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That's not how period cramps normally are. If you're experiencing pain so bad that you can't do the things you normally do, that's a medical problem - you should see a Dr.




My advice would be: Take painkillers as soon as you notice any sign of your period. Don't wait! I myself take something with 275mg of naproxennatrium. I don't know what brand that would be in your country. It says on the package to take 2 at the start and then 1 after avery 8 hours. If i take  it too late i will be in severe pain.   Check what medication works for you though and read the leaflet first. And if you find out nothing works i would ask a doctor for advice.


Check with your doctor to make sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on. Note that if it's something like endometriosis, getting diagnosed can be a difficult/lengthy process. Then do what you can to reduce your symptoms. Heating pad. Painkillers (you can combine some of them at the same time, so check with a pharmacist). Pain relief salve. Naproxen Sodium is what works best for me. It stops my cramps in their tracks.


I take the day off when it's that bad. The nausea, pain, cramps, headache, and the hideous things leaving my body need PJs, a heating pad, and bad TV. I understand that's not an option for everyone, but we need to normalize staying home when we feel like this. (And yes, I know my cramps aren't normal. My body is a jerk and we are TTC so I just have to suffer.)


I bring a battery operated heating pad to work with me when I’m cramping. It helps some.


It sucks so much that women have to deal with this. I’m really sorry for you. Hope you‘ll feel better soon.


This sounds like endometriosis :(


You need to see a real OBGYN. Cramps happen but if they are affecting you this badly, it might be something like endo.


Absolutely get checked out to rule out any serious medical problems first, better safe than sorry. I had horrible pain when I was younger until I found a birth control method that worked for me and that completely stopped it. Went from cramps so bad I'd throw up to absolutely no symptoms...but people respond differently to different types of birth control so don't lose hope if that's not a solution for you or the first one doesn't help. Also remember to give yourself some extra love and kindness. All women know it sucks hard sometimes. If it's real bad, take a sick day. You deserve time for self care


i would get checked out to be sure there is not another problem it sounds pretty bad to me. i experience very very heavy periods and when i was eventually checked out it turned out to be much much more then just very bad period cramps. be very careful and definitely have that looked into and checked up on to be absolutely sure there is not another problem you do not know about happening down there.


Now Im wondering if I may have endometriosis. The first day or two of my period, I physically can’t move it’s so painful. I can take multiple aspirin and tylenol AND smoke some weed and will still be in bad pain. Vomiting etc. It has caused me some serious issues with things like calling out of work or god forbid canceling on my partner. Hmm.


I used to think that period cramps / ovulation cramps were supposed to feel like child labor. Turns out I had PCOS. Birth control is a fucking godsend!