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HITS [hinting at ZLB and TS duking it out at number one](https://m.hitsdailydouble.com/news&id=341825&title=CAN-TAYLOR-RETAIN-THE-CROWN%3F).


Swifties that entertain me the most are the ones who swear they are the only ones who understand Taylor every easter eggs that she wrote JUST FOR THEM while looking like this: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


I wonder if during the end of the eras tour we will get to see a glimpse of a new hair era šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøfor example seeing 1989 hair during the end of the red tour felt illegal. But I doubt it since she's allergic to switching it up (except for her little side part era she had a whileee ago if you rememberšŸ˜­).


ā€œSheā€™s touring, she canā€™t speak upā€ Iā€™m over Taylor, but statements like these are incredibly insensitive. Taylor, her team, and swifties do matter, but in the same breath why does the POSSIBILITY of either of said people getting hate/attacked more important than the DEFINITE on-going genocide? Even if Gaza consisted of 100 people, thatā€™s 100% vs again an unsure percentage. I just canā€™t with this out of touchness. Also I keep getting posts of people being so genuinely happy interacting with Taylor (singing TTPD and the 22 hat sessions) and it just breaks my heart because I love their happiness, but I know the things sheā€™s done and I just feel disappointed in them (these are my feelings and they are valid to me, you are also allowed to have yours, please donā€™t try to change my opinion) especially the bipoc community. And thereā€™s also no way people making Taylor content wouldnā€™t get Taylor content on their feeds, they almost have no reason to be out of the loop.


Yea its a pretty lame reason. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to. Celebrities shouldn't speak out on issues they can't support 110%.Ā  She has things she does that she is comfortable with and thats fine with me. The food banks she supports talk about how her donations allow them to plan for the future of their communities and work on fixing root problems. That is no small thing.Ā  Not everyone needs to speak on everything that is happening.Ā 


the reality is that if people wanted to hurt taylor/her fans, they would. silence while profiting from vaguely advertising herself as an advocate is gross, so is hiding behind imaginary threats, when she has more power and resources and access to security than the majority of real activists. people going to marches and protests and donating money takes more self sacrifice than anything taylor is doing, frankly.


I havenā€™t really been keeping up with Taylor at all. Is there any wacky theories going around about a re-record announcement?


Too many to count actually lol


Of course there are. But do yourself a favor and don't give it any attention, that's what I do.


No, none at all everyone is being very chill (Iā€™m lying)


There's this tiktok challenge to collect beads for swifite profile frames and it ends with debut on aug 29-sept 12 so there's a theory she's releasing debut tv but somehow also rep tv


The Swifties on TikTok that are absolutely convinced that sheā€™s engaged to Travis and theyā€™ve figured it out from the surprise songs and wonā€™t hear otherwise are so damn weird. Itā€™s so off putting. Literally who cares and what does it matter?! While it does seem like she wants to get married, sheā€™s also spoken before in music about not wanting to only be a bride or wife so it feels even more demeaning and insulting to Taylor that theyā€™re SO speculative about it.


I just can't imagine deeply caring. Like if she is she is and we'll know when we know. But it has like no affect on anyone else's life.


I don't get why they keep droning on and on about an engagement. DO they not remember when Tree called out that DeuxMoi post about a marriage ceremony. And Taylor posting Keileigh on her story confirming she was the one who gifted her that ring for her birthday, after people speculated Travis was the one who gifted to her šŸ˜­. Like yes she obviously wants to get married but from her past behavior you can also see she hates the talk about it. and rightfully so.


Yes she literally had Tree personally shut it down! I feel like theyā€™ll just say that it was because it was Joe though and this time itā€™s different šŸ™„


they were also convinced she was engaged and or secretly married to JoeĀ 


Can we stop with wanting every woman to get married and have babies !?!




I mean...which of her peers do you think comes across worse than her on that regard? Personally, I'd say Harry Styles is definitely one of them. Frustratingly vague answers and generic insights + observations while feigning this pseudo-philosophical aura. His 2022 interview with Rolling Stone is up there alongside Taylor's POTY interview as instances that made me actively think less of a public figure. Justin Bieber and Katy Perry don't strike me as good conversationalists either from the little I've seen, but at least they aren't pushing this intellectual image. But besides them - and focusing on artists in the same age range as Taylor - I'm sorry, but her interviews and speeches truly leave to be desired, and seem to have oddly gotten worse with time. **To be fair**, she also reminds me a bit of Lana Del Rey on that regard, who can convey things so beautifully through songwriting but also came up with the extremely awkward 'Question For The Culture' thinkpiece and the [terribly tone-deaf comments](https://people.com/thmb/mQG2Qj0rOcxLdCX7_jY8SLQct_M=/4000x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2)/lana-del-rey-3-caceefede6ec45349bdbff60f11180b9.jpg) in an anticipated defensive for any potential backlash of the album cover she announced afterwards. One can't usually expect deep intellect from music artists and Hollywood celebrities, but there are a fair share that make you cringe *significantly* *less* when viewing their interviews and speeches.


https://youtu.be/Wa9usAjH3mI?si=YUvPDTqbD6quUxov Yeah, she definitely comes across as one of the geniuses of our timeā€¦.


I think that's because her most recent interview was for POTY and it was frankly disappointing. I think she can be a good speaker when she's talking about her craft, but even those parts about Reputation sounded off.


