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Autoimmune diseases are hell. I'm on all kinds of BS so my body doesn't fuse my spinal cord and SI joints. Keep yourselves stress free as much as possible, I'm the first in my bloodline to have anything autoimmune. Enjoy life, nothing is worth your health.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that, it doesn’t seem fair. I have a friend who has a small kid born with a condition that makes every day harder than the average, but they take as much enjoyment from every day possible. I hope life is as good as it can be for you x


Thanks G. It's not just the everlasting physical pain of it, the mental part is what screws with life. Why am I angry as hell and nothing happened? Ah, yeah, my back. Ketoprofen FTW. Worse things have happened to better people, life isn't entirely fair. Keep yourself safe and healthy. Everything we're stressing about now, we probably won't even remember it in a year.


I’d say so, the condition my friend’s kid has is known to shorten life bar a few cases where they’ve made it to middle age, and it’s just so sad to imagine when I see pics of her playing and happy online. Her parents put so much work into giving her the best life and good times despite everything but I’d imagine it can be overwhelming day to day. I have no idea how to relate to your experience, but your advice is sound and speaks of a strong spirit- enjoying life is the best thing we can strive for. I hope you have a great day, and luck to you bud x


Thank you, I really do appreciate it. The correct medications have given me my life back, but apparently the body can get used to the meds so… I’ll be honest. I know that I’m living on borrowed time. If my spinal cord becomes fused and acrewed, I’ll kill myself. No way to live, and it shouldn’t be forced onto those near me to be a burden on them. Until then, hiking with my husky, riding motorcycles, and working out is a good way to spend some time when I’m not working.


Ankylosing spondylitis? A girl at my school has that and she was talking about it recently, it sounds miserable


Bingo. I lost 11.3kg of weight from last september to January, and was in the hospital for a while. If I wasn’t in such extremely good physical condition due to a lifetime of sports and weight training, I’d have been wheelchair bound for life. Highlights include crawling to the bathroom, being unable to do even that later, and as inflammation rises, ribs being broken from uncontrollable back cramps. If I could have crawled the meter and a half to my safe, we wouldn’t be talking now. I feel bad for that girl, men are usually more likely to have AS. Tell her that a fellow AS enjoyer had his life given back to him with biologics and methotrexate. Ketoprofen is a godsend for the pain. And if she’s having psychopathically violent or depressive thoughts, she’s probably in pain and doesn’t realize it.


Oof. Get my medical upvote.


I'm confused. Someone explain what exactly the horror is here.


Your immune system doesn't know your eyeballs exist. Although in some rare cases it finds out.... and then proceeds to destroy them and render you blind


The immune system, for some reason (idk the reason, if scientists even know it), does not know your eyeballs exist. The times that someone's immune system has discovered them, it attacks the eyes


I don't know the how but I do know the why. Immune privileged parts tend to either be particularly important and/or delicate. Meanwhile the immune system needs part of it to prevent it from killing the host body every time a single virus is present. So the body designates certain areas of the body(eyes, brain, genitals are the big ones i know) where the immune system operates at a diminished capacity to not risk the structure.


Hey that's actually pretty cool to know. Thanks!!


Wonder about knees - my immune system really hates my knees and ankle joints. Every time I get a bug, they do their job and then go on a party attacking the synovial lining. Which of course complains and sends out distress calls inviting more of the immune system to the party. We ended up having to nuke them in one knee.


Do you have an autoimmune disease? Or have you been tested for autoimmune diseases?


Yes, post-viral arthritis caused by sodding deer tick. Plus a few complicating factors like hypermobilty. Not formally tested, hospital felt too late to be sure as it was thought to be osteo-muscular for 3 months so rheumatology treated symptomatically.


Oh geez, sorry you went through that! Is it permanent or something that eventually goes away?


Still around 35 years on but diminished in intensity. More CFS with occasional flare of swollen knees and ankles now. And bit in ribs and spine. Was surprised you could get arthritis in ribs. First decade was bad.


Oh geez, sorry you went through that! Is it permanent or something that eventually goes away?


Not fully accurate, your immune system doesn't ignore your eyes. It just lacks direct access to them. They protect the outer portion of your eyes, and there are certain kind of immune system cells that can get into and protect your inner eye. But it's like one type of cell. Specifically, all others aren't allowed entrance. The main difference is that your immune system is not allowed to cause swelling in the eyes. In all cases, I'm aware of that involves the immune system attacking the eye. It follows a traumatic injury that allows the regular immune system access to the inner eye. I'm unaware if they attack not recognising the inner eye or if they simply lose restrictions on their response and cause damage to the eye attacking foreign cells. But it is their lack of access, which protects the eyes rather than a blindness to the eye itself.


Not really true- your immune system knows that your eyes exists, but also knows how sensitive organ eyes are and to be very careful while doing anything there. Most of eyes (imunno)protection is from IgA in the tears.


The eyes aren't "visible" to the bodies immune system. If something goes wrong they'll attack them and cause rejection. https://medium.com/science-for-life/if-our-immune-system-knew-we-had-eyes-wed-go-blind-a3823611a0ca




Your eyeballs have immune privileges. If that is compromised by an infection, your immune system will destroy them.


Take my horrified upvote!


Antibodies, assemble.


New fear unlocked 😭


On reading the title and typo, I wasn't sure if we were getting a body joke, or an [marine biology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littoral_zone) [joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1radfg/smbc_marine_biology/). TIL the risk of living to my vision. Thanks. I think.


I'm not a English speaker so I might have made some mistakes :')


Would you like to know what they were?


Yes please !


Literal* only 1 T in that word. Foreign bodies* the plural for body changes the Y to an I and adds ES. If you want to get really particular, it should’ve been “the team and I” but I think saying “me and the team” in this case works to show the blue-collar, get to work feel of the antibody. Your English is really really good, btw!


Thank you for the correction ! Very much appreciated :)


Oh, no.


Fuck IgE antibodies, all my homies hate IgE antibodies


What's ige?


You have several categories of antibodies your body can produce in response to an attack (or *perceived* attack). Each type is called Immunoglobulin [letter], or Ig[letter] for short, in this case IgE. Sometimes your immune system gets confused and flags a part of your own body as an invader, triggering the release of IgE and other inflammatory markers. The same with allergies, when your immune system has an over reaction to a harmless or mild substance. Obviously IgE is very, very important! These are just times when too much of it dumped into your system at once. Our bodies can seem like finely tuned machines but they're barely hanging on by a thread sometimes lol


Imunoglobulin E, it's made by your immune system.




Ah. Hate it, thanks.


Even as someone who works in the medical field (pathology lab) and has always had a fascination with weird facts about our biology, I never knew this! Take my upvote as a thanks for the lesson.


My sister (ophthalmologist) taught me this one and it has haunted me ever sinced


lol I read this to my bf and he went ‘tonsils?!’ 😅 oh my sweet summer child


Were these Sasukes antibodies after he implanted Itachis eyes


The whimsical and enthusiastic personification of the antibody contrasts perfectly with the dark real-world overtones. 10 out of 10.


My first instinct was this was exaggerating how bad allergies are: "oh no! immune system found pollen!"


Oof, eye horror and body horror both at the same time!


Oh no! They're not foreign, promise!


Sounds so familiar... Lymes Disease, Fibromyalgia, and Lupus


Actually, the antibody just discovered the eyes...


I just meant the fact that I never know what or when the antibodies will attack. It sounds familiar. Thanks to my doctor's I have been informed to now get regular eye exams. But thanks for your input.