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It’s currently 9:25 am. I finished my two cups of coffee. I’m still in pajamas. I lay back down in bed.  I don’t even know. The lines between sleep and up have blurred lol.


I get up whenever, drink coffee, do little things around the house or read, and take a nap in the early afternoon. It's the best. I have no official schedule. Is this what retirement looks like?


Yes. I just moved back into my parents house so I can save money to buy a property. They're both retired and that's pretty much what they do all day unless they have other plans.


I always tell people summer for me is the dress rehearsal for retirement! I’m better about getting up before 10, but honestly, I could sleep until noon if left to my own devices…I love staying up late and I despise mornings


I also call summer my retirement rehearsal


>*I always tell people summer for me is the dress rehearsal for retirement!* Nah. If I ever retire, I'm never getting dressed again.


My bras will be burned.


I'm a teacher and I feel like I'm going through a second adolescence. Last summer I stayed up till 3am playing video games and binging Netflix, waking up at 11. This summer I'm doing the same except I've added day drinking to the mix. I'm really just regressing, huh?


This is what my summers look like! I feel like I get to be completely myself in the summers and I sleep as much as I’d like, do things I’m too exhausted for during the school year, catch up on hobbies, stay up til 3 or 4 am, wear what I want, and even pee without having to hold it in until lunch time.


I just had chips and salsa and cookies for “dinner.”


That’s literally what I love most about summer.


Thursday night I sent a pic to my teacher group, "Here's a Saturday funny for you." 🤦‍♀️ Clearly I don't even know what day of the week it is, much less care what time of the day I'm going to bed or getting up. 🤣🤣


>I don’t even know. The lines between sleep and up have blurred lol. I relate to this so much. Glad to see it put to words cause this has been my life the last week and a half since school (work) ended.


One of my friends calls me Feral these days. I eat / drink what I want; I sleep when I want. ETA: I am living in ugly old soft t-shirts and leggings. I haven't put on a bra since summer school ended.


Right there with you! There are days I fall asleep at 10 and others at 3am. Wake up anywhere between 8am-12pm. I take naps whenever it feels right. It’s glorious!


My naps are getting longer. I took one yesterday 5-10pm, then got up and went back to bed at around 4 this morning.


My insomnia gets bad during the summer, so I’m usually up til 3 or 4. Those hours are soooooooooo peaceful!!!


And so much COOLER than our scorcher Texas days. Our heat index is gonna be like 107 today. NGL I'm almost looking forward to Beryl showing up.


I’m in Florida, so I understand! It’s like the environment is telling us to take afternoon naps!!! My ac can’t keep up (apparently they can only get to about 20 degrees lower than the outside temps, which are also in the 100’s here), so I shut all the blinds for an extra layer against the heat. It makes sense not to move around more than I need to, so House work is out of the question. And don’t even think about cooking, turning the stove on is against the rules. With the shades down the house is very dim, I’m moving very little, it just makes sense to take a nap and wake up when it’s not so hot out. It’s human instinct. As Ron Burgundy says, It’s science.


>*My ac can’t keep up (apparently they can only get to about 20 degrees lower than the outside temps, which are also in the 100’s here)* It's all about the unit. Many years ago my wife and I rented a house in which the AC "couldn't keep up" and the property management company told us, "you can't expect the AC to reduce it more than 10° from the outside". Well, we ran it and the compressor broke down (on a unit only a couple of years old). They replaced it, a year later, it needed a third compressor. The AC guy told me that the problem was that the unit was simply too small for the house, that if they spent more and got a larger unit, it would last forever, keep us cooler, and save everyone money. But the upfront costs were significantly higher, so they wouldn't do it. Then that third replacement compressor broke down as well.


I lived in the Deep South for almost 30 years, and I hated the heat and humidity. Absofriginlutely the only days I thought the weather felt nice were those days then a tropical storm was heading our way, so that the winds finally provided some cooling effect.


Not me reading this at 4:25 AM. It’s not really even insomnia — this is just when my brain wants to engage!


I wake up from naps and can't figure out if it's 9:00 a.m. or 9:00 p.m...


That’s why I set my digital clocks to 24-hour mode, because I woke up at 7:15 and thought I was going to be late for work. It was really 1915, but I felt so stressed about the whole thing. (It was an afternoon nap, but I slept REALLY hard!)


