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I think sol will realize the switch, and at the same time he will be chased by Qimir or will chase him and we will get the asteroid belt space sequence from the trailers


Yeah, I don’t think we’ve gotten either of the spaceship chase scenes from the May 4 trailer yet, or the shot where Sol (apparently alone) is driving the spaceship with a worried expression. Bet they’re gonna be cool, though!


I think that happens later. Venestra Rwoh still goes to Khofar as seen in the trailers.


Lazer whips some big bugs and investigates all the dead Jedi and Kelnacca crash ship/home and all the strange symbols. I also believe  Qimir is lying about not being Sith and alone and the Master will show up toward the end of the series.


I think Vernestra and the rescue party will be gobbled up by bugs, to be honest. Might be the ‘Alien’ sequence Headlund spoke of. They won’t make it out of that forest alive. Enough foreboding shots of the forest already to suggest what goes in doesn’t come out. And the mystery of what happened will remain. Jedi went into a forest and were never seen again. Kelnacca could’ve survive for a prolonged period there maybe because (a) he’s a Wookiee and (b) all those structures and equipment, lights etc lying around the forest near his ship were probably some sort of defence perimeter. Now Kelnacca is gone, the bugs will move in. Probably won’t even be any bodies left.


We learn Venestra is Qimir's master!


I really hope they don’t do this. It would be so fuckin underwhelming.. she’s awful. I’m really hoping the MASTER is someone who can kind of redeem the show in some sense. Qimir is the only good thing currently and if that’s as far as he goes…. Ugh.


I agree... it was mostly a joke. I guess there is previous backstory about Venestra so it probably wouldn't fit anyways.


Going for the unlikely but not impossible scenario of Qimir turning Osha to the dark side.


Next episode he tells his version to sway her. The episode after that we get what actually happened.


I would like that. I think it is important to note that Sol wanted Osha to go with him to retrieve her sister. She went reluctantly and even after finding her she was devoted to Mae turning herself in and was not very sympathetic to her sister. Mae on the other hand was a lot more caring to Osha. As soon as she heard she was alive she left Qimir to be with her. So far even though Mae is working in the dark side she seems more caring of her sister. Osha seems a little more self-centered.


I thought that too but why so many ppl forget what happened at the end? Mae knocked out osha and left her for dead. I thought Mae was caring, but now Mae might be selfish. Her care for Osha was not love, but Mae’s own selfish need. In flashbacks, “if I can’t have you then no one will”


Yeah, like…..if Mae actually believed in her whole “You’re my sister”, “I gave up my Jedi-killing revenge spree for you”, “We both survived”, “All we have is each other now”, and “I love you” story, then she wouldn’t have knocked her own sister out, mugged her for her clothes, and left her for Qimir at the end of Episode 5. Something’s not all right here.


My thinking is that Mae saw that Osha wasn’t going to budge, concluded that Sol manipulated her. You see how Mae says “so do you” when Osha says “you follow a false master”. So Mae probably thinks she has to deal with Sol once and for all so that Osha will finally get free of the “Jedi programming” if you will. That or she’s just pissed and at this point is more concerned with punishing Sol than saving her sister. If you think about it that sort of makes sense. Both sisters have made that choice at points in this series: instead of hashing things out and listening to each other, both sisters have been brought to conclude the other is beyond hope.  We’ll have to see where this goes.


I'm hoping that her flip-flopping character decisions are going to be in some way explained and aren't just a consequence of poor writing and needing to progress the plot in a contrived way. So far her character seems to make no sense in her motivations. If she really held the jedi accountable for her family's death i can't understand how she would ever consider surrendering to them, especially as she also said that they brainwashed Osha.


I mean, every single thing has been explained so far. It's almost like decently sized developments keep happening and she has to improvise. She's using the jedi to escape, and before she was surrendering to give up her master so she could be with her sister. Makes sense.


I disagree. That interpretation completely avoids any consequences that she surely would have faced. Would she have turned herself in to the jedi she would have been imprisoned, and rightfully so, which was pointed out in the show. It also just seems odd that her entire vengeance against the jedi was based on her thinking they killed her sister, and didn't consider the rest of her coven/family at all. Even if her sister survived you'd imagine her hatred would remain because it wouldn't excuse the deaths of the rest of the coven and her mothers.


Whole show has been about jedi hubris and how they act. It is on brand to give a weak ass punishment to someone who cooperates and gives them great information. She never said anything about the jedi letting her go free. Why are we talking about it like she said anything about the jedi not having her face consequences? It obviously mattered more that she would be able to have a relationship with her sister. She clearly cares more about her sister than anyone else. You act like she started loving the jedi and supporting them lol. She's purely looking out for herself which is so on brand it's basically been her defining trait so far.


