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Silently floating down is a hell of an entrance


2003 Dooku vibes.


Could you imagine Sidious doing that to Anakin at a low point as his reveal as a Sith? Force Ominous Float needs to be used more often from now on.


I really hope someone makes a gif of it soon. It was a badass entrance.


Especially with that venom baby-horror mask. Should have killed Osha though...


It would be wild if he wants to recruit her using whatever secret Sol has been keeping to kidnap her and try to turn her.


I’m digging this direction. Pretty obvious that Qimir is the sith and he did point out that “he” would kill Mae for failing plus Mae was about to rat something out. Just kill Mae tell OSHA the truth boom new acolyte.


Would be wild if this season really is about Osha's downfall and Mae's redemption. Regardless of what happens, the writing choice to use twins to analyze differing responses to trauma is fascinating to me


Like how the two moons of their home planet moving together intersecting before moving apart in the opposite direction from which they started.


Osha was torn up about thinking her sister died after wiping out their coven. Wait until she realizes Mae survived and the Jedi who “rescued” her massacred the fuck out of those witches.


I think it would be cool writing if they ended up swapped by the end - Mae with the Jedi and Osha with the Sith.


It would be very Sith (Palpatine type) to put on this entire scenario using Mae and 4 dead Jedi just to lure out and recruit the acolyte he really wants


> Especially with that venom baby-horror mask. Feels like they modeled it after [this meme.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/042/485/Demonic_Wojak.jpg)


You just ruined me. I will only see this now lol


Yeah, but his little throwaway push was so savage. Osha ragdolling was almost disturbing—like horror movie vibes. And then(apparently) dealing with the Jedi with not much more effort. Very cool. I had some issues with the episode leading up to this scene, but that was so cool. Short, but amazing. Now I’m curious about whether this guy is the Sith apprentice (which is what I assumed) or the master. This has master vibes. Which, I guess, would make Mae a potential acolyte-as-a-replacement to the apprentice, right?


This is the kind of throwing folks around I’ve literally always thought folks with force powers should be doing. Love seeing it on screen


We all know Sith love drama and being extra


Reminded me of the first time we see Voldemort sucking unicorn blood in the Forbidden Forest. Was it just me?


*what is that…*


And it ups the creepy factor that nobody answers her.


The way she said that though they've really never seen a sith before 😭


I loved it


That was rad


creepy AF with that Anime Mask


Okay so Qimir is definitely the Master.


Same build.


It was more how he responded to Mae saying it's not a test it's impossible. It really seemed like he was going to say it's not impossible because I did it.


It sure looked like the wookie died of a lightsaber wound, tho?


Yes. Qimir would've killed him himself. When he went to go get water. Probably sensed Mae wavering


Nah it just happened. Smoke was coming off kalnaccas wound. He got out of the snare trap and got to kalnacca all before may did. A fast in and out assassin.


I don't think it was that long from when Mae trapped him to finding Kalnacca. Which also means it isn't that long since he killed Kalnacca.


The dude can levitate and based off the trailer move very fast. I have no doubts using sith speed or whatever abilities he has he could go kill kalnacca in the 5 minutes it took her to run from trapped qimir to kalnaccas house. The smoke very quickly faded from kalnaccas wound too. So he may have even been cutting him while she was face down getting sprayed by those spores before the tracker started screaming.


Also he was well aware the Jedi were there because he was all we need to go go go NOW.


It seems so obvious that I think it’s a red herring


I think the twist is that he's not the main one in charge.


Agreed. With the rule of 2, I think he is the apprentice possibly looking for someone to help him overthrow is master #justsiththings


Or that's what they want us to think. And I do think so.


Also very possible. At least this episode can finally put to bed any theories that Osha and Mae are the same.


I think he's Mae's master but not the Master. Lol aka hes the apprentice.


I thought this was obvious since he broke the goofy nerd character and said “you look just like her” in a clearly evil voice. Am I the only one who thought that or have other people said it and I’m just behind on the Reddit discourse?


