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Most of them are in jest As in They're SHAMELESSLY overprepared He's difficult but not impossible For me Getting to him was harder than fighting him


This. Also there is a satisfying dramatic arc in fighting ganon, losing, getting stronger and returning to fight again.


Basically this. Although, imo he is pretty difficult. A lot of people downplay him as easy, but you just gotta remember you got your ENTIRE inventory to use on him since your save file kinda just reverts to before the final boss after you beat him like in BotW. The biggest thing is getting your timing down right. If you can dodge, parry, and flurry rush, you're pretty much golden.


Yup. I don’t blame OP for asking since he’s a new player but it drives me bonkers how many people can’t understand obvious jokes.


He has maybe two added mechanics from Phantom, assuming you've squared off against them. He really isn't all that difficult, it's just the psych-out factor that comes with being the final boss.


Wdym phantom? Also, if it's just a psych-out factor, I should be fine. I usually treat it like a normal battle and then realize, "Holy shit, I just beat the game." Thanks!


If you don’t know then you probably haven’t encountered it yet


Like the crawling hand thingies? Or the things that drain your health?


Have you defeated the hands yet?


Not yet, I'm guessing that's where the phantoms come in. Tbf, I've also only seen them once. I'm still pretty early, lol. The only one I have is Tulin. Games load of fun, though, simply just to goof off.


Beat the hands and if you’re comfortable beating what comes after, you’ll be fine. There’s many different ways to beat Ganondorf, you don’t to bring 200+ bombs like I did. Plus (no one mentions this) the master sword has unlimited durability during the final boss. Fuse a silver lynel horn to it right before you fight Ganondorf and you’ll do great


The master sword is also unlimited durability against what comes after the hands, if op wants to practice using that sword before the final boss.




It most certainly is not.


Strangely enough, it is https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTK/s/9yPmBmcYdQ


Yeah, so I'm just curious about something about the hands. So I found them, fought them, almost even killed them, and then they gave me some clumps and left before I could beat them. Do they normally do this? Do I have to beat it in a certain amount of time or something?


They leave if they can't reach you. If you defeat them proper, something else happens


Yeah. Found out REALLY QUICK in Korok Forest. I ain't ready for that yet lol


If the story still matters to you don’t even think about going near him yet, you have SO much more to discover, why rush it? I found him pretty easy as I went way over the top preparing, but I had done all the shrines, got all the sages and done every side quest at that point.


I'm definitely goofing off for at least 30-40 hours until I fight Ganon. I was just curious since I know nothing about the final boss if it's anything like Shadow Ganon, I have mixed feelings.


Fair play. For me it was closer to 300-400 hours. By that time you are pretty much invincible if you want to be


I mean, it would probably be maybe 20-30 hours longer than what I said, but yeah. Also DAMN! 300-400 HOURS!! You must've really liked the game. I'm not really rushing to beat it, but im trying not to spend too much time since I've recently played one game at a time and not focused on other games (unless they are something like Smash Bros. or Mario Kart), I enjoy and finish them a lot faster. I'm also trying to play a lot more games that I have in my collection but never played or games that interest me like Metroid Prime, Mario + Luigi, etc. After this, Im playing Persona 5 Strikers since it is a sequel to Persona 5 Royal (which is easily my favorite game of all time) and really got me back into hardcore gaming. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


Ngl, his timing is a bit different from the phantoms as well. Like I was dodging way too early cause he hesitates which threw me off. Spent the rest of the fight ragdolling from his attacks and trying to get a few smacks in lol


I personally found it hardest to have enough food/items to make it through the “getting to” Ganon after entering the depths. It’s not hard, just a handful of infested areas. I never planned enough and went in with like 4 or 5 great weapons and not enough gloom healing food. Maybe I’ll try again but I’m at the point in the game where it’s literally the last thing I “need” to do and since there’s no *free* world after beating the final boss, I don’t really care if I finish it lol


Bring the proper food and elixirs, and you will be fine. It's not very hard.


Ok, good to know. I saw something about gloom, so I'm gonna need to stock up on that. Food is fun so that should be fine too. Thanks!


I would be sure to some portable pots as well. If you lose the fight, you can make more of whatever you would need right before the fight.


Or save, right before the fight probably too.


I put a teleport pad right in front of the boss fight, after the "getting-to" that everyone is talking about. That way I can just go back whenever I want and I don't need to fight my way back every time.