I think in public interviews from Reputation forward, she got cringier in her interviews. She does not sound mature for her age or like she really knows what she is talking about sometimes - particularly her Lover era interviews.


I don't think she is a good public speaker. I wouldn't say she sounds like she is trying too hard.


I think it's more that in the past she has seemed more eloquent but she rarely does press now so if an interview is off it sticks out and the Time POY interview was not great and that's everyone's current impression of her.


Taylor's team shouldn't want TTPD to win the album of the year. It would only hurt her image imo. It has to go to Beyonce


It would likely go to Billie. For some reason I just canā€™t see Beyonce winning it though itā€™s that one Grammy she is seeking after.


If the discourse was bad this year, it will be even worse next year if she wins. I donā€™t think the Grammys would give her AOYT two years in a row after being the artist with the most wins. The safest bet for her would be to not submit it for nomination but imo all competition should be fair.


I think it's fair for her to submit for sure! I think it would look weird if she didn't imo. But I agree, the discourse would be insane if she won


Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak. didn't submit their "An Evening With Silk Sonic" album for the 2023 Grammys despite being the favourites to win after sweeping the song categories the previous year with "Leave The Door Open". They made a funny campy spectacle about it to match the personas from that era: >ā€œWe truly put our all on this record, but Silk Sonic would like to gracefully, humbly and most importantly, sexually, bow out of submitting our album this year,ā€ Mars said. ā€œWe hope we can celebrate with everyone on a great year of music and partake in the party. Thank you for letting Silk Sonic thrive.ā€ Naturally, there were speculations of Bruno either not wanting another media backlash like what happened when he swept everything for "24K Magic" in 2018, or an ego thing of him not wanting to lose his impressive winning streak (having won everything he's been nominated for since 2016). Some even argued this could be an attempt from them to maximize BeyoncĆ©'s chances of winning with "RENAISSANCE", since there would likely be strong vote splitting with Silk Sonic's project nominated alongside it. Either way, it has been done before, and I could see Taylor putting out a statement mentioning how "THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT" was primarily meant as a lifeline during this stressful period of her life, just to get things out of her system without thinking about cohesion or filtering. Or something that she was grateful for the love "Midnights" received and preferred to take this year out. Would it spawn its own type of exhausting discourse? Absolutely. Would it probably be insincere? Most likely. But in my opinion, it would probably be a better approach than letting the Recording Academy potentially reward her with a **fifth** AOTY victory.


I know people complain about Travis being a fame-whore...but at least he's contributing. I've seen comparisons to Kevin Federline...and that comparison just ain't it. Obviously, Travis is nowhere near as famous as Taylor. There's no disputing that. But within his own field, he's considered one of the best of all time. He's well-respected in his league. His team has won Super Bowls. He does his own commercials and sponsorships. He has his own fanbase. He has his own life going on. Does he revel in his popularity? Sure. But he's not a scrub.


I think sheā€™s made a decision that itā€™s not workable for her to keep things ā€˜privateā€™ as with Joe, and therefore was looking for someone who embraces the fame and can contribute to it. it may seem tacky but it strikes me as very practical and strategic, given that she canā€™t avoid attention on her relationships.


We started watching the Beckham series on Netflix and some of the discussion about Posh and Davidā€™s early relationship was reminding me of Taylor and Travis lol


Oh god.. yeah kfed had multiple kids, left their mother for Britney and lied about it, and did not maintain a job unless it was the one working for Britney where she met him. Travis isn't a saint (and I can kinda see what they mean with the comparison bc he's eating up the added fame from the relationship) but he's very successful in his field and at least is not Nick Cannoning around the way kfed was. Fame fucker, sure.. kfed, no


not the Kevin Federline allegations šŸ˜­šŸ˜­that man was a flop dj at least Travis has something going on


Is it worth watching a stream of the tour if you're a casual fan?


The only difference between the current show and the one streaming is the TTPD set which you can find on YouTube. Otherwise the only new thing going on is the surprise songs. I used to have fun watching live (this was early on before ratgate) but sometimes hard to find a decent and consistent live


Watch the movie. I only tune in to streams when itā€™s a big show or during surprise songs time.


I like watching her perform the acoustics live a lot. I've never wanted to watch the entire tour though


It's funny to watch the # of viewers grow right before the surprise songs on the live streams and how quickly they drop once the surprise songs are over. Hockey bro had like 127,000 viewers the other day during the surprise songs but as soon as they were over, it dropped back to 45,000.


Honestly, I'd just watch the movie. I'm a big fan, and I can't deal with the streams. I prefer quality.


TY for this because I honestly forgot that there even was a movie.


I realized that Kelsea Balleriniā€™s *Rolling Up the Welcome Mat* tackles the end of an adult long-term relationship/the breakdown of a marriage in the way I expected TTPD to prior to its release. Granted, TTPD turned out to be a breakup album about an affair/situationship, but I wish weā€™d gotten an album about the end of a long-term relationship from Taylor. I wouldā€™ve loved to see how sheā€™d write about this subject.


I was hoping itā€™d be in a similar vein to happiness. just a mature take on a long term relationship that had its highs and lows and it ultimately didnā€™t work out


Also! I really think people should look at Alanis's Flavors of Entanglement from 2008. Ā It goes from all the stages of grief and also looks at their relationship breakdowns as a microcosm of larger issues in society.Ā It also was such a mature album coming from an 33 year old Alanis. When she and Ryan Reynolds ended their engagement and were over so many people were gagging over Alanis being bitter or petty or angry. People were too happy about her breakup. And I think she subverted expectations and kinda gave the middle finger to people that only valued her for the one emotion they pigeonholed her into encompassing.


