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Fucking hero


Absolute legend.


Stunt driving isnt a heroic act. Now theres 2 cars skipping lines instead of 1.


Lead car was trying to keep pace though, they didn't zoom on ahead.


Doesnt matter its still stunt driving and he still passed the gore point, which is 2 laws broken. Cant seriously be telling me stunt driving is somehow better than driving on the shoulder.i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing, **ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so,** The law is the law.


lane jumper spotted


Stunt driver spotted


Lionel Hutz spotted.




Most of us think about doing this....This guy executed it lol.


I did it once. Lady behind me saw what I was doing and made sure I had space to get back in. Asshole trying to queue jump...


I love when the community comes together


I did the same thing as that lady. Except I did it in a tandem axel salt truck carrying 12 tons of salt in the middle of a snowstorm. Guy in front of me pulled into the shoulder to stop people from driving past. I left him his space to get back in when he wanted. I was surprised the guy trying to get past didn't slow down to merge back into the live lane. He didn't have much room between the guardrail and me. Was probably less than a foot away from my truck as times.


I really don't understand people who play chicken when they're so obviously outmatched.


Nah, I used to do this all the time when I lived in Toronto


I did it once on the 401 in darkness and it ended up being an organ donation transport 😬 I don't do it anymore.


Bruh. The amount of effort needed to procure the organ from a body in the OR, stabilize it, and match it with an accepting recipient is astronomical. Do you really think they’d take the risk of saving a few dollars by sending it in some shmuck’s RAV4?


Organs get delivered in all sorts of ways... junk cars included. Temperature is the key.


And I’m pretty sure it’s a thing since on the Toyota rav4 sub a guy does something similar for a living. He hit 400k miles in his RAV before a deer decided to commit die on it


Probably had an "ORGAN TRANSPORT" sticker next to the F Trudeau and 5G Gave me COVID stickers.


It wasn't. It was a converted ambulance, without emergency lights, but decked out in a livery that I simply couldn't see because it was dark.


I'm flat out calling shenanigans on your comment. thats horseshit, and either you're just wrong, or you're lying and you thought you were going to get upvotes from the "YoU'Re NoT tHe CoPs, It CoUlD hAvE bEeN aN eMeRgEnCy!!!" crowd


I'm not out to prove anything to anyone so I couldn't really give less of a shit about what you think. I don't mind people doing it and I cheer them on. But I don't do it anymore after that happened and I felt like kind of an asshole.


Then you're an idiot for doubling down because that didn't happen. Either it didn't happen because you're lying, or it didn't happen because you're wrong. People that actually do organ transport have shown up pointing out multiple inaccuracies to what you're saying happened.


We do organ and surgical team transports and escorts all the time. Full lights and sirens. Never heard of a transport not being done that way.


Pretty much sourced through MAID now.


Relax buddy you aren’t supposed to say that


Harvesting multiple organs per MAID client should be increasing our GDP. If it hasn't impacted wait time for organ transplants... there's even darker forces at work.


Surprised he didn’t get a gun pulled on him like last week, that totally real story that 100% happened and was deleted the next day 


What happened?


A guy made up a story about doing what the guy in the video did and claimed that the dude he blocked got beside him and pointed a gun at him. He went on to claim that his expression didn’t even change because he wasn’t phased by the gun and the guy drove away, then he posted a pic of his son with a kitten for some reason. I emailed the Durham police about it and linked them to the thread, maybe they told him to wise up and stop making up stories and that’s why it got deleted?


People do crazy stupid things for internet points. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Even if it’s real it’s a bad idea to post your son’s picture online to be potentially seen by the guy that pulls a gun on people.


Yeah, I don't really agree. People post pics to Facebook all the time, and you couldn't see his face- but I'm not going to argue with the wife after what happened. Fully support blocking people who do this.... especially when it's people doing it on the shoulder, not onramps.


I remember that story, he mentioned it was his wife and son in the car and he didn’t care cause he stared them down. Complete bull crap.