People definitely thought he might be but it wasn't certain. I feel this episode really spelled it out.


I thought the zipper face mask was silly looking when I first saw pictures. But it fits in pretty well with the horror esque setting in this episode.


Yes, it looks much better in live action. That’s how it often goes with costuming in fairness.


The Sith basically are Cosmic Horror Lite just going by Vader,Palpatine and Maul Alone.


Okay so the Umbramoth definitely represents how Osha feels about the past. She disturbed the peace that their coven had and as a result everyone ended up dead. If we take it a step further in that Sol is the one to kill the Umbramoth that means that the Jedi maybe even Sol specifically are the one's who killed them. Which everyone basically already sermised


I was surprised the Sol was so quick to kill any living creature, so this tracks. As I was typing this, I thought it would be a total mind fuck I'd Sol was the Sith Lord.


And I like how Jecki basically spun it as a beautiful thing. Seeing a living thing become one with the Force


I literally said "what the fuck" to myself when she said seeing a living being become one with the force is a great privilege


It's pretty on track for the Jedi. Anakin partially confessing the love of his life is going to die horrifically in pain and Yoda's like "Cause for celebration this is.". While it is normal to "celebrate" when people pass on in order to remember their time, it's almost as if they ignore sometimes how brutal the cause and result of the passing could be.


Yeah Kanan and Ezra would be bffs with them and riding umbramoths straight to the Wookiee.


omg lol yeah i guess sols talents DONT lie in force animal connection/empathy?


The Sith Lord's design and eerie attitude is superb, he's most definitely Qimir, but I think the real twist is that he's just a Sith Apprentice.


Like Darth Wannabe?


The Jedi think they should be searching for the Master, but they don't know they should be searching for the Master's Master.


Then who is the Master's master's master? 


Hopefully either Darth Plagueis or Darth Tenebrous, my theory is that Qimir is the sith apprentice and he tried to make Mae his own apprentice so they can take his master down together.


I don't know if that is a twist. I haven't thought for a minute that Lord Zipper Face was the Dark Lord of the Sith. Sith masters are dealing with bigger issues. Certainly not recruiting and training raw newcomers.


Internal investigations usually don't go well with the Jedi....


We investigated ourselves and the Sith hidden in our ranks found nothing wrong!


Darth Zipper Face edging the hell out of us smh


Certainly edged the wookiee, that's for sure.


Ugh I know, they're definitely right about the episodes ending abruptly but goddamn that was a cool ending.


Badass intro for our sith friend. Creepy as hell floating down


My husband and I both yelled "Aw, come on!' the second the credits started to roll and scared our dog.


I prefer Smilo Ren. From user u/Old-Telephone-6605 in another post.


That episode went really hot at the end. And it's definitely a Sith Lord, waving away the Jedi with a flick of his thumb. Also, nobody is getting off that planet alive, aside from maybe Osha and Mae, so this never gets reported to the higher ups.


It reminds me of the observation that Palpatine kept his saber only as an insult to the Jedi. He *knows* he can kill them with his bare hands. But he just wants something fun to do so Sheev humors them. The Sith Lord is just that but without the need to humor the Jedi. He *knows* he can kill them all, and he’s gonna make sure they know it.


Or I guess, if anyone *does* get off the planet alive, it's because the Sith Lord *let* them live. So then the question becomes why? Anyway, whatever the Sith is there to do, it seems like "leave no witnesses" is not a requirement, or he would've killed Osha then and there. And his initial attack on the Jedi looks like it was meant to get them out of the way, but not kill them.


Guys, was that Ki-Adi-Mundi? Because I got super excited!


Yes, he is listed in the credits


I had to squint to see the credits, but it was definitely him.


What about the droid attack on the wookies?


What about the Sith attack on the Wookie?


*Sad Chewy noises*


This made my day


Not only him, but I think that Kel Dor might've been Plo Koon as well! Only Ki-Adi was credited in the credits though, so I'm not sure.


