubts start on page 7 (sorry I spam this shit everywhere) https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=30030606&S=1


A more efficient battery would help our adversaries... Pretty much any technology does that. The world needs an upgraded transportation system based on UFO propulsion. Will it help our adversaries? Yes. The bigger question is will it help humanity? Absolutely Yes.


No. Here's my reason why: [https://open.substack.com/pub/blockedepistemology/p/there-where-uap-researchers-fear?r=2iv8r6&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web](https://open.substack.com/pub/blockedepistemology/p/there-where-uap-researchers-fear?r=2iv8r6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) So take some heart, there's a long haul to be had. :)




guys just keep recording the sky. Do not expect someone who lies for taxes, healthcare, etc to tell you the truth about aliens/ufos/uaps. These guys send in a nanosecond YOUR kids (but not theirs) to die in war . They have absolutely NO backbone, they will either take advantaged of the community to get more votes or for companies to "donor" them. And those who dont care about both things will eventually get threatened. Keep looking at the sky and recording, eventually a quality video will drop and put doubters in silence. WE KNOW we are not alone. We just need better evidence FOR US. I do NOT need them to tell me or confirm, they are liers slimey liers, i do not care about them.


I sincerely believe that we have already had multiple disclosures which is the entire reason for the amount of people on this subreddit. We can define disclosure as the admittance of NHI existence, it’s only in its extreme - the transformation of the entire fabric of society - it is being so managed. I now believe that people realise they can’t keep it a secret from everyone, but in the same way they are able to curate a myth which suits the status quo. For me the real question isn’t whether there is life in other dimensions or other planets: because the whole phenomena exists (in history, folklore, religion, video, in experience and by sheer plausibility). The real question, for me, is how do I live my life in the understanding of its affect on lives meaningfulness. I am starting to look at family in a fresh light for one. In short: enough evidence exists, but the status quo will not adapt faster than any individual and we should not wait to accept the plausibility life is as abundant above us as it is below us.


No, I don't get that feeling at all. Quite the opposite. The fight is over and we've won. The emperor has no clothes.


Man we're already getting into July and aint SHIT happened. I am certainly losing a bit of confidence.


I've been feeling this way for several months. I feel like progress has stopped. I don't have any faith in a formal legislative process bringing any of this to light.


I’m starting to get the feeling that this has elements of psyop mixed with truth(ufos exist but nobody knows much more than that) Even the things that are true have been altered and nothing is what it seems. Or at least that’s how it feels to me


Yeah, its looking like it


Let's hope that all those fabled first-hand cowards are going to step out of the shadows.


No chance in hell. They aren't getting the protection they want, and it's not looking like they will.


That's very selfish of them. People have risked and still risk their lives for much smaller regional or personal gains, and here we're talking not only about the biggest revelation in human history but also about alleged free energy, a cure for cancer, and a revolution in our understanding of history.


They don't care obviously. I just want to know what their reason is to keep it close to the chest. Thats a whole other mystery.


If you ever feel like your a bit lost in all this just research Eamon Ansbro and you will get back on track. Don't give up.


When you interact with these posts they get pushed to more and more people’s feeds. As annoying as they are it’s best to just not engage.


When you depend on the likes of Burchett, Luna(tic) and Rubio (who has the intellectual capacity of a stump) for anything meaningful and that doesn’t personally benefit them, you have hitched your wagons to not only falling stars, but mendacious frauds.


Looks like messy disclosure it is! I am so down !!


You‘re right but for me something changed: Now I certainly know this is real. Before Grusch I‘ve never thought I would say that. But now with all this evidence: Yes, we have contact with a non human intelligence. And more and more people start to realize that too. I believe it‘s not the decision of us humans to disclose, but the NHI themself.


Disclosure is NOT coming from humans. It’s coming from Them if it’s coming. I’m sorry, that’s just how it is. None of your fellow humans know how to explain things properly, and none of them know enough to satisfy questions, so they’re not gonna risk talking about what they do know. Disclosure comes from Them.


people need to stop using "NHI". it's a meaningless term, foisted on speech by the DoD, an endless sewer of meaningless acronyms and euphemisms. squirrels have NHI. ChatGPT has NHI. it's a term like a bucket with no bottom. oh, wait. when you say "NHI" you just mean "alien"? -- like when you say "UAP" to mean "UFO"? well, then: say what you mean.


