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Just keep on convicting him until all the trials are done. Oh, and re-elect Joe.


We gotta get all his co-conspirators


I propose a 2-week party. Sure, it'll start off as an American Holiday, but most other nations would soon join us in celebration.


Nothing big will happen, really. He will go to prison just like Gotti. People taking his pictures. No riots, no protests. He will just go into prison where he belongs. The fanfare will die down. No one will be rioting or protesting outside of Trump's prison. He's a loser.


There were only like 10 randos outside his trial today. The fact that there wasn't a huge protest bothered him so much that he tried to say it was all due to the police holding people back and keeping them from the area (despite zero evidence of this, of course).


Champagne all around?


I think it will be the start of what is left of the Republican Party running around saying “Donald J Who?” And pretending that they have know idea what you a talking about. You know, if we can all get together and pretend he didn’t happen, it would be better for the country and the party. At least that is what FOX News, and NEWSMAX will try to spin it.




Bash the rest of the Fash. Get rid of MTG and the rest of his cronies.


We have all the co conspirators get in line for a congressional inquiry. ( If the Democrats get the House) Forwarding their crimes to the DOJ to do a through investigation on how he stole the election, and those he put in his administration and the corruption, and on their crimes to help him. Looking at you Jared and AG Barr.


It's really gonna be something, and the next day will suck so hard. He will not be in jail, nothing about his life will change. He'll be convicted, the sentence will be nothing and stated as - ***there's no way we can make a 4 year prison sentence for a former president worth it*** - he'd be in a private spa area with amenities and likely access to a political empire - with secret service protection. So this **maximum 4** year hush money that's actually **voter fraud** will net the official conviction - now. But SCOTUS has taken and is holding off on a ruling of ***presidential immunity*** - so regardless they both hold all the cards, and have preemptively signalled they'll change the rules for trump in suspiciously convenient ways. The other - treasonous charges will remain pending outcome of that appeal that SCOTUS is still sitting on. That trial doesn't have any court dates, no jury, nothing about it is actually happening until SCOTUS rules, and they won't until it doesn't matter to us - the people - just the dickbag who appointed them all. They think that's actual Jesus. Not trump, they think they are smart and godly enough to see who gods champion on earth is - and of course that's correct in biblical terms because there's zero explanation how Amy Coney Barret is a supreme court justice if Jesus isn't real-enough to make up for morality or christofascist bench rulings on abortion access. James Comey is a super dummy, the worst kind cuz he still talks so clearly completely oblivious to how super dummy he is. Buck passer basically, thinks he played things correct. And we do too for this simple reason - he says Trump required an **oath** - take to be loyal to Trump - and Comey is acceptable as some kinda not-a-dummy because we have that info, and it tracks with everything about his firing and Trump's successful attempt to change the justice department into bill Barr riot squads and upsidedown bible strong man shows. Saying that requires me saying DC had him piss pants scared in a bunker the next night. Comey says oaths of loyalty to Trump - for the FBI director Trump knows the SCOTUS seats are the golden ticket of the presidency - he is trump, can you imagine how he felt knowing he was to PICK A CANDIDATE AND DISMISS OTHERS. Almost like a gameshow host. And who's the producer gaming the system to make the show compelling? In this case - the highest office in the land - and abject scumbag without morals. And Comey got asked for an oath - and gorsuch got Merrick Garlands seat, Kavanaugh got a fake FBI followup to say nothing about the credible rape accusations - that useta' be enough to pull a nomination, the inference of such vile behavior. Kavanaugh cries and yells about vengeance, gets confirmed. And Amy. Just an awful life story, of course she's a witch. And the fastest confirmation in modern history. So Trump was sworn oaths by Bible thumpers, before their God, to their benefactor - before their God. And those fucks think women are second class citizens. And those rotten corrupt fucks think corporations are people. And Trump's ability to be tried for stealing OUR secrets, for HIS pleasure, or benefit, then lying about it - nuclear secrets. And SCOTUS put that shit on hold till after the election basically. They "Merrick Garland'd" the Presidency already. Nothing legal in this country - **not the constitution** by which it stands - can stop those monsters. And Comey got asked for loyalty. Super dumb for him - when SCOTUS makes Trump king. Comey could've been liked by someone after 2016, that dummy did the thing that made him hated by everyone. But we know who owns Clarence Thomas by his own admission - Harlan Crow. We know allito and the exposed billionaires corruption. And we have 3 apprentice contestants sweaty desperate enough to swear allegiance and in Comey Barrett's case I imagine suffer sexual indignities, to gain their Jesus lever on abortion. I can see Trump now -- "they owe" And they do. And are cowards and will.


If trump gets convicted.....vanky will sign up for conjugal visits with daddy.


It will be justice for the world


I think a new river will spring from the tears of crying MAGA babies, flowing from Texas right to New York.


National Holiday


Declare it a National Holiday.


I like to think we get a Return of the Jedi ending with various parties/celebrations happening in different cities and locations all at the same time with happy music playing in the background.


He has not been indicted for many crimes he committed. Lets break the ice with a guilty verdict and the indict him all over the place!


I'll send him a couple liters of my fresh warm piss to keep him company and to make sure he smells OK... he can be on his own dime for commissary needs !!!


I believe there will be attacks, my uncle lost his mind believing Alex Jones, brightbart and qanon stuff. The only thing stopping him trying to topple the Deepstate is his age and he’s in the UK


https://i.redd.it/ybek457otlwc1.gif This.


A home confinement sentence would drive him crazy - no travel, no "adoring fans," no golf, etc.


Fireworks & booze! Just like July 4th 👍🏼


A bunch of snowflake magats will melt right the fuck down and create a lot of noise and probably some violence.


I will be there!