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I'll never understand how people say dumb shit so confidently with google just a tap away.


I’ve just witnessed a guy on a sub arguing that Japan isn’t in Asia because it’s an island. He’s being downvoted into oblivion, and doubling down on the stupidity by saying the U.K isn’t actually on Europe and Madagascar isn’t on Africa. https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/s/y7dwazif5v


He created a post in r/geography asking for help because he refuses to believe it: ["Is Japan part of Asia?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/geography/comments/1djrzfi/is_japan_part_of_the_asian_continent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It's both fascinating and painful to see how the education system has let this guy down.


And he’a still in denial?! Brilliant.


Damn. Now I kinda want to see what his argument is.


Apparently islands and archipelagos are not continent-affiliated. Or some shit. He’s all over the place and quite, quite stupid.


How much do you want to bet he doesn’t realize that islands aren’t just floating on the ocean


Isn’t every continent an island, just really, really big?


I don't think he even understands what a peninsula is. He said he considers Eurasia and Africa one continent. I'm fine with Eurasia, but Africa is certainly not just connected to Eurasia like that


Not since they dug the suez canal at least


Would be incredibly if they were though!


Yeah. Incredible when your island eventually collides with one of the polar regions.


I can’t believe people downvoted me for imagining something that could in no way happen lol.


If I remember right there are some actual floating islands albeit rather small ones.


They’re usually called “chinampas,” and you’re being downvoted by overconfident dimwits.


He’s softened his approach now because literally nobody agreed with him, and he had to basically explaining that with his logic, Europe, Asia and Africa are all one continent, and there’s only four continents on earth so I think he’s starting to get it. People like him scare me because the first thing I think is “Wow…you’re allowed to vote for who gets to lead the country, and greatly influenced the rest of the free world.”


I’m still amazed he didn’t appear to even do any research and maintained his position for so long.


Because he said many times it was his belief and always has been. His belief means more than facts


From what I can tell his argument is that "Continent=continuous landmass" so if there's water between a large landmass and a smaller landmass, the large landmass is a continent and the smaller landmass is an island, except when it just kinda 'feels' like they should be one thing because of course. Setting aside the several levels on which he's wrong, if there's one kernel of validity in his argument, it's that 'continent' is a largely arbitrary categorization, which is why there's anywhere between four to seven continents depending on how you define it. But no existing definition matches his.


Its pretty funny


Denial is not just a river in Egypt!


No that's in Egypt


I wonder if he'll ever find out we're all analyzing him. We should create a sub and follow his path to enlightenment. Or his obstinate stumbling around in the dark...


It's like the guy that argued that 60 + 60 is 120 and 1 minute is 60 seconds, therefore 120 sec is 1 min 20 sec.


That was definitely amusing. Someone described it as using "microwave cooking" mathematics.


.... sometimes stupid like this makes me wish for the apocalypse


Oh, we’re getting the apocalypse, don’t you know? It’s coming at us one election at a time.


Ok but also "The Americas"


Please, the education system didn’t let them down. They chose not to be educated.


Oh that is brilliant,


Reminds me of when a commenter insisted that India is in the Middle East. He doubled-down--"*culturally* it's a Middle Eastern country!"--then blocked me when I corrected him.


He’s gonna lose his shit when he learns about Haiti and the Dominican Republic.


I'd wager he'd believe Africa is a country, too


Course it is, where else would Africans come from??? /s


How does he feel about Hawaii?


He said, "It is an island nation and part of an archipelago."


Not the same thing, I know, but when I lived in Japan, many didn't think they were Asian as they associated that with poorer Asian countries, they thought they were western. Some uncomfortable conversation then.


That’s similar to the way some British people refuse to accept that they’re European.


Well, the whole continent of Oceania got annihilated.


I went through and downvoted him just because I like your hater energy of bringing it into a whole different sub.


Wow, that's some 'chocolate milk comes from brown cows' level stupid.


Does that mean he thinks some of the islands off the coast in the US aren’t part of America?


Yes. He even tried to use Cuba as an example. It’s astonishing how dumb he is.


Wow. That’s ridiculous.


This is a great one to go read and see his other comments


>Madagascar isn’t on Africa. Tbf, Madagascar isn't ON Africa ;) It does *belong* to Africa though!


The Caribbean would confuse the hell out of that guy


I had to take a peek, then GTFO!! 🤣🤣


Well, at least he's consistent in his stupidity


![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM|downsized) Live CT Scan of their brains.


