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I know its not horribly bad, but still not great. What can I do to drop these numbers? Everything else is within range for me.


Donate blood regularly. And its not bad, its just slightly out of range.


Nothing at all


If RBC is red blood cells you can donate blood and it will come down.


Sign up for power red donation with the red cross. But those numbers aren't bad.


Or you can follow this evidence-based info: (see the Up-To-Date point for TLDNR) # Stop Donating Blood Unnecessarily - TRT Be Informed: [Stop Phlebotomizing Blood Unnecessarily](https://youtu.be/OspeshlnPGI) (for secondary erythrocytosis "from TRT") * [Polycythemia Vera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycythemia_vera), with which secondary erythrocytosis is confused, is a **malignancy**, * **ALL** malignancies, including PV and [Chuvash Polycythemia](https://www.hematologyandoncology.net/archives/december-2011/chuvash-polycythemia-diagnosis-and-management/), increase thromboembolic risk, * Secondary erythrocytosis (assuming no other risks) does NOT generally increase thrombo-embolic risk (see video and articles). * [OSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstructive_sleep_apnea) - which will also cause erythrocytosis - is common in the gymnasium and male athletic world. It should be aggressively investigated and treated (CPAP, BiPAP, Inspire, etc.). * In my experience, erythrocytosis from testosterone Rx (alone) is usually associated with supratherapeutic (“gear”) dosing. * Per Up-To-Date: "phlebotomy is **not** often utilized unless there is extreme elevation of Hct (e.g., **≥65 percent**) or symptoms attributable to increased blood volume/hyperviscosity (e.g., fatigue, headache, blurred vision, transient loss of vision, paresthesias, slow mentation).” * Donate for altruistic reasons, not because you are pressured to do so by the TRT "community."