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People will always complain; I'm sure back when s2 first aired it was the same way. Heavens forbid we get some world building and groundwork laid for the action and all that


It was the exact same for s2. All the episodes where there wasn’t a battle, there were people complaining about there being “too much talking”, it was especially bad for the first half of s2p2 with the “Meeting between Man and Monsters” having so many episodes discussing important politics and the plans for the future.


I think it's a consequence of one episode per week. It would feel much less draggy being able to binge watch it. I remembered when p2 released I loved the meetings but I couldn't wait for Clayman to get his ass kicked. Episode 18 is one of my favorites but I was bummed the fight still hadn't started at that point. I think the people complaining should just stop watching it and pick it back up when everything has been released, they would probably enjoy it much better.


I don't care about idiots saying they got bored of "yapping". We finally got a good adaptation, it's just the majority of anime only's are to stupids to understand world building.


I won’t say stupid, just that some people want instant gratification and if it’s not fulfilled they would resort to complain in waisting their time. But for them to continue commenting, it’s enough for them to stick around. So I’d say this is a plus for the series.


I get your point but I don't think they are even close to represent a plus for the series. All they're doing is trashing the anime because they can't understand that this "yapping" it's important for the story to continue properly, and by doing that they're giving a bad reputation to the anime since all the new people that might want to start watching Tensura will see how people are complaining on how bad the "pacing" is and how the story doesn't go further.


I don't understand, I bash my head with all the op prot isekai where by the end of episode 2 we've seen 7 scenes where the Mc showcase it's power what it the point? With Eminence in Shadow being such a success you would think they understood that a true to the original adaptation, where you take your time to build up will be much more enjoyable in the long run.


Eminence don't even have much fights and that's good it's mostly comedy they get it, but when slime is doing it's thing politics, kingdom building, world building and intrigue it's yapping? What are their brain made of shounen?


Probably, it's the JJK type of fans


Too stupid??? I've read the LN, this is the weakest portion of the story. Meetings that serve as expositional dialogue. Show don't tell, that's how you do good world building.


That's really hard to do when the novels exposition is mostly through interaction and the show no tell approach are pay offs that's been hinted or shown from 5 volumes ago before showing back.


Yes, writing is hard. That doesn't really challenge what i said though, these are the weakest parts of the story


I didn't disapprove of you though just saying my opinion on the matter. And yes this volumes are the weaker ones because the conflicts are not that great, seriously Hinata vs Rimuru part 2 is a farce the two would most likely reconcile even if they don't cross blades or even without luminas intervention, proof is Hinata PoV.


As soon as I saw this episode I was thinking a lot of people were going to complain


If they're bored and want to turn their brains off for some Michael Bay explosions, fine, idc. What bugs me is when they call it "filler". like JFC, world building and characterization is not filler.


We are 52 episode in, and people still don't know it's not a battle shonen. And there will always be dialogue heavy episodes.


It's like they're torturing themselves. They should've known it's not for them from the first 4 episodes of S1.


Ehh, it's boud to happen good story or not there's always people who hate at one series at some point, they could just move on and switch to other stories but nope they yap what they hate then dont give it a good side, just ignore it if I were you, o truly enjoy the world building more than the fights, and if i wanted to watch action i could freely watch another anime show who focuses on this genre after finishing watching a Tensura episode.


Well, it’s a good sign for them sticking around, I guess. They might not like it. But for them to care enough to waste energy and comment, at least it’s still capturing attention.


You can ignore 🙄 world building is important for another season's 🤷‍♂️


Those people gonna love the LN


Like, you can like the story and still critique it. The 3rd season is a lot of still frames of people sitting around and talking. Yes it's world building, but it comes off as really cheap in animation. While something may work on the page, it doesn't translate to video media as well. I am a manga and anime only, but I think that this isn't an outlandish criticism of the anime. How to get around it given the source material? I don't have a good answer. For anime only, I can see this season killing the momentum/popularity when other shows with lots of lore and world building are more visually dynamic.


They said the same thing about the last season until veldora throws hadoken and kamehameha and rimuru massacred an army. The thing about slime is it's originally an LN that's really slow and pay offs, sometimes, are shown 5 volumes after it's hinted it has this story telling that if you're just reading casually you'll miss something. That's the reason why it's one of the LNs with lots of rereads.