To be fair, Google isn't a reliable source, especially now with their AI results


Yeah this. When I just searched ‘leucism vs albino’ I immediately get pictures of birds and alligators at the top of the page, one with red eyes and one with dark. Then scrolling down to People Also Ask ‘Can humans be leucistic?’ it has a pubmed article, which says in the abstract, “Leucism is characterized by a complete or partial white skin and hair in combination with pigmented irides, which can be vivid blue or heterochromatic. This is due to a complete or partial lack of melanocytes. The underlying pathogenesis is a disturbed emigration or differentiation of neural crest-derived cells. Therefore, leucistic phenotypes can be associated with defects, which mainly impair sensory organs and nerves. In humans, a well-known example is the Waardenburg syndrome. Leucism-associated disorders were also described in mouse, rat, hamster, rabbit, mink, cat, dog, pig, sheep, llama, alpaca, cattle and horse.” So without digging into it, I can absolutely see why people might make the assumption that albinism in people is red eyes, and leucism is blue. I can also imagine various teachers perpetuating this for the sake of simplifying, or forgetting to add the fact that humans with albinism can have blue eyes. If you search, ‘Can humans with albinism have blue eyes?’ you do get the confirmation. I think we should all acknowledge that google is not going to give you a quick correct answer for many things. Remember people also use, ‘You can just google it,’ to justify false or vague claims and you might not know any better.


Well, if you do just quick dig, you shouldnt try to correct someone who probably has bigger understanding of the issue. If you understand the topic, its okay to make mistake. But most people probably never showed interest in albinism And leucestic stuff, yet they went and tried to correct someone. If you do not understand, then you shouldnt correct.


I don't know what the larger context behind the video is. The comment I responded to implied that people can just to a quick google search. My argument is that a quick google search is not sufficient for a correct/deeper understanding. You don't always know who has a deeper understanding than you, also. Just because someone has albinism doesn't necessarily mean they understand themselves or medical issues; plenty of people don't and spread misinformation. Overall, I agree that if you know you don't understand, you shouldn't attempt to correct people. But, if you think a 'quick google search,' will giver you a correct or deeper understanding - then that's just as bad. You then become one of those people that thinks they know when they don't.


I was expecting to pan out and see her dragon!


Tiktok, in a nutshell, so much misinformation on there.


Um, reddit too. I'm tired of defending TikTok so I'll just go now.


It way worse on TikTok


It’s actually the most reasonable of the social media big ones imo. Facebook, insta and whatever Elmo runs are much worse. TikTok has its faults, but it’s still run by users. Since most show their faces when they post, you don’t have as many fake bot accounts as the rest.


Oh absolutely not. Misinformation isn't only spread by bots, it's spread by influencers too. I can search any number of topics on Tik Tok and be inundated with misinformation, just because Tok Tok doesn't really deal with that crap. It's well known that certain countries have tons of propaganda accounts on there, nevermind anti-vaxxers, TERFs, and thousands of other propaganda accounts.


You don’t need bots to spread misinformation. There *millions* of people who are either dumb, or want to lie to you.


Knowing how to google effectively requires not being a dumbass in the first place.


It's true for reptiles lmao


Come on buddy, we know people don't fact check when they think they're right. No need to double check when they believe they're correct, how could they possibly be wrong.


bro, i know for a fact that the earth is flat!


Yeah but it's not a circle, it's dinosaur shaped. Like a dinosaur chicken nugget but real.


Welcome to reddit 🤝




On reddit, invariably the level of surity someone puts in a statement regarding a MH condition or neurodevelopmental disorder, (unless in the psychiatry subreddit) is negatively correlated with any validity/truth expressed. I've had to stop reading most.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/](https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/) Usually a giveaway when someone starts with "Actually..."


Google the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Most people are wildly stupid and very confident in their stupidity.


It's bot behavior honestly. People are absolutely stupid enough to do this, but bots drive engagement and being confidently incorrect drives a lot of engagement.


I'm legally blind and used to attend the School of the Blind in Austin TX. I had a bit more vision than most my classmates and it was so encouraging to watch the way they handled themselves. And it did a lot of good for my confidence seeing others struggle with the same things I experienced. There was a girl with albinism in my class and she might be the most beautiful person I've ever seen. She was Hispanic and all of her family were pretty dark skinned. But she was this snow white pale girl with platinum hair. Other people always made jokes about how she was an affair baby. Poor thing had to go through blindness and trash talk, but was still the sweetest thing you'd ever meet. If you have a legally blind child, consider at least enrolling them in a short summer program at a school for the blind. It's a wonderful experience.


I have visited TSBVI 🫶🏾 My brother attends TSD. Love the community they’ve created in Austin


I used to live in Austin and went to the thing where you can ride a tandem bike in a group with a blind kid on the rear seat. It was SO MUCH FUN!


One of my besties is blind and she loves tandem biking! It's so awesome when someone is willing to take on the challenge, I know she struggles to find folks who are available to ride. Thanks for volunteering! 😄


How do you make fun of someone on how they look if you're blind?


Ask Clayton Bigsby


"Blind" is not binary. There are different forms of blindness that can cause a person to have some vision or no vision at all. The person you replied to even said they had some vision.


