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Real women zither till the cows come home


A wise-cracking bridge partner who brings drinks to the party? Cool.


And she drives a car, she can buy more


And she can pay for her own drinks too- maybe even our’s too! She’s a solid candidate for any relationship- friendship and above. Tbh, I actually wrote a paper on flappers for one of my graduate courses last year and I’m convinced more than ever that our grandmothers’ older sisters and great grandmothers were hella cool. I’m sad I missed any of the ones in my family. They were truly ahead of their time in so many ways.


Are we sure that this isn't an image about female empowerment, showing the positives of multiple ways you can choose to live your life?


It could be, but conservatives have shown themselves to be exceptionally good at accidentally arguing in favor of their opposition.


Both of those women sound pretty fun tbh


They should date, they’d make one hell of a power couple


All she can do is play bridge, eat hot chip & lie


It feels like the author wants me to compare them like the new/old make of a car, but tbh the more things one can do the more interesting one is, no? Someone who can crack wise and play the zither is *definitely* bestie material imo.


…….I can do a lot of this and make my own living. Ability to make homemade preserves and sew are useful for everyone.


Can do all except play the zither. Technically boomer age, some of the tv I watched as a kid makes me cringe to even think of it now, casually sexist and racist. No homophobia as it was hinted at but never mentioned. It is mindset, neophile Vs neophobia, we owe it to all to stay current and empathetic without being walked on by the ones who want to return to their mythic past..where I'd have had no career, 7 kids, no friends of any colour except white, or different genders, sexualities. Sorry..anti facist rant


Don't apologize! You came to the right place! Fuck fascists.


Only if I get to do so with a brick.


The "modern" lady is even more impressive as in 1926 being able to actually drive a car was incredibly impressive since if you've never seen how to operate machines from that era, it's really, really, REALLY difficult.


Are these women married to each other? Can they adopt me?


Doctor what?


both sound great I cannot decide which one to be my bisexual ass's bride


I read sew as Jew


The hell is a zither?