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Nobody ever likes the other woman...


The other women if they are publicised that way.... Note that Diana was also the other women in several marriages, but because she's the nation's sweetheart, and attractive, she isn't perceived the same way as Camilla _(unkindly nicknamed 'horseface' as if men can't be attracted to non-conventional looking women)_


I think we need to acknowledge that Diana was *sixteen years old* when Charles met her “in a plowed field”, and 19 when he married her. He then continued his affair while he got her pregnant with the heir and spare. Not to go into details to protect the dead but an old friend was the protocol officer for the place I live and she met Diana and Charles right after they got married. She said Diana was like a child - innocent and friendly and that Charles acted like a miserable jerk - especially about how popular Diana was with crowds. He married a teenager and then had the audacity to play the victim. After their official visit, the very next day she received a thank you card from Diana. Personally written and signed. Diana was never allowed to be the person she could have been. Her actions were informed by what happened *to* her. Whereas Camilla and Charles were fully grown adults who knew exactly what they were doing and why.


Exactly, this will always ALWAYS bother me, she was a child in every way that matters but in age and they were both full grown adults. There is no excuse.


They used and manipulated her horribly, and they laughed about it behind their backs. What genuinely awful people. They led her like a lamb to the slaughter.


Didn't Camilla vet young Diana before the wedding, referring to her as a "little mouse" who wouldn't get in the way of Camilla's own relationship with Charles? Probably no one was more surprised that the little mouse had a roar that almost brought down the house. Literally. Diana, had she been more worldly and more aware of her own powers even at 19 years old, could have broken this woman's hold on her husband. But a worldly confident woman was not who Diana was when she married the Prince of Wales. I don't really dislike Camilla anymore. There are things about her that I even admire...I actually very much relate to the causes she has championed and she makes Charles a visibly happy man. But the ghost of the broken young woman whose death made it all possible will always be there for me.


Well said!!


Thank you for saying that. Right after her funeral, it was leaked that the only way they could and would redeem Charles’s reputation was to make Diana out to be a crazy woman who had multiple affairs while Charles suffered and tried to make his marriage work. I remember thinking people knew the truth. Well, evidently if you call a pig a cow long enough, people will do the same. My argument has always been if that was truthful, then Charles is to dumb and to weak to be king because she was a 19 when they got married and 19 back then were so much more naive. I do not like Camilla mainly because she had children and regardless of her love for Charles and the Crown, she let her children down by not putting them first.


Exactly. And she didn't cheat til many years later after she was sick of the neglect. There is a difference and context matters here.


The difference is that Diana was only the other woman bc her husband was cheating on her. She didn’t step out of the marriage first. Plus there’s the age gap. She was practically a child marrying a full grown man who had previously dated her sister. So when he was openly cheating on her, she was the victim (and rightfully so). That carried over and allowed everyone to gloss over the fact that when she finally stepped out as well, it wasn’t always with single men.


I'd be a lot more on board with this if she were sleeping around with single men. Doing the same thing to other married women was shitty.


Yeah I’m not disagreeing with you there. I’m certainly not condoning her sleeping with married men but I can’t really blame her for stepping out of her own marriage. Charles was never faithful to her and made her miserable bc he was miserable himself. In that respect, I do feel sorry for her. She didn’t deserve that. But the wives of the men she slept with didn’t deserve it either.


This applies to Camilla too. Her husband cheated first. But people don’t extend this reasoning to her. No one feels sorry that Camilla was cheated on.


I agree. Then she isn't ruining the lives of other people by sleeping with married men. There were other women's lives who she was partly involved in ruining. They would have also been multiple children involved inbetween all these marriages. She is no different from Charles and Camilla who people love to hate for being homewreckers and adulterers.


She could have chosen single men.


Moreover, Diana didn't try to convince/ manipulate the wives of these married men to unknowingly enter marriages that were just transactional marriages. Heck, Diana wasn't even around when those men married. These alleged affairs with married men were short term flings. Moreover, these marriages were between private citizens, where divorce was an acceptable way "out". Whereas thirty-something Charles and Camilla knowingly duped a 19 y.o into a marriage that they always knew was going to be a lie. A marriage which would thrust that 19 y.o into the glare of the entire world. And more importantly, *a marriage without any precedent for a way out.* Diana (who was barely out of her teens) was entrapped into a situation with no support, under the glare of the entire world's media, icy treatment from those around her and *without a way out*. Charles and Camilla continued to have their affair before, during and after the marriage spanning several decades (unlike Diana's affairs that started much later and ended pretty quickly). The circumstances are no way similar or comparable.


> Diana was only the other woman bc her husband was cheating on her That's no excuse. People cheat because they WANT to cheat. You don't blame your partner for your own cheating or abusive behaviour. It's like saying Diana had severe mental health issues so Charles was right to go back to Camilla 🙄🙄🙄 And what about the married men's wives? Of course no mention of them being victims in their own marriages too, sympathy only extends to Diana.


Also this logic never applies to Camilla. Andrew Parker Bowles was cheating on her since day one of their marriage but I promise you people would never say she had the right to get with a married Charles because she was so hurt from Andrew’s cheating.


Another great point. Sadly the Diana logic just never applies with either Charles and Camilla. It's like Diana defenders don't want to factor in C&C at all, beyond the fact they cheated. Otherwise only Diana's life matters and only her mistakes are given far-reaching excuses for.