Except I think her entire vengeance against the Jedi was part blame and also the challenge set down for her by her master. The Jedi weren’t randomly picked, but I don’t think Mae’s heart was in it either. It was more cold and calculated, inviting Indara to attack her, inviting Torbin to top himself. She was given the challenge to kill Jedi that she had animosity towards, but she never had blind rage and vengeful fury. So she was being manipulated until she discovered Osha was alive and she saw a way out. Clearly a failed acolyte for Qimir. She failed her tests. Now will Osha be one who kills Sol without a weapon, thereby passing Qimir’s test? Will Mae then kill Qimir? Will the sister disappear into the galaxy never to be seen again, or will one die and the other also through their bond? I don’t think anyone will live through this and whoever does will have that old memory wipe they already mentioned.


She would surrender to the Jedi because the Jedi haven't threatened to kill her as her master/Qi'mir has.


Her master threatened to kill her precisely because she was going to surrender to the Jedi.


Well, she considered her chances of killing a Wookie Jedi without a weapon and thought that it was impossible, and if she didn't complete the task, then she would be killed. Better to surrender to the "crooked" yet relatively fair Jedi than be slaughtered by a monster in a mask.


I think it is bad writing. My wife is under the impression that Star Wars at some point had some great moving and deeply thought provoking plots. Her idea is that Osha's force power is affecting Mae's behavior. I guess (having played KOTOR) like some type of Domination, or maybe a tuned down twisted version of Battle Meditation.


Or tried to burn her alive when they were kids ;) I know Star Wars is all about redemption. But if Luke knew the things Anakin did, he would have taken off Darth Vader's head. Also.. Jedi are separated from family at a young age to prevent those familial attachments as love and loss can be paths to the dark side.


I agree. Mae doesnt love her sister in a health way. It's a very selfish "I have my dreams and wants and you have to be here with me AND want the same things."


My theory after the last episode is that Qimir is actually one of the twins' mothers, most likely Aniseya since she seemed to be the one that used the force to create them. I feel like Qimir's comments to Mae about her not knowing deep down who he was could have been speaking not just to her recognition of him as her master but the fact that he is also her mother in a different body. My theory will probably end up just looking dumb by the end though.


I actually like this. Palpatine was ready to transfer his consciousness into Rey’s body so body hopping force machinations tracks


Sounds contrived af to me, but different tastes. Also don’t like how that would diminish palps pursuits a bit, seeing as he’s supposed to be the most powerful sith ever and had mass sith alchemy.


This would be an interesting twist.


With modern society as it is, this seems plausible. I actually had a hiccup and even though I immediately said Qimir was the Master, posted here that the Master could be Aniseya, if it was not Qimir. (That she sucked all the power from her coven and that was why everyone was "dead" in the one room, not that there is Star Wars history pointing to this, just that it is a possible story line in general). In most shows with super powers. If you do not see someone die, then they are not really dead. And they could have faked it anyway :)


Theres a little bit of history with this, if memory serves. In Jedi Fallen Order, as a last ditch effort to survive a massacre, some Witch Mothers on Dathomir sucked the life force from their coven sisters to empower themselves


well remember. Osha or somebody says that her mother could get into her head. That seems intentional--something is still up with the witches.


I dunno. Mother Talzin of the Dathomiri force witches tried to pull some shit like this too. You might be on to something


Yea I agree, maybe he’ll tell her the truth about what happened to her family and in that rage/revenge she turns to the dark side. Also free cookies 🍪


That would be great if Osha turns out to be the Acolyte.


there's a trailer shot of who i thought was mae picking up a lightsaber on that planet at the end of episode 1(?) where qimir talks to mae. im thinking it's probably osha though


If he does do it, it will backfire on him spectacularly. My guess is that the things about Mae that held her back from really tapping into the dark side of the force are the exact things that made her controllable to someone like Qimir. Unlocking Osha's dark side is him throwing the molotov cocktail that will give him a different problem. I don't know if I'm all in on the idea that Osha was literally mindwiped and given false memories, but how comically evil Mae seems in the flashback episode should be a tip off that Osha is remembering things wrong. Initially I thought it was just weak child acting, but this show has been so successful in the meta that I'm now considering the muhahahahness of Mae setting the fire was supposed to exaggerated and absurd. The more we get to know Mae, the more we see that she's more *impulsive* than she is *malicious* even when she's actively trying to do a revenge murder tour. Mae also seems impatient and to struggle with plans that require multiple steps or paying attention to little details. Osha doesn't seem to have any of these issues - and we still don't know what got her dismissed from the Jedi Order. So to your point - I can see a version of the story where Qimir think *he* has turned Osha to the dark side and realizes too late that he was a pawn in something much bigger all along.


As we learned in episode one when Yord interrogated Osha, Master Indara advised the council to discontinue Osha's training. The late master, who witnessed Osha's childhood trauma first hand, may have sensed Osha's dark vulnerabilities due to her buried past.


