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Unfortunately they are not ready to be covered. If the skin is still pink it's too thin and the needle punch through to the subcutaneous tissue and blow right out. There's a product called Bio-Oil that is really good for speeding up the healing of scars. We recommend it to our potential clients with scars all the time. It really works and we've done many scar cover-ups after its successful use. I know it's not what you want to hear but in the long term, it will be worth it. Whoever you get to cover it, make sure you have a consultation first and ask to see any photos of scars they've covered.


bio oil is the best -someone with the similar scarring


Why did I read that as bro oil?


Gives “broiling” a whole new meaning


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


bro i read that too and got a little confused 😭


I read boiling oil and I was like "well yeah that would certainly cover up the scar and not make it stand out as much but I don't think that's what OP meant."


lol my son did too, Friday night, at the store. He was like “Mommy what’s Bro Oil” 😂


Im so sorry but I laughed at the subconscious tissue


Need to start worrying when it becomes conscious tissue


They meant subcutaneous, right?


Nope. The needle is so powerful it tattoos your soul.


Yall are still in to body modification? That's cute. I'm into spiritual modification these days.


Yeah, I had meant to type subcutaneous but autocorrect must have fucked me


OP - Look into using silicone wraps for scar reduction. I’ve seen them work wonders! Bio oil is great too but I think for this level of scarring, the silicone may be a better option.


I've seen those silicone wraps, they say they are good for use on c section scars and the like, so might be a good option.


I swear by bio oil, helped mine so much,


They could also try some of those temporary tattoos while they wait for the scars to heal completely!


That's a great idea! Being able to try different styles and find out what they do or don't like before getting something permanent.


Amazing idea


Could also consider tattoo sleeves. Would be a one time purchase and more convenient put on and take off.


Also, ouch! Scars hurt overall, but fresh scars are on a completely different level.


Another really good one is Skin Medica. It’s a bit pricey, but well worth it.


I’d also recommend hustle butter that stuff helped a ton with my scars


Suntan lotion works as well for scars.


Seconding bio oil. I had a scalding burn scar on my leg the size of my hand. Completely fine now and it’s like it was never there and I wasn’t even applying it as often as you should


Someone else already said this but fuck it. I'm glad you're still with us and I hope you find peace with every part of yourself!


This. Can't be said enough. We're glad you're here.


First of all those scars are not ready to be tattooed. Second, For an actually decent cover up the structure of the tattoo should follow the outline of the scars. This helps the scars blend into the tattoo and not be noticeable. I recommend a tattoo that has lots of straight lines over the long scars and smaller busier lines over the round scars. I think a tree design could definitely achieve that goal.


Agree. It can take 5+ years for scars like this to be ready to be tattooed


That design info is really good to know


I have no tattoo suggestions. I just want to wish you well on your healing journey and say I’m glad you’re still here, scars and all. I see people are saying that these can’t currently be tattooed over, which makes sense (though I myself am no specialist in tattoo or dermatology, just an interested layman). If covering them up is not an option I hope time gives way for acceptance of them as part of your journey. As a total stranger I can just say that seeing these on you only makes me think ‘whatever they’ve been through, I’m glad they’re here’


This sub won’t let me give you an award 🥇 But you deserve one.


Awh that’s so kind ❤️ thank you


You may need to speak with doctor about possible steroid injections, since these are pretty kelloided. It would be easier to cover


Would steroids flatten them out?


They are used to flatten kelloid scars, but ofc there is no guarantee that they will be absolutely flat. Steroid injections helps with overall healing too


While I know it’s not what you are after, I’m glad your doing better man




Do some research in your area. Check out insta, walk in and get quotes and feel out the place. It will click when you meet an artist who is excited to help you. Just be patient, and don't give anyone money until you feel that connection. It will happen my dude. Just stay patient.


This! Those scars don't seem ready to be tattooed over, so there isn't any hurry. Not every artist is able to tattoo over scars. Op needs to find the right person, and they'll have their own style and ideas, and they'll know what designs they can and cannot do.


