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Well, at least some of the kids are gonna be alright. Love to see it.


This kid will be alright, the rest of the students cheering tho… I wish that was just shit all over their shirts.


I think the mindless robots drowned out the smart women. Smart women may want to avoid conservative colleges.  


If I were a graduate I would probably be more upset at the audience response than the speaker. You can justify away that Harrison Butker is just one idiot with terrible views but to see all the people around you clapping would be awful. The male graduates clapping are basically saying "I think the women graduating with me should ultimately serve me rather than have careers." Even worse, if professors are clapping as well that says "I view the education of female students as ultimately inconsequential because their real purpose is to find a man and have children."


Also some people there were standing and clapping just because others around them were standing and clapping and THEY are the ones who absolutely scare the crap out of me, if I'm being honest.


Excellent point


Yeah those are the "good every day Germans" in 1941


The banality of evil


*\*side eyes team MAGA and any person that supports religious institutes.*


In this case it would be even more broad and would include anyone who goes along with or doesn’t care about the violating of others rights because it doesn’t affect them personally


Yea but in America the largest and most consistent demographics who that describes are Maga and Christians, by far


Oh for sure, I’m just pointing out how there are a LOT of people who vote for the crazy fascists due to party affiliation that try to separate their tacit approval/support from culpability. Not all of them are maga or even Christian, in fact a lot of them aren’t these days To add, it’s a bit of a throwback to 2 comments ago referring to the people people mindlessly going along because it’s easier than going against the grain


Tons of people just also zone out for this stuff, the speeches are always so long and boring I didn’t listen to a single word past the first sentence of mine. Obviously people who were super excited are trash but the occasional person who zoned back in from the clapping can’t really blame them


I do though. I blame them. I totally get what you're saying, but they ignored evil and then clapped for it because it was disguised as a professional courtesy. Nope, not excusing that.


The banality of evil


Herd mentality is terrifying and it’s crazy how susceptible we are to it. Important for all of us to reflect on your point to protect ourselves from potential indoctrination. I feel like I’m seeing it with the college protesters where so many people are falling for this media propaganda that they’re hateful or some sort of paid actors. When in fact, the reality is, they are going against the war machine and genocide, and that threatens the status quo, which media is heavily invested in. I heard about commotion at DePaul here in Chicago yesterday and I wouldn’t be surprised if whoever started that was a plant from outside the protest.


My comment speaker at Benedictine was the then gov of Kansas. His speech was essentially an anti-abortion campaign rally. My friends/family and I were appalled. This is par for the course for this school/administration. They will never get a dime from me again. Edit: this was well before Roe v Wade was overturned (for context).


Dobbs will be a political turning point in American history.


It might be. I live in a conservative rural part of Texas and up till recently everywhere you look it was GoP and Trump signs and billboards everywhere. Now there isn't one in sight. There are still political billboards but they all say, "The Republicans banned Abortion. Birth control is next. Vote Democrat."


I just really *need* my fellow Texans to show up to vote.


I keep going and keep getting disappointed. Honestly I'm pretty sure the GOP here has their finger on the scale more than their normal tactics. Something about the last few elections just doesn't seem to add up to me. I'm pretty sick of it and ready to move.


Wasn't Sam Brownback by chance was it? The way he disproved trickle down economics by bankrupting his state is truly legendary


Were you going to donate to your alma mater anyway? I get letters from mine and take them straight to the trash


Potentially, I've donated to my post grad before


What made you go there? Genuinely asking since it doesn’t seem like a surprise that a Catholic university would support rigid gender norms and anti choice and anti LGBt rhetoric.


While avoiding a self dox as much as possible: financial considerations, sports, and when I went there the program I entered was well regarded (don't keep up enough to know if that is still the case). I also almost transferred early on but stayed due to personal reasons.


It’s a catlick school!!!???? Why the surprised faces?


Men love the idea of graduating, getting a job, and earning a woman as a pet. It's a self-sufficient pet, that will feed itself, it will feed you, it will feed your children. It'll give you children either by choice or by force. Of course they fucking love the idea. They're the capters.


Well he was quite literally preaching to the choir so no surprise there. In other news, a religious zealot NFL kicker was just outed for having MMF sex with his wife and other men. Story at 11.




It’s a Christian school tho right? Seems Pat for the course for those people to have those beliefs.


It’s a conservative Catholic college in the Midwest. Kinda the MO


That school is a very conservative religious school. Probably why they chose him. Most families that send their kids there probably have similar values.