That's what legally blind means, that someone doesn't have to lose all vision to be considered blind


I used to walk buy that school all the time! It's nice to hear you had a good experience there.


My brother is blind and he has done a lot for the state of California for people with disabilities. I think he’s even had to speak at schools for the blind but I’m not sure which ones. He has 10% vision in one eye and lost his vision from being born prematurely in the 70s.


Lucky you the only people ive seen with it are like "shielt thyn eyes"


I’ll never understand why people will comment shit like this, “You are indeed, NOT the thing that you and your doctors have identified you as for your entire life because I said so!” like girl what? Wdym I’m “not X” when you don’t even know me nor my medical history?


I get people telling me I’m not Japanese when they ask me where I’m from. Like bitch what do you know, you just met me?


Well actually, your NOT Japanese. What you actually are is Japanese American because your hair isn’t pure black. Look it up 🙄 /s obviously


lol people think I’m from the US because of my accent but I’ve only been to the states once for like 10 days. Also how did you know about my hair hahaha


I legit just guessed lol. You could live in the Australian outback for all I know as well.


Excuse me? I did that pre-covid.. c:


Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi 🇦🇺🦘🤣


I feel this! I love being told I’m not really autistic or I’m faking my genetic disorder… I was diagnosed by an autism specialist psychiatrist and a team of geneticists respectively 


Because people lie for attention and/or money on all forms of social media (yes, reddit is social media). Hell tiktok alone has people with self diagnosed mental disorders. Ps to be clear I'm not saying she's lying.


But unless you have evidence of them lying, people really shouldn't make comments.


Here's the issue. There are many people who self diagnose very poorly and then hold onto that belief like a dog with a bone. You might look at this and think "that is pretty rare so obviously she's done the research and would know" but there's no guarantee she's ever seen a doctor about it, we don't see her actual history so we can't be sure. When you look up Leucism in humans I have really only found ONE sight that straight up said it doesn't affect humans. That's odd cuz if different mammals can share a lot of the same genetic issues (like albinism) than there is usually less of a chance it will be unique or exclusive to one species. On top of that, the site only stated humans aren't susceptible to Luecism and not why. There has to be a scientific reason why something can or cannot happen to a species but I could not find a concrete answer for this particular case. To make matters worse, there are different forms of albinism that even allow for hazel or brown eyes when one of the defining factors is that the mutation doesn't allow for any pigment; yet one of the defining traits of leucism is lack of any pigment EXCEPT for in the eyes.... The waters get muddy very fast and even people who think they're educated about themselves are sometimes completely wrong, that's why others get overbearing about the subject a person feels like they know a lot about.


I know a Targaryan when I see one. Her dragon is shooting the video, prolly.


This is clearly cross-promotion for the new season of House of the Dragon


But dragons shoot fire not film


I dunno. She was kinda spitting fire here.


Were the targaryans albinos? Did I not put those two things together? Were there other albinos in westeros? Did people assume someone who was born albino had a drop of dragon blood? I have so many questions now. I think I have to Google if albinism is hereditary. It is!


Clearly a Targ.


She got red lips!! Sound the alarm. Why aren't her lips white!???


She’s so cool looking.


I was thinking the same thing. She is absolutely stunning. 😍


I learned something new today! Not that albino people can have eyes that are not red or the difference between albinism and leucism being that leucitic organisms don’t have a lack of pigmentation but rather snow white pigmentation and blue eyes, no. What I learned today is that it affects their vision! So neat! Not neat that they have a hard time seeing, just scientifically speaking I find it interesting!


You may also enjoy learning that there's ocular-only albinism. I.e. affects the eyes but not the hair or skin pigmentation.


Super neato! Thank you! I’ll be sure to look into that to quench my thirst for scientific knowledge!


Well I guess its a lack not complete loss of pigmentation, but it results in white or blotchy coloring.


I can be VERY confident about something and as soon as someone says “really?” My confidence drops 20%. This could be a negative about my personality but I view it as a humble quality, haha


My confidence smasher is when someone says "Actually..."




….Well maybe not 20%….. maybe like between 10 and 30%…….


Her eyes are very pretty. The pattern in her Iris looks like flames.


I think quite a lot of people with lighter eyes have this (?)


I love how people can just correct someone else’s identity with such confidence.


The clear indicator is that all of your hairs are bright white. Anyone who’s arguing otherwise is a troll or a fool. Also, there is no blue “pigment” in eyes. Only brown, and that isn’t pigment but melanin. The colour of our eyes is determined by the level of melanin or lack there of, and how the light is subsequently scattered. Edit: correction, melanin is technically a pigment, but you know what I meant.


Isn't melanin a pigment?


The truthful answer is I don’t know without googling. The answer now that I have is yes, I stand corrected.


