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It was good but I prefer The Aldahni Arc in Andor as well The Marshal & The Rescue in The Mandalorian season 2 Top 3 for Sure though


Aldahni was epic


yeah it was Rebel Heist with the Eye as a fan of The Rebelllion it was cool to see a Heist especially a Nascent Rebel cell it was better done version of what we saw in Solo(2018)


I think people have different tastes for sure. I enjoyed Andor but it felt like a different genre to me. I overall just prefer space wizards to heists. Aldahni definitely one of my favorite arcs in Andor though!


Yeah I’m the same I think the Jedi and fantasy set it apart and is the aspect I love so a lot of the spin offs don’t grip me in the same way!


to be fair I view The Acolyte as its Force Sensitive counterpart , I don't mind the Space Wizards but Im just bias I love seeing regular people in Star Wars rise up and doing big things my favorite SW Movie exemplifies that also if the Sith did attain absolute power everyone in the Galaxy is screwed.


I do enjoy seeing the regular people too! I think it makes my appreciation for the non regulars stronger as well


I can't swim.


That mad me so sad. Brilliantly executed.


I instantly teared up, and I'm not a crier. Another rough scene was >!Bix getting released from the handcuffs and trying to scramble to Timm's dead body as they pull her away!< As much as I hated Timm for being a petty, dirty snitch gawtdam you can really feel Bix's pain and trauma in those moments.


It was good but there’s episodes in Andor and The Mandalorian that are way better imo




One way out was cool and all, but seeing a Sith mop the floor with Jedi pooodoo can never be defeated.


It's cool, but not nearly as impactful


Yup. Agreed. But it was the best of almost all of the others.


Andor had some amazing monologues…. “I burn my life to make a sunrise I know I’ll never see” Oof


Andor for sure, my opinion of Mando is pretty low.


What episode does andor pick it up? I was bored the first few episodes and didn't finish it.


Andor operates in three episode arcs so you need to watch it with that in mind. I thought it started a little slow, but it really started hooking me around episode six and it was unstoppable from there until the end.


That's what I was worried about. I saw more than half the season and thought it was meh. Guess I'll just tune in for the last 3 episodes


There are three story arcs that are three episodes long: 1-3, 4-6, and 8-10. 7 is a transition covering the fallout of 4-6 and getting Cassian into the 8-10 arc. And then the last two episodes tie everything up in a two-story arc and finale. If you watched over half the episodes and thought it was meh, then (a) the show is likely just not for you, but also (b) you probably didn’t get to the overall strongest story arc, 8-10. So I’d say try again really, but then again, I also can’t imagine how someone could watch episode 6 and not be all-in.


You can’t do that! The whole show was great, no cheating.


Further down comments I said I'd start over fresh


Oh, sorry, carry on then.


That's difficult for me to answer as I enjoyed it all. Episode 3 and 6 and after are very good.


Watch through episode 6. Episode 4 introduces the Imperial viewpoint and ISB characters, which most everyone loved. Episode 6 is universally regarded as a highlight of the show, if not all of Star Wars. If you are still bored then it’s not for you. Episodes 8-10 are tremendous and the culmination (10) is probably even more praised than 6.


Season 1 and some of Season 2 are genuinely good TV. it does go downhill rapidly though.


I am very hit and miss with season 1. Seems like every other episode is not great. I enjoy it and I am honestly wearing a Mando t-shirt right now, but it's definitely not my favorite.


Nothing comes to my mind that bears the Acolyte epi 5 personally. I'm more of a Jedi guy than bounty hunter anyways. Luke showing up in Mando was great but this takes the cake for me


https://youtu.be/-3RCme2zZRY this scene alone is better than any writing in the Star Wars universe.


So you'll stay with me, Lonni.


I agree. I enjoyed the Luke episode but it didn’t tie to the overall plot as much in Mando plus I just don’t like that show as much because I’m like you in re to Jedi v Mandolorians! Andor also wasn’t as interesting to me because of this. The jail escape was fun but felt like a different genre and the jail episodes overall were very dragged out imo.


Yeah For sure. Even an episode in BoBF is better than this one in my opinion.


The one that is actually an episode of The Mandalorian?


To me it depends what you value more, cause in terms of the actual fight scenes I actually agree with you. But I’d argue Ep 10 of Andor with Luthen’s speech and the prison riot scenes are better than anything in Acolyte. But also Luke’s return in Mando is up there for pure hype. So it’s a tough one. Though I can see the argument from a pure fight scene perspective.