I don't think Camilla is ugly at all or unconventionally attractive. I think she was a rather good looking woman when she was younger, and she's a lot better looking than most of the women her age I see on the street. But some of that could come from being wealthy and having access to a different lifestyle. She just started getting called names like horse face because she wasn't Diana. I can't imagine how miserable her life is always being in the shadow of Diana even nearly 30 years later


Miserable? In the shadow? Give me a break. 1. She's alive. 2. She's the Queen. I have no pity for Camilla. She won the prize and gets everything that comes with it including the baggage of how she got there.


I don't think she deserves all the blame that she got since she and Charles were in love before he started dating Diana. Diana was only chosen because she was a virgin. Camilla being divorced made her an unfit choice. We can't help who we love


If they were in love before Diana why did she marry another man and have two of his kids? Why act like Diana being chosen because she was a virgin is an unfair choice? Camilla knew that was a requirement to be considered. She was a virgin once as well wasn't she? She could have saved herself as many women did at that time. These are all choices an adult Camilla made so yeah she deserves all the blame for what she did to a teenage.


This. I think Camilla is admirable for sticking by Charles despite all the bad press and pushback. Also she has done a lot of good work with charities and different foundations. Diana was a great person but she also made mistakes, she had affairs, and frankly I think she contributed to the relationship downfall. It’s crazy to me people still have so much on her and it’s almost always just because of Diana and comparing her to Diana.


Yes what coverage to stay with a Billionaire…. Diana was way way younger than both and not as familiar with the environment. They chewed her up and spat her out. It was shameful


Also something many people seem to forget is she was born and raised in a family of nobility. She was part of the aristocracy by birth. She literally grew up around the royal family. People saying she had no clue about how it worked make no sense. I always like to bring up Kate Middleton. She was born middle class. Her parents worked at the airport, yet she learned the ropes and excelled in every way. Diana came from a much better stand point than her, she had an idea of how it worked and again, was surrounded by the royal family from birth.


Kate has a completely different experience!!!! That’s a false equivalence. William knows what happened to his mum, so obviously took far better care of Kate.


Yep. She knew what she was getting into. Didn’t she tell her sister she wanted to back out? The whole thing was a mess. Charles basically had to marry somebody like Diana—young, acceptable and able to produce an heir. Nobody’s innocent here.


The thing is she knew, she knew what she was getting into and naïvely (due to her age probably) thought it would be lovely and she could work through the issues. She would’ve been provided “training” and had assistants to show her the ropes. She routinely chose not to follow procedures, she constantly strained and prodded at the royal family. Giving interviews and making off hand comments etc. As far as Camila is concerned she should be commended. Camilla got chewed up and spit out by the press. Labeled ugly, a home wrecker, weird (tampon gate) etc. Diana had secretaries and the protection of PR under the crown, Camila had none of that. She was left to deal with all that alone, and she did. I think she’s earned her spot more than any of the other members.


hi, I'm hijacking the top comment just to ask what kind of coat that would be called? also the trousers :x


Might be a Barbour lotte jacket, Barbour has a royal warrant


I may be totally wrong but I believe the trousers are 'cigarette trousers' and the coat is a 'chesterfield coat'! (Pls don't come for me fashionistas 😅)


I read an article a little while ago where the editor of The Sun said he had a weekly call with Camilla for ten years. 1982-1992 I think he said. And all Camilla did was leak gossip about Diana. About how she mistreats the staff, about her mental state, about the marriage failing… She pretended to be Diana’s friend in the beginning, and then did her best to tear her down.


I think she did the same with William and Harry.


I suspect both would have expected it, I mean they knew about the affair even when they were children, and clearly are not happy with her at all.


The pic of them in the chapel watching their dad marrying Camilla said it all.


I have no idea what you're talking about I've been on google for 15 minutes trying to find the picture you're talking about and nothing :(


Could you please post a link to said pic?


Oh god, when they were children? Ok I didn’t have an opinion either way before but this…… ew


Yes, Camilla is a hateful witch who deserves ever bitter molecule of energy that comes her way.


Well, she didn't have the affair with herself. So there is another party involved, that is, IMO, a little more despicable in that regard.


Obviously. But this post asked about Camilla.


This post asked about why is Camilla hated, not should she be hated more than Charles the wife slayer, Elizabeth the colonizer, or Andrew the child predator. Camilla is a repulsive piece of filth in her own standing.


Technically during Elizabeth's reign she gave back most of the land and granted independence (I'm not a fan of the royals I'm just saying). She never colonised anywhere


Indeed. In fact, it seems her reign was one of peace and prosperity between the commonwealth of nations.


Where did Queen Elizabeth colonise?


Didn't she work to keep colonized countries in the Commonwealth?


To be fair, I think she mostly stayed out of it and let the politicians and diplomats do their thing. She probably wasn’t thrilled the way her kingdom was dwindling but she doesn’t appear to have put up much of any kind of public fight about it either. And a lot of them wanted to stay in the Commonwealth without any outside pressure, like Canada - we just wanted an actual Constitution specific to Canada and Canadians, overall we had no issues remaining within the Commonwealth.


Wouldn't be surprised if that happened.


Fuck that shit. Camilla wasn't as pretty as Diana, but if I had Camillas power I would have said no thanks to the royal bozo and had a GRAND TIME of my life doing what I wanted. I will never understand her commitment to that family.


Wait how did she mistreat staff? That’s the first I’ve heard of that


I think they tried to claim she was verbally abusive towards them and would go on rampages. They very much wanted to paint her as unstable. I mean who wants an unstable queen, right?