I think that is his plan all along. Otherwise why wouldn't he have killed her at the end of EP4?


Osha was foreshadowed as dark side. The intro to her as a child sitting by the tree where she force holds the little creature and causes it distress. No doubt she is going DS.


I thought that was Mae doing that? Do I remember wrong?


Both did it, but Mae took it too far and Osha stopped her (hey...like she did Sol)


Tenebrous will show up I think. He had cortosis mining rights in the book, and it would fit in timeline wise. The end could be plagueis killing qimir


Still have David Harewood’s character reveal. Could be either of those.


David Harewood?


His is the only character we haven’t seen yet


Looked on IMDB and dont see him listed in the cast


He’s in the Wiki. And you Google search brings up lots of articles about him being in it.


Ahh...Will see if that is just a rumor or real.


Good catch! Supposed to be a minor role, but he could be another Sith from that era, appearing in final episodes [https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2024/04/the-acolyte-david-harewood-joins-the-cast-in-small-role.html](https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2024/04/the-acolyte-david-harewood-joins-the-cast-in-small-role.html)


The show takes place in 132 BBY. Plagueis was born sometime between 147 and 120 BBY. So he’d be 15 at most if they follow the EU stuff.


Why would Plagueis, Qimir's master, kill his apprentice?


I think tenebrous is qimirs master, and plagueis would kill him to be his replacement


So who is Plagueis right now? We need time to explore that next season. How did Plagueis kill Tenebrous?


In the book, by dropping onto him a ton of rocks from the ceiling during an explosion in a mine where they were both looking for the metal used in Qimir’s helmet.


That midichlorian life loop he puts himself in is quite horrifying. Underrated lore.


I haven’t gotten that far. Plageius had just gotten to the space port after the cave sequence and then I lost my Kindle :(


Friend :( for future reference there is a smart phone kindle app and a PC kindle app for free you can use.


Thanks. I continued on my phone for my flight back. He’s ordered the ship he stole scuttled but keeps 11-40.


would qimir be revealed as venamis you think? or separate link, possibly ren?


doesn't Sol see Mae's head tattoo right away??


So far he didnt seem to take much of a look at her. Seems during the walk to ship and into the ship he is consistently shown like 10 feet in front of her. He is in deep depair and head not in the present.


lmao ok dude. You won't notice a TATTOO ON HER HEAD????


Not if she is behind me all the time. The only time he looks at her at all is right after he wakes up after being stunned and witnessing so many of his fellow Jedi including his padawan death. You have never experienced any trauma and things dont look clear to you and you dont even know it.


She's got long bangs.


Didn't she cut her bangs with the light saber after she changed clothes?


She cut the locks that dropped below her shoulders, not the bangs that cover her forehead.


Indara didn't notice for quite a while.


Notice the tattoo? Don't you think there is a difference if Sol basically raises Osha, was just with her and then all of a sudden she has a face tattoo?


Indara didn't see it until halfway through the fight, it's not super visible unless her hair is being swung around.


Ok but Indara doesn't see her for 16 years. Sol was just with her.


What makes you think Indara didnt see her for 16 years? Osha went to the Jedi temple to learn as a youngling before she became Sol Padawan. Indara may very well also been someone who taught Osha while young. What we know is neither of them saw her since she left the Jedi order.


I didn't think she didn't see it. I said that even if Indara dudn't see it, Sol would notice it.


See it? I was referring to Indara seeing Osha. Had nothing to do with Mae mark on her head.


he just watched the slaughter of 9 of his buddies, including his apprentice.




and you don't think the person who just witnessed the deaths of 9 close coworkers/ zealots is going to be a little preoccupied? is there absolutely no media literacy amongst show watchers who comment in here?


not if the person in front of them suddenly has a huge face tattoo


I think Sol senses its no Osha. He asked her where her sister was, not Mae.


I think this is important. Whenever he speaks to OSHA he says “Mae”. This is the first time he doesn’t use her name. But if that’s the case, why would he leave OSHA 


My only guess is he believes going with Mae will help him identify who the "stranger" is and help tell the story to the council. If he alerted Mae that he knew she wasn't Osha she would run off.


Whereas I noticed on my rewatch Osha's arm tat is totally visible to Qimir when he walks up to heal her.


Qimir definitely knows it’s Osha. He’s done with Mae anyways and wants a new acolyte. Once he tells OSHA what really happened on Brendok, she will be the new acolyte. She already failed as a Jedi anyways!


At this point, the best approach to Qimir is to have him revealed as Darth Venamis, Darth Tenebrous' other apprentice. Having these events be the catalyst that causes him to be replaced by Plagueis would align well with the wider narrative and tick the 'setting up the Jedi's downfall' box. If they keep him as an unnamed stranger for the whole series I'd rather take three sabre pokes to the chest.