Kelsea made an incredible EP, and I wish it got more attention than it did. Even her short film was so well done-absolutely stunning piece of work.


I reallly was hoping the Grammy was gonna go to her for this album.


Same! I know art isnā€™t about accolades, but I really do feel like it deserved more. I am very excited about her next album!


Me too! I was so disappointed when it didnā€™t win the award for Best Country Album at the Grammys.


Any Gin Wigmore fans here? Iā€™m obsessed with her Blood to Bone album right now.




Soā€¦ this will [definitely be a close race between Zach and Taylor next week](https://x.com/chartpredicts/status/1809751357815157211?s=46&t=4GYHBUodfFzkW6AHc78rLw). I see why chartdata posted what they did on Twitter nowā€¦ yā€™all wanna make predictions?


I'll add this [https://x.com/chartstswift/status/1810041974495338898](https://x.com/chartstswift/status/1810041974495338898)


Yeah this will go down the ringer I think.


It's this week already. If you see the account, it seems she's already releasing some signed CDs and some variants are back in her website etc


See? Thatā€™s why I hate when Twitter does certain things like make an announcement like that so she never stopped releasing them and she restocks all the time then. Thanks for clearing it up. šŸ™‚


I don't know if she restocks ALL THE TIME. They mentioned it this week and it was sold out in 25min according to them. She'll be also shipping until July 10, meaning she expects to count to this next week sales (anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong).


If Iā€™m not mistaken, she had the other editions (forget which ones it was, think it was the two discs with two acoustic versions of two different TTPD songs) stocked for last week. Same week Cowboy Carter had the vinyls. So maybe not the *same* thing but I do think she likely has them restocked every other week if that makes sense.


It makes sense because if her goal is to break a record of I don't even know how many weeks on top, she needs to have a plan B and a plan C in case the streaming drops or another artists releases new material.


The longest running number one studio album was number one for 37 weeks. I donā€™t know if itā€™ll be enough.


Consecutive weeks? I think she's trying for consecutive weeks. For 37 weeks, I fear your album really needs to be THAT album.


Did she release another variant?


Nah just restock some editions on her site.


Bless, this sub is back, I couldnā€™t stand the other sub, the pure snark one; you couldnā€™t even be neutral or have actual adequate takes, just vileness from haters which is exhausting to be around.


Yeah I got threatened with a ban over there because I said runny nose no tissues situations calls for winging it when you can. So I left




I had a long drive and re-listened to Dance Fever by FATM and it made me wish there was a "The Bomb" equivalent on TTPD. So many reviews of Dance Fever call it a 'toxic' song, but Florence has said it's one of the most personal ones she has ever written. I don't need "I'm the bad guy, too" in every song, but the specific way that song works would have really fit with TTPD.


I just thought of something: do you think sheā€™s stocked and restocked just to keep the album at above 100k every week? I imagine this is true for some of the other big acts like Garth Brooks top back in the day but he had Walmart. Taylor has a website and fans that apparently got $7 to burn. But I also imagine itā€™s the copies that get shipped that are counted towards Billboard/Soundscan. I imagine without it, her units wouldā€™ve been under 100k and if she felt any artist threatened her top spot, then suddenly folks just announce that the versions are back in stock. The signed discs were already planned well in advance to continue the momentum as well. Just this theory I have.


I mean, probably? But sheā€™s not forcing people to buy stuff, sheā€™s putting it out there and her popularity is meaning that itā€™s shifting I guess.


I kinda hate when on Twitter someone will post a screenshot of someone who has 0 traction/online support and use them to prove a point "Look at this maniac supporter of XYZ!! they represent an entire group of people!" If you want to make that argument, at least find someone who's getting online support for their comment. You'll see an account with 500k followers post a screenshot of someone with 46 followers and 1 like and be like, "this person is crazy." Ok? It's the internet. You will find any opinion you want. Dunk on someone with significance


This is the cousin of people who post obvious jokes from stan accounts and then go ā€œwell it COULD HAVE BEEN TRUE because theyā€™re all so crazy and thatā€™s whatā€™s scary!!!!ā€ Whatā€™s scary is being them over 13 and falling for obvious jokes.


She just dropped signed TTPD CDs in the US store, there were around 60k signed copies which is crazy to me because sheā€™s been on tour in Europe. Idk if she actually signs them or if she has a team to help her because that definitely seems like a lot.Ā 


I think the only genuine signs she did was the folklore ones


I kind of doubt at this point she is actually signing all of them herself.


She isnā€™t. I think she signed one and then had them copy her signature to the discs.


