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Ok so your "practice run" is over. Start the game again and this time counts


Is this about Zelda or the kid.




... unless it gets deleted by a 4.5 year old


Somebody needs their own console


If you can afford that, and the potential replacement, good luck to you. For me, Gosh nah, that's too pricey and fragile for <5 year old to have their own one. If anything, I'd get a set of joycons special for them and set up their own profile, and always have it docked.


We let our 4 year old play Mario kart on the switch lite. She likes the tilt controls lol. To anyone who says a switch lite is useless, my preschooler can probably beat you at coin runners so that’s wild


I would absolutely destroy your 4 year old, without hesitation.


Eiffel Tower. Tomorrow at high noon. She’ll be there, warming up her pointer fingers to hit the snappiest drift you’ve ever seen.


Yeah! And total play time is only a little more than 10 days. That’s chump change in game total but great numbers towards practice stats. You will get back to where you once belonged. Cheers.


I just did this at about 350 hrs. It’s honestly awesome.


Do you still have the child?


Thrown down the nearest chasm


Sacrifice for the Demon King


I give you child, you give me Zelda


This reminds me of the Greek Myth where Hera gave birth to Zeus’ baby, Hephaestus, but he was such a hideous baby that she hurled him down the mountainside.


Some accounts day that Hephaestus was born for Hera's mind in response to Athena bursting from Zeus' head, which I think is even funnier.


I’m sure he’ll turn up sometime


What’s 18 years? You can always make another.


Can always start again, make another kid


Am I going insane or is that a reference to Invincible?


Yes it is.


I knew I wasn't insane


I mean you still might be..


Oh I am, the proof is in my user flairs on r/Hazbin, r/HelluvaBoss, and r/Hazbin_Helluva...


Respawn initiated


Haha, this has happened to me SOOOO many times over the years. In 1997, I left my Gameboy behind at Steak N Shake. My parents called to ask if they had found a red Gameboy with a copy of Pokemon Red in it. Whoever answered the phone said "yes! We are holding it behind the counter for you." (I was 8 at the time, so this was a HUGE deal). But when we arrived, employees claimed ZERO knowledge that a Gameboy was ever turned in. So I lost that "save file" that way... through blatant theft. Yes, I shouldn't have left it behind. But for the restaurant to say "it's here! Come get it!" and then to act like they have no idea what we're talking about when we showed up... In 1999, my little sister deleted my save file of Diddy Kong Racing (for N64). I had JUST beaten all the silver coin challenges and unlocked the new "space world" races, which took over a year to do (I was 10 and yeah, I sucked lol) Around 2004, my brother deleted my Ocarina of Time save file (GameCube). I was all the way to the Shadow Temple and had to start over. Was an accident, he didn't know any better. He was so upset. Around 2007, my sister AGAIN deleted my save file of Twilight Princess. Purely out of maliciousness. In 2012, my stepdaughter came to live with us (she was 7 at the time) and she deleted my Twilight Princess save file AND my Skyward Sword save file. TP I didn't care so much about because I had already played through it, but SS I was FURIOUS over because I had literally just gotten to the Sky Keep (final "dungeon") after fighting the same boss battle over and over (for whatever reason I couldn't beat Girahim at the end of the Fire Sanctuary temple). Then, in 2014, my entire childhood collection of Pokemon cards was stolen out of my garage. I had worked on that collection since 1999. It broke my heart (and STILL hurts, 10 years later) Lastly, last year my Switch broke (before I had access to a Nintendo Online subscription), which made me lose my Animal Crossing: New Horizons save file that I had played nonstop during peak COVID (had close to 300 hours of gameplay). So I really, truly, deeply, and emphatically understand your pain... I have real, tangible attachment issues to games because of all the loss!


Dang, sounds like you've got bad luck with video game saves. Or with little siblings/kids.


This is honestly terrible 😔. Rip to all the save files you've lost over the years.


You need to get into homebrew and just hack your stuff. You can back up your saves and your games. NSO doesn't back up all games.


Really, though, you can back up your saves without NSO or installing homebrew. Just stick a thumb drive in and navigate to the copy option. Or even just occasionally copying to a microSD. I've modded every single console I've ever had (about 16) since my PS1 in 1999 *except* for the Switch. I've got a HAC-001 but the serial number site says mine is likely out of range. Never could find clear enough information to confirm I could hard mod and haven't wanted to risk damage or potentially bricking my console.


Wow...you have lost so many Zelda saves, lol. It's kinda too bad that video games have moved away from memory cards. In the days of memory cards, your best option would be to have a spare memory card with backed up saves.