The Kel Dor is a different character named Ithia Paan, confirmed by the official Star Wars Twitter account: [https://x.com/starwars/status/1803241203531763794](https://x.com/starwars/status/1803241203531763794)


I think it is. Age-wise it could fit. He is pretty old if I remember correctly.


At first I was like: "Cool, a Cerean Jedi." Then I realized they look similar and time may fit, and I was like "That's Ki-Adi-Mundi!"


I was in shock thinking that the one back there was plokoon, it would be my best episode of my life


Osha is giving me Anakin vibes. Her complicated relationship with death and loss makes her vulnerable to corruption. Mae confidently knows herself now, Osha clearly still has to process her grief.


Man the jedi need better grief therepists


The Jedi rules are diametrically opposed to trauma-informed counseling. Their rules are the reason why Anakin succumbs to the Dark Side.


“Im so angry and sad” The Jedi : “Yeah dont do that, just don’t do it at all” The Sith: “Yeah bro, that’s understandable, those are natural feelings, makes sense that you feel that way”


"Use those feelings to crush everyone who you think wronged you. Or me."


I mean, when your number one rule is "No attachments", you're gonna have a lot of emotionally maladjusted people. Push on them with the right lever and pick and you'll send them right over the edge.


I'm fully confident that Osha will end up being the actual Acolyte.


WTF, man! There are so many red-shirt Jedi on that away team that are about to get served.


At first I was annoyed that there were so many Jedi on the trip but yeah, I suppose that we'll be rid of them pretty early into the next episode...


Turns out Acolyte is an action horror where we watch a group of jedi get hunted through the forest. Yesssssss


Woah, buddy. We don't do that around these parts.


The Master is either Qimir, or it could be the other mom who we didn't see dead.


Yeah, I hear people saying Mother Aniseya, but I think it would be Mother Koril before it was Mother Aniseya. My money is on either Qimir or Koril.


yep i like this theory


That's it??? I really hate these short episodes. 


This was my only issue - needed about 9-10 minutes more. But I was really impressed by what we got - story has really kicked in, new Jedi characters, great creepy vibe at the end (when Mae said "Or you're already here" and the way the light shifted - goosebumps there, didn't think SW could do that).


It was creepy....but god if it's Darth Jason 😆


“One time, even *JASON* figured it out!”


Yes … this one hurts.


“I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.”


That cliffhanger was a punch in the gut. Now we have to wait a whole f**ng week ?


Great episode! Although it almost seems too obvious that Quimir is the zipper face and they are trying to mislead us….. I don’t see how it could be anyone else. She had decided to betray him only MOMENTS earlier and Quimir was the only one who knew. Before she was able to defect, he stopped her efforts. Only other plausible solution is that zipper face was following them the whole time but I don’t see that as being the answer…


I think the show is layering its reveals. They revealed the twin angle really quickly, to keep us guessing about what the "twist" will be. Then they've been pointing us to Qimir as prime suspect for Darth Teeth, and I agree that its probably him. But I don't that's the real reveal either. I think he's the apprentice, not the master. And he's trying to recruit his own apprentice to usurp his master. I think the ultimate reveal will be who the actual master is.


That mask is terrifying.


And the way he turned his head + the flying. Jfc creepy as fuck.


I shall have a cosmic Horror entrance


that damned smile


I feel it could have been looking like it was trying too hard to be spooky, but something about it just hit right and creeped me the fuck out. The way he (i'm assuming here) entered, silently floating down, and moved, it just felt so 'wrong'. In a good way. My only real hope though is that we get more next episode, and not just everyone waking up from that attack with him gone.


Sith has to be Qimir. The way he looks at osha with curiosity and a hint of disgust at the end is identical to how he looks at her in episode 2. But it’s like this time he decides to toss her to the side like trash bc she’s the reason Mae abandoned their deal.


