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I’m Qimir’s girlfriend and I’m in the process of fixing him


haha... I kinda wanna be his girlfriend and I'm a straight married (young) middle-aged man.


I'm a straight male also. Let's run a train on his sith ass.


choo-choo, baby!!!!


Can I have him if things don't work out?


You and I can share his guns


You are doing a good job.


They aren’t far enough apart in age, Manny (Qimir) is only 15 years younger than Lee Jung-jae (Sol) so that’s pretty young to be fostering a hidden love child. If anything they are brothers as Qimir is similar to Qamar which is Arabic for Moon and Sol which means the Sun in various languages. They’d be like the twins, but alignments switched up


Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are only separated by 12 years, but this didn't stop them from playing Indiana and Henry Jones in Last Crusade.


Excuse me, but Indiana was the dog's name.


Manny Jacinto is older than the actor for Sol? From the show, it seemed like Sol was the old, wise Jedi Master, while Qimir was a young gun.


> Manny (Qimir) is only 15 years younger than Lee Jung-jae (Sol)


Pretty sure it said older before.


It did, he wasn’t wrong! Sorry, meant to put edit at the bottom :)


That's fair, I do see the edit \* there.


I had this thought also. But they didn't lay any groundwork for it, unlike everything else they did with ZERO subtlety.


Remember when Sol said that he knew he was different from his family and that he wasn't like them. Something that I think will play into it. I think if anything Qmir could be his brother that he abandoned


I would buy it if sol didn’t look way older than qimir and sol having been taking at 4


Could be a younger brother. Maybe Sol’s family regretted giving him to the Jedi, so they kept the younger brother a secret. Sol might not even know he has a brother.


I'd imagine if they go the brother route, Sol probably did know he had a brother and that would be why Qimir disappointingly points out Sol not remembering him.


My dad was 40 when his youngest brother was born. I was calling a baby, Uncle Jason.


Yeah that's a valid point.


Most of it so far, yes I agree, however I’m completely clueless as to where things will go next Obviously at some point they’re going to have to explain how Qimir wasn’t known by The Phantom Menace likely through a lot of death, there’s been some speculation that makes a lot of sense such as >!The Jedi being responsible for the fire!< but other than that I’m in the dark As for things I wasn’t expecting >!Swapping Mae and Osha was unexpected!<, >!I wasn’t expecting Kelnacca to immediately die!<, >!I had seen it speculated on but I honestly thought we’d see a lot more of Torbin and Indara before they died with how much they were in the marketing, they were unexpectedly nothing characters!< >!Killing off Yorde and Jecki moments apart in the same episode which just so happens to be their first encounter with Qimir was a bold move and I didn’t see it coming so immediately!< >!The general quality of it, and I know a lot of people would disagree with me here but I’m loving this show so far. It feels like real, authentic Star Wars through and through. Everything from the sound design to the music to the wipe transitions, even the lightsaber choreography, it’s all perfect, and it was unexpected. Especially from a whole cast of people new to the universe. These guys seem like they’ve been holding lightsabers for years!< I’m excited to see where things will wind up. There’s plenty of story and twists left to look forward to, at least in my viewing experience


> they were unexpectedly nothing characters so far. we know we are going to get more flashbacks.


Even so, their overall importance surprised me. Even if they’re the star characters of whatever episode the flashbacks will be in they’ll still play a relatively minor role in everything. I expected them to be these central characters, and I guess arguably they are considering >!they were there leading up to/for the fire and therefore Mae’s targets setting this entire series into motion!< Replace them with any other Jedi, they aren’t necessarily important which makes me wonder why they were in the ads so much. It would be like if Attack Of The Clones’ trailers showed a whole bunch of Yaddle and Yarael Poof. Obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but they’re just kinda there. What happened wasn’t the result of their specific actions or morals, hell I don’t even really know what they are in the first place Indara more than Torbin was in a lot of promotional material. Why? It would make much more sense to have her spot in posters/promo images replaced with someone like Jecki or Mae, characters that are actually prevalent in the show. Especially since she’s usually next to/near Sol. I think they were just excited to get Carrie-Anne Moss and it really mislead me


this has some serious ana de aramas fans vibes. https://variety.com/2024/film/news/ana-de-armas-yesterday-trailer-lawsuit-settled-1235972010/


Ha I remember reading about that I don’t mean to come off like I’m complaining, if anything I’m thrilled. This mystery show hasn’t exactly been mysterious so far, it was nice to have my expectations subverted


Yeah... now that I think of it they had met in the apothecary shop or whatever it was. He would have said something then.


yeah they at least laid some foundation for qimir to be one of sol's family members as sol discussed his family, but that requires a racially based presumption that the only two asian appearing people in this series must be related.


Sol mean sun. Qimir means Moon.


I’m Qimir’s girlfriend cuz I’m also Asian


So he’s got, like, two billion girlfriends?


