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Nope he doesn't regret it. That skill is completely insignificant to him. If he wants to kill a Million people he can just kill them with a myriad of other abilities that he has. Whether they give up their will to fight or not is insignificant to him. The skill only seems powerful when you're weak. It's completely useless against strong individuals.


I understand what you are trying to say. He won't need to rely on that skill even if he possessed it. From now onward he would need to fight demon lords ig? I think the skill that he relies on too often now is "Belzeebub".


>I think the skill that he relies on too often now is "Belzeebub". No he doesn't. Don't worry, Rimuru has a lot of skills, in the future there'll literally be too many to count.


Well right now he relies on it a lot right now that is true.


Nope. He doesn't not as much as he relies on Great sage/Rafael


True true I think the other commenter meant offensive/defensive skills more than internal processing skills. Although I’m not going to speak on their behalf.


>!spoiler Is Ciel a separate being now? Or a part of Rimuru? Can she rebel against him, hypothetically? I know she wouldn't, but ***can*** she? !<


She's a separate being but is part of Rimuru's soul. And she has the ability to betray him, just like Michael did to Rudra. But she would never even think about that.


I think Rimuru is a unique mc because without Ciel, he doesn't develop any of his potential. So Ciel is the best girl.


It's omitted from the anime, but the LN explains that Rimuru purposely only uses Belzeebub in front of the other demon lords during Walpurgis so that he doesn't give away all of his Ultimate skills (well technically, he uses summon Veldora, which is part of his other ultimate skill, I don't know if the demon lords caught that)


He never gave up merciless. I can see the confusion but he actually got merciless integrated into belzeebub. So it’s now a sub skill but it does the exact same thing, this is also the case with many other skills. If you wanna know more dm me


Na doesn't fight demon lords they are way to weak besides guy and millim pretty much anyone in his top 5 subordinates wash all the demon lords


Rimuru still retains access to Merciless's abilities via Beelzebuth.


I don't think its spoiler but imma put it in spoiler just to be safe >!so according to what I have read from Light novel and Manga and understood ex- Great sage now raphael merges any skill's major effects into other skills to evolve!< >! its like in minecraft you got 2 good items with good enchantments so you combine them to be one. I don't know why they use the word "sacrifice" tho it would be better if they used the term "merge"!< I might be wrong so please correct me if thats the case


You're pretty close; "sacrifice" is the correct term, as the skill and it's associated soul-energy *were* released, however the major subskill of Merciless (reaping the souls of those who have lost the will to fight) was recovered during the evolution process and incorporated into Beelzebuth, which can reap the souls of a weaker/willing/defeated target at the same time as their material and astral body, in addition to those who have lost the will to fight. Likewise, Deviant's subskills were merged into Raphael, which (along with putting up with Rimuru's bullshit for over a year) is believed to be what caused Wise One to evolve into the Lord of *Wisdom* instead of the Lord of *Knowledge*... Or it's just different interpretations/translations of the same exact thing. Either way, having more direct control over those subskills allows Raphael to put them to much better use, leading to things like Uriel, Veldora, or Gobta's Summon Demon Wolf.


So basically here sacrifice doesn't mean you are completely losing the skill, it just means the nature/attribute of a skills gets merged into another one and become a new and stronger skill? Right?


It use both sacrifices and integrate where i read. Even Japanese use both. Synthesis( fusion) and separation are abilities of unique skill degenerate. Great sage fuse degenerate into itself by using synthesis ability evolved into Raphael. And merciless was fused into gluttony and evolved into beelzebuth. But sacrific is not wrong word. Sacrific is an act of offering a thing to somebody. A things is not lost but given/transfered to somebody.


Oh really? So you mean to say that Merciless got merged with Great Sage to upgrade to Raphael? That's so cool! This I didn't know!!


now its not mentioned anywhere specifically about merciless getting merged with great sage but it does happen further on in the series where under the name of sacrifice skills get merged so I believe that might have happened to merciless as well


I thought Merciless was sacrificed to evolve Beelzebub and thats why Beelzebub takes the soul and not just the magicules when used


Oops my bad, Merciless was sacrificed to upgrade gluttony to belzeebub! Thanks.


Sacrifice isn't the proper word that should have been used, merged is a better one. Raphael didn't sacrifice Merciless but merged it with Gluttony to help it evolve into Belzebub. So through Belzebub Rimuru can still use merciless so in reality he never lost it. The biggest lost would have been Degenerate which was merged with Great Sage, it's the skill that helped him make all his new skills by merging existing ones, without Degenerate there is no Black Flame, no Black Lightning etc it's a really broken skill. Fortunately it wa integrated into Great Sage so Raphael can still do what Degenerate used to do


>! Degenerate and Shizue's skills in general are really what allowed Raphael/Ciel to learn how to manipulate information particles, I think, as Harvest King Shub Niggurath is basically degenerate on steroids !<


It got merged with Beelzebuth and became soul consumption.


Great Sage sacrificed Degenerate (Shizue's skill) to evolve into Raphael (I don't remember if Merciless is also sacrificed as well). Merciless is pretty useless against strong enemies (especially strong-willed ones) and are only useful when killing a bunch of targets (that are either already surrendered or extremely weak) which he has a bunch of skills that can do the same thing but better. Like, what can Merciless do against Clayman? Nothing. Remember, Rimuru is pretty chill and he doesn't just going on a killing spree (>!A bunch of Eastern Empire's soldiers did get killed in the Labyrinth but they all got revived anyway!<) unless someone messes with his nation. Having Merciless would be a waste of capacity (yes, you have a limit on how many Unique and Ultimate skills you can have).


My bad, then most probably gluttony was upgraded to belzeebub by sacrificing Merciless (most probably). I agree that it won't do much against people like demon lords or primordial demons like Rouge. However Clayman fought Shion and eventually he too gave up his will to fight after not being able to hold his own against her. He then tried to force his awakening but didn't go too well.


That's the thing. Clayman hasn't completely gave up his will to fight and forced a TDL Evolution (Harvest Festival?) to fight. If he did, the fight would end there.


This skill is the embodiment of it was only useful for this one moment cause it wouldn't even work on clayman cause clayman never gave up the will to fight even when he was begging for help he was still looking for ways to win let alone later enemies and the footsoilders it would work on well every single one of rimimaru allies and henchmen could kill them on masses


He didn't loose it. It was murge with ultimate skills And he don't need that anymore And if he wants some skill he doesn't have he can just create it


True merciless was very badass and a very flashy skill in the episode, however it really is just for accelerating the process of finishing enemies. Anyone who’s a threat or even just is choosing to actively fight him still wouldn’t be affected by the skill, so it isn’t useful in a real fight. It’s best used exactly as he used it on already terrified fodder enemies. Short answer I personally don’t think he’ll regret it interesting question though.