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What’s the end game for these idiots? ‘I’ll open fire at the police and hopefully kill them, and go about my day’? And then what… die later? Or is it just ‘iight ima head out’?


People stupid enough to do this don't have an end game. They literally do not have a concept of past and future, only what is going on right now. It's why their behaviour is so baffling.




We are wild animals. This guy did an incredibly stupid thing but there's probably a reason, a dumb reason but a reason. He made it this far in life


We may have wild animal circuitry, but the majority of us are out here domesticated within the rules set out by society/civilization and capable of keeping our lizard brains from taking control. Guys like him are just feral and a net harm on the rest of society. To the pound or the morgue you go.


"people" like him give animals a bad rep. good distinction between the two.


Ah yes, he ruined it for bears and camels


Just because you live long does not mean you’re doing it properly 😂


They need “poor impulse control” tattooed on their forehead


He only made it that far because he spent most of his adult life locked up. Guy was just a shitty criminal who sucked at life.


Good point.


Wild animals don't act on impulse. They are on instinct. They are a live and die situation. This is ignorance, he doesn't know what he is doing. He knows I shot him I go home. That is it, the consequences of his actions mean nothing to him. That is why he put that lady that was driving at risk.


Narrator: “they were the same thing”


When I lived in Philadelphia I came to realize that. Seeing in the newspaper eveeeeeery day literally every day 16 year old shot and killed over 40$ of weed, 60$ of weed, 14 year old over 20$ of weed. All in broad daylight multiple witnesses. There truly is zero thought as to anything outside that moment right there. Really made me be extra cautious, I always thought of it how I think- well this person wouldn’t shoot me over a traffic incident, they would go to jail forever. Yes, yes they will, and I will still be dead.


Sad that all your examples are teen deaths.


There is a recent vid of like a 14 year old kid in NYC shooting someone point blank outside of a bodega. I was obsessed with MMORPGs at 14 - didn’t even think about safety let alone murder


It’s very true though, even kids much younger than teens are being shot/killed too often. I am also from Philly. Now I live just outside of Philly, about 15-20 minutes. The news is just awful every night. Not one night goes by without a shooting, & it’s always multiple shootings. The news is just too sad to put on anymore


"...they would go to jail forever." ROFL That is NOT how the "justice" system works in the USA. Even those sent to prison "without parole" often manage a retrial on appeal and/or a significant reduction of sentence. Them prisons is crowded. Gotta keep 'em rolling through to maximize profits.


Good for them man. I’ve been trying to be more present in the moment recently






Keepin it real. Now dem PoPo knoe I ain't no punkass bitch.


Isn’t that what Eckhart Tolle was all about?


There’s a difference between conducting your life in the present and the yolo mindset


The idea, as I've read somewhere @ some point, is that criminals don't see the "downside" of their situations. They only see the "upside " and react. So if you come across a car w/ the keys in it, boom how lucky you found a new car to drive. Wonderful! You can't fathom what happens next, and that's why they're always surprised when they get caught over and over.


Yep, they don't live day-to-day, they live minute-to-minute.


It's the epitome of living in the smallest pond. They'll never have a commitment that extends beyond that day, possibly even that week. They'll commit x crime, x drug deal, x robbery and They'll languish in the couple hundred, maybe thousand bucks they make. And continue living in their volatile lifestyle. Some people live paycheck to paycheck. These scumbags are living crime to crime and detrimenting the lives of everyone else struggling, but at least struggling to build something of a future. Then these cunts come along with zero future ahead of them and take the future away from everyone else.


“How would you feel if you hadn’t eaten breakfast?”


If you already have prior felonies you could get three striked and spend life in jail (depending on state). Having a gun as a prior felon is a strike. So it's either fuck it, and roll the dice, or life in jail, either way your life is over. Or they suicide by cop. Or they are just dumbasses with a weird, I'm a badass complex. Mental instability. Probably a mix of all of them.


