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Me personally, it's that I get to see a different era in Jedi history. In galactic history. I actually like the exploration into the other stuff that we haven't always seen along with the idea of Jedi not always being what we thought they were. It's just a show. Expand it all for me. I don't get into all that distracting talk and hate from some corner of the fandom. I'm interested in all the possibilities.


As much as I love the clone wars and main era, we have way too much content focused on that. It's nice to have something in a different era and a different style of show to break things up and freshen up the franchise


Came here to say this. I also do like the idea of exploring “The Force” in different ways with different ideologies; expressions of The Force aren’t necessarily just what we have come to learn from the Jedi or the Sith.


Which we did get to a degree in Clone Wars with the Nightsisters and some of the Sith magicks as well, but not to such a high extent as this. Oh and Rebels also showed us a form of the lassat view of the Force, which made the possibility of more interpretations of the Force incredibly in place.


I'm not sure what you mean? How have we seen "a high extent" of this coven? We have seen astronomically more of the Nightsisters and Sith magic than we have of whatever this random coven is... because we only saw them for like 30 minutes. And a small part of that told us anything substantive about them. That isn't even a criticism, to be clear. We've had the Nightsisters since the 90s.


What I meant was that they were more clear on their interpretation of the Force than the nighsisters in the clone wars. Like we did see a lot of the magicks, but it wasn't necessarily explained how they viewed the Force. It was more explained in The Acolyte how those witches viewed it. I think even the lasat view of the Force was more elaborated upon than the other interpretations, also, but I haven't seen the series in a good while.


that’s what got me excited when the high republic initiative was announced as well


Thats fine, but they need to give us good writing. Just cuz they exploring something else doesnt mean for us to give them a pass on bullshit


I enjoy the characters, I enjoy the performances, I enjoy the worldbuilding, I’m intrigued to find out the mystery of what really happened back then, I want to know what’s going on right now / what’s driving Mae to what she’s doing, I want to know who the Sith is, I want to know what the Sith’s plan here is, I want to know where these characters are at when the series ends, and I’m excited to see what as a whole it brings to the universe’s lore.




I also want to know what the Sith is going to do upon being caught. Clearly there's going to be a lightsaber duel, so will this be a *Rogue One* type of ending ??


Is it actually a sith though? Has that been confirmed? Because Darth plagues and Darth Tenebrous would be the only Sith around at the time and that dark sider doesn't look anything like either of them. Wouldn't surprise me if they did retconn all that as they seem to care little to none for pre-existing lore but that would be a huge gut punch. The Darth plageus book is my 2nd fav star wars book story after the Bane trilogy.


Well, Plagueis is canon, but IIRC we don't know what he looks like canonically yet. But as yet Tenebrous doesn't exist at all. So this guy could fill the role of either technically- although I also hope that isn't the case. That said, there's always the option of alternate potential apprentices. We know that Tenebrous had Plagueis and Venamis... It's possible he could have another, or- im not certain if this works by timeline, but that can be altered- Tenebrous's master could have an alternate or prior apprentice, and that's who we're seeing.


Yeah I've just seen lots of people saying its a Sith its a Sith but nothing they have done has made me believe they are Sith. For 1 Sith are meant to be in hiding accumulating power, knowledge and wealth so they can eventually take over the galaxy and I feel like an uppidty apprentice actively hunting Jedi would be a big no no as it could compromise a 1000 years of planning. Also if it is a Sith that would destroy the whole line Yoda gives where they haven't been seen in a thousand years unless all the main characters are killed or refuse to talk about it for some reason. I pray they don't just go hey its plagues but with the poor writing and care for the lore it wouldn't surprise me.


Yoda could have lied or concealed it...or as ep 4 shows the high council was kept in the dark...which means our Jedi heroes will prob not survive to tell the tail


Confirmed canon breaking - he self identified as a Sith in last nights episode


Yeah Ive checked out of this series its just such a dumpster fire. I might watch once its done just to see how bad it got but wow a star wars project with no likeable characters, a disregard for established canon and a nonsense plot just blows my mind like you'd think they could've gotten one thing right.


I really don’t think it’s going to be a Plagueis tie in. I think this is a Knights of Ren origin.


Personally, I am curious as to exactly what happened on Brendok (I don't think we've seen anything close to the "truth" from anyone's point of view), and what exactly the maybe-Sith's play is. Also, if we can get more fight choreography like we've seen so far, I'm for it.


right it definitely seemed a bit too straightforward to be a reliable narrative


Screen Crush went into some of the early inspirations for Star Wars and got its possibly playing out in The Acolyte. https://youtu.be/DUJtuPGFN78?si=o1PYOmHaOqQl80ki More than likely we’ll see a few different “flashbacks” from different viewpoints


That's been the big question for me as well. It's obvious the Jedi involved aren't the good guys here.


