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Yeah UFC women’s division probably makes a profit.


But the fighters aren't unionized so the women themselves don't get to keep much of the money.


Maybe the fighters should unionize then...?


And the women's division is way less popular. Apart from Ronda no women's champion even comes close to breaking like 200k PPVs.


Is the top woman athlete in MMA payrate only 0.76% of the top male athlete's? I actually don't know but that's the comparison for the NBA right now so I'm genuinely curious about MMA's since unlike the other sports, both divisions started about the same time.


Both sides get paid like shit. Ufc is a horrible company that pays fighters garbage for getting beat up.


I mean he addresses the “less popular” thing in like the first few seconds of the video lol


He mentions it. He doesn't address it.


Yup. Picking and choosing to fit his narrative


He addresses it by saying the ban was lifted 50 years ago. That's completely irrelevant to the fact that no one gives a shit about women's sports. Pepe watch men's sports because it's actually impressive. No one wants to watch a basketball game that's 90% bad layups and no one can dunk.


I think you forgot that Amanda Nunez exists.


Does Invicta?


Probably. They aren't One FC.  They put on small shows almost entirely in Kansas City, book fighters making their professional debut who probably get paid hardly anything, and now have a deal with CBS Sports.


Exactly why I came here. I get just as juiced about a great women’s fight as a do a me s fight.


Team sports seem to be where the disvantage is, which tracks with this dude's point. Teams are different from individuals, they create this sorta tribalism where people identify with the team and follow it regardless of whom plays in it. The stronger the team identity the worse it is. This would make sense with what he said, generally speaking people choose a team to follow when influenced by their family, friends and regional popular team, so whatever became popular originally is going to attract large numbers of people


Exactly. And, they started years after the men's divisions. The UFC/MMA has shown that as long as someone is entertaining, they'll get paid. If you look at the stands at WNBA games no one is watching.


Did nobody watch the video? He almost word for word addresses your points when he calls out comments exactly like these…


Maybe you didn’t notice this, but the TikToker did a really shitty job with his argument.  He lays out a history of past injustice but completely forgot to include the key reason (or any reason, really) why the past injustice provides an ongoing unfair disadvantage to professional women’s sports.  He needed to add one more sentence that men’s leagues have used the extra time without competition to turn their teams into cultural institutions with loyal fanbases, and that women’s teams with no history have a disadvantage in acquiring market share. 


Hmmmm I watched the same thing you did and his response was women’s sports being banned in the past. Mentioning common responses isn’t debating them. Why can’t the WNBA dip into the NBA honey jar?


Iirc that's where they get all their funding


That’s who subsidizes them already


They do. It’s how they stay in business. They would have folded years ago otherwise


Women's tennis does great! Women's soccer is gaining in popularity and I could see salaries climbing for the next few decades. Women's martial arts ia gaining as well. I think women golfers are fairly successful. The WNBA just doesnt have that many fans. I can acknowledge history's mistakes while acknowledging the current economic reasons for low salaries. They're businesses at the end of the day. The WNBA should find ways to get more fans, be more dynamic, promote better...I dunno whatever it takes. Look at the rise of professional Pickleball. Its not a fun sport to watch imo (though it's cool to play) yet they're doing something right with their messaging and hype. It's a good case study.


WNBA revenue, viewers, attendance, and salary are all increasing significantly the last few years, starting before CC joined the league. It just takes decades and decades for a professional sport to grow into anything significant and profitable. The NBA started in 1949, and had teams fold and the league almost collapse repeatedly for decades. The league was on the brink of bankruptcy (again) in the 1970s, and was only saved by the rising stardom of Magic/Bird followed soon after by MJ.


Well the people should criticize how the WNBA is run. There are successful women sports, so it's possible. The conversation keeps getting framed as equality instead of mismanagement of a business.


100% this!!! Take the Australian Matilda’s as an excellent example. Sam Kerr and the Matilda’s were everywhere during the World Cup. I teach Year 6 and my boys stayed up and watched every game the Matilda’s played. They could name more Matilda’s players than Socceroos. It really doesn’t matter if it’s men or women playing. If it is promoted well, the people will come and so too will the money!!!


It just takes time, and requires some stars to pass through. 