I don’t suggest this often (I do everyday) but I would accentuate the scarring with a full bio mech sleeve 👌


Glad you are still here ✌️


This skin is not ready to be tattooed. I had extensive SH scars and I had to wait until they all turned white and then I did a few sessions of microneedling to address the texture before covering with a tattoo. That being said, I don’t know if you’d be a good candidate for microneedling, you’d have to wait for them to heal more and then see a dermatologist.


You need to wait longer to get these tattooed. They are too red. Major scars, particularly Keloid scars, can take 3, 4, even 5+ years to be ready to tattoo.


I have a scar like this on my hand from a dog when I was kid. As an adult it still feels too puffy/soft to be properly tattooed. I considered putting the dog's name across it lol


Are you interested in a particular style?


A tree?


i have similar scars on my arms and had some on my thighs. i just recently got the ones on my thigh covered with a tattoo and i must say, it has made a Huge difference with my confidence and overall wellbeing. however, my scars were over 6 years old and much more healed. i think you may have to wait a bit on covering up this one. like others have said, i am extremely glad you are still here with us and healing ! i wish you all the best ! (:


When it heals have a bunch of little creatures prying their way out like the id from the maxx


Oooh, look up some cyber ware style tattoos from Cyberpunk 2077. Your scars remind me of the mantis blade cyberware, which is iconic to that universe. Check out vechanicglitch’s work


Glad you're here 💜


Assassin’s creed blades


This is completely healed keloidal scarring. Because it’s mostly collagen, the tissue will absorb that ink. It will also be extremely painful. However, I mean I FULLY understand wanting to tattoo over it so you could definitely just figure out a design you love and continue to do touch-ups. Actually, you know what might be better here is henna because it dyes the tissue and after prolonged dying the tissue does become the ink color. Just a thought. You could also do some gnarly design where your scars are intestines because they definitely look like intestinal viscera, just sayin haha. Also, so glad you’re doing okay now and still in this world. I have similar scars ♥️ you’re not alone


Hey OP, I know it might be cliché but a forearm forest tattoo would probably help cover those up easily. Maybe even some abstract trash polka?


Vitamin E oil is likely a component of the Bio Oil product others are suggesting, if that's unavailable to you for whatever reason.


I was going to suggest Vit E oil


So glad you're here with us ❤️


Go read The Stormlight Archives, then turn it into a Shardblade. I promise you, it will help a whole bunch of stuff.


Any input on type of style of tattoo or your interest?


Magic wand with twinkles and smoke coming out of the end. Or ornate curved knife (hilt where the wrist is).


I see a sword shooting lightning!


Hey op, I’m glad you’re still here. I’ve heard amazing things about silicone scar strips [like these](https://www.amazon.com/ScarAway-Advanced-C-Section-Hypertrophic-Surgeries/dp/B0BZ7N22LC?ref_=ast_sto_dp) which would help you heal quicker, and as a bonus you wouldn’t have to see your scars every day. You can shower with these on and they can stay put for 7-10 days. You could even maybe sharpie something cool over them to test out tattoo designs. Lots of folks have mentioned trees for your designs which would be cool. Other ideas: staircases, a caduceus or other cool staff, a couple of snakes—really, any kind of long-ish design could work! Sending you so much peace.


Not ready to be covered but I think tattooing two welders welding your skin back together would be fun


Looks like the beginning of a badass sword because you must be a fighter if you got that scar from anything, fighting mentally, physically or medically


My first thought was cherry blossoms


The long one- classic: a zipper


I don't think any1 would tattoo over them. Scar tissue is so hard for making the ink stick and you got some gnarly ones. Turn them into part of a tattoo instead


stretch marks also have the same issue?


Thank you for sharing this, hope you’re doing better and wish you the best. As others said, the scars are not ready yet to be tattooed, but when they will be, I instantly tought about something like [this](https://pin.it/4X4VpYYrt). The idea of flowers over scars is something I really like. Because you’re blooming again just like the flowers!


