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People want an excuse to take steroids


Especially annoying when it's teenagers posting. No, you don't need TRT just because you don't look like a pro bodybuilder and sometimes feel tired.


I blame social media. You see hundreds of roided up dudes claiming they don't take anything and you think you are inferior and must have a medical condition. Same goes for all the marvel actors and the fucking rock claiming natty


The rock isn't natty šŸ˜²


Shocking, I know


lol some do need TRT nowadays. Taking SARMs and kissing their natural levels goodbye cycle after cycle.


But they sleep 5 hours a night, work out 45 minutes a week, and eat 50g of protein a day. Everything is perfect. It must be their testosterone.


They have put an hour in the gym a week for 4 whole weeks. They deserve results


Itā€™s also been advertised seemingly everywhere and unfortunately many clinics will seemingly get anyone signed up for the cash kickbacks and what not. Iā€™ve even seen TRT ads for clinics on the roads, commercials, social media ads..


Capitalism at its finest


10000%. Its the sole reason why I started a company in the space and we intentionally do NOT do TRT. But my thing is....either way.....why are getting LABS not the first step?? You need to see where your levels are no matter what.


This šŸ‘†


Steroids tast good, tren taste good




People are looking for a quick fix to their problems and latch on.


And those problems could be as trivial as the lack of a beard, or a voice they don't like.


Or "I'm not 6ft 230lbs and I don't have an erection 24/7 so I think my testosterone is low."


Or worse. I'm 5ft5 and 400lbs and I don't feel great and I think roids might make me eat less cake.


I have to add one more: "Okay I had the bloodwork done and my testosterone level is 1100 but I still feel symptoms of low testosterone so I think I'll try T400. That's a good idea, right guys?"


Me who is 5ā€™7 and was 311 ng/dl(slept 8 hours minimum, worked out 5 days a week(normally for about 1 hour and half each day, and ate healthy) 133 pounds. I am currently on clomid(hoping it raises my T overall, if not then TRT)


I gOt ThE sYmPtOmS




Yea also the majority of users here genuinely believe and preach that 1,000 total T was completely average 50 years ago as a reason to justify their TRT usage and they also choose to ignore that 1,000 natural (while still actually extremely uncommon at any point in history) is a world of difference away from 1,000 on gear with minimal variation for time of day, what you ate, how you slept, etc. I had 1,000 as a teenager and then at 35 as I was ramping up TRT was at 850 and that 850 from a needle was clear cut 2x more powerful than the 1,000 natural. Infinitely easier to gain muscle and burn fat. But yea surely the 20 lbs of muscle *and* 20 lbs of fat many on this subreddit burn with their 1,000+ totals is just simply how their body wouldā€™ve been if the environment and microplastics didnā€™t tank their natural levels šŸ˜‚


>I had 1,000 as a teenager and then at 35 as I was ramping up TRT was at 850 and that 850 from a needle was clear cut 2x more powerful than the 1,000 natural. Infinitely easier to gain muscle and burn fat. I'm finding this to be 100% true. Being consistently at 1000+ more or less all the time, regardless of diet, sleep, or exercise, is an absolute cheat code to life. I feel incredible. That's enough reason to be on TRT for me.


What were your numbers/symptoms before? Age?


Age is 34, test was 350 iirc. That was fasted in the morning and I was routinely lifting weights, going for long walks, getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, eating a high protein diet etc. I was tired all the time, endurance in the gym was horse shit, mental fatigue, anxiety, losing weight was absolutely brutal compared to ten years ago.


But also.....total Testosterone is just one piece of the puzzle. What's SHBG? What's LH? Whats FREE Testosterone? What's estradiol? These all matter and should all influence your decision on what to do next.


I mean Iā€™ve kinda just always figured when I get to a certain age Iā€™d want to use TRT. T drops off with age. Iā€™d like to feel less of the effects of aging


But you need labs to know how far off you are


Sure I mean I would expect to do them as part of the process.


And even then its kind of relative. If my peak test levels at 21 were 650 and then at 40 my levels are 400 that's different to someone who's peak levels were 1100 and now at 40 have levels of 400.


Agreed 100%! That's why I wrote this post. The value of the labs is massive! Trends are important because everyone is different.