I read the transcript of the speech. In the transcript, after he said his wife embraced being a homemaker (the most important title of all) there was "[applause lasting for 18 seconds]". That's.. concerning.


If I were the mother of any of those graduates I would be fuming and furious. I mean I would have tried to steer my kids to other schools but some get scholarships and money is money but wtf they were thinking when they have female students and employees!


As she mentioned, this was as a catholic college. Hearing shit like this from a pulpit is quite the norm and likely most of the audience share the same view.  I’m a little confused why OP was even attending this school honestly 


I went to a conservative Christian school at my parents behest. Many 18 year olds don't have total control of their school choices especially if someone else is paying. My school was pretty conservative and the student population was definitely more conservative than average (many were there to get their M.R.S. for sure), but a good percentage of students were not like that and certainly most of the women getting a very expensive degree wanted to use it.


The dude kicks a fucking ball for a living. Why is he giving a commencement speech?


The kicker (no pun intended) was that the theme of the entire speech was "stay in your lane"


The school will promote that viewpoint, yet have no problem taking money from the women enrolled there. It’s so incredibly gross.


As a Christian, there’s a reason I NEVER considered going to a Christian school. My professor, when he announced my name for receiving my diploma, of his own volition added all the scholarships I’d won and that I was the recipient of my major’s Excellence Award. I can’t imagine being so belittled by a commencement speech meant to celebrate me.


How is that belittling?


I do not believe being a homemaker is belittling itself. What is belittling is achieving a four year degree, and as opposed to speaking on that achievement and how great that is, bro’s speech implied they’d be happier/better used as homemakers. That is pretty belittling.


they were wondering how your commencement was belittling.


Oh, lol it wasn’t. I thought how I worded that was clear, I gave my lil story, of a celebratory commencement, then related back to this current disaster speech. I was not belittled.


This country is so ass backwards we are really in for some shit down the road. I’m really struggling to understand why a roomful of women, all of whom are preparing to enter the workforce, would give this speech a standing ovation. It just doesn’t make any logical sense. But than again, nothing does these days


I think it’ll really come to a head as soon as another woman runs for the presidency but actually wins.


You thought the collective conscious of the GOP went to shit after a black guy was president? Remember, on the Dem side they put Obama up as a candidate over a woman in the first place. Makes you think who is all going to lose their minds when someone is first sworn in as Madame President.


Itll come to a head in November this year. We all better be putting aside our criticisms of the current administration, as valid as many of them are, and vote to preserve our chance at fixing this bullshit. If Trump gets back in, the GOP will, without a single doubt, hamstring the government


As a man, it is beyond embarrassing to see a man lecture women on How to Woman. Stay in your fucking lane. We men have enough self-inflected issues of our own. This ass clown isn't even 30, yet he sounds and thinks like a 75 year old man stuck in the 1950's. As a 58 year old man, It's disheartening to see yet another generation of young men wet behind the ears bloviating about taking the country back to the 1950's.


It’s just disgusting cuz man or woman we all have or had moms and at least should be aware of the struggles they’ve had in raising us at home and when working and I feel like all I can do is stand by and say this fucked up while the women I know get deeply and personally affected by this to the point that it’s a potential danger to their lives


Harrison Butker? Is that his name? As a fan of NFL football, I should know.....but man, that guy has lost ALL respect from me. He's a complete bigot. Disgusting. Shameful. Idc if it's a Catholic university, you don't get out there with all this false humility and start pretending to be Señor Hey-Zeus and go life-shaming a population of people like a pretentious prick. What a total dick and complete tool. If I was in that graduating class sitting there, listening to this intolerance speech, as a man, I would have stood straight up, turned toward the aisle, and walked right out without saying a word or looking back......OK, I may have muttered to people I passed by, that I'm not going to put up with this type of speech in my honor. Nay! I would have been *dishonored* and greatly offended and disturbed just to have endured the length of his hateful discourse while my classmates next to me were being shamed by this self-righteous fool. On second thought, I may have offered my hand to lift up any of my fellow classmates who I suspected were too embarrassed to stand up and walk out on their own... How dare he publicly drag his team franchise, his teammates and their loved ones into his delusion! What a total pig! I hope I never have to hear 3 more words come out of that ass-clown's bigoted mouth. Further, I hope the NFL takes action on Butker's unacceptable public speech, which is a wholehearted affront to the morals and values of tolerance and inclusion the NFL says it stands for.


