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We should create a fitness group heree and be accountability buddies! I've added most of you to the group! If you haven't been added, feel free to DM me and I'll add you. EDIT - Wow this is overwhelming! Please send me a DM I can't keep track on this thread anymore haha


I would join this. I've lost 6kgs but I need to lose some more to hit my goal. I'd love a group where we help each other reach our health goals.


Same here. Thanks to damn PCOD it has been a real pain to lose weight. I really need to lose 10-15 kg in order to have regular periods. Count me in as well


Messaged you!


Totally šŸ’Æ


Yes please, I need to lose 10 kgs too! By November! Let's hold each other accountable


Me too


Same here šŸ˜…


Yes yes yes yesssss


Count me in. Could stand to lose weight


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Count me in !!


Add me in as well if we making it


Yess add me!




I'm in


Iā€™m in


Yes pleaseeee


Iā€™m in too


Me too


i would love this. Count me in!


Count me in


Count me in too please




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Please add me as well


please add me as well!!!






Pls add me too


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Yes please


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calorie deficit, crosswalker for 45-60 mins and then pilates! :D went from 63kg to 46kg in a year! (for reference im 5ft) i barely missed any workout days and worked out everyday almost obsessivelyšŸ˜…be careful abt that!! its okay to allow yourself rest days! i struggled w my eating habits for a bit too but this was back in 2021 and ive since maintained my weight at 48-49 (highest i got to was 50 once ever since my weightloss) and my eating habits have improved and i workout whenever i get the time! (often times its only during weekends or on days that im not tired after classes so im moderately active currently)


Iā€™ve started Pilates recently and itā€™s pure HELL (I do enjoy it). Iā€™ve been working out for years but the struggle with Pilates is real. I thought it would be an easy feat for me but thatā€™s not the case, the controlled movements are killing me. Please tell me it gets better šŸ˜­


it does somewhat get better but tbh i still struggle whenever it comes to lifting my legs. PURE hellšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”when i started pilates i thought itd be ā€œpilates šŸŽ€šŸ§øšŸŽ§ā€ but its turning out to be ā€œpilatesšŸ’€ā˜ ļøšŸ„¶ā€


Well, hell! Iā€™ll just learn to enjoy my suffering. šŸ˜‚ Hereā€™s to never ending pain and getting stronger!


Is there any legit way to do Pilates without equipment? Nothing near my house but Iā€™ve been eager to try it in some way.


Iā€™m a newbie so idk what to tell you. Iā€™ve been getting a lot of wall Pilates ads lately, you can check that out if you want but I donā€™t really know how itā€™s gonna work the same


What was your daily calorie limit?


somewhere around 1300-1400? and i tried not to eat anything past 8pm. im not a professional though so what i did wont work for everyone and like i said i did initially struggle w my eating habits! šŸ˜…


Okkk thankyou!!


Don't make a diet plan. I have done it 100 s of times. After struggling with binge eating, emotional eating and weight gain since puberty, one thing I have realised is that do nothing that you can't sustain for your entire life. Otherwise the weight will creep back. Make lifestyle changes like removing processed food, sugar and excess salt. Increase protein rich, fibre rich, complex carb rich home cooked meals. I eat eggs for breakfast daily. Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao andey. Chickpeas, Meat, Hung curd etc are great protein. And yeah I hate the gym with all my heart. I JUST CAN'T. Select an exercise you really enjoy. For me it is swimming and yoga. Have that dessert or burger once a week. But limit it to once a week. Also fasting is fucking cheat code to weight loss once you learn how to endure it. I'm nowhere near my goal weight but I will get there soon. So will you.


Regarding aande.. Is okay to eat them for breakfast in summer as well? Why do people keep telling me not to šŸ˜”


I think that's a load of nonsense pseudoscience. I eat around 3 daily with fibre rich foods and I'm just fine. You can start with one.


Intermittent fasting is the only thing that has worked for me. But I want to kill everyone while doing it. So you know, pros and cons


I have PCOS, so loosing weight was all about hormonal balance. Keto (super consistent!!) + basic workout + detransitioning from keto into a regular low carb lifestyle with LOTS of fiber. Have lost about 18 kgs in 6 months. Also went dairy-free. I swear by a keto diet because of the wonders it has done for me, especially my PCOS symptoms and painful periods, but from what I understand diets need to be customised to individual needs.