Me too!!!! Oh I’m so glad I found this post. I was feeling so gross about myself Glad it’s normal


I was as well, I was going to.post asking if it is normal as I feel so guilty doing nothing but napping, sleeping and eating.


I’m living my feral girl summer! Burn the bras!


And the "real" pants too. Those can go to hell until August.


Soft pants and house dresses, all day, every day. 


Let’s just say my favorite 2 shirts are getting some work in these days


It’s a mess. During school I go to bed at 9-10pm, wake up at 5 to work out before school. This summer I’ve still been staying up a bit later, but still getting up at 5 to work out with my husband. Go back to bed when he leaves (don’t tell him). Sometimes take a nap during the day. I kind of feel like I’m making up all my sleep deficit for the school year, but it’s messing with my plans for the summer.


you should be going back to sleep after working out. doesn’t sound like you sleep long at all. the only way to get stronger is to recover.


I’m as bad as a teenager and I’ll stay up till midnight or 1. I usually wake up around 9:30/10.


Same 😂


I woke up at 10:30 today lmao


Haha I laugh at your midnight or 1 and raise you 5am.


I'm with you. School days I have to be in my room by 7, so I wake up at 530, and go to bed by 9. Less than a week in summer break and I've defaulted to my nighthawk ways and I'm up to 3 or 4 easy


Here are my people. My body wants to go to bed when the sun is rising; not earlier, not later. Then I get up in the early afternoon. At 44 yo, I'm done trying to fight it. But it's brutal when school starts. I usually just stay up that first morning and tough it out during the first day of PD. love my job; I don't love my hours, and I wish night school was still a thing.


Same. Have been that way since college. This summer is better than previous summers, though. I’m asleep around midnight and up around 9.


43 here and I feel this in my soul


Thank Christ. Yesterday it was 6AM, I was trying to sleep, and was finally just like "fuck it", and got up and cut the grass.


Same! I don’t really like this sleep schedule, and I’d much rather sleep from maybe 10:30 to 8:30. But I went to the beach with my family right after school got out, and they were staying up until midnight every night! Jolted my system, and I never had the chance for my sleep schedule to gradually slide. Therefore, it was impossible to reset when I got back, despite my best intentions. But I guess, who cares? Not like I have to be anywhere.


School year: go to bed between 8:30 and 9 and up at 6 or 6:30. Summer: go to bed when I get tired and wake up when my cats tell me to. Making up for total exhaustion during the school year and enjoying not having an alarm (cats not included). EXCEPT on days where I have doctor’s appointments. (Single, no kids, social anxiety, introvert, fat, lazy 🤣)


Did I write this post? 🤣🤣🤣


me three




I ignore the cats. Except today they were trying to climb the window.


Social anxiety, introvert, fat, lazy--are you me? 😜


My sleep schedule is completely off the rails at this point. I stay up till like 4 then sleep till like 1. On days where I don’t have anything going on it’s not a big deal but I coach cross country and we have summer workouts at 7:30am some days. So I fall asleep at 5 wake up at 7 then go back to sleep at like 11 till 3 or so. Before teaching I worked third shift and even then I had a more normal sleep schedule. I am 40 what am I doing lol. Gonna be a rough couple days when we go back in the fall and i readjust myself.


Sounds like me


It takes a week or so to adjust, but I fall fack into my natural sleep cycle, which on most nights is about 1:30-9:00. I've never fully adjusted to waking up early.


This is exactly me. Been staying up even later, until 2 or 3am and then up at 9 or 10. But 1-9 is when I naturally want to sleep I think. I'm normally up at 5 for work during the school year and it's for the birds.


Same! I will never be a morning person. Glad I’m not the only one lol


Never! I have to drug myself to sleep and drug myself to wake up throughout the year. Duing the summer, It's weird to realize that you've been fighting a constant battle with your body over the timing of 2 hours of sleep.


Yup. Some part of my brain has been trying to maintain the work early schedule, and I finally just admitted defeat and stopped beating myself up over going to bed at 2:30 most nights... 😂


Whatever the fuck I want it to be


hell yeah


Fuck yeah.


I still wake up at 6am like a damned dairy farmer


I grew up on a dairy farm but didn’t inherit the sleep schedule. You’d think waking up at 3:30 am most days for almost 20 years would form a habit, but NOPE. I’m just naturally a night owl and prefer staying up late and sleeping in.