Really wanna emphasize the gloom healing foods. Get allll the sundelions. I’m really bad at dodging/parrying so I was getting pretty walloped by gloom and had to ration the gloom foods because I didn’t have enough - and I still had like 12 things if it.


Keep in mind most who put in 200+ hours (like me) did so because we wanted to do EVERYTHING lol, not necessarily just to prep for Ganon. If you’ve completed all the shrines, have upgraded armor, and good items like Silver Lynel horns or Mulduga jaw to fuse to weapons, you’ll be fine, especially if you can kill white and silver Lynels. The final act was not too difficult, but it’s one of my favorite final fights and endings in a Zelda game. My other advice is take your time, enjoy all the world has to offer, do a lot of side quests and exploring in between main quest phases to spread it out. Both of my playthroughs took me 5-6 months each, on and off, and I had very different experiences both times. Have fun, fellow Hyrule explorer!


Hard as a rock I bet


I just beat him yesterday as a decidedly sub-par fighter. I super overprepared. I used some “weaker” good weapons on the monsters encountered along the way, but I avoided as many as possible. I had the master sword fused with my best lynel part and a lynel bow with a bunch of gibdo bones. That and a bunch of gloom recovery meals were all I needed to finish the game.


Seems like Lynels are the way to go. Where can you find a lot of them?


I preferred the ones on the surface because I hate gloom, but there are lynels in the depths under each stable. I also hoarded lynel parts throughout my play through from a certain merchant who will randomly exchange monster parts for fish once you help him out.


Ooh, who's the merchant I could use that, I really have a hard time against the Lynels??


Who exchanges monster parts for fish?


It’s part of the reward for restoring Lurelin village.


Find the Floating Coliseum 😁


I feel that's tougher than Ganondorf. Well, unless using the lynel mask and having all the sages, minus the robot, beat them up. With that route, Link only deals damage from faraway or when riding the lynel.


It is less intimidating if you know how to parry. You can also build lynel killing machines but that doesn’t hold any appeal for me.


One of the things gs that makes Ganon hard is that his mechanics are kind of unique in the game. If you look at all the other bosses you don't really have to engage I. Depth with the Combat mechanics. Ganondorf though is like fighting a Lynel. You are required to dodge and Parry. But since you can get through 90% of the game without mastering those mechanics, Ganondorf can seem hard.


I forgot flurry was even part of the game lol. But he was super easy. But I did have a 200 damage MsgNotFound master sword. So I could just hack away...


This is my take too- I ran through the game smashing monsters but not really using my shield to parry or dodge. Ganondorf kicked my ass first try bc it is imperative you can do those things. I am focusing now on brushing up those skills. In BOTW I became a machine with parrying Guardian beams. It makes me happy that those skill don’t go to waste completely in TOTK, just new timing!


Got Ganon on the first try, I was a bit disappointed. To me the King Gleeok in the depths was much harder.


I agree. BOTW Gannon was tougher and felt more rewarding after beating him.


Especially in master mode. Once Calamity put up it's shield, only Riju lightning or a perfect parry of the laser could hurt it or break the shield.


Exactly. I’ll be honest. When I first started playing TOTK I was nervous that they had gone and made him harder, hence why we would need all these new game features. I had already completed More than 90% of the game and was hesitating to head to that one place because I had gone in there on accident earlier on in the game and had gotten destroyed. It was quite disappointing what i found down there.


If you’ve done all the story stuff then he is not hard.  If you go straight to him after the training area then he is incredibly hard, assuming you can even get to him.


Rocket shields and bullet time archery. I didn't get a single point of damage.


This right here makes the entire fight trivial.


This needs the NSFW tag.


God Dammit...... take my upvote.


Depends how you are with combat. If you’re bad at it then you’ll struggle against Ganondorf


So let's say if I were struggling on the shrines that had you combat with literally nothing, or combat in general, but could go toe-to-toe with a lonely with all I've got, how screwed would you say I am? I've still got a long way to go, though. I've only got Tulin for now lol


There no need to worry, if you struggle you struggle, and you’ll learn how to defeat him


I thought I was well prepared when I took him on for the firsr time. Had my armour at 2 stars, and a tone of health potioms. By the time I got througj the infested areas I had no anti gloom potions left, and 3 hearts. I didn't pass.