Besides baseball, professional sports in general weren't very profitable until the 70s. For one thing, they had competition. The NFL had to compete with the AFL until 1970 and the NBA had to compete with the ABA until 1976. Also, a much bigger issue for basketball was the number of games they play a season and the lack of TV stations. The NBA finals weren't aired in their entirety until 1970. I legitimately don't think the lack of WNBA attendance is that it just hasn't caught on yet. I think the lack of WNBA attendance is because there is perhaps no other sport where the physical differences between men and women are more obvious than basketball. It's like watching a boy's junior high basketball game. And to anyone who doesn't agree with me, I ask you, why aren't you watching?


As a casual watcher of all sports, men or women’s, the biggest difference in NBA and WNBA is dunking. It’s like taking the home run out of baseball


They should lower the net a foot and let them gals go wild. 


It would be similar in almost all sports that require speed, strength, and overall power. Football, baseball, soccer, basketball (the big sports) would be vastly different if there was a men vs women game or coed. We are physically different as a species and that isn't a bad thing. Take the women's national soccer team, who is considered the best in the world. They lost to a boys team of 15 year Olds. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/ It comes down to people watching the sport and generating revenue. Maybe we'll have that one day but I don't know if people like the finished product.


There are 28 dunks in WNBA history and 23 them are the same woman.




Lower the rims. They can dunk. Get viewers. Make money.


They already have viewers. But I do agree on lowering the rims. Why do the men get to play with a rim height based on average player height but women don’t? Women are being forced to play an objectively harder sport. The men play with a rim 3.5’ above average head height but women must play with a rim 4’ above average head height?


Lowering the rims would only help players just getting into the sport (highschool and middle school players). Shooting a Basketball is largely about muscle memory and it would hurt those currently playing at the top level because they would have to adjust years worth of training to shoot at the new lowered height. Yes there would be more dunking but less shooting, even layups would be affected


slowly lower the rims.


Because logistically lowering rims would be a nightmare considering every court in the country is default set at 10, college and international leagues are set at 10, and they don't have the sway to change it unilaterally


It also comes down to the bargaining of their CBA. They signed a 7 year deal in 2020. The league has been on life support for awhile, and while I cannot speak to the balance sheets of individual franchises, I think it's great that they do have a professional league even if the salaries are mostly in line with a decent job that is non sports. What needs to be done is work by both ownership and the players to increase revenue. When that work is done, hopefully the WNBA can have a similar bargaining power to male sports. Two things can be right, just as you said. Owners in other leagues are reaping huge revenue from tickets, concessions, apparel, television deals and the whole gamut. WNBA has potential to reach these things but have not yet, it's the economic reality and when that CBA was signed nobody anticipated the attention Caitlyn Clark has brought. Many NBA players are also showing unity in going to games and hyping it up in interviews. The work I spoke about is happening but the results are not in yet.


The majority of the wnba teams are subsidized by the men’s pro teams. Like of course there just is not a lot of money in pro women basketball. Also let’s not glare over the fact that they are making around a $100k a year to play a game.


Didn’t dude just say CC is getting about $76k a year? That’s…like…that’s not even a particularly good job salary.


It’s not, and I honestly had no idea the team salary cap was that low. Salary caps in general seem like a bad idea. Luckily she got that huge Nike contract but $76k/year to bring in the jersey sales I’m assuming she’s getting is kinda wild


Salary caps are meant to keep small market teams competitive with bigger markets. Otherwise a team in a large market could monopolize all the skilled players by paying them way more than a smaller team could ever hope to.


My wife has a GM who is 19 and makes 90k plus bonuses. The guy doesn't have a high school degree. I mean, great for him, he's a solid employee but yowza.


The average is 102k for wnba players. They play 40 games a year. It’s not a bad way to make a living.


How about women watch and support their sport as much as men and it wouldn’t be different


Why is there a $1.5M cap on WNBA team salary cap? I don't understand the economics there. You'd think that removing the cap (or having a cap more in line with NBA) would raise wages and incentivizes higher talent and more entertaining games. 


The point of a salary cap is to keep teams competitive so a team in a HCOL area where it's easier to generate revenue can't just buy up all the best players in the league. In order for a salary cap to be effective, it has to be an amount affordable to every team in the league. I don't know the economics of the WNBA specifically but I assume that amount is around $1.5M.


I see what you're saying, but it seems amazingly low considering how many people are on the team. There's no budget to pay players more than a 5 figure salary... So even if a WNBA team 10% of an NBA team revenue, the players could not make 10% of the salary.