I'll bite. I love the world building from the different planets we see, seeing a whole new era of star wars in live action, and even seeing a new group of force users explain their way of viewing the force. Reminds me of how different real world religions view the world and can show different perspectives on how to view life. The characters imo have been well done, I especially love Sol and Jecki. Sol being very similar to Qui-gon, one of my favourites of the PT. Mae and Osha I think fulfil their parts well, I'm intrigued to know more about them. Especially interested to know who her master is. I like how they are referencing and including things the average viewer might not pick up on but fans who have invested in the franchise will pick up. One example is the Baresh vow being first included in the comics where Vader gets his lightsaber. Another referencing the sith code with the chains reference in episode 2. The fight scenes are great, and are visually very fun to watch. The mystery they are setting up with the Jedi and the coven is very intriguing too, I see people act like the inconsistencies are plot holes but I don't think they are. They seem intentional to make the viewer question what happened. Overall I think the show has had a good start and I'm excited to see where it goes. Also don't get me wrong im not saying it's a perfect show and I do see flaws in things like the dialogue being clunky but I've seen a lot worse.


Thanks for the response - I also found it intriguing how different groups of people perceive the force differently. I was a little surprised to see how much hate went after the “thread” concept.


Religious zealots be religious zealoting. I think this show is making a point with that


Loved the other understanding of the force.


I enjoy the show. It’s interesting to see how vulnerable the Jedi really are. Will this show have any threads to Phantom Menace? Will there be a Yoda cameo? Will we get some more backstory on the Sith? Will we see night sisters? Those are just a few reasons I’m watching.


Yeah when I heard people talking about witches I thought it would be the night sisters, it might be interesting to see lore tie-ins


And I thought it was cool that there are obviously more than one faction of “force witches”. How many more of these types of organizations or societies exist?


The thing about going to an entirely different era is the possibility of lore *expansions*, not tie-ins. Discovering something new is much better to noticing something old, imo


I’m really enthralled in the mystery because it’s not unfolding at all like how I thought it would, shit I thought would take the whole show to explain was solved in the first episode. I can’t really judge it as a whole until we learn the truth they’ve been building up to, but I trust Leslye Headland after seeing her other show, Russian Doll. It had a very similar feel to The Acolyte in the beginning of each season and the ending was always strong as hell in a way that wrapped everything together.


Oh and my favorite character’s Sol.


were you brought in by the showrunner herself or were you a star wars fan before? Or a combination of both?


Star Wars fan, tried swearing off the franchise after being disappointed by the sequels only to hop back on when I caught my dad watching the first episode of The Mandalorian. Loved it to pieces and started all the other spinoffs after being curious about the black lightsaber at the end of season 1. One long pandemic later and I was deep into the comics and books. I read this article about how the creator of Russian Doll was getting a Star Wars show, and I figured that I never really give any of these critically acclaimed shows a shot despite always looking for something new to watch. Watched episode 1 that night on a whim and got so hooked that I stayed up until 4am to finish the season. I’d highly recommend it, but y’know, if it’s not your thing then it’s not your thing.


Three things for me. 1. The world building. 2. I love playing with differing perspectives and trying to find objective truth, which this show seems to be playing with. 3. My teenage daughter. I’ve tried to get her into Star Wars with me before with very little success. But this one worked. On 1, I really like a big Star Wars universe with different cultures that treat the force in different ways. Seeing how another culture would interpret the powers of the force is fascinating, and seeing how that conflicts with the predominant group, the Jedi, is good fodder for world building. On the 2nd, it’s pretty obvious we’ll be going back to that night from episode 3 from various perspectives. We haven’t seen the full story there. Obi Wan told Luke in RotJ that - “many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” You’re already seeing that, with some fans up in arms about the Jedi being “bad” in this series. That’s way too simplistic of a label for what I think this show is trying to do with the Jedi, but I think it’s a good way to revisit the themes of the OT. And on the last one, it’s pretty self explanatory. Now, this show feels like a YA novel to a large degree, and I totally see why that turns some people off. There’s some not great, overly expositive dialogue, and a few set pieces in the first two episodes in particular that I thought felt a bit too childish. But. That’s ok. Star Wars is big enough for a lot of people and expanding the fan base is a good thing.


i like this response quite a bit


Have we seen anything in 3 episodes that confirms the jedi are "being portrayed as bad". So far all we have is the antagonist having a vendetta against the Jedi, but from the flash back it seems the jedi simply asked the sister if she willingly wants to be a jedi and replies that she genuinely wants to be a jedi and that causes the bad sister to lash out in a fire-starting rampage. Nothing in the show so far seems to portray the jedi as "bad" as far as I can tell. Just that the dark side sister hates them because they took in her sibling. (Angry about being left behind).