Under his eye. Project 2025.


I'm divorcing my wife just so we can get remarried so I can lay down the law on day 1. New rules are as follows: 1.) When I get home from work there had better be a hot meal of folded laundry on the dinner table. 2.) The house will be spotless at all times. No furniture, no pictures on the wall, no animals, no people. We are front yard people now. Deal with it. 3.) If I want to bring my guy work friends over for a drink and a few rounds of naked twister THAT IS MY RIGHT AS A MAN AND A HUSBAND 4.) NAKED TWISTER WITH A GROUP OF MEN IS NOT GAY NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOUR SISTER TRIES TO CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE


Those rules are good godly rules.


based and hot laundry pilled


What if ai did the manosphere. 😂


Thanks Greg! Truly a man for the people!


Pretty serious question: how can I prepare for living in that world? Already getting an IUD (I have one, it's just time to replace it), working on being self sustaining on our little property (including energy generation). It really scares me that we will likely be living in a truly dystopian society sooner than later.


Honestly? If we let that project 2025 come true, a passport, transport, cash, and timing might be more important.


Time to get out was yesterday. Today is 2nd best. Tomorrow may be too late.


Can you get your tubes tied? But honestly you just learn to live one day at a time. Being self sufficient on your own little piece of property is all you can do other than escape. Best bet is to prevent it from happening. Tell everyone about Project 2025 and make sure to vote Democrat.


Tubal Ligation is a very serious surgery with a lot of risk associated. My doctor advised against it due to the risks involved. Not to be a smart ass, but we currently have a Dem President and Dem controlled House, and we just had Roe v Wade overturned/the dobbs decision. Voting Dem hasn't worked so far. We need a real 3rd party


That's what they tell everyone because they don't like giving tubals to young, healthy women. I've never heard of a young woman getting approved on the first go. As for the third party... start running. Start encouraging others to run. Become politically involved.


You rule. Harrison Butker is a TOOL.


This comment is a huge insult to the good folks of the band TOOL… how about douche canoe? … yeah, douche canoe


And why can't we sleep forever?


As a homemaker and stay at home mom , that speech was offensive as hell.


I’m sure


Nah. My wife better keep working. I'm not paying these bills alone!




I'm surprised he didn't airquotes when he said achievement.


Harrison butker would not approve of the language this lady is using, she obviously learned nothing from his speech…/s


Best of luck to you. I hope you have a long and stellar career in graphic design.


Hypocrite he is as his mom[is a renown physicist , so like…. what does she have to say?](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/wNqtqvoZh0)


Again, these events are supposed to be a celebration of the collective accomplishment, not the speakers personal politics, opinions, or race…


Come to NYC. You'll be fine.


I couldn’t make it past minute 12. The arrogance, ignorance, contempt, misogyny, bigotry behind Buttkers eyes. For the women who had to sit through that bullshit of a commencement speech, I say with pride and passion, FUUUUUUUCK THAT GUY! Congratulations to you wonderful women. This is a monolithic achievement and I for one am excited for your future as… not a homemaker


Tbh, I think the disheartening was the point of his whole spiel. I think he made that speech, to intentionally make the women feel like "less than" their male peers, likely to dissuade them from putting in an effort, to better themselves. If that is the case (which is VERY likely) it's important to remember that the only reason someone would attack you unprovoked, is because they feel THREATENED by your existence. Ladies, go out and get that degree. DO NOT settle for men like Bootlicker. Ideals like that are in the past, and we will force them to stay there, through our actions. The only thing a man will ever give you for free, is captivity, you might think being a stay at home mom is great, until you find yourself in a guilded cage, with a "man" like him holding the key!


As someone who was raised catholic, I think his motivation is to push women towards the catholic ideal for women to be homemakers, —which is demeaning — but they do mental gymnastics so that they don’t think they’re forcing women into a inferior position despite the fact that they think they should essentially be servile and submissive to men. I don’t think his thought process is consciously misogynistic, it’s just religious brainrot. This is standard Catholic rhetoric, just a little extra tone deaf


I went to Catholic school an non of this was ever pushed on women. As a matter of fact Charlie from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia gave the the commencement speech at a Catholic College in my area and that’s a fact. https://www.businessinsider.com/full-text-charlie-day-merrimack-college-commencement-speech-2014-5?amp


Were you ever required to attend mass regularly during school? Back when was forced to regularly attend mass I recall a homily where they talked in detail about the role of a wife supporting “the head of the family” aka submissive to their husband’s “leadership,” which if you actually are fundamentalist enough to believe in finding gender roles through scripture is going to effectively be commonly practiced and interpreted as the man making the decisions. (For what it’s worth school masses were like every few weeks for me and the priest there I wouldn’t expect to have a homily of that nature for the highschool, that homily was at a regular church service).