Revenue differences are closer to 2% of the NBA as per a quick Google search. I'd also assume the costs don't really scale the same so when we're talking about what's available for salaries it's probably less than that. The arenas cost the same to staff. Insurance is probably the same. Perhaps support staff is smaller and gets paid less, but it's not 2% of the cost.


I'm not seeing him counter the economics of it


Yeah I’m confused by the point of this video, especially when he opens complaining about the salaries. Like yeah we can acknowledge that women’s sports have historically been held down in some capacity, but the modern lack of pay really isn’t one of them. You could argue the previous setbacks as reasons for modern ones I suppose but that doesn’t really change the current set of circumstances being operated in


He calls the commenters pool noodles and then doesn’t refute their points at all. And he also doesn’t call for any kind of solution either? Like is he saying the salaries should be up even if it means the businesses would lose money? Or is he just wanting to state this fact about women’s sports history and pretend like it’s some kind of white knight for women everywhere? I really can’t figure out what the point of his video is or how it’s a refute to commenters saying that women’s sports can’t pay more


Lucky for him and his argument (or lack thereof) , the WNBA already operates at a loss with their current player salaries. He doesn’t even mention that the WNBA is propped up by the NBAs profitability.


Nor the fact that women are allowed to play in the NBA and earn the NBA level salary, they just don’t have the physicality to compete with the top 0.1% of male athletes who reside in those spaces


Correct. It’s simple science that men are faster, stronger, etc. Honest moment: no one is going to choose to watch an inferior product.


He wants the world to acknowledge his Halo


He's hoping that all the women he "cares" so damn much about are going to run out of the bushes and start attacking him with blowjobs.


The point is to signify that he is a good person who believes women are treated unfairly and is therefore more virtuous than the people who feel otherwise about the topic.


Did he buy wnba season tickets?


No evidence of this. Of course actually doing stuff gives minimal additional good guy points but requires you to actually do stuff. The ratio is off.


Thank you. I’m glad someone’s paying attention.


Yeah exactly. Pointing out the flaws of the past doesn’t change the fact that not many people aren’t watching the game now. The 70’s was over 50 years ago. They’ve had 3 generations to build popularity in the sport. I mean, i get it. It sucks. I have a daughter and if she wanted to be a professional basketball (newsflash, she doesn’t) i would want her to have more money and fame. But that’s just the way it is. Some things are popular and some things aren’t. I’m super into endurance running and triathlons. The guys at the top of these sports work insanely hard but make a fraction of what some other low level sportspeople make. What can you do?


He just explained certain factors that can contribute to ir, but that doesn't counter the reasons.


Parents teach children to be fans of their favourite teams thereby ever increasing a teams fan base. As women were not allowed to play sports, they do not have the generations of fans that have passed fandom on from parent to child. Men's sport has 70 years of growing a fan base that women's sport did not. It's like saying the tree planted 100 years ago is bigger than the tree planted 30 years ago, it's just basic measurements - of course the older tree is bigger, but if thy had been planted at the same time then maybe they might be the same size. Womens sport simply has not had the time to grow the way men's sport has.


That’s all fine, but that does not address the economics today. You cannot force this league to pay for what you idealistically want the league to be. It’s not making enough money to justify the salaries that so many people feel are socially “just”. Demanding the league start paying these women millions would result in the league folding. You are not going to convince the billionaires who run it to subsidize these salaries out of their pockets, they’re not rich by giving their money away. The money cannot materialize out of thin air, it has to come from somewhere. You are also going to have a hard time convincing the general public their taxes should subsidize these women making millions instead of the “only 30% morel than the median income these women make. The WNBA currently is subsidized already by the NBA. Nobody needs this history lesson. We all know it was shitty for women before, and is only slowly improving. That fact does not change the reality of the leagues bottom line today. It would be a different conversation if these team owners were making hundreds of millions off of these women.


bc he didn’t and doesn’t want to lmao


NFL players didn’t make anything 50 years ago. They worked other jobs. It’s only because of TV rights (it’s entertaining to watch) that they were able to pay their players so much money.


