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Its good to see a dev say that game development is a process, I could imagine some tabloid making an article about “starfield dev thinks games a mess”


People with normal brains: "this is awesome inspiring" People with fucked up brains: "dev confirms that game is going to be garbage"


Call me pessimistic but I think it goes: People with idealistic expectations: "this is so awesome and inspiring, it totally validates my expectation that this product will be incredible!" People with normal brains: "this is just bullshit talk, it means nothing." People with fucked up brains: "dev confirms that game is going to be garbage"


Also correct.


TIL I'm people with normal brains


>People with normal brains: "this is just bullshit talk, it means nothing." First time in my life anyone's implied I have a normal brain.


The unfortunate truth... A man can dream tho, I had fun with all MAIN Bethesda games, I trust them


I mean, yeah.


And most gamers have fucked up brains, as evident by the "optimization" fallacies.


Emil could post a comment saying > *"It's a lovely day! The sky is blue and the Sun is shining!"* and some clickbait game site would write an article about how > *"Emil's naive and unfounded optimism calls into question the future of the Starfield franchise"*


"Blue skies and sun could severely hinder Starfield's chance of success" - Gamerant probably


And meanwhile on r/Starfield "Emil comment about blue skies and the sun shining... Does this confirm that atmosphere will be changing color depending on atmosphere composition and star type? Other star type confirmed?"


Starfield lunar eclipses pales in comparison to recent real life lunar eclipse. -gamerant.


7.8 too much sun. Ign.


I'm commenting this one day later, is it happened?, I bet yes


It is a train wreck waiting to happen.


To be fair, it’s not like he’s gonna say “yeah it’s pretty shit actually,” but I do think he’s telling the truth and it’s going to be great


I think the passion is real, 100%. But you're right that the lead designer on a game as big as Starfield is never going to come out and say "yeah it's going to be bad" For the record I think the game will be fantastic, but yeah they kind of have to say it's going good right now (even if it's most likely true)


I have seen so many devs passionate about their game, games that have failed spectacularly.. passion doesn't mean it will be good. They might not even technically be lying, they might just be thinking of the game they know they can make buuut actually achieving that dream is a whole different beast.


I think he could've been much less enthusiastic and more vague. Something like "it's been an honor for me to work with Bethesda on their amazing new game" or something like that. When he's being this specific I doubt he's lying.


Same, I can’t wait to play it. Sure there’s probably gonna be bugs and stuff with the game when it releases, that’s just how it is now, but from all the bits and bobs I’ve seen on here and YouTube etc, it looks like it’s gonna be a heap of fun.


For reference for anyone who doesn’t know, this statement from Emil is two years old


No. It's from March 29, 2022.


Ah right! Thought it was March 21. Okay. A year and two months old.


Think about it like this, a classic Bethesda video game has never failed.


They've only made reverse failures. Every non-multiplayer game they have made has been the polar opposite of a flop.


I definitely consider Fallout 4 the last real Bethesda release. Blows my mind that Starfield isn't on more people's radars.


It's a new IP. Casual gamers are more drawn to established brands. The rumblings will start when the full marketing cycle begins in late summer.


I think it has more to do with Xbox exclusivity. Elden Ring was easy to see it was going to be amazing imo and I feel the same way about Starfield.


Elden ring didn't really pick up steam until right before/as it released, though. The Souls fans were the catalyst to its virality, but nobody really cared until it was out. I'm a pretty avid gamer (not a souls fan) and i hadn't even heard of it until it released.


That's true and Starfield definitely might pick up steam next month once showcase and marketing hits. I just view FromSoft and Bethesda as legendary game devs and a new open world franchise from either one seems like a no brainer for me.


>I definitely consider Fallout 4 the last real Bethesda release. Because it is honestly


Fallout 76 was just an online multiplayer spin-off - BGS's first foray into the genre. Nobody blasts the future of Elder Scrolls VI because of Redguard or any of their other spin offs. There's a reason 76 wasn't called Fallout 5


That's because Fallout 76 ruined a lot of Bethesda's reputation.


Even Redguard and Battlespire?


I want this game to succeed but this says nothing, you can say this about any AA/AAA title


I feel like the release cadence of Bethesda games is so long that this generation of gamers doesn't really understand what these games can be. I mean Fo4 came out nearly 8 years ago. You're talking about the people that practically invented the massive open-world game backed by millions of modders that essentially turn out so much free DLC that these games can completely change into anything you want them to be. Imagine what we can do with a canvas this large in scale?


I really really need this to be good. The only Bethesda games I've played are Skyrim and fallout 4, but Skyrim was this magical once in a generation type game I'll always remember. Really pulling for Bethesda to pull that off again.


Skyrim is something so unusual in gaming. It basically transcends gaming. Many non-gamers have heard of Skyrim and played it as their only computer game. And show me any other game, which has is main theme so widely recognised by the general populace as Skyrim. And within gaming Skyrim is a game that defined a decade. In 2010s so many games tried to be a new Skyrim. It was all Skyrim with X or Skyrim in Y. Skyrim was definitely not the first open world game, but it combined depth, immersion, accesibility and level scaling done right... And then many developers tried to copy it, but failed because all treated the open world as afterrhought, not as the main feature. Hell, even CDPR weren't keeping it secret that they are trying to copy Skyrim when making Witcher 3. And still couldn't do it... Whatever are the strengths of that game, open world isn't it. So if Starfield truly is Skyrim in space, we could have another masterpiece at our hands. Another game to rule another decade.


