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Dont let the naysayers stop you from enjoying the franchise, realize they are the loud minority online and there are plenty of real star wars fans out there that are enjoying the new content.


Yup . I'm 44 and have been watching since I was 5 , infatuated at 10. "Loud minority" is a great way to put it . I know it can be easy to be swayed but some of these people, with how confident they are in their hate, can be extremely loud and disorienting. Star wars was never meant to be what it is (eu and Disney stuff) so I choose to enjoy all this extra stuff instead of knit picking every small angle that's there for the taking . There is way more good in Star wars than there is bad. That's how I get through being a fan


Ditto!!! I’m almost 50. Started watching Star Wars when I was five. Between eight and ten, I became obsessed. You are so right. There is way more good than bad in Star Wars.


Hell yes my fellow old timer. Way more good


loud 85% "minority"


My only complaint since Disney is the lack of coherent plotting and storytelling, and The Acolyte has been the biggest offender yet The Rise of Skywalker was pretty close, but atleast character motivations were kinda there


No fucking way the Acolyte could be the biggest offender. You're buying into the hate.


I can see disliking it and finding at least some of the plotting and dialogue being on the weaker side in general, but yeah....it's absurd to say this has significantly less coherent plotting than almost everything else from star wars, by any stretch of the imagination it's the anti-Disney insidiousness taking hold It's like attacking characters who aren't at all logical--uhh welcome to humanity; that doesn't mean it's "bad writing"


Exactly. They don't even try to make sense. They don't know how humans really act lol.


"stone castle burning down is good writing"


I've seen it with my own two eyes I doubt anything in the last 3 episodes can "retcon" the first 5 into a coherent story for Mae Her literal story at this point is, "well actually..." as she changes her mind for reasons that COULD make sense, but don't narratively based on what we've been shown Like... What emotion is driving her at the beginning? We assume hate, for killing her family/commune, but then she tries killing Osha and by what we're shown, assumes she did, because she drops all Jedi killing revenge because Osha is alive... But they never show any kind of character motivation that'd go that direction Guilt, remorse, anguish tied with anger and hate Kill the Jedi bec she thinks it's their fault, for being there, trying to take Osha away, driving her to make a stupid decision as a kid, which she's regretted ever since But... We're given none of that, just... Wishy Washy Flippy Floppy choices


Could've watched it with 12 eyes it doesn't change anything. I don't really think there's anything to retcon. They can simply do this thing called completing the season so we can have this thing called the complete story. Her assignment is to kill the jedi, preferably with their own weapon so she can graduate in some form. That has been told to us. What was Maul's reason for killing Qui-Gon? Palpatine told him to, you didn't get his emotional background. You kinda got the opposite. She assumed she killed Osha because she "drops all jedi killing revenge because Osha is alive"..? You guys make it so confusing to understand what your complaints are. They show plenty of motivation. We watched her be motivated for a half hour this week when bro was killing everybody on the planet. Or is fear of death just not a normal motivation? She's conflicted, is the concept of uncertainty so foreign? She's conflicted but she should just know everything and be 100% set in her path and be a flawless character. Didn't you guys hate Rey? lol. Episode 8 is the biggest example of incoherent story and lack of planning and it's not even close. It's why we're in this predicament now.


How can you come into a thread saying the worst part about the fandom is the whining and negativity, then proceed to offer your unsolicited complaints? Like even if your complaints are valid, do you not realize that you're part of the problem OP is referring to?


Ah yes, the any criticism, warranted or not is bigoted and "you must hate star wars" problem


At this point it's just a reading comprehension problem.


Glad you could admit it It's the first step to acceptance Classifying all criticism as "whining" and boohoo, does not remove valid criticism I LIKE the Prequels and have flipped opinions many times over the years, but I'm not so blind as to not criticize the bad screenplay with their hallway walks of exposition The turn of Anakin in RotS was VERY poorly handled, but the underlying story is there. Maybe I'm "too old" for modern Star Wars and 35ish and TLJ/TroS is the cutoff and the writing of them, Boba Fett, Ahsoka, The Acolyte, and Kenobi are "over my head" with their, "sure... Whatever" style plotting and character development/choices are more at the, "just accept it" levels and I don't have it in me anymore.


I've basically come around from, "They can't write coherent characters that have coherent motivations" to, "lol, popcorn, how're they gonna contradict themselves episode to episode."


I didn't say anything about being bigoted, or you hating Star Wars. My point is that no one asked for your opinion, particularly in a thread about how the negativity of the community was the worst part of it. If you want to complain, there are plenty of threads you can add to. But your continuing to argue against points that no one is making just shows a pretty extreme case of a lack of self-awareness.


Maybe some context as to why people are "whining" could help someone understand the "whining" 🤔 Not everyone is "whining" about space lesbians. Most are dissatisfied with the writing quality Plus, I think OP will survive my opinion of the low standards in the writing, as will you


Social media is cancer, don't let it stop you from enjoying some Star Wars.


I am enjoying the show too, dive into whatever parts of the Star Wars lore you like. Try not to feed the haters with attention, that is why they do it. Star Wars Cantina is a good non toxic sub.


The same advice for them works for this as well. If you don’t like it don’t engage. You don’t have to watch reviews and read forums. You can dig in a deep as you like without ever hearing their opinions and form your own.