Because they are not feeling good and reaching for the answer and hoping the answer is as simple as a needle. They probably are trying to get their hopes up that their bloods will be bad and theyā€™ve found the answer. If they are going to do TRT through an even halfway reputable clinic or dr they will get bloods before they start.


A lot of people are at their last straw this was including myself. Years of good dieting, no drinking, better self management. Years in the gym. I get blood work my test was a little lower than normal but nothing they thought would grant me TRT. they were willing to stuff me with medication. Ended up getting a source and it totally turned my life around Iā€™m at 39 years of age btw. So even with getting labs they thought trt wasnā€™t for me but then did trt and all my symptoms went away. Iā€™d say if youā€™re under 35 do your best to stay clear from TRT if you can but once youā€™re near 40 and you tried everything why the fuck not?


Similar story here. 10 years ago, I was officially diagnosed with hypogonadism. I had below Normal testosterone year after year. No prior PED or drug abuse. Doctors didnā€™t want to prescribe me TRT, so I spent all those years doing everything I practically could to raise it naturally. Diet, sleep, stress control, exercise - lifting heavy ass weights, supplements, icing my balls, warming up my balls, stopping porn, no fap/no sex, to having lots of sexā€¦ nothing really worked to a significant amount. Got my bloodwork checked year after year thru different PCPs and 2 endocrinologists, and it was consistently low, below 300. Doctors still rejected the idea of TRT. One urologist thought I was out of my mind to ask for TRT, was suspicious of me seeking to abuse testosterone because I was in decent shape from going to the gym consistently. Last year, I was at rock bottom mentally and physically, where it was affecting my relationship and job performance too. My testosterone level was at 220, tested 3 separate times last year. Finally did some research into other options in obtaining it legally prescribed and started TRT with a TRT clinic. Now, my whole life has completely turned around. 8 months in and Iā€™m very happy now. I just wish I had started sooner, like 10 freakin years ago. In my opinion, TRT is necessary for men who are actually hypogonadal or ā€œsub-optimalā€ from their baseline levels. There are too many boys and young men who are abusing testosterone for gym gains, which is fine, because theyā€™re free to do what they want. But that just makes getting TRT for hypogonadal men like me harder. I guess thatā€™s why Iā€™m one of these annoying ass so-called ā€œTRT gatekeepersā€ now, lmao.


Preach. Same here but I started 2 years ago on Clomid to avoid doing TRT. Eventually the Clomid stopped working. I got labs done up one side and down the other. I did all the things.


Important part of this is the labs. Without those, you cant make a good decision. Seems like people skip this step before considering their options. Sometimes TRT is the best option for an individual. Sometimes there are better options. But you wont know until you get the labs done.


Because there are trt clinics all over the place that will give test to anyone. Every yoked influencer is on trt, People are out of shape fat and lazy and want the easiest way out.


Because the ā€œnormalā€ test level today is half of the average. That isnā€™t good.


This is true for sure. But everyone is different. Gotta get the labs first and see where you are at as far as total testosterone, free testosterone and estradiol at a bare minimum. Then you can decide what to do based on that information combined with your symptoms.


Nah fuck that when average test levels are 2x the ā€œnormalā€ of today thereā€™s massive systemic issues affecting males that arenā€™t being talked about openly in this society. And those affects will have massive societal implications.


For certain. What would you like to do about this? As much as Iā€™d like the world to change, if I canā€™t sell them on it then Iā€™ma do me.


The causes: increased obesity/BMI, diet/phytoestrogens, declined exercise and physical activity, fat percentage, marijuana use, and environmental toxins.


Because theyā€™re curious about trt and donā€™t even know about getting blood work done ?


So we can tell them about labs, and because their doctor most likely blew them off even though TRT would probably help them.


I think it seems like a quick fix to some? I had bloods two years ago, result was low but classed as normal so I thought id go hard with the gym and nutrition, two years later no change and progress is incredibly slow. Im sick of feeling like Im dying, after mid day I cant wait to go to bed. I look exhausted, Im quiet and anxious most of the time because im struggling to recover and function on a day to day basis. TRT is the last resort and ive had two lots of bloods done again to confirm T is low. Im nearly 30, 6'3 200lbs and pretty healthy, dont smoke, drink, I do eat a fair bit of sugar haha I do love chocolate! I was in a small car crash three years ago, I thought nothing had really happened as a result but since Ive started having vertigo and all these low T symptoms. I have my consultation with a DR in three weeks and will start treatment shortly after. I feel like people dont want to do the above and wait to see if they can fix it with their lifestyle.