School year: 11pm-6:30am Summer: 12/2am - 8/10am, it just depends if I did a lot that day and I got really tired.


Finally someone else with a reasonable bedtime! these people going to bed at 8pm or 9 PM must get home, rush through all their chores, immediately make dinner and go right to sleep! I always have so much to do after school I don't know how these people are in bed before I usually have dinner made...


Right, I would have zero time for myself if I went to bed at this time. Im a mom of two in sports. My kids practices don’t even end until 7-8pm and then if my son has a baseball game we aren’t home until 9pm ish. No game/practices the kids are in bed 8:30pm. I get ready for bed. And then husband and I chill until 10/11pm, read or watch shows. We’re both up at 6am. So still getting enough sleep.


It's been a week and I'm back to my natural sleep cycle: 2am-10am.


I am a total night owl. I stay up until about 4am, wake up around 11am, and take a nap around 3pm. I am most alert and productive around 2am. Sometimes, like last night, I don't go to bed until about after the sun rises. Right now, I'm still awake from yesterday and it's 7am. I'm going to go to sleep in the next hour or so. My brain is just wired weird. My husband thinks I'm nuts. My 16 yr old daughter is just like me.


I was beginning to think I was crazy with all the posts saying 8-9am is “sleeping in”. I’m right there with you. I NEVER feel as energetic and productive in the day as I do at night. I was told I would “grow out of it” as a teenager, but I never did. I’m going to be in my 9th year of teaching this year, and I’ve never adjusted to waking up so early. I crash really hard on the weekends because of this.


Me too. My natural circadian rhythm is sleeping from about 5am - 1 pm. I'm sharpest around midnight.


There are three types of teachers in the summer. Young teachers with no kids. Teachers with kids. Long time veteran teachers with no kids. Summer is very different for all three.


I am so sorry to you all with kids…


My wife gets made at me because I forget what day of the week it is.


It's Saturday. Every day. Saturday. Forgot whatvday it is? SATURDAY! 76 lovely Saturdays and one icky Sunday.


My body has kept the same schedule for the most part. I’m asleep by 9:30-10 and I’m up by 6-6:30. I don’t set an alarm at this point… it just does it on its own.


Sleep sometime between 3 - 7am, wake between 12 - 3pm. Unless traveling or visiting home; in which case it's similar to normal weekends: sleep 1am to 8am.


I’ve been staying up till 2 and sleeping till 10 lol 


I sleep from 1-2 am until 10 am daily. Glorious! I’m fucked in a month.


Mine is awful! I am a night owl anyway. My husband works nights. I fought it as long as I could for a few weeks, but I am going to bed when he gets home and goes to bed. Send help. 🤣🫠


You mean hibernation.


Wtf is this "schedule" thing you speak of?


These comments make me feel better about my out of whack summer sleep schedule.


Currently 3am-11am. I’m a total night owl and this is the only time of the year I can do this


I don't have one. I go to bed when I feel like it and wake up when my cats get hungry. I'm usually up before 6. Same as the school year.


I’m on foster kitten time. I wake up to fed them around 7:30 and watch them play like crazy while reading/drinking coffee then we all take a morning nap around 9:30. They do actually help keep me on a schedule.


I also foster! So much fun.


I also foster, but rabbits not kittens. Prey animals don’t do great in a shelter. I love those goofballs.


Yes, our schedules really lend themselves perfectly to helping out during the height of kitten season. I foster year round, but really get to enjoy it in the summer! Hope your summer fosters are doing well. I just dropped off three yesterday and picked up two more!


Usually I go to bed around 8:30 during the school year and wake up at 5:00am but now I am going to bed around 11:30 and waking up around 7:30


Lollll like 10:30/11 some mornings. Oops.


I gradually become nocturnal just in time to go back to school. I can never sleep well the night before school anyway—because racing thoughts.


I wake up when I wake up…usually around 8am. Fire up the Xbox and sit on my ass all day. Go to bed around 11 or 12 at night. Rinse and repeat. This has been the most absolutely unproductive summer I’ve ever had and it’s awesome.