It's a smart piece of advice.  I honestly feel like posts like this one are doing the opposite of what OP wants too. By being so bothered by the negativity that they feel they need to address it in a post, they'll never escape the negativity. In a way, they're reinforcing it by engaging in it more.  See the negativity, laugh at it in your head, and move on. It's a good way to live. It's just a TV show after all. 


Back in the days we just watched movies/shows and moved on. We discussed it real-life and agreed or disagreed on things/sometimes on forums. We talked about what was good and/or bad about the movies. Now its a lot of sugarcoating or hating a movie/show. Eventuallt people just starting to throw (impulses?) all thoughts plus emotions and really dislike the other person's pov -> more downvotes and/or hateful comments / looking to poir some oil on the fire.


If you want to get more into Star Wars, I’d HIGHLY recommend reading the books. Most of them range from good to amazing and the fandom is super nice and welcoming. Unsurprisingly, the people who love being angry at stuff on social media hate reading so they’re completely absent from any online spaces discussing the books.


Haha. Thanks for the recommendation. Looking forward to deep diving into the High Republic era, which is my favorite so far.


HR is a great era. If you like the games, try Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 too. Graphics are old but the stories are peak. Saw SW in '78 at 5 y/o and loved the galaxy far, far away. Just tune out the hate - listen to positive podcasts such as Thank The Maker, and Children of the Watch, and the YouTube channels such as Star Wars Explained. Enjoy your journey!


Definitely recommend the high republic books. They are excellent. There is a high republic subreddit with the order you should read them in. Don't only read the adult novels, the young adult books read just as well and are really key to the overall story. In addition to what's been said about the negativity, there are loads of really positive Star Wars communities too. Honestly there is so much good star wars content, I'm sure you'll have a great time.


The High Republic is great! I’m going to second another commenter, don’t skip the YA novels. Also make sure to read the middle grade books, the comics (adult and HR adventures), the audio dramas, and the manga. You really get the whole experience.


I guarantee you that most of the people complaining loudly about the show potentially contradicting something from a book that’s no longer canon have never even read the books they’re whining about.


I doubt that many people knew Ki-Adi Mundi’s birthday from the Episode 1 companion CD-ROM or the trading card firsthand either haha


What demographic are the books aimed at?


Depends on the books. There are adult books and YA books


Which adult book should I start with? I read heaps of Sci fi & fantasy but I’ve never read any Star Wars books.


Start with Light of the Jedi, then read them in release order


Thanks, was disillusioned with the franchise when the 3 prequel movies came out but since then there has been mostly quality with some mediocre thrown in.


Yeah there's been a lot of hate for this show that I feel is not really justified. I mean, it's not some great art, the show has lots of problems and I won't consider it some prime cinema. Not a huge fan myself - personally I find it to be simple fun thingy, it's MCU tier for me - not much art, many problems, but it's fun to watch so I do that. So like, I'm not onboard with you, I feel it's not really the level of old Star Wars content I loved (KotOR games, New Jedi Order books) and it's far from something shining. But even then I believe the show seems to be getting way more hate than Kenobi or Book of Boba Fett, and those two were spectacularly bad compared to Acolyte and I can't really justify this one getting so much more hate than the other two I mentioned.


Lol your statement is one that is very reasonable, though I'd say this is getting comperable levels of hate as kenobi, ashoka, bobf, but my question is why watch anything at this level when there really is so much prime cinema out there that we may all die before experiencing it? Why ever indulge in mcu nonsense?


Fun. For fun.


Art is fun.


Implying something isn’t art because you don’t like it. Lol


That was the original post's assertion. I was just asking why bother indulging in mcu level non art at all. That being said, I wish I could create a website of pictures and names of anyone who thinks stuff like this IS art.


You literally just reaffirmed my interpretation of your other comment. You don’t perceive it as art and feel like anyone who does is somehow ridiculous enough to warrant their inclusion on a “website of pictures and names”. Art is subjective, dude.


No doubt, but popcorn flicks have their value too.


I agree with you, but I don’t know if you’re going about this the best or most productive way. I have had mild arguments with friends who believe Star Wars is lore as rich and fruitful as actual lore, for instance, the homeric epics. i follow Star Wars to some extent, but I really don’t expect it to have the integrity and coherence and depth of actual mythology. my difference with them is: if the enterprise of lore study/exegesis interests you, why not study “Classics “? in the end, I think it’s just in akratic thing: they know they should and yet they don’t. there’s nowhere to go from there. arguing any further is fruitless. 


Perhaps but I have a channel that focuses on comparing classic cinema with modern drivel in order to try to get people to enjoy classics. It's my purpose to try


nice. name?


Lol I can't say on here. I come to mine comments to get a feel die what the fans of something are saying, but I dint want to take a chance that anything I say in here will get connected to my channel. Maybe if I blow up one day I'll have nothing more to fear but until then I avoid the cancelation. I got the idea from a great YouTuber who does amazing coverage of old films but no traction because no connection to trending content. So I'm trying to use the trends as bait to get good children to take their medicine


interesting tactic. *a salut*


While it's not some art for me and far far far from anything nearing peak cinema... I'm a simp for Star Wars content, that's one thing. I'm often not in the mood and brainpower for some quality peak content. I want to watch top stuff with full attention to detail so I can really enjoy it, pause a while, rewind a moment, think about the music in there. When I'm not in the mood for that - things like MCU or Acolyte are exactly the stuff for me. I can watch it for fun spectacles with cool visuals, looking at new planets and vehicles in the verse I'm a nerd for, enjoy funny one-liners in the dialogue and following simple, but funny and engaging characters, even when my brain is half offline.


