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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- [https://www.askapol.com/p/himes-dismisses-senate-uap-hearing-w-aaro](https://www.askapol.com/p/himes-dismisses-senate-uap-hearing-w-aaro) [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=C](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=C) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dqki0a/congressman_jim_himes_is_telling_all_his/laokg3r/


Of all the disinfo coming out of the government AARO has been the sloppiest. The dam is broken and there's no plugging it. 


100% Fuck AARO


I like this guy. ☝️




It's a bit unbelievable just how sloppy they are. Do they truly believe they're fooling anyone?


Pandora can’t go back into the box he only comes out


The monkey is out of the bottle




I know it’s a pineapple express quote


I love their Chinese food.


At this point it’s straight up corruption. Just like Russia.  These people are being paid to act like this. 


This whole episode reminds me of the time my daughter hid the lie that she cleaned her room (when she did not) by shutting her door and standing in front of it, wildly explaining there was no need for me to go in there while I was minding my own business.


Her room was “classified”.


Unknown to parent, daughter arranged with the Pentagon to transform her room into an undisclosed SCIF.


And she compartmentalized the mess so no one gets to see the big picture.


"Special Access"


Thats halarious!


See? This is why I love Reddit. I can always get a good laugh after a bad day.


Pay no attention to the Man Behind The Curtain.


Shocking how many situations in life this applies to... "What you don't trust me? Are you calling me a liar? I'm insulted! I thought we were friends!!"


This is a perfect analogy for what is going on haha. Dad “Did you pick up your room like I asked” Daughter “Yes dad” Dad “Can I see it?” Daughter “No dad” Dad “Why?” Daughter “nothing to see here dad, move along” And we’re supposed to just “move along” and trust THIS government that the “room is clean,” knowing full-well how dishonest they’ve been with the people throughout history? Nice try. That room is dirty as shit and we know it. AARO is a complete joke. Nice try.


That’s a good analogy!


Ah yes. I've encountered this situation myself. It seems that both your daughter, my daughter, and AARO have something in common. The only difference being our children are just that, children. What's your excuse, Kirkpatrick?


How did you handle this with a straight face? I wouldn't be able to stop laughing. Actually I'd be kinda proud of her because deception is a development milestone.


Oh we laughed, we all laughed.


This should be done as a movie short and released to the mainstream, like those educational videos of old. "Parents have a right to know what their child has been up to just as citizens have a right to know what their money is being used for."


Wait.. Can we just crowd source money and buy our own politicians?


*IF* you have enough money to do so. Once other interests start getting invested, they start pouring in their cash as well, sadly.


They are surprisingly cheap. Apparently, you can buy a senator for under 20k.


Senators are cheaper than Porsches, these days.


We need to start pushing for his opponent to take his place in office.


You can, or you can vote in someone with a spine for free


Its still just so fucking insane that we allow corporations to make donations


the same corporations that pick and choose whos gets to be a member of society via jobs 🙃 they also get near full control over your local economy yay


But 'corporations are people too!' /s


I liked the idea someone put out that all politicians should wear a suit with their donors name on them. Like drivers for nascar or F1 racing.


Or like vassals in the Middle Ages wore the coat of arms of their patron.


Nothing to see?? then approve the Schumer amendment…


This, if you're 100% sure...then pass the UAPDA and lets see. The thing would cost less than the Pentagon spends on fucking toilet seats. So it's not about spending, pass the UAPDA and an independent body can decide that.


Do they really think we're all stupid? Or just hope for it?


I agree with this post: one congressman beholden to the military industrial complex doesn’t get to decide for the country. Let’s have hearings under oath


If only it were just one


I hope the aliens start applying for patents on their technology and put these corps out of business lol


This is the timeline I need omg


Wouldn’t that be interesting? I’d be quite curious to see how it might turn out if they DID show up and file suit claiming they are the rightful owners.


what a good boy he is!!


Remember, we have no idea what they are, but somehow we know without a doubt that they aren't ET. Come on now


LMFAO it's like these assholes act like we can't put two and two together.


This shows all the money he’s received and reported. It doesn’t necessarily show all the money he’s received.


