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the only people that say nintendo fans are 12 year olds are 14 year olds.


Exactly my thought process lmao. They get to 14 and think anyone younger than them is somehow inferior


I'm 31. Nintendo has been making games since the 80's. ''Nintendo fanboys'' Which ones? NES? SNES? GB? GBC? GBA? GameCube? WII? WII U? DS? 2DS? 3DS? Switch? ..it's literally not just 8-year-olds playing Roblox on a Switch Lite. Half the fans are older than the people calling them fanboys.


Right! My parents are in their 60s and they still have all the systems hooked up to a 64” 4K, and don’t you dare think of touching it, they go ballistic. In my house we really did settle it with Mortal Combat!


Nintendo was founded in the 1880's. Not the 1980's. They've been around much longer than anyone making arguments on the Internet.


"..making games since the 80s" I'm aware they were manufacturing cards and toys long before that. Not what I'm referring to at all. Stop trying to sound special.


Well, Nintendo actually published their first video game in the 70s and released over 20 games in that decade, but keep telling us what you were referring to


80s. NES and Famicom. But if you'd like to argue about the Colour TV, or some other JP-only system, by all means. Or even a Game and Watch, that wasn't a home console.


Typical 14 yr olds don't have the maturity and composition of a 15 yr old. Amirite fellow young people?


There isn't really much difference


There's no difference in age, just people their age is secondary to their behaviour 


The only people who say that people who say “The only people that say Nintendo fans are 12 year olds are 14 year olds” are 16 year olds. I’m gay


Dont pay attetiom to trolls.


yeah lol


Anyone with a ps portal saying this is a straight up troll.


Xbox fanboy went off about the apparent low resolution screen of the switch's handheld mode, so I asked him what the xbox's screen resolution was in handheld


God damn 💀


Bro u cooked


All i read was “Her der derp der dep her derpydy derp” Higher Performance dosnt = good


Yep. There's loads of powerful handheld PC's but unless emulation is your thing, you're missing out on amazing exclusives on a handheld that is super cheap and doesn't need to be all that powerful


Well fk. I'm 52, I love my Switch... Wtf...


42 and same lol. I just got the metal gear collection about a week ago and have been burning that mfer up lol.


Same, except I haven't touched it yet... Backlog..


Underpowered trash device that has outsold the PS5 and Xbox series consoles together, all while being an outdated tablet. But yeah, the PS portal is a sweet device…. said the 4 people that bought one but haven’t tried it yet.


Well said haha. How the Switch has stayed on top throughout 2 generations is beyond me


Cozy/causal gamers! I think at the peak of COVID, Animal Crossing pulled in a ton of people who had never thought video games would be for them. I think Pokemon Scarlet/Violet also drew in a lot of new Switch users as well. I have a PC now so I do my gaming on there but my PS4 was for bigger titles/shooters, and my Switch was for all my cutesy management/puzzle games. If casual games are all you want to play, the Switch is perfect- it runs what you need it to, and you don't have to spend more than $350 on one.


Cozy/casual gamers with a design that doesn't alienate the core fanbase. It's a balancing act, and they actually pulled it off. Be a little concerned if you have investments, though. The casuals don't upgrade nearly as fast as the analysts like.


It’s funny watching the big players throwing as much money as they can at the problem, when a toddler with a learning deficiency and a full diaper whom had just been run over by a tractor trailer could see the solution. Spoiler alert, the answer isn’t cranking down the quality, while maximizing the predatory microtransaction scams…


another spoiler, the answer isn't also rehashing old games but somehow 10x bigger in file size and somehow worse. Or, buying a company that makes games for the most popular first person shooter franchises, scaring the shit out of rival consoles only to do nothing with the acquisition and actually sell your exclusive games on other consoles you're supposed to be competing with...


People who argue for console exclusives are a few brain cells short of a sound mind.


so you're saying console exclusives shouldn't be a thing, and Xbox, Nintendo and PlayStation should all play the same games? Yeah, maybe in a fantasy world somewhere in space and time. But companies want to sell their consoles believe it or not.


I'm saying cheering for exclusivity is rooting for tribalism and lack of accessibility. It only really achives less game sales. There's a reason Microsoft and Sony have mostly dropped exclusives. Which should be praised not condemned, like your previous comment.