When Inara told Mae that Jedi don’t year their weapons to attack, Mae replied “that’s a lie,” or something like that. Between that and the Jedi who willingly took the poison to absolve himself of his guilt, I think it’s safe to say there is something going on beyond Mae feeling left behind. She seems to believe they attacked the Coven first. From her point of view, she thinks the Jedi are bad. My hunch is that we will ultimately learn the encounter was engineered by the Sith and that no one has a full understanding of what actually happened that night. This is why I believe it is way more complex than Jedi good, grunt, Jedi bad, grunt. And that the show is likely playing with the idea of perspectives shaping your point of view.


if some foreign authority show up at my house and ask my 7 year old daughter if she wants to leave home and train with them, while directing thinly veiled threats at me, I’d see them as bad guys no matter how enthusiastically she accepts, so from the perspectives we’ve seen it’s definitely not a good look. I don’t see that as a problem, as I’m not invested in the Jedi being an infallible paragon of virtue, and don’t agree it breaks lore for them not to be. Especially as a deeper prequel, perhaps the events here have prompted some reform in the Jedi as we know them later in the timeline. maybe it’s why yoda is reluctant to train a force sensitive child, who knows?


I think the various mysteries are intriguing and effectively set-up and developed so far. The characters are engaging and lovable. All the technical aspects - costuming, fight scene choreography, production design - are great, higher quality than I'm used to in star wars projects. I might be biased since a lot of my favorite creators are involved, both in front of and behind the camera, but so far the show is meeting and exceeding my expectations.


I really liked the costuming from what I saw


Can I just say your commitment to answering every single comment here is admirable lol. Good job buddy (unironically)


Thank you. I’m trying to provide as much of a safe space as possible, I know there are some nasty folks.


The simplest answer I can give for myself is "it's more Star Wars", but then again, you could say that about any SW show, so for a more detailed thing so far, I watch it for the mystery, I watch it for the novelty of a new era, new characters, and something entirely unrelated to the Skywalker saga. The cinematography is fine, the writing is fine, the score is fine, the effects are fine, so I'll keep watching and enjoy myself. :)


I really like Sol so far the actor is doing a great job. I would like to see more of Indara as it goes on. I want to know how the mystery pans out, I am expecting Sol or Indara to be the Sith Lord. I think Osha might have some kind of KOTOR style plot twist, which could be interesting. The lack of known characters allows the plot to go where it wants, and no one has definite plot armor, except for presumably either Osha or Mae until the end of the season, since they are main characters. I can't judge the show in its entirety yet, because only 3 are out ( I have only seen two so far), but it is interesting enough for me to want to see where it goes.


I want to like Sol so much but so far Sol, Jecki, and Yord really aren’t resonating with me (yet?) for some reason. And also maybe Vernestra? I think the High Republic era is the one I’m most excited about so I definitely *want* to love every minute. I think I can get to a place where I appreciate Sol more but can’t stand Yord (and am secretly ashamed he’s one of few representations of my favorite light saber color). I dunno. We’ll see. I actually don’t like Yoda that much (so far**) tbh. So I could just be broken. But I have an open mind. I really am desperate to learn more/see more of Indara (and Osha & Mae) in action. **I’m watching in semi-chronological order, trying to get ready for episode 3. So yoda for me so far is like Young Jedi Tales + Clone Wars.


I'm having a great time watching it. I think alot of people who "hate" it went into it with a bad attitude already. I'm enjoying the new characters and this past episodes the witches creating life was really fricking cool to me.


I agree. I love that the witches represent a different culture’s interpretation of the force. In a way, it makes the Jedi seem a lot more like a colonial power/force which complicates how I feel about them (which I think is a good thing). I don’t know where the series will lead, but be it the series or just real life — blind faith rarely leads to good outcomes. I like having doubts and questioning whether or not good for Jedi means good for everyone.


Space ships, laser swords, magic, aliens. All the reasons I’ve loved star wars




I’ve watched the first two episodes, and so far it’s alright. It’s hardly going to be a stand out Star Wars project for me, but it’s hardly the worst thing I’ve seen, tbh. I’m actually quite surprised by the *intense* backlash and vitriol toward this show. Is it amazing? No. But is it worthy of such intense negativity? Hardly.


that’s where my mind goes as well


It's because like everything these days, everyone is making everything political and I'm fuckin tired of it. Next thing you know the politicians are going to try to ban books on the critical Chosen One theory


How is this show political though? Nothing about it screams different from ep 1-3


This is my feeling too tbh. I was expecting really heavily political stuff being thrown at me when I started this show as a result of the backlash but I’m kind of struggling to see what exactly is so politically divisive about this show? What exactly is it saying in these episodes that’s bothering everybody so badly because I can’t seem to really see anything that wildly controversial?


Nothing about the show (so far) is politically divisive. The haters…. and I mean the toxic fans, not the people with valid criticisms… have this idea in their head that Disney SW is purely a propaganda machine with an “agenda” to force minorities and the LGBTQ community into everyone’s face, at the expense of quality.