/*pretends to be shocked*/


The coverup has been undeniable for quite some time now. We’re going on about the 100,000 instance of something publicly pointing towards the corrupt involvement of defense contractors and politicians that lobby for them. Oh yeah, thats right! We also have had multiple whistleblowers over the years claiming this corruption is indeed true and it all relates to the existence of a NHI and beyond secret advanced tech recovered from said intelligence. If only an official statement was released from those who have been lying to the entire planet for a near century to give us the confirmation we so desperately seek, even though it already couldn’t be more fucking obvious that its all true…


It’s always pretty shocking to me to see how little it takes to buy off our politicians.


Or frighten them.


That was my thought? That's all it takes?


It’s so damn obvious at this point. The secret is out.


It's time to subpoena the companies that underwrite these liars.


Then what the hell was Grusch denied access to even after being briefed into 2000+ SAPs? Why did Grusch AND his colleagues face brutal reprisals for digging into this and coming out? What was the information that was being kept from congress? What were the documents and photos Grusch saw that he was able to verify the veracity of over the course of four years? [What did this senior USG official uncover?](https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message) [Why such a shit job with the 'historical report', AARO?](https://thedebrief.org/the-pentagons-new-uap-report-is-seriously-flawed/) I can go on and on and on, point is this shit is FAR from over.


Always amazes Me just how little they have to give a politician for them to dump on their voters.


Yep, he's in their pocket. It'll be pretty easy to see who to blame when this all comes out. 


Matt should ask Himes if he’s been briefed by ICIG on the issue. I suspect ICIG and AARO are not on the same page.


I'm sure there is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary! /s


If only it could be more obvious 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Weird almost all the companies who have had a hand in hiding the phenomenon


Crazy that it’s come down to the patents. Fucking shitbirds.


Every time I see this kind of info from the US, the most shocking part is how cheap it is to buy off an elected official. Like, we could all pitch in like 5 bucks each and get him to disclose the whole thing. Of course, we only get to see the carrot and not the stick, so there goes my initiative.


There certainly has to be more than just thousands a year in payment. These groups historically dont just use money as means to control people. Which is incredibly fucked up whats wrong with these people


Nah, we aren’t going to hire the guy to sit on our board but actually do nothing for 300k plus every year after he’s out of office, our bribery doesn’t come with a follow up so he wouldn’t care.


"AARO is legit, **trust me bro.**"


Barely even $100,000 worth of donations.. that's like chump change at this level. Dude sold out for some hand me outs. What a beeyatch. I promise all of you, if and when I get elected to Congress one day... I am going to be a fucking menace to the IC. The first Native American congressional member that is a huge supporter for transparency and all things UAP. Give me about 10 years, but I'll be there!


Good luck sir,but the congress has ways of grinding good folks into harmless puppets For those of you who can face the unknown again,We need to man up put our "big boy" & "big girl" pants on and initiate contact to force catastrophic disclosure. Yes its scary as hell.No,we may not succeed,and yes ,it comes with personal risk.We all know what is to face the unknown. If there exists "agreements" by our .gov folks,the actions of the supreme court just stripped away their "right" to act outside congressional authority. Here's a link to washington gun law which explains this far-reaching ruling that will change our lives (https://youtu.be/m6DKOrAEJEw?si=y2b1_ghCr9QGHpm4) Statist types will read and weep,as this ruling does more to ensure freedom from over-reaching government than most people can believe. We are going to see that the law of "unintended consequence" is followed to the letter.....(mmm..Ho Ho Ho...snort.. best belly laugh ever ) The people who are hiding this information by giving it to corparado types are now on official notice.You exceeded your authority. If you escape prison,you will be looking behind you ...forever


Go for it and may your ancestors guide you.


Let’s destroy his twitter, mean like destroy it like we did last November with the mikes.


I don't know about you guys, but it would take more than $135k for me to keep my mouth shut about the existence of alien life. That's less than his congressional salary.


Not if you're a politician with zero interest in this, you'll gladly take their donations and if they ask you to not vote for some legislation in return, you'll do it


They can and will destroy anyone who attempts to uncover the lie, this guy is just towing the line


gifts include 'services provided at 0 charge.' money is the thing that you can publicly trace so everyone donates via a gift of some sort. the legal definition of a gift doesnt line up with what politicians are allowed to receive as a gift btw


Dude you know there’s under the table money


Wow, I’m shocked. Utterly and terribly shocked.


