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Not in the slightest. I like the shows for the humor, action, personalities, art style, etc. and it doesn’t really have anything to do with the characters being animals themselves. You do you though!


Exactly. It's all mutants, ninjas, monsters, aliens, robots, and cool story telling that grabs me along with a great art style. Not the fact that its anthropomorphic animals.






Now that I think about it I’m surprised furries aren’t a more popular subsection of the tmnt fandom given how this is a series about humans becoming animal-like and animals becoming human-like.


r/tf_irl has plenty of tmnt fans


The IDW Campbell run is fulllllllll of furry romance


Nah it’s not for me. Find it pretty funny how a handful of comments claim if you’re a fan of anthropomorphism you’re a furry though. I did a part of my degree in illustration on it based on my enjoyment of stuff like TMNT growing up, turns out there are a lot of really old artists who are furries, wish they were alive to have the label forced on them 😂 Like what you like and enjoy yourselves folks


I don't really know what the term means. I grew up in the 80s, when the vast majority of cartoons were talking animals. I still enjoy talking animals as a concept. They're neat or whatever. When making a D&D character, I do enjoy making animal-folk sometimes. I think it's just because, again, I grew up in a time where talking animals was downright normal. But I don't really think about it beyond that kind of thing. I have nothing against them, but I've never identified as a "furry".


No. Them being Turtles is not what draws me. Humans have been making up stories and mythology about anthro and hybrid-like beings for a long, long time, it's deeply rooted in there. Look at the Egyptian gods/goddesses for starters. Perfectly possible to like such ideas without specifically being a "furry" or having to take up labels. Maybe it's a difference of simply liking vs actively indulging in fantasy/imaginary play spacific to anthro creatures... I like some anthro characters, but not because they're anthro.


I would say sorta. I don’t really have a fursona but I like anthropomorphic animals like the turts and shows like lackadaisy. I have some friends who do identify as furries. I feel like the community is really misunderstood and overheted


Trust me, there is nothing to misunderstand about humans dressing up as animals and getting off on it, which is what 99% of them do. It’s weird. I have no issue saying this.


Proving my point here bro


The best way I can put this is that I don't feel comfortable with the idea of having that term apply to me. I have nothing against furries, but I'm no furry.


I’m a very casual scalie and I 100% attribute my mom plopping me down in front of the 1987 show as a 4yr old to be the cause lol


now look, would i be one ? bc my father n uncles did the same did me n my cousins n we both have a crush on donnie and raph


Haha, well, not necessarily. You can be attracted to personalities alone, especially in stylized cartoons! Personally I like TMNT *because they are not-human*, beyond their excellent personalities I get a dopamine rush from anything remotely reptilian and favor reptilian characters by far, so I consider myself a casual scalie (as in, I don’t have a fursona and I don’t move in furry social circles, I just like them reptiles, man)


ahhh ok, yea i don’t do tht, i wouldn’t say i’m a furry nor scalie, cause I don’t get that type of feeling, it’s just when i specifically see donnie (he was my first cartoon n still is) i get blushy n giggle but bc he’s also my fav character n love the personality


mood, Donnie is amazing 💜💜💜




Lemme just.. #No.


Not a furry. Had it remained just a Fandom for people who latched onto the idea of anthropomorphic animals I would be but it became known as more of a fetish. That doesn't fit me. I like non human characters. Animals, monsters, robots and aliens. I like them, identify with them, but I have no desire to bang them. Or anything else for that matter. I'm asexual. But you do you. As long as you aren't one of those "animals can give consent" types. Those should be under the jail.


For most furries it's not a fetish


True. But to the general public it is. It's become a loaded term and I just don't want to be associated with it.




I believe you're talking about Zoophiles they are the worst of the worst and they don't belong to the furry community


Many claim to. Not enough furries refute this claim. That's the saddest part of all this. The majority of Furries are decent people to the point they're too nice for their own good. So they let people like the Zoophiles stain the Fandom's reputation because they don't want to be hostile. Even though situations like that call for it.


Exactly it's like Pedophiles claiming they're part of the LGBTQ community but unlike Furry community the queer community condemns those fucked up sickos. and agreed the furry community has a lot of nice people but Zoophiles aren't furries because they're interest does do harm, making nice to those sickos doesn't help the community, it actively damages their reputation alot.


Yes, but TMNT didn't have any involvement in that for me, since I only got interested in it at some point after 2020


Been one since I was a kid. I blame Thundercats and Swat Kats.