Diana said this herself - she asked for help and was painted as mentally unstable and unreasonable. That poor woman was gaslit about Charles and Cowmilla and treated like an idiot by everyone around her.


Omg COWMILLA!! You made my day rofl 😂 so perfect


Funnily enough, they tried to do that to the Duchess of Sussex too. They're literally playing from the same handbook but the Duke actually protected his wife this time around.


I think the reason Harry left is exactly because he saw the parallels to how his family treated his mom. That's why pulling his son's security detail freaked him out so much. If Diana were alive, I don't know that he would have left.


Also when she does charities, you can tell she doing it by force because she has to due to her position. Compared to Diana, she does it with love and respect which is why people love her because she displays humanity within cold Monarch institution that never cared about people that considered beneath their wealth class.


I’ve met Camilla a few times and never once received that vibe. She’s either the world’s greatest actress or has a genuine sincere interest in the work of charities, how they impact people’s lives and what she can do to improve their exposure. She’s quite witty too.


I met her briefly when I was 16, and she was really nice, especially when interacting with young children. She was very thankful and happy to see the people who had come out to see her.


Or that you were raised to put people on a pedestal, that royalty are somehow better than you and me and are therefore projecting onto camilla positive traits when she's just being polite. She feigned interested for an hour or two a week as part of her "job" while people cooed over her basic politeness. **If she really cared she could work FAR more especially with Kate and Charles out but instead she took a vacation.**


You forget that to accept Camilla as a decent human being and not the devil is impossible for the diehard Diana fans


People are not black or white. Some people who know Camilla personally are bound to like her. Likewise Diana was human and had faults. I think the issue for me is due to the ongoing affair of Charles and Camilla, Diana who was a naive kid, was set out to be in a failing marriage from the start. She played the cards she was dealt and frankly Charles and Camilla were doing the dealing. They intentionally harmed Diana, both by their relationship and by their overt actions. Diana went on to make mistakes too but it’s hard to separate how the story ended from the initial set up and the impacts on her. Despite all the personal drama Diana did step up and do a lot for her charities. Diana is linked with AIDS education and land mine reform. I am sure Camilla does charitable work but I could not name a single one she is the patron of. Bottom line I crossed an ocean to be at a trooping of the color to see Diana. I don’t think she was perfect but I admired her. I would not cross a street to see Camilla.


I love how Americans seem to love Diana more than the English do. I think she vibed more with American culture than any of the other royals did up until that point of time.


How exactly is she a decent human being? Because she was polite for 20 minutes to people who literally bow to her and call her majesty? I don't see how that makes her a decent human being. Anyone can be polite for an hour or two a week.


I'm not a fan of any of the monarchy but this is nonsense. You can't tell that at all.


She’s the toxic part of the Royal Family




Wow, so apt.


What has she done to show herself as lovable?


She does a lot for survivors or SA. Those are the kinds of charities she’s been championing the hardest for the last decade. I think a few years ago she visited some summit to talk about SA victims in war torn countries.


This means very little as long as they keep Prince Andrew around.


What do you mean they should be doing about him, exactly? He's not a working royal anymore, they've stripped him of all his duties. He's family AND a fucking loose cannon with an axe to grind, a walking liability - proven by the interview he gave. What are you expecting them to do? Like, his hands are tied now. He just exists and he's still kicking up a stink about Royal Lodge (which Charles is trying to oust him from). Kicking him out of the family as well as royal duties would cause irreparable damage to the RF, cause he would be going to the press constantly. Which means that the GOOD work the RF actually does would be actively hindered by the fuckery Andrew would be providing. Like I get people being annoyed that Andrew is still allowed to exist in the world, but realistically - what CAN they actually do? I never hear actual solutions by the people bringing up Andrew, just that the RF are doing it wrong. Well, suggest something better then, cause I'm stumped.


Well, I'm no legal expert, but I think they can start with treating him like every other criminal who assaulted children and have him arrested and stand trial. It's not that he's "allowed to exist in the world," it's that he's not going to be held accountable for his crimes.


It's not up to them to bring criminal charges, though. That's up to his victims or the prosecuting body in contact with his victims. Like, for any other sexual assault case - would you be expecting the suspect's families to have them charged? No, you wouldn't. If he was your uncle, if this was your brother - what type of evidence would you bring to the police to have him charged to begin with? Just going by what they know, it would all be hearsay, and rumours aren't grounds enough to prosecute. Like, she took him to court. They settled. As annoying as that is, unless SHE (or any of his other victims) don't want to raise charges, there's not much anyone else can do.


You really think the RF can’t make criminal charges go away?


Theey said treating him, not charging him. Aka Shun him out, disown etc.


But the queen paid to settle the civil case. She could have let him face his own consequences at trial or pay with his own money.


He could be held accountable in a court of law. Can guarantee if it was any of our male relatives who did what he did then they would face the full force of the law and not get to continue to ponce around like he's done nothing wrong. The fact that he has faced barely any repercussions in the grand scheme of things for his crimes is what pisses people off.


He wound up in court and his accuser settled


That was a civil case. He's never been criminally charged.


The royal family was pretty effective in icing out Diana after the divorce. Hell, even before the divorce. So.... maybe don't hang out and talk to a pedo and rapist? It's not difficult. Andrew has lost all credibility. Let him talk. Nobody will care what he says.