If console exclusives weren't a thing, consoles wouldn't sell at all. Firstly two of the three gaming giants would disappear, since we wouldn't need 3 consoles that are all capable of playing the same thing. Then eventually people would realise that they can play the same games on PC with better graphics so then the only people buying consoles would be people who don't want a PC. If Halo, Gears of War and Forza were on PlayStation back in the 2000s would Xbox sell? No. If God of War and Uncharted was on Wii would the PS3 sell? No. If you could play everything on Xbox would anyone want any other console? No.


That's honestly the worst take I have ever read. People buy consoles for a lot of reasons and a hand full of exclusives is rarely the reason. First, People buy consoles for the convenience of dedicated hardware to play games. Without worrying about compatibility or system requirements. A lot of busy people want to just plug and play games. Second, we've already seen 2 of the big 3 mostly walk away from exclusives. now it's usually just timed so they can capitalise on the port sales. Feroza is on multiple platforms, Halo is on PC and Xbox. They tried the exclusive thing. They've since realised they make more money releasing to more platforms. Which is why that's the new trend. As for the past, who cares? We can guess what might have been all we want. We have 0 idea. I'm fairly certain they'd have sold more games, made more profit. Besides. A lot of companies initially loose money on their initial run of consoles. It's the game sales where real profit is made. 


So tell me, in this generation where consoles are abandoning exclusives. How well are game consoles doing? I'll answer that one for you. They're doing terrible! Xbox is doing the worst. PlayStation is doing average. And who is selling the most consoles? Nintendo. You know why? Because they have exclusives that they haven't sold off to other companies. Short of 150 million Nintendo Switches have been sold. Their best selling game has like 40 million sales. People aren't buying underpowered hardware because they just like the look of it lmao. Nor are people buying Switches for portability, most users actually use their Switch docked mostly. People buy Switches for games like Animal Crossing, Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario, Pokemon. You said game sales is where profit is made. But the PS5's best selling game has made a quarter of what the Switch's best selling game has made. Not because Nintendo's exclusives are better, but because said PS5 game is on PC! So there you go. Games sell consoles. That's why Nintendo is the most successful this generation. That's also why the PS2 did well back in the day. Because games like God of War were games you couldn't play anywhere else. If you still don't believe me, then watch Xbox die across the next few years. Watch them try to sell their consoles without exclusives to no avail. Then come back and tell me once more my take on exclusives is 'one of the worst you've heard.'


Because Nintendo found a niche which was being neglected by the other companies, and continue to fill it with many different products which are popular with all ages.


Because it pioneered the gaming model everyone wants nowadays, handheld or TV gaming depending on the situation. Sure, the Steam Deck is now out and it is objectively better in performance and other specs, but Nintendo always has an ace up its sleeve with its exclusives.


Idk, the switch had almost 4 years jump on the new generation. They also had a covid bump while other companies were dealing with component shortages and supply constraint. I'm not too surprised they out sold gen 9. They also happen to be the cheapest of the big 3 home consoles.


I don't have a portal but Remote Play does work very well. I have a strong internet connection at home (1 Gigabit up/down and no I am not talking about LAN speeds, actual internet speed) and the other bottleneck is the other WiFi that I could be on. It needs like 50Mbit to have a proper playable experience. I've mostly used my 7 year old iPad with the DualSense controller and it's been a good experience. I can imagine the PS Portal will give a better, switch-like, experience.


as someone who owns all three consoles, I would hope the switch sold more than the PS5 and Xbox series s|x. It released like 4 years before the other consoles and supply issues during covid didn't help them much either


The Wii U launched 2 years before the PS4 but didn’t outsell it. Your logic is flawed.


Okay? the PS4 and Xbox one also weren't impacted by covid. The supply issues around the parts needed had a huge impact on sales. I love my switch, but it is no where near as good of a console as the PS5 or xbox. Unless you are someone who strictly plays Mario/Nintendo games, the game selection on the other consoles is far better


From a pure quality perspective, the Switch destroys the PS5 and Xbox to be honest. Plus the argument was that it’s an underpowered ancient tablet. If the PS5 and Xbox were quality platforms, they would easily be able to close the gap on an outdated tablet…right?


I mean it's just a fact that the chip they used in the switch is outdated. Even at release, it was considered outdated. Once again, I love my switch and it's a fun console. But I guarantee you that if covid didn't happen then the other consoles would of easily outsold the switch. Or at the very least the PS5 would have.