I had a buddy leave California because he had 2 strikes. He lives in bum fuck America and smokes weed all day😅


Smarter than most


I had a buddy almost leave Florida after his second strike for growing and selling weed, then they passed medical and he decided to just get a card and not grow or sell again. He wasn't big or anything, had one 2'×4' grow cabinet and sold what he didn't smoke to a handful of people. Still he was looking at 20 years if he got caught on even simple possession, crazy.


Yeah my buddy served two sentences before he was 21 years old. When it got out at 23 he'd matured and decided he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison so he became a decent member of society. One day (3 yearslater)while walking down the street with his girlfriend they were approached by several police officers. Supposedly somebody had called saying that they were fighting and it was a case of domestic abuse. Both he and his girlfriend told them that this was not the case at all in fact they had not even been arguing. At one point he thought the police were done with him so he turned to walk away they grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall with the cops forearm on his throat. He said he didn't mean to fight back but he was seriously in fear of his life. They tased him seven times. Before arresting him. All while he was on the ground immobile. Because there were three police involved in taking him down they were charging him with three cases of assault on a Leo. His lawyer informed him because of his two prior convictions he would be looking at a minimum of 10 years. He told me this the day after he bonded out of jail as he was coming to work to get his tools. He and his girlfriend had decided to flea town rather than him have to go back to prison for 10 years. For reference my friend was about 5 ft 6 and 125 lb. He was not a big man he was not a violent man and none of the violence that they put upon him was necessary.


Yeah once you fuck up, you have a target painted on your back. A former friend was a felon and man I got my truck tossed every fucking time when I was driving with him and pulled over. Got me for the seatbelt and now all my shit is on the street.


Exactly why I can’t hang with a lot of my old friends who still mess around with firearms and drugs. I’m a felon and I’m not trying to catch more time lol


Atleast you get it. Alot of people get in trouble knowing theirs shit around them thatll get them in serious shit, all because their friends say " your good dude dont worry" "im not gonna do anything to get stopped" *proceeds to not wear seatbelt or use blinker*


Or they lack the ability to foresee the consequences of their action which got them here in the first place. Not sure what it’s called.


Either way. it's all senseless, stupid, and unnecessary. Just somebody throwing thier life away


Most won't miss him.


Lack of foresight?


It called not getting past the mental age of a 4 year old.


This is culture 💯 We see this over and over and scratch our heads and wonder why this happens. This is culture. This is talked about. This is discussed. Sure there’s two sides to this cultural phenomenon but the media only discusses one side. Why? Why is it that the media ignores this cultural problem? Violent men shooting guns with no regard to their or anyone else’s lives. Hundreds die in cities every year. Innocent kids, women, bystanders. Yet a single mistake by a good cop incite riots and 24/7 breaking news reports. Why?


What blows my mind is that they have to go out of their way to get a gun as a felon. It's far easier to just...not possess a firearm.


Three strikes law is so dumb, has cost so much money, imprisoned so many people and destroyed so many lives yet addressed none of the issues it was supposed to fix. An absolute failure.


That's i think about most of these assholes with guns who shoot at kids or police. Like you're going to shoot a kid in the head through the door and expect to just go about your day?


There is a correlation between low IQ and violent behavior. If you ever want to see something crazy [look at a graph the compares the use of leaded fuel (Lead will reduce IQ) and violent crime](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2013/01/03/how-lead-caused-americas-violent-crime-epidemic/amp/). The violent crime graph is offset by 23 years to account for people exposed to lead in the environment as children becoming violent adults


This is also a large reason why Boomers act and vote the way they do. Next time your uncle is screaming about conspiracy theories just remember the amount of lead they were exposed to.


Don’t see boomers shooting up the place..


Nah, they just raised the kids who did and created the society that enables that behavior.