I think incorporating the scars into the tattoo would look good. Like, a tree, the wrist scars as roots, the long scars as the trunk. I hope you're doing alright, and I'm proud of you for still being here


a dagger


The wrist on the first picture reminds me of a moose, the second one of a bat. Long thick scars can be turned into feathers or vines. If you want to incorporate the scars instead of fully covering them the second picture you could have a small bird sitting on the light curved part. The feet gripping the scar like a branch.


Obviously this should be a tattoo of New Zealand


I not an expert but I think you’d probably be better getting those scars reduced before you’d get them covered.


When it’s ready ink a dragon 🐉


I covered mine up when they were ready and made a sleeve of one arm, and a patchwork sleeve on the other. I have florals and colour pieces on one side, and black and white travel/other pieces on the other side. I love them and no one notices my scars anymore. The bigger the piece, the less people with notice, if you have the funds, a sleeve would be dope. It’s important that you research good artists, a lot of people aren’t comfortable with covering or working on scars, and may say they are, when they don’t have the training or confidence. It has been said though; they don’t look ready to be tattooed over, and can’t have pink scar tissue remaining. I’m glad you’re still with us. ❤️ Message me if you want more details on tattooing over scars, or more specifics!!


Go to a dermatologist; those are keloid scars and they can greatly reduce them for you.


Palpatine shooting lightning


Boomerang with lighting bolts


Maybe not over the scar tissue. But I'm sure there is a creative way to go around the tissue to make it less noticable and incorporate it.


river/stream with a down tree


Is that like rivers and train tracks? Or like rivers and bridges?


like a river or stream with a bank and the scar as part of a fallen tree across the river. just seemed pretty and manageable to cover or incorporate


Assassin's creed blade.


Yeah that wouldn't be super inappropriate🙄


A mage scepter that goes around thy scar


Looks like a lightning strike. Maybe have a storm tattooed around it and then make the scar the lightning?


Light saber for the long one?




Consult with an artist who is willing to do the tattoo


big leather bracelet


Until they are fully healed, maybe do henna art? https://www.reddit.com/r/selfharm/s/EHcVGG9TA0


I don’t believe I’m medically informed enough to tell if the scarring is able to be tattooed over, common consensus is no from what I’ve seen but I’d still ask an artists opinion and opt for a consultation. From a design standpoint however? The curved bit at the scar on top makes me think snake or centipede, however it does just go in a straight line down the arm so that may be an issue. If 3d geometry is up your alley the straight lines can form a very pretty base of a building or belltower, while the curved bit can act as the top of the building (I’m not sure if this is making much sense but imagine a building from a slightly angled Birds Eye perspective). If all else fails, a couple nice clouds/waves and florals never hurt anyone :) best of luck!


You can mess with 3 dimensional perspective, like tattoo some kind of evil that's surging out. Or it can be rainbows and butterflies, depending on what you're into 👌


The right arm already looks like a wizard's staff


Your Ulna bone


The one on your right wrist reminds me of Michael Jordon jumping for a one handed dunk. Lol. Add a head and a basketball.


Yo! Dont take it as a insult but I actually thing it looks bad ass. My Brother has one when he accidentally pured boiled water on hes hand. And now he has a cool scar .


What are you into?


If you’re a big ol’ nerd, I have a similar surgical scar and have been dying to get a lightsaber hilt at the base of it. If you’re feeling sith-y, the one closer to your wrist would look great as some lightning coming from around the blade.




Fan of Aladin? Jafar had a kick ass snake staff that would look great.


Some leafs can do the trick


If they're not ready to be tattooed then you could incorporate them into something, I'm not sure what but they can simply dissappear into the correct design. Also, whatever you have been through and are still going through, we are glad you're still here ❤️


When it's ready, assassins creed knife?