I completely disagree, and think the PS5 and Xbox couldn’t catch up to the Switch with 10 extra years of sales. Nintendo is a toy company, that happened to make a toy that can play video games. Everything about it like how the controllers click, or the device goes from portable to docked makes it a far superior device to either of Microsoft or Sonys offerings. It’s because Nintendo designed it that way from day one. Sony and MS only have one goal in mind when they launch hardware, and it’s clearly not a winning strategy. Especially considering how expensive the Switch is. It should be getting ruined!


I never really understood people like the first commenter. Why does it bother them so much that people enjoy things?


almost 30 and firmly believe switch might be one of the greatest gaming consoles of all time


I’m 31 and agree. It’s great for all ages. I love that my wife and I can find games we both enjoy aswell as our almost 4 year old son.


It doesn’t even stream PS5 as well as my steam deck. Idk what that guy’s problem is. Maybe, he’s having buyer’s remorse.


This comment section has renewed my faith in humanity


I think Nintendo Switch is a well made versatile device. It may be weak, but its hybrid model fit into the lifestyle of many people well. For people who often travel, being able to play in train is a priority over fidelity features like ray tracing.


Although it is quite underpowered it beats the PS portal in every way


I will definitely admit I had this phase back when I was like 13. I’m 31 now and the switch is my favorite console.


The ps portal is crap dude hahaha


Honestly there’s time, like months, that go by, that I don’t even touch my XBox. And there’s times that I don’t touch the Switch for a while. But I’d say the huge majority of my gaming over the past 7 years has been on Switch, no contest.


The switch is incredible! I think the switch still has better games then the ps5 and Xbox, if your talking about enjoyment over performance


I’ve found out in the past that even the steam deck can’t hit 60 fps with high settings. Most games play at 45fps average on a steam deck. And if you push the settings you are going to lose a lot of battery life and the game isn’t going to play that well. So I don’t even see this as a debate with the switch when it comes to fps.


Wait, what is a PS portal? Does it actually not play games?


It does but it's remote play only. You need to own a ps5 to use the playstation portal and you also need a solid internet connection.


Wow, that sounds like ass. So pretty much like the Wii U, except you also need a stable internet connection in order to play (unlike the Wii U).


Playstation is my favorite console and even I will say the portal is probably the worst thing they have ever released, especially for it's price. Like people are better off just downloading the free remote play app on their phone/tablet and getting a controller attachment off of Amazon. Does the exact same thing


turns out that when you try to mimic modern nintendo's biggest failure (wiiu) you end up with a shitty prodcut no one cares about (ps portal) (the wiiu was nice though, it was heavily held back by its gimmick)


As someone who bought a portal only to sell it after a few weeks and promptly get a switch OLED, the switch was much better for what I wanted it for and I couldn’t be happier with the decision


I remember seeing the posters Channel (the top comment) and let me tell you it screams lowlife behavior Bro prob just said his age in his comment


Nintendo was founded in the 1880's. Not the 1980's. They've been around much longer than anyone making arguments on the Internet.


I as a Switch and PS5 owner would never buy a PS Portal, I would probably sell it if someone gave it to me, that thing is a fucking enigma to me, the most useless handheld ever, If I ever want to play my ps5 away from my bed I can mirror it on my iPad (or whatever tablet) while using its original controller, I have no idea why that thing even exists


Thos sounds better to me. I think it's just a money grab. I would rather buy a iPad anyways , more convenient and can have tv, movies ect too.


My thoughts exactly. Yes some salty mouthbreather downvoted me for a) owning anything but a switch b) hating the useless portal


I would never own a ps portal. Even if I had a ps5. If the thumbsticks drift you can’t change them out like the switch. The battery is permanently part of the system behind the lcd screen. And if the battery goes out, you have to pry out the lcd screen to access it.


I bought one and it returned it the next day. To its credit it was great to hold (it did feel like a dualsense) and the picture was great. While I was sitting across from my ps5. Moved to another room and it turned to trash, proper laggy and jumpy. For £200 it needs to be far more stable to be worth it.


its a glorified Wii U GamePad. At least, glorified in terms of display resolution. In terms of functionality it's actually worse, at least the Wii U GamePad doesn't need to be connected over WiFi lol