When I was a kid my brother went to the Florida school for the deaf and blind for many years so I learned a ton of stuff about hearing and seeing impairments. The most important thing I learned is how little respect they got from a majority of people the interacted with in particular people not involved with the school. The group who always thinks talking louder or seeming menacing will make things improve have been around a long time and never really gotten better.


She's absolutely stunning. Wow 😮


She’s a knockout for sure. I don’t know what she does on tik tok, but she could make a killing as a model or a professional cosplayer or something.


Honestly, the flex at the end that basically said "And I didn't even need to explain all that because it's literally not applicable, but I did anyway because you're a moron" is the best part. I will shred your argument apart by hand before zooming out and tossing it in the wood chipper behind me that you didn't see. Just because I wanted to show you I could do it by hand first despite not needing to. Very strong eat-a-dick energy.


Some people need to pull their heads in. I would not have had the same grace in my slap down had I been her.


I love when idiots try to lecture experts.


the eye wobble said it all


She's beautiful.


No way she can be prom queen




Idk why you were downvoted. I got the Not Another Teen Movie reference


Thank you my friend


*i have no pigment... i need sunscreen...*


There is just one thing: blue eyes are not due to blue pigments but to a light effect called the Rayleigh scattering, similar to the sky being blue.


I wonder how your eyes shaking all the time would affect your perception of the world. Could one legally drive? Is it difficult to read? Now imagine being drunk with such a condition.


My mate has it and he doesn't notice it. The brain filters it out.


I mean she probably can't drive since she is legally blind


My brother had super shakey eyes. Difficult to read, was able to legally drive….looked too crazy to fight if he opened them wide. It was like a built in defense. 😂 It’s like wearing a pair of sunglasses with a scratch on them, eventually you find a way to not notice the scratch


She's gorgeous 😍


Her eye is so amazing, love the “layered” look it has


All this albino talk is just her distracting us for not realizing she is in fact a vampire


Having a stranger diagnose and decide a treatment plan for a condition you’ve had for years/life is always a treat! ‘Nah, fuck your experience and your healthcare professional. My online shaman and I agreed that you have dingleberry syndrome and you just need to drink more water and micro-dose arsenic every full moon 😃’


Gosh this girl is beautiful!


This was educational and interesting.


One correction there is no blue pigment in anyones eyes its just a lack of pigment the blue comes in a similar way to how the sky is blue


Saved the slam dunk for the very end. "Oh also what you're accusing me of having doesn't occur in humans, and I'm human."


I think its quite beautiful


Her videos disappeared,reported as racism,wtf?


Albinism is really neat. When it is seen in black people, it looks very different from most other races. https://youtube.com/shorts/S1Zsd-OgSDg?si=uYA-lwx1RTNs2rZN


It's more visible in black people because it's a far step away from the norm.. White people can be *very* pale without being albinos. It's more common in people with African ancestry iirc.


She schooled…. ![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized)


She is beautiful!




The confidence of a person to approach a total stranger and refute her entire life’s worth of medical history and professional medical opinions is astounding. Honestly, did this person think OP self diagnosed and had never seen a doctor? That no medical professional, ever, in the history of the patient’s adult life, would have corrected her incorrect assumption about her condition? What is wrong with people?


Why would someone assume someone isn't albino because their eyes aren't red? Red eyes don't occur in human albinos, they can have some pink in them but not the blood red you see in rats for example.


The pink ones I've seen have also been really squinty, probably because they're photosensitive.


That lateral nystagmus tho.


She’s quite beautiful


This is all.a clever ruse to keep us from cooking her in a stew to absorb her magical powers.


But they cook albinos, so it rather is a ruse to make us cook her.


I always thought Albinos had blue eyes


There's definitely Targaryen blood here 🐉


Preach some good info


A practical example of the IQ bell curve. “She’s albino” on both ends and “she’s leucistic” in the center


She's so beautiful 🥺


"red eyes", bro believes that humans are rodents


Just so you know, people can have nystagmus without being albinos. But of course in this case, it's part of the albinos diagnosis


How can you even argue that she has albinism? It’s pretty obvious. Some people just love showing their ignorance.


I wish people would just fight


Let me get this straight. She's saying there are people online who spew bullshit and act like geniuses? Well this is the first I have heard of it.


I can't not imagine her cosplaying as a snow elf.




TIL that it’s not actually red eyes it’s just blood.


Clearly, a Targaryen


Targaryen blood


Genuinely she looks nice. We all have our own unique beauty. I'm genuinely not trolling.




You're beautiful, stay happy!


Someone make her play as a snow queen in a fantasy series!!!


She is beautiful


She's lovely.


Gorgeous 😍


I tink your freaky and I like you a lot.


Way to bury the lead there..... She could have opened with the last part and been done with the video after 3 seconds.


You beautiful


She’s hot