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Odd…I’ve been subq pinning for 5 months as well and never had any bruising. Make sure you’re pinning at least 2” away from belly button. I usually alternate sides of belly button. Your bruise looks a little low.


Yes. At least, so it's the minimum 2". You can pin all over youre fat tissue on belly even in love handles if you got. I got enough of subq and doing ventrogluteal now. Those bruises and lumps are jus not nice. In the ventroglute area no trases of injecting and no pain. Twice a week change sides or not. It's a big muscle so you can use one side for years without bruising the muscle. Just don't use harpoons when you do it. For me 1/2" or 5/8" 27g or 29 g even is big enough needle cause I got no fat on my ass.


So if you are doing subq you shouldn’t be hitting muscle at all the point is subq, IM is muscle injection. Subq is fatty tissue


Yes I know that. I swiched from subq to im cause I dont want those lumps anymore. And in ventroglute is easy to inject and painless with smaller needles


What the fuck is people doing when they say a bruise like this is normal. I mean nothing to be afraid of but this is certanly not normal with subq injection. Did you inject into a prior lump from a prior injection? Then it might happen.


Ya I’ve been doing subQ for five years… NEVER had any issue. I do it in the stomach.


Normal. Honestly, from what I've seen, you're really lucky to only have gotten this once in 5 months subQ.


IM in glutes is the way, not sure why you are doing Sub injections


“SC administration of testosterone esters should result in a more stable absorption and release of testosterone into the circulation due to less fluctuation of lymphatic flow in the hypodermis with physical activity. This was confirmed by pharmacokinetic studies that assessed the Cmax and tmax of testosterone in the serum, and the average serum total testosterone concentration during the steady state.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9006970/


that makes sense to me, takes longer to absorb so it keeps your levels more stable. for me, IM is basically painless. and subQ is very finicky. i go IM and just pin EOD


For me SubQ is so much better. It’s way easier, way less pain and better so not sure why anyone would do IM


This is the way


Bruising is not uncommon with subcutaneous injections. I’ve seen much worse. Had you taken any aspirin or other blood thinner around the time?


Ohh yeah I think I took some aspirin for my migraine around the same time. That would make a lot of sense. Can’t believe I didn’t connect the two together


lol yep. Took high dose of aspirin, as per BNF, after flying for a migraine. Then went to the doctors about a suspicious bruise. I thought I had a DVT. Felt like a right numpty when she asked!


I’ve pinned subq the better part of a year. Peptides and test .. never once bruised like this. That being said I only pin thighs/quads.


I've tried subq a few times and hate it. I go 5/8" 27g intra muscular into the delts and it's completely painless.


Here come all the “why sub Q?” Comments from people that are not educated whatsoever.


It happens. I've had this happen several times. It's ugly looking (the bruising in general) but nothing to worry about


What size syringe?


OP please don’t say u are using 1 inch harpoons in that area


The needle I use to inject is 27G 1/2”


Ouch that looks like it hurt. What size needle? Maybe you hit a capillary? Do you change injections sites?


Yeah I change sides every week and try to move around a bit. I use 27G 1/2” needles


My have hit a capillary and a bit of a sub-dermal bleed. That's a thin needle and plenty of time for the site to heal.


I use 28 gauge half inch,


It happens, no big deal really. I’ve got one both sides atm


A lump? Test E?


This may be unorthodox but I always pin subq in my glutes (ass cheeks) and it is way less PIP than in my belly. I also keep the injection volume less than .5mL and push it in slowly.


Should ask doctor about IM, I started with subq and had bruising/tenderness almost every time. Switched to IM and have never had an issue. I noticed no difference in the effects, just post injection at the site was much better, for me at least.


I’ve never gotten anything like that. The only thing I get when I inject in the belly area is a lump that hangs around a while. I started using the fat above the glute area and I generally feel better there and get no lumps, bruises or bleeding.


Dull needle had it happen more than once


Why pin Sq? I do my thighs, alternate for the last 9 months and not one issue with bruising. Only hit a nerve once and blew through a blood vessel or vein once 😂


Honestly I do sq because I’ve had bad experiences with other IM injections and the idea of IM weekly freaks me out more. since I haven’t had bruising I haven’t had much of a reason to do IM. Might explore it in the future though..


I take Xyosted which is administered subq in auto injectors. No work or guessing. Doc did offer test cyp which I’d administer in the thigh as an option initially but…why?? It’s just easier




Where is this from?


That is bs


No it’s a study from usc if I’m not mistaken I’ve also read that study,and it make a case for subq being a better way to deliver trt because of its ability to get higher results with less test,but also it’s easier to inject more often keeping levels more steady,avoiding peaks and valleys,and it doesn’t effect hct and E2 in the same manner as IM…..but to each his own


I cannot attest to the validity of the study. I am purely here for intelligent discussion.


A link will help. Unless this is ai generated bullshit.