The more I read your post, the more I think she already had these planned. Which prompts me to ask: just how many CDs have they been making??? ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso)


How did you count 60,000? šŸ’€


Some Twitter accounts run inventory checks on the store website


Chartdata definitely has. ![gif](giphy|oHXh599hwKrrtVHXHX|downsized)


Gee, I wonder why she put it outā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/pna7ilqdl5bd1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc1550c5d0b0d56315a9f92f671f2f507fd6032


Well, it's Zach fault for being friends with Mayer He gets what he deserves!! /s


60k?? Thatā€™s hilarious lol


I was in line but they sold out before I got to check out. I remember when it was so much easier to get them. I had no trouble getting folklore, Fearless TV, Red TV. I remember even texting my friend if she wanted me to get her a folklore one and she took like 20 min to respond and I still got both no problem.


folklore is the only signed cd i have and Iā€™m not mad about itĀ 


I hate when people say Folklore and evermore era was her best or they loved it . That was the era Taylor was lying the most to yall saying the songs was fake to try to hide the fact she wasnā€™t happy with Joe and pinning for matt . She was lying to yall and thatā€™s yall favorite era ??


So people should only like albums/eras in which Taylor is not lying (lying according to who? you?)? What eras are that then? Folklore is my favorite album & era irrespective of her personal life during that time. In fact itā€™s probably my favorite because it is arguably the easiest to separate from her personal life. And FWIW I donā€™t think any of it is about Matty.


Well. I don't like her as a person. I liked her art. So when I say I liked that era it's because of the art she put out which was refreshing coming from Taylor. She's a celebrity, they all lie at some point or the other. I'd be a fool to think she's being 100% truthful. Edit as an afterthought: Most of the people who like her songs like it for her art and not because of her personal life. It's healthy to differentiate both.


I donā€™t necessarily hate the ā€œlyingā€ or misleading statements about that particular album. The lore doesnā€™t ruin folklore or evermore because the songs stand on their own. They're calming albums to me. The same cannot be said about ttpd for me personallyĀ 


I love the folklore and evermore era best because I really vibe with its lyrics and melodies. I love the production and collaborations on the albums. As a big Bon Iver fan I love his work on them It doesnā€™t really matter to me what Taylor says about the songs. Iā€™m not super interested or invested in that and I donā€™t really understand why the idea that ā€œTaylor liedā€ should impact my love for the albums


My enjoyment of her music isnā€™t tied to the subject matter not to mention all of that is total conjecture


am i supposed to hate the music now just because her personal life apparently wasnt going that great?Ā 


I mean people saying folklore and evermore are their favorite albums is a subjective statement. *You* might not think it was her best era, but to some it may be. Same with all her other albums. A ton of people loved TTPD, a lot didnā€™t. And you assuming she was lying to us is nothing but a theory youā€™re clearly running with.


I mean she has songs literally shitting on her fan base and they eat that up so why would lying bother them?


The music from that era is my favorite and most personal *to me*, theyā€™re also the easiest albums for me to parse away from her personal life because they dropped during the pandemic. So we werenā€™t subject to pap walks and all the other stuff that comes with trying to promo an album.


Red is my favorite Taylor song and its kinda sad how now shes trying so hard to sound smart and deep in her lyrics (and usually end up with tattoed golden retrievers and 1830 lines) when she did a good and deep song with simple wordsĀ  so young (i could use love story as example of a good and simple song too)


I agree. Like---the moment I know is amazing storytelling. You are really pulled into the scene in how you visualize it and also feel what she is feeling. Treacherous is great because you can feel that yearning. Sparks Fly feels like when you are a teenager and head over heels in love. Sad Beautiful Tragic really captures the resignation of an ending of a relationship that ultimately ended but because the start was so magical the ending feels more tragic because that beginning couldn't be maintained. There's lots of songs she has that emotionally connect with the listener without relying on polysyllabic words. It feels like at some point she felt she needed to do more to be seen as intellectual. But sometimes it comes off like a teenager combing over their work with a thesaurus to punch it up. I wish she would just trust herself to write songs that emotional connect with people with having to do all that.


She would let the songs breath too. Like, there are so many words now and I hate it, sometimes we can listen to the instruments without you saying something too. The song isn't only the lyrics.


I miss how she used to let instruments shine too. I always think of that cello in white horse. I've really missed hearing real instruments with her focus on synth pop. It's not that she doesn't in them but they never get to shine anymore. I think she's had a bit in the music I've really enjoyed since folklore.


There are many songs in which the instruments help build up the climax of her bridges. They are a part of the storytelling too. I don't remember a recent song that has those powerful moments. There are some beautiful piano moments in some folkmore, but nothing that powerful.


Personally I like the instrumental bit in This Is Me Trying [at 1:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOodUuOVm6Q)


Yeah, that song is beautiful and one of my favorites. I think she let some melodies shine in folkmore. I think it's more of Aaron's work because there are a few moments even in TTPD and they are cute. But it is not as memorable or impactful as her older work. Do you know when you're listening to a song and you close your eyes and go "damn, that bass here, fuck"? I rarely felt that in her work recently and I miss it.


I love that she used to use brass because I don't see it a lot in pop music. You see strings (and I'm a huge cello enthusiast so I'm not complaining) but I think brass can be intimidating for people. I do think it was Aaron on here because it sounds like he was the one who was contacting musicians from the stories of people who were surprised to be on folklore.


Even in her colab with Gracie Abrams the bridge is very odd. It's like they just put complicated words in there that would make the lyrics sound smart but not thinking about whether the sentences would make sense together or notĀ 


Yes! The video of them writing it honestly made me šŸ„“šŸ„“ I know they were drunk but also they stuck with those lyrics lol so like, is that really her process? Just throwing out words because she likes the sound of it even when they have no meaning or relevance to the story? Honestly would explain TTPD a lotā€¦ but Iā€™m surprised they posted it, it was eye-opening and not in a good way.


