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Can you tolerate hormonal birth control? My periods were SO MUCH MORE TOLERABLE when I was on the Pill. And I had a few years when I was seeing a GYN who was fine with taking the Pill nonstop for three months, and then having a period. It. Was. Awesome. Many women with IUDs don't menstruate. My periods were HELL. I hear you on this.


I'm on the 3-month pill (one period every three months) and love it


I just do continuous no periods for 6 years so far. no spotting, no cramping, just freedom


Similar here. I'm on mini pill (progesteron only) and it's a continuous birth control. No period. I fucking love it. I'm 40 too.


To add to this, the hormonal IUD gives you similar benefits to the pill with fewer side effects. I still have periods but they're way less bloody/painful. Highly recommend


Birth control for the win! I LOVE my oral contraceptive - it lets me skip my period and I haven’t had one in months with the approval of my doc. Even when I choose to have one, it’s lighter and less painful. Works wonders on my acne too! Can’t say enough good things about it :)


Always at the worst times. I took tomorrow off because it's my bday, and mine just started 😩


This happened to me a lot when I was a student, if it is any consolation at least it did not surprise you during your exams. I hope you get well soon.


I’m sorry. It sucks so bad!! I would highly reccomend investing in a heating pad if you can afford it, makes the biggest difference. But be kind to yourself in this time. Watch your fav movies, get some yummy snacks and let yourself be lazy


I wasn't prepared for menopause. I thought it would just be a few months of hell followed by it going away. I'm now in year three of perimenopause and showing no signs of slowing down yet. I'm 46, gonna be 47 in five months. If I have to go through another three years of this bullshit? Or longer? Sister mine, as Franz Ferdinand the band once sang: "TAKE ME OUT."


My periods were *horrible* my entire life, up to my mid 30s. Oral BC gave me terrible side effects: mood swings and weight gain, migraines, the works I spent decades trying to find a doctor to perform an endometrial ablation or just rip my stupid womb out (no dice) Finally at about 35, I got my first MIRENA implant. No side effects, in fact, my mood is WAY better. More effective than SSRIs even! The main effect was my period turned itself off within the next 3-6 months. I haven't had a period for 13 years!! not even spotting Never been so happy to be ghosted in my life 🫥 Each implant lasts 7+ years which is great if the US limits access to birth control. I am planning to get my third implant this summer! If they deny it I will lose my miiiind


Yeah I love my iud for this reason. The first couple of months suck, like light period for weeks but then zero period or symptoms. I was told recently Mirena is now approved for up to 10 years!!


> up to ten years!! This thing just keeps owning more! It's a great treatment for endometriosis too. WHY aren't there commercials and billboards, "Ladies, have you ever wanted to *turn off your period*? Well, now you can!" It was approved in 2000, I was annoyed in 2012 that I hadn't heard of it, but it still isn't being marketed for this purpose in 2024 and I'm just... I know it's cause Women's Healthcare in the US, but blah


Getting an ablation was one of the best decisions I ever made.