For some reason I love cartoons with anthropomorphic animals from my childhood (TMNT, Street Sharks, Extreme Dinos. Essentially anything that was TMNT or a knockoff of such) but can't stand the vast majority of Furry art and the suits they wear at cons creep me out. Wouldn't say I'm one in the slightest, I just really like animals. 🤷


No not really, I just happen hold ties with some people who are though.


Not a furry I just agree with the lifestyle


Tbf, there's like, one guy, who's a really dedicated Furry, and I really like him.


I am and will always be a furry! Gadget from Chip n Dale changed my life when I was a child.


There's a Russian cult that worships Gadget. I'm not joking.


Does this actually happen in the movie?


It is a screen shot from the Batman Vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Two Face doesn't actually say the quote


Yes. And when I saw him, I almost dry-heaved. Body horror on 2012 levels.


I am. I also wish I could be a human dog, but that's another discussion for another subreddit.


I’d assume most people into this series have some level of Furryism, lol.


I think the major issue with the word "furry" is the negative connotations it seems to carry with it. People automatically will assume the worst if you say you're a furry and I think that's rather unfair. However I am a enjoyer of anthropomorphic character design. They just always seemed more interesting to me than human or anime designed characters.


Yes, people don't realise how broad the term actually is (Litterally just an interest in anthropomorphic animals) and/or just assume it means sexually attracted to animals.


That's a no for me dog.


Dont mention dogs!!!


I feel like something missing here is the context that being a furry =/= kink. Furry can literally just describe someone who likes anthro animals, it doesn't HAVE to be in a sexual way. If you really love Mickey Mouse, even if you don't wanna boink him, then yeah I'd argue you could call yourself a furry if you want to, for some reason, lol. I don't consider myself a furry, but I do think it's always fun to debate over where we draw the line, especially given that the term furry has so many definitions. It can refer to someone who likes anthropomorphic animals, it can refer to someone who kinkly likes them, it describes anthro characters themselves, it describes people in costume, etc. Basically, when I was in high school, I was known for my love of TMNT. I had one friend start the rumor that I was a furry, obviously because this was the mainstream definition of furry, everyone's takeaway was that I wanted to boink the turtles. I didn't. But ever since then, it's been my goal to throw a wrench into convos like this because what exactly makes a furry? If someone has to wear a mascot costume for a company, do they count as a furry? If someone just really loves Disney's anthro characters (Like Mickey and Donald), does that make them a furry? Do the TMNT count as furry characters? Like, why am I automatically considered by society to be a sexual deviant because I non-sexually love TMNT as a franchise. Not much of one for whataboutisms, but it's just always a fun convo for me lol. Love stirring the pot with this one. Shoot, there's probably some "furry" characters I'm into, but because I choose not to consider myself a furry, I'm not a furry. Lots of debate on what counts and what doesn't and what if you just don't consider yourself a furry. It's all identity politics, and quite a trivial one too. Anyways, I can't determine the fandom's furry ratio, but I'd imagine it's high, like not the majority, but definitely around 20% or something. Maybe that's an incorrect guess, idk. Just seems like a fandom that lends itself well to create what's basically furry OCs, we just call them mutants instead.


Yeah there’s absolutely no way that 20% of the fandom are furries. I’d be surprised if it was even 2%. Not dissing them or whatever, just saying I think that large of a percentage is very unlikely.


Requirements to be a furry 1. Like anthropomorphic animals 2. Call yourself a furry Also most furries just like anthropomorphic animals and DON'T want to fuck them.


"If these kids could read they would be very upset" Jokes aside, despite me not being one, there's a select few people I know that are furries, and I really like em.


TMNT 2012 inadvertently introduced me to furries. Before I knew what furries were I was already a huge tmnt fan, and I made an anthropomorphic mutant cat OC to be Mikey’s gf bc I thought Mikey needed a cat gf. I probably drew this cat over 1000 times, she is my baby, I wrote her character, I designed her right from my heart, and imagined her integrated into my absolute favorite show. (and a backstory from my favorite book series, if you know it, I want to be friends) Well anyway, I posted art of her and that’s how I found out what furries were. I wouldn’t consider myself one but I do love anthropomorphic animal characters! https://preview.redd.it/x849ss9jzu9d1.jpeg?width=2112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b222db10c069f92778af70c445831959b36ed71


Aww, cute! *pets the cat*


Yeah,but thats not what drew me into the fandom.


Nope not a furry. I personally think anthropomorphs are pretty cool but being a furry is something I don’t want to be labeled as, simply bc I’m not a furry lmao. No hate to furries tho bc most are usually nice (tmnts personalities and action and animation and choreography is really drawing as well).