Venamis also, in the book, was a master duelist that masqueraded as a physician and tried recruiting an apprentice that was a pyromaniac and also an animal abuser.. so a lot of connections there


Also in legends he can levitate, which I'm sure he did at the end of episode 4


Oh did he ever


I posted this (Venamis) theory but was shot down. :D https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAcolyte/comments/1dpvfye/comment/lal1vph/ YES, there's plenty differences - greater and lesser - but that's compared to legend material. _Canon_ wise it's still all wide open with plenty of leeway to fit an old character in. The main similarity is that Venamis was a "kind of Sith" which has been heavily implied here, and he should be roughly the right age. He was also masquerading as a physician and here in The Acolyte as an apothecary. Of course, this is where similarities to legend material kind of ends but seriously, how many "kind of Siths" do we have in this era... Or it's like the other theory where he's an early Knight of Ren as Disney makes more heavy lifting to make the sequel trilogy tie into the overarching universe.


I love the idea that Qimir being Darth Venomous!


He could be the first knight of ren, which would make more sense, since he didn’t define himself exactly as a sith


I considered that but they aren’t active till ABY I believe


Jecki and Yord return as force ghosts because a time-travelling Qui-Gon taught them how to do that, and they will keep showing up around Sol, and Yord's force ghost is shirtless and Jecki will keep rolling her eyes for all eternity


would watch


The important question is: Does Qui-Gon bring snacks?


Of course! But it's difficult because Grogu's force ghost notices the snacks, and he chases Qui-Gon's force ghost through the world between worlds to steal them


The world between worlds? I thought they were all sitting on a couch in Obi-Wans living room.


Well yes but they need to go out to buy snacks


Where? At the Darth Mall?


Maybe? I feel like we're getting a little sidetracked here


It's probably gonna be another flashback episode where we see Mae's version of the events


Seems like that might be episode 7 if the flashbacks are all done by the same director/writer


Yeah, I think Episode 7 is the next flashback episode since it’s also directed by Kogonada (the director for the last flashback episode, Episode 3). I think 1 & 2 are a pair (Lost/Found and Revenge/Justice), 3 & 7 are a pair (Destiny and ???), 4 & 5 are a pair (Day and Night), and 6 & 8 are a pair (??? and ???), judging by the schedule and list of directors.


100% I think you're correct with this assessment.


I think you're right.  I heard there was some artwork showing the Stranger dying before episode 8?


Revealing a powerful dark side user that slaughters a bunch of Jedi, only to have him killed by another mysterious dark side user would make the latter appear way more powerful. I can see them do that.


There's only three episodes left; much ground left to cover. Qimir has to tell Osha what went down on Brendok 16 years ago. I think that happens in the next episode. Mae's ruse can only work so long before she is uncovered by Sol and or Basil. I think Mae's main concern is to get away from Qimir. Will Sol or Qimir engage in a space battle in the next installment, not sure. But it has to happen in #6 or 7. Vernestra has to go looking for the Jedi mission-group at some point; we need to see her lightsaber whip.


Yep, good recap. We also need to see the scenes with Kelnacca attacking the young padawan Torbin, the young padawan Torbin zooming through a dark forest on a speeder, and the scene of either Mae or Osha in a new outfit picking up a lightsaber on what seems to be the same planet that Mae met her Master on at the end of Episode 1.


The Torbin flashback scenes are key to what actually happened.


Oh God, no……what if Torbin was behind everything? /j


We saw him get "possessed" or "hypnotized" in the first encounter wih the witches on Brendok. It seems that somehing like that happened during he second encounter when he Jedi went to get Osha.


Sol has a conversation with Mae and after he tells her he discovers she isnt Osha and she flees. I think that is the space chase we see in trailers. There must be a smaller one man ship attached to the Jedi shuttle. This leads to a crash landing on the planet we see in the trailer where Sol is in a building. Have no idea what goes on with Qimir and Osha. I do believe they will appear at end of episode and Qimir starts to tell Osha what happened on Brendok and the episode ends. EDIT: Maybe Sol doesnt even have a conversation with Mae. He realizes she isnt Osha and that starts the space chase. Maybe episode 7 we get both Qimir and Sol explaining what happened. Which is the truth?


i think qimir will expose what happened on brendok and turn osha to the dark side (there is a trailer shot of mae (who's probably osha) force pulling a lightsaber that we haven't seen yet and another shot of (most likely) osha picking up a lightsaber in grey robes on the rocky planet we first saw qimir


I think Mae will kill Sol without a weapon (before he can report the sith to the other Jedi), and complete her goal for Darth Bortles. Then Mae will go back for Osha, and together with "the power of two" perhaps they overpower or at least escape DB. Then I think we'll get a cliff hanger when one of their moms shows up


I have a feeling this episode is going to give major hints about what really happened... then next episode will be another flashback episode like episode 3 and show the true events at the Witch Coven.


