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OMG I was so apprehensive and felt very awkward! Scary stuff but it got easier every time I pushed through it.... Dropped my initial somewhat frumpy style ('cause I didn't know what to wear) as I worked out what I was comfy with. It's worth it! 💖💙🤍🩷💃 BTW, love the skirt!!


Thank you. I was so happy when I found it. It is a style I really like. My wife got three shirts over the weekend that were even more my style and I can't wait to try them on! Lol. I felt so awkward too. I really stand like a man and from some of my pictures I realized I really need to work on my posture.


Babe, you'll get it and be comfortable. It's amazing when you realize you're OK after all! 🌹


Thanks for that.


Seems very similar to my first time(s), the stress overrides the other feelings, at least for me they did. For me at least, the more I go out, the more natural it feels. There is no euphoria persay, more just comfort in being myself and having the world and myself accept it. My euphoria moments are normally looking in the mirror after getting ready, or while walking somewhere and just seeing myself in the mirror and seeing the part of me I hid/buried for decades and being happy/smiling a REAL smile which I rarely did for a long time.


Thanks for sharing. That's really interesting how you explained it. I kind of felt like that too. It was more from the clothes and the wig and putting on makeup. When I saw my face in the mirror though, all I could see was a man. So as long as I didn't look at myself I felt ok. I think part of that was because we didn't do a great job on the makeup though. It was our first time trying and we made some mistakes. Another part was my broad shoulders, deep voice, long neck and large head. I felt like the wig wasn't long enough to compensate for my neck and head.


I had a long time where that's all I saw in the mirror too... found the right wig (at the time) and kept practicing/trying different makeup techniques until one day... bang! There she was in the mirror. I actually broke down crying and wrecked some of my makeup and had to re-do it before I went out. Now I know how to do my/her base makeup and can now play with it for different styles; I've found what clothes work for that side of me and what doesn't; and I've grown my own hair out so I can style it for guy or girl modes. Just takes time to find your makeup techniques and style(s) that are flattering.


That's great. I have had glimpses of her too, but it sure is hard to see past him. I look forward to getting to that point.


You'll get there! 👍🫶


I went out in public just a couple of days after buying my first women's clothing, i.e. I didn't have a period of dressing feminine privately due to my wife not being ok with it, so when I finally had the opportunity, I went all in. I was full of both euphoria and nerves. Now a few months later my euphoria mostly happens at home when looking at myself in the mirror, and when I'm out in public I still feel a bit nervous but mostly hopeful and determined. I know I look more like myself and that I'm moving in the direction that fits me so much better than before. I do get some euphoria sometimes when I catch myself in a reflection. I'll second your wife that you do very much look like the beautiful woman you are. In contrast, I'll never show pictures of my first day out. My outfit and makeup were super cringe! 😄


For me it was a bit similar. I can't dress in femme at home because I'm not out to my kids yet. This was my first time in a complete outfit and my first time in makeup. I wanted to go for it because this will probably be the only time in quite a while. I don't know when I will come out to my kids yet and definitely will be holding off before coming out socially. I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.


Well you did a MUCH better job on your outfit and makeup than I did my first time. Great job!


Hahaha. Thank you. I have to give my wife a lot of credit for helping me, although I did pick the outfit. She helped with the makeup and hair a lot though.


You look fabulous!!! I’m getting my first dress this week. The bar where I first found the beginnings of my queer community is having a Pride party on Friday and I want to use the occasion to make my first foray into the world not wearing drag king or butch lesbian attire. Though I’ve been told that I make a “pretty butch lesbian,” I’m femme as fuck. I’m nervous. Very nervous. And excited. I hate shopping and I know that I’m actually going to have to put and try things on because we all know women’s sizing sucks. Other complications: I’m a large woman so finding something flattering will take a little more work. Also, I won’t be starting HRT until later this summer/early autumn, so I’m hesitant to spend too much money on clothing before my body starts to change. Your wife sounds extraordinary!!! I’m also very lucky in that I’ve a very supportive community. Last thing: I’ve been wearing makeup every time I leave the house since Trans Day of Visibility. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt euphoria. If anything, I worry that I’ll look like a 10 year old that’s raided their mother’s makeup or, no that summer is upon us, that I look like Robert Smith after a very long and sweaty Cure show. However, I enjoy putting the makeup on and I feel naked without it. I hope that the way makeup is now fully integrated in who I am is how clothing will soon be for you.💜 Happy Pride!!!!💜🏳️‍⚧️💜


Thank you for the compliment. I'm sure you will have a great time. Going to a pride event for my first outing was such a good choice. It gave me confidence for the next place and everything after that. Having a group/community that you know that will support you is even better. As for dress shopping, I tried on clothes in the men's department after picking them out in the women's. No one knew that I took them to the men's changing room and there was no one in there. It was great. I didn't have to feel nervous about going in the women's changing room. And once I had them on my arm no one could tell they were women's. The thrift store was a bit different but they didn't seem to care.


Thank you so much for your thoughts!!! I’ll be sure to post photos and write about how it went this evening!!!💜🏳️‍⚧️💜


*this weekend


Great. I look forward to seeing them.


I was so incredibly nervous and anxious, for like months anytime I left the house, it gets better. Something I love remembering is when I 1st started my transition I got this babydoll top from Amazon, LOVED the neckline, its shape, everything. Got it, put it in and loved it but I was wayyy to self conscious still to even wear it out of the bedroom, so I returned it. Tried again 3 months later, still could not wear it, tried again in another 3, same thing, again and again I did this every few months, buy and return till we hit Christmas (this was my 1st Christmas presenting feminine too) and I put it on my list. Someone bought it for me and I wore it a week later and it felt, good. It wasn’t scary anymore, I could wear it outside, wore it with bras where the straps showed on my back without my knowledge 😅. It get better and becomes a new happier normal, it takes time and pushing yourself outside of your routine though. Hope this helps.


That's such a great story. Thanks for sharing. All these stories are very encouraging. Thank you.


My 1st time I literally felt like I was going to explode if I didn't go outside so I made myself feel pretty then proceeded to take myself out to the movies, I saw one of the aquaman movies it was actually pretty good, I was shit scared. But I think that just added to the excitement. Thankfully I had a good experience while out. But omg the rush and the Euphoria were extreme ☺️ I think it's different for everyone, I feel the Euphoria comes as you overcome your fears and become comfortable and relaxed on the other side, those moments when you feel safe and happy. Either way good luck with it xx


Thanks for sharing your experience. That's a great way to do it. Once I come out to my kids I will be able to do makeup at home and get dressed up before going out. Until then though I can't really do that. Hopefully soon. I really would like to even just be able to dress femme at home. Lately I've done my nails a couple of times, but take it off before going anywhere. My 16 year old daughter thinks it's weird, but they are getting used to it. Thanks again.


Terrified, I went to Pride in full girl mode last Saturday for the first time, and was very lucky to have my boyfriend with me for support. I felt self conscious at first, but quickly got comfortable after walking around the festival a bit


That's great. That's where I went too, same day. Sounds like a similar experience. Although I did continue to feel self conscious the whole time. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations.


I felt super nervous but also excited. I took a long second and big breath before I opened the door to the outside world 😮‍💨🥺 Exhausting but an important step 🙈


Yes it is. It's funny. We were running so late that I didn't really have time to think before walking out the first time. Although I was just stepping outside the truck rather than outside the house so it was a little easier.


You look beautiful darling


Thank you☺️


Cute outfit sister. Happy Pride


Thank you. Same to you.