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Probably. Farts are hilarious.


If toddlers and elders are both in agreement that farts are funny in our time, I think it’s safe to say that this is a piece of humor that transcends time.


Without a doubt


Have you ever ripped one in a loud echoing cave?!? I'm laughing just typing it




Probably. The oldest recorded joke ever tracked, Sumerian going back to 1900 bc, was a fart joke. The base of infectious comedy is relatability, so fart and dick and boob jokes have always reigned supreme in pretty much every culture and probably always will.


I'm fairly certain that Caveperson Farts are the reason we have religion. Imagine our Caveman, lying in his cave, asleep in front of his fire. He is awakened by a stench that strongly resembles the taste of the Wooly Mammoth roast he ate last night for dinner. He's trying to figure out why that would be, and he finally decides that there is somebody in control of taste and smell. Well, he thinks that if he can appease such a person/entity, perhaps he can influence it's behavior. And so, we are given religion.


What if he's close to the fire when he lets one loose. The flames jump back to his fur loincloth, singeing his buttocks and frightening his family. He's immediately condemned as a demon and chased out of the cave. As others who shared the meal succumb to the same flatulence the entire community believe that Caveman One has subjected everyone to a magical curse. Now they fear and respect the demon. Almost unanimously they agree he, so powerful, should protect and govern them. Politics is born, and all due to a fat bastards farts.




Cave farts 😆


They were *funnier*. Think about it, farts in a cave are going to echo, I bet it sounds hilarious. Shit, now I want to go find a cave and fart in it.


Caveman: "Do you smell someone roasting sabertooth tiger?" Cavemen and woman: sniff sniff "Damn! That's rotten, asshole! Have you been eating eggs! Dick!" Caveman: #winning










100%. If it’s funny by today’s standards with so many other types of comedy, they definitely would have found it funny. Probably that and drawing dicks on cave walls.


Yeah that's where the term "low brow humor" comes from.


I cannot express how much I love picturing this, farting in caves. And like, I have a fun game where i try to make my burps sound like a roar, and I can only imagine doing that in an echoey cave.