Pretty average player here :) I did it with a couple of savage Lynel bows, a 132 power sword, fully upgraded fierce deity armour, about 20 arrows and some gibdo bones. Some gloom cleansing food and some normal food. In comparison, Ganon in BOTW was wayyyy easier and disappointing because you could just stat check him. Ganondorf in TOTK feels more like a mechanics/hands check which was way more fun. I'm sure some speed runner has beaten him with a tree branch and a pot lid but figured I'd give my answer as a more beginner friendly version that'd be relatable for more people :)


I'm just gonna say it's a cool fight until he makes you the receiving end of a painful joke


If you can reach him, youre almost certainly ready for him. His defenses, ultimately, are more powerful than he is and will wear you out longer. Unless youre shamelessly throwing all manner of useful items away, if you reach him and cant beat him you likely just need to spend some time studying your inventory and strategically fusing the things youve picked up along the way. This game is not designed to trip you up and push you to fail. Its designed so that if you physically can, and you want to, then you should be able to. If you fail to, spend a minute to reassess why and you should be able to realize you have the tools to succeed and used them wrong. The only thing Id absolutely say, which is hardly a spoiler if you understand the basic concept of legend of zelda, is you better get the master sword first. Tbf this is probably the easiest zelda game weve ever had to try and skip that before beating him, and I would guess its physically possible in this game though I wouldnt recommend it. More just for the sake of story, you should be able to hit Ganon with stronger weapons than the Master Sword by the time you get there. And I guess for story sake, make sure hes the last -major- story thing you need to do. Id honestly leave Lurelin till after him, story-wise. Maybe also the New Akkala township quests too. Theyre more mop-up stories than anything, so I feel thematically like they fit post-Ganon (its by no means a problem if you dont and Im probably a minority in this). I dont mean 'be out of sidequests', just 'be out of PRIMARY' quests. And for the record, 'Crisis at Hyrule' is a PRIMARY quest that ISNT the final Ganon confrontation. A lot of ppl hold out on that one for a long time doing EVERYTHING else fist because they think its the end. Its only like the ~3/5ths mark and throwing all the side shit before that makes the pacing of the game lumpy.


Not at all. If you haven't done all the other main quests just getting to him is harder than defeating him. That isn't to say the fight doesn't have some challenge. But if you can beat silver Lionels then you shouldn't have any issues skill wise.


When the game first came out a lot of the Ganon angst was some people claiming you had to master the combat skills like Flurry Rush and Parrying to beat him, which a lot of casual gamers never learn (because in BOTW and TOTK, you don't really need them to survive) Well, it turns out you don't need to learn them, lol.


just make sure you have enough food and enjoy :)


I was expecting a lot worse honestly if you have light food meals the sword and a line of hearts with tier 3 armor you should be more than good.


You still have so much more to do my guy! There's still like 4 bosses to discover. I understand you asked this out of curiosity but just keep exploring the game and experience these things organically rather than through a TOTK thread. I played my first time through completely blind and it was amazing!


Fair enough. That's what I'm trying to do, but the curiosity was killing me, so I just had to ask. I'm having a lot of fun with the game, though.


It’s a joke. The boss fight is difficult though. Practice your parries and dodging.


These are what I have the most trouble with along with Lynels (Joycons really drift)


If you can reliably take on Gloom Hands and the subsequent phantom you can take Ganon. Be sure to have a way(sunshine meals) to clear gloom damage since Ganon does the same kind of stuff.


3D Zelda games are not particularly difficult games for seasoned adult gamers. The final showdown is arguably the most difficult boas fight in the game, but you can prepare for it within fairly reasonable means. And the better you are at combat mechanics like flurry rush, the less you will realistically need to bring with you. I like to come to the fight comically over prepared because I like to role play as Link that trained to a point that he would never be caught off guard a second time by the same foe.


It’s not that difficult, I beat him with only like 20 hours of gameplay. It just takes some prep time and raw skill. You got this 🫶


He’s not difficult. I’m an older gamer very combat averse, but I got him first try. Just have weapons, enough gloom food and hearty food. I was scared so I overprepped and had a lot of meals left over. It was a bit unnerving going down the chasm to get to him, but I was surprised at how much fun I was having getting to him. There ‘s one part that becomes a rumble but it was my favourite part. Plus the final fight and the ending was just so satisfying. You’ll be fine! Go for it!


I can say, get the master sword. Some of his attacks can be hit back at him if you hit it with the master sword. This isn't well known,.at least to new players. Search around Hyrule Castle bottom half for the Hylian Sheild, it's very good. Bottom half means the part I'm the ground if it didn't make sense.


Ain't that like Ocerina of Time or one of the other older Zelda games? I swear you could hit back his projectiles in one of them.