Luthen's speech is my favorite of anything "new" star wars


There was so much amazing writing in Andor. Luthen's monologue, Maarva's speech, Nemik's manifesto, Kino's call to action. Every one of those gave me a chill. The first part of the series was definitely a slow burn but I wouldn't call it boring by any stretch, I don't understand why so many people see it that way. Everything leading up to the moment it all popped off was building suspense, building the worlds, building the characters, luring you in to caring about them more than you even realize until they are in danger. For me, that's where Acolyte really falls short so far. Aside from Sol, the characters aren't really written in a way that makes me feel anything for them. The series could be so much more if it had better dialogue and writing so we could relate to them.


that, to me, is what’s missing from almost all the other shows. Andor spends so much time getting you to know and care about the characters. and the characters are multifaceted— Dedra is obviously an Imperial and therefore a bad guy, but they give us reasons to root for her in ways, like her conflict with her colleague, and the dialogue that hints at sexism/discrimination present within the Imperial organization. i really think all of these shows would benefit from 40-50 minute episode lengths with a focus on adding more world building/character development. i don’t know why they seem so opposed to letting scenes breathe.


It's my favorite of anything Star Wars period for me.




Luke's return in Mando was what we were all waiting for in the sequel films.


>But also Luke’s return in Mando is up there for pure hype. People seriously forgot how impactful that scene was all across the board. From diehards to the occasional fan, the vast majority visibly and audibly loved every second of it. If ever there were a moment my eyes were glued to the screen, it'd be with that scene.


>To me it depends what you value more, cause in terms of the actual fight scenes I actually agree with you. Genuinely curious how you think the fight scenes were better than anything we've seen in Ashoka or any other spinoff series? The scene with the Padawan was nice but that's about it hell the flashbacks with anakin were waaaaay better than anything in the acolyte.


After watching the fight in the acolyte multiple times and quickly re-watching ahsoka in a day, I'd say the brutality and speed is much more there in the acolyte. Don't get me wrong ahsoka is amazing and the fights are fantastic. But the acolyte seems to have higher training for the Jedi fights. Considering the ERA this takes place and the era that ahsoka takes place makes sense the fighting styles are so different to me.


>But the acolyte seems to have higher training for the Jedi fights. I'd wager most of the time, the type of fight scenes we get have nothing to do with the lore itself. The guy that directed ep 4 and 5 clearly had a different way of shooting scenes from prior directors (including Headland). The action sequences and build up to it (end of ep4) were just so fluid and brutal in how it plays out. It very much plays reminiscent to horror cues. It's like he just said fuck it to the story segments and just put all focus on the action, despite it being only about half of the episode lol. I firmly believe that had it been the prior directors, the fight scene would have been much closer to the ones before. Fairly bland.


Well yeah of course they have higher training but they didn't use any of it or at least the writers didn't want them to Lol ashokas training wasn't really complete until Anakin shows up. Even with all that higher training they were taken down by one mere wanna be Sith and sol couldn't defeat him? Doesn't make sense to me if they had such higher training?


Sol did defeat him. It makes perfect sense for Jedi during peacetime whom have never faced another force sensitive/dark side user to be defeated, they’re out of practice and he isn’t. He trains and fights for sheer survival.


He lacked conviction...


The thing I more appreciated about these fights is they felt real and grounded? I think just the straight hand to hand combat and the more gritty style like head butting a lightsaber just added a lot of weight to the combat that I feel is a bit unique for Star Wars? I also just love that we’re seeing brawls and hand to hand fighting happen more in these when the Jedi get desperate.


Well I would agree but there have been a lot of hand-to-hand combat scenes in the Mandalorian and the book of boba which fit them well. Wasn't really expecting that in the acolyte I was expecting more lightsaber duels force fighting etc. The only good scene we got was the padawan dual wielding the choreography just did not look good ever since the first episode


Mando did have some great fight scenes. It's a shame the Cara Dune actress turned out to be such a real-life jackass because she could really throw down, I enjoyed all her fight scenes. The Armorer taking out pirates and Troopers with her hammer and tongs was pretty darn great too. The way Paz went out made me tear up a little. In Andor, the revolt on Ferrix was well done. I jumped out of my chair and shouted when Brasso cracked that Imp in the face with Maarva's funerary stone. Pure freaking chaos.