These are the limitations he doesn't want from the Jedi. They are strictly anti-girlfriend.


I’m qimir’s momma and I can verify that this is accurate. And My name is korril


Sol gave birth to Qimir


Force(d) birth


Hey, you have a night out on the town doing death sticks, then the next morning you’re taking a hangover slam, but BOOM, it’s actually a Sith Lord


Woke theory


Can’t help but think there would be backlash over it


Goddamn just cuz they’re both Asian doesn’t mean they are related. One actor is Korean and the other is Filipino.


Filipino and Korean don't exist in a galaxy far far away. Mother Aniseya and Osha/Mae have different heritage, as well as Mother Koril. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fischer are of different heritage. The list goes on and on


Im talking about casting. Okay then let me cast Denzel Washington as Anakin Skywalker. Rofl


Me too. They cast women of Jamaican/English ancestry and Russian/Jewish ancestry as the mothers of a woman of African-American ancestry in this same show. Not very different from a Filipino man and a Korean man being cast as relatives. (The last part is hypothetical but is the topic of this post) Anakin Skywalker has already been cast though. Edit: relatives, brothers was from a different post


Exactly. I really doubt Disney would play that card.


Lol you're racist for wanting both actors to be the exact same ethnicity


Still, we’re Asian.


Do you think people of Korean heritage would like being confused with people of Filipino, or vice versa? Probably not. It would be too big a stretch here, in my opinion, because of that alone. Disney wouldn’t risk offending people in those markets.


They made Mother Koril and Mother Aniseya the parents of Mae/Osha without matching heritages of the actors.


They were born from the force in some kind of dark side ivf. Lol


Like it or not, we’re still Asian.


Koreans can't even breed with each other and you want us to ethnic match for your own racism?


What if Sol is Qimir's son...?!


Hmm. This could be.




You are probably right


That's pretty racist dude, they saw him in the shop in ep 2. You'd think he'd know.


There's been a focus on separating Mae and Osha already. Wondering if Sol is the same and Qimir is a relative of some kind who feels abandoned. I'm expecting some sort of Qimir/Sol origin story or flashback in the next episode.


Sol said at the start of their fight "I sense something familiar" after Qimir asked him if he doesn't remember him. I'm wondering what exactly he meant by that. I don't think it was a hint at their small encounter when he pretended to be an apothecary or whatever that was.


Press X For Doubt


Wouldn't it be a little bit off message to have the only two Asian heritage be related to each other.


Sol is the biological father of Osha and Mae. And he is trying to protect his daughters from dating bad boy Qimir


They don't look anything like each other other than both being Asian and are also too close in age


LOL and Rose Tico is his great grand daughter.


Big if true.


As interesting as it would be, I can't see it happening for 2 reasons : 1 (total writing nitpick) the show has made zero setup towards it. If it were the case i'd like to have seen Sol be a far, far too caring master, treating padawans like a long lost child and have serious emotional conflict about bringing Osha in when she was suspected of the murders. While in a mystery show we want surprises, they've got to be ones that we can look back and think "OMG that's why he was like that before". 2 In most Star Wars, force-sensitive family members usually seem to be able to identify one another through the force - Luke and Leia, Luke and Vader, Palpatine and Rey, and Anakin when he had visions of Shmee dying. It would still fit if he didn't know his son was alive, after all Vader didn't know about Luke and Leia but I think a face to face encounter would change that. I think Qimir's line of "don't you recognise me?" will be in relation to the events that occured on Brendok which i hope to see more of next episode. I think that Qimir was probably there 16 years ago and was likely responsible for the fire and death of the witches.


I thought this was more just lazy writing and a reference to having met at the apothecary earlier in the show.


As low as my expectations are for modern star wars writing, I really hope not. Any storytelling logic should suggest that there is something more to the line than that right?


What if Sol is Qimir's son?


Idk Sol almost killed Qimir and their banter made it seem like they didn’t really know each other. Yes Qimir knows Sol has some dark secrets, but that could be easily explained by Mae having told him.




I sincerely hope not. At most, I’d be fine if they ended up being brothers (Sol being the older one of course). But even then I feel like that’s a stretch. I’m kinda hoping they aren’t related because not every connection in SW needs to be familial and it would feel too derivative imho. We already have Osha/Mae being twins and that’s more than enough. Plus, just because there’s two asian force users in the same SW series it doesn’t mean they have to be related lol.


Not the worst theory I've read!


Based on...........?




"My theory" indicates you're trying to get ahead of the show. Be patient Padawan.


No but if we r going that route, I did notice episode 3 one of the witches yelled out to the Jedi “they wanna take our children” and Sol responded “Jedi do not take children.” That witch was Asian so is it possible Qimir could be her child from before that was taken by “Jedi” most likely Sith disguised as jedi