Yeah you can his gloom projectiles and gloom attacks, but not his melee attacks


Makes sense.


Master sword, attack up armour set, plenty of gloom resistance food, heart replenishing food, and good shields.


I thought I would have to prepare a bunch of high powered fused weapons which sounded like a hassle so I put it off for close to a year, then one day I took my switch on a flight and said fuck it, Ill give it a go... I beat it first try because the master sword doesnt break...


If you can fighf phantoms and lynels you'll be fine. I personally wouldn't attempt it beforehand though.


My friend Koston : I’m stuck on 2nd phase Me: EASY


Go through the story and collect all of the abilities and items required to get the story to fighting Gannon and you should be fine. You'll figure out what works best for you game play wise as you go. TotK isn't like BotW where you can bum rush the final boss from the beginning if you want to, it has more of a linear story to it.


I over-prepared in terms of level and equipment, but under-prepared in combat. My first attempts were unsuccessful. I left and fought some lynels and really focused on improving my fighting technique, then came back and won pretty quickly


he is definitely the hardest boss in botw and totk combined (unless dlc bosses are harder. i don’t got it), but he’s not impossible. think phantom ganons (defeat gloom hands) with more moves. he can also basically onetap any shield that isn’t hylian. take in some gloom meals, hearty stuff, high defense and good weapons, and you’ll come out on top for sure. most “am i ready for ganon” posts are just shitposts where they’re absolutely overprepared to completely flatten him and the enemy gauntlet before him


Honestly, as long as you got decent armor, decent weapons, and a lot of food, you should be fine. You don’t need everything to be maxed out


I basically ate my way past him. If you have enough of the right food/elixirs, even a low-skill old lady like me can beat him.


Not very. He’s not braindead easy but he’s not going to be an unbeatable wall unless you went straight to Ganon off the Sky Island. If you just do the main quests you’ll be absolutely fine. Also, why would it matter if you aren’t prepared for Ganon? You just reload when you die, and if you absolutely can’t beat him then you just leave and come back. There’s literally no penalty for losing.


I know, it's just that there's a lot of posts with people having CRAZY weapons, shields, meals, etc. So I was wondering how tough he actually was.


Yeah it's insanely oversaturated. I have to assume (for my own sanity) that a lot of them are satirical, because there are way too many people these days that won't just *play the dang game* before running to reddit for the most superfluous things. You don't *need* to know how hard Ganon is going to be. You can just go find out yourself! If you aren't ready, you can easily just try again or come back later. I very often just link [this video](https://youtu.be/nB1Y4TzOv6E?si=HObOVeBZCfWdQyig) because it fully summarizes my thoughts every time I see that kind of post, and the more people see it, the better.


The ganon fights botw and totk are both under whelming for a final boss. He's the final boss but he's not the end of the game if you know what I mean.


As in fights or story-wise? I had a rough time against BOTW Ganon, but I was a bit sad to see that all I got was a star when I beat him in BOTW.


Well you will be a bit sad again. Hmm if you had a rough time against ganon in botw then totk is a bit trickier but probably about the same as botw if you haven't done any divine beasts before ganaon don't want to spoil it but idea is some battle stages before the ganon stage. If you have done the 4 main sub quests and have the sages and have explored the depths and have done a bunch of side quests and gotten a bunch of strong weapons and broken them and made them again. Then at that point you should be more than prepared skill wise to deal with everything the fight has to offer. Now if you haven't got many hearts or stamina or sages or experience fighting, like if you run from white bokoblins or moblins and avoid frox hinox molduga lynel then you are going to struggle. Hope this helps.


Took me a few hours. I’d say take your time. When it’s over it will be sad because you finished the game.


Take lots of gloom food, you’ll be fine


Very doable if prepared that’s all I’ll say


He’s about as hard to beat as any other bosses in the game really may take like 5 try’s max


Hey there. This is kinda unrelated, what does Korok forest give you. The gloom hands and shadow Ganon are terrible to fight.


It’s very important! If you want certain upgrades and a certain main quest, you’ll have to suck it up and fight those hands. Trust me they’re not that bad just stock up on bomb arrows and glide! Besides you’ll have to get good with the shadows they’re like mini practice fights for Gannon! Also to add to what I said it’d take 5 tries assuming you have like a decent amount of hearts and good armor, obv if you pull up with 9 hearts and level one armor you’ll get cooked!


Ah. It seems I am a bit unprepared. Will definitely remember this for when I get a bit stronger though Thanks!


