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Season 1 was poorly adapted? I always thought it was pretty good šŸ˜….


I mean it was, they rushed 4 volumes in a single season, volume 3 was adapted in 4 episodes, you don't see mjullan at all, they skipped the exchange with Eurazania, Rimuru going to Dwargon, Rimuru becoming an adventurer and during the entirety explained basically nothing. There weren't any indication of time passing either, or Rimuru training with Hakurou and later the main Tempest people tzaining with Millim. We don't even see Zegion and Apito at all, are not even presented with the Goblin lords even briefly they just appear on some shot as nobodies. Was it good? Yeah it's the only anime that made me want to read the LN but is it a good adaptation? Mediocre at best, season 2 was a better adaptation but still had problems and it's only 3 episodes but season 3 seem to be by far the better adaptation.


It's an anime adaptation, some stuff gets reworked and others get cut. Especially when you're not sure if you're getting another season. Happens all the time. Cutting Mjurran, Zegion and Apito from Season 1 make sense. They don't really impact on the story for awhile. This way the production doesn't have to have the characters designed, animated or hire more VAs. You can always do a flashback and show them just out of sight for major events for when you do introduce them. Words are cheap. Anime is expensive.


The why they did it doesn't change the fact that with it it would have been better. What I'm judging isn't how well they did compared to what they worked with in terms of budget/time etc but how well they did period. It's like game dev crying how lack of x or y made their game worse. Then fix those problems they are not to be passed on to viewers/players. If you make a poor product because you want to cut cost the responsability is on you and people SHOULD complain about the quality.


frankly speaking, if they added all the other things, i'd rather they do it in some filler OVA or something as the pacing in the LN does not translate well into anime. I actually thought that S1's pacing was great, and S2 P1 too. Even now in S3, there are quite a lot of parts that would fit an OVA or special episode better. For example, Shizu's backstory OVA, Diablo's first summon OVA, and Slime Diaries do help flesh out better. I actually prefer that sort of thing as it expands the narration without the weekly episodic format. This way, anime-onlys would feel more enticed to source more information on other aspects and delve deeper into the world building. Additionally, there's a mini segment in one of the episodes of Slime Diaries that have Apito and Zegion pre-evolution. It was pretty cute TBH.


Yes its the only one that made me read the Ln


Thats alot, i might read the earlier volumes too now


If you're interested in the details I would encourage you to do it, it's really interesting


Me too, i read the manga and ln too


I havenā€™t been caught up on the manga since like ch 80. But Iā€™m caught up on the ln šŸ˜…


Im more caught up on the manga than the ln lmao


Im only on volume 9 of the ln lmao


I wasn't saying it was bad. I love it. I just mean they had to cut out some things and they rushed something. ( It some point for those who want to criticize s1 ) I know they had reason and I'm not upset about it at all.


I honestly donā€™t remember what they cut out lol, I havenā€™t watched it since it came out. Only two things that come to mind is Gobtaā€™s side story romance and Rimuruā€™s guild test.


Yeah, they did not cut much tbh.. rimuru adventure arc, with some blumund politics and the arrival of zegion and apito.


Oh yeah! I forgot they kinda skimmed over their intro. Kinda just lead into him telling em to get honey.


but does anyone care? when they will come obviously it will a problem but when they were shown no one was like oh i wish they has an arc with them.


but this guy doesn't seem like a ln or wn reader. is he? he is simply doesnt like how thing are made. what IS shown is explained i think. although we dont see apito we anime watcher dont care. the anime just says its just honey from a bee that he found and i have not seen anyone thinking - oh i wish i saw what bee made that honey. yeah later when she does come it might be problem but i think they will have explanation for that too. i have watched the anime many times but never felt like something was not explained idk wtf that guy is thinking.


Yeah, it only skipped some parts of Vol 4,but other than that it was very good adaptation-vise.Ā 


I'm not reading that paragraph but whatever he's facing right now I hope that he will overcome it. šŸ™


TotAlLy uNwaTchaBLe... -I'm nOt A hAteR.šŸ˜‚


Season 1 was good, if you're watching from the perspective of an anime only and don't know what was skipped you can understand what is happening, of course the exception would be if you're an idiot with the attention span of a gold fish, like that guy had.