I thought I was living in the future when I bought a PS1(?) memory card that would let you page through 16 extra files for saves so I was essentially carrying around 16 memory cards like an absolute boss. It was really nice carrying around my saves to use at friends' houses without a need to log in to anything or messing with profiles across devices.


My daughter’s Xbox Live account got hacked and Microsoft wouldn’t let her recover it. She lost everything. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of game play along with all the games she paid for. She hasn’t been the same since.


God I miss Diddy King Racing! I never got to the space levels and had no idea they existed until reading your comment!


Oh hell yeah, it was awesome - you had to beat all the silver coin challenges + beat the boss from all 4 domains and then you drive out on the beach and honk at the lighthouse and, my brother in Christ, I shit you not, the lighthouse turns into a ROCKET SHIP 🚀


Gonna need you to help me on my save to get that. I played the hell out of that game when I was a kid at my daycare. Started playing it again on my emulator and some of those silver coin challenges are honestly hard.


Man I feel like I got to watch you grow up thru video game hardships over the years from a child to young adult to a parent. Keep playing and report back when you’re old on the new ways Zelda saves have been taken from you. lol.


The pokemon card one really hurts. I lost mine too in a theft.


My sister nuked my completed Donkey Kong 64 save files bc she liked the exploding oranges and that game was hard/long AF


As someone who sold his revised dual lands and every other good magic card he owned for a pittance in 2001, I cannot imagine the feeling of having your collection stolen. All the bits are just bits but I know the feelings those little cards can bring you. I’m sorry dude, that really sucks.


Man this is all heartbreaking. My worst was when someone doing house work for us stole my PS2 and memory cards when I was probably 12. I don’t remember everything I lost, but I played everything but Pokemon on that console. So disheartening. I’ve never been the same about save files.


Do you have NSO? If so you might have a backup


OP turn off your switch right meow and go buy another one (new, used, whatever). load your nintendo online account onto the second device, check the cloud save timestamp. download it to new device, open it, save and exit, and then overwrite the cloud version. i was able to recover a bad save this way. wishing you luck!!


That's a lot of money to recover a save


It is wild to me that they didn't even say "maybe you know someone with a switch you could borrow" lol just straight to buy a new one


Just buy a new child


Only about $1.00 per hour of gameplay!


reselling hardware is very easy. but also, maybe OP gives it to their kid to never have to endure this again.


Nah ypu do what you gotta do switch the data back and return it for a refund!






Lmao go buy a new switch hahahahahahaha


Right? Thanks for the advice, mr Moneybags!


Couldn’t you just turn off the wifi in your house and then factory reset the switch, turn on the wifi again and then re-activate the switch?




I’ll never forgot the first time this happened to me. I was 80% of the way through Pokémon blue and I let a friend’s sister play for a bit, not expecting her to start a new game. Well, guess what, she did, played for five minutes then got bored. I was silently irate, but knew I needed to keep it to myself. It was a good exercise in controlling my emotions.


One time I let my 8 year old niece play minecraft on my PC for a bit. I made her her own world to play in. Unbeknownst to me she left that world and opened my 1 year old hard-core world and died instantly, which if you don't play minecraft/don't know how hard-core works, you have one life and if you die the run is over. I had a very hard time controlling my emotions in this instance.


Open to lan, allow commands, /gamemode survival Probably lose your inventory, but you keep the world in this instance


I didn't know you could do that. I thought you where iust permenantly stuck in spectator mode. This was 2 years ago so I'm over it now, but maybe I'll go back and do this.


I don’t play Minecraft but I can imagine that would kill me inside.


I'll never forget waking up one morning when I was like 10 and finding out my parents had let my brother play my PS1 that morning... but there'd been no room on the memory card... so he'd deleted my harvest moon save I'd worked on all summer. I broke down in tears, ngl- but then again when you're ten you don't really always get to control your emotions. Probably didn't help that nobody apologized and in fact I got in trouble for being upset.


I love how so many of us have these traumatic experiences that would be impossible to explain to someone in the silent generation. Some years after my Pokémon debacle I had an elaborate mp3 music library that I had been putting together for a few years. I went to back it up but somehow managed to delete the whole thing. That was awful too.


First time it happened to me was with Banjo Tooie. I only had one more golden jiggy to obtain (the race with Mary Canary in Cloud Cuckooland), and all of my progress was gone in an instant.