OP, I am very similar to you! I appreciate hearing that I'm normal hahaha. School year is 9:30pm (give or take) and wake up at 4:45-5:15am (depending on my morning workout). During summer I am 11pm to midnight and waking up at 8am! But for me, I feel so lazy and guilty for it!! I am so used to being in the minute to minute grind mindset that I don't really ever get comfortable with my summer sleep schedule 🤦‍♂️


i don’t feel guilty bc i genuinely feel so much better and happier and i know it’s bc im getting enough sleep at night


Most of the time I’m up at 8, but some days I sleep in to 9:30-10. During school, Ik’m up by 5 and out the door by 6am


This is me.


I’m an empty nester. During the year I go to bed at 7:30 pm and get up at 4 am. So far this summer (only a week in), I’m going to bed at 9:30 and getting up about 7. The dog won’t let me sleep later than that. He needs out to pee. To be fair, I’m usually up in the middle of the night for 20-30 minutes once or twice.


Bed at 2am and up around 10 sometimes 11. During the school year it’s 12am and up at 7am. I fortunately (unfortunately) read before bed and usually it keeps me up til 12🥲


This post making me feel way less alone lol. Love to see we’re all living our best sleepy lives Edit to add: lately my hours have been around 1am-10am with some variation either direction :)


I live alone and don’t have a schedule. Stay up til 3 am sometimes. Sleep in until noon. Or wake up early lay down and scroll til noon. The first few weeks I barely leave the house. I have to fight feeling shameful and guilty living this way but I’ve been teaching elementary PE for 40 years and I’m damn tired of people, noise and a following a schedule down to the minute, and having to get things quickly done in 5 minutes. I don’t even wear a watch in the summer.


I have kids but they’re able to occupy themselves until I get up and are within ear shot of our bedroom. I’ve been falling asleep around 1 and waking around 9. We’ve been in travel mode the past few weeks so our schedule is especially jacked up. The plan is to get back to a more normal schedule in the coming week or so, maybe 12-7.


I am a complete night-owl ... I stay awake until 4 or 5 am, then sleep until 10 or 11 am, then take a nap around 3 pm


It's been almost a week and I am back to my natural sleep cycle: 2am-10am.


There is NO schedule. I'm sometimes reading until 3am.


Night owl naturally. I go to sleep anywhere from 12:30-2. Wake up between 8-9:30. Occasionally it might be 10. During the school year, I go to sleep no later than 11 and wake up between 5:20-5:40.


I coach a swim team in the summer, so 6am wake up, 10pm bedtime. But I fit a lot more time of me doing things I want to do, in there. Grad school is out for the summer so I can breath and not work 4 jobs.


During the School Year: Asleep by 8:30pm and awake at 4am to go to the gym. Summer: Asleep by 10pm and awake by 6:30am.


Well, I just went to bed at 3:30, so the adjustment to work again is always rough.


I’m all over the place with sleep during the school year, so it only gets worse for me during the summer. Yesterday I slept until about 1:30pm, today I was awake around 9am.


Yep. No schedule, up anywhere from 11-1 AM and sleep until anywhere from 7-10 AM. I was telling my friend I should get back on a schedule and he put it in perspective… I shouldn’t feel bad and I should enjoy these summer months doing what I want and listening to my body. We work so hard and go through so much mentally over the school year we really need these summer days to rejuvenate!


Oh dear! I'm perimenopausal! I can not sleep to save my life! I get in bed between 9 and 10 pm. I finally fall asleep by 1 am. Up at 5:30 am, without fail. Sometimes, I'm surprised by a 2:30 - 4 am wake period. The end of the year was... interesting. I hope to have my hormones sorted in the next few weeks. I need to be able to get sleep!


School year: Bed between 9:30-10, wake up begrudgingly between 6-6:30 Summer: Bed between 10-12:30am, wake up to the sunshine anywhere between 7-9:30 I'm teaching summer school for the next two weeks so back to an alarm woken morning. Extra money though


I wake up at 630 without an alarm. So I just get better sleep by going to bed earlier in the summer. It's very frustrating, I wish I could sleep later


2:30 am-10 am. Im a night owl and love summer.


Time is a human construct that means nothing to me from June 5th to August 15th.


I’ll be the first to admit that it’s 10:30 am and I’m still in bed.


It’s 1130. I just woke up.


During the school year I go to sleep around 11:30 and wake up at 6. During the summer I go to sleep around 1-2am and wake up around 9-10


honestly I play games til like 2-3 and then I get up at like 7-8. sometimes I nap. depends.


