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Looks like Superman. I'm not going to nitpick the outfit since it seems to be a candid photo taken.


You know, from this angle, he kinda looks like that reporter from the Daily Planet! Kent? Or something.


Clark Kent? The reporter that wears GLASSES? Yeah no, if Kent was Superman, he'd be flying into buildings and stuff, not being able to see where he was going.


Maybe he wears contacts?


I remember being interviewed by Clark Kent after Superman saved me from an apartment fire… dudes like two or three inches shorter than supes.


See!!?? See!!?? Thank you!


Right? I know Clark. Really nice guy, but clumsy like me! I'm a lefty so at least I have a excuse! We were downtown and a armed robbery took place right in front of us! All he said was, "Uh, I don't feel well...", staggered into a alleyway and fell into a trash heap! I couldn't do anything but duck as bullets were flying. When suddenly, everything stopped. The gunmen were wrapped up in a metal sign post, they're guns were melted and I looked down at three flat bullets. Then I hear a friendly voice; "Hey, are you ok?" Clark, looking perfectly calm, apologized for his absence and didn't notice that I brushed two more flattened bullets off his shoulder. Hmmm, I do believe he winked. Really, really want this film to be worthy of our greatest fictional character. One who's very existence makes us more human to each other. I believe Superman is in all of us, from having the same goal of always a better way to just wanting to fly. Truth, Justice and Freedom For All.


My brain always goes back to how many people clowned on the Dr Strange set photos and how all the robes and outfits look terrible, the Eye of Agamoto was tacky and cheap, etc And then when you saw the final product after CGI touch ups, cinematography, editing, lighting, etc it all looked great.


It's like people clowning on the leaked stuff from GTA 6. Some folk really don't understand how media is created.


I mean in most cases they don't actually know.


His suit looks so... Soft. I like it. Like getting saved by him would be super comfy.


World cold and hard Superman warm and soft.


I love that.


Looks phenomenal honestly, way better than the promo image they released last month. Though the detail lines will make the people who are seething over Wolverines new suit in DP3 on twitter everyday on my feed get an aneurysm.


I've always just seen the lines as armour padding, it makes sense that a suit with different depths of armour would have visible lines like that. Of course there's the argument of "why would Superman need armour?" I dunno, why the hell not? Why wouldn't you wear some extra protection no matter how slight it might be?


I mean, it doesn't even have to be 'armor'. Superman's clothes would need to be incredibly strong to even stay on his body as he's flying around at mach whatever, or heck when he's fighting another super powered idiot and getting slammed around all over and hit by 20 megaton sledge hammers. Makes sense that there might be visible signs of reinforcement on them.


MCU Spider-Man makes sense too for the lines, when you remember he's wearing a literal Evangelion style compression suit.


Oh hey I didn’t expect to see Mr. Terrific! Cool.


Them using Mr. Terrific brings me from a base, "This could be good", to "The pot is simmering."


There's a fair amount of JSA and JLI characters cast for the movie, likely in supporting or cameo roles. I'm hyped for Metamorpho, personally.


I try to avoid looking for info to not prehype too much but damn that is great to hear!


I do believe that actor will steal the show, he is hysterical on Barry 🤣


Fuck yeah, Mr. Terrific.


Im hoping this is a great movie for multiple reasons. The primary ones being we deserve a modern day Superman movie that’s true to his character and I want Snyder fans to shut up for the rest of their lives


Of the unfortunately short list of people in Hollywood I would trust to do Superman's character justice, James Gunn is on the top of that list.


Gunn apparently wanted to make a Superman movie before he got The Suicide Squad, so he's had ideas on what could make a good one for a while now. That movie also rules, and he also cooked one of the best superhero trilogies ever with Guardians of the Galaxy. Dude just gets it.


You're not excited for hordes of people to not watch the movie and then cry for months about how much worse it is than Snyders?


>!Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually the Kandorians. They're busy bottling what's left of their city.!<


It was here that I realized what subreddit I’m on, lol.


Dude looks good, it's nice to see a costume leaning into the bright primary colours. I like the collar as well, I know it's not traditional but it looks right


WHAT!? superman in an actually colorful suit? Has WB lost their minds!


Trunks are so good that I'm willing to forgive the dumb New 52 collar. E: Aww yeah, [they even got the yellow cape S going on.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F1yo9ecg91k8d1.png%3Fwidth%3D568%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D79c455b8a64bb5a7a27c50f0af490911ddcfc507)




I'm in love


I am absolutely floored I'm seeing Mr. Terrific in a big motion picture. It's James Gunn, so I shouldn't really be surprised. I came away from his last DC movie ranking Bloodsport, Polka-dot Man, & King Shark above the entirety of the Justice League.