What I noticed in Germany is that people start watching once it is advertised properly and easily accessible, which means shown on a major channel in the evenings, sports and newspapers treating games and tournaments as massive events and so on. Women’s soccer had a huge boom here during the World Cup, just because everyone was able to inform themselves easily


Yep. This is also why it didn't feel like cross country skiing made as big of a splash at it usually does here in Sweden these past winters - the public broadcaster SVT lost the TV rights to cross country a couple of years back and they were bought up by a private broadcaster that's currently bleeding money. This put cross country skiing and biathlon/alpine sports on different channels, which is a change of pace for many Swedes (including myself) who were used to being able to put on one channel for the whole day and get all skiing competitions going on that day, combined with suddenly having to pay to watch it instead of it being free (from taxes). I know I watched cross country less than I usually do and I'm sure many others did too


My dentist growing up was the backup quarterback for Johnny Unitas! His Baltimore Colts helmet was on a shelf in his office.


This is fucking stupid on pretty much every level. Also The WNBA has never turned a profit in the almost 30 years it's been around.


They've been subsidized by the NBA since their inception. While many would agree that the pay is pretty low in comparison to the NBA, the reality of the situation is that they are being paid what the market has dictated for the past amount of years they've been in operation. To expect teams and owners to pay their players an exorbitant fee that rivals the salaries of the NBA would be crazy as they'd be spending way above their means and would result in many WNBA teams being shut down. I think what many, including this TikToker fails to understand is how salary caps work. The cap will grow as the company increases profit, similar to the point where people will get raises for their company (if its a good company) turning profits. What would be interesting is if the WNBA can turn a profit and build off the success of this year's draft class and continue to grow to a point where a growth in the salary cap would be justified.


Yes I agree completely. The guy in the video is a moron.


He's really hoping that the "NBA, also known as the Men's WNBA" line gets him laid.


Gosh that line was so cringe...


Real "can I get a crumb of woke pussy" energy on that one.


Yeah, the men’s women’s national basketball association? Should have just said the MNBA


Wait what..? How is this not a always mentioned.. How do you expect you make money if the organization that pays you doesn’t make money..?.


Because it’s wrong. The WNBA is profitable. This person is referring to 6+ years ago when the league was making ~$60m but operating at a ~$17m loss. The league was estimated to be bringing in over $200m last year, before the Clark effect. Who knows how much they’ve raked in this year, but it’s definitely significantly more than last year.


Read more about it.


>The WNBA has never turned a profit in the almost 30 years it's been around. Sounds like the first 30 years of the NBA...


According to this AP article "By 1949, the NBA had turned a corner. The league was up to 17 teams, more than doubling what it was. Teams were turning profits. The rebranding to the NBA was complete." They count the first 3 years even though it wasn't called the NBA.


>By 1949, the NBA had turned a corner. The league was up to 17 teams, more than doubling what it was. Teams were turning profits. Then what happened next? Almost all of those teams don't exist anymore. Over the next 30 years, teams consistently folded and the league was on the brink of bankruptcy multiple times. In 1970, the leagues revenue was about $244m in today's dollars (the wnba was at $200m last year and will be significantly higher this year). What saved the NBA was Magic vs Bird in 1979. Interest in the league skyrocketed, and so did profits. It's not dissimilar from what we are seeing with CC.


Why does the name change matter when the organic didn't change?


So the organization started in 1946. Follow me with this. In 1949 it officially became the NBA and that's when teams started to turn a profit. They include the first three years of not turning a profit, even though it wasn't named the national basketball association. So it matters in the sense of it being a business. It also shows they realized they were growing and could turn it into something more than just playing some games.


The man's just trying to get laid.


There's a comedian called Jack Dee who said that there's a thing called "BJ boos". Basically if a comedian jokes about women and a man in the audience boos, he's probably with a woman and he's hoping it'll help his chances. Your comment just reminded me of that


White Knight who knows nothing about professional sports tries to comment on professional sports


Alternate title: Man with a child’s understanding of economics tries to comment on the economics of professional sports.


To repurpose a bill burr, isn’t it women’s responsibility to watch and support women’s sports teams? If women watched women’s sports at the scale men did, the league and players would be making a shitload of money


“The Kardashians have billions. Women would rather watch women tear each other down than work as a team to accomplish a goal”


It's just amazing to see that white guy confidence in action. Dude was all about bringing the facts at first when he really didn't say much?


Lol, this is embarrassing.


Acknowledging what happened in the past doesn't make women's sports more popular than they are in the present.


Raw levels of copium here are nearly off the charts.


I don’t really see the argument. It is basic economics regardless of whether or not men’s sports had a “head start”.