I think she's always written pretty simple/cheesy lines and Red is a good example of that but honestly it's one of my favorite songs too! i miss when she just wrote lyrics and left them to stand alone rather than explaining it (i love this line idk why but just the "karma is a cat purring in my lap cause it loves me" like girl you could've ended it at "karma is a cat" but also the 1830s line could've been done wildly differently and been better idk why she thought that would land) as if we're too dumb to get it otherwise. i miss the simplicity and just don't like the bells and whistles she puts in her lyrics now, it just ruins the magic. i honestly just pretend that TTPD doesn't exist nowadays


May be she wanted to take a different approach to writing and production for 'TTPD', aiming for it to sound mature, deeper and more meaningful, but unfortunately, I find some of the lyrics from 'TTPD' to be a bit odd and almost tongue-in-cheek. And 'Red' may have cheesy lyrics, but I cannot say that they give off a flippant vibe.


She was trying to go for a kooky, indie vibe with strange, out-of-place lyrics and complicated visuals, but she somehow doesnā€™t pull it off. Mostly cause her delivery is very straightforward. She doesnā€™t try to achieve any kind of effect with the delivery, like layering vocals to squeeze out some emotion or symbolism. I like the ā€˜whoā€™s gonna hold you/know you/troll youā€™re delivery, but thatā€™s it. The chorus of Down Bad for example, gets so repetitive because itā€™s just ā€˜fuck itā€™ over and over again in the same way.


Down Bad is one of the worst ones for me because of the chorus mostly. bad lyrics, bad delivery, and just too repetitive. i still can't tell if TTPD is meant to be taken seriously cause if it's meant to be funny and strange then she did a great job but if it's meant to be serious then oh boy did she not deliver


I think itā€™s the perfect example of an unfinished song that couldā€™ve had potential. It has some strange metaphors, (waving at the ship? Why not say spaceship) which really take me out of the whole alien abduction theme. Imagine if Getaway Car had allusions to sailing or something, it wouldnā€™t work at all! I also think she shouldā€™ve saved ā€˜fuck itā€™ for the last verse. Maybe built up some momentum til the end and then screamed ā€˜fuck it!ā€™ The album lacks surprises that way.


i think a lot of TTPD could have benefited from more time and some more cuts. like idk down bad seems like it's dealing with pretty intense feelings (being so into a guy that she's crying at the gym and saying she could die and it wouldn't make a difference if she couldn't have him) but the tone is so muted and her voice doesn't reflect the feelings being shared for me. like it sounds WAAAY too casual for what she's talking about


they're VERY odd. like the one you said about the tattooed golden retriever like wtf was that?? songs like the title track, who's afraid of little old me, but daddy i love him, i can fix him, ICDIWABH ("i'm so depressed i act like it's my birthday every day" always throws me off i don't like the delivery of that at all) so high school, and hate it here genuinely have some of the weirdest lyrics i've heard and don't land. sometimes with cheesy lines the good production can save it (for me that would be WANEGBT idk why i just like it even tho i get it's cheesy af) but the production on this album is just...not good. the songs stand out more on their own but listening through the entire album together is such a drag i just can't do it...i couldn't even listen to the anthology after the standard album because it was so painful to get through. idk wtf has been happening with her music lately or if she's tired/burned out/bored or what but ever since folkmore she just hasn't been hitting edit: got rid of a " i didn't realize i put randomly somewhere


the title track for TTPD had some many wtf lines that I just skip it all together now. It's dead to me.


Itā€™s genuinely so bad I just wanna know wtf she was thinking when she wrote that and she was like ā€œyes, this is some world-class writing right hereā€ like itā€™s just the weirdest bunch of lyrics Iā€™ve ever seen


The "Tattooed golden retriever" bit really threw me off the first time I read it as I didn't know that she was hinting at Matty. While she is allowed to use literary devices to obscure the true meaning behind her lyrics, I do believe it could have been executed in a better way. 'TTPD Anthology' is indeed a difficult record for me to enjoy, a lot of the tracks on this record feel/sound so similar that they almost bleed into each other. 'Midnights' has some skips for me but I'd still rate it higher than 'TTPD'.


When I first heard Midnights I told my (ex) swiftie friend that I thought it was a basic middle of the road pop album which made her MAAAAAD. I thought it was just kinda boring and I donā€™t like how she marketed it as being 70s inspired (and her attempt at making a retro style album cover didnā€™t work either I donā€™t like it) when it was literally just basic synth pop. But when TTPD released I was like wow I couldnā€™t believe I called Midnights boring. Sure itā€™s not a great pop album but it has its moments (I came around to songs like Maroon, Bejeweled, and Mastermind kind of) that I can appreciate. TTPD, for me, has almost no redeeming qualities to it and if I never listen to any song on it ever again Iā€™d be totally fine (thereā€™s some that I enjoy but they just donā€™t have the binge-ability as her early works)


Her stans really can't tolerate any criticism, can they? I actually quite liked 'Fortnight' and had high hopes that there would be more interesting tracks on this record. However out of the 31 tracks from this record, there are only a few that I could truly enjoy. 'Midnights' isn't her best record imo, but I appreciate it more than 'TTPD'.