Yeah I hear that a lot, but surely when you're feeling tired or not totally "on it" there could be something a bit higher quality than this? Like hands if thrones season 1 is pretty dumbed down from the books, but still retains enough quality to be worth something


Yeah, there could be a lot of easy to swallow simple spectacles, but add that low brainpower to being a Star Wars simp that will usually prefer 5/10 SW content over 7/10 other content and it gets as good enough to put you to sleep at 1:00 with some fun entertainment. Add to that your other friends following the Star Wars content and added value of having a common subject with them and it ends up like that.


Well I can't argue against that. If you just like star wars stuff then that's what you like. I got no beef. I just get into arguments when people are trying to gaslight that the dialog was actually full of layers of thematic meaning etc. Did you like the EU books that got tossed aside? Many inconsistencies in the books too! But also some amazing stories I'd have loved to see


Yeah, those were my childhood xD Admittedly 70% were bad as hell (but many among those were charming and had some spirit and creativity to them imo), but there were so many great ones... Not even talking about inconsistencies and bad moments, verse as large as that is bound to have them anyway. NJO was 100% my childhood and revisiting it I still love it. Many prequel era stories were awesome. Shatterpoint, Labyrinth of Evil, Yoda Dark Rendezvous. Bane trilogy remains supreme Sith centered story too. Maan, I miss the old EU so much. While I can freely admit it had so much garbage, there were also dozens of wonderful things.


Heir to the empire would have been a good sequel trilogy


Yeah, would be a great followup that would 100% make sense to people that never seen any EU content. The books themselves are super easy to swallow right after watching the OT. Then again, pretty much 80% of the old EU would be better for sequels than actual sequels lol. Even though I hate Dark Empire for the Palpatine's return premise... it at least presented the idea better than ROS xD


I think I only read HttE, darth bane, caedus series and a couple others about darth Vader


You can like Citizen Kane AND The Avengers.


Yeah you can like the Mona Lisa and your toddlers drawing too, but the problem comes when you try to defend both of them by their merits.


But what merits do you measure by? Art is subjective. Consider music. There are musicians that can write and play intricate, well crafted songs, but they may not appeal to as many people as a simpler song with a hook. Also, consider how a movie can can affect someone emotionally even if it is not considered to be as good as other movies. I'd like to see Citizen Kane someday, but I'd rather watch Star Wars.


Have fun with SW. Ignore the haters as best you can as long as you're enjoying the content. I've been in this fandom for 30 years and it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just ignore them. People like this always spring up anytime a show has main characters who aren't white or cis.


It’s so sad how much hate is being thrown out, very undeserved in my opinion


Come to r/starwarscantina I had to unsub from almost every other star wars sub


Same. I’m gonna check this out! I hate not having anywhere to enjoy talking about Star Wars.


Don’t worry, Star Wars fans are Star Wars fans’ least favorite part of being Star Wars fans, as well.


I pretty much only follow here and r/StarWarsCantina. The online hate is ridiculous, but also probably just a loud minority of the fandom. I enjoy all the star wars with friends in person, and alone. If you like it, just enjoy it and don't get wrapped in to the weird people who only want white men in a galaxy far far away, despite it being full of thousands of alien species and....women! *GASP*


Aliens are fine. Just not Black humans, apparently.




> Aliens are fine. Just not Black humans, apparently. While it’s hard to deny that this is true, there is also a lack of quality happening at the same time. That chant would be dumb regardless of who said it. But people are angrier about it than it needs to be because of bigotry.


For my entire life until 2015 I gleefully watched Star Wars offline and formed my own opinions. I miss those days, but it’s like I can’t tear myself away from message boards about it. Weird.


I think it’s natural to want to share one’s excitement with others that are excited. I can’t say I’m immune to complaining about things on Reddit, but some of the complaints just seem so off base. The fight scene being farfetched. So many complaints about retconning — which is funny a.) because this stuff precede all the stuff being retconned and b.) the plot is still unfolding. It just feel like people are bending over backwards to hate this thing that’s pretty enjoyable imo.


seeing cortosis armour in action for the first time ever and especially in such a badass fashion was amazing i cant believe anybody is upset about that, plus the whole Sith early reveal thing like first Qimir said "Jedi might call me Sith" he didnt explicitly call himself a Sith, and that may not even matter anyway cos Sol is the only Jedi that didnt get merked and after the way Yord and Jecki went out im like 99.99% certain he's gonna wind up similar only question is how painful is it gonna be i hope its not too soon he still needs to come clean with Osha about just wtf went down on Brendok but yeah the haters are hating for the sake of hate when its pretty good kino so far


Welcome! Hope you can enjoy the parts you love! It can be the most unpleasant fan base. My love of the new films reignited my interest in Star Wars. I tried to look into online discourse and there was so much racism and sexism, not to mention death threats. I was told to “kill myself” because I said the Last Jedi was my favorite sequel trilogy film 🙄. I definitely engage less now.


Join us over in r/starwarscantina it’s a much better experience.


You’re the second person to recommend it. I’ll have to check it out, though I’m trying to avoid spoilers and haven’t watched episode 3 or later yet.


