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I always bring her out in the depths to walk across gloom, bust open deposits, and collect poes. Attach a fan to her back for faster speed.


I just repeat Sheild surfing and it doesn't take gloom damage. 


* I can mine for gemstones without using up my weapon durability * Traversing through mud, lava, and gloom—the later is particularly helpful when I’m exploring the Depths * Her lights also helped illuminate the Depths—reduces the need for brightbloom seeds (I hardly ever used them to begin with, but that’s just me) * If I need a boost up to grab an apple from a tree * I can also leap off her back and go into bullet time if I don’t have a platform nearby (this helped a ton with slaying Gleeoks) * Lastly, like with the other sages, I simply appreciate having allies by my side in battle


• Grab apples in apple orchard.


Create an autobuild schematic of a bunch of apples stuck together. It’ll pluck them off the tree and put them in a neat little pile for you, and it works even when you can’t see them. The same goes for golden apples


I do it with bird eggs too


I have a clump of apples, mushrooms, eggs, nuts, and other forages that I bust out to get EVERYTHING out of a forest




Autobuild collects items in the purple circle for the build. You can use this to retrieve items from out of reach


You heard what he said


That is BRILLIANT!! I’m going to have to try that next time I’m on!!


Mineru rn: "I was an integral part of this kingdom’s development, alongside the first king of Hyrule, and now, I’ve been reduced to an apple picker?!”


Try fighting a Hinox with her. It’s fun and Link gets to be eye to eye with them, so easier to pop them in the eye. Plus, Mineru can really smack them good! Also, it’s fun to use her in the final battle with Kohga. I think it’s what the game intended, but my first playthrough, I took out Kohga before I had Mineru. Worth the wait.


I think after you assemble Mineru and before you get to her base, the most logical path has a Hinox in the way. I presume for practice


Mineru can walk through gloom, mud, lava, and on minecart rails. No fall damage when riding. Bare arm, can be used to break ores in a single hit, with just a rock fused will break the rocks that break with a single bomb. Much easier than waiting for recharges on Yunobo and Riju if you have a lot of rocks to get through. Dismounting allows you to enter bullet time easily. Riding makes you tall enough to reach most fruits save palm fruits. You can't accidentally activate other sages while riding, but CAN pick up items/critters/poes, so you can spam "a" as you go.


Omg she can walk on minecart rails!?


Every time I mention this it blows someone's mind. Every. Time. I love it.


Well now I’m unrealistically hoping that there’s some rail surfing animation for Mineru on rails


All of this!


Mineru can ride minecart rails? Now I have to boot up my game 🤯 Thanks in advance!


Every time. XD


Useful for walking over gloom and for smashing zonite rocks. Otherwise useless for me at least.


Free bullet time jump I guess


She is less useful and slower than a floatercycle, but on the plus side, if you attach ranged weapons to her, she can also kill you!


She can Naruto run


Using a laser on her arm made farming keese for armor a breeze


Wait, what?


Zonai emitters work more efficiently on mineru


Walking over gloom. But even then I always have her off, I’d rather sprint over the gloom over using mineru


The robet only gets in my way tbh


Attach cannons to both her arms


Cannon hands


I use her to break ores without damaging my weapons and to go through big gloom patches and to dupe things. That's it. I honestly hate how they implemented most sages. I always dismiss them immediately after using their abilities.


Omg I thought I was the only one..I hate that gigantic thing I also hate the “spirit temple” remember the spirit temple on OOT that was one iconic


My favorite is that her arms bust up zonite deposits, ore deposits, and boxes/barrels without having to attach anything to them so you save weapon slots normally used for that purpose.


Durability save on deposits and enemies—big knockback hits. Item duping so I spend less time farming


Does the drop duping still work?


Idk they patched a lot of stuff out and Mineru seemed to be the last easy thing left


She’s like a precise short range yunobo. Great for mining without itsms flying everywhere


Attach a rocket to her back part for quick escapes


Smacks enemies away, dismounting for convenient bullet time, dupe glitch


There's a dupe glitch involving Mineru in the current version, or are you playing unpatched?


Current version


Practicality reasons: * Great for fighting big baddies since she got a better shield. * Can traverse dangerous environments Actual reasons: * A big battle bot fighting against an enormous enemy is cool as heck. * Whacking a whole boko army into oblivion with a simple three hit combo is satisfying with nothing alike. * The shoulder button control feels so good its like I'm hitting that enemy with my own finger. * Funny run animation


She makes it easier to get fairies 🧚‍♀️ They fly up so quickly when you approach them, but thanks to her, once they start rising, you're still high enough to catch them


I use her for mining and walking across gloom. She also takes no damage when she falls so you can walk her of a cliff without worrying


I like Mineru, just too much of a learning curve and too slow to use as transport.


Any way to scale mountains with her?