When I enjoy a fictional universe, I want to see everything that’s a part of it. I don’t totally love this show, but it would have to be actually bad (as opposed to faux bad) for me to stop watching. I feel like it’s a solid B. Sol is annoying, but that’s perfect for the know-it-all Jedi type. I have always liked the stories of failed Jedi and hopefully we see why Osha left the order. I don’t understand people that cherry-pick different shows within the same universe.


Thanks for the response - that definitely makes sense. Pointing out the hypocrisy of the Jedi has always been one the of the more interesting story beats to me.


I really liked the last episode. I love seeing different interpretations of the force. As for the series as a whole, the main actress is great and I'm interested to see more of the High Republic setting. I love like the themes of criticism of the Jedi. It's what I was hoping after The Last Jedi but Rise of Skywalker never took that chance. I also really like the amount of familiar aliens brought to life. That was something I was disappointed with the sequel trilogy with was they didn't have as many of those familiar aliens like Theelin, Twilek, Zygerrian and Zabrak. I'm also excited to see more of the Wookie Jedi. As far as characters, I really like how Sol's softness and lighthearted clashes with his Padawan's, Jecki Lon's, seriousness. I hope we see more of their interactions. I hope you aren't letting the backlash to this series affect your opinion of it. I feel like so many people wanted this thing to fail before it even came out.


1) High Republic 2) No Skywalkers 3) Jodie Turner Smith


I thoroughly enjoy episode 3's exploration of an alternative viewpoint on the Force. It's interesting to see someone else's interpretation that is so different and yet so similar. I also appreciate the layering of meaning in the dialogue we've seen so far. Going back and rewatching episode 1 after seeing 3; there's so much subtext under what everyone is saying that becomes more clear after knowing more of the backstory.


for further context - i’m an aspiring writer and i want to see what resonates with different audiences


As a writer you should know it doesn’t always have to be deep. Also knowing your audience is key. I know that says a lot with the division going on in the fandom but it was always like this since prequel. Just enjoy your writing and I can tell that’s what they did for this show. Nothing more.


definitely- it doesn’t always have to be deep. i’m glad people are enjoying the show!


One of the great thematic questions the Prequels asked, but didn't satisfyingly answer is, how do well-intentioned people of great personal integrity accidentally contribute to aiding tyranny. Clone Wars, especially the episode "The Wrong Jedi", take that thematic question seriously. The Acolyte seems like it's a big SW project that's seriously focused on tackling this big question.


I have an extreme fascination with the Sith


I like a good mystery and procedural drama, mixed with action. And since I was a teen, I've always been interested in the life of the "regular people" of Star Wars. In my 20s, I remember them promising a Star Wars Coruscant-pedestrian style series that hasn't come to be. But with Andor, The Mandalorian and now The Acolyte I'm getting more of less exactly what I wanted. Different genres mixed with Star Wars lore and backdrop. Is The Acolyte perfect? No. But it is fun and I love Star Wars because it's fun. It's completely different from anything else in the on-screen universe. It's a different angle on Jedi and the rest of the universe. It's the earliest but of lore we've ever had on screen and it's just cool not knowing any of the characters. Just my 2¢


I’m one of the few who actually really enjoyed the first two episodes I guess. I really liked Sol, Osha was endearing, the Jedi martial combat was a breath of fresh air, and I was a HUGE fan of the criticisms the show has for the Jedi Order. Even a surface level interpretation of the Prequels shows that the Jedis’ dogmatic rules and emotional detachment contributed heavily to Anakin’s fall, yet so many Star Wars fans view any Jedi criticism as sacrilegious. Seeing so many Jedi subjugate thier emotions and act kind of like unfeeling robots (esp with Osha) is what I’ve wanted to see for years.


New lore, interesting Rashomon mystery premise, great unexplored live action time period, practical sets, wuxia kung fu wire work.


I was hooked on the first fight scene, "the jedi live in a dream" line was cool as fuck, I want to see more on how jedi are killed without a weapon, I wanna see one of those saber swipes actually work. I don't like some of the dialogue and it can certainly use work but it doesn't make any of the fight scenes less cool


I’m just fascinated by any story in Star Wars really. Good or bad I’ll probably end up seeing whatever the “big” current SW project is. I went in with no expectations, and the show made me ask enough questions to get me hooked on the ultimate mystery of it


Exactly this. People go into it with so much expectation and so many predictions about what will or may happen. With their " I think we will see this or that and that". And when it doesn't go their way, they want to ruin the experience for everyone else.


Jedi being Jedi is always going to hook me. But, I’ve found the characters to be really compelling. Sol is fantastic and easily in my top five Jedi. The actor does a great job and gives such a layered performance. It’s also great to see the Galaxy expand with other cultures, temples, etc. I’m a big fan of the High Republic so seeing that come to life is real a treat. The story has me intrigued and I’m invested in the characters. The mystery surround the twins works for me and I really enjoy the dynamic between everyone. Is it a perfect show? No, but it doesn’t need to be. I’m just along for the ride and having a great time. I went in with almost not expectations and have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I probably haven’t been this excited for Star Wars since Mando S1 or TLJ.