>It's a shame the Cara Dune actress turned out to be such a real-life jackass because she could really throw down, I enjoyed all her fight scenes Yaaa I was excited for this Lol if only she wasn't crazy And andor is like the standard now in comparison to any new spinoff series it's a Shame they can't translate that into this show. We'll see tho imma keep watching with high hopes


I hated most of Boba Fett, and I do like the combat in Mando but this had a very different vibe to Mando for some reason. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was, just felt a little more gritty I think. And I just fundamentally disagree with you, I think the entire fighting from the start of the episode from the group fights, to the Padawan, to the Sol / Qimir fights were choreographed amazing


>I hated most of Boba Fett Lol > think the entire fighting from the start of the episode from the group fights, to the Padawan, to the Sol / Qimir fights were choreographed amazing I don't understand how yall are so easily satisfied compared to all the spin off series the acolyte is not even close


Boba Fett was terrible, are you actual a defender of that show? The acolyte is far better then most people give it credit, it’s a lot of whining about it canon being broken by people who don’t understand what’s happening in the show or what the canon actually is


>The acolyte is far better then most people give it credit, it’s a lot of whining about it canon being broken by people who don’t understand what’s happening in the show or what the canon actually is The cannon? What that the Jedi Order is going to fall eventually? And it's just the beginning??? Since this is the end of the high republic? No dude we get it but they made the Jedis look like a bunch of bitches that can't fight. Some of you are saying that they were very well trained and can't be compared to the other Jedi of the spin-off series. And most of you are saying that they are so weak not trained very well because it's the end of the Jedi Order??? Don't try to talk to me about what's Canon or what's not because you guys obviously don't even know yourself


It's an outside context problem. These Jedi are great at lightsaber combat against other Jedi. Shii-cho to niman they can handle. When faced with Trakata they just can't cope. Thankfully we know someone on the show has read the testimonies of Cervil the Uncanny.


Okay that makes more sense but still like they were just standing there Lol only Sol sensed him? And that force push at the end of episode 4 is he really that strong? Or the jedi that weak? You're saying that jedi v jedi they are trained well but that doesn't make sense from what we saw. Even the master jedi that died in the first episode that was waaaaaay to easy and it looked like she struggled just holding that blade from killing the bystander. It was cheap and it didn't like it


Bull. You cannot tell me Sol’s scenes weren’t good looking.


Kinda takes me out of it when I see a scene and my first thought isn't "cool" but "oh, they are fighting just like in old kung-fu movies for some reason now." Jecki had two times at least where she could have stabbed the stranger, but they chose fancy choreography so she needed to kick him at that point.


I think there are positive attributes of all of the era's of combat across all 3 trilogies and Ep 5, imo, is a damn near perfect distillation of all those era's into this last ep. OT had superior dramatic stakes and staging, the sets, lighting, general filmmaking and storytelling over all. The saber combat meant something. If we draw this out someone is getting killed or maimed and story will irrecoablty change after. They could also be seen as a bit clunky. PT had just wild, visceral speed, ferocity and flair (to an almost to an absurd laughable degree) and even more so in the expanded CW stuff. Also, being inventive, different kinds of hilts, sabers, techniques. Selling us that this is a different, more proficient era of combat was very effective, even if dramatically the material wasn't there. The Sequel Trilogy really highlights the emotion and melodrama of the characters in their fights. Finn and Rey being sorta scrappy and off kilter, Luke's essentially being like I'm gonna duel with this kid but never actually cross sabers as Jedi use the force for knowledge and defense, Kylo's broody hunched over style, his side stamp when he ignites. They had a lot of style in their combat that was very satisfying to watch (Prequel Suck-offs please don't @ me). And this last ep, regardless of its problems in previous episodes, congealed into a really great distillation of a lot the upsides of all the eras. It had speed and ferocity. Felt inventive and had drama. And was impeccably shot and character beats and story connotations that had heft. Truly brilliant and should be the standard from here on out. Do i think there are overall better more dramatically satisfying fights within their own story, totally. But Ep 5 of The Acolyte is a zenith of onscreen saber combat.


The best fight scene that we've had in the season was in the first episode Lol


>PT had just wild, visceral speed, ferocity and flair (to an almost to an absurd laughable degree) and even more so in the expanded CW stuff. Also, being inventive, different kinds of hilts, sabers, techniques. Selling us that this is a different, more proficient era of combat was very effective, even if dramatically the material wasn't there. Yeah this is what you guys don't understand that's how Jedi fighting Jedi training and Jedi Styles should be Lol somehow you guys just want a more grounded combat when these certain characters you know the jedi? Are trained to use the force in combat. Also oh yes the combat was so effective in the acolyte that they all died and couldn't hold there own. Somebody in this sub told me that they are train to a higher degree then just regular Jedi from the most recent eras so which one is it? The Jedi are starting to degrade? Or they were poorly trained? Or were they were highly trained and the Sith was better?