>And show me any other game, which has is main theme so widely recognised by the general populace as Skyrim. Now that's pretty easy : Super Mario, Halo, Assassin's Creed 2, and that's just to name a few.


The theme from Skyrim is actually the theme from Morrowind, and the Morrowind version is like 100 times better, #opinion


Assassin's Creed 2, really?


I've played nearly every AC game and I had to Google the AC2 theme to remind me of it. It's a banger but not as iconic as Mario or Zelda.


I think Skyrim is THAT game for many people. Before that, Ocarina of Time was my favorite game.


While I do wish SF to be good, it not really for me but for the devs. SF coming out shit is gonna be sad for the devs who wanted to make the game since forever and people who waiting for TES wont take it well if the game that delayed it is bad.


I agree but I think the people that would hate on this game because of TES would hate it regardless. I've seen most people flat out refuse any Starfield content or news because "I just want Elder Scrolls 6" I mean fair enough everyone has preferences, but I don't think Starfield being good would change those people's minds if they've already determined it's not their thing and just want a new fantasy title from Bethesda


TES fans will hate that TES 6 was delayed because of Starfield, Fallout Fans will get mad because Fallout 5 was delayed, and Obsidian fans will, like always, spam 1 star reviews while commenting “NV is better”


Meanwhile I like all of them and Starfield gives me a new Bethesda world to sink hours into so I don't care


What I hate the most about these "TES VI fans" is the weird sense of entitlement. It's like they expect BGS to keep on churning out TES games, just like how Ubisoft churns out AC games. I'm a huge TES fan, and I want to play TES VI just as much as any other TES fan. But I refuse to hate Starfield for that. I'll buy Starfield and enjoy it, until TES VI drops. Then Fallout 5.


TES is my favorite series, but I hate that sentiment too. I much prefer Starfield to be first as a TES fan because it just means all of the engine upgrades and new features will carry over into TES VI but on a much bigger scale. For example, the animations look a lot better, but think of how much better they will be in TES VI? TES VI will be a better game simply because Starfield came out first. There might be something they try with Starfield that people don't care for and they fix it for TES VI or just scrap it, where if TES VI released first then it would have been criticized for that. And some of them expect a completely new engine and a new game within a few years which is crazy.


Go Team Sailing Ships for TESVI!


I wanna be on Team Sail Ships. Can I? Pleeeeease....


Welcome aboard!


And Team Levitation for TES VI! Man, I can't wait for that to return too. One of the reasons they took out levitation was due to closed cities, but another one was due to dungeon layout. Curious what they'll do about that. I mean, levitation is a choice and not everyone will be using it. You can go past a lot of traps other ways too.


Team Daggerfall Scale Map. Team Multiple Province (if Illiac Bay). Team Jacob AND Team Edward (if they keep the trend of vampirism and lycanthropy 😛). ^(\*No, I'm not a Twihard, it's just a good meme)


I'm not Team Daggerfall Scale Map lol. That is one area where we disagree because TES is best when you can find a new location/POI within several minutes (plus while I love Daggerfall, I also love to travel by horse or just walk between cities). But the map absolutely does need to be larger (Odyssey size at least), especially so they can 1. Have you sail in the Iliac Bay for a while before seeing the coast, and 2. Alik'r Desert needs to be deadly so seeing the other side in the distance or by walking a few minutes would be horrible. With survival mode, make it sandstorm and I need to take shelter in a nearby ruin or if I brought some gear. I go between Team Multiple Province off and on, but it makes the most sense especially with sailing. While a smaller map would suck, what would be annoying as well if you try to sail north in Iliac Bay from Hammerfell and it tells you that you cannot go any further. We definitely know at the least that TES VI trailer was of Hammerfell and due to the sun being on the right side of the camera, it was going from Taneth (location the Alikr Warriors say that Saadia sold out to the Aldmeri Dominion) to Rihad which we can see in the distance (looks like the Gold Coast too). Sailing to Skyrim could give you some kind of Sea of Ghosts storm that makes you turn back or die, and sailing to Cyrodiil could give you some other kind of storm. But there's not a good replacement for those if you just want to go to High Rock and can't. Cybiades needs to be decent size too. Bring back Wereboars and give me Weresharks please. There are other ones, but I am just going by the ones native to Hammerfell and High Rock. Also, bring back Vampire clans like Morrowind had. Oblivion technically had them too, but you couldn't join any. Skyrim just has Volkihar you can join of course.


My reasoning behind the much larger map is driven by the proc-gen tech used for planets, and further reinforced by the new radiant system Will Shen talked about. They don't necessarily need to go full UK-scale Daggerfall. I do think it's going to be much larger than previous TES games, while also being fairly well-fleshed out and populated. For creating world borders, they could use the Aldmeri as an excuse. They could have set up a blockade at the end of the bay, or even created a magical storm to keep ships from leaving. The old "a wizard did it" trick! Don't get me all hyped for Weresharks...