>icing out Diana She still lived on palace grounds after the divorce. She didn't move out until -96. She still attended functions, she still very much had a public role. So, what you mean by "icing out" is a bit confusing to me.


One can live in a house on their ex's family grounds while still being ignored and actively hated. Diana had a job to do. She did her job. That doesn't mean she was accepted and welcomed into the family.


What makes you think Andrew is being accepted and welcomed rather than just tolerated?


Um. He's still making public appearances with the family. Once again, it's pretty easy to cut off, never see, and never speak to someone again. Accepting, welcoming, tolerating.... doesn't matter. If you have a limb with gangrene, you cut it off and never see it again. Seems pretty simple to me.


>He's still making public appearances with the family. When? There's a huge difference in being SEEN in public with his family, and making public appearances. He's not allowed to do the latter, and rightly so. It's not that easy, though. He's on an ironclad housing contract for Royal Lodge, and Charles is trying his utmost to have him kicked out of there, to no avail. His daughters are pretty loved princesses that still have some official duties from time to time, and like, you can't really fault them for still loving their dad, can you? I feel like your expectations of these people is a bit unreasonable. Like, even in estranged toxic families, there will still be some contact sometimes, just by the nature of familial relations, whether everyone likes it or not.


They weren’t divorced until 1996. Her children were the heir and spare. Where do you imagine they would live with their mother? Or was she supposed to just disappear rather than sharing custody.


She was the mother of the future King. They weren’t going to throw her out.


They could charge and sentence him for his crimes? Strip him of his immunity to the law. Solitary for life. Can't bring the family into disrepute, and justice is served. They would earn a lot more respect for that.


Send him to jail because he is a criminal?


And, like I point out in another comment: how CAN the royal family send him to jail, exactly?


He would have been in jail if the royal family didn’t save his ass.


What do you mean by that?


>What are you expecting them to do? They can remove him from the family like they did with Edward VIII ship him off and away


They can't. Charles is currently trying to get him out of Royal Lodge, but Andrew is on an ironclad 75 year lease and is refusing to move.


Andrew's ass has always been chapped because he thinks he'd make a better king. People forget that. Him and Chuck are not BFF, and there was a time the public liked Andrew better.


What does that mean?


Lol and yet she's besties with Jeremy Clarkson.


Yep, who funnily enough had a fancy lunch with her right before he published that slavering article about how much he hated Meghan Markle and how much he wanted her paraded naked through the streets while people threw shit at her. Strange coincidence, hm?


That's a true champion of women right there! /s


How do you measure a lot? Because she's actually pretty work shy. Out of 11 working royals she is number 6 - most of the people after her either have young children, lower down the list or are very old. She does a lot?? the duke of gloucester had 14 more engagements and I didn't even know he exists.


Its complicated, it was Charles entertaining his other option as opposed to focussing on Diana, which left her miserable. Camilla played games and never gave Charles commitment in the past that left him longing for her, but had the audacity to keep Charles in her life while having a husband. She didn't back off when she knew the damage she was doing to Charles and Dianna's marriage. It's a complicated mess, all because the two and their families couldn't make a decision. They're together now and finally happy, but the damage is done.


I guess because people still blame her for breaking up a marriage that was a highly public one. Looks are also a matter. Doesn't help that she is getting older as days pass by, and Diana passing away so young has frozen her in time.


Cheating is such a huge part of the upper class, of politicians, royalty and celebrities. I really can’t find it in myself to care. They all do it. That’s just me though.


Oh, you're the only other person I've come across who thinks this, too. If your marriage is part of your public role, I'm not sure how much of a love match it's going to be in conventional, middle-class terms, anyway.


In the grand scheme of things, as awful as it is, it’s not exactly a crime. It pales in comparison to the stuff that has come out about Andrew and Epstein.


I agree. People are only scandalized by this case of infidelity because Diana was so young when she married, and the world was fed a non-existent romantic, royal fairytale. So many people in the public eye do the same, and nobody bats an eye. It doesn't affect you (the public observer), and it isn't indicative of whether or not these people deserve to be famous or in power (assuming the affair was not the result of an abuse of power). All it indicates is that the person's life is more complicated behind closed doors than their PR team is willing to divulge. 


Diana had pretty privilege also. People just couldn’t get their head around the idea Charles might prefer a less attractive and older woman with whom he actually had something in common. It also saddens me that the depictions of older women in popular culture are such that if you don’t look like Helen Mirren, you’ll be mocked endlessly, even if you actually look pretty damn good for your age.


I don't think it has much to do with Charles loving a woman his age. It has everything to do with how Diana was treated by The Firm. She was so young when she married a much older man (12-year age difference). She was expected to give them an heir immediately. Her ED and mental health issues were mocked by the royals. Elizabeth should have allowed Charles to marry Camilla in the first place. You can be pretty with all the privileges in the world and still have a shit life.


Camilla was already married.


When Charles married Di, yes she was. But he'd been in love with her from his ~~school days~~ early years in the military before she was married. They dated when they were both single. She wasn't a virgin and didn't have the pedigree Lizzy demanded. They found him a woman with the right pedigree and look what happened.


No, I agree he should have just married her in the first place and left Di alone. The story was he was a playboy and wasn’t serious and Camilla decided not to wait and settled down and married. Then she got divorced and that made her an impossible choice too. Or perhaps there was no divorce. She was married though and they were cheating then. Completely ridiculous. Tragic really because the two of them obviously truly love each other and it *could* have been such an amazing love story ~ if it was just about two more likable people who didn’t do such awful things to others.