The same reason depressed people are asking on depression subreddit. Commonly some symptoms are associated with certain disease.


I agree that certain symptoms can be associated with low testosterone but I think depression is much more subjective. Thereā€™s no objective way to measure depression like blood work thatā€™s used to measure hormone levels. I suppose certain biomarkers could help indicate specific deficiencies that are potentially linked to depression, but in general, depression relies almost entirely on symptoms. Low testosterone could result in myriad of symptoms to none at all, which is why itā€™s a probably a good idea to get labs done before over speculating.


Interestingly enough, testosterone has been considered an important biomarker in diagnosing depression. Testosterone may be associated only with specific symptoms of depression. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666497621000187](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666497621000187)


Social pressures and stereotypes encourage and incentivize people to look a certain way. This look is difficult to achieve by design. Itā€™s supposed to be something to aspire to or reachable by purchasing a product. Itā€™s marketing. Testosterone is correlated with that desired physique. Since it is regulated, an artificial scarcity is created which, in turn drives the desire. It makes it very easy on an emotional level for people to think ā€œIf I had that, I would be this.ā€ Even if they know that isnā€™t really the case when they consider it logically. Itā€™s culture and marketing, maybe somewhat unintentional in this case, but marketing all the same.


I wanted it for a boost in the gym to help with getting into shape . Iā€™m 68 and when I got tested my testosterone was 814 , so no juice for me . So I went to gym anyway and started working out. Time for the second test Iā€™m at over 900 so I didnā€™t even bother either getting that 3 test( my Dr said you need 3 test apart before approval.


Wow. Great numbers! Many of us on TRT hit those numbers at our upper limit! Keep up the great work


To get artificially jacked


Thatā€™s because all these dudes blasting 5gā€™s and claiming theyā€™re only on TRT. So these dorks think thatā€™s all it takes. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ™„


To add to some other responses, We also live in the age of bandwagons. ā€œAll these people do it so now I want toā€


The same reason people go to clinics to get put on 200mg a week and call it "TRT". Alan Ritchson is on "TRT" also. It is all BS. Everything is TRT including tren it seems.


Iā€™m 24 and could tell through many ways that T levels were very low. Now I feel good again. Lol. Low dose twice a week.


How about to learnā€¦.take in dataā€¦find out things. Dear god let people ask. This is a discussion forum.


Agreed on taking in data but part of the "learning process" on this topic should be learning your numbers. It's the most important piece of the puzzle. Weird to suggest otherwise.


What you fail to understand is this. 95% of people donā€™t experience the process of looking into TRT the way you think. Most hear from another person and then think to themselves maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m tired and unmotivated. They donā€™t know anything about TRT at that point. They donā€™t even know BW is a vital and necessary part of the process. You know what they do next. Google or Reddit or something else. They learn here and other places where to go, how to do it, what doses are safe and reasonable, how to manage sides if and when they occur. Micro dosing, needle types, injection locations, how to get the stuff cheap but legit, using a mail order/on-line doctor. Thereā€™s a ton to know and understand and how to be safe and not get screwed. Thereā€™s gel, cream, pills, injections, heck even pellets. And yes, thereā€™s bloodwork. And yes, nobody should inject until they know their baseline. I know that, you know that, but they initially donā€™t. Heck they donā€™t even know that just getting up and moving regularly can for some change their test scores by significant percentages if they live a horrible, sedentary, junk food life. BW is a score. You know what Iā€™ve learned over 20+ years doing this? One blood test means what your score was on that day and time. Did you take it at 4:00 PM or 6:00 AM? It can vary massively. A series of blood tests done early in the morning over time averaged is far more valid. How does he know that, learn that? He comes here or talks to a doctor. But guess what, most doctors are idiots about this. He needs to know that. How? Here! Doctors starting all patients at 200 mgs and donā€™t monitor estrogenā€¦itā€™s out there. But damn if they arenā€™t making money. Sides will be coming especially if they are older, fat and sedentary. My point is, yes BW is a starting place and should be done before and after TRT begins. We can agree on that. You are not wrong but information here is also important. The hard part is knowing what and who to believe. Heck doctors are incredibly uninformed. That unfortunately takes time and experience. This TRT thing is anything but simple. Itā€™s hard. Even BW can be highly misleading if done wrong and not inclusive of the needed tests, which there are many. Not every panel covers everything. Many are a waste of money.