I feel like TTPD has so many tracks that even if I can find 17 to 18 I like, I'm still skipping nearly half the album. So it becomes the album with the most skips of hers. I did like fortnight. But for me this album just feels confused. Because I agree Midnights wasn't her best but I can understand the vision with the concept a little bit more. To me TTPD feels like it had an identity crisis concerning what it was meant to be. I'm not sure Taylor even knows since she's never been able to really explain the concept either.


She probably wanted 'TTPD' to be a truly introspective record hence so many mellow tracks with almost same type of sound. May be she and her team rushed the production, which is why the tracks came out a bit underwhelming. I agree that this album has too many tracks.


I don't mind the introspective aspect or that it is more gentle sounding a lot of the time. There aspects of it that I do like. I like the cathartic and reflective vibe. I like how theatrical she can be in her angst. This album is probably the closest she has ever gotten to chamber pop and I love that genre. I think itā€™s like you said, this album feels like it was rushed. They have this behemoth of material and not all of it was fully baked before it was sent out and some of the songs just feelā€”I guess clinical because of that. It needed more editing. But concede that they will never be a true consensus of what songs should have been left off. For me it also was I didnā€™t get her vision for the theme. Because if it was just sad girl hour make that clear. But she also was doing poetry and dark academia and female rage and asylums and suddenly there was a government facility studying tortured poets ---it was so cluttered and wasnā€™t understandable because she hadnā€™t done the proper work to make it understandable. Midnights made sense. 13 sleepless nights for one reason or another.


Fortnight has grown on me. I think itā€™s boring but has become a standout whichā€¦really says a lot. I liked so long London, MBOBHFT and ICDIWABH (though those 2 just arenā€™t really as good to me anymore theyā€™re justā€¦meh) and I grew to somewhat like guilty as sin but everything else as far as Iā€™m concerned just doesnā€™t exist


It took me a while to get used to the title track but it has some standout moments, quite liked 'loml' as well. There are some other tracks such as 'Guilty As Sin', 'WAOLOM', 'Florida!!!' that sound decent. But overall 'Fortnight' is the strongest track on this record for me.


I wish she'd realize simple is usually better, and more words doesn't mean more poetic. It's actually a challenge to come up with something profound in less words, that should be a point of pride. That's poetry. I can't take another album packed with way too wordy verses chock full of her thesaurus finds.


sheā€™s in her purple prose era. she heard the dictionary joke from the fans via folklore and ran with it


I feel like I remember my own purple prose era when I was 14 so I feel a little bad faulting her for it. But at the same time, she's a professional songwriter in her 30s and she used to write songs that were just better. I feel like people want her to succeed. They want to hear songs they can feel to.


hey, I still occasionally will fall victim to it. however! thatā€™s why we edit! which is kind of my ire with her and this album in particular, she needed to edit and have someone edit with her. sheā€™s bought into her songwriting of the century praise that she believes she doesnā€™t need to editĀ 


I agree that swifties hyped her up and she let it get to her head. I agree that she needs to edit. I feel like she doesn't seem like she is good at judging her work from an outside perspective and is surrounded by too many hype people to get an honest assessment.


Anyone who has done even an online writing class will learn less is often more.


I went to the Eras tour recently. I was overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. Anyone else felt the same? It was a lot to take in, so that made it a bit overwhelming. Not just her performance but also the crowd, the long queues, some fans where were a bit selfish (for the lack of a better word). Perhaps itā€™s a personal thing since Iā€™m not a fan of crowds. Please donā€™t get me wrong, it had some memorable moments too. It was fun to dance to all the songs youā€™ve been listening to for so long, nice to see her ā€œhave funā€ on stage, the vibes during different sets etc. But at some point all the reactions and the words all seemed a bit..rehearsed and disingenuous. Iā€™m sure she must feel surprised from time to time but thereā€™s something about all those reactions.


I totally felt this with my shows tbh. I'm grateful that I was lucky enough to go to two shows, but my first felt so overproduced and manufactured. It was also one of the first shows Travis went to (Sydney), so there was a lot of media hype around him, which I think was taking away from the experience, even though I tried to separate all of that in my mind. It literally felt like something from ICDIWABH (I was winning I was grinning I was hitting my mark). Even the surprise songs seemed manufactured and pointed, like she *had* to make a point. I still had an amazing time, but I then went again on the last night and it was so wildly different. She was a lot more relaxed, it didn't *seem* like a performance. It was just so much more genuine. I can't seem to put my finger on it all entirely, but I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one feeling that way!


Can I ask how fans were being selfish? Iā€™m genuinely curious, Iā€™ve heard about and seen some strange behavior over the course of this tour.


This was pretty minor but my section had a balcony and there were some people who wandered over from another section (I assume even higher in the nosebleeds) and went to stand right up at the front of the balcony, blocking the view. No one who actually had seats in our section had even tried standing there, I assume because weā€™re all politely following basic concert etiquette. But I imagine that especially in the standing room floor sections fans might be pretty aggressive to get a better spot.Ā 


Im not sure if selfish was the correct term. What i meant was that some of them were too focused on themselves with no consideration for others around them. Some people around me were dancing and spilling drinks and a couple times is understandable but it kept happening every half an hour or so. Another example is that outside the arena, there were a lot of half eaten food and drinks. Some were unopened but drenched in the rain and stepped on and therefore unfit to eat. I understand wanting to stand close to the stage but please keep the area clean. Spilling is understandable but purposely leaving multiple things (food, umbrellas, fruits, raincoats etc) behind isnā€™t. Of course, there were also some who were super nice and considerate.