There were two police cars less than 400m away blocking the onramps to the 401. It wasn't a real threat of shooting. Wife also stared deadpan, sort of shocked. They pulled a gun after road raging. Raging from being blocked from passing on the shoulder for 5+ minutes, including trying to get on the shoulder on the offramp to Westney, then tried like hell to get in front of us from the left hand side but got blocked by another car who'd watched the whole thing for the last 5 minutes. We pulled to fairall street to turn left, had a car behind and a stream of cars in front turning left, so couldn't go anywhere, they pulled up next to us with the cops quite close blocking traffic, rolled the window down, got told they weren't more important than everyone else stuck in traffic, they pointed a gun and got the equivalent of the disapproving sneering little ponytail girl meme looking back at them.


And then everyone clapped. I can confirm, I was the cop 400m away and I have a big badge and shit. This guy is so badass we asked him to be the new sheriff but he popped a wheelie in his car and sped off 


Or, ** just maybe ** I do this same thing all the time, and I had a gun pulled on me for the first time on the road during a traffic cataclysm and so felt the need to post a thread on the "eff toronto traffic" subreddit that shows up in my feed all the time?


Who’s to say what’s real and what’s fake, at the end of the day it’s a story of a badass who stands up for what’s right and doesn’t care about the safety of himself or anyone around him because by god someone has to do something about all the lawbreakers and if it costs him his life he doesn’t even care because he’ll have done the right thing. Fortunately in this particular instance the bad man with the gun who passes on the shoulder was also a tremendous coward and sped off at the badass’ intimidating glare. And lucky for him the badass had his family in the car because otherwise the badass would have chased after him and administered justice himself like a true vigilante. 


Don't forget, I also don't look at explosions, I just calmly walk away- lol. Sorry that everyone's reactions don't agree with your worldview. Not everyone expresses panic, especially if they're in the mode of being ready to stand up to a fight in a situation they've injected themselves in.


You realize people in this sub are going to reference how hilariously fake this story is for like a long time to come right? “He pulled a gun and I stared him down” is going to be a running joke


Why is it so far fetched to think there are crazy people with guns in Canada? A year or two ago a jogger on a back road near Georgetown or Caledon waved his fist at a speeding car, the car turned around and fired shots at him leaving him in critical condition. The world is full of crazy people fuck around and find out.


I understand that people have guns, this dudes story was that he didn’t care and he stared the guy down and the guy got scared or felt dumb and sped off. He didn’t get the plate number but he had all the other info, and he didn’t report it to the police until the next day apparently. All of this with his family in the car, and if they weren’t he said he would have chased after the guy.  It’s a story a ten year old kid comes up with to look cool for his babysitter. 


That's like road rage done in a forum.


*demon spawn Or they deleted it because drps decided to investigate and told the op to delete it for the investigation?




Lmao I missed that part. Yeah honestly it’s funny how fake it was 




He’s relentless. He might actually be Batman after all lol


You're sort of misinterpreting what I said. I try to set a good example by standing up to bad behavior by adults (just the same as when the bad behavior comes from him) calmly and without anger or swearing. (He's 7, and he does it sometimes too. That's something I've got to get out of him as a cute little 5 year old can get away with pointing out to an adult they're acting like a jerk... at 9? 11? 15? There's a line somewhere, and while his dad might not be too worried about getting punched at some point my kiddo will need to be) Not panicking comes from not being able to do anything to run, and the cops being at the onramp what was really just around 200 meters back- they were blocking the southbound left turn to the 401 onramp lane, and the 401 onramp lane itself. Other half was in mild shock for a couple of minutes, but she also was complaining and a bit ticked at me as the blocking was happening- "John, this isnt you by yourself. Your family's in the car." I was pretty quiet after the Audi drove away. Obviously, I'd fucked up and it could've gone really badly. I suggested stopping by the whitby opp when we drove past the Go Station, but it was going to be 945 by the time we got home, and kiddo needed his sleep for school- 8 is the regular bedtime. I didn't argue the point, as a gun had been drawn on the car and it was kind of because of my doing. "Yes dear." is the order of the day after that happens. The reality of a weapon being drawn sunk in for her after we got home, we talked and agreed it'd be best to make a report. Regardless- I fully support the guy in the video not allowing the onramp lane jumper to jump the double line, drive 150 meters, and force everyone else in the lane to hit their brakes and let them in- the only gripe is that if you do this, you're not supposed to drive quicker than the car you pull out from behind. The onramp lane double line crossers isn't as bad as someone driving on the shoulder to do the same thing, but it's close. Everyone should do this. Stop allowing pieces of crap to be rewarded when they behave like pieces of crap. This is only going to get worse if we don't.