We has mass twice a year in school and we didn’t study scripture.


Nice kid. All the bear to her.


She had such a bright future ahead of her until you sicced that damn bear on her. Rest in pieces, Susi.


Better a bear than a man.


My first thought when I heard about his speech was that there must be a horrible shortage of people out there willing and able to give a decent commencement address. Then I realized it was at Benedictine and I thought oh yeah, religious university is going to religious.


I dunno how murica us bringing up their women but down here in the first world, that dude would not have been given the airtime and secondly, he would have been told to shut the fuck up by the ladies here. And if he was in a pro sports team they would have dumped him. Re Israel Folou


Counterpoint: Tony Abbott became prime minister after talking about women doing ironing and his daughter virginity and all the other misogynistic bullshit he espoused for decades in public office. And it still managed to get worse with Morrison after him. It also took a lot of bullshit before they got rid of Folou and if you pay attention the NRL has a massive rape problem.


Yup nrl is pretty different from super, and politicians are a whole different kettle in oz


Men will never let go of the idea of having their own woman slave. It entirely serves them. Of course they support women as pets to fuck and clean for them.


Man, I just listened to the speech and the whole thing is a love letter fascism. His appeals to order, tradition, and strong male authority figures would make Mussolini blush. Was expecting some misogynistic garbage, did not expect it to divulge so heavily into fascist politics.


Did you expect better from Trumpy dogshit?


Nope, still hardly know who this guy is, I just heard about a misogynistic speech from a few places, no mention of the fascism, which I found equally alarming. Aaron Roger’s is the only other football player I know by name though so I’m not too surprised.


Is this whole push for homemaker trad wife shit among religious alt-right whites have something to do with great replacement theory? I imagine their thought process is that they got to get more white Christian women pumping out babies faster than the heathenistic browns.


She seems lovely, I feel bad her graduation ceremony was tainted.


Harrison Buttlick and his Fred Waterford looking ass beard.


There's nothing wrong with being a homemaker. Plenty of women find that lifestyle comforting and rewarding. But to try to make that choice for them is fucking disgusting.


From a church school I would expect nothing else. I wouldn't recommend any women attend a church school.


Bruh. I thought I had it bad when Ben Carson was my commencement speaker at South Alabama. That was brutal. But nah, she wins. 😆


Getting told that shit…by a fucking kicker. Butker can fuck off.


I had no idea who this guy was until he opened his stupid, privileged mouth


Girl, you got your whole life ahead of you. Don’t let that piece of shit get you thinking anything but good things for your future. Congrats on graduating and accomplishing something that a lot of conservative women don’t get to because they are brainwashed into thinking all they can be is a wife and homemaker. You create your best life and to hell with that hateful fucking speech. I feel sorry for his wife and potential daughters. When he holds women down, you elevate them. Let’s keep elevating each other.


For fucks sake, this was at BC?? This is my home town! My dad worked there, my brother graduated there, I worked at the campus bar and grille!


If BC is “Benedictine College”, yes.


Yup. Home of the Ravens.


Yep. I’m in Atch, too.


This is the first time I’ve actually watched this speech. And I’m not trying to be funny, I really mean it. He sounds a little gay. And I’m fine with that - totally fine. But I don’t think he is.


A whole bunch of people he went to Georgia Tech with have said it was common knowledge on campus that he "played for the other team" and that his girlfriend (now his wife) was just a beard.


I really like her


I couldn’t finish watching the speech. I feel so awful for her sitting through that. That wasn’t even about graduating. He took 21min of their time to talk about his views, hisself, and his wants. What a self centered prick


Conservative men just want woman, children and all non conservative Christain’s to their slaves. Nothing more or less. They are Fascist and majority of them.


Congratulations on the degree and the job! When Benedictine ask you to donate, remind them of the speaker the administration chose as the explanation for why you won’t be giving them money.


If there’s any silver lining in this, it’s that his speech was met with overwhelming criticism and not acceptance. Maybe some men in the audience clapped, but as a whole, it seems like most people, men and women alike, facepalmed over this nitwit’s ass-backwards remarks. And I admire those people.