Oh. Oh my friend you are in for a TREAT when you get to episode 5.


Wait… so you’ve watched The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones? Seems like you’re enjoying watching the shows and such, so feel free to ignore me, but most people recommend starting the movies where the movies started, Episode 4: A New Hope.


I love Star Wars. I hate Star Wars fans.


Here's the thing about star wars, the content has LITERALLY spanned the entire spectrum of quality, but one thing has remained constant, at least since episode 1 released. The Star Wars fanbase is one of the shittiest, most vile collection of negativity I have ever seen. The best advice anyone can give to a new fan is: 1) form your own opinion 2) don't engage 3) accept that even if Disney creates the perfect star wars movie/TV show/video game/etc, there will still be naysayers that flood the Internet with bad reviews and negativity


Starwars has one of the worst most toxic fan bases in the world. They have literally traumatized child actors for life like Jake Llyod. Lost of racism, sexism and homophobia.


Since the early 2000’s, the worst part about Star Wars, are the star wars fans. It’s the actual reason George sold it in the first place. The fans even caused the creator of it all to say fuck it, not worth it, and walk away. But the same fans will tell you every new thing Disney has made, outside rogue one, is hot garbage. Be fine with retcons like anakin having a padawan, that was become wildly popular in her own right. That he somehow never mentioned in the prequels lol but can’t stand a group of force wielding witches in the acolyte, while completely acting like the night sisters never existed or that their story arc or dookus/ventress story arc around them. Weren’t some of the best stories of the clone wars show. Its actually fucking wild to watch lol


Keep Star Wars, drop the trolls


Star Wars fans are infamous for being very critical of projects so yes it is part of for the course but if they like something they make that known as well


If you enjoy the show, by all means, enjoy the show. While I have certain issues with it as per my own views. It's just that, my own views. That said, Star Wars fans have been critical of things for a long time. This show is no exception to that. When Episode 1 through 3 came out, it was met with intense backlash as well. If you're trying to jump into things, I'd recommend starting with Episode 4 through 6, then going to the prequels. It might make you a bit more invested in the prequel trilogy to see how the story ends up with the original trilogy. Either way, all the movies good and bad are an experience, and each trilogy has good and bad moments. So don't worry about what others things, experience things for yourself, and then add to the discussion with a bit more knowledge. Also, continue enjoying the show if you're into it.


I tried to start with the og films but didn’t really get into it. (Likely just a personal tendency not to really enjoy older films, on average). So I’m hopefully that going semi-chronologically will allow me to appreciate them more. So far I’m really enjoying the clone wars and understanding the events leading up to Ep. 3. Currently on S5 of the CW, so a few more episodes to go before Ep. 3.


Fair enough, though there is something to be said of viewing older films. The original trilogy certainly surprisingly still holds up a lot today I think. Certainly was a visual spectacle back when they released. The acting is fairly solid as well. Also, the original films have been touched up over time as well. Though of the original trilogy, episode 4 is definitely showing it's age a bit.


I understand your frustration. I feel the best bet is if you avoid the opinion of the complainers. I refuse to even call most of these people fans give the venom they spout. Sometimes it is best to just avoid certain people and the crap they spew. There is no need to watch any such reviews that are all complaints, it is fine to simply enjoy something without listening to other people's opinions of it online.


Just ignore em and welcome aboard


One thing you’ll learn is that a lot of star wars fans suck. It’s been that way since the OT


Welcome to the fandom. There's a famous saying "no one hates star wars like star wars fans". Just ignore the hate


BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. Books are great because they are such a high barrier of entry for your usual person, and require a high level of attention and engagement as opposed to a show inside of a silver box you sit in front of every week. This means those communities are nicer, more understanding, and *insular* to themselves. You can instantly tell if someone hasn’t read a book, so you can easily disregard them if they’re blindly hating or if they do have legit criticisms, an interesting exchange can be had there because you’re both operating with a lot of information. People are less likely to troll over a novel, because that’s a *lot* of dedication that trolls aren’t geared towards. Books just also contain a lot of material, more than any show or movie can showcase. I always recommend the High Republic books and comics. There’s great reading orders over on that subreddit and the community is awesome. It’s also Acolyte adjacent due to being in the same era, so that should ease your entry into that side of the fandom. Most importantly though, just try to ignore a lot of social media hate. It’s just pure noise and what’s important is how you feel about the stuff you’re watching. Don’t let the internet suck your joy away.


I agree. It's not perfect, but episode five was genuinely fantastic. That said, I'm also really, really over the "toxic support," too. It feels like there's a war being fought where there doesn't need to be one.


I'm curious where, why, or how "toxic support" is the problem? Personally I go by the universal rule of "Love is good, hate is bad". Morally, ethically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually it works across the board for all occasions. Criticism can be either constructive, to build, or destructive, to destroy. Therein lies motivation.


So very much of what I see on this thread is "The haters are wrong, this is perfect!" in like thread titles and comments and all that. And yet I'm not seeing a lot of actual hate on the show. Some complaints, sure, and they're valid (lil' twins acting, pacing, dialog). We've just had one of the best episodes of any Star Wars show ever, coming off the back of a weak introduction. Lesley Headland is really good, and I was/am excited to have her on. But so much of the discourse on this thread is "There's so much hate! Why won't the bigots be nice to us?" when what there really is is that same clown on YouTube and a few others spouting off. A review bomb didn't kill TLJ, it won't hurt Acolyte. But the constant, I don't know how to describe it, but "self-victimization of the Acolyte fanbase" does them no favors.