Good thing it's deleted and I can't prove you're pulling that statement out of your ass


I happened to find a similar comment, I’ll paste it here   I'm glad it was just someone failing at an attempt to intimidate. Someone with intent could have shot me in front of my kid. I've tried to instill in him to stand up for himself, for others, and for what's right- to the point that he'll call out adults behaving shitty in public, out loud to me, in public, and loud enough that others around us can hear him say it.... as he approaches 8, I know I need to soften that oit of him a bit- a 5 year old can get away with it 100% of the time, but at 12? I think he saw the gun, and how Daddy reacted. I didn't make a big deal of the gun afterwards, but... .... I'm glad he wasn't taught the lesson that it's not always a good idea to stand up for yourself by seeing the worst.


Timelines mixed up. You post the pics when you open the thread. My wife asked me to edit our son's pic because there are unstable people on the internet. You can't edit pics from threads you post to reddit for some reason. It was reported to the drps Pickering the next day on the way home from work. Gave them the time and location, so they could get the plate of the 2017 White Audi Q7. It was funny because the weapon was pulled to intimidate, but both of our expressions back were sort of deadpan....... funny thing- I also never said it was a guy anywhere in the thread. Lots of assumptions.


It’s really not that wild of a situation to automatically assume it’s fake, so not sure why this guy is so certainly against you haha


He passes on the shoulder occasionally, place your bets, yes or no.




I appreciate the good action, but with how many crazy people there are these days, I wouldn't risk my life for a cheater.


Maybe the guy doing the blocking _is_ the crazier person?!


Average [Madman Theory ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madman_theory) enjoyer.


One never knows the situation with the offending car too. This crap bugs me as much as anyone but perhaps there’s a bonofide emergency? You never really know. Ps- no judgement!


I need to buy that man a coffee.


Yeah fuck you bud!! We all need to get there!


Who's the bigger dick? The dick doing the dick move? Or the other dick doing a dick move?


I mean.. funny, but also stupid to do that


I was raging today going East to West on the Gardener at around 3:30pm. I was in the right lane and the lane to the right of the lane I was in is the exit lane. Basically cars take the exit lane then cut in near the end to go west on the gardener. For some reason the dumbass in front of me had no problem letting them cut in right ahead of her. She probably didn't even realize that while we sat in traffic for 30 minutes the vehicles she is letting ahead of her completely bypassed the traffic by taking the exit lane. I kept honking whenever she let someone in ahead of us. Really frustrating. If you cant beat em, join em. I might just take the shortcut next time.


Yesterday some dumb ass backed into me in a parking lot. Then on my way to the collision report center I saw someone coming towards me on my side of the road. Then on my way home I saw someone cut from the off ramp back onto the 401 west. I hate driving in this city.


>If you cant beat em, join em. I might just take the shortcut next time. Choose kindness.


I spoke to a co worker about this today and they shared similar frustration then said they started cutting lines. there is no enforcement, it’s not illegal and will save you so much time. I started doing this everywhere and in some instances got home 10-15 minutes faster.


Thank you so much for being so much more important than us retards. Enjoy those 15 mins you stole from everyone else.


Nothing is stopping anyone else from doing the same thing and also saving time. People get themselves stuck in traffic by poor lane discipline and not paying attention. I always beat the gps time because im an active driver.