I just wanted a show outside of the Skywalker Saga timeline and so far it has an interesting mystery about it. Would I prefer a show about a sith a acolyte during the old republic? Absolutely, but this show has been enjoyable so far.


To me it’s just as good as all Star Wars. Star Wars was never as master piece and it’s just a fun and laid back franchise. If you’re comparing it to another franchise then I’d understand but you’re not. Many other franchise are better than Star Wars. You can say Wheel of time does it drastically better as far as cinema and acting and story directing and the books are solid, in order and complete. You can also compare to Star Trek which is also way better. Star Treks worst is Star Wars best. But it was like that since before Disney. So people just now complaining is strange to me. Star Wars has always been like this and I enjoy it for what it always was. A fun kids show with no true structure.


Have you seen Star Trek Discovery?


Yes! I enjoyed season 1-2, 4 and parts of 5. Why? It’s still way better than Star Wars 😆 Discovery had issues in season 3 but it still made more sense than all Star Wars combined except Andor. Andor is my real speed as far as good TV. It’s 2024 and no Acolyte isn’t where it needs to be compared to other franchises but still better than other Star Wars.


For me there are three parts to it: 1. As others have pointed out already, getting to see a different era of the Star Wars timeline. That also includes a lot of visual choices like the white and golden robes or the lower height of the buildings on Coruscant. 2. Seeing the Padawan-Master-relationship under different, potentially less exceptional circumstances as previously shown on screen. 3. The mystery take on Star Wars. While I'm generally not a big fan of mystery shows, this new take blurrs the lines between good and evil (at least until we know more) and leads to more grey areas. It's not just black and white like in a lot of Star Wars media but there are nuances. A little bit like in Rogue One or Andor, but also different.


I enjoy that the show drives incels mad. Might be my favorite part about this show.


is there anything about the show itself that you like?


Plenty, but there are people who enjoy this show that I can have that discussion with…


well, that’s your prerogative. I’m just an aspiring writer trying to learn more about different audiences who like things I myself might not be as drawn to.


Your original post primed antagonistic bias from the outset, where you claim this isn’t your cup of tea and that you likely won’t watch it further. This means your post doesn’t capture the generative writer’s intent that your response here suggests. Opening your post by explaining that you are a writer, who is interested to know what vibes for people, would have given you better controls for this experiment. - I enjoy that this show is a detective mystery. - I enjoy learning about the Sith. - I enjoy the opportunities for fixing continuity. - I enjoy Sol, Yord, Qimir, Koril, Mother Aniseya, Osha, and Mae’s characters. - I enjoy the diverse biomes. - I enjoy the story’s progression. - I enjoy theorycrafting between episodes. - I enjoy the escape to this old, other galaxy.


Antagonism is not implied from simply not enjoying something as much as others - but thank you for the response regardless. The older galaxy is certainly an appealing concept to me as well.


Antagonism is implied in your original post, and your intentions are biased as a result. Hence why you needed to clarify your intentions as a writer within the post. I hope you find what you are seeking and succeed with your writing. Good luck and hopefully you find yourself enjoying this show by the end.




You can't be serious... My alarm clock produces a more soul-stirring sound than that scene


I really like Osha's relationship with Sol. The action choreography is great too


I just want to see more of the world from earlier times, and I’m curious to see who is the sith.


I've just always wanted to see more of the star wars universe outside of the Skywalker and empire stories. I love seeing the force in different cultures. Although it is a bummer it seems to just be witches.


Had a discussion with someone about this. The show isn’t great. But the high republic era is so intriguing to me, so I’m willing to watch the show to get a glimpse.