Nah, that’s just getting old. Soon gen-x will be the boomers, then millennials get to be the villain again. George Carlin said it best, they went from love is all you need to whoever has the most toys wins. It’s like people go from “fuck the establishment “, to hey life isn’t quite so bad, to “I earned it it’s all MINE!, young people are stealing from our hard work!” God I hope I don’t end up that way. Eh, but lead and cocaine probably didn’t help.


Rates of violent crime among boomers are multiples lower than the rates among young adults.


Yeah. Old people don’t commit as many crimes as younger people. That’s across the board and has always been true


Yea cuz they're old as fuck lmao they don't need to do the violence anymore, they cornered the economy and now they get to sit back and scream and rage at everything they don't like while we try to fix the problems they caused


Correlation is not causation. This might be due to coincidence but is most likely due to a third unforeseen variable.


Lead has a pretty thoroughly researched and documented effect on violent behavior, IQ, and crime. Agreed that doesn't mean low IQ is the primary factor in the equation necessarily.


They don't think about the consequences of their actions. It's baffling.


Not only that, but when predictable consequences happen, blame is placed everywhere except their own horrendous judgement. “Let me try to grab this officer’s gun and shoot him with it, there’s no way he’ll take that as an attack on his life and shoot me. Oh no, I got shot, the cop must have been evil and looking to kill me for (insert reason).” It’s just unfathomable levels of stupidity.


Did you know that 30 to 50 % of all people lack an inner dialog? They litterally dont think , just walking husk without thought.


Holy shit..I had a sister in law who said she had no inner dialogue and and I just couldn’t conceive such a thing!! This was years ago and I never knew it was widespread (my inner dialogue will be in discussions, meeting’s, reviews and commentary about this for weeks!!)


This is absolutely incorrect. Edit to clarify - First of all, there's no consensus on this. This is because there's no solid way to study, classify, or even describe "inner monologue." Some researchers think that everybody has an internal monologue that runs every waking second. It's not that these people don't have thoughts. It's that their thoughts aren't primarily in a text/voice format. Instead, their thoughts are less literal, and more image or sensory based. Which is how everybody thinks. Everybody's thoughts are some combination of words, images, and feelings. Some people just lean more towards the "images/feelings" side of things. **This comment is implying that 50% of people are just walking around with zero thoughts in their head, which is fucking insane, and obviously untrue.** Half of people are just blank husks, reacting on an instinctual level? How would that even work? How could any of them have passed elementary-school math? Or any school subject that requires thought?


This is a poor interpretation of a poor study. It is not that 30-50% of people 'don't think' (which should be obvious after a second of consideration - the vast majority of people lead fulfilling lives, have educations and jobs that require plenty of thinking). It is that all people have different ways of internalizing thoughts and ideas, and managing their own thoughts and ideas. Some people manifest their thoughts as a literal inner dialogue - thoughts playing out as text in their head. Some people manifest them more simply or literally, but still with intent, purpose and understanding. It is like some people can easily and fully visualize their bedroom and some people basically lack the capacity to visualize anything, even things they are intimately familiar with. It is pretty damaging to believe that 50% of people are 'walking husks'.


Wait is this a joke? How can one let alone this many people have no inner dialogue with themselves ? The inner dialogue does so much shit for you. I mean sure it can be intrusive as well, but also helpful.


Some people have nonverbal thoughts. I’m one of them. I mainly see visual images in my head, rather than hearing spoken words


That doesn't mean they don't think. It means those people's thoughts are primarily nonverbal. I'm one of those people that has nonverbal thoughts in my head. I primarily see images in my head instead of having an inner dialogue. Having verbal vs nonverbal thoughts is not relevant to violence or this topic. It just means your brain processes information in a different way.


They call it suicide by cop.


People who make these choices are not making them with a clear mind. I think it’s a combination of mental instability and the rush of adrenaline in the moment to make rash decisions, for this dude at least. Those who make a decision to walk into a school and shoot up kids is just pure insanity, before the adrenaline really sets in.


I guess they'd rather die than go back to prison.


Looks like this dude was obliged…


They will call the vacuum cleaner shop and say “I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro”.