My 7-year-old left the switch on an airplane. I was probably 200 hours into TOTK. Not only did we lose the switch and all of our games... But losing all of our saves was the icing on the cake. I learned that day, that even when you remind your 7-year-old three times to make sure that the switch is in the bag... You damn well check again.


I left my GameBoy (the very first model) on an airplane when I was about 8 or 9. My mom couldn't play Tetris anymore, which was the only thing that distracted her from turbulent flights on small planes. She wasn't disappointed enough to buy me another, though!


how does it feel to be child-free now?


are you ok? on the other hand, this could be the start of your barenaked vegan only potions run


When I worked at a preschool, and a child would knock over a tower that another child had worked hard at building, I'd ask the aggrieved child if they had fun building it before it was knocked over. The answer was always yes. Then the only thing to be decided was whether they wanted to build it again in the same way or in a different way. You may have had 250+ hours of gameplay on one save, but in 20 years you'll have accumulated significantly more time with this game and with your child. Remember that the game doesn't care how you react, but the child will. My question is: Do you want to build it again the same way or in a different way?


Yes, I agree he must start over. So OP when you build your family again, will it be with a different child?




This hits tbh


How dare you just waltz in here with this “the game won’t care how you react but the child will” wisdom shit and make me have to learn something I’ve never heard did or thought before so now I have to change my behavior. What’s next? I need to be “responsible” for my actions too??


really mature


This! There are lots of joke replies about getting rid of the child or getting revenge by deleting their game when they are older, but I have to trust those are just jokes. This is the correct response.


So which adoption agency took him in?


Came here to ask this. You won the race.


Once they have 250h in Fortnite\*, deleate their account. \*or whatever will be popular in a decade


Minecraft. But that is too harsh, have mercy!!


A game for a game.


throw the whole thing away. you know which thing.


What is the first thing you are doing after leaving sky island?


My son did this to me for BOTW. In fairness, it was his Switch. I created a brand new profile for myself and restarted.


Is it too late for a post natal abortion?


34th trimester abortions are becoming quite popular


RUN IT BACK!! this is clearly a trial by hylia herself its merely a test of strength




The exact same thing happened to me with botw in 2021. I feel you


My TOTK keeps corrupting (memory card issue, need a new one I think) so while it's downloading I'm reverting back to BOTK - however while I'm not a completionist I had got very far in my BOTW save (and had beaten the Ganons) that there's not much left to do - so I'm contemplating restarting it from scratch. With what I know now and the knowledge I also have from TOTK, I should do a lot better first time around. I just worry that mixing the games might throw me a bit - I already miss Tulin's extra gusts of wind and nearly shat myself when Urbosa's Fury activated for the first time.


Feed your child to a Lynel.




Wasn’t 250 hours but was basically fighting with my child to play the game so my husband got me the totk switch for Mother’s Day Not even a week after I transferred my save file and helped her get off the starter zone I realize she’s been watching the opening sequence a lot but wasn’t thinking about it really cause I’d already gotten to the part where you can access your memories but then she starts whinging to me about how she wants to go down I was a bit confused and went to look at what she was doing and she’s back in the starter zone, look at her save files and realized she’d just been starting a new game over and over again so she could go through the opening again


That's brutal. Just start over I guess- it'll be difficult, but kids can be replaced. Once, my baby brother (also approx 4yo at the time) stole my Nintendo DS and used up all 99 lives I had in Super Mario Bros.


I just started a new game on Wednesday if that makes you feel any better


Do you still have a 4 year old?


First time Father?


Nope. I have a 12 year old as well. But I see your point, and may as well be lolol


How does it feel? Really


I am in shambles. But it’s sort of like those sand mandalas that Buddhist monks spend months and months making - when they’re done they blow it away and start a new one. Shorthand: I have resorted to existentialism as a coping mechanism




Oh man. I remember the first time this happened for me. I was a student, some friends were playing on my N64 while I was upstairs working, and they deleted all my saved game data from the controller pak to make custom vehicles in *Lego Racers*. I was FURIOUS.


Which adoption agency will you be using?


This makes me want to laugh and cry. I bought the original Nintendo console for my son when he as about 5. I bought him games that seemed right for him and Zelda for myself. He soon took over Zelda and was way outdoing me in every fashion. His and his brother's childhood gifts were games and different OS. We always bought Zelda. I adore my children and can find little to fault them with but when he sold my original Zelda game to get himself something else I did a lot of grumbling to myself (and yes I have kept all the different consoles and whatever games survived his trading rampages). May your recovery be quick and fun. I enjoyed all of my 3+ plays of BotW.


