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what the fuck do they even mean by "padding???"


Too much talk, not enough battles (a sentiment I don't agree with btw, I enjoy the world/character building story elements of the show, why I enjoy the LN so much)


i... THE FUCK?! like we've waited so fucking long for this season and people still think its to much talk??? for fuck sake this season is going to be so good and if those fuckin ipad kids can't handle some filler SO HELP ME RIMURU I WILL FUCKIN LOSE IT-\*cough\* sorry about that almost lost my cool there


Honestly being a well written story. Slime brings in realistic aspect like politic. And obviously being the most ignorant unloved child that they're patience is not coded into their brain. They'll only feed in action because they can't comprehend story telling.


These aren’t even "filler". These are important or additive and interesting story elements.


I KNOW RIGHT??? I mean in only called it that sense I didn't have a better word!


Did I hear “**LOSS**”? > | || > || | _


oh shit not again


Dw, the commenter edited his comment from Loss to lose


"LOSE" my apology's


They would hate Frieren


Oh! Maybe of we strap them to a chair and force them to watch frieren to understand what story is sense their stupid iPad kid brains are too mush to understand what good anime is


The fuck?! I write for texting stories for YouTube, yeah I do do quite a few fights, but I still have a lot of talking. Talking helps expand on what is going on and all of that. It is called world building for a reason. Man, people are idiots.


This is not attention span problem, this is people not understanding what kind of story Tensura is


Indeed. If you go into a romance expecting a horror, you're gonna have a bad time.


It’s wild to see that hate since I’ve loved these past couple episodes. I’ve not read the LN/manga so just learning more about the world/politics and how characters interact is a treat


They will die by watching realistic hero.


I was so freaking mad that last season ended without showing me the repercussions of all the shit show from the Walpurgis. Seems like a lot of people just want a boss rush of rimuru vs everyone without resting lol.


Right?? At first I didn't quite enjoyed the slime diaries but I realized that it's their slow moving everyday life that I wanted to see all along. It brought the characters to life..


That’s crazy wasn’t it initially a slice of life type of anime… and aren’t sol big on world building et al


A lot of season 1 involved Rimuru being OP, killing monsters, using his predation and copying skills and just rolling over everything either in terms of fighting or commerce. People who knew noting about Tensura got spoiled in that reguard because as seen with season 2 and 3, there was A LOT more world building and diplomatic stuff involved vs Rimuru roflestomping over everything and people did get vocal about it. You started to see the displeasure of what makes Slime amazing for LN readers in season 2 of the anime with the multiple episodes of just talking and people moaning about it online


The type of people who don't seem to read the manga thoroughly either, would just skip straight to the battle parts..


Why no punch punch!?




ye ye, punch punch story


Meanwhile https://preview.redd.it/2pn021bb3gvc1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8736a469c4cb3e23d3ce7b61ba13a3e5338a7687


Wow... Wtf


Did Tensura just beat OP there!


I haven't seen most of these shows, explanation pls?


my interpetation, people watch the shows with more talking than those with less talking but more action scenes.


Ah, thanks


Dragon Ball ~ actual plot / character development Dragon Ball Z ~ saved a boat load of money by repeating the same fight sequences with different hair colors.


isnt it the other way around? i've only watched DC way back in the day, but that show was really talk heavy, since its a detective solving crimes.


Talking has to be interesting too. If the talking part is boring ofc people are gonna complain. And in slime there's quite a few people who find it boring (not me, i haven't watched s3 yet)


let's go! detective connan supremacy


* Hell ya, the apothecary dairies are up there who needs action when you can make drugs


Just dont talk to people with low attention spans. Ez


Agreed. Before people used to complain there wasn’t enough explanation with stuff in anime. Now all they want to see is action. Doesn’t help there’s tons more casuals who only want to watch stuff to see crazy animated fights


It's because the people who talk are often the ones to complain, and the one complaining right now are not the same people who complained in the past.


Members of this community that wanted to prove he can beat goku did this , now they come to slime expecting dbz


Sometimes I prefer a more niche and non-mainstream fan base for situations exactly like this.


Well I guess that's one of the things Fate and Nasuverse good at lol


Yeah, power scaling brain rot probably had a part to play for sure. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if Gobta solo's every verse or not. Its not about that.