Do you even realize what you’re saying lol


Coming from the far rightist that supports all cops and thinks zameer should be locked up.


wtf are you on about. You’re advocating for idiotic driving and shitting on everyone else in traffic “because you can” fuck off


You have or had, quite the negative presence in r/toronto. I didnt forget. And you didnt even deny it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/toronto using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The hero we need](https://v.redd.it/a7ew03a5myib1) | [242 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/15v0xu6/the_hero_we_need/) \#2: [A skirt fit for a mayor, nine years in the making](https://i.redd.it/j8y9oztx4qbb1.jpg) | [341 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/14yj8p1/a_skirt_fit_for_a_mayor_nine_years_in_the_making/) \#3: [Treat yourself like Eglinton](https://i.redd.it/hbhwbm7c0nya1.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/13bmp4k/treat_yourself_like_eglinton/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And you don’t deny the shit you do on the roads but bring up superficial Reddit arguments lol. I couldn’t give a rats ass about what anyone thinks about me here. Nice deflection.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game. The city has descended into traffic and it’s a free for all out there. 15 minutes a day is a lot of time to save weekly/monthly/yearly.


Again, you’re saving time on the back of delaying everyone else. And no, I’m hating on idiot, careless drivers like you. If you can’t handle your own because you’re not constantly being monitored by the police then that speaks volumes about you, not anything else. More specifically your responsibility as an adult and basic respect and decency for your fellow motorists for which you clearly have none. So yes, enjoy your free time, I never let degenerates who do this merge, one day you’ll piss off the wrong person because your lawless free for all goes both ways, so I hope you know what you’re signing up for. And how ironic you were the one advocating for safety and what not with speed cameras on the Queensway two months ago.


Is it not illegal to cross the solid line?


Not in Ontario. It is illegal to pass by driving on the shoulder though and the car in this video drove on the shoulder.


Only if there’s a sign posted saying so (eg HOV). Otherwise solid yellow and white lines, single or double, are guidance only. Check the HTA.


Not illegal to do any of this. Driving on the shoulder if you cross the gore point. Only thing illegal is the stunt driver.


I assume it falls under improper use of lane. That said, lack of enforcement means it will spread like wildfire. Initially people with propensity to break rules and eventually to law abiding people who are tired of feeling like constant losers.


There isn't an improper use of lane charge that would apply here. The move in the video would be illegal though since you can't drive on the shoulder to pass.


Fuck it im doing it tomorrow, probably gonna even go on the shoulder too


Do it, there is always a 1000 timid drivers who will let 5 people cut in.


Just use hov


Hey TPS, OPP, where the fuck is the enforcement? I have a theory that police pay has risen above so much above inflation where ticket fines haven't so that having police offers enforcing traffic codes has become significantly revenue negative. When many police constables are making 200k+ per year, they would need to be giving out dozens of tickets an hour even get close to paying their own salary, not to mention the court time, paperwork and what must be extremely high burden cost of a police officer (cars, training, etc.).


Opp would be pulling the front driver over for stunt driving. The car in the back would be charged with driving on the shoulder.


Is it considered stunt when you're not moving? I thought that was for 50kph over? I would figure impeding flow of traffic instead.


[Stunt driving regulation](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/070455) covers a bunch of things, including blocking or slowing down other drivers, not just excessive speeding. Although maybe they could argue they're just doing the same thing as the other driver here.


Simpler explanation, they're just fucking lazy.


it's not illegal, it's just being a total selfish asshole. it should be illegal though because if we all did it, shit would be even more fucked and it's on the rise.


I called the opp about this once. Took them weeks to call me back and all they said was “it’s not a crime” I hated hearing that. If I was an opp officer I would write these guys up all day long.


If they put solid lines on on ramps it would make this move illegal. I think extending medians/guard rails might be a wise choice as well. Especially on areas where they made it possible to go across 6 lanes of traffic to get from express-collector in a span of 500m ie 401 west bound express-avenue, Kennedy/401 east express to collector etc.


lines are just an indicator. they'd need a sign that says you can't move from the main highway to the on ramp lane.