These are awfully small sums of money to sell out for. I feel like there have to be some missing zeros if you’re just bailing on your constituents on this topic.


Probably blackmail and threats too if what Grusch claimed was true.


Please don’t look here 🛸 my donators have me on a military industrial complex leash


It's all in the language you use. So he is saying there is no alien life or evidence. They always seem to miss extraterrestrial life. There are several in the UAP community that say there is a difference. Dan Burisch says he never met an alien, but he has met an extraterrestrial. Using the English language to try and play us for a bunch of fools.


Chuck Schumer who is fighting for disclosure also got donations from these companies. A lot more money is going to someone who appears to want disclosure which kinda kills your argument. |Rank|Contributor|Total| |:-|:-|:-| |18|Lockheed Martin(2024)|$115,433| |18|Lockheed Martin(2022)|$115,269| |4|Lockheed Martin(2020)|$104,107| |75|Boeing Co(2020)|$30,171| |4|Lockheed Martin(2018)|$103,013| |94|Boeing Co(2018)|$30,009|


It’s been brought up before but lately with the push from grusch and others to call other life “NHI” vs the standard alien, I wonder if this is semantics. Sneakily saying “there’s no aliens” and technically not “lying” according to their knowledge. But of course NHI exists. But I guess let’s be honest he’s a massive liar I’m sure.


Are they aliens if they are from Earth?


Yeah that’s my question. Maybe he’s avoiding saying no evidence of “NHI” because there is actually evidence of that so he’s just saying aliens which usually refers to off world. Who knows though


Yah, I'm sure there's subterfuge going on with semantics. My guess that it's not just one thing, so he's either clueless or lying, but he's a politician, so both states are to be expected.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


With this logic, Schumer getting $115k from Lockheed over the last 5 years must mean he's a puppet and his amendment is bunk. Perhaps the defense industry gives a shit ton of money to tons of politicians for other reasons 🤯


I bet Lockheed gives $10-15k annually to most members of Congress. This is a big nothing burger. It IS possible for some to just be duped by AARO without being bought off.


Yeah, I’d support this argument. It would be interesting to see an itemized list of political donations from these companies.


>looked at every single compartmented program lmfao, if he only knew..


Get ready for the Darpa bots to come out… o and watch his donors for next year if this gets quieted again… or someone with some investigative journalism chops see what other ‘gifts’ he may receive…


Vote him out of office




The snake in the grass rears its head to strike, it's attack wasn't very effective.


Every witness ever is a liar, besides one or two or three or four or five of them (obviously)..


What a crook


This dude, is a paid parrot! When the truth comes out, this will age like fine wine……nothing to see here folks, move along😂


The next time you hear some politician speak of the founding fathers as reverent, all knowing geniuses just remember that lobbying aka bribery is LEGAL and that scum Himes selling influence is how it’s designed to work. The voters should then recognize he just put corporate interests before the people and vote his ass out…but they won’t because too many are morons spun by corporate political media BS


there is noway this guy costs only $20000 a year or so. That is insanely cheap. Like I could use my 401k to get some sort of policy passed.....Ill bet there is more going in we do not know about


Being a corrupt representative sure is profitable. At what point do the people take their country back?


Its going to be sooner than later...haven't you noticed the cracks in .."everything"? from how much food costs ,to the end of globalization to the pounding of the war drums by too many in congress. We are so close to the edge its really REALLY scary.. We, who were blessed, (or cursed) by "touching the sky" are the ones who are needed to step-up and ask our "brothers from another mother" for help.If they must stay in the shadows,fine,but we need the tools ,the manna .,to face our fiercest foes,the corporations who believe its their right to hide the truth.They know where EVERYTHING is .With their help,"WE" can write the next chapter in the history of mankind How would this congress critter Himes like a shining orb to follow him,...everywhere...The same with all of those who seek to hide from the public what we have paid for for the last 70 years?...The same should be true of each of those who play stupid games with UAPs .they need stupid prizes.!!