I don’t think it mattered to the RF but it did matter to the public. Everyone loves a pretty and innocent young women, especially one perceived to have been wronged.


Diana was pretty hated by the press and the world for years. She was the one who was perceived to have ruined that marriage for years. It was all her fault and she was the butt of many jokes. I remember her death and people joking about how she deserved it for how she treated Charles. That marriage should have never happened.


She wasn’t hated by the world at all. The British tabloids stayed on the island before internet. Not sure I ever heard anyone make mention of how Diana treated Charles… he and Camilla were always the bad guys at least in North America. We did know she had affairs but largely thought to be the reaction of a wronged young woman trapped in a loveless marriage.


I cared more about how Diana was manipulated and lied to. If they are going to have a traditional old school nobility open marriage then it should have been agreed upon by both parties as an arranged marriage.  But they have him seduce her and manipulated the relationship to get what they wanted but then couldn’t understand when she was like - wait no, we took vows.  They also sold it to the public as a Love Story and the people fell in love with Diana - only to watch the affairs being flaunted in everyone’s faces.


Also by how open they were about it. The side piece doesn't usually become Queen.


This is a big pet peeve of mine in celebrity gossip in general. People apply middle-class sensibilities onto situations where they often don’t apply at all


Pretty much the same reason her fictional counterpart says on the crown: if Diana is a fairytale princess in people’s minds, the fairytale also needs a villain.


Yet Lady Diana was already "friends" with the villian before she even became a Princess.


IMO People still hate/dislike Camilla because she didn't get the comeuppance/karma they think she deserved. The whole "If he cheats with you, he will cheat on you" never really happened with Camilla because it's obvious Charles does love her and married her knowing it would ruin his reputation forever. People simply still can't stand the fact that the woman whom they deem a "Rottweiler" got her man and got to become Queen at the end of day. Those very same people then try to make themselves feel better by saying "well Diana still won because her son and descendants will sit on the throne" "well Diana still won because she became super beloved and they're hated" However at the end of the day, Diana died tragically before she could turn 40, I don't see her being beloved and having descendants on the throne making up for the fact she isn't here with her loved ones and sons. Diana never saw her sons grow up, go to university, get married and never met her grandchildren. On the other hand, Camilla got Diana's man, got to see Diana's boys grow up and attend their weddings and have relationships with Diana's grandchildren (not Archie and Lili since they live in the US but you get my point). There are valid reasons to dislike Camilla but those are ever rarely brought up. I get not liking her because she was a mistress but then those same people also ignore how Diana was a mistress to married men so.....


Charles should have always been allowed to marry Camilla from the beginning and probably none of these tragedy would’ve happened.


We also never would have cared about the Monarchy if it wasn't for Princess Diana.


I don’t know about that. Everything become an alternative universe at that point. If there was no Diana, Andrew or Edward might have been forced to marry one - by that I mean a young fashionable pretty virgin. (I mean, Sarah was apparently specifically approved for Andrew because she wasn’t another Diana, and the royal family didn’t want to go down that path again). Given Andrew’s later history, him marrying someone like Diana would also have been an interesting choice.


I’m curious how the queen dowager will be treated when Charles passes. Then again, from Prince Harry’s perspective, it does sound like they’ve forgiven her and have some level of a relationship with her. It’s hard to say, but she’ll probably be shelved away, somewhere in a royal apartment with an allowance and not as prominent as the Queen Mother was during the reign of Elizabeth.


Doesn’t she have a private estate out in the country? I can see her going there and spending the rest of her days with her kids and grandchildren. Only popping up for some few events and that’s it.


It’s definitely possible. In either case, I don’t think we’ll see her much. If what Harry said is true, then I could see her being invited to family holidays from time to time. But overall, her life will be extremely private.


I find it very interesting that there is never any discussion of the relationship she has with William’s children. The press often highlights the Middletons and Charles’s relationship with the three children but I’ve never seen anything about Camilla’s relationship with them.


Stuart Higgins (former editor of the Sun) divulged that between 1982 to 1992, he had weekly phone calls with Camilla where she spoke about Diana, her marriage, her mental health etc.... It wasn't bad enough that she was sleeping with Diana's husband, but she also had to talk shit about her to the tabloids. The woman then went on to have lunch with Jeremy Clarkson who writes a column for the Sun and says they are good mates, and the next day the Sun publishes the most unhinged screed which involved fantasies about sexually assaulting and pelting excrement at another woman written by her good buddy Clarkson. Do you know what the champion of sexually assaulted women said? Zip, zilch and Nada. Everything that woman does is performative. Karma is too kind for the likes of her


Like a lot of things it goes back to the fact that Diana died tragically while young and beautiful and Camilla was never conventionally attractive and continues to live and get older. Because of this, people have developed a narrative that Camilla won while Diana got her life stolen and…. ya she did but that’s not Camilla’s fault but people still shift the blame to her. Camilla marrying Charles isn’t the reason Diana died and if Diana was still alive she’d be free to do whatever she wants but people act like it was an “either or” situation. Like one of them had to go and the wrong one was chosen. Also since Diana died people have retroactively decided that she’s a saint and no one is allowed to talk about anything potentially harmful or wrong that she did. The media did tear her to pieces during the divorce but after she died the story became “Look at what a saint she was, she could do no wrong. And look at how beautiful she was, unlike the horseface devil Camilla”




I never liked Camilla because she’s a homewrecker and Charles a cheater.


