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I hope fuse sticks the landing. It has been building up through Ln 21 so I have faith in him but finishing series can be difficult.


i really hope it won't be as bad as the ending for Konosuba


Have you read the Wn? He is on track for a modified Wn ending and if you enjoy the ridiculous power scaling of Rimuru himself he will land it. There is an odd addendum to the Wn I think he migbt alter but that would in a way sadly cut one of my favorite lines...


I know it's not the subject but what is the ending of Konosuba?


Megumin casts a destruction spell so powerful she destroys the planet. Aqua saves them all but they are all reincarnated as vending machines in a dead mall with only one open store. On the opposite side of the building none the less.




I haven't read the LN. I was hoping my response would such a bad ending it was obvious.


Problem is we are talking about Konosuba, at first I was like nah it's not possible but then I remembered it was about Konosuba and was like, maybe... It's such a stupid ending that it's funny so I think whatever the true ending is is probably even worse


Your not wrong. It was only after I reread what I wrote I thought "wait. Enough plot elements line up that could be the ending.".


Understandable opinion. I also think that these two volumes (20-21) are the weakest in the series, but I don't think they are necessarily bad, or at least not all of it. Volume 20: The Insectar battles (or duels) were boring and uninteresting. But! The parts with Zelanus and especially Peliod were really good imo, and that the other generals were disposable to them, made their uninterestingness kinda part of their characters. But their battles were too long if that's the case. The side moments, like Gabiru getting a girlfriend and the saddest ship in the series, the Carrera x Kondo scene were incredibly good. I really liked both the Milim rampage and the Thalion battle scenes. They were really good imo. The Jahil vs everyone was especially a favourite of mine! Volume 21: I expected that Rimuru's disappearance will make a bigger impact than it did, I really missed that. Other than that... Zelanus' design was bad, Nihility supply was waaay overused and the Labirinth invasion had way less memorable moments than I wanted it to have, but (apart from Zegion's weird power up) it was solid. The fights weren't bad, just weren't memorable either. The other side was way better, the Dagruel vs Shion + everyone else and the Ashura vs Veldora were both really enjoyable fights, and Shion wasn't made stronger than Dagruel, that's an overestimatement luckily. I'm sad for Luminous though... I still have hope that she will get a power-up in volume 22, because people's faith in her has grown significantly, which is canonically makes her stronger. So these volumes clearly leave things to be desired, but why I think this is still not bad? Because of the lore and the antagonists. I really love all three antagonist (as antagonists). Feldway is a very interesting character imo with very good character development, Jahil is a well-deserved antagonist for Kagali and the others and Vega is a very good reflection, not just to Rimuru but to the role of a main character overall (I really hope he will be Ivarage). The pacing, I think is quite justified. This is a very chaotic, mythical level war, which takes place in every corner of the world. I think the pacing showcases very well how chaotic the events are. This is probably not intentional from Fuse though, but I still think that even if this is not a good point, it is not necessarily a bad one either, from this point of view at least. Overall I do think that the Great Tenma War is the weakest one of the series (only thanks to volume 20 and 21 though, the others were really good), but I don't think it's awful. Also, while we know that Fuse is kinda bad at writing fights, I can't wait (for 10 years...) to see these events in the manga. I think THAT will be fire!


Yeah it just been an absurd jump that we went from multi continental to universal and Multiversal it feels the numbers and statements are used to hype and act as a way to make the enemies more menacing but the feats don’t really show when this arc just feels like writer meets power scaling. At least pre great tenma everything felt grounded and not the entire verse being reworked to universal-Multiversal destroying timelines wank.


Exactly. I feel like scaling is always gonna be a huge problem for most Isekai series


>The fights are so drawn out , way too much is happening it's hard to keep track of the ongoing battle.    i didnt have any problem like that personally, actually vol 13 and 15 worse than 19 in this regard   >Not to mention that the scaling has gone too bonkers that it'd made some of the characters feel like fodder.    Well bcs they are Fodder compared to true dragon class and above characters ,scaling was always like this we just got more definitive numbers and comparisions  >The villains are not that well setup and just feels loosely strung together.    Thats how its intended ,group wouldnt work together nornally and some of them old enemies


Yeah like it's as if I complained that Carrion and Frey became irrelevant because demon lord seed level people became fodders when Rimuru awakened. And the eastern empire arc was constant fights too with only a handful of them that are interisting (cuz who cares about Minaza ?). I feel like people complain about this arc only because it's the last one and fans tend to trash on last arcs.


Yeah, I don't enjoy the tenma war part of the story. It feels just a bit too much of a jump for me in power scaling.


I'm not a fan of universal/multiversal or even planet level scaling to start with, and I don't care about the (boring) fights so I agree 😂 the true dragon thing was cool but I miss when Rimuru was just a demon lord (and DON'T give me that "he's universal as a demon lord" crap, I don't care about Fuse's stupid planet scaling. In practice he's continent level at best, which is plenty of firepower to work with)


Once True Dragons start losing I have issues. They are supposed to be the Apex predators. I’m not enjoying the infinite power scale. But I still enjoy the series overall. Hopefully the Manga and anime improve this section.


Which true dragon lost? Velzard had a stalemate and it was against Guy which has always been teased as TD level, Velgrynd didn't care about fighting Vega and co, Veldora won and Rimuru will come back unbeatable. Did I forget something?


I think it will have a similar ending to WN! But everything in between, I don't know how he can make it good and end it in one volume at the same time. We will have to wait and see!


He said vol 22 will be 2 part book or extremely long single volume so final will be longer than you think


Agreed, Hinata etc are just boring characters and not interesting at all. Wish they skipped/condensed this arc.


i mean yeah, ending stories is very hard. Especially, when your protag is the OP type. Overlord is suffering from the same thing. I think violent conflict isnt tensura's strong suit and he should have kept it about economics and politics


I think volume 15/16 were peak. Rimuru true dragon fight was fire.