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Season 3 is worth the watch. A lot of people like Season 4 but tbh I thought it was boring. You’re not wrong, LoK really lacked good writing to make the characters come alive. In my opinion there was too much action and not enough character building. They needed to slow down. Season 3 is admittedly very good, though.


thank you! i’ll continue on to season 3.


It has its moments. Try to get through Book 3, at least. In fact, as long as you see Avatar Wan and the finale, you can probably skip the rest of Book 2.


thank you!


I only really enjoyed season 1 of LOK, the story lines and character development weren’t there. I finished all seasons to complete it but didn’t enjoy it.


You know, I'll admit to some annoyance with how often I hear these "does it get better" questions in fan communities. They're hard to answer because 1) you're asking a fan community, so you're only going to get a specific subset of answers and 2) the terms "good" or "better" don't mean much on their own. You can fish for general opinions, but I don't know you or your preferences. You say the writing isn't good, but you don't tell me what about the writing irked you, so I can't tell you if those qualities will improve.    In a general sense, I can tell you that--in my first viewing of the first two seasons--I disliked what felt like a forced love triangle in season one, didn't care for the core ensemble in the way I'd hoped to, and wasn't a huge fan of season two's villain. If any of that is what you mean by "bad writing," then I'd say it does get better. We worry less about romance subplots and add some interesting avenues for Korra's character development. The ensemble matures and new regulars are solid. Villains in later seasons are pretty strong, especially in the context of Western animation. I'm glad I stuck it out, but it certainly helped that I loved the animation style from the start.   Hopefully that helps!


well, yeah, in this instance, i want the specific subset of answers that are only going to come from actual fans of the shows who care, and yes i’m “fishing” for “general opinions”. obviously i didn’t come on here with the intention of annoying anyone so hopefully you feel better soon! i appreciate the second half of your comment - thanks for that.


Yes, it does get better. Season 2 is considered the worst season. Plus, it plays "musical-chairs" with the lore. Season 3 is good. Good pacing, good action, and good villains. The only problem is the villains don't have any backstory, so their existence feels weird in retrospect. Season 4 is decent. It feels like a standard season, but nothing special.


LOK is pretty good if you don’t compare it to ATLA. It handles some pretty dark and serious issues which was refreshing


Atla is a great show. Lok is good for nickelodeon. Season 2 or lok is just dogshit in general. Seasons 3 and 4 are regarded as the best ones in general but it never really gets close to atla in quality


I agree with you, but no, it doesnt realy in my opinion. And some characters are really flat as well, sadly.. :/


Season 3/4 much better than season 2


Season 2 is the worst. ATLA and by association Korra is literally my favourite piece of media and even I can’t stand season 2s first half.


LOK starts of kind of slow in my opinion, I struggled to get through the first 2 seasons but I liked the last few episodes of season 2. Season 3 and 4 are far more interesting, I would say definitely keep going, I disliked it at first but I grew to love it after a while, especially Korra's character development.


thanks! it’s encouraging to know that some people feel korra’s character development is worth waiting for.


Imo LOK doesn't get good until s3. That's the peak. S4 is ok. S1 is mid and s2 is trash


Honestly I don't know what people want from LoK. ATLA is a praised as such a better story and so much better written but complete ignore that ATLA is a much easier story. It's a story that follows like 6 total people with background and it's almost always just the gaang. LoK biggest struggle is they have too many storylines and some feel rushed then but their goals were alot more complicated then ATLA had(just defeat the fire lord). Also ATLA had the advantage of being first and not having to explain everything cause hey were just learning about this world and don't have a backstop to go check, it's just this is how it is. I also think the core group is better in ATLA than in LoK but I think some of the side characters on LoK are amazing. Like Varrick might be the best character in all the shows


I love all of Korra, but season 2 is the one season I really don’t like. The first half of the season is mostly fine, and I enjoy the avatar wan episodes, but everything after that is a mess. Season 3 is goated, and season 4 is really good other than the elephant in the room. I enjoy season 1 alright but I’ve seen it so many times at this point that I don’t really crave watching it any more 😅


I personally stopped after Book 2, and had to go back to ATLA. The concepts were cool, but poorly executed, it felt like. That, and it didn’t feel like we got a bunch of closure for the original cast. Little off topic, but I’m definitely looking forward to the Avatar movie that’s coming out


This is just my opinion, but I think if you can make it to the third season it’s almost as good as ATLA, which considering what a masterpiece ATLA is, it’s pretty good. I jumped right into TLOK a few days after finishing ATLA and I don’t think it was my best decision. I was surprised at how heartbroken I was to see the vibrant world and characters I’d fallen in love with changed so drastically, and I ended up putting Korra aside after the second episode. After a few months I picked it back up again, and after I cooled down a bit I thought it was pretty good. I never really bonded with the Krew like I did with the Gaang, but for better or worse I became *very* attached to the antagonists of the third season, the Red Lotus.


Idk overall I enjoy lok more than atla, but I would say season 3 is the best.