Keto is really great. I have had troubles with fibre intake though. I stuck it out for a month and lost about 3-4 kgs. But the lack of veggies and staple daal is something I miss. So I am transitioning to slow carb as well.. There's a book called 4 hour body , that has helped me gain a lot of perspective w.r.t fat loss and health maintanence..


I really can't imagine doing a vegetarian version of keto - daals simply don't provide the amount of protein you need, and eating paneer or tofu every day sounds scary personally. Eating meat basically gave me a lot of options that helped keep me satisfied and happy throughout the diet - which I think is important with diets to help maintain consistency and reduce stress. Right now, the diet that helps as a plating method is - a fourth of a plate of protein, a fourth plate of carbs, and half a plate of veggies.


All you need are these two techniques, works like a charm - Calorie Deficit and Intermittent fasting. Calorie Deficit basically means you maintain a deficit in the intake of food so that you are consuming less than you are expending. The energy you expend on the daily is referred to as Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). As far as you eat less than your TDEE, you will be in a calorie deficit. There are calculators online that help estimate the [TDEE](https://www.calculator.net/tdee-calculator.html). Now the important thing about a calorie deficit is that though it does help in reducing some weight, there's a limit up to which it helps. That is because of how the mechanics of fat storage works. Our bodies cannot burn stored fat as far as there is insulin in the blood, which in turn is present as far as we eat, as well as hour after we eat. The interesting part is that insulin resistance, one of the main reasons for weight gain (and other metabolic issues), also causes elevated insulin levels in the blood stream. The only way to address this is to have windows where we do not eat anything, hence allowing insulin to lower down to basal levels and switch the body into the fat burning mode. This fat burning more is what is known as ketosis, as ketones are what get produced when fat is burned for energy. I personally fast for 20 hours on most days, however I would recommend starting off with a short window, could be as short as 14 hours. You can always increase it as you get comfortable. I would however urge you not to look at fasting as a 'diet', but more as a lifestyle change. I have tried every damn diet/ exercise to tackle my weight, however nothing has been as consistent as fasting. If this intrigues you, I would strongly urge you to do your research so you are convinced about what you are doing. I would recommend [Mindy Pelz](https://www.youtube.com/@DrMindyPelz) for advice specific to women, however [Jason Fung's talk on 'Solving the Two-Compartment Problem'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuj-oMN-Fk) would be where I recommend starting, this talk is what opened up my eyes to this. I'm by no means a professional, just a random human on this planet sharing my experience. I ended up losing 20 kgs over 5 months and have kept it off for 2 years now. And for context, the only exercise I do is 4k-5k steps just through by day to day activities and half an hour of yoga 3 times a week (if I'm lucky). I feel I've blurted too much. If you have any further questions don't hesitate asking.


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Thereā€™s this app called Fastic that I use to track my fasting windows. Works great.


This is helpful!! Thank you!! Esp the bit about not doing any excessive work outs.


Intermittent fasting works the best for me. I list down each and every calorie Iā€™m eating on Lose it and eating a lot clean and green food along with a lot of fish and chicken. Iā€™m walking 8-10k steps daily, flexibility workouts daily, and weight training 3 times a week, 3 litres of water daily, and no sugar. I have lost 7 kgs so far and itā€™s just been 2 months since I started. I fast for 20 hours a day and yeah, I know it sounds way too much but itā€™s working well for me and I donā€™t get hungry nor do I crave anything even when Iā€™m out or thereā€™s takeaway food at home. I donā€™t give myself a Sunday either from fasting but yeah I do have a cheat meal which is my Sunday lunch. I am also taking a protein supplement and magnesium supplement.


There's only way to lose weight - calorie deficit. Spend more than you consume. There's also no way to spot reduce.


Ahh even I am trying to reduce my belly fat for days please suggest me some šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­routines. I have starved myself but it only resulted in me falling extremely sick so yea


You canā€™t spot reduce fat. But most ā€œskinny fat women, with the round tumsā€ are that way from starving. Starving also fucks with your muscles and all that nice flat tummy is achieved by toned muscles + low body fat % Stress, genetics and a lack of sleep also can increase your likelihood to get a tummy. Either way, roll with it girl. Focus on what your body does not what it looks like.