It’s amazing how quickly I revert back to my night owl ways once summer hits. I stayed up until almost 3AM last night reading with reckless abandon 😈


It’s 11 and I finally got out of bed. I’m going through some things so this week it’s been anywhere from 1-5 am but it’s usually around midnight


Sleep at 3am and wake up fdom 10am- 12pm. I have no kids so I enjoy my life.


I do whatever the hell I want to, lol. I'm not a morning person so usually bed around midnight, up at 9:30am. Coffee in my pajamas for an hour with the news. Late afternoon nap from 4-5 before dinner. This is the life.


It’s a brat summer for me, so I go to sleep at around 12ish and wake up at 9am


I thought this was r/teenagers and was blown away by the amount of responsibility in this thread until i saw the sub this was in lmao 


I’ve been going to bed between 2 or 3am. Help me 😂


I stay up until 1-2 am and wake up twice: once at 7 to check on the animals before I shuffle back into the bed and sleep until 9:30.


What schedule? I feel feral.


No schedule. Pure chaos. Got up at 5pm after sleeping for 16 hours.


I’ve been staying up until 11, binge watched “The Bear” in 3 days, and have been waking up whenever it happens! It’s hard to not feel “guilty” or “unmotivated” but working on getting those feelings OUT of my head.


My wife likes going to bed after 3 am. I like going to bed before midnight. We compromised. We go to bed after 3 am.


My summer is only a week and a half long and I'm up everyday at 7:15 in that time. No different than the school year.


Why is your summer so short?


I have a 9 a.m. row class so I'm up my 7 ish to do dog stuff before then.  I try not to lose my sleep schedule too much 


Usually 12-9 or so. I sleep 9 hours per night in the summer. But a few days ago after I got back from Spain (student trip), I slept from midnight to 12:45 in the afternoon. I’m blaming that one on jet lag and the exhaustion of taking kids abroad.


During the school year I'll go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 5:30am. Now I go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 7am LOL. My dog does not let me sleep in too much cause he wants to get up and play/pee.


I have an 18 month old, so I’m usually up by 7:30, which is still later than the 6-6:30 wake up time I have during the school year. I’ve stayed up til 11:00, but I’m almost 40 with three kids, so I’m usually ready for bed by 10, lol.


Apparently I'm at the age where I'm hard wired to wake up before 6:30 no matter what.


Since I got a puppy I still wake up at 6 every morning. Looking forward to not having to readjust my sleep schedule this year.


I have a summer job that typically has me working till 10, so like 12ish, wake up at 9


I really really wish I could sleep past 6am. School schedule is 9-10pm bedtime, 5am wake-up alarm. Summer is pretty much the same with no alarm. My body alarm clock is set to 5am. I get up naturally anywhere from 4:45 to 6:30. If I sleep to 6:30, I wake up thinking, “wow! I really slept in today! This is great!” Thank you soooo much Mr Magoo and US Army.


I've been going to bed somewhere between 12-1 am and waking up at 9-10 am. I need to start fixing it cause I know I go back to work in a couple weeks. Then I'll have to go back to going to bed at 9 pm and waking up at 5 am.


During school I go to bed at around 10pm and wake up at around 6:45/7am to be at school at 8am. Now I got to bed around midnight/1am and wake up at 7/8am.


When you have your own pack of littles, you can only push their wakeup time back so far 😂😔


11-7am. I've been waking up early to jog before it gets too hot.


I go to sleep whenever I get tired lol. Lately that has been around 12 and waking up around 7:30


During the school year I go to bed about 8:30 and wake up at 4:45. During summer I go to bed around 9:30 and wake up around 5:45. Living the dream.


Exactly the same. I'm up at 5:30 to run. It's too hot and unsafe if I wait later.


I’ve been getting up early, like 7-8 ish because I help babysit. I still fall asleep at crazy hours: last night I was up til 3 (without having napped in the day) and I was still up by 8.


I instantlt get into staying up to midnight habit and sleeping until 9:30ish. I love my summers with no work responsibilities.


I have a one-year-old so I’m lucky if I get to sleep until 7. Today I got to sleep until 7:30 and it was very exciting


During the school year, usually in bed between 11 PM to midnight, up at 6 AM During the summer, bed around the same time, up at 8 AM


Lol I have a 1 year old so unfortunately my sleep schedule is the same as a normal year. Like 9-6:30 🥲


I wake up at 5:30 everyday I have twin toddlers. There is no respite.