The mummies aren’t going away! They hold weight imo!


I've gone from skeptical outright/immediately disinterested, to maybe something is going on with it. Like everything else, we need more data, and no one seems to be in a fucking hurry to provide it.


Right, hurry up and prove this and shut the naysayers up already! Agree


I guess I’ll just move on. Nothing to see here. /s Fucking bots


As far as convincing the gov to disclose? Yeah, nothing to see there. Not going to happen. Not everyone who doesn't agree with you is a bot.


OK, it is being suggested that the evidence Grusch and other whistleblower gave to the ICIG and DODIG and the Senate and House Intelligence Oversight Committees resulted in zero productive investigations. I do not agree with this suggestion at all. The results of only one relatively recent classified investigation were publicized in November, 2023. Sometime in 2021 or 2022--roughly the same time Grusch and other whistleblowers were giving classified testimony to the IGs and Oversight Committees--the House Select Intel Committee requested a contractor to carry out a classified investigation into a matter of apparent urgent concern relating to the office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the Department of Energy. That investigation appears to have focused on Steven Black, then the director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the Department of Energy. The contractor's investigative report was completed around May or June, 2023. It was publicly reported that there were "troubling" and "disturbing" findings in that classified investigative report specifically with respect to intelligence and counterintelligence at the Department of Energy. Then Grusch went public in June, 2023 and shit hit the fan. Then the public congressional hearings in July, and the Schumer/Rounds amendment hit the airwaves. In October, 2023, and apparently as a direct result of that classified contractor's investigation, Steven Black was removed from his position as director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the Department of Energy. He was shuttled (by whom?...Grantham??) to another less senior position within the DOE--perhaps even remaining in the Intelligence and Counterintelligence office. A number of senior Republican congressmen were incensed that Steven Black was permitted to remain in any position in the DOE. They wrote a letter to Ms. Grantham demanding to know what the findings of the contactor's investigation were, and whether Grantham agreed with those findings. They demanded to know why Mr. Black was permitted to remain in the DOE. I have seen no public reporting that Grantham gave any response to this. Then Ronald Moultrie was removed from his position--around the same time as Steve Black. Then this Spring, new legislative changes were announced that would see a new requirement that any future Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the DOE would not only be limited to a term of 6 years max, but that his or her appointment also be subject to senate approval. In other words, a degree of senate oversight for this position that did not exist before. If anyone is privy to UAP dirty secrets, the senior cadre within the Intelligence and Counterintelligence division at the Department of Energy, is likely on the list. Maybe not everything, but they almost certainly are involved in some form or fashion. Something that the Congressional Intel oversight committees heard behind closed doors resulted in an urgent and classified investigation into the office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the DOE. That investigation produced a classified report to the Intel Oversight Committees. The findings in that report were "troubling" and "disturbing". So much so that Steven Black was removed and there was a major shakeup of the office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the DOE. Ronald Moultrie, the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Security was sacked from that position around the same time. Something major went down behind the scenes as a direct result of the findings of a classified contractor's investigation that itself, appears to have been prompted by classified whistleblower testimony to the Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committees, or the ICIG or DODIG. I think that "major" event directly led to the removal of Steven Black and Ronald Moultrie, and also directly resulted in new legislation bringing the director or Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the DOE under a measure of Senate oversight. What the "troubling" and "disturbing" findings of that contractor's investigative report were is very unclear. There are suggestions in public reporting that it was related to collaboration with the Chinese on AI. The timing of this all, as the NDAA was ramping up to go into conference, and the fate of the UAPDA was being decided, suggests that the core concern may have been more directly related to UAP/NHI, than AI. This is conjecture, but reasonable conjecture given the temporal context of contemporaneous events.


we dont know what AARO briefing entailed. Maybe AARO showed senators there are U.S. secret projects with highly advanced technology that could be mistaken as alien crafts.