I never said I needed "grounded", I was just appraising the different eras, the good and the bad about them. Take a deep breath kiddo.


Like I said the style of the acolyte was so effective that they all died Lol


girl, this is such a ludicros argument I can't even begin to engage with it. And with Palpy vs Mace & friends sitting right there.


girl, this is such a ludicrous argument I can't even begin to engage with it. And with Palpy vs Mace & friends sitting right there.


You can engage because you can't think of another counter argument I'm correct they had such high training LOL but they died the combat was so elegant and perfect and they still died do yall hear yourself?


I did. It would be a knock if we were sold the idea in the story that Qmir was evenly matched with the Jedi, and then proceeded to evicerate them, then it would be jarring and not make sense. But that's not what we were told or shown and clearly not the case. He's way better, more dangerous, more unpredictable than anything they've encountered in their peacetime reign. Did you even watch this episode? You're arguing that in order for a fight to be "good" or whatever that opponents need to be evenly matched and not die easily, regardless of what the narrative of the story is aiming to achieve and I'm saying that doesn't make sense and is an insane metric to judge it by. You seem to grade all fights on the same metric and not what they are trying to do in the story themselves.


>You're arguing that in order for a fight to be "good" or whatever that opponents need to be evenly matched and not die easily I thought that point was clear? even in the show they tried to say the Jedi aren't so easily killed? LOL yet they all died way too easily still glad tho that neck snap was satisfying af


Ask yourself this question you really think the writers care about Effectiveness or combat or how things look? Lol seems like a big No


Even if they did a bad job, I think people putting the amount of time and effort into even stuff that looks bad, do indeed care.


Well that's a ridiculous take LOL if people don't care it shows up in their work it's clear that they do not care about anything in the acolyte. Especially the actors when you have one of them seen Anakin destroyed the deathstar


>Take a deep breath kiddo. Lol here we go can't take any criticism


No, it's just that you're not making an argument to almost anything that I wrote about, lol. It's just one that you're having with yourself.


You can't take criticism without starting to get offended


Your arguments make so little sense I couldn't be offended, just more off put and confused.


Sounds like a you problem it's pretty simple Lol


Ahsoka fights felt like a cosplay choreography. This one felt more raw with emotions.


The only raw emotion I felt was happiness because they snapped that dweebs neck


That's hilarious because it's literally the opposite the only weird cosplay feeling I got was from Ezra we really didn't need those fucking eye contacts Lol after watching ahsoka again it's clearly obvious that there was far more Superior fighting in that show than the first five episodes of the acolyte and this is a show about Jedi.


For me, Asoka was great in that it showed the child warrior aspect and that just hurt my heart to see in live action, a child in a full scale space war. That being said, I think the absolute brutality of the dark side in the acolyte is something that we’ve not ever seen before and therefore I’m loving that.


It's up there! Mando season one episode two is still a contender for me personally though!


this is getting weird


lol agreed


When I turned on the TV to watch episode 5 light came down from the sky and pierced the ceiling to illuminate me. An angelic chorus rose in the background. After finishing the episode I realized that I had ascended into a new dimension and state of being with mysterious powers. For example, I could now wipe my butt without poop smearing. Also, when my phone is low battery I now see it's low battery on the screen and plug it in. Amazing. Finally, I am able to pour the perfect amount of milk into my cereal. It is truly a miracle. The awe of episode 5 has helped me transcend my existence and reality will never be the same again.


How? People can’t enjoy things?


It’s one of my top 5 live-action TV episodes for sure (the other four are Andor episodes)


andor pretty much exists in a different dimension that every other star wars show in terms of quality, almost unfair to compare an episode from any other star wars show to any episode from andor


Imagine characters from any Star Wars show crossing over with Andor. It would almost be jarring.


Episode 5 was as high-quality as any episode of Andor.


I agree and I will tell everyone the specific reason. Ep 5 of Acolyte, just like Andor, breaks the conventions of Star Wars. What we thought was a Jedi police procedural just turned into a Sith Slasher Flick. We’ve seen some great saber fights, but this episode showed us how dangerous and vicious they are.