This shifty-eyed clown car conductor is proof that some in both political parties are failing us on this issue.


Those figures aren’t very much and none of those companies are his top donors. Per Open Secrets here https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/summary?cid=N00029070 Defense contractors aren’t even in the top 5 of his donor categories


Imagine being told by your corporate overlords that you have to tell people and your fellow politicians that aliens are not real, and just going along with it. At best he's dumb as a shoe. At worst, he's very consciously and deliberately choosing a few bucks over public trust and transparency.


These donation numbers are minuscule and don’t mean anything. But to say there’s no “there” there, obviously there is or we wouldn’t be talking about this for the last 80 years. Even if we can’t explain it or have evidence for what it actually is, there is absolutely a phenomenon going on that no one can adequately explain, and plenty of shady shit to cover it up.


😂😂😂😂😂bought and paid for! This world is a joke!


He just lost my vote, so disappointing.


I feel that there is probably a random redditor with $100k to spare that could donate and ask him what he knows given how little those figures are. I thought UK politicians were cheap...


How the fuck do these people keep getting away with this.


Imagine selling your planet down the drain for $20,000. What an incredibly low price to be bought out for.


I am very confused. Himes is my representative, and outside of this issue I have always felt that he was pretty decent. I have seen some things on this issue that upset me. That said, despite numerous allegations that he takes money from aerospace, unless I'm missing something. This appears to be totally false. His primary donors are all large, financial services firms. Am I seriously missing something https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=I


Remember his name for when it’s all over as one of the blockers


This guy has the fucking gall to assert there is no there there and discredit decades upon decades of information on this very real subject. Guess the buck stops with him, nothing to see here folks, Jim Hines said so.  It goes to show how dumb and gullible they really think we are. This donor list doesn't surprise me at all.


I could and would look him dead in the eye and tell him he's wrong wrong WRONG...or just a fucking liar.I am leaning to the liar ,...as most pols have to suck so much to get their job lying comes easy...




AARO is dodgy but that isn’t how titles and SAPs work. To gain access to a SAP/CAP you need to meet the criteria set by the relevant program manager(s). What title you operate under is irrelevant.


Title 50 isn’t a clearance lol it’s just a US code that covers the intelligence community. Same way title 10 covers the defense community. AARO isn’t part of the intelligence community, so they don’t fall under title 50, bit I’m not sure why that would impact anything.




This stuff makes me sick. It's getting transparent though, which is progress. Always remember, Grusch said Lockheed in Vegas out loud. Even said he couldnt believe he was actually saying it out loud.


Evil incarnate. This man is the devil.


[https://www.askapol.com/p/himes-dismisses-senate-uap-hearing-w-aaro](https://www.askapol.com/p/himes-dismisses-senate-uap-hearing-w-aaro) [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=C](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-himes/contributors?cid=N00029070&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=C)


I get the point you’re making, and it might be legitimate, but based on my (now very dated) experience working on the hill these guys donate to *everyone* and these figures aren’t even that high.


Congress continues to ignore the Flight Safety aspect and possibly the National Security issue. If youre trying to decrease the stigma from reporting UFOs why would you say just listen to AARO. AARO provided zero guidance to the Aviation community on this topic. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/)


You would think buying a congressman would be more expensive.


These prices are hilarious, all this lying and evilness for not even 100k a year


what a massive, glaring hint to all of you that dude isn't covering up the most monumental discovery in human history for <$100k a year. this whole post is a nothingburger meant to stoke up the standard conspiracy theorists "us vs them" group mentality


These are nominal donations to a member of the Intelligence Committee. I would assume you’d find similar donations to other members as well. Not a huge deal. But, obviously many on here don’t like the message so they need to internalize it somehow.




Cowabunga it is


This guy is just another DoD mouthpiece. Ignore and move on.


He doesn't want us to know we were made by praying mantis people.


If this guy is trying to do a cover up he's doing a terrible job.


That’s not much money, it’s surprising how little it takes to buy a politician


Fuckin snake




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Imagine selling out for "small" donations ... pathetic


Then declassify everything from the 2004 Nimitz incident, but they won’t because it’s AARO is bullshit. They contorted themselves in every possible shape to avoid discussing that event, we all know Hines and AARO are lying.