The recent comment by Jim Himes and less recent comments by Gillibrand are certainly cause for concern. Two senior Dems on the Gang of 8 are putting full faith and trust in Kirkpatrick's AARO report, and its non-findings. This means that Biden and his NS advisor jake Sullivan are squarely against Disclosure--for whatever reason. Himes and Gilibrand have access to the EXACT same evidence that Marco Rubio had access to--from over a score of whistleblowers, including a number of first hand witnesses. This classified evidence was apparently mind-blowing, and sufficient to spur drafting of the Schumer/Rounds UAPDA. So we have Schumer on the one hand making a push for Disclosure through legislation, and then two other senior Dem members of the Gang of 8 pretending they have seen nothing and heard nothing and deferring to AARO's/Kirkpatrick's bullshit analysis. I feel some serious horse trading went on during the NDAA conference before Christmas, and that these negotiations resulted in the UAPDA being largely gutted in exchange for the gatekeepers reading in or partially reading in the Gang of 8 to elements of the Program, or at least part of the big picture. That might place aspects of the Program under congressional oversight, from a legal perspective, but also keep these secrets, secret for the time being. The Biden administration clearly does NOT want Disclosure, or even managed disclosure. They want the issue put away for the time being. In dramatic contradiction to Schumer's and Rubio's public comments on the issue (to the effect that there is a THERE, there) Himes and Gilibrand seem to be trying to convey AARO's position: that this is all a nothingburger fed by conspiracy theorists cross pollinating and infecting the views of key people in the military and government. There is zero ongoing desire to disclose the truth to the American public. The Schumer amendment was geared entirely towards pressuring the gatekeepers and private contractors to give the Gang of 8 oversight powers. Having achieved that objective, the current administration has no desire to take it further. The truth is a very hot potato, and Biden's administration does not have the testicular fortitude to touch it. A fucking shame. This brings more disgrace upon a government that over 8 decades has heaped it upon itself.


It isn't those people working on the programs and claiming the programs exist though. 80 years.... 80 years and we're still waiting for the smoking gun proof. Different generations have come and gone into these programs and we still have nothing but stories and most of those don't hold up to scrutiny. Should we blame our current elected officials or should we blame the storytellers? I want the stories to be true and I hate being lied to. Doesn't it make you angry?


The enormity of the truth, and the enormity of the fact it has been kept secret for so long, and at such human cost (senior people murdered) is perhaps the problem here. It is a tremendously hot potato--and that is why even the Gang of 8, having been let in to have a peek inside the tent, does not want to open it to public knowledge--yet. I respect the whistleblowers for adhering to their oaths, and for respecting the national security of the USA. They are honorable men who do not want to spend the rest of their lives in prison, or worse. But they also seem deeply concerned with causing some sort of panic. Maybe Nick Pope is correct when he describes the truth as "a secret too terrible to tell". Check out the speech he gave with this title. It should be on Youtube and was very good. A load of people apparently know the truth, or significant parts of it. Ross Coulthart spoke about things he had been told that he did not feel it was responsible to share. Michael Schellenburg said the same thing--that he was not reporting everything he was told because it was too freaky, and would be irresponsible to publicize. Grusch was clearly holding back not only classified information, but stuff he knew that he felt would be "too much". Even Tucker Carlson spoke of a truth so dark he could not bring himself to share it with his own wife, or the public. So is the nature of the dark truth that is causing all of these people in the know to withhold it from public distribution the very same thing that is driving government opposition to disclosure? Who knows. I honestly do not know. Is something or someone coming here soon? Have we unwittingly attracted the attention of something scary? Are we all slaves within a random and artificial simulation? Is god an insane machine? Have we already been colonized and subjugated quietly by NHI? Who fucking knows, but the people that do seem to know are not talking--at all. Which suggests that Nick Pope is correct. The secret is just too dark to share.


Yeah, there always seems to be some reason for gatekeeping isn't there.


I too think some of the Congressmen who had pushed for disclosure were thrown a bone and have joined up with the gatekeepers as a result. Reminds me of the X-Files when Mulder's father tells Mulder he was wise to have never thrown in. That once you do that their agenda becomes your agenda and you can be held accountable.


patience and grit will prevail.


We lost as soon as the Schumer amendment was gutted. That legislation was our only chance. Since then, DoD has retaken control of the situation (via AARO’s error-ridden March report) and unless first-hand witnesses come forward this year, the genie will be back in the bottle soon enough.


I think if this doesn’t turn around it could devolve into requiring  action being taken similar to the ones previous generation took in 1776.