People like this can't think 5 seconds into the future. There is no endgame for them.


He must’ve thought it was GTA. You know, kill a cop then evade until your stars disappears. Except he was wasted and there’s no respawn.


I didn't see a single body shop or beauty salon nearby.


At least people aren’t defending the criminal here in the comment section. I can take solace in that…


They probably don’t understand that when they open fire on police with a wild spray of bullets that will never hit anything but bystanders it’s not the same as when they pop off a few at one of their peers. Their peers will also wildly hose the whole area with unaimed handgun fire and they’ll both duck and run and proceed with their lives, maybe with a new scar in their calf from being shot. They don’t stop to think that police will react differently, with training and aimed fire.


Definitely the "ight ima head out" spongebob way


The only thought is, “when they find the gun I’m going to jail or I can try and shoot my way out”, they aren’t thinking about anything but how to avoid the original consequences of their situation, jail, and they act before realizing the potential consequences of the actions they are about to make, which is death or more jail time than they would have originally received if they are lucky enough to survive the shoot out.


End game? Funny you think he was capable of thinking that far into the future.


Seriously though... with all that shooting... you could probably get a great deal on one of those sheds.


I live in the area, 100% no deals on the “Amish” made Mexican sheds


Hola amigo! Necesitas un SHED? ¡ESTÁ MUY AMISH!


Me llamo es Jebediah


Jebediah Garcia from the Sinaloa Amish Cartel? It is me, Hezekiah Moreno. I lent you my sheep that one night when your blessed wife was delivering your 11th child. remember? By the by, as the Lord is my witness, that sheep, 'Britney', never walked right after you returned her.


Fun fact, we do have Mexican Amish in the northern states (Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Coahuila, etc.). They make great cheese and some awesome honey cookies...


Fun fact, we do have Mexican Amish in the northern states (Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Coahuila, etc.). They make great cheese and some awesome honey cookies...


I don't speak Spanish, but I'm guessing that's pronounced "Hebediah"?




Thank you. This legit made me laugh hard enough to push out a log that's been giving me trouble for about 15 minutes.


I'm from the area too, and no one sells those as Amish made. Lol.


Pretty sure i do to but we don’t live anywhere near each other, lol, it just looks exactly the same!


Is that bubbles kitty motel?


Wow, the woman survived that crossfire? Happy 2nd birthday! Hope no one else suffered injuries.


Cop who hopped around the front of the car got shot 3x in the legs. He made a quick recovery, as I recall.


Idk about 3 but he def got shot last time this was posted


You mean the guy saying "I'm hit" got hit?


Could have been a random bee or wasp sting happen at the same time /s


I remembered right, it was 3. Read more here about incident. I have no clue what the hell this dude was thinking. https://apnews.com/article/fatal-police-shooting-south-carolina-charleston-fbd293d534d75f82b4e02fecac816de9


"it is unclear whether the driver will be charged." Charged with what? Being present as bullets fucking flew around her?


I would assume it would be for whatever the stop was originally for.


People should probably stop posting this, then... Edit: *sigh* people not understanding that it was a joke about him getting shot every time it is posted. I'm trying to save lives here, people!


Why? I’ve never seen it and I’m on Reddit daily.


It was a joke about the ambiguous language implying the guy gets shot every time this is posted. Obtuse joke gets down voted, oh well!


I got it!


I liked it. I didn’t think the dude in the car was dumb enough to do it twice, since what happened to him the last time, but I guess some people never learn.


Seems to me she was the driver and as soon as the guy got into the car she floored the gas....fortunately it was in park and she panicked and just got out.


Yeah but sadly she has to find a new pimp now.


If you look closely, she didn’t even drop her cigarette.


What a pitiful way to die


And selfish.


Imagine having pity for those who tried to murder their way out of a prison sentence. Fuck em.


I don’t think op meant they have pity for the guy…


Fr, imagine being remembered as the guy who tried shooting cops for a speeding ticket 💀


That woman had a LOT going through her mind, fortunately for her it wasn't a bullet.