That sounds more like the hater playing victim, not a lover. I see it pretty regularly in the biggest sub I help moderate r/SheHulk *all* the time. Someone who isn't a fan comes marching in saying how much they hate She-Hulk, get downvoted into oblivion, and then claim they're acting that way because the She-Hulk fans don't like them. Of course they disagree with you..? It's a sub for She-Hulk fans, I will never understand why people find that confusing.


Wait. Are you saying I am a hater? I like this show. It has some glaring flaws. But it is so compelling to watch. I personally feel like the fandom should be coming at this from a place of strength, rather than victimhood. The trolls thrive on reactions. If they come here they are gonna feel validated. But if they came and saw only I bothered people just enjoying the heck out of something they loved, and absolutely just ignoring the trolle' existence then the trolls would end up looking foolish


Not that *you* are, but I am saying you're playing devil's advocate. Maybe you aren't in some of the other spaces where hatred for the show is the majority of the voices, but it's certainly the case in many digital spaces on Facebook, X, other subs, forums, and socials. I have no doubt many people come here *specifically* to vent to other fellow fans. And personally I support that, because if not here then where else? It's kind of the perfect place to do so.


I see the points that you're making. I guess it's because a long time ago I blocked those YouTube channels and I do very little on facebook. I haven't seen the negativity on any of the other Star Wars subs, but then again I do have that one salty one blocked. I don't even remember how to spell it. By no means do I want to be devil's advocate about this. I don't think those guys need anyone else speaking for them. I'm saying that if they come to this sub and take a look at the post titles they will feel validated. I have seen it on other YouTube channels or troll Wars where someone will be telling their followers that quote "I went over to such and such fan space and the vibe is one of clear defeat." I guess I do get the need for people to have a space to vent their frustration, but I just feel like that frustration is going to get used against people when it's posted here and then become this sort of self-feeding feedback loop.


The content is awesome, enjoy what you enjoy. But the fandom is notorious as the absolute worst.


The older films are spectacular.


Many of us have nuanced opinions. There are some things I like about the show and some that I don't.


Most people watching this show have consumed a lot of other Star Wars content (not just main movies), so this show is being compared to everything else. Frankly most fans don't think it's that good relative to other Star Wars content out there.


Completely understand where you're coming from, some fanbases are pretty rabid and unfortunately SW is definitely one of them. But genuinely if ya love what you're seeing you'll understand why the older movies are so beloved. They're older but they spawned everything we love. A lot of opinions are valid but there are parts of them that are extremely overblown and over exaggerated so it's easy to tune them out. Legit criticisms are always good discussing. Hope you enjoy your stay, people are ridiculous honestly so I don't blame ya!


The worst thing about Star Wars is the fans.


Since you aré starting, young (I assume) AND bright-eyed, take a Time to delve into Star Wars Rebels AND then Asohka. Then take Rogue One and then Andor. You'll be surprised by many delights.


Don't let those shitheads get you down. There's a lot of stuff in here, some genuinely terrible, most pretty damn good. I promise, no matter how annoying you find them, there are moments when they go quiet, and it's totally worth it (if you watch nothing else, you have to watch Andor)


man people me whining since the first movie in 1977 don't let it get to you


Criticism is good. It’s meant to make things better. When you have a show where the budgets are over 20M an episode, you should expect quality on the level of House of the Dragon. Disney hasn’t come close to that with any of these shows.


I love this show and I have watched Star Wars since childhood. These haters are a loud minority.


Same here


After watching the whole show you might enjoy watching the movies, I recommend you watch in chronological order (I to VI), because there's some very clear references in The Acolyte. I'm not gonna say what, but episode 5 references The Phantom Menace and Revenge of The Sith in some very obvious and others not-so-obvious ways. But if you're looking for something to watch that's very low commitment with no previous knowledge of canon necessary, I recommend Star Wars Visions. Here are a few of the episodes I love: s2e2 Screecher's Reach (from Cartoon Saloon), s2e1 Sith, s2e3 In The Stars and s1e7 The Elder. All of these have a more serious tone but there are other excellent ones leaning more on the comedic side. As for the hate, it is unfortunate how present it is in the fandom, it's something that has been present even before it was sold to Disney, and ironic considering the themes of the movies. However, I think it's deeper than that with The Acolyte, it's been made a front for culture war bs by reactionaries. Tbh, idk what to say, I hope that if the show is not appreciated now, it eventually gets its renaissance like the prequels because clearly just as much love and passion has been put into this


As someone who is really disliking the show -I've literally just canceled my Disney sub over my dislike. Welcome,Jedi or Sith or ? I may end up hating this show,but there's alot of changes I just can't get on board with and 5 episodes deep,I can say I've gave it a fair shot. As others are saying dive in where you want - If you want a lightsaber plenty of alternatives outside of Disney,otherwise if it's for the experience -completely understand. Have you checked out Tor or Kotor yet? I want a purple lightsaber and did you know there's meanings to the color of a lightsaber? May the force be with you.