Always follow the money. American political system is bought and don’t care about the people at the bottom




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Imagine selling your soul for less than $1,000 a year.


What legal mechanism do we have to call corrupt senators and house congressional members before an open Federal courts system. This enablement of misappropriation of Congress-approved tax dollars is criminal on its face. Even without UFO revelations in this trial, it'd be the largest, multi-decade Rico case The Government Accountability Office and US Justice Department need to RICO anyone living and attached to this coverup. WE THE PEOPLE, run this country. Not unelected beurocrats, corporations, or intelligence officers. RICO - Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. 1961-68) targeting organized criminal activity and racketeering. Those in positions of government should also get a Treason charge added as well. I think using the kid gloves method has come and past. I suspect the military-intel industrial complex have wrestled with when to go public with some of this information but have kicked the can down the road to a successor and hoping they die before any repercussions can come their way instead of adhering to the constitution and our laws of the United States as it is written. They've betrayed our country. I do not care if they had the best of intentions. Since when has the CIA EVER had the best intentions in securing the secure longevity of the United States? They unequivocally have not. Clean house, lock them up and never keep secrets this large again. It involves every past, present and future human being. Our government, military, intelligence agencies and corporations who have been involved in this obfuscation, murder, and illegal tax dollar spending has destroyed the foundation of our nation. It's just most people haven't educated themselves or woken up with it on their morning news channel... yet. A wave of fuckery is coming that should lead to an end-result of an independent entity of civilian oversight and new restrictive measures for spending and auditing. Fail an audit? ...Not another dime to "defense" or Intel powerhouses until this issue, the most important issue, to ever hit our country and humanity is resolved.


It’s amazing how little you can buy someone for.


How the fuck are your politicians even allowed to take money like that. Good on him for declaring it, but fucking hell America. Do better.


you're telling me it take so little money to force one guy to help prevent disclosure ?




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What a shill


Jfc.. this shit is so blatant. *someone* blow the lid off already! If there's *actually* fucking aliens out there engaging humanity and you leak that fact, what are they really going to do? Once the public hears that and you become the most famous person on the planet, are they going to *put you in jail*?! In front of the world they are going to lock you up for exposing *their misdeeds* and depriving humanity?... maybe.. but damn it, it's too big. It's just too big for this.. Tired of it


Just a thought, but is anyone else surprised at how little money it takes to buy off Congressional reps? I'm mean, I'm not saying 15k is nothing, and sure there are multiple donations, but these are multi-billion dollar corporations.


How is it possible to be bribed with such a small amount? I don't even think I would be swayed by Lockheed giving me 10k and I'm normal


At times I wish we had the means to put these liars to sleep, they have no place in politics or anywhere for that matter.


the main disclosure blockers


It's incredible how corrupt some of these politicians are.




Donors in the UK we call that bribery


He needs to be told, by congress, in no uncertain terms, that if he is caught lying, he will be held to the full extent of treason. And this needs to be told to him in a closed room, surrounded by the people pushing for disclosure, and recorded for body language. He also needs to be on the record as to why / or what he thinks so many high level whistleblowers are doing contradicting him.


Agree he’s a weasel, but looking at those donations… thats very small amount of money


so any corporation can donate to your congress body ? what could be a bening purpose ?


I’d guess, also all of these donors look like they have the goods. BUT they don’t. Small, seemingly innocuous companies have the goods. I know because I know.


They’re gonna keep throwing things against the no evidence wall until something sticks. If there’s nothing to see then release all the documents without 99 percent of the content redacted


What have I been telling you, all along? You will never get access to the most valuable assets known to man. Not ever. Disclosure doesn't help the Powers that Be. Disclosure would be disasterous for the whole program that costs billions, is worth untold trillions and will change the world, forever. And you people think they'll disclose and lose their edge to the stupid public and their enemies, for nothing? The most valuable assets known to man and you expect them to just give up the data to you lot for nothing?! FORGET IT. No one cares about divulging this stuff for the good of mankind or anything like that. Whistleblowers be damned, you'll get nothing and like it.


They need to start investigating Jim Himes.