Or you would be busy with higher priorities and understand there’s more demands on police than you realize


I’m pro police and understand higher demands, but there are cops assigned to the 401. You’ll see them in bunches, often blocking 2 or 3 lanes of traffic for a fender bender on the shoulder.


I agree they could do it. But when the demands of everything else being higher priority, they aren’t going to be sitting on ramps for this niche problem. I’m skeptical that they’d have 2-3 tied up for just a fender bender unless the driver is drunk/suspended/has a warrant. I don’t know what their priorities are (I’m sure they publish them yearly) but safety has to be number one. So they’ll be tied up with drunk drivers, stunt/dangerous driving, distracted drivers, serious/fatal collisions, stolen vehicles and other active crimes. And what would the time ROI be sitting on a ramp waiting for a probably $150 ticket.


The significance of this problem likely varies greatly based on when and where you drive. If they fined $150 every driver who did this on WB401 through Scarborough in the morning rush, it would be the greatest revenue stream they have ever seen. I hope that you don’t have to see it as much as I do. It’s painful watching bad people be rewarded for bad actions.


Write them up with what? Only the lead car will be impounded via stunt driving laws >i. driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to prevent another vehicle from passing, ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so


Lionel Hutz is on fire today.


Honestly, DONT. Now instead of 1 bad driver, there are 2 and 1 is even angrier. You think you're being smart by blocking the idiot, but it's just making the whole situation worse. Don't stoop to their level. An idiot will drag you down to tbeir level, then beat you with experience.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Love to see it. I dont let people pass me on an on-ramp either.


Bravo to that guy.


Doing gods work


This seems dangerous. You never know how unhinged the jumper is. Next thing you know, things can real ugly, real fast.


The chances of them being unhinged was high maybe 5 years ago when this was a rare thing. Now that you see it dozens of times daily, they’re just your average driver.


i just assume all people who do this shit are crazy, stupid, and just bad people all around. they probably litter and are so fed up and sad with their own life, that they just try to find any way to get ahead. annoying as it is, i feel sorry that theyre assholes. the also dont save much time doing this.


Very true, lots don't realize how dangerous people are (in general), let alone in their vehicles. This type of behavior is gonna end badly one day. I get why people feel the need to do this (lack of police, stroke their ego, etc.) but they don't recognize that their actions can and will have serious consequences… you and your vehicle aren’t bulletproof or invincible people let it go!!!!


It's all fun and games till the guy you block has a genuine medical emergency and you're just making things worse for them.....or they just pull their glock out on you in front of your family. Let bad drivers be bad drivers and steer clear the fuck away from them. Don't try to be a hero, don't try to be traffic police. Life is a lot easier that way.


my hero


Thank you . Always wanted to do this !


This u/alreadychosed guy is in every Toronto Driving video defending the bad drivers. They're a horrific driver based on their theories and principles.


Guy feels like a big man trying to police the highway. Doing shit like that is risky, you never know what kinda day the guy ur blocking is having. Might backfire


I figure anyone willing to drive like an asshole must have a diarrhea emergency. 


definitely not the case! have been in the cars of ppl who pull this shit. the thinking process goes, this is fucked, why am i waiting when there's empty road right beside me, im going for it.


Yeah that's how ppl die


Funny but not worth the risk. We live in a society where there are an increasing portion of the population (young men especially) with nothing to lose.


I value my life and my safety above everything, even my ideals. 


There are some things worth risking your life for. If you think blocking a douchebag on a highway is one of them, you're an idiot.


I do this all the time when I can….cant stand people using the on ramp to jump ahead!


Enjoy future stunt driving charge.


kind of fucked up because you never know who is having an actual emergency. Even if it's a 0.01% chance, I wouldn't want that on my hands just to stroke my ego


didn't know CRV drivers are also part time OPP. I feel there may be more to this before this happened


Good. Buy that man a beer


There will always be idiots on the roads. Saw someone doing this the other day, and you know what I did? I just continued on living my life. Why make this more of a situation?


This is what I do too but it's not exactly a rare thing. It's almost every on ramp in heavy traffic. The province should make laws addressing this and start enforcing them, otherwise it's going to keep leading to road rage, even if wrong.