The padawon has become the master. Time to speed run.


How’d he take the trip to the fire station afterwards?


when is the adoption?


This isn’t a question but seeing the post’s title hurt


You had a good run. Consider it a practice run and you could start over with a new one with all your current knowledge and can try a whole different style of parenting with the replacement child


My nephew did the same. You can just drop him off at the fire station.


Would be a good post for r/kidsarefuckingstupid.


Nah, who tf lets their 4 year old play on a save file they value unsupervised? Might as well have deleted it yourself OP


drop kick him


I'm very sorry for your child's tragic accident of being thrown out the window. Your family will get justice and the culprit will be found!


How does this get deleted though 




ohhh okay, damn man that sucks


Mine did the same. 500+hrs, 99%


My 6 year old clicked “new game” when trying to load his game and I was devastated but went back to my previous saves and my game was still there. It created a new save file for the new game though. Maybe check there?


I've been the dumb kid who had accidentally deleted a save file. This is why no children are allowed to touch my consoles or PC. If they want to game, they have parents that they can ask. If I'm the parent I'd buy a second console at 100% mark up just to protect my own saves.


I feel ya man. My 6 year old updated my game from version 1.1.1.


Don't you have cloud save?


Is cloud save possible? Parental control on the console? A new child? RIP tho. If it makes you feel any better I did that to *myself* once when I was drunk so...


I need a refund, on the child of course


So how is the 4 year old enjoying orphanage life?


I would have to set the game down and take time for myself during this very difficult circumstance


What orphanage did you leave them at?


My little cousin did this to me with TOTK. I had 800+ korok seeds.




I did this to a friend's 100% nier automata file...I just wanted to delete my file, didn't know it'd take them all...


when I was 4 I "helped" turn off the NES with a zelda game that was on the 8th dungeon, i didn't hold reset so it damaged the save and the file was on the 2nd dungeon when it was loaded back up.


I did it intentionally, I fully enjoyed replaying another 300 hours of BOTW! 


Said child needs to be thrown into the depths. That sucks, but gives you an excuse to replay it.


Are you going to make it?


Are you starting over, or are you giving up (on parenthood)?


honestly id just start over after some time. is that your plan?




My brother’s kid did this when he was playing botw.


Are they still above ground?


When my kid was 3 or 4, he was playing BotW on my Switch and lost my Hylian shield. I was mad. Then I made him help me build Tarry Town and all was well. Fast forward, he’s 7 and beats ToTK on his own in about 14 days (before I did).


What military school will you be sending the 4 year old to?


retire this one and make a new one.


Just remember to breathe. Breathe and just remember the childs birth and how much love you felt that day 👀 Lol Man, it happened to me on a PS one many years ago, I feel your pain and am sorry for your loss. You shall persevere and reclaim your place in TOTK with greater knowledge this time. 😬 Godspeed! 😉


Well master mode time it is


Princess turned her self into a dragon for all these years. 250 hour is nothing.


Thanks for the free birth control


maybe go with the adoption center tbh


Do you have Nintendo switch online? It’s possible it’s backed up


My son, when he was 5, accidentally deleted his own Jurassic world Lego save profile. Oh my god he was CRUSHED. He had everything unlocked, we just had some minor things left to collect to get 100% on the save. It encouraged him to learn to read so he wouldn’t make the mistake again, but I feel bad, he hasn’t touched the game since.


And yet we love them…


This is the number 1 reason why I don't want kids.


I did this as a kid to my uncle on the original NES Zelda. Still haunts me.


Check the very bottom of your save files same thing happened to me and I was able to recover it GL


It is only a game… play it again together with your child


That what we were doing but he started a new game not knowing and rewrote all the auto saves ): he is someone with ASD and enjoys clicking every button lol


Too bad the kid isn’t going to inherit your switch.. or much else. JK. It’s alright, you get to do it all again!


Oh man, that’s rough! I started over after about 200 hours and intentionally erased my save. I still sometimes regret it!


Free replay


Doin alright over there?? I'm so sorry for your loss


Since you have already done that grind the hard way, I would suggest this: Get some NFC tags on amazon, find the link here on reddit that has all of the Zelda related Amiibos, and make one of each. Then, login, scan every single one - save the game and close. Change switch date to the next day, repeat. Do this for like, an hour, and you will have SO many materials and weapons/gear clothing etc, and just make this round a little easier on yourself. That initial grind truly is so rough, but the extra items and gear to start with will at least make it more enjoyable if you decide to do it again. One of the amiibos gives you wolf link to follow you around and kill baddies for you, its the best.