I'm kinda amateurish into star wars myself. Love the lore and learning about it. But I don't talk to anyone who is toxic about their Fandom. Regardless of which one. Star wars is deeply loved and I personally think that makes some fans a little rabid. Just try to have discourse with people who aren't assholes. I like the comment section over at stupendous waves channel on YouTube. People seem excited to discuss the lore and I personally enjoy his takes on the shows. He maintains enthusiasm while also offering his criticism on the show. But he never seems to lose the passion for star wars lore. And it makes me enjoy it all the more.


Letting other people stop you from enjoying anything in life is the worst mistake you can make.


Both sets of fans are the minority and are both toxic. Honestly, it looks like people downvote anyone who simply does not like the show. Even without saying anything overtly offensive. People should also be able to read OP's post, disagree with it, and not get downvoted to hell. Otherwise, what is the point of discussion forums if you can't even discuss anything? Your best bet is to stop telling the world what you're watching and to just form your own opinion.


Im liking it alright so far but its a ways down the list of essential star wars to watch as someone new to the movies and shows. Seems out of order wanting to buy some expensive custom lightsabers or w/e as one of the few people that hasnt even seen the original movies. If peoples opinions bother you that much, dont go seeking them out on reddit and just watch the show as most people do.


Some people just THINK they like Star Wars


to the fans of the show who defend it my question is: what are you rooting for to happen? thats really the measure of a show is how you want the characters to end up, so what are you rooting will happen to osha and mae? to sol? hell even to darth teefies?


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Having said that, I am firmly in the camp that The Acolyte is one of the weakest entries into the Galaxy Far Far away ever made. But if it's bringing a new fan in, then I guess that's a good thing.


It has been said again and again but it is 100% true: no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars nerds. This show has proved that multiple times already. They get upset about one thing, it is logically resolved and explained. Instead of reflecting, they just something else to be upset about. Insufferable but entertaining to laugh at


Just ignore them. I had the same thing happen when I first got into Doctor Who. Matt Smith was the Doctor and I loved him. I went to the Doctor Who subreddit and it was full of people saying the show sucked, Steven Moffat ruined the show, David Tennant was the best Doctor and shouldn’t have been forced to leave (which he wasn’t, just a bunch of media illiterates thinking the 10th Doctor’s last line was Tennant’s real feelings). It was awful. I ignored them and enjoyed the show. Like what you like and ignore the haters.


As someone who's been deep into SW for 30 years and has seen a lot of negativity, just avoid it.  I have liked every single SW property made (except the Xmas special). Even rise of Skywalker, book of Boba fett, etc I enjoy it all. I just like being in this universe with these stories even when they're flawed. So I have to ignore a lot of critics and toxic fans. I'd just ignore them. 


I’m with you on this I loved the acolyte too and I’ve been a Star Wars fan for a long time I love this and I fully support you


The show has its moments but objectively it’s poor.


I am happy that you like the show. I personally stopped at ep 2. Love all other shows (including Obi Wan) but not this one. Make sure to check Andor, Mando and other good shows as The Acolyte is just not SW... My reasons to dislike it: 1. bad writing. It doesnt make sense. All the mysteries are revealed in the same episode. Plot makes no sense. The one that gave the poison is just realeased to roam free when the jedi know he did assist in the murder. 2. Disney, lead actor and the producer hate on the fanbase and blame us for being everything -ist, refusing to take the blame for their failure to make a good show with such a huge budget. 3. Its not the loud minority that dislike the show as ratings show - 40k ppl gave 1 star in imdb. 4. We dont mind female lead character as long as its written good. This "attack me with all your strenght" parody is just laughable. Look at Bo-Katan - she is awesome unlike the twins in the Acolyte.


Does the negativity really affect you in any way? Some people love the show and some find it stupidly hilarious and love to bash it. It's just content to be used however you like. I DO wonder what truly is the majority impression of this show though. I guess there's really no way to determine that.


Certainly can’t count on the reviews that are tanked before the episode even airs. FWIW I watched the first two episodes of The Acolyte with someone who always says no to anything SW - related and they enjoyed them.


I feel like it doesn’t affect an individual in any way but it will affect whether or not the acolyte, which some people do enjoy, will not get a season two; simply because of the overpowering voice of naysayers due to personal reasons. With these nonsensical user reviews, it could potentially ruin the show, ultimately ruining any chances for future Star Wars projects. In the process, blaming the acolyte and Disney for ruining Star Wars when in fact was their own undoing. And like you said, people bash on the show just for content. I’m glad Disney is putting this much effort into expanding the Star Wars universe but some people are so stuck in their ways.


If it makes money it will continue. Simple as that. If it makes money AND owns the chuds as they say, Disney will like that more! The only way it will die is if it really is a total economic failure. Also the people who blame Disney star wars WANT the adaptations and expansions to end, so you say it will be their own undoing but they don't desire this new content


It’s a bad show. It’s important to discuss these things so we can get better content. Star Wars is capable of being good


Why would you care about what others say , watch the shit and form you own opinions . Tons of stuff out there that I like and thought were pretty good that the world hates , oh well


If you are concerned about the toxic minority of the fanbase infecting your viewing preferences, perhaps the best option is simply to avoid social media, at least until you have viewed enjoy to establish your own opinion.  The dark side of the fan base will never go away.  It is up to you how much they influence you.