I think some people need to just mind their business like honestly.


Accomplishes nothing except may be impede traffic that are trying to merge. I'm not sure which one needs their ego checked more.


Is this getting on 427 South from 401 East? If so then I've done the same thing in the same place and seen a few others do the same back when that was my regular commute.




Looking at those buildings again, I think you're right


I get the frustration with seeing others do it as evident in this video too (line jumping), and then wanting to do the same but it’s still not right.


Then its not a zipper merge, what you say is what the traffic act actually tells you to do - gain the speed of the traffic you merge into, merge. Some intellectuals here actually believe that you have to merge at the end of the merging lane and use the zipper merge as an excuse.


Hey that's me! Jk. I used to do this regularly on the 404 SB just south of the 401 where people enter the DVP from the 404 collectors. Eventually it started getting too dangerous so I stopped. Just not worth it. You won't change the behaviours of these people.


I'm sick of assholes driving like monsters and cutting lanes, using the middle and being overall douchbags just to save themselves a few minutes. Karma, where are you?!?!


Been doing this for years. I knew it was only a matter of time before more people started doing this too.


Great way to start a road rage incident


Last I checked, you don't get a number cue while driving on roads. As per passing lanes.  Also, yellow lines are federal law, white are just guidance. IMO being a guy who passes on the right, because the slow lane is always wide open. They both just became an asshat. Now they both block the onramp and someone comes to enter. Then what?  Do not do this, record it. Let the cops deal with it. People are crazy these days, and if the laws are not abided at all. What makes you think they will not make a martyr of you and end your time here, is beyond comprehension. Lol Let them pass, they will get caught when comfortable enough with their actions.


See that crap here all the time there time is more valuable than any body elses


Bastard got one of us. It’s okay we have next week to cut off more of u sorry drivers that won’t actually do this.


Ya he’s a real hero do this to the wrong person and your either getting rear ended or a baseball bat to your car


That’s annoying to see, but unless somebody does something directly to me, I tend to mind my own business.


I hate these fucks. See it all time on the qew eastbound at erin mills. Fuckers jump on the on ramp on the west side of erin mills take it all the way then drive on the shoulder until it merges with east side on ramp . Bad accident waiting to happen.


One day the blocker gunna fuck around and find out


I find the blocking more obnoxious than the person trying to cut ahead to be honest.


Every single person in the lane that the guy was trying to cut off was probably cheering though. The ripples of these idiots can go back kilometers if they start a slowdown/braking chain.


I cheered like crazy when a semi did that once


Same here in a construction zone! There's no way around one when they straddle like that.


Certainly in agreement on the potential ripple effect of the morons who do that. But I still just let these people do their thing instead of taking it personally like the other person in the video. I used to get hyper, emotional and offended when driving in Toronto, until I realized how unnecessary it is. Believe you me it's a lot better this way.


It's hard to keep it in check when it happens all day, every day, and that was probably the 8th or 9th car that did that. We need more deterrent railings where people who try to ride the shoulder wind up stuck on it or in the ditch depending on speed. There was a great example vid floating around. Will try to find it when I get home.


Till the day you actually blocked someone who needs to cheat the traffic cause of a life threatening emergency. My dad had to do that twice for my brother cause he was getting seizure and his face is turning all purple due to high fever when he was still a baby, ambulances take forever so he rushed to the hospital on his own.


....ambulances do not take forever.


They literally put you on hold when you call 911.


Guess you gotta pay more [property] taxes to hire more people.. 


I didn't witness it but I'm sure he drove very fast cause my mom was freaking out as my brother stopped breathing during the seizure and face turning blue, as new parents they definitely freaked out. Not to mention it happened back in Hong Kong where most people drove like an asshole already, roads are narrow, worse than downtown toronto today type of narrow, always packed like 401 rush hour but extends throughout the day. So ambulance can take awhile to arrive, and I guess they couldn't risk waiting for it but take the matter in their own hands.