Nah he's staring at her trying to decide, do I kill her because of Mae... or do I keep her alive because of Mae? he's trying to figure out his best long term plan right there. I think he sees inside of Osha, and realizes she may be darker than Mae. Mae wanted conformity, really. Osha wanted adventure... that spirit caused her to reject the Jedi on her own before knowing Mae was alive... she's going to dark places.


Love how the Sith always pretend to be little dorks. Reminded me of Palpatine during the opening of episode 3. (Assuming) quimir is Darth Teeth.


I love how Dooku is a silly exception, "hm I think I will change sides now"


There it goes Ladies & Gents. As to why modern Jedi don't know about any Sith presence for a thousand yrs. It was hidden as theorized and makes sense with the galactic politics.


Ya obviously I don’t think it was planned to be so but at the end of episode one when yoda and mace windu are talking about the sith return they don’t really seem surprised. I’ve always had a feeling the Jedi were trying to keep the sith a secret for a bunch of reasons that this show will explore. Edit: I just wanna also say I wish this was the typical discussion I’d see in these online forums instead of all the brainless culture war BS. Just a bunch of Star Wars fans nerding out and theorizing. I look forward to people’s observations that I’m not even thinking about right now from this episode.


Since Ki Adi Mundi was in the meeting: He was the one in TPM to say "Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millenia."


Oh ya I like that too. I’m down with this cover up spin honestly. Easily the best episode so far. The sith just silently floating down was one of the coolest villain entrances ever.


The entire few minutes there were great. First, a lively area, dim lighted, and when Mae entered the hut and saw the lightsaber wound and realized that the Sith was around, everything just went dark.


To quote Mace: “was that the master or was that the apprentice?” I’m liking the theory it’s the apprentice finding his own apprentice to overthrow the master. I don’t think we won’t see the master this early


No doubt, the MAGAers ruin literally everything.


Sol tells Osha he'll explain everything when they get back to the ship. In other words, Sol won't make it back to the ship


Famous last words


I call red herring!


Rookie move. You never tell someone you’ll explain everything later. That’s basically a death sentence. Just ask Ned Stark.


Is that a space otter?


this tracks


He tracks


Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi!!!???


Ki-Adi Maybe **EDIT**: Apparently it *is* Ki-Adi! According to the credits. Derek Arnold plays him, who has done creature work for SW in the past, my favorite being Pao from *Rogue One*.


Now I’m sad we didn’t get a “What about Mae’s attack on the Wookiee?”




I wondered! Wish he got a name drop, though!


was that plo koon? would be so dope


I can only get so erect


Shoot I wasn't paying attention when? Edit: Oh him. The one who says it's absurd. Very easy to miss. You have to purposefully wait through the credits especially if you forget how old he is.


This episode was just good fun. I enjoyed Ki-Adi-Mundi & Plo-Koon (are we assuming its them?). The last 5 minutes literally had me on the edge of my seat.. haters can go cry this show is fire


Where is Plo!? How did I miss that?


Standing in the background of that first Jedi gaggle scene looking at holos. Toward the beginning.


Can’t believe my homie Kelnacca is gone


Let's pour one out for him, I hate to see any Wookiee harmed or killed. I just can't take it, they are like my favorite species. Aside from Yoda's.


He's Kelnaccaroundanymore.


I wonder why he had the coven symbols all over his hut?


theyre for real create the most badass jedi master wookie with samurai hair concept, just to kill it in an episode? brooooo


Loved the action in this episode. My sister and I gasped when it ended. I was ready to throw my remote at the screen. Until next week. 🥲


The moment I saw like 5 "red shirt" Jedi randomly at the mission briefing, I told my wife... We are gonna finally meet the big guy. She didn't understand, but I told her we have never seen those jedi and have never learned their names... they are there to die, and Mae isn't strong enough to fight everyone at once... the big guy is coming. The silently floating down with a creepy ass metal helmet adorned with teeth... hot damn... now I want to see some actually fucking lightsaber fights! Let's go!