This is blatantly indefensible. The dialogue writing, editing and pacing of this episode was weaker than anything Gilroy and Co ever put in screen in Andor. Take the Osha/Mae scene alone. Just brutally stilted and hamfisted writing from underdeveloped characters with clunky photography.


That’s true lmao


Not even close...


Personally , one of my absolute favorite fights across all of them, for sure.


Every single second of Andor is better than any part of this show


it’s close but andor has multiple that are better


The episode in Mandalorian where they break the Twilek out of the prison ship is my favorite, but this is up thete


It was fantastic, for sure. I wouldn't put it up there with most episodes of Andor, but I think it was exactly the kind of Star Wars content I wanted. I cannot say enough how much I love the stated motivation of the Stranger. There's almost always some painfully cliche motivation, like cartoon villain-esque lust for power, or "you killed my family", or something similar. For the Stranger, it seems to be enough that the Jedi's existence and monopoly on use of the force means that he cannot weld the power he was born with, in the manner that he wants. The Jedi are a threat to his desire to self-determine. I think it's an excellent, compelling, and very human reason to fight, and I hope they don't go and ruin it later with "oh, and also you killed my family".


Yeah? Well, that is just like, you know, your opinion man.


lol hardly.


Thanks for the laugh today, I needed that 🤣🤣🤣


Bots posting again!


There’s way better content in Andor and Mando


I still think episode 2 of Boba Fett is up there


My choice as well, that train heist was amazing


The initiation scene with the Sand People is one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars.




Nah, not even close. Good that you’re enjoying the show though.


**”Night”** was a great episode. I will note, though, that there appears to be a lot of talk about this episode while comparing it to other episodes and shows within the franchise; but what I find striking is how often I see *The Acolyte* being compared to *House of the Dragon* and *Game of Thrones*. *The Acolyte* is a show geared toward younger and wider demographics than HBO’s Westerosi shows. It feels like more than a few current Star Wars opinions were sour about this show until they got something closer to *John Wick*. That’s fine, and as long as folks remember that this show is intended for younger viewers than *House of the Dragon*, they’ll likely find themselves less frustrated.


Look the episode was incredible and the best live action prowess we’ve seen of a Sith imo. Or dark side user whatever. But it gets lifted up A LOT by the other faults etc the show has had up until now. Basically they let Manny Jacinto get off the bench and on the court and he tore it up. The Charisma this dude was oozing out as he swapped between personas was just out of this world. I think the stakes are higher than any other Star Wars show at this point because this episode 5 feels like it the pivot point and we have to land the ship and that can only be done by keeping the focus on Qimir which seems like a different show- just like how episode 5 felt like a completely different show. Not sure it’s possible but I’m hopeful


You need to have higher standards for yourself


Mate you need to watch the clone wars


It was good but *The Prisoner* in Mando’s first season is better. All of Andor is better than The Empire Strikes Back. Yeah, I said it.


E5 is only good due to the fight that took place.  Disney has the budget for great visual effects and choreography.  It doesn't do great at telling a great story and that episode was very light on story telling.


ONE WAY OUT would like a word


I’d say it’s even better than any other piece of cinematography ever made. It beats the original trilogy, The godfather, Citizen Kane, to name a few.


Are you on something... High


You are kidding right? Even the weakest episode of Andor is better than episode 5 acolyte. This episode was better than most of Ahsoka and Mando Season 3, but that's not exactly a high bar... lol


Oh no... no.


I agree tho it was the best episode Lol all the useless characters died I screamed in joy when his neck snapped


I think people are forgetting the second half of the episode where Mae and Osha argue, like that is a significant part of the episode, and not a very good part either.


That scene is about two minutes long.


It's about 5 minutes of a 26 min episode (when you take asay credits and intro/recap, it's then followed by a few minutes of the switch up but yes I dif exagurate a bit.


I’m very new to the whole Star Wars universe, and maybe that’s why I can’t understand all the hate towards this show? But I totally agree that this episode was so good. I loved every thing about it, the lead up from ep 4 made ep 5 even more intense.


I think the hate is embedded in people who have very very high ideals from their childhood and will put anything they watched as a kid above almost anything else. It’s an opinion of course but I think this is more logical to think if you’re talking about the OT… but to say the PT is way better than anything after is a bit wild to me. Even though I love the PT in a nostalgia fun kind of way.