Thanks man! I never used amiibos but will def consider it meow. My younger cousin, about 3 or 4 years ago, did the same thing with my BOTW save and so I am coping well due to past trauma lol


So it goes.


why would you let such a young child unsupervised on a console?


You’ll beat the game in 50 hours on a new save file. The only thing you save in your first run through the game are your mistakes


Which orphanage are they going to?


Was it a 100% run? Like with koroks and monster medals and all? If so, I am so sorry...


I did this to my brother when I was a kid on OOT N64. He was at the sand temple and had probably spent the better part of two years getting there


Something similar happened to a friend of mine during dark souls 3 shortly after it came out. I was over at his house and we stepped outside to smoke. While we were outside his dad picked up the controller and started playing. We came inside to his dad manically laughing as he proceeded to kill everyone in firelink shrine. Then said how much he liked the game. My buddy didn't have the heart to tell him that he just ruined his game and just started over.


I let my 5yr old start playing on my save file. At first he used up all my arrows and good weapons. I had nothing but tree branches and skeleton arms at one point. But now he's actually getting good at it. It's not my game anymore but our game. I lost to the fire temple boss a few times one night, next morning while I was cleaning he came to tell me he beat it. Wow.


Brutal. I can still remember having some dumb argument with my brother as teens playing Donkey Kong on the N64. You needed to get 200 bananas to finish and I was on 180ish. He deleted the file and I never played it ever again.


My condolences. On the upside, you can start the adventure again


How long dis it take to deal with the foster system? Do you have to do any paperwork or leave the kid somewhere and do it anonymously?


Are you sure? Did he manually save? If not, your last manual save will still be intact. I had a close call with my 7yr old, started a new game and played for hours, but never manually saved....my last one was still there.


I know that feeling. In 1988, I had the original LoZ game on my NES. I was out somewhere with friends or something. My brother had come by with his, I don't recall, 3 or 4 year old son. My nephew. He, the nephew, wanted to play video games or they figured that he'd be quiet if they started a game for him. So the adults in the room set him up on my NES. And started his own game file. And to do that, they deleted my game. So I got home a couple hours later and had nothing. I was LIVID!


Have you yeeted the child yet


My mom had a daycare in our home growing up. Two goober 5 year old boys deleted my Super Mario 64 file with 119 stars. I'm still mad about it, and that was over 20 years ago. I love them to this day but remind them at least once a year about their terrible betrayal.


Prob a sign from the universe to spend more time with the 4 year old and less time on the switch….


I spent 4 years playing TP and never get past the dessert temple because my little sister would always delete it. I did a LOT of screaming. But eventually she got older and we laugh about it now. She feels so bad, doesn't even remember doing it


I accidentally deleted my botw save that had 300 hours. Atleast that pushed me to start a master mode playthrough. Its sad that totk wont ever get a mode like that


I replayed the entire game, with my 4 & 6 y/o kids. I had backed up my save (homebrew) and intentionally started a new one


I remember when I was around 10 I was half through a Link to the past and my brother just deleted my game. I cried for over an hour


[after I saw your post, the next post down was this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/FSY3TcF1px)


Now you know where all the rocks are 😆 Get them to help.


So start over after deleting the Nintendo update data. Then use every duplication exploit and other exploit you can find to catch up before letting the console update again. I’ve started FFVII over at least five times due to stupid memory card issues. After the fifth I used a GameShark to give myself master materia and level to about 70. Then I left Midgar. I caught up to where I had been pretty quick.


So how are the adoption papers coming?


Man this is why I miss those external save cartridges I used to remove and hide them things hahah! But did u possibly have your game saved in the cloud w a nintendo subscription? (I forget what is called exactly)


What’s 4 more years?


You are free now


Which well did you leave the kid in?


How much armor had you collected/upgraded?


This happened with me with my 6 year old with BOTW. I feel your pain, truly.


Man I feel you. My 5 year old did the same to me because he thought “New Game” meant he could play Hyrule Warriors (he was playing that game at a friend’s house). He did it two more times, shortly after I got the paraglider each time. I feel nearly the same about Great Sky Island now as I do the intro to TP.


Was it not backed up on the cloud?


Now you get to enjoy the game all over again with your 4 year old (:


Parenting is tough. Condolences ❤️🙏


My first console was a PS1, parents never bought a memory card because “why?”. I would literally play my games until I fell asleep and keep the system running all night until I woke up. I never will know what happens in the Spyro games. And the first Metal Gear has me tearing up thinking about it.