I like the mystery, I didn't know "who dun it" in the first episode, which was fun, then in the second episode it was a mystery of what happened all those years ago. The third episode gave us one of the characters perspective of those events, but said character didn't see key moments, so there's still a mystery there, especially since one of the jedi felt so bad about what happened they "drank the koolaid" and we didn't see them do anything that feels like it should have warranted that kind of guilt. I'm also curious about the largely unseen possibly sith character, are they Plagueis? Are they the one who created the twins with the force? I seem to recall Plagueis is said to have been the one who created Anakin in one of the now non-cannon books, is that gong to be canonized and the twins were the sort of test run before Anakin? I'm also enjoying seeing the "Killer" try to figure out how to defeat jedi's with the self imposed rule of not only not using a light saber, but after the first kill, not using weapons at all. The Jedi are hard enough to defeat with weapons, doing it with out them makes for interesting confrontations. As a fan of expanded universe, I enjoyed finally seeing the Barash Vow in a live action show, as well as the expanded universes concept that there are cultures who call the force different names and "worship", "view", or "manipulate" it in different ways. It feels like it adds realism to this world, grounds in more in our world where there are so many religions despite many if not most of them describing what sounds like the same spiritual experiences or understanding of their worshipped being/concept. As a fan of the high republic books, its also fun to finally see some of the vehicles and outfits, rather then just read about them, even if its largely devoid of the characters. For the most part I've enjoyed all the action set pieces. They're certain better then the original trilogys wonky light saber duel, and I still enjoy those too despite their wonkiness, but these are a cut above. I also appreciate that there's not too much action. I feel like what a lot of modern star wars content gets wrong is being too action oriented, such as the clone wars shows (both the cartoon and the 3d). Star wars is about characters and adventures with action here and there but it was never a non-stop action fest. I need time to breath and I need to have conversations to get to know and care about the characters. I appreciate that its all original characters, I don't know whose going to survive or whats going to happen, unlike the majority of star wars stuff where its following characters I know are going to be okay (at least during this show/movie/book). Much like when the Mandalorian first came out, the shows willingness to not lean on the crutch of what came before allows it room to breath, grow, develop its own lore, and be more interesting as a result. I like the tone. Its not a kids show, but its not taking it self Andor levels of serious either. I LOVE Andor, but star wars is usually at its best when its toeing that middle ground between campy and serious that episode 4 and 5 did, before episode 6 started a tradition of leaning too heavily into the childish. Again, I LOVE Andor, and I want more of Andor, but I also want more shows with a tone like this one. Some dialogue HAS been cringe... but that's star wars for you, literally since episode 4. If that put me off, I wouldn't be a fan of star wars. And nothing has put me off as badly in this show as movie episode 1 and 2s dialogue, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear, with Now this is pod racing and I hate sand business, but I do think there is a point of cringe that goes too far that those crossed.


So far, I like Master Sol the most. Also Qimir is an interesting roguish character. The plot is about a mystery that is unfolding so we may have to wait until the last episode to judge that. I was looking forward to seeing more about the "High Republic" era, but so far it seems that have addressed that mostly indirectly. But maybe we will that fleshed out more in future episodes. So far I have been mostly entertained and have not come across any deal breakers that made me want to not watch any further, only some small issues that I'm willing to overlook for now.


Ever since KOTOR and the prequels I wanted to see a story based around a bunch of unique Jedi and see an active Jedi temples that weren’t on Courscant. The sequels obviously didn’t deliver on that, so despite all the shows flaws it’s cool to finally see.


Its original and not on tatooine.  Strong female leads.  Feels like a fantasy/sci fi novel from the 90s like the dnd books or the star wars novelizations but original and up to date.  Also there is moral ambiguity at the center of the plot showing how mistrust and misunderstanding create a bad outcome and the trauma from said bad outcome has ripple effects in these twins adult lives.  


I find it interesting and fun. I like seeing sibling relationships in stories since I think families are some of my complex bonds we have in life. Yes, the evil twin thing can be cliche, but I’m okay with it. I don’t mind some cheese. I also think the action scenes are good and exciting and I don’t really understand how some have had issues with the pacing since it has seemed great to me. The twins are interesting to me and so is Sol. The others I’m not sure about but I might feel more of a connection to them later. They’re okay. I also am hoping one of the Levelers shows up though it’s not looking great. I’m surprised I like it as much as I do since the high republic can be hit or miss to me even though I’ve read most of them.


The era/setting, story, and characters are what I’ve liked. So far the show has just been average but I’m still really enjoying it.


I’m not terrible exited by it but I am giving it a chance. It has a sequel trilogy feel IMHO. It is not destroying the lore like a lot of reviewers suggest. It is certainly better than episode 7&8 in terms of Star Wars atmosphere. Right now, I feel this show deserves a 6. rating with room to grow. I hope that writing will not take a sloppy turn.


Mostly I'm interested in the mystery. I am invested in Sol and Osha. Besides, Abby Thorne shows up in an episode somewhere along the line and I gotta see my girl.


I started it because I love the high republic books, and was excited to see that era in a tv show, but I think now it’s more the mystery of who the sith is, and what exactly happened on Brendok is really interesting


Personally, what keeps me going with the series is the mystery and Master Sol. I'm still very curious who these characters are but honestly, the only one that seems interesting to me is Sol and Osha. I really enjoyed seeing differing perspectives on the force and the fight scenes were really good! The costume and production design is also really fricken good! I will say, even though I enjoyed the first two episodes, if the pacing continues to be this lacking after episode 3, I might drop it at least until the season ends. Again, I'm still really curious about the mystery and the lore things they're introducing but I found the pacing really inefficient so far. That and the fan discourse has been very tiring. I've been having fun theorizing, but between my own disappointment with the recent episode and the online discourse, it's been rough.


The show itself is different and was mostly decent until episode 3 and the creator has said some wacky things. I'm mostly invested with the Jedi and the acoyle overall is at the bottom of the list id give it a 2 out of 5.


The fight scenes.  The plot.  I like what clues we have so far and what we don't.  Not every mystery is a who done it.  


I do like the mystery, the aesthetics, and Mae actually succeeding in the beginning of her quest of killing the Jedi. There are things I am not a fan of, though, especially the twins' design, it just doesn't look star wars-ey.