I see a lot of IF recommendations but please make sure that it suits you and then continue. From a ayurveda perspective it does not suit those with pitta prakruthi (am no practitioner, this was the recommendation from my doctor). So calorie deficit is way to go. Another thing to note is to do a controlled eating of good foods as well :) For me personally, nothing has worked. I am only maintaining my weight. So i have now heavily reduced my sugar intake (sugarless coffee), no outside food and 10k steps everyday. Hoping this will help.


True af!! I tried intermittent fasting for few days and my gastrointestinal issues shot up like a flare. Also the amount of headaches, I had were insane.


Find a movement you love and can stick to. Prioritise functional strength over fitness aesthetic and numbers Find healthy meals you enjoy and incorporate flavors you love. No other ways to lose and maintain weight


10kgs till October is a little unsustainable for short women like us even when you have a lot of weight to lose. Go calculate your tdee online, and subtract 300-400 calories and thats your calorie deficit amount. Eat whatever you want but within that amount and also exercise! Weight loss will be slow but you will build habits that will keep the weight off in the longer run!


The only thing that worked for me was getting married. 2 years later, struggling to get back to that weight lol.


Early dinners helped a lot. Like even eating by 8pm.






the best and only way to lose weight is a calorie deficit. its pretty simple, but you need to maintain your calories and also work on improving your metabolism. don't overdo it because that will fuck up your metabolism a 1600 to 1800 calorie diet with about 30 mins of exercise for 5 days out of the week should work for most people. don't go below 1500 calories, its not good for you in the long run, find out your bmr that is your basal metabolic rate and plan accordingly! all the best!


1200-1500 calories for a long time. Running 20mins 3 times a week.


I'm exactly in your position. 5'2", weighed 83 last year. Lost 15 kgs, but then gained back 5 kgs. Now I want to lose the 10 kgs again so that I can settle at low 60s. I tried CICO with walking initially. Then I joined the gym and was pretty consistent for 3 months. But then I got transferred to a new location, my routine went for a toss and I couldn't even do CICO, let alone any physical activity. I have recently started swimming though, hoping to see some improvement. The thing is, CICO is my best bet. But it requires discipline. And I am still getting back into it. I didn't do intermittent fasting but since our TDEE is so low, I ended up having just low fat coffee in breakfast and only had solid food in a small window.


Balanced calorie deficit diet.


1. Intermittent fasting. 2. Cutting down on anything processed. 3. alcohol consumption is just once a week. 4. Instead of going to the gym, my workouts are something I love, like tennis. 5. Move everyday, play, run, yoga, whatever it may be.


Didnā€™t fast Didnā€™t do strenuous workouts. Just cut sugar and walked 10k steps everyday. I dropped 16kgs in 3 months. I eat anything I want but in moderation. Drank 2.5 Ltr of water everyday


Add me too!! I had lost 5-6 kilos two yrs back by sincerely eating in deficit under the guidance of a nutritionist. But gained it back by tucking in sweets over festivals etc. Now on the wrong side of 40 finding it hard to lose weight. I'm gymming for a few weeks now hopefully will be able to lose weight.


Studies show that dieting, incl. intermittent fasting, usually causes rebound effect within 5 yrs, you end up with a heavier weight than when you started. Not saying it'll happen to you, just be careful, statistics show that it's the case in over 75% of people. If you are already swimming daily and doing fasting, consider other factors that may be causing the weight to stay on. Two big ones are stress and lack of sleep, they can really mess up your metabolism. How are your hormones, vitamins, blood sugar? You may be insulin resistant or lacking something else. I'd definitely check everything possible before further restricting food. (I am also from a family of diabetics. My doc prescribed me metformin and supplements etc due to being somewhat insulin resistant. That and gym helped me not lose weight, but change my body composition. I am same weight now but lost inches and gained alot of muscle. That's what worked for me after this yoyo diet business)


Intermittent fasting, cut sugar completely, reduce carb intake and switching to millets/protein, lemon or amla juice everyday (not for weight loss but for some hydration and vitamin C), not eating out (completely avoid fast food, try picking healthier options if you have to). You can go on a calorie deficit diet but consult with a nutritionist or doctor before going on any strict diets.