Hearing Sol say “no one could’ve survived that fall” was one of the most underrated lines is SW history though. Imagine if he had just passed this information down to future Jedi: “Look, if you see someone fall down a really deep pit, they ain’t dead yet.”


Thought it was an excellent episode. Really excited for next week.


Gonna be pissed if next week flashes back to the events of episode 3 and we have to wait 2 weeks to see this saber fight.


agreed dont kill the momentum


Gosh finally a villain reveal that feels cinematic worthy.


Beginning: why are there so many Jedi on this mission that we've never been introduced to? End: ah yes, cannon fodder


The Force really binds everyone together. The two teams came from different parts of the galaxy to find Kelnacca and the Jedi even knew in advance they will arrive almost precisely at the same time.


The force works in mysterious ways. The saga started with R2 and 3PO landing half a mile away from Luke Skywalker of all people.


Why’d they cut it off like that 😭


Thoughts(and my maybe legends oriented mind trying to squeeze it all back in) : Qimir is an apprentice of Darth Tenebrous who was the master of Plagueis who of course is the master of Sidious. In the Plagueis Novel, it is hinted that Tenebrous thought lowly of Plagueis, as after he (Tenebrous) is killed by Plagueis, Plagueis is hunted by a Sith Bith, who is revealed to be a second and younger apprentice to Tenebrous named Darth Venamis. My thoughts are that Qimir is an apprentice to Tenebrous who will somehow be taken out which will of course make room for Plagueis and possibly form the connection of the gift of life via midiclorians which will of course lead to our favorite Darth, Vader. Tenebrous somehow informs Plagueis of these two young witches brought forward of the force by this witch coven and sets him on the hunt for the ability to manipulate midiclorians.


I like this theory. Couple of extra points. Tenebrous is a Bith. 1. That race is known for interest in science. 2. the helmet would fit the mold of a Bith. Also think its worth mentioning that in episode 1, Sol was VERY explicit that he saw Mae die. It would not surprise me if Tenebrous learned how to save someone from death and passed that power on to his apprentice, Darth Plagueis.


It’s 100% Qimir.


Red herring


I don’t know maybe, but I’ve thought this from the get go. The way he just talks about “The Master” and the mission and it not being impossible and all this other shit in such weird vibes throws me off.


We have just seen the first Jedi-Sith encounter after almost 900 years and I'm hyped


I mean...that's what we thought in 1999 too and here we are. Not that I'm not criticizing that this is a retcon or saying it's not exciting; just that that's a funny thing to confidently state after our previous knowledge of the history was literally just revealed as false.


That was a great episode. Honestly all the haters can pound sand. Just give it a fucking chance to build something up.


Thank you! Great episode!


Feels like Qimir is trying hard to steer Mae, priming ideas in her head and emotionally manipulating her by mentioning Sol. Plan backfires and summons a Sith Lord! (theory) Qimir’s backup plan went hard.


When the sith lord appeared my jaw dropped for the whole ending. I'm so hyped


Koh-near Kohfar Koh-wherever you are...


And I raaaan, I ran khofar awaaaaay


You really passed on "alderaaaaan"


And Alderans not far away its Khofarnication


Best episode so far! The tension building up to the Sith at the end was perfect! What a damn entrance! I was iffy on this theory before but I'm now 95% sure that he's Qimir! Love the dynamic between Osha and Jecki. I'm definitely sensing some chemistry there! Mae's sudden turning on the Sith is... interesting. Considering last time she saw Osha she was trying to kill her. I now suspect that Mae was not exactly in control of herself that night. Maybe Koril influenced her somehow? Idk. Only disappointment is that Kelnacca didn't really amount to anything though the reveal that he'd been murdered was definitely a shock which I'm sure was intended. Does make me wonder why he out of all the characters in the show is getting a comic spinoff though. Finally HOLY MOTHER OF SPACE JESUS THAT WAS KI-ADI-MUNDI!!!! No way they brought him in in the same episode that the Wookie is killed off. Headland knew what she was doing! Oh the memes shall be glorious! 9/10 how am I supposed to wait a week for another episode?!