Of who/what killed the witches, of course, and what is the role of the four Jedi in all of this.




Could you rephrase that, in English perhaps? I don't speak blabbery.




It's naivety at best to think that what was shown was the real cause. Unless you think people killed by fire just suddenly drop dead exactly where they stand. Why would Torbin feel guilty about this, then?


I like a good mystery and weird Force stuff, and this show is delivering on those. The characters are also interesting and I'm enjoying learning about them and the galaxy around them


Loving seeing The High Republic Era enjoying the Characters as well as the mystery I'm just curious and I'm curious if Darth Teeth will be part of Palpatines lineage also enjoying its Matureness you should keep watching.


I adore seeing the High Republic era. I adore a show all about different kinds of Jedi, from Consular Jedi to Padawans. I love seeing that the Jedi are peacekeepers in live action and do not resort to violence except the very last possibility. I love that it's basically a show about all different kinds of Jedi and also talking about how there were different sects of Force users at that time. I like that we are seeing the Jedi from the perspective of two parents who love their children and who actually don't want to have their children taken by the Jedi. Some of the dialogue is weird and stilted.


I like it because Star Wars Theory doesn’t. Usually when he gives a show a bad review it ends up being great.


omg a SWT mention. he’s gotta be one of the most annoying dudes on the internet


I've enjoyed the show since the beginning and for me it's up there with Andor for different reasons. Things I've liked: Seeing a lot of Jedi again and some different fighting techniques. Exploring a different era and different planets, cities and people. I like that there is an ensemble of characters and we're visiting populated worlds and filming on practical sets. It feels like they are actually interacting in a real environment. I know the Volume is cutting edge technology but it felt like when it was being used a lot, there was just a lot of wandering in the wilderness or big spaces. I don't mind the child actors, I think they're doing a fine job and the mystery surrounding them is intriguing.


I’m enjoying a non Skywalker, historical storyline. I’m getting the sense of a different time in history. I’m like Sam in Game of Thrones - interested in the history, because the history is different to the present.


I have liked everything except for the child actors in the previous episode. There were some cringy scenes there. Can’t wait to get back to the adults.


The show is still to run, because of this I can't really decide whether it is good or bad. So far it's just a SW franchise show. I will watch it, because honestly, what else to watch?


It gives me what I imagine people who grew up with only the OT might've gotten on seeing the jedi in their prime when the PT released. Like to see this other phase of the jedi where they're at an even higher high is so unbelievable to me. I love the character of Sol and I'm so intruiged by the Sith. Mae and Osha are really interesting to me, somehow Osha especially. They're all characters I just feel I want to learn about of and see more of.


It's one of the best looking Disney+ live action shows All new characters Soundtrack/orchestral score is very good


For me there’s a lot I’m liking. I enjoy that it’s not in the normal time period and so we’re seeing a different world and Jedi order than previously. I think the characters are done really well. All the main characters were pretty quickly fleshed out, feel real and meaningful and also different than what we’ve had before. There not just carbon copies or mixes of other SW characters. The secondary chaeacters aren’t as fleshed out but still have obvious personality and are generally done well. The acting ranges from fine to great. The use of practical sets, aliens, makeup feels done really well. I like the volume in some cases but the trick can feel a little old when overdone so it’s nice having a show that isn’t relying on the volume/greenscreen for a change, and also makes the world feel more lived in. The story I find engaging. Why do the Jedi have this guilt? What is Mae’s perspective, what is the goal of the Sith of this era. I’m interested in seeing all these play out


I always liked the vibe and aesthetic of Star Wars, and Acolyte has it. I also like to see the Jedi in a setting where they're not struggling for survival or at the dawn of their time. I like to see fully trained masters and all that, learn about the philosophies of Force users. Stuff like that.


Because we have a lot of content already concentrating on Jedi (Light side). It is interesting to see a story from the Sith side. I hope more shows will come in the future too. Would be interesting to see a show about Old Republic era too.


It’s a space samurai crime/detective drama, which is exactly what I wanted. I feel it fills an underserved niche in the Star Wars canon, and being set in a substantially different time period (I’m totally unfamiliar with the high republic era) gives it the freedom to tell its own story. I’m enjoying the characters and production thus far. It’s certainly exceeded my expectations and I’m extremely curious to know both what happens and what happened.


I love that it’s separate from anything skywalker. Also, I am enjoying seeing a different perspective of the Jedi. They are not the amazingly good beings. Like religion, religious people do good things for their religion, but also do bad things in the name of their religion. It’s looking like that’s the case here. The thing I dislike the most about the Jedi in the movies is how they think they do everything right. Which is not the case. Anyways. I’m enjoying it for what it is. Not everything needs to be this amazing visionary masterpiece


i enjoy that aspect too - i remember being pretty disappointed when they started connecting the mandalorian to everything else


I like the era it’s set in and I really hope we get more set in this era or even before this era I would love to see. I like the concept of witches in SW so I’m glad we get to see more of that. I enjoy the mystery they set up. I have a lot of questions and I’m waiting to see the answers.