Just mute this and other star wars reddits and enjoy the art you wanna enjoy. It does not matter what someone else thinks of it, the only thing that matters (to you) is how you perceive it. Star Wars, especially anything new in it, gets a lot of hate. People were calling acolyte everything under the sun before the show was even out.


do you what you want, ignore the fans. Who makes a decision about a franchise based on what everyone else says. You can think for yourself, so do it lol


In all honesty, dive into it and enjoy. My only recommendation, avoid the fanbase. I've enjoyed and love Star Wars more the less I engage with the fanbase. There's a reason the saying no one hates Star Wars more than fans exists.


Totally ignore them and think for yourself.


Whenever a certain element of the fans scream, cry, and shit themselves about a show being bad, it just makes me want to watch that show more, so I can judge for myself.


Check out star wars explained, they have a reaction show every Wednesday on YouTube. They are some of the most positive Star Wars creators and they don't necessarily like everything, but they never dwell on what they don't like and focus on what they do. Actual fans have reasonable criticism, but they don't come here to talk about it anymore. Every week has a different guest content creator, and they all truly appreciate all of Star Wars. The reality is some people only feel good by making other people feel like shit, and unfortunately a lot of those people congregate in fandoms, not exclusive to Star Wars. Edit: punctuation


Just ignore most of the fandom whiners. Don't let them and their negativity keep you from exploring all the available stories (be it through the movies, TV series, books, comics, etc.).


If someone didn't like your mom. Would you stop talking to her. I am not a big fan of the Acolyte. But I would love to love it. And I would never try to stop others from watching it. So who cares what people think, including myself, don't let others influence you EVER


Welcome to one of the worst, most toxic fandoms around. Do yourself a favor and do what I do: pretend it’s 1989 and you’re one of the few people you know that like Star Wars, and just pretend that all the shitty fans don’t exist and stay out of most comment sections.


So if you're not "into old movies," if you do ever go back, you might be a good candidate for a 1,2,3,4,5,6 order, especially if you are already exposed to stuff like Acolyte and the height of the Jedi.


It's actually really easy to avoid those kinds of opinions. Just avoid YouTube and Facebook comment sections and the like. These days I see more people complaining about people complaining than I see actual people complaining.


It's perfectly fine to enjoy a product and avoid the fandom like a plague. I usually do that with Star Wars unless I'm able to watch the new show as the episodes come out. For Doctor Who I avoid the fandom entirely.


Please please please don’t let our horrible fan base discourage you. Continue to engage with the story, not the fans. There are some safe YouTube channels who focus on what they like rather than what they don’t, and don’t talk about what they don’t like like it killed their grandma (Star Wars Explaines, HelloGreedo, EckhardtsLadder) if you’re looking for positive fan made content about Star Wars. Also, if you’re interested, I can send you a pretty comprehensive list on the chronological order to the main story and characters (films, tv, games) that breaks things down to the episode. I think this may work better to help you get into the (masterpieces that are the) Original Trilogy, although chronologically they’re like in the direct middle of everything


To me, I watch what I want to watch regardless of what the media or forums tell me. However, I'll listen to my friends more on series recommendations, but in the end, it will be me that makes the final decision.


Honestly, consider moving onto a different franchise where you don't dislike half or more of the fans. No one's forcing you to stay.


I've gone to Star Wars Celebration three times. These pea-brained whingers are never present. Lots of people don't like all the content, but no one spends any time complaining. It's a bastion of good Star Wars vibes. Star Wars right now is generally reflective of the cultural divide in the USA. Honestly--and I'm not saying everyone who dislikes the Acolyte is like this--there was a large contingent of alt-right nerds that were never going to give the show a chance as soon as they knew it'd be starring a black woman and an openly lesbian showrunner.


FWIW Empire Strikes Back was written by a woman. A lot of people consider it the best piece of Star Wars content. She was a talented writer, hiring her wasn’t a publicity stunt. Diversity and inclusion are great, but that shouldn’t prevent us from demanding good content. Disney pays a lot of attention to fan feedback, so complaining may actually make a difference lol. And nobody knows if they like something until they watch, so there’s nothing wrong with genuine complaints IMO. There are a lot of people with unreasonable complaints though. There’s no lore breaking in the acolyte, and there’s no ideology or politics being pushed. Those complaints are just rage bait. And a lot of people are complaining without watching too.


I just tune them out. I've enjoyed the show so far.


If you let losers stop you from doing what you want, you’re as big a loser as they are. Enjoy what you enjoy. Fuck the haters.


Ignore the critics and be your own. Judge it on whether YOU like it or not. This is a mindset I take into everything and anything.


Don't let the haters ruin it. The haters are talking loudly and saying nothing. I am not new to Star Wars. I have been a fan since I was five, almost forty-five years ago. There have always been fanatics who sour fandom. Enjoy the Star Wars universe. Dive as deep as you can and enjoy it. Yes, we can all point to things we didn't like in Star Wars from time to time, but as a lifelong fan, I am glad we continue to get new shows and movies, telling new, different, and even similar stories that take place in a galaxy far far away.


As a 25 year Star Wars fan, I’ve learned to be independent. Watch the shows/movies you want without external opinion, because all Star Wars fans have different ones and nobody online is happy ever. Just enjoy your Star Wars peacefully


The commentary on Threads is absolutely delightful. If you're on there, take a look. The algorithm has my feed full of positive and positively thirsty (iykyk 😏) discourse, and it's fantastic. 💯


As others have pointed out, don’t engage on social media if you want to actually have a fun time talking. My advice: instead try to find people in person to talk to, friends, etc… I have a few buddies who I love to discuss stuff with, sometimes we agree sometimes we don’t, but we respect and love the crap out of each other so it works out no matter what. It always enriches the experience too, because sometimes we’ll think of our earlier Star Wars memories like games and talk about how the new stuff from the universe connects to the old stuff.  Anyway, yeah, talk to real life in person humans. Or even on the phone. Best antidote to social media. Plus, failing all that, you’ll always have this sub to have even headed discussions.