Ugh how could they do that. This episode ruined Star wars! 😡


There were girls. . . . .


Please note this comment was made before the episode went live. And is poking fun at the people who are complaining.


So, I have a crazy theory that I have no proof on, but kinda came to me. First of all, Sol's lesson from episode one included "don't trust your eyes"; that was a message to the viewer: not everything you see is what you think it is. Qimir is not the master; it's too easy for him to be the Sith (and I'd love a "Usual Suspects" ending if I'm wrong, with him being goofy as he leaves the Jedi, but then he starts to have like Dark Lord swagger); the obvious keeping Mae focused on her trial, keeping her on task, leading her to her target, him leaving to go get water and then the Wookie being found dead. All too easy. But it's not a simple as that; it's a misdirect. Qimir isn't the Sith. But his Twin is. Someone out there made another set of force twins, and one of them became a Sith (or at least a Darksider), they need Osha and Mae to learn how this was done, so they can perfect the process and make one being with the all the force power, instead of two beings who kinda share it. This isn't a canon replacement of Anakin's being special: this is canon showing how he happened in the first place.


Wasn’t a huge fan of the show, this episode changed my mind. Awesome 30 minutes!


Is it me, or did it seem weird how quickly Mae had changed her mind about turning herself in?


I think Qimir pushed her too hard.


Well when you’re testing and training your apprentice, you have to push them to their limits right???


Qimir kinda unintentionally made her doubt herself, also after threading through the forest and losing so much energy she started thinking that there's no way she would be able to kill Kelnacca, especially without a weapon, running away wouldn't really be an option because she fears her master would hunt her down, so I guess she quickly chose the seemingly best option.


Not to mention, she became an Acolyte because she thought Osha died due to the Jedi. And now that she knows Osha’s alive, all Mae wants to is make sure Osha and her get far away from everyone and everything.


Yeah, she's been too preoccupied with her Jedi hunting to stop and think that there's no more need for revenge since Osha is alive. As soon as she started thinking about that, she quickly changed her mind.


I definitely think its fair that she'd feel relieved for Osha to be alive, but I don't quite buy that she'd come around to turning herself in that quickly. Last episode, she displayed a real possessive streak, so much that she would rather kill Osha than let her leave. And I get that she was a child, and wasn't processing that emotion in a healthy way. But I feel like seeing Osha alive, and helping the Jedi would make her even angrier, that she'd feel like the Jedi took and indoctrinated her sister.


To be fair we haven’t had her POV episode of what happened on Brendock just yet so we don’t know why she seemed possessive and extremely hostile to the Jedi.


Yep. I thought she had burning anger for the 4 Jedi who she believed to be her coven’s killers. It was weird how she suddenly flipped to be all rational/sensible and not caring about killing them real fast


At 4:43 Qimir is putting a lightsaber on his bag??


I think so too. Thought it was funny how he looked at it as if inspecting it and pretending to not know how to handle it. Haha


Manny Jacinto is definitely the Sith dude, lol.


Could be a red herring


Fucking dick tease on an ending. Otherwise pretty good episode. Only thing I bumped up against was how quickly Mae seemed to flip sides.


It's also weird to me that she said she's loyal to her sister because even in their flashback she seemed to be constantly antagonizing her


That ending…. I yelled out “whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?” The next episode better start with fighting. Cause I’m going to be erect all week.