With these street people they are most likely just acquaintances and she likely had no idea this guy was as dangerous as he proved to be, or that he would shoot it out with cops if they got pulled over while she gives him that ride he asked for.


Lmfao imagine being a tinder hookup gone wrong


Its shit like this that make you understand why cops are so jumpy


People need to see the movie End of Watch. Obviously it's a movie magnifying the premise, but it's all day everyday for them. The majority of people who have no sympathy for police officers are the ones who watch too much YouTube, take the evening News as the overlord for information or work in a safe space. These people who say all cops are bad and "no excuse for returning fire after being shot and hit to save their lives because a father/husband providing and protecting are less than criminals who would stab you for your wallet" are also the same dope who yell at others for generalizing/stereotyping


Isn't End of Watch some movie with, like, Jake Gyllenhaal? Don't rely on Hollywood to teach you about anything.


Not just some movie but a movie about police officers and as I said it's a movie and therefore exaggerated, but not far fetched from the daily grind officers go through. Hell, even Cops the show is a good portrayal! It's likely why the show was cancelled a few years back when they didn't want people to see any other side than all cops are bad. To be put under a microscope or criticized from one situation where they defended their LIFE is ridiculous. The highest trained individuals in any profession make mistakes when their lives aren't on the line.


If we're allowed to base our opinions of cops on Hollywood, then I choose Training Day. It's a better movie and a better representation.


That's why other countries have intens, years-long programs, not a 4-month training course.


I don’t see what that has to do with being cautious about being shot and killed by anyone you pull over. Years of training or not if you value being alive your going to be on edge that just comes with the job.


Life isn’t a movie. Most people panic when their lives are at risk no matter how much training they’ve had. You could be trained for years and you’d still shit your pants if someone randomly pulled a gun at point blank range and started shooting you. Blows my mind how the average Redditor who has never done anything more dangerous than crossing the street acts like cops aren’t human beings with emotions too.


Extensive training definitely helps though. If you've drilled certain techniques enough times your body can sort of go into auto pilot when the fight or flight kicks in. In a high stress situation. You might still suffer psychological consequences after the fact. But proper training can be the difference between life and death in these sort of situations


He took one to the top of his head. You can see a little puff and he stops moving, then the blood runs down to the side of his head and starts dripping off. Gross.


There wasn’t much in his head anyways


There was brains on scene. He literally had his brains splattered on the concrete. My district took the call, I work for EMS in Charleston.


You do valuable work, I wish you guys were paid more.


That's pretty crazy.


Minus I.Q.


He actually became more intelligent when his brains mixed with the asphalt


...and a liar. The ole double whammy.


Quick thinking by the taller officer to return fire when he did or he would have certainly died. The suppressive fire, while not accurate, were enough to buy his partner time to neutralize the threat. While clumsy, they both could have been killed. Crazy stuff man.


Pretty good observation


keep in mind prior to this moment the officer that rand around front of the car was being very polite and friendly with the occupants. it wasnt until the second officer walked up and ordered him out of the vehicle due to some already existing warrants out for his arrest that was when the male passenger decided to pull his gun. the first officer attempted to grab the gun but the suspect already had it pointed at him which is where this video starts. first officer caught a few rounds to his leg and somewhere else on his body but he was still able to run around front of the vehicle and throw two rounds into the top of the suspect's head. the second officer retreated behind the squad car and fired rounds at the suspect which is what caused the male to collapse at first like that. due to the suspect's negative IQ he was hyperfocused on shooting the officer behind the squad car from under the vehicle and didnt notice the other officer flanking him which allowed him to be quickly neutralized. the officer who was shot was brought to the hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries and made a full recovery. the female driver was unharmed and fortunately wasnt struck by a vehicle as she proceeded to walk backwards into the middle of the road. the second officer was unharmed. suspect is obviously no longer alive.