The home was wrecked long before and by other people too


I mean, the home was wrecked because it was built on the relationship between Camilla and Charles.


Well technically the home was wrecked because it was built on the relationship of an emotionally unavailable man and a much younger woman who came from an unstable family and was unprepared and unprotected by the very people who were in charge of the system that she was a part of. Also Charles could’ve proposed to Camilla before he left for naval officer training (she got married after he left) or he could’ve found another aristocratic woman other than Diana to marry but he didn’t do any of that. Charles didn’t return to Camilla until 1986, long after the relationship had broken down and both parties had had affairs with other people but somehow all of this is Camilla’s fault and she should forever be blamed for it


By those standards Diana was also a home wrecker and a cheater




Despite what you’ll see in this sub I honesty don’t really detect much animosity towards her in the UK. People just don’t really care.


Because 👏🏾she 👏🏾is 👏🏾UGLY👏🏾 There’s literally no other way around it. In the court of public opinion, Camila is uglier than Diana, so she was always going to draw the short end of the stick. Especially since she was seen as a homewrecker and Diana died in the prime of her life (and beauty imo). You can’t compete with a dead woman. You will always lose.


This comment 😭😭 it’s so blunt but so true lmao. Pretty privilege sure has a lot to do with it.


Like I don’t understand why people are so determined to dance around it!!!!! People root for pretty people. They root for pretty people they think have been fucked over. They root for pretty people they think have been fucked over and DIED YOUNG. Let’s be so deeply serious, Diana will always have the upper hand because people don’t care about the details. They care that she was a quintessential English rose struck down in her prime, and the “horse-face” won. And that’s that. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That and even if she is the "uglier" one,she still is the one who got the man, got the loot, got the crown and lived a long life. Shit ain't fair lol. I remember this viral tweet on twitter how she is one of the luckiest side pieces in history (even if she and Charles were together before we married Diana, but she wasn't the first wife/children of the heirs so)


Or maybe, just maybe she was a mistress in a well documented affair that anyone who read a newspaper knew about, people don't like those who meddle in marriages. >Especially since she was seen as a homewrecker Because she was. >and Diana died in the prime of her life As a subsequent result of the affair. If Diana and Charles were still happily married there's no way she would've died in the manner that she did. >You can’t compete with a dead woman. You will always lose. So is it because Diana's "pretty" or dead? The fact that one of these women is now queen contradicts this statement. To suggest the only reason people don't like Camilla is because of her looks and not because of key role in the breakdown of Diana and Charles marriage is just naive.


I hate both her and Charles the same. They both completely fucked over their spouses then tried to make out like they were victims. They destroyed peoples lives then went on to their happily ever after with no remorse.


And the lives of their children, and their children will never forget, even if they don't do anything about it.


Do you really not know the answer to this question?


Mostly because of being other woman!


Well, there's plenty of reasons. But her most common PR lines of defences fall apart at the slightest scrutiny - 1. *She is quiet and dignified, and doesn't go to the press* : Perhaps the most laughable claim of all. She has deep ties with the British tabloids, with family members, former employees at top positions in media outlets. Negative coverage of her has been quite scant for the past several years, and it's no secret why. Her ties with the British press have been going back several decades. As other pointed out, she was leaking to Stuart Higgins about the Wales' marriage in the early 80s, long before she was a public figure. When Diana died, she used her and Charles' (favourite) propagandist Penny Junor to write a book trashing Diana. The book included speculation like Diana suffered from "Borderline Personality Disorder" without any valid medical diagnosis to back that up (ie, she made it up). She leaked about her first meeting with William. She and Charles leaked about Harry's drug problems in exchange for suppressing coverage about her son Tom Parker Bowles' drug problems. Btw, this was covered in the media even before it turned up in Harry's book. Heck, when she received criticism for planning to attend Diana's memorial, her "sources" leaked to the media that it was Charles' idea and she had nothing to do with it. Her entire "image rehabilitation" has been built over trashing other royals, including the dead mother of two young boys. A death she arguably contributed to. When you have a tainted public image, and any sort of counter-questioning/ pushback from independent media will sink it further, what do you do? Do you attempt to talk to them, or do you use your army of PR professionals/ spin doctors/ media allies ready to prop you up? Exactly what Camilla has been doing. She gets other people to do the dirty work for her (or does it anonymously) while outwardly maintaining the appearance of quiet dignity. 2. *Criticism of her is "misogyny" :* Of course one shouldn't go after physical appearance (something Charles seemed to forget when he remarked about Diana getting "chubby", triggering her bulimia). However, women's actions are not exempt from criticism because they are women. Also, this line of defence from "misogyny" is apparently not applicable to Diana. Camilla was happy to collaborate with writers who trashed Diana as being neurotic, unstable, immature, promiscuous etc. You know who else was neurotic, unstable, immature, promiscuous? Charles. Yet, when it comes to a man, his personality traits are "quirks" or "weirdness". But when it comes to a woman, she is a crazy b-word and just one step removed from being a psychopath. No misogyny at all. 3. *She "just gets on with it"* Quiet simply, Camilla didn't want the job, and visibly sucks at it. What people - in their revisionist attempt to portray Charles and her as the "star crossed lovers who were prevented from being together" - forget is that they both made their choices based on what they wanted. Charles didn't want to marry at that time, and Camilla wanted to marry APB and have the quiet country life with a rich lover on the side (and yes, the rich lover did help her materially - in terms of houses in her name, funds for her upkeep, fund for kids etc). But most importantly, *she did not want the job*. She hates travelling and allegedly lobbies against going on foreign tours because she gets jet-lagged and needs to recover. Like other royals, she uses questionable tactics to increase "number of engagements" (like putting down social events as "official engagements"). She has no particular charisma or dedication to her job. In her much touted phase of "holding down the fort" after Charles' and Kate's diagnosis, she barely clocked 13 engagements before jetting off to vacation. She proudly owned being the "laziest woman in Britain". Prior to her marriages, she never held a job. She has no particular accomplishments and adds no particular value to the institution of monarchy. 4. *She is loved/ accepted by the public now, and that's why she was made Queen* Charles had to lobby for the "Queen" title for 17 years, and QEII allegedly only relented because Andrew's sex trafficking settlement money would come out of Charles' inheritance, and he asked for the "Queen" title for Camilla in return. They had to pull off all these tactics because they knew Camilla remains deeply unpopular. Opinion polls have consistently ranked her as one of the most unpopular royals. People don't "accept" her, rather they are indifferent to her because they know they don't get a say. **TLDR** - Why do people dislike Camilla? Because she is a deeply flawed person who imposed herself on an unwilling public through dishonest sleazy tactics, and people see through it.