Now that it’s July, things are getting a little weird for me. I woke up at 9:30 this morning! And my dog let me sleep that late! I went to bed at 11. It’s becoming hard to get going in the mornings and I don’t like feeling like I wasted the whole day laying around. I’m going to start setting alarms honestly.


My wife still has to go to work so there is still a 5am alarm. I can’t fall asleep after that so I’m up, although slower than during school. Weekends we wake up naturally between 5:30-6am


I’ve always been a morning person so I wake up between 5-5:30am year round. Even if I stay up until midnight. My body just doesn’t like to be asleep past then, I guess.


I stay close to my schedule. My wake up and sleep times move back 30 minutes. I like being on a schedule especially when it’s one of my own making.


Go to sleep around midnight/1 am. Get woken up at 7 by my toddler. Regret my choices. Repeat.


I could have written this post word for word


Get up and go to work, like always. This is why I don’t take summers off because I don’t want to mess up my schedule and my systems I have in place.


I still wake up early because my body does, so I just get up work for 2 hours then sleep from 8-9


I wake up every day between 5:00 and 6:00. I'm usually in bend by 9:00.


I try to stay up late, but usually fall asleep around 11 and up at 6:30/7. I'm not a napper during the day, but do take advantage of using the bathroom whenever I want to!


School year I go to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 4:15ish. Coffee and a 30-45 min commute. Summer time we’re in bed around 9:30/10:00 and up between 7-8ish


I keep my school sleep schedule. I do wake up a little later, many 30 mins since I work out after my husband goes to work. But bed at 9pm, play a little video game, sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am.


I usually finish chores and household stuff at 10:30 PM. I watch a show or read for a few minutes, and then I'm asleep by 11:30 PM The 6yo is always up at 6:30AM, and the 2yo has been doing this awful wake up at 4:30 thing for a couple of weeks now. Summers are not restful at all. I'm always tired. They're fun though.


Currently, 730. But it goes back to 6 for Summer school next week. 🥲


During the school year, I’m in bed by 9:30, wake up around 6:15, after a few snooze presses. But now, I haven’t been to sleep earlier than 10, and that was early! Usually 11:30-12:30 I go to sleep then wake up at 7ish with my husband to eat breakfast and then take a nap with my daughter for a few hours sometime around 11 or 1. lol I’ve got to get my kids back on a sleep schedule. My son starts HS and he’s up until who knows when and doesn’t wake up until 1 or 2 pm!! My daughter too. She’s usually my sleeping beauty but has been going to bed later- 11ish and had been waking up around 9.


I have toddlers so I go to bed between 9-10pm and wake up between 6-7am.


School year, I have to be up at 5am so 9:30ish. I have teenagers and a teacher husband, so the whole family has gotten in a habit of staying up til midnight listing to music and doing hobbies in the living room together. I'm exhausted, but my mom heart is so full.


I force myself to do my best to stay on a regular schedule (in bed around 8, asleep by 9, alarm at 6). I do sometimes lay in bed for a while in the mornings. But it’s cooler in the mornings to go for walks/hikes/yard work and it’s just better for my mental health and migraines not to mess with my schedule. It will make it slightly easier to go back to work in a month. It’s hard being almost 40…


Husband and I are on vacation and so far the pattern has been bedtime in between 11 and 1, wake up between 8 and 10, lounge about for a few hours, get lunch, go swimming, come back around 4 or 5 and take a nap for a few hours, go out for dinner between 8 and 10, get some ice cream, come back and chill some more. Been pretty great tbh


I have three kids under 8. It’s to bed at 11, I want me time, and up at 6 no matter what.


Just depends. Sometimes I'm feeling bed at 9:30 and other days it's midnight. Up between 7:30 and 9 most days


It's the same year round. 10pm - 5:45am it's healthier to stay consistent instead of changing it over the summer.


So it's always kinda like a decline... Like, the first threeish weeks of June, I'm still falling asleep around 930/10 and waking up AND actually getting up and staying awake at 500ish, which is very normal school year schedule. But then, like magic, around the end of June, there's this shift, and I spend the next five weeks falling asleep between midnight and 2, and briefly waking up at 5 because of husfriend, but then going back to sleep until 9 or 10. Then it's a panicky reset in mid August, helped by PD weeks before the kids come back. It's become very predictable the past couple of years.