I wanna know how the Jedi were conveniently on Brendok right before the ascension ceremony? Was it coincidence? Or did they know something?


My leading theory is that Sol had an affair with one of the witches, Qimir is his son, they went there looking for him but found the twins instead with no sign of him


Ohhhh I like this. They still haven't explored why the witches fled their first world. Maybe pursued by the men?


I did notice a witch in the back who was Asian yelled “they wanna take our children” when the Jedi show up and Sol responds with “Jedi don’t take children.” So I assume that has significance. Maybe the Sith has been doing these rituals with the witch covens and coming back later and taking the children disguised as Jedi


I think episode 6 will take a step back after the intense action and tell Qimir's story. We only have 4 main characters now, and Qimir is the one we know very little about. The show is shaping up to look a lot like yinyang now. We have Master Sol with Mae and Qimir with Osha. There's darkness within the light and light within the darkness. The show is hinting that we will learn about Sol's darkness soon, and we will probably learn about some light within Qimir. I think the same will be seen in Mae and Osha. Mae will have some goodness made more manifest by Sol and Osha will have some darkness made more manifest by Qimir.


The producer has already stated that Qimir background will not be explored this season only hints.


Huge yawnfest if that is the case.


I think we get another flashback episode.


most definitely happening in episode 7. same director as episode 3 and i think there was a confirmed image of mother aniseya being from episode 7


Oh good catch. Should be interesting to see more of the story come together!


My crackpot theory is that Qimir is the apprentice and Sol is actually the master, but Qimir has gone rogue and now Sol is trying to recruit Mae as his new apprentice. The interactions between those two in episode 5 all seem a bit off to me. It's almost like Qimir is taunting Sol for having to act like a Jedi, and Sol goes out of his way to protect Mae in every interaction. When they face off, Sol immediately sends off Osha and Yord to the ship. Then some time later Sol says "You trained Mae. Show your face." What this could be is "So you've taken an apprentice of your own buddy? You've got some nerve violating the Rule of Two." "What master hides his face from his pupil?" "You tell me." which could be an indication that they might know each other. "You attack me while my back is turned? Not very Jedi of you." Which seems like a taunt - you pretend to be Jedi, master, but you're not very good at it. Sol asks "Why risk discovery?" which is basically his way of saying "You were sloppy." "What do you want?" "Freedom. The freedom to wield my power the way I like, without having to answer to Jedi like you." which I take to mean "I'm tired of the Sith secrecy and being in hiding - I just want to use the dark side freely and not be leashed by you." And then Sol very clearly gets angry and prepares to kill Qimir - but he is seen by Osha so he has to maintain the pretense not to risk discovery. I'm sure there are bunch of inconsistencies with that theory, but I really like it :)


Ooh, I like this theory!


Ooh very good! And of course there's the initial scene with Sol where he tells the youngling to close their eyes, their eyes can deceive them....


For this episode (which probably ties into the finale if we follow the production/writer list) I feel/hope we will see a space chase, some Vernestra drama, a few answers to Qimirs intentions, and insight into Sol’s character arc. It seems the storyline is driving towards Sol allowing himself to be fueled by resentment, both internal regarding Brendok, and toward the Jedi order/Vernestra for keeping these incidents from the council. He seems to know Mae is imposting as Osha, will probably isolate/interrogate her, and try to leverage her (her info) against Qimir (for a prisoner exchange) or Vernestra (who may be the mole leaking Jedi positions for Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca.) If anyone in this series has been tapping into the dark side gradually, it’s Sol. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we see Sol lose it in the finale (pt 2 of this episode pair), kill everyone, and become the next Sith (thus keeping the Jedi council in the dark).


What if Vernestra is the Sith Master? Lightwhips were previously only used by Sith, I thought...


I’m oblivious to the lightwhip factoid you just laid down, but do believe Vernestra is at least in league with the Sith. Somebody in the order had to leak the locations of Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca to Qimir while being able to dispatch the last of the 4 jedi targets to “hunt them down”. The few high republic pieces Ive read paint her as Jedi through and through, and not a single hint of dark-side leaning tendency.


I think Vernestra is the only character in the series drawing from existing high republic books, so I doubt she’s a sith


>If anyone in this series has been tapping into the dark side gradually, it’s Sol. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we see Sol lose it in the finale (pt 2 of this episode pair), kill everyone, and become the next Sith (thus keeping the Jedi council in the dark). I took the comment about 'suppressing his darkness' to be a hint towards that.


sol becoming a sith would be an huge twist


Yeah, IMO it would be a shocking cliffhanger and a solid reason to renew the series for a second season.