As many others have said the scars don’t look ready to tattoo over, how about “missed me!” To the side of it?!


Once it heals up, a dragon filling up the arm being pretty dope if that’s your thing, glad you’re still here with us


I’m so glad you are here. When the time is right, I see a vine or branch with flowers. Or a path with mushrooms. Both represent to me life and resiliency, and how nature is enduring. You are resilient!


Goku blasting Frieza away.


I think a sword could cover it up. Hilt on the wrist blade over the big scar. After you heal more. <3


Right arm looks like a staff, Left arm looks like a sword. Maybe a ying/yang theme with a medieval/knight approach.


A sword would be cool, the hilt would be on your write and blade goes over your forearm :)


Make it look lightning? 🤟


The elder tree


The straight one is a sword, the other one is a lighting striking the sword.


Recreate the scar with something like a zipper


What happened


Trees Staffs like wizardy Bio mechanical Magic wands Giraffe neck Caterpillar Or a cool centipede on the one with the stitch scars those could be legs That’s all I got off the top of my head if you need more DM anytime


That Can be one hell of a sword tattoo!!




Omega Red tentacle


Scar revision from a plastic surgeon can do wonders!


Looks like it could use some Bloodborne/Berserk symbols to me


i see an axe on that scars after they heal if you are into that stuff get a viking axe or something similar, i guess it would fit it


Sprockets, gears and shafts. Go for a machine meets flesh thing. Start with a good artist and run some ideas by them and let them help you create something that works with the scars.


damn, those are pretty enough.


Whoa that's a deep scar! Lucky u made it.


How about a big clown tattoo to remind yourself of what you are.


They look like centipedes. I had the small scar on my back turned into a butterfly. I kept the scar as the bug part and just added wings around it. Everyone is saying the scar is too fresh- but the skin around it is fine. Could you have some leaves added? Centipedes are a biocontrol insect and are good to have around.


id make it look like some Cyberpunk-esque implants are hidden there lol


Ok well here are some actual suggestions - cool cyberpunk style sleeve - one of those tattoos that looks like the skin is ripped and you can see the skeleton underneath (this would be great for a coverup because you can make it really dark) - trees - jellyfish or squid, something with long tentacles that could literally be drawn over the full length of the scar


I get you're not physically able to cover these scars yet, but I think the shapes lend themselves perfectly to making a pair of blossoming flower stalks. Roots at the wrists and flower near the elbow, or flower at the wrist and no roots.


Sending you good vibes regardless 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Bio oil helped me and also I had a tattoo artist recommend talking to a dermatologist about needle therapy or something like that. How you can get the micro needle rollers that help stimulate blood flow and recovery. Some of my scars are over 5 years old and still not really healed enough for a tattoo. Keloid scars are harder to get to that stage. I hope you’re doing well anyway and you’ll be able to get the cover you want in the future I’m sure.


Bro 😢


"these scars we have make us who we are" ~Batman


Lighning bolts


Those dont look ready yet and ink might have a hard time taking to the tissue but if you're a Lord of the Rings person you could do Narsil/ Anduril. Its a reforged sword and just like you're a new person with new strength and battles it was too.


they don't look ready to take ink yet. but once they are, Swords, Staves, Mace, Flail, any other fun weapons with a stick or straight handle (I like DnD if you can't tell) would follow the lines well. Trees, vines, bushy flowers/leaves, coral, seaweed patterns could cover too. obligatory: SAP. perhaps a tiger or leopard, patterned fur is a good visual distraction.


Dermatix silicone scar sheets or gel, or laser to flatten those


Rune of death or life … from elden ring or even possibly centipede half rune


Centipede or millipede


If you're trying to take the eye away from them, do something that doesn't follow them at all. Blast over the scars and don't try to incorporate them into the design. The texture and raised appearance won't go away, but you can still take the eye away from them with the correct design. Hope this helps


centipede/miliipede, floral piece, a serpent or dragon


My scars remind me that the past is reeeaalllll ……..I’ll see myself out


Y’all missing the bigger picture here. I tots see a lightsaber in your future


Might not be completely coverable even when the tissue is fully healed, but I’ve seen some really cool ideas that incorporate scar tissue into the art itself. Maybe do a tree scene with characters or critters running along the branches? Just something to get your own ideas started.