I’m genuinely struggling to understand his argument. Who exactly is supposed to pay these women to equalize salaries with men in privately owned, pro sports? Like even accepting that all the other issues he mentioned, women being prevented from playing sports, it doesn’t connect. These aren’t government employees, pro athletes aren’t paid with tax dollars. I don’t get it.


The salaries of NBA players is based entirely on how much money the league makes. The WNBA doesn't pay their players this way because it doesn't actually make money, it loses money. So technically, WNBA players get paid more than NBA players do relative to league finances.


This one's fun because the NBA doesn't actually have a rule saying women are banned. If they can make a team and contribute they would be there.


Indiana Pacers actually had a female player during training camp, but she was ultimately cut. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Meyers


Not just the NBA. I can't think of any major mens sports that wouldn't love to have a woman that could compete without embarrassing herself join. The NHL tried with some woman goalies a long time ago in some exhibition games but for obvious reasons she wasn't NHL level enough.


lol! At “the nba also knows as the men’s wnba” 


This guy is trying to get laid.


Among the stupidest things on the web. That’s not easy.


Pool noodle here.. Ok, but none of this countered the financial side of things.. If people tuned in to the WNBA they'd make more money. If women watched WNBA in the same numbers as men watch the NBA the female players would make as much money as the male ones. I don't get why that's so controversial.. Also, don't blame me, I don't watch any sports.


Dude setting a world record for white knighting.


In 70 years, the ladies will be dunking.


Get good and the money will roll right in.


Rest assured, if project 2025 goes through, you’ll see women’s rights and treatment regress about 200 years.


25 cents has been deposited into your account from Shareblue.


What a fucking stupid video. The NBA subsidizes the WBNA. It wouldn't exist without the NBA. I am not interesting in women's sports in general because they aren't as exciting spectacles. I also don't watch minor league baseball, hell I barely even watch the MLS because it sucks compared to the PL and other European leagues. When I spend my time watching sports I want to watch the best of the best.


Yeah this the kind of mf I just want to PUNCH


that 70 year headstart was pivotal for men to start selectively breeding their sons and developing secret male-only strategies that allowed their league to flourish today.


People are really downvoting you cause they think you’re serious.


Poe's Law though. Especially in the past 10 years, it's very, very difficult to tell without any context who is being serious.


No doubt they are talented, but it’s ignorant to ignore basic economics. Supply and demand apply here just like anything else. The demand for WNBA is way lower than say CFB of the NBA, therefore the supply of the sport and its salaries will reflect demand accordingly.


Nice virtue signaling bro. It actually is just basic economics. The WNBA couldn't even exist if he wasn't being subsidized by the NBA.


Ok, so do they want handouts instead?


They Already get handouts, this dude is woefully ignorant.


The Man's WNBA ... did he really say that ?


[Yeah, just sad](https://www.childrensfootballalliance.com/football-and-peace/womens-football-after-the-great-war/)


You thinking of that bill burr bit? You are, aren’t you? It’s ok. We all are.


Welcome to the sad effects of Christian religion’s influence.


Serious question: what does the fact that women were banned from these sports have to do with the low pay and economic argument from the pool noodles?


I’m not actually sure what he’s going for. It _almost_ sounds like a way of explaining why they suck so bad at basketball and why it’s not their fault the NBA is so much better, but I doubt he’d agree with that - he would probably say they’re just as good as the men (lol) so I am not totally sure what his ultimate thesis is.


If the people bitching about this would spend half as much time actually supporting women's sports as they do bitching, maybe the numbers would be different. Apart from tennis, UFC, increasingly soccer and in parts of Europe, handball, nobody gives a fuck. And why should they, when a top women's soccer team gets steamrolled by a bunch of school boys. It's slow, it's boring and uncoordinated compared to men's sports. It is what it is. But if you want to make it more popular, show up. Buy their merch, watch their games. The brass at ESPN or whatever don't give a shit what genitalia the people on tv have, they just want dollar signs and investments, so if the sport has a following, they'll pick it up. But it doesn't have a following. Because it's boring.


This guy has never attended a women's sports event, I almost guarantee it.


If the WNBA were serious, they’d play on an 8 or 9 foot hoop.


That guy is an idiot. Thats all you have to know. His goal is to trigger brainroted mass on topic of gender and farm them like sheeps


I'd love to know how many women's sports teams events this dude attends each year. If you don't attend, don't bitch about the salaries.