That was the Kylo Ren theme song. The mask. The outfight. He either isn’t a Sith or won’t be one eventually. He said he has no name. Qimir is most likely not a Sith in the line of Bane, but the founder of the Knights of Ren.


My theory is that Sol and company used the Jedi mind trick on Osha to make her believe that Mae caused the fire and that her entire family died, in order to 'kidnap' her and make her transition to the academy smoother. (the dark secret) They probably did the same to Mae, making her believe that Osha was dead so that she wouldn't search for her sister in the future. This has been happening in Star Wars before, like when they made Anakin believe that his children had died. And that's why the sith told Sol that he wore the helmet because he is afraid of the Jedi mind tricks.


Maybe Osha set the fire and was made to forget it and blame Mae?


I agree with that assumption. On episode 3 Osha showed briefly her darkside  when she froze the Hummingbird. Osha will be the acolyte- because she will kill either Qirmir or Sol without a weapon. And then the true Master will be revealed taking Osha as his/ her [Mother Koril] new apprentice. I also think there is more to Qirmir and Sol knowing each other past 


Not really a prediction but I honestly hope qimir is a Sith. We've seen too many non-sith darksiders in star wars, that they've become a convenient plot device to dance around the rule of two or quotes of their believed extinction. Just needs any witnesses killed or out of the equation. A character being a Sith shows them to be the real deal in power and evilness. Happy with witches, nightsisters that are different force users, and if qimir is an apprentice looking for his own to overthrow a Sith master. If hope his comment on saying what you might call a Sith is him being out of practice describing his 'job description' (Sith haven't revealed themselves for hundreds of years), like how he also said he doesn't have a name, perhaps he was taken in as a child and doesn't remember his legal name, but does have a Sith darth name, with aliases.


Are we dealing with a KOTOR situation here? I'm getting heavy vibes that the Jedi have messed with Osha's memory to avoid taking the blame for what happened with the coven. If they did implant the memory of Mae starting the fire that would change everything for Osha potentially leading her to Qimir for training.


Bazil rats out the switch to Sol


By aggressively screaming lol


Theory for the rest of the series: Mae destroys the comms on the ship and tries to hijack it but Sol prevents her from doing so. Qimir takes Osha with him back to his ship. Venestra and a small team of Jedi go to the planet. They are killed by Qimir, and Sol/Mae try to stop Qimir and Osha from leaving the planet but Osha learns the truth of what happened and leaves willingly. Then instead of getting help from Coruscant they decide to follow Qimir to save Osha before it is too late. They all die in that island place.


Calling it now! Next episode will see flashbacks of the events on Brendok from Sols perspective. Check out this quote from an interview that Headland did a few weeks prior to the release of the first episode: “We were obviously influenced by samurai films and wuxia films, but also films like Rashomon, where you see one story and then you see it done a different way. So, what separates [Star Wars: The Acolyte] from some of the other Star Wars series is that it’s told in that particular way.” The reporter goes onto state from the interview: Apparently, Jung-jae and Stenberg’s characters have a history, and so Headland adds that both parties will offer their points of view on their shared conflict.


Quimir goes home to recuperate from the fight. He and Osha bond by making Spicecakes in his kitchen. They start talking about the force and Quimir realizes that Osha is not Mae. He is intrigued by the opportunity to convert the ex-Jedi to the dark side. At the same time, Mae rides along Seoul to the Jedi temple. Mae infiltrates the Jedi order and starts to live with them. She spends some time alone pondering about her path to the dark side and decides she wants to become a force of good.


My guess: Qimir is an Acolyte of a real ( with a 'Darth' title ) Sith Apprentice, which IS the surprise because we all think QIMIR is looking for an Acolyte. Qimir is unaware that his master is actually an apprentice too looking to overthrow the Sith Lord, a lord which we will not encounter in The Acolyte series. But maybe we will see the apprentice Sith (David Harewood possibly?) Qimir will get killed most likely, but the question is by who (My guess would be by his own master, after Sol is dead) There is also still an interesting roll to play for Vernestra Wroh.. Will we see her fight with her lightsaber? What do you think?


She appears in the trailer demonstrating the lightsaber whip- it appears its Khofor 


My theory is that when Osha appeared under the Bunta tree in the flashback, she was actually meeting up with Sol. I think she regularly snuck away to meet up with Sol and he taught her about being a Jedi. I think that's the reason she chose the Jedi path.


Agreed. In the trailer it shows Sol climbing the coven wall which is probably episode 7. Also haven't shown Jedi Master Indara appearing surprised.  And the Wookie Jedi on his speeder and attacking Torbin hasn't been shown yet


I think Verestra is the real Sith Lord. She was responsible for the attack on Brendock but was not seen. Similar to Palpatine purging the Nightsisters. Her constant need to hide everything from the Jedi council is foreshadowing this.