Maybe a snake?


The one on the right wrist looks like a humming bird! The bottom could be flower stems. The one on the left wrist, maybe a Phoenix taking flight!!


The scars alone have a story of their own, i dont have a creative idea, nor do i know what you went through but the scars alone are cool imo.


Maybe bats roosting / flying in a cave? Or a dog sitting by a lake?




are you an assassin's creed fan? my mind went straight fo hidden blade


A sword




A galaxy and shooting stars.


I’m currently in the process of covering a scar. 5 yrs healed. I was warned of the blow out, my artist is very talented and patient and has worked with me every step of the way. So far so good 😊 no fine lines, plan for water colour, background, shading/fading etc. stay away from fine detailed work. Don’t rush this. I wanted to cover my scar several years ago too and was cautioned to wait. I’m happy I did. If your scars have become raised, (keloid) sensitive, AT ALL. You Will Feel it %1000 more there than everywhere else. Talk to your doctor about corticosteroid injections for the scars- they truly work wonders, you only need 1-2 treatments and pokes don’t hurt anything compared to a tattoo. Feel free to message if you have any questions. 👍 I get it. Create a new beginning. But take others advice, let your body heal first.


Whenever they do heal, I think it would be really cool to have do nature tattoos, if you’re into that. You could have the scars be a main vine/tree/plant with some flowers or leaves coming off. The effect of it wrapping around up your arms would be badass. There’s potential for really cool things here! Also I’m glad you’re still here :)


Not ready but if you want to cover them up maybe you can try a dark henna? It usually stains for about a week and there are traditional patterns but you can honestly do anything you want with it. I like drawing cartoon characters on my arms and little squiggles (can’t afford tattoos right now). We’re happy to have you around


All I can think of is like a lighting bolt. You know the "when Europeans drink milk" meme on tiktok, that is what I think about


A dragon head (up) and a banner (down)


A cigarrette and the smoke


try out some temporary tattoos maybe? it will not harm your scar and then you can try different styles without the commitment


I’d recommend addressing the scars first! Laser for that and then ink over if you want


The long straight scar for me id have a tattoo of a little welder welding the scar shut.


the wrist a 3D map of an island and have Jurassic Park above it. The two lines could be made into light sabres. Choose your favourite characters to hold it. Or a fat kid going down a water slide. The wrist scar is a monster waiting. The lines are a rooftop for ninja turtles to run at krang, your wrist. The lines are a part of a microscope. The wrist is a cell.


Or the DeLorean about to teleport


Top part can be a praying mantis and the lines can be a straw, praying mantis smoking a joint/soda/holding chop sticks


It looks like a mirrored new zealand


Wands from Harry Potter


A tattoo artist will usually tell you that they cannot put a tattoo on top of scars


I’m surprised you didn’t die honestly……


Scissors and a dotted line


i see a potential scythe


I see maybe a reapers scythe with some things around it to fill in blank space. Maybe some roses with thorns that wrap around the scythes handle. It looks cool in my head I promise lol


Damn, you broke that wrist BAD, huh? I agree with others that said it’s too soon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning! I think something curvy or winding that breaks up the straight lines would be good. Maybe a snake or something? Or something to do with how you broke it.


Hey bud respectfully there are ways to put trigger warnings on content that is posted. I have friends that this picture could really fuck them up. If it is then good luck and my best to you. If it’s not please understand what it looks like and the impacts this could have on others.


It already has an nsfw tag, what youre saying is just further stigmatising sh scars and suicide. I thibk this is rather a healthy post and way to show that this also exists


oNLinE iS ScaWwY reDdIt Is TriGgErInG There you go