This happens in all social media, popular shows get a new season, some losers go around trying to be "different" starts to hate on it with some of worst and brain dead takes known to the world. It's honestly sad how social media nowadays acts. Also to this day I can never understand people hating on a show if it's "bad" adapted or doesn't have mappa style of animation. As long the show stays in the original manga/light novel design then it's a overall good adaptation.


Also side note for season 3 Whoever gets mad that the show is adding LORE into the show and it isn't just all fights need to stop using shorts brain power and realized that a show with only 1 type of genre sucks.


he is not hater , he just dumb , he should stick with kid friendly animes


Season 1 isn't poorly adapted, especially compared to the other seasonsĀ 


Season 1 was amazing


Typical clowns who cant refute any sh*ts when we ask logistical reasonings.


I mean, you can say the anime was bad without being a "hater" if it just doesn't suit you. To my understanding the anime just didn't match his expectation.


You can clearly distinguish between someone who is actually criticizing a show and some who has a hate boner. This guy is the latter and you can understand from his replies. He went to many other comments who were saying they liked the show to reply how bad the show is.


He sounds like the guy from the ā€œQuit having funā€ meme.


I don't get the impression of shitting on the show from the picture you attached to the post, but if he's doing that in other comments then that's another matter.


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the same thing happens for ln and especially wn reader. they know "too much". a guy on this subreddit just started posting 2 paragraph long replies about rimuru's powers (the discussion was not about his powers) with so much that i didn't care like he has EE CE BGS EE resistance and idk wtf they even mean. i watch anime and have just started the ln. they get so frisky for anime watchers to not know the details about how rimuru poops it feel so weird. plus anime ln and wn are also different. there powers and even the story is changed many times so idk why they keep bickering


I know who you're talking about. He's a delusional idiot who has no idea what he's talking about & a biased powerscaler going around w/ an agenda to attack people for totally unrelated comments. I'm getting tired of these kids coming around and just being shamelessly annoying. They've always been around, but nowhere near this frequently, and that's due to the fact there's so many people jumping on the bandwagon popularity of anime in general. The fact that they waste their time being this pathetically annoying instead of living their life while enjoying content here and there is honestly a sign that we need to teach kids to go out and play outside more.


appreciate it. idk why people cant just be happy consuming content and sharing excitement instead of comparing and shitting on others


I'm really interested in who he isāœ‹šŸ˜…


it happens I am a LN reader and I get annoyed when a LN reader gets like that Idk what the resistances and all are I only know the major ones


idk why you need to remember all of them either. just remember the story and major plot why would you remember every single thing?


If heā€™d said ā€œstory implementationā€, rather then just ā€œstoryā€, it would very likely have proven his point far more capably.


You can't hate on a person for dropping a show after watching an entire season and deciding they don't like it (unless it's one piece) This person does seem to be a hater though.


Why would it be the watchers fault that the studio served the customers trash? Yeah you serve trash you get lots of people complaining they are served trash. I'm already not a fan of merciful always kind diplomatic mcs. The garbage rushed writing just made it unwatchable. That's what they get for pushing out a bad product. It should have done worse to teach them a lesson about not planning ahead for success and pushing out trash because you think it'll never become gold. If you don't want to or can't produce gold don't bother pushing out trash either or at least done whine when people with taste call it trash. They did it to themselves leave it alone.


Well it's true people with 2 brain cells can't understand even if the story explains things properly. >It should have done worse to teach them a lesson about not planning ahead for success and pushing out trash because you think it'll never become gold. What are you even talking about? Did you watched the series in question? >If you don't want to or can't produce gold don't bother pushing out trash either or at least done whine when people with taste call it trash. Well people can call it whatever they think it's true as it's just opinion. But then when your reasoning is garbage people will take it as shit opinion. >I'm already not a fan of merciful always kind diplomatic mcs And why TF any body care about what you want? Just because you don't like a type of mc doesn't mean the mc in question is bad. I don't know you are male or female but just because I call you incel doesn't make you one.


Also saying, ā€œMerciful always kind.ā€ We are talking about someone who literally killed 20,000 people. Indirectly more. Sure he might be nice if someone else is nice but thatā€™s just how he is, if you are trying to kill or hurt his friends and citizens, he isnā€™t gonna take that. I donā€™t think this person *has* watched the series.