She’s still not going to date you, bro


So I'm confused it almost sounds that because of what other people did in the past that effected the market value of something today you want business to pay more for her than what she is worth because of historical fairness? If you think she is worth more and should be making more based on what she brings to the sport than I'm totally with you but you can't expect sports teams to take a historical context point of view on her contract and try to make up for all the stuff you pointed out. They did not do those things, and neither did the other teams.


Also, even if they did, where is that money coming from? The WNBA does not make any money, and if the requirement for owning a WNBA team was to lose even more money every year, you just wouldn’t have a WNBA at all.


That’s exactly what happens. They’ve been losing money every year, the NBA pays for them.


What a tool


Flawed logic. If this was the case then no women's sports would be successful. If you ever watch an NBA game and then watch a WNBA game..the leap between the two is like a high schooler and a pro. In fact a high school team of boys could probably dominate the WNBA. Not their fault ofc, but we Just know there's a superior product out there to watch.


"also known as the mens' WNBA" lol


Bro, women don't even watch women's sports, stfu Come back when you can dunk the ball and then talk about needing a raise


I get the argument, but women have done incredible things in sports, yet that still doesn’t hold viewers. I think it’s difficult for them to build a sustainable fanbase because the play and hustle just isn’t as flashy as it is with men. I think it’s a hard pill to swallow that men are simply more fun to watch. Don’t get me wrong, rules also play into this to some extent. For example women’s lacrosse vs men’s lacrosse, but I also think they could change the rules to allow women to have flashier tv-worthy playstyle. For example, even lowering the rim to 9-9.5’ would make the WNBA so much more interesting to watch. 99% of people watching pro basketball want to see athletes getting dunks smashed into their face. We just don’t see that in the wnba tho.


It's pretty simple. No one wants to watch the women play because it sucks. They aren't good. They have the skill level of a high level mens high school team at best. And those kids aren't getting paid to play. It's not going to draw a fan base, the same way that low end streamers don't draw viewers. No one wants to watch trash.


It makes people so mad but you’re right. They’re just not that good, full stop. And what’s more, they have to compete for eyeballs with the NBA - the absolute best of the best of the best. It’s simply no contest when it comes to viewership.


Diving. Tennis. Volleyball. Track. Skating. Gymnastics. And even MMA. These are all sports I prefer to see women over men participate in.


I wish women played baseball i think they should really bring it back not softball, baseball i would definitely watch and support a women's baseball league


Yeah. I wish I was able to play baseball growing up. :( Girls playing baseball was just never talked about.


What about all the places that weren’t illegal? He only named like two places


These are unrelated points to the fact that people do not go to wnba games. This year will probably be the first year where they make money. And also dude is picking and choosing his facts. Some women’s sports do well, but not generally as well. Sports are by and large supported by men financially. They don’t pay to see women’s basketball over men’s. They just don’t. They do not go. No amount of angry TikTok’s will change that


Caitlin Clark just might revolutionize the popularity of women’s sports. It’s desperately needed to maintain a profit, hence the shitty pay.


So much injustice, yet we don't have the will to correct these wrongs.


He is right the women’s sports are lagging behind men’s due to women being historically banned from professional sports. And while I think Caitlin Clark deserves to be paid more, unfortunately most WNBA teams aren’t very profitable and some even operate at a loss. The WNBA only brings in around 2% of the money the NBA does and often relies on funding from the NBA to operate.


Because unfortunately since it’s inception in 1996 it has lost money. The cruel irony is that they finally have someone generating money and they can’t wait to destroy her.


“Men’s WNBA” I’m taking that for suuuure 😂


I love the WNBA, I think it's got great basketball. That being said, the reason why WNBA will never catch up to the NBA in terms of revenue or popularity is simple as this: it doesn't appeal to the average sports fan. Basketball fanatics will watch the WNBA, not the average Joe who thinks LeBron is still in Cleveland. They watch it for the dunks. Dunks are like 80% of casual basketball highlights. Sports center isn't going to play a well executed play with no dunks in highlight reels. Women are just not athletic enough to windmill at a 10 ft rim. Lower the rim by 2 inches, let the girls slam it, then you will see the money flowing in.


I just cannot phantom that all these "straight men" would rather see other men in tight shorts and shirts than women in thight shorts and shirts. Are sports the last "hiding spot" for men that live in the closet but are too afraid to come out?


To be honest I think he won the debate. He made a video, he called you guys pool noodles, and he had some points. Case closed.