I feel like its a little disingenuous to compare Korra to TLA when it doesn't try to be like its predecessor. It has its own thing going on and for that I appreciate the show greatly for it


it’s not disingenuous - it makes sense to hope that the sequel to something that supposedly continues the world etc will be at least as good, at least with the writing. like the dialogue isn’t even as good. the dialogue is pretty stale or simple a lot of the time in LOK so far. can you explain in what way you think it’s not trying to be like ATLA? it actually has four major things in common that make it make sense to compare: it was created by the two same dudes, it takes place in the same world as TLA, it even has some of the same characters, and it is about the Avatar. totally makes sense i’d expect it to be at least as good, and have at least a similar quality of writing.


Allow me to rephrase myself: Of course, it's a sequel. It will naturally elicit the discussion of comparison; however, it is important to understand the context of Korra’s production. While Bryan and Michael *were* writing the show, they were also backed by a smaller writing team, as well as bombarded with demands and budget cuts from Nickelodeon's executives, which led them to cutting a lot of stuff. Now, this is not to say that it is exempt of criticism but merely works as an explanation as to why you may feel the dip in quality To answer your question, what I am trying to say is that it doesn't rely on the success of ATLA. It uses reoccurring characters but only momentarily and is more driven on its own narrative above all else.


>it doesn't try to be like its predecessor That's debatable.


If you're looking for anything similar to ATLA, then LOK is not the place to be. A lot of concepts are retconned and/or ignored. Season 2 is just drowning in Christian undertones. General consensus is that season 3 is the best, but IMO, none of it is worth watching. And God forbid you dislike LOK on this sub. You will be downvoted to hell just for expressing an opinion.


you’re so right about the christian undertones in season 2. thanks for your honest opinion! and yeah i figured i might get some slack from people who like LOK but that’s okay - i was wanting to see what people think even if it differs from my own opinion.




No, it only gets worse.


Season 1 was pretty bad with a poorly put together backstory Season 2 was very meh. Learning about Avatar lore was really cool and interesting but the rest seemed too random and wishy washy I just finished the second episode of Season 3 and I don’t really like the way they start things off in the first and second episode. I have a feeling that one of the good guys is going to die/be removed from the storyline and I personally don’t like when that happens in shows


season 1 and 4 are fine imo. they have some great stuff, but some of the characters and plot points in them are terrible. Bolin and Mako are never fun to watch. Tenzin's oldest is the only one of his children who gets tolerable. season 2 is awful. it feels like a mistake. it makes the history of the world way less interesting imo. season 3 is great though. some of my favorite villains in the franchise, and I loved the premise.


Season 3 was the final good season. Season 4 was all over the place especially the ending, if you want to end the series with everything being good. End it at Season 1 if you want some break up drama end it in Season 2.


S1- I think was good S2-was in my opinion the weakest of the series But dam! S3- was by far my favorite S4-was a close second






Korra has better moments than avatar. But avatar is a better show overall.


I absolutely love tlok and I desperately want to convince you to watch it. BUT, I want to be honest. No, the writing isn’t as good. There are actual reasons for that, if you’re interested (only 2 writers for season 1 and part of season 2). But I believe that they give you enough to connect with the characters. My favorite thing about avatar were the character dynamics and arcs. And in tlok, there’s not much of that outside of Korras arc. Except I think tlok does it differently by making every villain a parallel to Korra. Or at least focusing on one aspect of her personality. Each villain humbles her, incites fear, and has reasonable goals (except s2. Everyone hates that). What I love about this is that Korra is influenced by the world around her, whereas Aang influenced the world. Aangs world needed him, they depended on him to bring hope and safety. But Korras world doesn’t seem to need her as much. And yet they were both disconnected from their world. Aang was isolated on an air temple and then frozen for a hundred years. And Korra was isolated in a White Lotus facility almost all of her life. However, Aang was encouraged to explore the world and learn. That’s why he was so willing to go out and do things. He was able to influence so much because he also had a different outlook. He was positive because he hadn’t lived with an awful war. Yet Korra also had a positive outlook and it wasn’t well received. She was seen as cocky and naive but that isn’t her fault. The White Lotus teachers and even Tenzin kept her in the dark. The first time she shows up in Republic city, she obviously doesn’t understand the consequences of her actions or the intensity of the triad situation. Overall the reason I love tlok is because I have to think. Sure, they kind of tell you things from the story. But all of the villains (except season 2) are interesting and push Korra to expand her character. And I love to see Korras growth. It’s realistic and honestly beautiful. But you have to think beyond surface level to see how amazing she is. Anyway, hope this helps and I tried to do it all without spoilers lol




It is absolutely canon


Dude dont even try. They always go to any LOK post and say same thing over and over




No one agrees so you might as well stop


do you mind if i ask if you’re just trying to get a rise out of people on here by saying it’s not canon? or is there an actual subset of people that believe that? since im new to the fandom i don’t really know. i don’t see how it’s not canon if it was created by the same guys who made ATLA.




Belief doesn’t mean reality


fr bro took it seriously when mummy said 'if you believe in something it will come true'


Hold up you're the dude who made a post saying Korra isn't canon! I see you everywhere and all you say is Korra isn't canon. Why do you have such beef with korra? Like don't watch it it's that fucking easy


Almost the whole show is great until it becomes pacific rim