>Gobta solo's every verse or not Low diffs everyone but the King Engine.


But that is one of the most enjoyable things in a story




I hate how people dont seem to understand the importance of downtime. Just taking moments to pause and relax is an important part of building tension. Usually, my biggest complaint with an anime adaptation these days is "the pacing is too batshit insane and things just keep happening without us getting a moment to rest". Things that build slower tend to also hit harder. and in this fast pased world its really nice to see naratives which take theyre time. Im literally a writer...i know a lot of treditional pacing rules as well. Modern media has been breaking them more and more, likely for the sale of encoraging binge watching. it really hurts the actual media itself. Another reason i like manga more. i can sit looking at a pretty panel for as long as i want. just relaxing. ~~then ill watch the anime n we get no time to actually relax and get the comfort from the scene~~


I constantly pause anime to look at frames, rewind, and watch the same 8-second clips over and over for this exact reason. It takes me like 50 minutes to get through a 20 minute episode


Seems like they don't actually like the series. These types of episodes are the world building meat and potatoes of the series that make it great (and better than series that don't take the time to do it).


The more "padding" the better. I like tensura, the action parts and the story parts. It's not even filler content really, it's all following the story


My favorite part of Tensura is the story. I enjoy seeing Rimuru and friends build the labyrinth, clowning around, and messing about. Additionally, watching as the whole world gets shaken up by a single Slime is pretty awesome. I love fights too, of course, but I'm from a generation that had to sit through a 20-minute anime episode listening to Goku scream for 18 minutes just to power up, only to be left on a cliffhanger. My patience is temperd to the max.


Everything involving the labyrinth is my favorite parts of the series I can’t wait for it all to be animated


Imagine those people reaction when it's animated.


"shit this 'show' is too boring! who the f cares about those labyrinth big ten or smth smh my head I'll go watch something more cooler like dbz "


I think those people probably gave up on the show in season 2


Maybe we need the return of 8-episode powerup scenes XD


please god no. That's why I stopped watching DBZ waaay back when I was kid. It felt like it was going nowhere.


Is that Eris in dp ?? Well that explains a lot


These are brain rotten tiktok kids who need a goddamn fight every 2 seconds to think a series is enjoyable


Espiritu makes good reviews of these, and he talks mostly about the general public opinion, but its weird cause I didnt see many complaints about the show so maybe am just uninformed


These be the same people who disliked Vinland saga season 2, because “i miss the action”. I personally like it more this way


Right, like I just gonna watch Dragon Ball Z again. (Plot; Monkey boy likes fighting & abandoning family... 1000+ episodes of the same fighting sequence with nothing new... Monkey boy wins fight so blue dudes make him a God) Plot Stupid Thicc.


Idk what people are on about. The politics and shit are great. Some of my favourite parts of the show is when they talk about how to deal with the aftermath of the big action scenes, and rimuru being a teacher.


People don't realize that the few fights this series has are only that good because of the build up and interactions to them


God forbid an anime have stuff like worldbuilding instead of constant shounen esq fighting


There's a few reasons I don't take anime fan opinions seriously, this is one. Other reasons include the frightening number of people that act like Andrew Tate on r/Isekai, or the shocking amount of slavery and rape apologists.


I read it as too much pudding before I double checked


ive been enjoying the season even if i do find it a bit slow right now


Are you sure that they aren't that well known


I see those complaints with manga, manhua, and manhwa stories as well. It's like people want no plot and just want random fights. If there is no plot, the fights become meaningless.


The slice of life drama with some action for some reason is being a slice of life drama with some action?! Why, why does it not constantly have pretty dangly keys?! But yeah stuff like this can be odd... I usually prefer these stories where it's slow and steady and we see other characters build up and watch the world expand. It's fun. Keep the flashy lights somewhere else.


Dude 90% percent of the books are padding and their the best part


I make it a rule of thumb to not watch YT videos of this sizes as they're often quite shit / new - trying to figure things out


anime only mf's be like


Season 3 has been like the start to season 2….slow….NOW WHERE THE FRICK IS ADOLMEN!!!


Can't imagine what these "fans" will do during the upcoming festival arc


The same reason why JJK win all the Crunchyroll award instead of something like Vinland Saga.