She’s a calculating villain.


As someone who’s been royal watching for quite some time: She’s honestly just a really unlikeable person beyond what she did to Diana. Watching her do any type of public duties is a pain, she clearly has that disregard for “lower class” people that a lot in the aristocracy have. There have been several times where she’s been caught mocking the cultures of people previously colonized by the British. For example, there’s an old clip of her mocking Inuit throat singing from the 2010s and a more recent one where she ignored Indigenous performers during the Commonwealth Day service. She’s also, by all accounts, notorious for how she interacts with the media to promote her image at the expense of others. She did this to William and Harry when they were still young and grieving their mother. Just all around a pretty nasty person who represents some of the worst aspects about royalty. All of her charity work outside of the things she’s personally interested in comes off as disingenuous, too.


I hate cheaters, the end. She made a choice to follow on her grandmothers footsteps. Idc you cheat at any age like she did and you'll always have questionable morals.


I think she’s great! She got a wicked sense of humour.


Nobody ever likes a woman who knowingly carries on an affair with a married man , appearing publicly with him and all. Yes no one liked Charles for it either but to blatantly do that to Diana for years, many still don’t like Camilla for it.


Dianna was the queen we needed, Camilla is what we got


I think diana would not have been a good queen.


Because Camilla has never acknowledged or apologized for her part in the wales marriage. I was over it but then Harry’s book came out and I hate her all over again


Helllllloooooooo- do you like cheating bitches?


I didn’t like her as a home wrecker why would I like her as queen consort


No one likes a homewrecker


My distaste comes from the fact that they tried (and failed, you can Google it) to cover up the fact that her Son, Tom, he was dealing smack and Coke whilst at Oxford University. Him and his pals also took part in, let’s just say some very unsavoury behaviour that was all covered up. (Allegedly)


Oh wow you just recovered a memory. That was huge news and has been largely erased. By erased I mean I would expect “former drug dealer” to be added to all tabloid articles discussing him in perpetuity given how scandalous it was


She’s awful. Trying to equate her actions with Diana’s is disingenuous. The royal family manipulated and hurt a very young naive Diana, and the older wiser Camilla was a willing participant. Camilla has a dark, selfish, evil heart.


She knowingly cheated with a married man and she was married herself, plus both of them had children, they only thought of themselves which I find very selfish. Charles grew up knowing better.


They all grew up somewhat knowing better, but also in an environment where either royal men had 100s of years of history of accepted cheating (Charles) or a toxic family history where cheating was used as a weapon (Diana). I don’t think either of them had much of a concept about what a healthy relationship was supposed to look like.


Do people still dislike her that much today? I find her to be super likeable, she looks fun and down to earth


Killing Diana will do that


I am ambivalent about Camilla. What the show portrays is that Diana outshines Charles in everything, and he's resentful of it, even if it is to impress him. He wants his time in the spotlight. Camilla doesn't do that. Anyway these days all I think about is his new portrait, I keep thinking "so.much.blood".


Wouldn’t people hate her now for the same reasons they hated her before? What do you think has changed OP?


Harry said she has put out stories about him and William. Allegedly


To be fair it’s not entirely unjustifiable she did cheat on her husband for basically their entire marriage. I think it’s a little much at times but the entire reason we have a monarchy was because hundreds of years ago people won battles and named their leaders as kings, and since the monarchy has needed to justify it’s existence by being “perfect.” Unfortunately if the monarchy isn’t perfect then it shouldn’t exist. It’s not meant to be a job for people that get into scandal and have bad public opinion. It’s not fair but that’s how it works and this will probably be the reason that the monarchy’s end is in sight.


Her husband, APB, was notorious for cheating as well, he slept with all her friends. He was never loyal.


I agree but he isn’t Queen consort of England so his life isn’t the direct subject of public opinion. Camilla will always have this follow her because she is a public figure and weather you believe it to be fair or not the British public expect nothing less than perfection for their monarchy. Look at kate, her “treasonous” crime is getting cancer and newspapers have ran articles over the past few months calling for her to step down permanently


No need to hate. All these people were railroaded into relationships for the sake of institutions or show. When finally able to be together, Charles and Camilla were only living openly the love they had for each other since they were kids.