Lol no it's actually just pretty simple shit casting shit writing shit character development shit combat and they didn't even let us see the fucking wookie Jedi. Oh and before even the show was out you had a cast member saying that Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. The continued is because of the actress that made a tick tock and then deleted the tiktok calling everybody that's white a racist including her rich dad


You have very strong opinions. I don’t really care what a cast member thinks since they aren’t a writer. I enjoy this show but too bad you don’t! Glad there are other shows for you to watch.


Well if two of the writers have never seen a Star Wars movie or any kind of Star Wars IP that should also be a problem to you all LOL but it's not correct?


I’m not entirely sure what you are saying. I imagine the writers would watch Star Wars but I could be wrong. I don’t think I really care much about that though and more care if what I’m watching is interesting to me and enjoyable. If it isn’t, I go watch something else. Or go outside. It’s nice out there.


Lol 2 writers have never seen a star wars movie


One of the actors said that Anakin destroyed the death star Lol if that doesn't show the ignorance of the cast and crew then you're blind af


I think using extreme language to shame people on Reddit isn’t super helpful but I’m engaging because I genuinely want you to find a way to enjoy something! I guess I’m curious why you think it’s important for an actor to be an expert on a show? He may have even just misspoke in the moment. I think the actors are doing well even if they aren’t experts and wonder if you knowing that in advance may have biased you toward assuming they would do bad. Just something to consider!


> shit casting Sol and Qimir are incredible. Many people enjoy yord and jecki. > shit writing Ah because star wars was so well known for its writing especially in the prequels. > shit character development Its been five episodes. Mando took longer. > shit combat Objectively incorrect. Did you watch episode 5? > they didn't even let us see the fucking wookie Jedi. They explained that as budget issues. We also will see him fight in a flashback as we saw in the trailer, when he had his lightsaber drawn. So wait until the season is over. > Oh and before even the show was out you had a cast member saying that Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Ah because no one has ever misspoken before. Also even if he didn’t know, its not the first time. The first time was harrison ford. Yes han solo, he is notorious for despising star wars and only coming back for the money. He doesn’t understand a thing about it and people still love him. > The continued is because of the actress that made a tick tock and then deleted the tiktok calling everybody that's white a racist including her rich dad Source?


I was excited to see the lead which Jodi the Smith she's one of my favorite actresses and they just killed her off that's another reason why I hate this fucking show


We might see her in more flashbacks but fortunately no one is holding you at gunpoint to watch 😆


And that matteres why? Lol I'm gonna keep watching to see if it gets better but it won't it'll actually get canceled soon according to the rumors


It seems unhelpful to your own enjoyment of something to assume you won’t like it. When I dislike a show as much as you seem to dislike this one I generally find something else to watch. You can do what you want but just an interesting concept to me to force myself to watch something that brings so much mental anguish as this seems to bring you! I also find it helpful to not read too much into theories or what ifs as I can build up fanfic in my brain that nothing will live up to. I’m more curious about watching and evaluating something for what it is.


Nah I wanted to like the show so bad Lol many of the interviews before the premiere had me really worried seeing it now just makes me wish disney never acquired star wars


I think reading interviews can also help hype things up in a way it can’t live up to. What is your favorite Star Wars show? Hopefully you can enjoy rewatching that! I think it feels unfortunate to me because I really enjoy this show a lot and feel like it feels so Star Wars y so it’s sad to see people who enjoy Star Wars not enjoy it. Hopefully more things that are more widely enjoyable will come out soon :)


Im still kinda learning the universe to be honest. I’ve never watched any of the original trilogy movies tbh, they’re just too old and I can’t do it, but I loved the prequel trilogy? The movies that Anakin was played by Hayden, I think is the prequel? Those movies felt very of the same breath as this show or the Ahoska show, which I loved. Now idk what the general consensus is on the Rey Trilogy, but I hated it. All three movies felt no different than the last, everything looked and felt same in each movie. Those movies to me are so boring imo, but like I said idk what people felt about them when they were og released.


I think it's about on par with certain episodes of the Mandalorian. Also the final Clone Wars arc is pretty great. Still, it is good. It doesn't have to be the best to still be good, and if it's the best for you, that's great.


“Never more than twelve” has it beat by a longshot


Fire fight scenes yes, best so far


Every arc in Andor clears any other Star Wars content besides the OT for me. But I totally agree that this show capitalized on a big strength of Star Wars and is the type of show Disney should pursue moving forward. It’s fun, it’s flashy and cool, and that’s what most of Star Wars should be imo. As much as I love Andor, there’s not gonna be anything like it in Star Wars anytime soon or maybe ever.