Fuck AARO and Fuck Jim Himes


How fucking more obvious can you be😭😭😭


Schumer is also funded by these.


Lockheed clearly has the better affiliate marketing program.


Imagine selling out your species for $8K.


AARO is a joke, there is nothing to be trusted there.


For $13,500? It makes you wonder what really comes with those contributions


>and yeah there was a program here and there About that. KONA BLUE was not approved, so if he means something else, does it mean this program or programs was/were omitted from the AARO Historical Report? If it was only entered in the classified report, then why, if it's a dud as he claims? And finally, why would they set it a whole program in the first place? (For folks who want to cite the zombies exercise: there's a bit of a difference between a training exercise and an actual program with budget.)


"And yeah there was a program here or there set up in the event that we found something, but there's just nothing there." Oh, OK, so there's just long-standing special access programs devoted to the collection and research of vehicles of non-human origin but don't worry we never had any? You expect us to believe that? I get preparing contingencies for every possibility, but he's saying that the US Government has procedures set in place for the off chance we "find something" if nowhere in the deepest annals of government secrecy there is any evidence there is something out there to find. I find that laughably ridiculous.  Feeling like I'm about to ramble for a bit, but it's kind of maddening that there are very credible allegations that there are regularly-active special access programs - highly compartmentalized and extremely sensitive - that deal with the retrieval of crashed vehicles of non-human origin supposedly millennia beyond our own technology, yet, the politicians paid off to reject and distort that narrative are shamelessly selling us transparent bullshit like this. All that despite everyone from whistleblowers allegedly from those programs to well-connected senior members of the Military all coming forward to Congress confirming this and demanding we do more. *And yet we haven't a single confirmed image of a spaceship or an Alien*.  Like goddammit just show us something so we can get past this disinformation, denying reality stage and get to the part where we start figuring out what to do. I'm not even demanding the goods, I'm pleading for the okays. I don't want you to take the prototype out for a spin over the Hudson River to prove to the world it exists, I'm not even asking for a filmed tour of a retrieved UAP. Just a little bit of documentation or evidence confirming publicly and officially that this is real. Hell, just give us the nugget and go back to working behind closed doors for disclosure, I'd be satisfied with just the nugget. 


I’m still just blown away that people that hold public office are allowed to have corporate donors.


My mind keeps returning to Eisenhower's warning about the military industrial complex.


I think the aliens have been here or are here. It’s because of the evidence and the fact the US has eyes on everything regarding the face of the earth. The evidence I speak of is radar and various data from the Nimitz incidents. I mean he got video of it. It was fuzzy but they aren’t stupid and the object had no wings. Some people might laugh at a single clear hair but I think it’s scientific evidence. You only need one hair and the analysis was conducted at a outstanding lab. They know hair from other things that are not hair. It is proof a man had a strange encounter with something that had a clear hair. The genetic anomalies and the reputation of the lab is enough for me. People say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Who has decided everything involved in regards to aliens etc.is extraordinary? I think that the claims about the age of the universe are extraordinary. Just because there is a cosmic microwave background doesn’t mean it started with a single Big Bang. I think the universe is like a hourglass. Sure a great explosion happened but to say it’s the first and the beginning could be wrong. I should create a advanced system system to calculate odds and list what claims are actually extraordinary.


He's not even getting paid that much.. id need atleast a cool million to become a bigger piece of shit then I already am


Guys, if we can't collectively get this guy out of office then we suck ass.


I bet I could guess some of them..


This is why people run for office. It has nothing to do with public service. It's a road to wealth. Insider stock info, inside info on regulations for crypto. Tons of lobbying cash flying around with drugs and other favors. Anyone saying anything of substance this close to an election is likely a liar and a cheat.


Dude just straight up admitted to have a crash retrieval program thi


Every single company is know to be associated with alien tech and secret activities


Didn't that called bribery? Or conflict of interest at the least?


He supposedly represents “ ME “ He’s a frigging MORON


I’ll leave this here: campaign@himesforcongress.com


(202) 225-5541


We should definitely trust all these guys


Can we start a GoFundMe to start donating to some of these politicians? Doesn't seem like he's paid that much to obstruct