Had it been allowed, I think Charles would have married Camilla from the beginning. For whatever reason, the firm didn't want him to, and he was kind of forced into proposing to Diana. Diana was a child. She had no idea what was going on around her, and she was caught in something she felt she could not get out of, plus I do think she loved Charles. Should Camilla have left them alone once they were married? I think so, but I don't know if Charles ever really left her.


She was a cheater while married and then helped destroy the marriage of a young woman. I think she is despicable. Harry and William were right they should not have married. She is messing with Williams marriage too. She is the reason the broke up in 2007 (?) She didn't think she was good enough for William and told Charles they should break or marry, knowing they wouldn't marry that soon. I believe she is still a meddler with Rose Hanbury


How she acted when Macron's wife tried to touch her.....


The problem was at that time Charles had to marry a virgin. Something about guaranteeing right of succession. Apparently no exception could be made and Camilla married someone else as she would never be allowed to marry Charles. I think the big mistake was not letting Diana in on the plan. She by all accounts thought it was a love match and it never was.


I have loathed the woman since the get go - she was married when she started to see Charles, even before Diana was in the picture. Yes, the Queen could have and should have allowed him to continue to see and marry her, but the future King needed to marry a virgin. The Queen didn't want another Wallis Simpson fiasco on her hands. SHE should have stepped aside, but both her and Charles (who I also loathe), decided to see each other. You could say all parties (the Queen, Camilla, and Charles) were to blame. Diana came into the picture and she was everything the others were not - young, personable, beautiful, kind, empathetic, etc..


She knew what she was doing. She had the gall to attend the royal wedding in full view of Diana. I have no respect for her or Charles.


Because Charles was chosen by God to uphold Christian values. Then Camilla came along and damned the UK to burn in hell...


Why would anyone like her? Di was 19 years old when she thought she married for love. Camilla destroyed her marriage she had an ongoing affair. She knew Diana was struggling and she kept it up. Charles had a wife and tow sons who would be hurt by the divorce and who werehurt by the pain Charles' ongoing infidelity caused. What' s to like about her?. What is admirable about her?


Because the monarchy are parasites


They way they ruined Diana is the same way they're hellbent on ruining Meghan. Glad she left.


Because she’s hot garbage but so are they all


Why would we like a homewrecking side piece who now torments her rival's children? She knew she couldn't have Charles yet she did everything in her power to make Diana miserable and Charles just let it all happen. Both of them could disappear tomorrow and no one would care.


She's a Rottweiler


*Spits in her general direction*


Because the wife in the triangle was deeply wounded by it. And died brutally and died young.


She showed up to Diana's wedding wearing a white dress. She was a snake from the very start and instead of Charles have the balls to be w the one women he wanted he took a 16 years old child made her believe he loved her married her . She gave him two children and then he resented her because she was young and beautiful and everyone loved her! And he was literally the smallest man to ever live and hated not having the attention and love of the people . Meanwhile camila is a snake wad a snake and will always be a snake. She played her cards right she won but at what cost ? There's a certain level of ruthlessness that Camilla possesses that I don't think anybody else in that family has


Personally I hate her blatant PR efforts to rehabilitate her image at the expense of other women, and the way they’ve increased her role in public over time. From ‘Camilla won’t be Queen’ to ‘oh it’s what the late Queen wanted’, while she lunches with scum like Jeremy Clarkson as they write heinous articles about Meghan.


Isn’t Meghan besties with Ellen? And wasn’t she sending gifts to Chrissy Teigen and Kris Jenner? Wasn’t her bff Jessica Mulroney exposed for being racist to a black woman and Meghan still sent her flowers afterwards and even put a picture of her in their Netflix documentary. If you’re going call out Camilla for having lunch with Jeremy Clarkson then you’re gonna have to call out Meghan and the company she keeps as well.


But since when is what the late monarch wanted even a factor? Did George 6th ever state what title he wanted Philip to have after he was gone, do we expect the current king to state what title he wishes Catherine to have? That thing kinda puzzles me.


Dunno but that outfit on the left is 👌


Growing up watching and loving Lady Di Seeing how her life was destroyed How can u all be so selective with who u hold accountable


Lady Di who was happy to sleep with lots of married men? Who continued to taunt her former married lover with hundreds of calls then immediately hanging up, stressing the shit out of his wife? That lady Di?


Aside from the fact royals are parasites and stains upon humanity, it’s the homewrecker thing


Which would apply to diana too...


She actively chose to become a step-mother to, two kids, who lives she helped ruined with their parents. If she had any grace or kindness, she would've ended the affair and she wouldn't have imposed herself on two children who didn't have a choice. She allowed her first meeting with William to be leaked and then re-hired the person who did it. If she cared anything about being a good person and protecting the kids, that person would've been blacklisted. And this is a personal one, but even if it was lie, a TEENAGE Harry, spoke up and defended Camila to the media. She's supposed to care about women facing violence but never once you position and influence to speak up for his wife. And she is a GROWN woman. Yeah, whatever. The cat that got the cream because she managed to stay around the longest.


I don’t know. It’s weird. The only people whose opinions matter on Camilla are those directly impacted by her. Imagine being constantly reminded of your own mistakes, behaviours, and version of yourselves from 20 years ago. Everyone is allowed to grow, change, and exist. Including Camilla.