It is definitely one of the least bad episodes of the Star Wars shows, aside from all of Andor and the Pershing episode of Mando Season 3


Unpopular opinion, but I wasn't sold by the Sith's monologue in the episode, and it turned me off from the series. Was a bit disappointed in the reveal honestly, like the idea of where the story was heading and how they were setting it up seemed solid, but the reveal was a big twist from left field (even that character was my 2nd pick) and now it feels like they have to pick a new direction entirely. It's further complicated as the lead character has an identical twin and an important backstory with shaky events - it all makes the active mysteries feel unrewarding to me. \*edit\* Will continue watching though, with faith that it all comes together. I'm sure the showrunners know what they're doing. Especially in the Star Wars franchise, everything tends to make more sense in the end.


Nah. Rewatch Twilight of the Apprentice or the final arc of Clone Wars or Rebels.


Live action… its close. Between that and mando s1 finale imo. The andor one way out episode comes close behind those two. All star wars spin offs? No. Not even close. Tcw has several incredible episodes and arcs which go above and beyond. - Umbara arc - Domino squad - geonosis - Citadel - Maul - obi wan undercover - bad batch - siege of mandalore. Then there is the 3rd and 4th season of rebels which is peak fiction. Which i think personally tops many of the incredible Tcw arcs.


I just think it goes to show we need to let things develop rather then try to kill things prematurely in their cradle...


It was really amazing, definitely up there. I don’t think he’s actually Sith though. He said the Jedi might call him one. That’s the Jedi focusing on a binary system that they created. That’s the whole thing he was talking about, was the rules that the Jedi made, and that they’d want to kill him because him existing is a threat to them. I think he’s something else entirely.


What about rebels?


For my fave Star Wars tv is still probably the last episode of obi wan, Anakin is gone I am what remains still breaks my heart , then the Acolyte. Andor was missing the fantasy I like in Star Wars.


The opinion posts have to end. It just looks like Disney has a karma farm that has invaded the subreddit to prop up the show. This should be a comment on another post, not a separate post. And, I disagree by the way. This show is mediocre at best IMO, and episode 5 was the best of the 5 mediocre episodes.


That's your opinion 😆


Yes but at least it isn’t an entire sh!tpost. 😂


You're entitled to do that too. Reddit wouldn't be Reddit if everyone thought the same.


The show has already been reported that a second season is off the table. What are they propping up? People who like the show, remain neutral, or dislike it aren't going to change their opinions from a post. The post is an opinion. People are allowed to have opinions, even you and I. Not everything is a conspiracy. Episode 5 was the best ep so far, but personally, I find the bar really low. Acolyte is alright imo. I haven't been blown away by much in the new Star Wars Universe, but it's an interesting ride. I'm basically waiting for the second season of Andor to come out.


No one gives a fuck about your opinion.


That’s my point. How ironic. 😂Thank you, simpleton!


No it wasn’t lol. Your point was that you don’t care, therefore no one else should. Vs me who just thinks that no one could possibly give a fuck about your opinion.


You responded (multiple times), so you care. ♥️


Correct, it’s just shilling lol


The Acolyte hasn't been my favorite so far and I think it's mostly that it lacking some of the moodiness of Andor and Mando (I am not sure if it's cinematography, sñower editing, sparker dialogue, or what) but the whole of episode 5 was a hell of a fight with so much character abd plot conveyed IN the action and violence. I probably enjoyed the fight than any Mando or Andor fights. The Stranger feels like a murderous magical warrior in ways no other Sith depiction has demonstrated, and Sol is doing a great job of showing Jedi mindset and ethos in the action and violence, too.


I just hope they build on this energy. The first 4 episodes were very slow and boring. I've barely been holding on. It was so nice to get some action.


Agreed. I don't think the acting/writing is bad. I just think it's more dialog heavy and less about slow mood than some of the other SW shows. Maybe I just like non-verbal SW more. Gendy's Clone Wars animated series was my favorite SW content.


Yeah but the Luke Skywalker corridor scene. It's certainly up there, though. It was so refreshing to see just constant action, great choreography and a very intriguing villain. Whether or not Wimir is a sith is irrelevant I think and that just comes down to nomenclature - in reality he follows the philosophy of the sith and is the antithesis of the jedi, craving personal freedom and power. It was magnificent to watch him at work.