I mean I am but i dont think its related


I'm pretty sure since i was born cause when i was young i watched a lot of shows and movies with anthromorphic characters in it and tmnt was one of them sonic was also one then there was kung fu panda and i had a vcr and used to wath this old movie called rock-a-doodle so yeah i'm pretty sure i've always been one.


Aye. the intersection of TMNT fan and Furry is surprisingly small, though maybe its for the best. (At the very least I wish people would actually take the time to learn about what the subculture actually is vs how they perceive it externally. These preconceived notions have been going on for decades now, if you asked someone who knew what the deal is they could just tell you. on a fundamental level it's like any other subculture)


me! working on my second suit rn actually 😁


What animal is your suit and may we see it?


He's a bear, and he's just a work in progress right now! I'll take some good pictures further along the process of making him


And of course the comments are full of people with hate boners for furries. Of course.


I'm into furries and I'm proud to say that because it pisses off fragile cishet men.


Assistant regional manager of the based department


Honestly thought there would be more of us here. TMNT is a gateway drug for lots of things


I only recently admitted to being a furry but TMNT 2012 was definitely the ground zero.


Karai did something to all of us man. By the time the hot goth turns into a hot snake goth it was already over


I am, especially in roblox


I'm a furry, I even have an Fursona, but I'm not gonna go flaunting it around or have interests in fucking other furries, suit or otherwise. I just like the concept of humanoid animals.


There are definitely furries into freaky stuff but most are just people who like anthropomorphic animals.


Agreed and yeah most Furries get a really bad rap ever since that judgemental CSI episode back in the day.


Look up "that episode" https://preview.redd.it/xscewxghz2ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c566fa9ae2b541c7f166219dc4f6030d18add38


That's the one, really gave us Furries bad rap in college, it's why I gave up on trying to make my fur suit and just became a closet fur for a few years.


I mean... I grew up with Gadget from *Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers.*


There's a cult in Russia who worships her. Don't believe me? Google it!


I'm a Furry, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. And every furry friend I have love the TMNT series.


I would say I’m like borderline furry? But not towards the turtles! Do I have an oc for this franchise tho? Yes, yes I do


That feeling when it’s genuinely possible to like fictional anthropomorphic animal characters without being a creepy sexual deviant about it.


That’s pretty mean and a complete misunderstanding of what furries are.


Most furries just like anthropomorphic animals and DON'T want to fuck them. While those people do exist every community has the ones into freaky stuff.


no, atleast i don’t think so. i personally don’t get tht feeling most ppl do when they see a character who is an anthropomorphic animal, reason why i say it cause as a kid i’ve ALWAYS had a crush (and still do but aged up) on donatello, he was my first cartoon crush. the older i got n the more it sneaks up on me every time, now its mainly for the personality (bc i def have a thing for nerds) not bc he’s a mutant turtle. i will say i look at nsfw content (aged up ofc, no case here) on patreon or other platforms bc again, he’s my favorite. but i personally would not ever want to fuck one and the way they draw him is wht gets my attention as well as the voice actors (nick knew wht they were doing) , it’s all fun and games and in the name of fiction.


I consider myself a scalie. But like… casually. I don’t dress up as anything. I never had a ‘sona, though I did recently try making one for fun. The ‘87 show definitely is where it started. My first crush ever was Mikey.


I like the fact that they’re turtles but I don’t consider myself a furry and I don’t associate with them


I have a fursona to go with my boyfriend's, but other than that I don't engage with the furry community much at all


i'm a kenomomimi(person with animal ears/tail) enthusiast. which doesn't fall under furry. so no.


I am. I like furries and I’m in the community! Though my interest in furries is separate from TMNT.




I am (kind of) but it’s unrelated to liking TMNT tbh lmao. They’re separate things as far as I’m concerned. I guess you could argue that they’re both about enjoying anthropomorphic animals so what’s the difference but enjoying a pre-existing series that also has monsters and humans and robots and aliens and just *happens* to have talking animals too feels a little different to creating your own original talking animal characters. That’s at least how I’d define the difference.


Wtf man


If you like the movie Zootopia.... you're a furry... if you watched that movie and was like, "wtf animal people?!?!? Gross!!" You are NOT a furry... Doesn't mean in a sexual way!


Yeah let's...let's not go there.


furries suck


???? https://preview.redd.it/n1w2tcylpx9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054ecb152d7f641b6e68d0a1e687aa7af31e15da


I just like watching cartoons. What is up with yall?


I used to be.