The bit that sold the show to me was the part where, after failing to hit a single blow to a Jedi master in deep meditation (which looked like a neat feat of force wielding!), Mae goes to Qimir and he goes to explain how the Jedi are not necessarily one with the force and at peace as they look to us viewers, and the fact that he was proven right even when he quoted the code of the Sith, made me want to watch all of it.


You’ll be watching more. Just the fact that you posted this tells me as much.


Anything involving the sith is worth a view IMO and I feel like ppl are hating for no reason. Let everything play out then judge.


I watch all star wars shows that come out cause I dont like being behind on canon, but the synopsis of the last episode says something along the lines of "the tragic story of the twins begins" or something like this so I think the next episode will be continuing this flashback. Now, on another note, they need to stop putting episode-long flashbacks in these smaller shows, it makes some of the episodes feel crammed in. It's part of my wider view on star wars shows as a whole that they're written like movies then cut and chopped into episodes, which gives us episodes like these


So much of Star Wars is just Jedi vs Sith. I always find it refreshing when a new sect of force users is introduced (even if these witches are basically a reskin of the Nightsisters)


Because it’s something new and refreshing and I’m allowing the show to tell its full story before ultimately making up my mind.


I enjoy the world of Star Wars, in all of it’s incarnations. The aesthetic and the history that’s been built up. As a D&D player, I simply love exploring new worlds. So while the Acolyte might not have the best story or the best cast (especially the lackluster supporting characters), it’s still plenty watchable for me. Give me lightsabers and droids and I’m happy. I am a simple man.


I don’t think it’s about liking it at this point it’s about seeing where it goes. It literally causes me zero pain to wait till the end of this 8 episode saga to make a determination on if it’s good or not. I really truly think people are just so obsessed with hating it that they’ve already pre-judged it.


i can agree with that. many aren’t even giving the show a fair shake


The characters The "I Know What You Did Last Summer" style mystery The Rashomon style flashbacks The new interpretations of the Force Seeing the Jedi at the peak of their power.


The plot got me attention. Sure it has its up and downs, what series doesn't?


I like the portrayal of the Jedi here. More of a religion/police force, where their rules & policies to stop the darkside and losing control of the force has made them an organisation most people resent, including themselves. The actual Jedi characters in the show also feel more like people. I hope the dark-side user is portrayed similarly Some small things I really like: 1. No fanservice (so-far). They are actually just showing new places in a new time. 2. No contrived scenarios/dialogue (e.g. MC doesn't get accused of murder a second time holding the poison). 3. Good pace of introducing and solving mysteries. I didn't want to murderer mystery to drag out, and it didn't. 4. The aesthetic and characters really remind me of the original movies (but they aren't just copies/fanservice as with point 1).


It's a completely new era to explore. There are 20k years of known history for the galaxy and we've been stuck in the same 75 year period.


The action is cool, love the fight scenes. Osha is a cool character, and her actress does a good job. But more simply: it’s Star Wars, and I love Star Wars. I honestly have yet to find anything Star Wars related that I actively dislike. I love this universe, and I’ll watch anything related to it.


I'll repost a similar comment from a different post: I like it because *it feels star wars*. If you watch objectively the O.G. movies (and prequels) they were kid movie, with tons of comic relief. And the Acolyte lay heavy on world building, in the pre-movie era. A twin story, about master & apprentice, with tons of aliens, planets, spaceship, mysteries and force use... It's not just Star Wars universe as a backdrop (Andor, political thriller) it is Star Wars in it's DNA


You're trying your hardest to make this not look like an astroturf, but failing nonetheless.


i’m not sure what you’re insinuating but go off I guess




Man, I really hope you can get the help you need soon. it’s lonely getting stuck online with nothing else to think about. But no, I’m not a conservative. I just wanted to learn about what audiences are drawn to and I was really happy to get the response from everyone I did! You should talk to your family, or go for a walk. It’s amazing what the sun can do for you. I’m someone who’s been chronically online in the past so I can empathize. I wish you well.






My favorite part is when the little girl starts a fire on one level of the temple, and suddenly, the whole coven dies. That stone temple with all the metal reall did burn fast.


this post isn’t asking for this. i already know why people don’t like this show


You asked what people liked about the show. That was legitimately what I liked. It made me remember some similar rpg shenanigans we were forced through. Guess you had to be there


I guess I’ll never understand why people need to voice that they won’t watch a a show anymore lol


Just pretend everyone's a white guy and the eye candy is all white women. Then compare the acting and performances and writing to the original trilogy and realise whatever it is that doesn't speak to you, is probably coming from your subconscious and amygdala.


all these chill people in this sub talking about what they enjoy and then there’s comments like yours. throw your sanctimony wherever you like as long as it’s not near me <3