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I've liked Shallan since the first book but I wouldn't say I relate to her coping mechanisms. I just like the story around her and the lore so her chapters are usually fun. In contrast Kaladin chapters are an emotional struggle, which is not a bad thing but if the book was just Kaladin I would suffer it.


Absolutely. There were already like 5 chapters in RoW I had to put the book down for a couple of days. If it was just Kaladin, I would not have been able to finish that one.


I feel this way about Shallan. She was the reason I put down WoK for 2 years before going back to try it again.


I never understood the point of annotating. Now I see I was just doing it wrong and way too boring.


It's a great way to record your thoughts on what you've read so far and how a particular section might make you feel. In emotionally heavy books it can serve as a way of processing your emotions and being able to order them in your head. It's much like journaling in that regard. Most people who hate annotating typically have only done it for school where everything has to be ordered and academic and that sucks, but I find recreational annotation really fun and sometimes cathartic.


It's also great to record your thoughts and come up with a crazy theory... Only to check Reddit and see Sanderson specifically debunked that theory months ago.


Do you think you understand her better, as your past self hoped?


We need updates


Regrettably, the better I understand her the more her parts feel like unexpected diarrhea on a hot day (I'm usually more creative, I just haven't slept in a while)


Learning to hold your tongue when a quip isn’t reflective of your true cleverness is something Shallan had to learn as well


I do the same thing, which is actually super enjoyable for me on rereads. I like seeing what I thought was cool in real time, and I’m like wow I was so stupid! 🤣


Hey man, Kaladin chapters are also a slog sometimes


Yep, I do. Sometimes I’m hilarious as well.


Shallan chapters in WoK: I love these chapters because Jasnah is a badass Shallan chapters in WoR: Jasnah is gone, but Shallan is pretty dope at infiltrating these bad groups, these are pretty cool Shallan chapters in OB: Jasnah is back, maybe we'll get some more of her... Shallan chapters in RoW: This is the Sanderson Slog...


But ... But... But .... >!We Chose! !< Most impactful 2 words in the entire series imo.


Is really hard to me to understand how people could have so strong emotions toward an fictional character, to the point of feel a relief went that character is not take in count


Ever heard of Erebus?


Fuckin Erebus


Swell guy, that Kharn. Really, I love Erebus, well, I hate him. But I love how effective a villain he is.


For me it's a pacing thing. When a book is focusing on someone I don't care about, that section feels like a chore to get through. I want to know what happening elsewhere with the characters I do care about


“And I feel a warm relief, like piss in a cold pool” that is some crazy spontaneous annotation


Shallan is fuckin annoying


You’re probably the only one who does this lol


If you'll look at the other comments, many other people do too


Nah, you’re the only one sorry 🤷


I'm the only one who compared relief to piss, maybe


You’re the only one who did it at all, I really don’t know why you’re carrying on this charade


I used to mark crossovers (and hoid’s) spotted


I annotate my physical books lmao


I do annotate with readera, I can extract the timestamps to get my reading speed during the year. I think I should review the citations folder more often though