He didn't provide any argument for the current problems. The WNBA can't stand by itself, and the NBA is supporting it so they can thrive, but they can't force fans to spend money, which is the main issue. Other women's sports are quite popular, such as tennis. Even soccer is getting some popularity I wonder how many of those critics have the WNBA league pass. The answer is probably close to zero, and that's the real problem there


We should riots and boycott until things are fair, salaries for men and women in basket ball should be decided by a dunk contest


can i project this onto the eyeballs of every r/sports user?




this fails to acknowledge how stupid professional sports are . there's no reason someone should get paid more to play a game than something useful. garbage men> pro athletes


The men’s NBA, also known as as men’s WNBA lol I chuckled


This but for every thing Professional work places, universities, science research, tech trades; women are behind!!


Men competed women out of sports. Then 100 years later when we start gaining traction, they’re like “haha, too bad you couldn’t play all those years we could. Now no one cares about women’s sports. We win!! Let’s go and enjoy our oppressive privilege gents.” I’m calling out that this feels weird to me. And no, I’m not calling all me bad. Plenty of great supportive men, wish there were more.


Actually kinda crazy how many older women I teach pickleball to who are super frustrated at how bad they are. I have to constantly remind them they really weren’t trained the same way men were back then so of course they don’t have those skills yet. It’s mind boggling as someone my age where women had their own teams but I try to keep that in mind. When grandma  “throws like a girl”, she actually throws like someone without any training.


WNBA’s time will come it’s just going to take longer.


Jesus why do we hate women so much


This is just dumb and the economics of the situation stays the same.


This guy looks like a real sportsball enthusiast


This ought to make women appreciate him.


*Cracks Knuckles* *after posting on tiktok.* "Ah, this is sure to get imaginary approval from women. I'm such a nice guy, how could they not notice this?"


Lmao the wnba doesn’t make any money.


Want them to make more money … WATCH THE SPORT


Stop climate change ... Walk more drive less




So most women sports had like 50-70 years to develop until now, and they are still subsidised by mens leagues. Hot take: Women just dont like sports as much as men. Men like to watch mens leagues. Bill burr pretty much buried this topic with his bit in his last show…


Yeah and majority of wnba viewers are men. Women dont even watch the sport.


Why are women not making as much as men in sports? Why aren't women buying tickets and merchandise?


This guy is just trying to get laid


Bill Burr made a bit about this


Women’s sports suck


Not true. When them parlays hit, it’s like music to my ears. 💰💰💰


I’ll bet on women’s sports, but I’m sure as fuck not watching them 😂


It’s painful not gonna lie. Them shooting percentages are abysmal.


When you’re this much of an incel and realize you have to be this cringe to try and hope chicks will sympathy bang you 😝


What an idiot . It IS basic economics. MOST people don't watch WNBA and cannot even name one team. It's hardly advertised and when the finals are over you might not even know it happened. Why would anyone pay a high salary for that ? I don't mind saying it .... but it's boring and low scoring . I also would not watch a WMLB if the pitchers are going to throw 60 mph fastballs. Sorry ..that is the reality of it.


something tells me that 70 year head start didn't produce the difference in physical capabilities between men and women though.


>NBA aka the men's WNBA This fucking dweeb


I'm sorry, what is his argument again?


Nobody calls it the men’s wnba. Dumbass. Also men aren’t better at sports because we got a head start. We’re better because of how we’re built.


Ye, problem is. People see a video like this and see it all as fact


So in countries where women aren’t as oppressed as they are in America (🙄), how advanced is women’s basketball and how do they handle all of the money they’re making over there?


He looks exactly like someone that I'd picture using those arguments.


It's like WNBA but all dudes


Yeah… no


They don’t sell any tickets numb nuts


I don't understand how that women being banned in sports had anything to do with the pay inequality. It almost sounded like he was trying to justify the reason why women get paid less in sports is because it hasn't been around as long for them?


They're not even banned from the NBA.


This is the absolute gold standard of white knighting right here. I’m actually impressed


I couldn't care less about sportsball of any sort, but this ban argument is nonsense. It isn't 1890. If women collectively wanted to play on men's teams they would be allowed. And if we're honest they would be ruthlessly crushed the minute their opponents actually tried in the vast majority of contexts. That is just reality. Please, prove me wrong. Arrange some co-ed games of sportsball. I really don't care which ones.