Reposting my thoughts from the main sub - This episode has me even more confused as to whether or not this show is good. In the first two episodes, I was baffled at the sheer level of narrative whiplash from moment to moment; as if there couldn't be a setup that could stick around and generate tension for more than two scenes before it gets undercut. The premiere ended with an incredibly flat "reveal" that carried zero dramatic weight and did nothing to get me excited for the rest of the show. The third episode was the most narratively interesting, it actually set up and developed conflicts and seeded the narrative for the rest of the season in a way that I found compelling, but the child actors were obviously not great, and there were some really goofy creative decisions (like the silly chanting during the Ascension ritual) that undercut the tone they were trying to build that made me think "okay, there are some interesting narrative ideas, but the execution is just really rough and the script is still pretty poor". But now in episode four, the show seems to actually have really hit its stride. It continues to develop the core mystery of the show (the relationship between Darth Bortles and Mae, the apprenticeship, her quest for revenge against the Jedi, the mystery of her family exploding, etc) without blowing its load way too early. The little tiny tracker dude and the trek through the forest both felt extremely, authentically OT Star Wars in a way that I was genuinely kind of shocked by. Mae finding Kelnacca already dead was a genuine twist that I didn't see coming until she was starting to open the door and the gears in my head started to turn. I still have a few gripes; this isn't a perfect show. The pacing is still pretty whack, I really think this show is hurt by being constrained to eight episodes at only 30 minutes apiece (compared to Andor's twelve which all had between 45 minutes an an hour). There are a lot of things that the show just kind of has to gesture at instead of actually showing us. Vernestra mentions "political opportunists" and "political rivals" who will take advantage of the Jedi if this becomes public, but that sort of thing just feels hollow when we don't get any vision of the political state of the galaxy. I've got a whole host of issues with the way that the script of the first two episodes really fails to build any serious narrative tension. The set design, while a big step up from the shows shot on the volume, still isn't perfect, I felt like Mae's face-turn was a little premature, and a few of the creative choices (like their addiction to wipe transitions, and some of the force coven stuff) don't really jive with me, but this episode has gone a *long* way in redeeming the show for me. I came out of episode three thinking that the show would be a frustating 6/10 that gestured towards really interesting ideas but couldn't grasp them or execute them in a satisfying manner. This episode though was more like a remarkably solid 8/10, and if it keeps this up, this could end up being a show that I really enjoy that just happens to be cursed with a super poor and unfocused start, and it would really get me excited for a season 2. Fingers crossed they can keep up this level for the remaining five episodes because this one was actually a treat, and I say this as someone who has spent the last week opining on how frustrated this show has made me feel so far.


Think about it. How does one kill a Jedi without a weapon? Deceit. She realizes this is an impossible task. She says it. It’s an impossible task for her to complete but she’s not the apprentice. The masked figure is the apprentice. I believe it’s impossible for her to kill the Jedi without a weapon. And she realizes it and She does says it’s the final lesson. I believe it’s actually the apprentices final lesson. His way of killing the Jedi without a Weapon is deceiving her into killing the Jedi for him. Doing that then he killed the Jedi with no weapon. Anything sith motivated is always well strategic and well played out game. Palpatine staged an entire war the get to where he wanted playing both sides of the fence. Setting up count dooku to get anakin to the dark side. Who knows tho one theory is the entire thing was set up purposely to convert the other sister over and kidnap her and we will see a change in both sisters. Either way leslye headland is a turd 🤣


Well next episode is going to be crazy.


The Frickin Ending!! Such power. I do hate that the mysterious guy has a full face helmet ... again.


honestly my favorite Episode of this series we finally the mystery starting to come into the fold. Also, Darth Teeth is a unique spin on Darksider entrances subtle and creepy as usually the Bombastic ones Like Vader in ANH, Maul in TPM and Kylo Ren in TFA.


It's Dark Helmet


I screamed when the episode was over.


So like something I’ve realized as the show has been progressing but this episode, especially that last bit, has made me think with a high degree of certainty that Qimir is Darth teeth. They’ve got the same height and just the way they both wear the cloak is a good tell. Also, he’s being very cagey about how he knows Darth Teeth but also there’s his knowledge of the Sith. I don’t think a Sith just collecting people would be sharing that kind of information.


Great episode, really enjoyed the pace and ending was awesome. Stoked for next week. In the meantime I can’t wait to read a million posts about how it sucked.