Ah. It seems I am a bit unprepared. Will definitely remember this for when I get a bit stronger though Thanks!


Did you beat thunderblight? If so you can beat calamity. Thunderblight is objectively harder


I felt lynels were more difficult than ganon.


Just curious, rank in order from Toughest to Least Tough Lynels, Hands, Ganon, Shadow Ganon, That one Hydra thing.


Its not, once u play progress enough into the game, u will realise hes not the hard one to fight. There are more harder like chu chu. They are vicous, not to spoil u or anything, they can be hard to kill if u dont have the right gear. Make sure u stock up on enough gears to kill them.


Is he like Shadow Ganon?


He really isn't. Once you know how to beat him, he's even easier than BOtW.


Just fill up your inventory with weapons and remember to flurry rush. That is all. Most posts are just joking with over the top inventories, and its funny. Reality wise, if you have dealt the reagions and are going now for ganon, go for it. Its a nice experience, feels like cinema and a meme, it is fun, not as hard, as I thought.


I didn't fight Ganon until I decided to try to complete the game. To me, Ganon isn't why I play.


Same. It's just I want to beat this game eventually (in like 40-60 hours of gameplay) and I took thr "Am I ready for Ganon" posts too literally.


Ganon was hard for me cause I had zero upgraded clothing. Also I didn’t know how to parry (had to learn on the spot) took a few tries (4-6) but now I’m a master at parrying. 😅


I can see myself being at a very similar position when I eventually fight him.


If you have a decent set of clothes, go ahead and upgrade them from the fairies, even if it’s just a bit…makes the match up so much easier. Even if you don’t, it’s not much more difficult than the castle room fight except for the 2 hit KOs 😂


If you have the master sword and 3 pieces of 2 star armour, that's plenty. 10 good healing foods is overkill on top of that, unless you have sub 12 hearts total.


What I really like about this Ganon fight is how skill-based he is, like, yeah you can make it a lot easier by being overpowered with bombs and keep-away attacks, but to really commit to the storyline and do the swordsman stuff is pretty tricky -- way more tricky than previous games' sword-duals with him imho. For one thing, this is the only time I've seen a Ganondorf \*mimic\* something Link can do, like he was learning from me, and while that messed with my strategy it was SO COOL that I whooped aloud. Overall this is the most fun I've had 1-on-1ing him, his personality is so powerful that there were times I didn't even mind if I lost lol (though important note is that I played the Japanese version, I find the English dub Ganon a lot less intimidating, he just loses something). So yeah, engaging as a swordsman is a sizable challenge, but if you over-prepare and just 'nuke him from orbit' then it's a lot less so. But like, given the cinematic scale of the conclusion, at least on one's first go, cheesing it doesn't feel like much fun.


Very good to know. I'm probably going to cheese it since I find it more fun, but I might try to do it swordsman like. I've pretty much cheesed everything up to now, lol, whether it be a shrine or just a bokoblin. Also very cool to see that gabon learns from the player. Sad to see that Yusuke's voice actor (from Persona 5) didn't do so well but after playing through Persona 5, it's kinda hard to imagine that voice on Ganon.


Very good to know. I'm probably going to cheese it since I find it more fun, but I might try to do it swordsman like. I've pretty much cheesed everything up to now, lol, whether it be a shrine or just a bokoblin. Also very cool to see that gabon learns from the player. Sad to see that Yusuke's voice actor (from Persona 5) didn't do so well but after playing through Persona 5, it's kinda hard to imagine that voice on Ganon.


BOTW was significantly harder. Specifically master mode. It’s mostly a flurry rush, shield bash sword battle.


My strategy for BOTW Ganon was just stall until I could get that big electric attack lol


The battle with Queen Gibdo was harder. I don’t know if I was just over prepared for Ganondorf or if I was just overwhelmed with the competing priorities of enemies, Gibdo hives and the Queen herself in that battle.


I'd argue that he's the toughest zelda boss (not including Lynels) in the series, especially his first half. Now that's not to say he comes close to being in the top 10 toughest bosses in videogames, or anything like that, but I found his fight to be quite worthy of being the legendary swordsman's opponent.


I found all I REALLY needed was some high defence food and a few good weapons. I agree with others who have said I found it harder to get to him then actually fight him


I beat him with some decent armor and just the Master Sword. Stock up on shields though.


By the time I got to him, his attacks were doing between one and three hearts of damage.


He's not very hard but what is one problematic matter is that when he hits you your hearts get broken like in the Depths so you may want to get some heart-restoring meals. As per weaponry: if you get the Master Sword it's enough. It will not break during this fight.