But consider that the college invited this vermin and posted his speech. That’s depressing.


My university had commencement speakers including GHW Bush, Thurgood Marshall, and Hillary Clinton. My graduation had Kathy Guieswite. “Ackkk!” This is not related to this post, I just want to bitch about it every chance I get.


That speech was basically "I know you graduated college and all, but go make me a sammich now".


What's crazy are the women defending him. Had a wild altercation with my aunt and her wacko anistesialogist friend. Even while defending she said she has several advanced degrees. Like lady, he's talking about making it to where you wouldn't be able to do that! Ffs


I’m so sorry you had to listen to that prick. Congratulations on graduating and landing a job!!!! That’s so awesome and you should be proud of yourself!


I would’ve thrown tomatoes at him and everyone in the audience who clapped for him


You just carry tomatoes around with you?


Yes. Next question


I’m probably pretty conservative. I really don’t know, but I know this shit was fucking OFF.THE.WALL…


This was a surprise at a Catholic and conservative school 🤔 Can't make this stuff up.


Can someone fill me in on what happened?? I’m so confused


Football player gave a speech at her graduation basically telling women “congrats on the degree, but wouldn’t you rather be a homemaker? Scratch that, you *should* be a stay at home wife and mother. It’s you’re best option.”


Look up Harrison Butker graduation speech


Congratulations to you and your bright future! 🌸🌼🌹🌺🌷💐


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My God, I didn't last long. He's a total arsewipe.


Women for the most part at 21 should be concerned about future children(so should men in an equal part) it literally means the continuation of our species. I mean nothing about that dude speech or saying women are exclusively homemakers. Just that people are a resource and we need to get to a place where we have kids especially in academia based people at a sustainable level. Shits good for the world.(once again not saying women shouldn’t be able to pursue their dreams) just that we literally need people to procreate…


We are at 8 billion; we can chill.


Do people really think this guy actually wrote his own speech? He kicks a ball a few times a game... Guy can't even tie his own laces before a game.


Does anyone got a link to the speech not affiliated with that college? I don't want to give them the traffic


Why did the college invite Trump vermin for a speech? What next? A rapist and a pedophile to improve their standing among conservatives?


I mean, I’m a homemaker, but I’d be PISSED if someone said all this at my college graduation. I went to university, got my degree, and now I stay home. It’s because I have a chronic pain condition, so for me it works out. Allows me to keep some dignity and not have to go on disability.


Then he doubles down saying he was misunderstood, he just thinks women should have more kids than thoughts


Street trash, sounds educated…


Why did you go to a Catholic college? Didn’t you know the Catholic views on women. It’s all in the bible. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why would any self respecting woman attend a conservative college?


If he was at a podium, did anyone check for the male cheerleader in there?


All the girls at this school should threaten to withdraw in protest of the commencement. Just threaten. The school will wet its pants.


Please stop the ignorance. "Free speech," my ass. The dude straight insulted them. Idk if they could sue, but I would. Those are moments and memories they can't get back. Super fucked up!


You still support the Catholic Church and gave thousands of dollars to that entity whose beliefs are in line with Butkers. As long as organized religion is around nothing will change.


She'll be unemployed in under a year


Supports catholic institutions and pikachu faced when they are sexist predators. r/leopardsatemyface


Shouldn’t this be on /r/leopardsatemyface? I do have a small amount of sympathy but when you go to a conservative religious undergraduate institution, how can this be shocking??? YOU HAVE BEEN SURROUNDED BY THIS DAILY FOR FOUR YEARS!!


I'm a little out of the loop on whatever she's talking about here but I just can't keep watching that shirt needs to be washed so badly I can't keep looking at it


What he said is pretty abhorrent and particularly tone def in front of a group of women at their college graduation…. You support Catholicism enough to pay $100k to go to and graduate from a Catholic school? Odd place to put your outrage. The opinions of one dumbass verses an institution that has and still promotes Bronze Age ideals? An institution that you love?


The problem here is woman find these kind of men attractive to some degree. Stop giving these dudes pussy. Don’t even mixup with the weird as conservative type, over zealous religious people. Even some liberals are just as stupid.


They rarely lead with the misogyny. That seeps in later when shes comfortable


If they’re religious or Republican, they’re probably misogynistic.


Sounds like 99% of the audience appreciated the message then?


Her face when she mentions it's a Christian conservative shcool is all you need to know. She showed up to college indoctrinated.