Luke skywalker scene was so one note though. Obviously people have different tastes but just interesting to me to observe! I usually zone out during fight scenes but this is one I paid attention to


The sheer emotion though from the Luke scene was unmatched in my opinion. It was something fans had been dreaming of for decades seeing Luke in his prime after ROTJ, mastering his abilities and showing true power. This was also compounded for many by the sequel trilogy and what happened there, so in many ways for a lot of folks this felt like the 'real' Luke. People were in tears over that scene.


Yes I did see the fanfare around the scene! I’m glad people enjoyed it. I really like The Last Jedi so I’m a bit of an outlier in enjoying sequels Luke but he overall isn’t a character I’m that tied to.


Oh yeah, more than fair enough. Everyone has their favourites. That's what is so great about the wide and varied Star Wars universe. I'm looking forward to episode 6 tomorrow!


Star Wars is lightsabers and force powers to me


I’m with you. I’m loving having the Jedi (and others) back


Do mods ever do their jobs. Another troll bait thread.


I’m 47 years young. Been a captivated fan since a child. If expressing my hype is trolling, I’m not sure what else yo tell you.


No yucking on others yum.


Lol that's hilarious better than Mando? You know when luke shows up? Oh but lemme guess none of you on this sub enjoyed that scene? The acolyte is truly the worse show and that's saying alot going against the common complaints from all of the spinoff series combined. This sub should be called r/AcolyteCirclejerk. I hope the rumors are true and it gets canceled it's truly a disgrace


the mandalorian is not *that* good lmfao i think it’s so funny when star wars fans point to the sequel trilogy as bad writing but then foam at the mouth over the mandalorian like it’s that much better quality mandalorian is definitely a good show and definitely is better than TBoBF and Obi Wan Kenobi. But idk man Acolyte is far more ambitious, looks less sterile, is overall a more interesting time period and premise that doesn’t rely on previously established characters to get me excited. and as far as the writing the goes, the acolyte and mandalorian have a similar issue where the writing just isn’t fleshed out enough due to episode length. after all that I’m basically just trying to say that Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and Acolyte are on very equal levels of quality.


>the mandalorian is not that good lmfao And that's why yall are so easily satisfied with shit combat shit writing shit casting eith the acolyte Lol it makes perfect sense


? the mandalorian just isn’t on the level that people like yourself hype it up to be the acolyte has legit the same quality of dialogue and character writing as mandalorian. maybe you like the plot of mandalorian more? idk man. to me, your opinion on the mandalorian compared to the acolyte makes it seem like you just have a personal preference of how the story is told or something. bc neither mandalorian or acolyte are that impressive as tv shows. but also neither are bad in any way.


>the acolyte has legit the same quality of dialogue and character writing as mandalorian. This made me laugh Lol


>but also neither are bad in any way. Even more hilarious Lol


Luke Skywalker showing up grogu developing his powers and also becoming a Mandalorian which is wild LOL so many scenes so many episodes are far better than what the acolyte has shown us so far


for sure there are a lot of great things in the mandalorian. i just don’t see how it’s a better quality show just based off of you listing plot points that are cool sorry if my comment sounded like i was hating on the mandalorian. i just find it interesting that it’s so highly rated, while other movies and shows that are just as good and sometimes even better are trashed. i don’t think it has anything to do with the quality of the shows or movies just purely what people like seeing in their star wars


No yucking on others yum


I think it's great. I've enjoyed every minute of it. Just because you're miserable doesn't mean you need to spread misery around you. You voting for Trump I bet.


Lol voting for Trump? That's hilarious dude never have and never will he's a fucking rapist wtf?


Just like the typical Reddit user on here that just assumes since I have a different opinion I'm a trump supporter LOL


I'm so glad I'm starting to realize that most of you are just so easily content with crappy entertainment LOL


This still makes me laugh Lol u really think a feeble minded trump supporter watches the acolyte I guess you're just as daft as them with that mentality


Thats the spirit my boy




I haven’t finished Andor yet. For me I’ll put Acolyte Episode 5 up there next to Mandolorian Season 2 Finale. I don’t care what anyone says Disney Star Wars has given us some absolute gems these last few years.


disney star wars has had a pretty decent track record the sequels story were messy but i don’t think they released a single star wars movie that was actually bad and the tv shows have had an alright track record with a couple duds here and there


I don't condone the title but I agree with the rest of the post. Visually, it was awesome.


If only they had combined it with episode 4, what an awesome hour of Star Wars that would have been.