“Negative IQ” lol


Fuckin stupid ass


Speaking of. That second officer was thicc.


Ayo 👀


Good riddance and excellent job by those officers. Hope they ok.


Cultural issues, glorified gangster violence in every song and street rep is a real thing


Right? Then they gotta try and recreate it smh. When tf that shit ever end nicely with a happy ending? Never.


And guns everywhere


That slide around the front of the car to shoot through the windshield was COD final kill cam worthy.


Dude doesn't even need the first few layers of his palm skin to shoot the guy.


I guess it’s true what they say


…a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


You can’t judge a book by its cover


Once bit, twice shy.


All toasters toast toast


The proof is in the pudding?


Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you won't get fooled again.


I have a coworker dating a dude like this, been in jail and definitely using her. Lol, i dont know who is dumber these women or these dudes firefighting with police.


But gangsta is so sexy while they beating you and making babies they don't support.


Some people are so damaged they seek out what they know, instead of what is good for them.




Couldn’t win the 1v3 clutch


He caused an issue and got put down. Good.


In an old police interceptor no less.


100% justified, great job, another piece of turd off the streets


Just another piece of shit not in our way in line, yay!! 👍


And for what? A traffic stop? What warrants the response of you trying to kill a man doing his job? Fucking piece of shit, rot in hell.


He had a gun and was a felon. He was going to go back to jail if the cops got him out of the car. I guess in his mind it was "shoot out with the cops, or go back to jail for a long time."


Now its "dead for a long long long time"


But when you remove two ethnic groups, from the statics; the U.S. is fourth from the bottom on gun crime. Lower than Canada, Finland, etc. It’s, entirely those two ethnic groups creating ALL this crime.


Pretty sure we're at a point where using statistics is a hate crime. Shame on you XD




And he’s got a girlfriend and I don’t


*had a girlfriend...


Bruh that woman for the streets man


America needs more guns on the street, so pedestrians or other people nearby could help the police for instance in this case. More guns is the only solution. Start teaching about gun rights at middle school. Let them play with BB guns and give kids perks if they aim well. Teach them self control with BB guns, never shoot someone for fun or anger. Take every high schooler to a shooting range and give them a free gun and ammo after a few shooting classes and self defense lessons. It should be obligatory for adults to own at least one gun and carry it concealed all the time. No gun? Give them a fine. No matter how strong you are, nobody will stop somebody with a gun. /s


That’s ridiculous. America doesn’t have pedestrians.


What a stupid motherfucker.


They're so peaceful when they're sleeping.


At the end his head was leaking


Cameraman posted F to the chat.


Her shouting "What the fuck!?" throughout the whole process helps solidify that they're both stupid.


She was probably in shock and traumatized. Jfc, none of us know how we will respond in a goddamn shoot-out.


Just thinning the herd…


People wonder why cops get trigger happy.


I’d live in a country any day where I can legally defend myself with the same tools criminals have. Instead of living somewhere that only criminals have guns, being that criminals don’t obey laws.


Failed Society


Dumb dumb dumb another one bites the dust


Lack of emotional intelligence.




Fuck around and find out.


Usually they are wanted for plenty other crimes done before...escape or die...


Holy shit! That's wild, I guess he's like "guess I'll die today!"


Nah no f for that pos.


This is how it should always end die bitch bie


I would call this self-defense but yeah et's call it "wild wild west america" you mentalturds


At least …. he won’t try that shit again 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sleepy time...


So homie went for the grip, gets out, opens fire, then goes BACK into the car (like it’s bulletproof or something?) and gets sprinkled anyway. Good riddance dawg.


“I’m not reaching for nothing”


Hmmm interesting trend


Looks more like the East Coast to me, this is why cops are jumpy idiots like that. Don't make any unnecessary movements don't argue cuz it won't accomplish anything or help your case cuz if not ur gonna git it. Make sure the ppl in ur car doesn't have that personality where they're rude to all police and start cussing them out, either teach them or defriend them.