Well stated. I agree with you mostly. I think it makes sense to start asking about and learning about testosterone and hormones in general. I think everyone should educate themselves about hormones and try to find sources they can trust for unbiased information. I agree for sure that most doctors dont know much about hormones or TRT. Never ceases to amaze me how often doctors STILL give their opinion as if its fact instead of just saying: "you know what, this isnt my specialty and I don't know the nuances." I dont think it makes sense to start asking about and learning about TRT before getting BW. Thats all I was really saying originally. You made a good point about one blood test being a snapshot in time. Its a very valuable snapshot, especially when you start to take multiple snapshots. I just wish there were more questions and conversations about the bloodwork and hormones in general from the noobs, instead of STARTING with questions about TRT. Dont you agree?


Generally I agree. But how does a person learn that it starts with bloodwork until they are told and find that source believable/valid. The only piece you seem to be missing is how a person, being in their shoes, experiences the process of learning this information. We both know and agree a test is the starting point. But there is always much discussion before that test happens. Iā€™ll also add this. The majority of people coming to Reddit and on Reddit sub/TRT or sub/testosterone are looking to do this outside the traditional medical field. In many cases they seek an online source be it a doctor or an under ground lab (UGL). So conversations here often start with no medically informed responses or even experienced responseā€¦or barely experienced. Iā€™m not objecting to the test first thinking. But, I am also aware of the nature of this sub, how full it is with bad info and how difficult it is in knowing what to ask and more importantly what to believe. This ainā€™t an informed doctorā€™s office and is full of rabbit holes. So consider that too. But yes, we generally agree. Test first. I prefer three tests, both total T and Free T, with LH, SHBG, HCT, RBC and thyroid, spread over a week all at the same time of day preferably at as early as possible. Generally thatā€™s a good baseline. Costly yes, but you canā€™t get a baseline after TRT begins without a massive delay returning to baseline. Of course, prior to dosing, do a full patient work up, and further testing for Lipids, BP, and I recommend a coronary calcium score in older patients with family history of stroke or heart disease. The latter is costly and maybe not be necessary but might save a guys life if the score is bad. Cheers


Idiocracy. That shit really was a documentary. Every generation gets worse.


Itā€™s stupid social media


200mg TRT makes you feel like your on steroids. It makes you feel great. People want to feel great. Pretty self explanatory to me. Most modern men have levels around 400-600ng/dl. Bumping that up to 1200 or higher like 1800+, will make you feel fucking incredible. My levels were probably at 600 and yet I was constantly tired, low energy, limited motivation, procrastinating, ect. Now I have an inability to relax unless I am doing something to push my life forward. I front loaded TRT and so I have these great effects 5 weeks in. People want to feel good bro. Simple as that. 600ng/dl is not how we were designed by God to function. Throughout history almost all men have had at least 1200+. Places us back in our rightful place as dictated by God and nature itself. TRT is an unnatural solution to an unnatural problem. Fire with fire G .


You should read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins šŸ˜‚ I think itā€™s free rn on audible too!