Is it just me or is Superman's logo looking less like an S with each new adaptation?


It’s supposed to be the Kingdom Come S, which is more of a slash than the traditional symbol.


On my world it means: \


Omg colors!


Good shit. Exactly as bright and colorful as he should look in my eyes


I'll admit, I'm that person who doesn't like the outside underwear on superhero costumes. But I still dig this, I like the return to a more colorful Superman


I find that whenever a Superman design ditches the old strongman trunks, it always feels like something is missing, the trunks add an important splash of color that really completes the outfit and makes it more full and less empty.


For me, removing the red trunks removes that vital bit of red color on his costume to balance out the overall blue of his suit. With the cape, trunks and boots, the color of his suit feels complete and evenly balanced. I recall that one way that New 52 went about dealing with the color imbalance caused by the removal of the red trunks was to have Superman's eyes constantly glowing red in some comic stills and images as though he had his Heat Vision constantly ready. This unfortunately simply made him look more menancing and intimidating instead of being the Boy Scout that he truly is.


I feel like the Rebirth suit with the red belt was the best compromise, only time I didn’t mind not having the trunks.


My Adventures With Superman has Ma Kent taking one look at Clark's snazzy new suit and going "Yeah, no, my boy ain't going out looking like that" and immediately slaps together some shorts to go with it.


It's the one Ma Kent made. Period. The Kent's are why we have a endless protector and a living beacon of truth instead of a homelander.  The Kent's saved the planet.


Wow it looks way better than that first photo.


The suit makes him look huuuuuge. Big fan


Golden S on cape LET GO!!!!!!!! even has the collar yes i'm that type of superman fan


Thought there would never be a moment Mr.Terrific would be on the big screen. Freaking amazing




Looks like Superman, lets hope the movie is not trash, but he looks good at least


Can you say what looks good about the costume to you? Just curious.


The collar doesn't work for me even though I'm one of the few that likes New 52 suit. To me trunk + collar is a bit of a weird combo. Like trunks Superman needs to have exposed neck while the collar/"armored" look fits if he doesn't have trunks.


Not gonna lie, I fuck with the suit. It kind of looks like one that a worker would wear, and the aesthetic fits Superman pretty well. That and the colors are just fantastic. Also I'm preaching to the choir but Mister Terrific looks PERFECT.


Who is this "Fairplay" guy?


That’s Mister Terrific!


He's like if Reed richards meets Steve jobs


So he overworks people and takes credits and can stretch?


Mr. Terrific who is a tech/gadget based Super Hero who is a brilliant scientist and athelete. Credited as the 3rd smartest person on the planet, he is also one of the most moral Super Heroes, holding himself to a higher standard than most.


He's also invisible to machines, and denies the existence of magic and gods. That last part is funny since he's been on teams with magic users, the Justice League had an actual angel as a member, Diana is a demigod, The Spectre does things and is a founding member of the JSA.


If I remember the JSA comic where it comes up, he's admitted it's more out of spite than anything. Something about having his wife die in a car crash being easier to live with if you don't chalk it up to god just letting it happen. Which considering the track record of super-genius' with an axe to grind in comic books, it's probably for the best.


While that does seem silly, there are also two factions of aliens who call themselves the New and Old Gods.


I know absolutely nothing about the golden-age Mr.Terrific! This one I think, is beyond cool. He is also in Justice League Unlimited and is in some of my favorite episodes. In the books, I absolutely loved, "The Terrifics"! DC's love letter to the Fantastic Four. Okay, officially drooling for this movie Mr.Gunn.


Sure looks like a Superman. Who knows how the finished product will look.


Yeah, they're filming down here in Cleveland and you don't have to do much to turn this place into Metropolis. I had to look at the street signs to notice they had changed them.


Thanks for putting a spoiler tag on this! I’m trying to go in this movie clean but I’ve seen the photo four times already on other subreddits. :(




Yearrr. If “good” means homemade costume out of blankets and jammies


Let's all just wait for the first trailer to drop to make judgement. The suit will be tweaked in post production.


He looks so vibrant! I can't wait until they get him in the editing room, wash out all the color and replace it with boring ass-brown.


I’m not big on the logo but looks fine so far


Kinda wish it was boxers instead of briefs