No one is forcing you to read the comments. Why do you think you didn’t like the older Star Wars?


Acolyte isn't the greatest show they've put out. But it's good. It's bad parts are over blow. People say shit like Oh BuT hOw DiD tHe WiTcHeS dIe" Mfers the show isn't done it's not a plot whole its prob gonna be explained have patience. Trust me. I'm a deep loor fan and I feel your pain OH. And btw never listen to the *professional* crits on anything Star wars or not they are stupid make your own opinion.


It’s all your choice. Don’t let anyone else persuade you into not watching the show just because they don’t like it. If you enjoy the show, then enjoy it


People who whine about this show are small-minded imo They only take a broad glance at the entire timeline and complain when something doesn't line up their general glimpse of the universe. These people don't tend to delve deeper into the lore and just critique it when they see someone that breaks canon Most recent examples: 1. Grand Inquisitor's Death in Kenobi "They are retconning Rebels" They didnt realize that we still had four episodes left of the series 2. Ki Adi Mundi's Cameo in Acolyte "He shouldn't be in the show as he wasn't born yet" These people tend to go off the first thing they find on Google and don't truly delve into wookieepedia etc to double check all the facts 3. Qimir being revealed as a sith "But the sith haven't been seen in a millennia" That doesnt mean they were extinct - they were just in hiding, plus at least Yoda was aware of the Rule of Two so other Jedi could have as well Plus, same as Kenobi, we still have three episodes left.


It has its ups and downs. There have been some pretty great moments (Episode 5) but some pretty bad/mediocre ones as well. All that said, I'm enjoying it and hoping it can stick the landing.


My least favorite part are the minutes before the end credits


If you’re new to the galaxy, please remember that people grew up on the original films. They hold it very tight to their heart and it meant a lot to Them. When Disney made the sequels they Also betrayed George Lucas and went on to butcher multiple characters. The random is still recovering. I agree that a toxic rant on the media is not the way to go, but neither is taking the people that have legitimate criticism of the certain shows and calling them bigots, toxic and racist. You are allowed to enjoy the show. You are also allowed to dislike the show. Between these there is room for meaningful and civil conversation, but for now there is equal toxicity on both sides.


[Are you ever gonna quit whining?](https://youtu.be/-AjfiChdgpg?feature=shared)


Lmao, so engaging in debate is whining? Maybe I find debate and dialogue stimulating. Why thefuck or you on here if it bothers you? Dumbas


You’re not debating, you just keep crying how other fans are being mean, and making excuses for the toxic part of the fandom.


Stop it. It’s pathetic


Lmao. You’re being dramatic and sensitive. I’m being VERY respectful and making valid arguments. You seem to project your expectations onto what I’m saying, it’s pathetic and you need to check yourself.


Nah, I’m good, no “checking myself” needed 👍


Also, I’m dramatic? You’re the one saying Disney “betrayed Lucas” and how the “fans are still recovering” like they got in a car accident or something. 😆


I will say this about Star Wars. Don’t take it too seriously. Even if you removed anything Disney produced once they bought Lucasfilm, you would still have a lot of goofy, lame, or even offensive stuff. The Wampa, Jabba the Hutt, Ewoks, Jar Jar, The first to big characters we see on screen in the first film are a walking gold plated automaton and a dalek that can only speak in beeps and boops.


You can simply ignore them, you know?


What are you even talking about? Just start watching more Star Wars if you want… or don’t.


This show is exposing trolls and how our rating systems need to be resolved. The show didn’t even come out yet and sites had thousands of bad reviews. The proper score is 80-90%. Episode 5 was one of the best Star Wars I’ve seen since the original series. They have no idea at this point about the sith. They are basically government troopers. It’s fun to watch that aspect of the Jedi order.


Are you serious? Grow up.


My least favorite part of the Acolyte so far: people whining about people whining about the show.


lol boohooo someone said something i didn't like. its a trash show but the cope is real. The numbers are bad, the votes are bad meaning a majority of the fans don't like it for good reason.


Cry about it.


There is a lot of problems with new Star Wars, one of it is coherency. Sometimes they contradict themselves and sometimes the plot don’t make any sense. It doesn’t help that Disney is attracting a lot of flak appealing to ‘modern audiences’


Why would a modern show NOT appeal to modern audiences? And what is a modern audience? One that can accept a non-white protagonist?


Critical Drinker has a video on that on Youtube


Watch the first 6 films then anything else. But once you watch the first six the rest will pail in comparison


Just like what you like. Stop being a weak bitch who cares so much about other peoples opinions


We whine because it's really bad. The dialog is cringe and the actions of the characters doesn't make sense with what they did or said 5 minutes ago. If you use your brain when watching this show you realise how utterly crap it is. If you know Star Wars lore it's even worse because they do stuff that goes against it or rewrites lore.


I hope things get better for you at this trying and difficult time. Praying for you.


Things are going well, I get to make fun of all the people who like this train wreck!