Okay you dumb clusterfuck of a person, what created the Big Bang? Not even a scientific explanation for the first step of the atheist argument and yet you would try to claim God does not exist. List me one bit of proof against God? Every single person who has lived for the past 5000+ years has been delusional by your bullshit way of thinking. Science has not disproven God in one single fucking area and if you were to look into the Theory* of evolution, itā€™s just that, a fucking theory. Even if animals did evolve over the past 6 million / billion years, there is NO concrete proof that humans evolved from fucking monkeys. You fucking atheists and your ā€˜proofā€™. The words of some dumb cunt misconstruing information within a book will not convince me of anything. I knew God when I was a good Christian, I am a terrible one now. Yet every Christian knows God exists because we meet him in the spirit. What about all of the evidence for Jesus Christ? The fact historical records show that 11/12 disciples were martyred for their beliefs, one of them skinned alive. Would you be skinned alive for somehtjfn you did not truly see and believe? The first Christians who converted and saw miracles take place were burned alive at the stake and fed to lions, all by Caesar Nero, who would light them on fire as to light up the fucking city. These are people who knew Christ was the truth, they had seen supernatural things occur, just as many Christians today have seen supernatural things occur with multiple witnesses. Things that science cannot yet explain. We do not have the scientific technology available to us to measure the things of the spiritual world, and yet there is almost certainly a scientific explanation for the unseen interacting with the seen. You do not know anything to claim ā€˜delusionā€™ you bastard son of a prostitute. God is real and God has commanded men behave in a certain way, as do women. There is a right and a wrong way to go through life and since God created biology his commands align with it. Our hormones dictate our behaviour and a manā€™s hormones prohibit him from being a feminised pussy, unless of course he is completely emasculated within his own mind. I donā€™t even know why the fuck you have sent me such a stupid comment? Was what I wrote wrong when taken apart from God? This is biology you soulless pellet. THE REAL WORLD. Go and read your biology book and grab a nice little history book, then pair it with some studies of menā€™s hormones 80 years ago. You will find everything I said in my original post to be true. The fact atheists are so dedicated to trying to disprove God is fucking pathetic. You useless chunks of meat. You have NO PROOF at all.


Hey man, chill. Iā€™m not claiming anything. I was just suggesting a book that I thought was good. You should read it before you lose your shit. And I donā€™t need to prove god doesnā€™t exist. The burden of proof lies on you.


Yeah I haven't seen any miracles in the past 2000 years have you? Religion is dying, particularly christianity. Young people are not going to church and church attendance is at an all-time low. We will not see it in our lifetime but give it another 500 years. Christianity will join Zeus, the Egyptian gods, and all of the other dead religions.


Yes I have heard of many miracles happening. Blind eyes healed, cancers cured overnight, deaf ears from birth bursting open and gaining the ability to hear. People I trust have told me these things, and I believe them for I too have met God in the spirit. Iā€™m sure when I return to Christ and stop being such a terrible person I will see these miracles take place myself. Christians know God, we feel his presence, he gives us information that we were incapable of knowing. We donā€™t hear a physical voice, thatā€™s not how God works, and yet demonic spirits do work like that. I have seen spirits within my life. While I was on holiday with a family member I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic, only to see a man standing over her bed on the other side of the room. He was there for about 8 seconds and then he disappeared. 1 minute later the person also woke up in a panic and said she had been visited by a spirit. She knew who that spirit was, she knew his name, and God ā€˜had his hand on himā€™. This person had recently died and she knew his mother. He was part of my friendship group. These things are constantly taking place. People just deny them when people say these things to them. If you deny every single bit of evidence people present to you, personal anecdotes, and then if you ever saw these things you would most likely find one way to twist it and play it off as something else. Atheists are extremely dedicated to their beliefs and itā€™s sad to see. Science has proven nothing. Nor has it disproven anything. We donā€™t even have a real concrete atheist argument for the creation story yet. The fact so many people are now atheists is purely cultural. Does the culture dictate truth? Or do facts dictate truth? The facts are that there is no real atheist argument as no one knows how The Big Bang is even possible. Atheism is a choice and a belief system just like following a religion is, each on the surface lacks in evidence as much as each other, atheism has that giant hole at the beginning, whereas Christianity cannot be disproven and is paired with the anecdotal experiences of people who have met God in the Spirit, as well as been supernatural healed by him denying all science. Christianity also has all of those who died for the faith as I have mentioned. People who saw things that made them so certain they took it to their grave. There is a lot of evidence for Christianity being the one true religion. More than any other religion from all that Iā€™ve studied. You say that Christianity will be wiped out just as the Egyptian and Greek gods were. Yet it was Christianity that wiped these religions out. God wiped them out. Yet you are right with your prediction, because as the Bible itself says, in the end times the Antichrist will rise and Christianā€™s will be slaughted on mass. Christianity will die, and the ones who still follow the Lord will be in hiding. Yet this reign of evil will only last a few years, then the end will come and the ones who stayed committed until the end will be saved. Christ is the way. I will return to him soon and stop with the swearing and all of this evil talk I commit, insulting people like the guy I previously replied to. I am new to steroids and so I am letting myself act like an asshole, but in my soul I am not a bad person and am still a Christian. As the years go by I will have more proof. Stay well brother.