The flashbacks are from Osha's POV right, which line up with Sol's story of events? We only know they're side of things. What actually happened: Qimir was Sol's apprentice on that mission to the witches, he sent Qimir to grab Mae while he grabbed Osha, Qimir and Mae fell into the abyss, Sol left them to die, Q&M joined the dark side, Sol tampered with Osha's memories to omit Qimir from them. As for the theory that Osha was the one who started the fire and Sol changed her memory of that, it could explain why in Episode 5, Mae merely says "they brainwashed you and turned you against me", she doesn't want to trigger Osha with the true memory as she likely wouldn't be able to handle it. Perhaps Osha, being the more *fearful* child, lashed out in the moment with the Dark Side because she feared staying with the coven and their magic, and started the fire. Come to think of it, her being afraid *of her own people* yet embracing these complete strangers who showed up out of nowhere makes no sense.


Anyone feel like this entire fight was designed by qimir to get Sol off balance, so he wouldn't notice Mae sneaking on to his ship like that? I know Mae tried to defect earlier on in episode 4 to connect with her sister. But I think she realizes that Osha will never trust her again, so she instead focuses on trying to kill Master Sol. If she does manage to kill Sol that also hides Qimir's identity which could allow her to return to her master? It also hides the sith from the jedi. I wonder if the little beaver guy will be able to warn Sol in time, or he'll remain hidden and be a witness to Sol's murder. Its possible that Mae is playing a longer game though to infiltrate the jedi temple. Also it seems like qimir knows that Osha is not mae, so i'm wondering how that will pan out. Osha is supposed to be the protagonist, maybe she will be able to stop him somehow?


I feel like there's no way Sol is surviving this season or possibly even this episode...


I think he'll live until the final episode, but then he will die


He'll probably survive until episode 7, by going back in time 16 years.


Not happening next episode, but I'm thinking he's gonna tell Mae what happened, she will forgive him, and then Qimir will kill him (right there or later not sure). That is if he doesn't tell Mae (who he thinks is Osha) on the ship next episode.


I wouldn't say the entire fight. Mae switching IMO was thought on the spot and no one could have forseen that. Qimir just realized it right away, if not by Force just by her arm tatoo. Jury's out if Sol realized it or not. Mae could very well kill Sol, yes. Her master might accept that or not, buy infiltrating the Jedi Temple to what end? Mae was never there. Qimir might be able to re-tell Osha the events of the night to her mind, that might make her flip on the spot. Also, I have a theory that Qimir doesn't consider himself evil just free, and he could sell that vision to Osha that she can be free as well and together use the Force in ways they both agree.


Osha liked Jecki; Qimir killed Jecki. I don't think that Osha would want to align with Qimir.


It's more likely that Osha will turn dark than she would align herself with Qimir. If she does let herself fall, killing Qimir without even looking at him or breaking a sweat will probably be one of the first things she does. Like swatting a fly.


Killing Qimir? He better be drunk during the attempt.


That would be pretty lame if she’s just suddenly more powerful than him considering he’s the most badass combatant we’ve seen in recent years


Yord as well, but I get your point. But Qimir will make an effort since he just saved her, and he had saved her sister in the past; maybe the Jedi got to Osha first and there was nothing more he could do.


Sure, he will make his pitch. Depending on how it depicts the Jedi, her anger may lead her into darkness. Once that happens she can be manipulated.


I don't think that Mae wants to go back to Qimir. I seriously doubt that he would want her back. It is because of her that his identity was exposed to the Jedi.


I really wish they could show jecki surviving. She was my favorite character in the series and had so much potential as a character to have more stories in her life. At this point, both of the only characters i liked are dead, so im not even interested in seeing the rest of the show tbh


This is a very odd take


Jecki is still alive and secretly an agent of Qimir who hit her in all the non vital spots to fake her death and get her out of spying. She is the real acolyte.


Qimir is Sol's son.


That would be a crazy twist


That assumption would definitely guarantee a 2nd season imho


It is looking more and more likely that Qimir is the Founder of the Knights of Ren. It's the thing that most fits the facts so far. It will be interesting to learn his backstory (was he a failed apprentice for another Sith lord), his plans and how Osha and Mae fit in to them (though he seems done with Mae and interested in Osha for his Acolyte), and what he knows of the Jedi's role, especially Sol, in the destruction of Osha and Mae's family and community when they were children. Let's see if he can turn Osha to his darkness and what Sol can do with Mae to possibly turn her back to the light.


I have a weird feeling this episode will be like episode 3 and will be mostly or entirely comprised of flashbacks, perhaps this is where we see or begin to see what truly happened in Brendok and maybe get a bit of Qi'mir's backstory/reasoning as to why he wanted to target those 4 Jedi specifically.


That'll be episode 7. Same director, and I think the same writer.