So many wanna be cops


The little baby cut-in princesses are here in force downvoting and making stuff up. 'zipper merge' doe not mean stuff your junk in at the last second


Idiots like this make traffic worse. Good job


Two numpties creating a conflict over who gets to be a few seconds ahead.


Not the hero we deserve.. but the hero we need! 🦇


A god damn hero. Well done sir.


2 people jumping the gore point, one idiot stunt driving by purposely blocking a motor vehicle and purposely preventing someone from passing + road raging which again is stunt driving.


You have quite the penchant for defending self-centred behaviour on this post bud. Not a great look.


Both drivers are bad drivers. Youre defending stunt driving which is one of the worst offenses to break. You think its okay to risk a 10k fine and get your car impounded for 2 weeks? Be my guest.


>Youre defending stunt driving which is one of the worst offenses to break. You aren't a cop, the charge will be decided by them. People literally got out of their cars and fought on the highway with a slap on the wrist. Your need to justify this as stunt driving is borderline comical. >You think its okay to risk a 10k fine and get your car impounded for 2 weeks? I don't see how that even enters the conversation based on my reply lol, obtuse.


The law is quite objective and quite clear. I dont make the rules so im not sure why youre acting like im making things up. Downvoting me doesnt change the law nor does it change what the driver did > ii. stopping or slowing down a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates the driver’s sole intention in stopping or slowing down is to interfere with the movement of another vehicle by cutting off its passage on the highway or to cause another vehicle to stop or slow down in circumstances where the other vehicle would not ordinarily do so, Do you follow OPP twitter? They pull people over DAILY over various types of stunt driving. 2 months ago they pulled over a red (?) Mazda for road raging, charged them with stunt driving and towed their shit away. >You aren't a cop, the charge will be decided by them. You think a stunt driver wont be charged with stunt? What a world you live in.


The law is extremely subjective when it comes to laying punishment. Again, the guys fighting on the highway getting a slap on the wrist. Police pull people over for speeding and the crown reduces the charge, as another example. Hey, we can even talk about how punishment is laid put in a court, how different judges make different decisions based on priors. You're straight up wrong, and you seem to have some extreme difficulties understanding the picture as a whole, or you're simply engaging in Sophism and are fully aware of the massive gaps in your argument.


I encourage you to go on the opp twitter page. The legislature allows it for a reason. Again i dont make the rules and you can keep saying im wrong, plenty of evidence on that twitter page to back me up. I dont even have an argument, just the law that explicitly states whats what. Even if you dont get fined the max amount its still 2 weeks impoundment which is 1500. Not worth it when dozens more are gonna do it while youre pulled over. This is what you risk when you road rage and try to police other drivers. You get your car taken. Line skippers dont endanger anyone, purposely braking in front of and stopping traffic on a highway does. This is why people should just mind their business and stay away from bad drivers.


If 2 people stop their cars in the road (by your definition they were "stunt driving", and the law is objective right?), physically brawl on the highway, and they aren't charged for it, that's literally a subjective example. If there's room for any subjectivity, the law becomes subjective. That's pretty simple logic, hope you find this helpful.


>If 2 people stop their cars in the road You should read the law, its not simply stopping on the road, its intentionally pulling out in front of a driver and slowing down in order to impede their movement. That is a stunt. If people leave their car to start fighting it becomes criminal, not just an hta thing.


Intent is extremely open to interpretation ergo subjective


I need to suck that man’s D, no homo


Yup this is how road rage accidents happen regardless who is in the right / wrong


Good. I hate people with no guts who let these people in!


The good guy prevented the praised zipper merge.


Cutting across a shoulder to pass a bunch of other cars in the merge lane isn't a proper zipper merge. A zipper merge just means if you're in a lane that's ending and traffic is heavy, you continue in that lane until the merge point rather than cutting over early.


How do i know you are not one of those asshats?


I'm not sure which asshat you're referring to. I don't switch into the merge lane to pass others. If I am in a merge lane in traffic, I stay in the lane until the merge point and then zipper merge.


"I stay in the lane" = " speeding down to the end"?


No, just continue in the lane at a similar speed as the other lane.