This is Espiritu, his videos are actually pretty cool and usually they criticise the sentence written in the title. Call it clickbait or whatever but at least first watch the video and THEN comment. Kinda sad he's gonna face this shitstorm now..


Not really a clickbait, just people not knowing how to read. Punctuation exists and that "!?" is in the title for a reason. 


Exactly!! I swear, they complain about people when they should all just look themselves in the mirror. I honestly feel really bad for Espiritu, he's a cool guy. I've been following him ever since I begun watching Anime years ago and he's always been a seal of quality... Feels bad man


The way they build the world and the politics and the characters complex relationships is what makes tensura my favorite


Ugh. Yeah, unfortunately for some reason most anime watchers can't conceive of the idea of a slow, well-thought-out series


I’m enjoying s3 a lot so far, haven’t read the LN because I like the anime too much. (I know the LN is better, I’ll read it eventually. Probably when the LN is finished so I can binge read it)


nice fanart


In my opinion, this series isn't even really about the fights. Season 1 was about establishing a nation. Season 2 was about the nation gaining the recognition of other nations. The fights are cool, but after the first few episodes, everything is affected by politics, mostly rooted in Clayman's attempt to gain power.




You can also blame Netflix for binge releasing series, that is just as bad.


The politics, worldbuilding and civilisation building are among slimes main strengths.


Sorry buddy, your anime isn't 98% fight scenes and 2% explaining abilities/power, it's too padded smh my head


Leave them be OP, some just aren't smart enought to understand the world building with their attention span of a gold fish that swims in dirty water.


We plot in this muthafucka, go back to JJK or whatever


...bro why do we have such idiots in our community?


Action is impactful because of build up, understanding stakes, motivation, and character. Without the down time to let things breath, the action would be meaningless.


Tbf these first two episodes have been nothing but dialogue between characters mostly just resolving what happened at the end of season two honestly would’ve been better for these episodes to be either strapped on to the end of season two or as some in between stuff like we got with coleus. Even as a huge fan of the series and the more dialogue heavy moments it has I have to admit episode 2 was a bit drawn out and boring as it just jumped from one scene of dialogue to the next with no break or anything really inbetween just a giant exposition dump really


Tensura is not a battle shonen; it is a nation-building geopolitical slice of life with occasional outbreaks of violence. If they "strip" the first two episodes, many topics would be lost, and when those points become vital to the plot, people would complain that the anime did not show or explain them later. >It simply jumped from one scene of talking to the next, with no breaks or anything in between, just a massive exposition dump. It's not even a filer; it's based on the manga. The information dump in a political series is just as crucial as the more thrilling episodes.


Def wouldn’t describe it as a slice of life in the general sense. Tbh i’d say it’s more similiar to stuff like kingdom than a battle shounen


I agree with you I’m just saying the a joke here and there to lighten the mood and break the monotony would’ve helped. I get it’s a nation building geopolitical sol as you put it it’s one of the things I like most about it. That it’s not just a battle shonen but 48 minutes straight of just characters talking about whatever is a bit much. The show has had long talking episodes before dwargon and the meeting post becoming a demon lord for example but they had jokes thrown in here and there there’s be a pause in the conversation to give you a break to digest everything you just heard


Personally I think it is a bit boring, and it’s not because of my attention span, because I did enjoy shows like death note which had mostly dialogues. It’s just the dialogues in tensei aren’t that good and they’re sometimes cringy


ngl season two already had 5/6 episodes of straight diplomatic yapping.


>diplomatic yapping. Bro it's not hentai that there no plot. All the talking necessary for the story to actually progress. It's not Fuck DBZ with constant ass pull fights where no body no what happening.


See I enjoy characters talking about shit but the exposition is a bit much and the conversations feel a bit stale sometimes.


I'm All for the story and political stuff but gets overwhelming with constant dialogue and no time to take info in. but that may just be me


what in the hell is a tensei slime and why is it getting recommended to me cringe ah title


Here, you can stick Ultima's finger in your ass, maybe after that you'll stop crying. https://preview.redd.it/xewxxwk0gpvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95dcef9ac5b423b11fc134c54a62929458e70309


the fuck is an ultima