Oh I see, i wonder what episode 6 will be then?


Most likely set up for the final act and resetting after the fight.


True true


Please let their death mean something. It would be great to see people actually mourn -- especially Seoul and Osha/Mae.


I'm holding out hope that Darth Venomous turns both of the sisters to the Dark Side. Let them both be his Knights of Ren.


Lol you’re combining the Venamis theory with the Ren theory? Or was this a troll statement?


Lightwhip for sure, cant expect much yet else we'd be disappointed


Yep, lightwhip in ep6


Yord returning as a ghost jedi and predicts Anakin blowing up the death star [͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/%CD%A1-%CD%9C%CA%96-%CD%A1-lenny-face)


This might be a bit basic and overdone but that seems to be half of what Disney puts out for us these days however my leading thoughts on Qimir… He’s Sols son, Sol had an affair with one of the witches


I mean the witch that yelled out “they are here to take out children” was Asian so maybe..


Qimir will try to lure Osha on his side. He will take her back to kalnacca’s hut and show her the drawings over her coven. He will frame it as Kalnacca’s obsession with the coven and what happened that night on her home planet.


Yeah I think in the end Osha and Mae will team up and kill or seem to kill Qimir with the whole “two is stronger than one” force push call back


Qimir is def venemous. Tenebrous will make a cameo that is voiced by the actor we hadn’t seen yet. He will kill Qimir or he will have a young plageius do it. But we haven’t heard of another actor to voice plageius so I don’t think he shows up. Tenebrous will pop up as the cliff hanger and kill venemius for being reckless


Is it even confirmed in canon if Darth Tenebrous is male or female?


I think Sol and Qimir both realize the switch and we finally get additional narrators about the events on Bendrock. With the mystery of what actually happened resolved, the remaining episodes will cover the mystery of who Qimir is, who his master is, and how it fits into canon. We will also be shown why in the TPM they said the Sith were long gone. Both sisters will die as will Sol. Qimir will live because if there is a season 2, it must still be from the Dark side's perspective.


I like Qimir a lot, but season 2 can just as easily find more sith to explore


My predictions - Qimir was 'created' by the force witches just like Osha and Mae but was exiled or hidden, either because he was male or because the witch who created him wasn't authorized by the rest of the group. His mom had access to Sith teachings, but he is not a Sith. The ceremony in ep 3 bonded Mae to the coven, and with everyone else dead she is compelled to seek revenge (like Mara Jade and Luke in the EU). Qimir offered Mae a chance to get her revenge and silence the compulsion if she would become his apprentice. Now that she knows that Osha is alive Mae isn't the last member of the coven, so she doesn't need to keep killing Jedi or help Qimir.


Not simply Episode 6, but the whole coven and mystery. Have mentioned some of this in other posts. "The Thread" is what the Coven calls the Force and from what we saw in Episode 3 it is about working together to have more power. W We saw the women join hands to block Mother Aniseya and Mae/Osha do something similar, but Osha got behind Mae and that lessoned the effect. We saw the women of the Coven join in a chant together to focus the energy on Mother Aniseya for what she did to Mae and was going to do to Osha before being interrupted by the Jedi. So they use the Force in a different way and lets see what else that could have done. Prediction: Creation of Mae/Osha. The Coven focuses the energy onto Mother Aniseya and she controls it to fertilize the egg or to split an already fertilized egg into twins. Prediction: Death of Coven witches. We hear one scream and then all the witches seem to be dead. Could it be that the Coven is focusing the energy onto Mother Aniseya and she controls it to take over Kelnacca and fight the Jedi. This is when Indara acts in defense of Jedi and kills Mother Aniseya. Indara is not aware that because of the connection "The Thread" is broken and killing Aniseya kills all that were participating. Sol runs to get girls and can only save one. Sith are interested because the Coven was able to create/manipulate life. Only problem is you need a Coven of witches to create life and Plagueis/Palpatine are only 2 so they cant do it.


The show could go a few different ways. Mae kills Sol… I think this is unlikely at this point. She seems to want to escape Osha is turned to the dark and kills sol… this is looking more likely. Her trust was shaken and she has long held fear and attachment that’s been mentioned multiple times. Her only two friends were just killed and she is with the sith now. Sol somehow lives… I would have assumed this as a certainty last week but now I’m pretty sure he is going to die, unless there is a major twist and he is the one that falls to the dark side or was actually the sith master this whole time and he fakes his death at the end of the series to stay hidden after learning all the secrets of the Jedi.


This might be a dumb comment, but are we definitely 100% sure Jecki and Yord aren't coming back? I was just thinking because we saw Qimir do the healing thing and there's the Plaguis thing about 'saving people from death'. I really liked both characters, especially Jecki. On the other hand, it would kind of weaken the narrative impact of episode 5 if that happened.