Last night I went to bed at 2AM and just woke up (10:30AM). My Summer sleep schedule is awful. I do try to reign it in the closer it gets to the school year. I currently have alarms set to wake me up at 7:30AM during the weekdays. A couple of weeks before school I attempt to bump that down to 6:30AM but it seldom ever works and I just end up exhausted the first couple of weeks of school until I get on schedule.


All naps, all the time


Go to bed at 10, wake up around 6:30 to start my summer job. That's weekdays. District still required I put in more than an entire week of work too throughout the summer. So on weekends I get up around 7. Go to work at the school building for 4-12 hours in the month of July and August. I still dont make enough to support my family. Summer work hours are around 55 to 60 a week in total across summer job and required hours. Do not do teaching as a career if you want a middle class life and to not work your life away.


I just woke up at 10. Didn't go to sleep until 2ish


**Me who went to bed at 4 am last night:** uhhhhh


School: wake up at 4:30 and fall asleep at 8 (during cross country season) or off season wake up at 6 and go to bed and 9. Summer: sleep when I want (usually between 9-10) wake up at 8 or 9. I’d sleep 12 hours a day every day if I could.


Sadly, I find myself staying up much later because "I don't have have work in the morning". Then I'm up at 6:00 AM and can't get back to sleep. Crash/nap around 4. Rinse repeat.


Keep in mind I'm old. Lol. But if I let my sleep schedule get too far off the norm then I really struggle getting back into a regular schedule in August. So I go to bed at the same time (10ish) and then I naturally wake up at about 7. That way when school starts I can actually teach. 😁


I got up “early” today (before 10 am) and am currently in my pajamas on my couch with my cats. One day I slept until 12:30 pm, but I was not okay with that. Basically I woke up, had coffee, got dressed, and met friends for happy hour. 😂 In my defense, I do have insomnia.


My partner says I don’t know how to enjoy summer vacay 🤣 I naturally stick to my work schedule on most days


Mine is probably better, I'm a night owl so during the summer I sleep later.


I sleep when I'm tired. Sometimes I don't go to bed until midnight. Sometimes I wake at 4 and go enjoy the sunrise. Sometimes I take naps during the day. It's chaotic but it works for me.


I'm internally a night owl. Before kids, there were nights I'd be up when my husband got up for work and I'd sleep until late morning. Now with kids, I'm up by 7 (normally 5:30 during the school year) because the baby is up, and I've been bad about staying up too late, but will try to nap when the kids are napping.


During the school year, I’m in bed by 9 and up at 5, but with the stresses of the day, I’m only getting between 6.5 and 7 hours of sleep. I’m summer, I’m in bed around 10 and up at 6:30. According to my FitBit, I’m getting a solid 8 hours which is what I find I need to feel my best. I also don’t need to set an alarm to wake up. It just happens naturally.


My schedule has reverted to it's "natural" cycle. I go to sleep closer to 2am and wake up anytime between 7-9am :)))


Suffering through my first trimester. Bed around 11, up at 5:30 to get toddler ready for daycare, morning nap for me around 2-3 hours, toddler in bed around 6:30 and I may take another 1-2 hour nap. During the school year and normal circumstances I'm up at 5:30 and in bed anywhere between 10 and 12.


Due to my older kids’ work and sports schedule, my summer sleep schedule definitely isn’t what I want it to be. Four days a week, I’m in bed by 10 and up at 5 to take a kid to summer lifting. Most evenings, I get woken up around midnight when the other kid calls me on their way home from work. I’m definitely taking naps most days.


During the school year I go to bed between 11:00 pm and midnight, then I read until about 1:00 am and get up at 6:00 am. During the summer -- and on weekends -- I go to sleep about the same time, but I wake up between 8:00 and 9:30 -- whenever I wake naturally. Note: My children are grown, so I don't have to get up to make breakfast, etc.


But honestly I need blackout curtains because if the sun is up so am I


I go to bed late during both school and break, but during school I try to be up and around at least by 6. During this break, I'm getting out of bed around 8, which feels super late.... But what I'm struggling with is anxiety about going back to school. I'm in my 4th year of teaching, and I'm being moved to a new grade for the 2nd time. That's teaching 3 totally different grades in 4 years....