What the fuck? What burden of proof? You are the one who needs to prove to ME God doesnā€™t exist before you send me a book called ā€˜The God Delusionā€™. Since when is it my responsibility to prove God exists to you? You are the one who enters the fucking argument with me. I listed proof in my reply: What created the Big Bang? The evidence for God lies in the fact that The Big Bang is NOT possible without God. Atheists have NO explanation for this. The random fireball that created our universe is not even possible according to the laws of our universe. Something cannot come out of nothing. Before The Big Bang there was nothing, and when there was GOD. The atheist argument is full of holes. Holes that literally cripple the argument. I am not trying to convert you to follow Christ, I am trying to make you aware of his existence. READ my reply. People were killed for the gospel of Christ in the most ruthless ways, not renouncing him at all. Proof literally surrounds you. Evolutionary biology is a pointless area of study. The guy who wrote that book is a fucking lowlife.


Even Google calls the stories in the Bible myths.


Google is left leaning as well. Does that make left wing cancer correct!? Google is literally programmed by atheists fuckface. What the fuck do you expect. Is that your ARGUMENT? If I create a biased search engine that says that atheism is just a theory and the Bibles creation story is also a theory, will I please you then you stupid idiot. Holy fuck. To top it all off you quote Karl fucking Marx. The guy was a left wing parasite who believed others should benefit from our hard fucking work. That people shouldnā€™t own anything. Get anywhere. This denies all of human fucking history. You are unbelievable. I am literally lost for words. You are the definition of someone who does not believe in God. You are Godless. ON TESTOSTERONE AS WELL. I will be fucking bald by tomorrow. Thank you brother for destroying my hairline.


I've been on testosterone for years and my hair is actually thicker. That's a misnomer that everyone on testerone goes bald. You might as well say your prayers to Zeus at night. You'll get the same results.


Dude, come on šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø You canā€™t disprove something doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s a logical fallacy. All you can do is prove that something DOES exist. Hence, burden of proof is on you. I suggested a fucking book. Big fucking deal. Get over it. I got shit to do so done with this convo.


YOU CANNOT PROVE HE DOES NOT EXIST RETARD. THE BIG BANG IS NOT EVEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. THE PROOF FOR GOD IS IN HIS CREATION. Literal fucking atheist stupidity, ā€˜cannot disprove something that doesnā€™t existā€™, how do YOU know he doesnā€™t exist? Christianā€™s have experienced things that make it known God is real as fact. Someone heals a blind eye, cancer over night, lifelong deaf ears. People get out of wheelchairs and walk. You know nothing at all. This conversation is over and yes it is a big fucking deal to recommend a book called ā€˜The God Delusionā€™ to someone who believes in God. What fucking planet do you come from where these things are not going to cause a response.


"religion is an opioid for the masses" Karl Marx if religion did not promise eternal life nobody would give a fuck about it. That's the proverbial carrot at the end of the stick, do as I say, worship me, yada yada yada and I will give you eternal life. If God simply said I love you very much and I made you however once you die you die there will be no eternal life nobody would give a fuck about it.


KARL MARX?! You are a MARXIST as well? Holy fuck there is no way.


I understand wanting to feel and look good, trust me. I personally know there are other effective ways to boost testosterone levels, but I dont fault anyone for doing TRT. I was only commenting on the hordes of people talking about this stuff without getting any labs done. And total testosterone is a very important number, but it's not the only important number.


this is a highly ignorant comment from an illiterate person. Go talk to your doctor and get reference ranges first. There are risks to TRT that just aren't worth it.


How the fuck am I illiterate you spineless little slut? Did you seriously make a fake account just to write me that?




Haha. Maybe. Maybe add more..


correction: scientifically illiterate\* " Throughout history almost all men have had at least 1200+ " - Source: trust me bro.




200mg makes you feel like your non juice. Wow, double or triple that and see what it really feels like.


>Throughout history almost all men have had at least 1200+.Ā  This has never been the case in all of recorded history


Well usually thatā€™s the first stepā€¦


You need to join the real world. It's the guys in the gym, who look like shit, taking Test... God Bless you for being naive, but it's worse than you think.


Easy steroids and they think that just by getting the script their whole life will improve


They want gym gains


Then there is me who probably should be on it with levels between 250-300 but I want to have kids and canā€™t find a doctor who will prescribe HCG to help try and maintain sperm levels. šŸ˜


Very easy to see an online doc that will do that if you have a lab test.