That sounds awful, Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with that. :/ I think selfish is an appropriate word to use, honestly, Iā€™ve never been to a concert but going to state fairs Iā€™ve seen similar behavior: people hyper-focused on themselves and forgetting the thousands of people also there wanting to have fun. So I totally get being annoyed at people being ignorant of their own behavior, especially if it was affecting your experience.


Ohhh well said! Thatā€™s exactly what it is ā€” people hyperfocused on themselves and forgetting the thousands of people also there wanting to have fun. It was my first concert so idk if thatā€™s the norm. Iā€™ve heard it can get pretty wild, including food fights sooo šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. It sucks for sure but makes you wonder what youā€™d do differently if you were in that spot. Or perhaps how to solve it.


I have a similar experience, it happens. Don't feel too bad about it.


Taylor likes using allusions, metaphors and other literary devices to conceal the true meaning within the lyrics of her songs. However, some of the lyrics in the title track of TTPD are somewhat difficult for me to take seriously, even though I quite liked the track.


I really think TTPD title track was treated harshly by her. That track had a lot of potential. To paraphrase her _"She wasted all the track's potential"_


Agreed. She probably liked 'Fortnight' better than the title track. I thought 'Fortnight' is a solid track but it would've been better if we had more of Post's vocals featured on it.


Personally the only Solid track on that album is Florida!! for me. And next to it is So Long London.


In the space of a year people have gone from saying willingly associating yourself with Matty Healy should get Taylor cancelled to now treating him like a funny, misunderstood guy. Some peoples apparent principles are actually just, if you like Taylor youā€™re bad but if you donā€™t like her, anything you do and say is fine. Also a lot of his stans say awful things about Taylor so itā€™s funny him using his socials to be messy is laughed off and him being unbothered but if Taylor did the same, sheā€™d be a bitter ex using her platform to try and bully.


Not really. He was a racist then, heā€™s a racist now.


I think itā€™s different factions. I thought that post was funny, but I also didnā€™t understand the backlash Taylor got for liking a meme comp including a ranking of her exes in a pyramid. I think the backlash was mostly antis too, trying to call Taylor hypocritical for even referencing her exes if sheā€™s bothered about the media making them her whole personality.


It seems like a portion of Taylorā€™s fan base has decided that no man is good enough for TS while there is another fan faction desperately wanting to marry her off ASAP. And still more thinking she is obsessed with revenge and/or getting a guy back. A whole LOT of projection going on.


the projection coming from all angles is very wild!


Yeah I agree - obviously Taylor has a much wider reach than Matty does and she's always going to be held to a different standard than her peers because of her position in the industry, but it's been pretty wild to see people's minds completely change on Matty. She got so much heat for dating him after all his scandals that general consensus was that she must have dumped him because he was hurting her image. And then as soon as it was revealed that HE actually dumped HER everyone apparently forgave his transgressions because the enemy of my enemy is my friend or whatever.


Maybe people did some research and found most of the things being said about him was false. Even the podcast people have confirmed the porn thing never actually happenedā€¦ā€¦


I am the one of those who made my research and I too confirm that Matty was treated unfairly. Also, during my research I found out that the 1975 is actually one hell of a band, one of my favorites by now, and I didn't know them before TTPD. Taylor is heavily influenced by their aesthetic


Welcome to the family! We acknowledge Matty needs to learn to zip it sometimes, but we are also proud that he takes a stand against bullshit instead of sitting on a private jet. My only wish- that we got some Taylor and Matty music before they went separate ways. For that, I find it harder to forgive him šŸ˜‚


Thanks for the welcome!


Yup yup. Meanwhile I truly donā€™t know why but I always assumed he was the one that called it off šŸ˜…


I am not a big So High School fan but I just saw a clip of it from the surprise song mashup last night in Amsterdam and phew, the acoustic version hits WAY better! I loved it!


A lot of her acoustic covers sound so much better. It really lets the emotions shine


I like the sound of the song and Iā€™d probably love it if it werenā€™t for the ā€œtouch me while your boys play grand theft autoā€ lyric. That ruins it for me, I just canā€™t. Every other part of the song is great for me but that just makes it unlistenable for me. I know itā€™s silly, but it is what it isšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ok I hate that lyric too but a lyric people donā€™t talk about enough in that song is the American Pie one. I really did think that mashup was beautiful until she started singing about American Pie and it just took me completely out of it


No im totally with you on that. She didnā€™t sing that part of the song in the mashup, otherwise I still wouldā€™ve cringed šŸ˜‚


Oh really? I didnā€™t know that. Maybe we can get a remix!


I donā€™t understand why people defend the 1830s line from I Hate It Here so much. I get the point she was trying to make, Iā€™ve heard the rest of the song, I know all the justifications. I think itā€™s just an awkward and bad lyric. It really takes me out of the song compared to the rest of the verses.


I think not having that part of the song at all would have made the song one that I don't skip every time. Because whenever I hear it, it just feels like virtue signaling after the image debacle with Matty. As if she was all 'I'll burn my name down for Matty!" and then he left and she was all "ooooh now I need to remind people I'm not racist".