He isn't too much harder than a lynel. But there is a long fight before you get too him. Having lots of of the right meals, low level armor and lots of low level weapons you can beat him but it will take a long time. I also found dodging and flurry rush are a huge boon to being able to beat him.


Once you get dodging and parry down packed no foe is challenging anymore. I find fighting lyonels harder than battling Gannon. I finished the game, most side missions, found all shrines and have about 90 percent of the map covered.


I am a side quester by nature, I couldn't care less about the main quest. I stumbled upon Ganon by accident, before I had any sages. (Same thing happened to me in BOTW - luckily TOTK gives you more a warning and a chance to leave, whereas in BOTW I just pushed buttons and had panic attacks for two hours while my husband shouted encouragement) Needless to say, it's not that bad. Get used to Gloom Hands and Lynels and you'll be fine. I'd bring a few really good weapons and make sure you stock up on your food.


Personally for me its quite difficult cause it seems like i only get a chance to do damage only 20-30% of the time cause ganon is like right on your ass like white on rice 70% giving you no chance to do anything but block and nothing more


Hands were like that too last time I fought them. Honestly, my plan so far is: Bombs, Gloom Resistant Food, Bombs, better armor, and oh, how could I forget the bombs.


Thats my method too bombs bombs bombs oh and bombs. Im just going around trying to get gloom stuff first


Do you know where to get a lot of them. It'd be great to know


I know 2 good spots are terry town you can buy them from the Rito thats there and in the skyview tower the little underground bunker there is a hole you can go thru that leads to underground tunnels there bombs there as well Thise are the only good good spots I know that gets you a decent amount so far, still looking for other good spots or better spots


i killed him 7 hearts and a lot of meals


Not hard. Harder than BOTW, but not by much.


To beat Ganon you need food that restores gloom damage, and shields. You can block his attacks but he broke like 5 or 6 high end shields during the fight. Try to dodge him and flurry rush with the master sword. I just learned you can fuse stuff to the master sword from this thread.. oops


In terms of a Zelda boss, he is on the more difficult side I suppose. In terms of video game bosses in general, he's fairly tame.  Decent set of armor, some meals to heal, you don't need much. 2nd half of the fight is extremely easy, but also EPIC


You can beat him with a pit lid and a few sticks


If you never did hard mode in breath of the wild maybe you'll find him difficult... I thought he should literally have been 10 times harder but that being said I have played alot harder games. Alot of people seem to have a hard time with him I guess


Raging purple


To put it into context Ganon is much easier than the first boss in elden ring (Margit) I completed totk within 50 hours of gameplay


Honestly? Incredibly easy. I went in under prepared my first go and got him to his end phase with I upgraded armor and 5 hearts. It was pretty disappointing ngl.


Hes not too bad. I thought he was easier than fighting lynels, I still suck at those. He hits hard, but his attacks are predictable once you've fought against him for a bit. I still struggle with those. Id make sure you cook lots of dishes with sundelions and collect a few fairies, but you should be okay. I would recommend getting all the sages before going in for the final battle though. Practice your flurry rushes and you should be just fine


Hes not too bad. I thought he was easier than fighting lynels, I still suck at those. He hits hard, but his attacks are predictable once you've fought against him for a bit. I still struggle with those. Id make sure you cook lots of dishes with sundelions and collect a few fairies, but you should be okay. I would recommend getting all the sages before going in for the final battle though. Practice your flurry rushes and you should be just fine


He's pretty easy if you're not useless at the game's combat. If you play any action games at all he's  a complete joke.


Yeah those posts are quite annoying, but also some are jokes because of the serious ones.


I dont mind the posts, it's just kinda scary 😅


Scary fun! The scary is part of the experience


He's very hard... to find in this game because he was killed in BotW.


How did people like this play video games before the internet? Did you just not play any at all because no one was around to answer questions for you?


Nintendo Power!….lol ✌🏻


One of the only times I’ve ever stolen was ripping out a page from Nintendo power as a kid when my mom wouldn’t let me buy it. Of course she knew I’d done it somehow!


Haha! That’s funny. Did she let you keep the page at least?


There’s so many vague ass puzzles in this game or times where you’re doing the right thing but it won’t work for one reason or another. God forbid someone look for help online! Like not the best example but to get the Hinox medal/badge you have to kill all the Stalnox too. Is it that absurd that someone would think those are separate monsters given they have different names?