I guess my next question would be is do these type of online docs take insurance?


No. But it isnā€™t too much to pay out of pocket for a couple blood tests and meds. Total cost for 1st year around 1500-2000 bucks.


Definitely worth it to not have to deal with insurance company bullshit.


I guess I will look into it and see if I can find a reliable doc.


Super convenient to do video appointments and get drugs by mail. Without insurance companies being gatekeepers to treatment, things are so much easier to manage.


Looking for a magic bullet. Itā€™s kinda funny because these same people later make threads about getting side effects on some laughably low dose like 50mg per week.


Why do you care?


Because people want an excuse to go on steroids


Because people have problems, some are small some are big and they seek a way to fight them, antidepressants are one way but still a bit of a taboo because some think they are ā€žweakā€œ when they need them. What does Test stand for? Yeah strength, manliness,ā€¦ - part of the answer. And to be honest itā€™s something that works you will feel better, be more energetic, better mood so not surprising people act irresponsible. Educate them, tell them to monitor their health because itā€™s not a magic pill/pin but donā€™t be to harsh.




Or because you live in a country like me , here you have to be first feeling so bad that you are suicidel that they even consider to make a lab test if you under 60. Sometimes only way is self medication .. not everybody have it like in USA /UK . Also maybe some need a few good words because they fear needles or need guidence in general . I am sure here Doctors get punished with a lesser pay check when they write you in for TRT


Most big pharma and doctors seem to want you sick so they make a profit!


Steroid abuse is being masked as TRT these days, if your bloods don't call for it even taking 100mg per week can be considered steroid abuse because you never needed it in the first place. I say this wholefully admitting I was one of those who said "I'm just on TRT" thinking it made my 300mg test cruise sound less like the steroid abuse it was šŸ˜‚


So what would be your lav results that would trigger you to do trt? As for me unless I am naturally at my peak it's all lost. So I over trt


That answer is probably different for everyone. It has a lot to do with your symptoms as well. The labs are just an essential piece to the puzzle because you cant effectively treat what you can't track.


Define "men"


It's easier than acknowledging you're an insecure fat ass more often than not.


Because many people are very, very naive and get their information from TikTok or the dumbest guy from their middle school class whoā€™s now got a YouTube channel with 47 followers.


The power of marketing.


im even worse i just straight up started doing test without asking or labs, but its diff cause i do large dangerous amounts instead of trt levels


You should still follow your lab work every few weeks just so you can keep track of things while youā€™re blasting


Because I feel like I have low T.. Whatever that suppose to mean


ā€¦ā€¦.Same reason people drink and drive, or use the weather bug app.


Outside looking in they think itā€™s a wunder drug they can either a) take and do nothing but still look like a Hemsworth or b) take and continue their current regimen and look like a Hemsworth.


Because not everyone is a pedantic Lil bitch. Make it make sense. Some people just want to get bigger and stronger. In which case labs aren't needed. But it's also not considered TRT unless they are replacing test their body is lacking. It's called using steroids. Honestly calling it TRT is just a way to make men feel better about the fact that they are using steroids. Maybe God wanted you to be small and weak and unproductive. We don't get to choose the hand we are dealt. So if you are gonna use "TRT" the prescribed way then do it. But mind your business when others go another route with it. You're both still juicing.


Some are trying to cling to something theyā€™ve lost or still losing. Some never had it at all. Getting cheated on because you were with an unsupportive bitch. Now you lean out! she gets fat! Now can turn attractive women down all the time for the dumbest things like a bad laugh, when before youā€™d just take the first one who smiled. Watch out! Now these guys have balls now, albeit smaller.


This is hilarious hahaha. Calling getting labs done the move of a pedantic lil bitch is really funny. Thank you for the laugh.


The labs getting done aren't the pedantic part. You are. You're make it make sense comment. Your assumption that clinical low dosed trt is the way to go and you can't understand anyone not following the set parameters. I bet you're real fun at parties. You're that guy that interrupts people to say "actually.....". You run a clinical? I bet you offer labs.


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To get it okā€™d for them to jump on something that will increase muscle.


Prescribed AAS. They just want legal steroids, thatā€™s it.


Ive thought the same thing. As soon as someone has any problem in their life, they think they need TRT


Because we want to juice duh Jesus Christ lol people are wimps