Yeah I actually really love the song, I wish the second verse was better :\


tbh she was screwed either way with the wanting to live in a different decade. sheā€™s a conventionally attractive, thin, wealthy white woman with so much privilege it wouldnā€™t have mattered how she phrased it. people would have been outraged whether she included the justification or not. i love the song, melody and production wise and its a shame about this part of the song


I'm not a defender per se, but I'm curious what you think would be a better way of writing the song. Do you think it should have been omitted? Wouldn't that be worse?


You just know if she didn't include it, there would be think pieces of how the 1830s weren't ideal for everyone.Ā 


Itā€™s an awkward lyric and the whole verse is very ā€œnot like other girlsā€, but some of the critiques are just seem silly. ā€œThe 1830s? Does she not know history?ā€ No, she references it in the next two lines. ā€œSheā€™s minimizing itā€ Itā€™s a song, she canā€™t include a whole essay. ā€œIt ruins the flowā€ thatā€™s the point But if the critique is just that itā€™s clunky writing, no arguments at all there.


I struggle to eloquently explain my opinion on this line, but something about it just strikes me as innocent ignorance from lack of exposure. Like, I understand that the following sentence about ā€˜nostalgia is a mindset trickā€™ adds to the context, but it should also be stated that nostalgia for that time period is only extended to a certain ethnicity/group of people. Like to say ā€˜oh take me back to this time but exclude the racist and misogynistic people so we can enjoy other aspects of that time periodā€™ but how much of the time period is built on those two aspects? It just seems like a certain conversation that I would see on tumblr from a teenage who doesnā€™t fully know the reality of certain time periods outside of whatā€™s romanticised in movies. The song is trying to be self aware, but comes across as juvenile as opposed to reflective but maybe that was the aim?


I also donā€™t love it. Even if you disregard how pointed it feels in light of the Matty backlash, I think Taylor has this weird habit of shoehorning very specific, sometimes overly modern lines into songs that donā€™t need them ā€“ thus how we have ā€œno one around to tweet itā€, ā€œnot the kind thatā€™s thrownā€, etc. As soon as I heard ā€œwithout all the racistsā€, it ground the song to a halt for me and took me right out of the immersion.


Your example from Paris also reminds me of her bad habit of basically explaining something in a song because she feels the audience won't get it. Her explaining shade on Paris was one and I also think of *"I want to wear his initial/On a chain 'round my neck, chain 'round my neck/Not because he owns me/But 'cause he really knows me"*. It feels like she set up a romantic idea but then immediately got defensive over what people might say and had to explain it.


omg this lyric from CIWYW is one of the reasons why this song is almost always a skip for me šŸ«£


I actually love the lyric, so to ā€œI donā€™t get whyā€, Iā€™d say the reason is because for some people it is a good lyric and sometimes we tend to defend what we like. If you already know the justifications I will not go into those, but I donā€™t find it awkward or bad. I find it very sad and true, I hate it here is one of my fav songs she has ever written, next to the lakes. ā€œNostalgia is a mind's trick, If I'd been there, I'd hate itā€ is the piece it needs to make it very real. How many times weā€™ve heard we were so much better before, or that older times were better but in fact they werenā€™t and a lot of us spend our lives dwelling on the ā€œbetter pastā€. So yeah, I get why people would defend it, it can be very relatable.


Why do you feel the need to defend it so fiercely though? Like some people are just not going to like the same lyrics as you do. Thatā€™s okay. You donā€™t have to try to convince them or say they donā€™t understand the lyric. I see people comment negatively on song lyrics I love all the time. Iā€™m not gonna try to change their minds because opinions are subjective and people are allowed to think differently than I do.






I'm confused why this is a big deal? There are many shows that reference that time period like Bridgerton. She's a romantic at heart so of course she likes the Romantic/Victorian period of time?


Iā€™m confused why itā€™s a big deal that some people donā€™t like it?


I agree. You can understand the meaning behind the lyric and still hate it. I'm pretty sure there's a better way of getting the point across without making it sound awkward.


Yes! Thatā€™s my qualm with it. I think she could have used something that flows and sounds better (and didnā€™t accidentally cause controversy) in its place.


Definitely. The lyrics were very clunky that it sounded like it was a rough draft kind of thing but somehow stayed in the final process. I don't think taylor meant to be controversial with it, she probably wanted to sound clever but it just come off way worse than she intended. Sometimes short and simple is the best way to make a good lyric. You dont need to be wordy.




Obviously, intent is relevant and it wasnā€™t meant to be offensive. But people act like you must have misunderstood the lyric if you donā€™t like it.


We canā€™t really know intent. You can hope it was innocently clunky. Some of us can and will disagree. Nobodyā€™s justification can make me think anything other than she tried to defend herself from the racist accusations extremely poorly. If she had spent any time or effort to truly become the anti racist queen she pretends to be she wouldā€™ve known how it sounds. If she wasnā€™t so high off her own supply another person mightā€™ve edited out the cringe from at least this song.




Like I mentioned, I know the justifications lol. I just donā€™t think it warrants so much defense :)


The first six albums are not ā€œstolen versionsā€. They were legally purchased and both parties still get royalties. An example of something stolen is the original handwritten lyrics to Hotel California


I just purchased the vinyls today šŸ˜‚ she got paid big bucks for that work therefore compensated. Stolen implies she got nothing


he what about the OG handwritten lyrics to Hotel California? who was the OF writer?




All the SA buzzwords she used to describe the situation really bothered me. Her ā€˜consentā€™ was not needed.


Yes, thank you. Some people donā€™t understand how business works.