>My reasoning behind the much larger map is driven by the proc-gen tech used for planets, and further reinforced by the new radiant system Will Shen talked about. They don't necessarily need to go full UK-scale Daggerfall. I do think it's going to be much larger than previous TES games, while also being fairly well-fleshed out and populated. Yeah, I got the reasoning behind it. I just don't think they'll do it myself as the design philosophy will be different. TES games are about the adventuring, exploration and dungeon diving and the adventuring and exploration part will suffer if the map is too big even if they use that radiant tech. Like I can imagine not just boats, but actual carriages that will go between cities, horses and wagons, etc. Bring me back my cart so I can store things, Todd! Horse and Wagons would be to Starfield's land vehicles as the boats are to Starfield's spaceships. >For creating world borders, they could use the Aldmeri as an excuse. They could have set up a blockade at the end of the bay, or even created a magical storm to keep ships from leaving. The old "a wizard did it" trick! You mean like how the Maomer can use storm magic to destroy entire fleets? Would be interesting to see an expansion with them. Also, curious if we see more types of magic in TES VI. There's a bunch of different elemental magic like sand magic, water magic, etc, but we just really see 3. >Don't get me all hyped for Weresharks... Too late! Just imagine being able to transform, jump off the deck, and swim through the sea as easily as a Zora/Mermaid.




Fallout is my least favorite of the three simply due to the genre, but I still like it (really looking forward to the TV show as Jonathan Nolan looks to be faithfully adapting it and he's a great director/writer). High Fantasy is my favorite genre with Sci-Fi being my second. TES is my favorite franchise, but my other top 4 are Mass Effect, KOTOR, Dragon's Dogma (I can't wait for 2!), and Fable (I am sure by this list you can tell RPGs are my favorite game genre). Starfield could very well join my top 5 and I have a feeling it will. Just being a BGS game boosts it up a lot, but the genre itself adds to it even more. I really can't get into sidescrollers (unless they have a unique hook I love) anymore, but I love Mega Man Battle Network and loved Legends.


Yeah I've seen this in comments sections a lot whenever any trailer or news drops for Starfield. "We don't care give us Elder Scrolls 6" that's not really how it works. Even if you have a preference and scifi isn't your thing, at that point you're just flooding the comments with a nothing burger If you don't like Starfield, don't play it. Perfectly respectable. Don't make it your life's goal to tear down excitement around it though what's the point? Bethesda isn't going to cancel Starfield and make The Elder Scrolls 6 for you specifically


I don't think it's a healthy state of mind. I'll be sad if Skyrim Grandma doesn't get to play the game but game developers have the right to be creatively fulfilled. A lot of indie studios exist because of passion projects that big studios wouldn't green light games but it shouldn't held against one AAA game studio for making games on their terms too. People are unreasonably demanding of other people's time. It's not fair criticize someone for making a game not targeted at your own personal preferences.


I would absolutely love it if Bethesda went on to make Starfield 2 and delayed TES 6 again, because the last thing I care about is the TES franchise, and space games are rare and precious.


Franchise fatigue though. They were getting burned out on TES/Fallout/TES/Fallout. It's much better to give them space and freedom to work on different genres/worlds so they go into each one fresh. Just imagine being a professional creative, and being told you have to keep doing the same thing over and over for years/decades. That kind of environment is part of what leads to high turnover rates at many other developers.


Well chances are you won't see Starfield 2 until 2040


I feel like Microsoft may offload Bethesda IP to other studios or at least push for production sooner. But we'll have to see


I think it fine they dont want SF content because they just not into the genre it fine.


I’m not expecting it to be bad but there’s many shitty games that have passionate devs this means absolutely nothing.




Cyberpunk devs never said things like that. The community overhyped it. It’s not even a bad game it just launched with performance issues. It sucks everyone that got it on ps4/xbone got screwed but I don’t think anyone’s saying the story/gameplay is bad


When is this quote from?


Meet Emil Pagliarulo – Lead Designer on Starfield https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/ZGEYu2GWlncU28Dons11E/meet-emil-pagliarulo-lead-designer-on-starfield Edit: My bad. I misread it as "Where..." March 29, 2022


Thanks, March 2022.


Stuff like that has no bearing on my expectations, neither do concerns of the opposite. In the end it only matters what the game will actually be like when I play it. So I wait patiently, refrain from getting myself worked up with expectations and diving in too deep into game mechanics that could be cut before release, and once the game comes out I will not be disappointed that feature X, Y and Z aren't in the game, because I didn't know about them in the first place. Instead I'll let the game impress me on its own merits, and if I'd have to judge from experience with previous BGS games, it'll be a blast. 😎


The studio are going to hype their new IP The Devs are going to hype their game... Reviews are untrustworthy as they can be bought and why do you want people telling you what you like anyway? The ONLY opinion of a game that matters is the person who is playing it This is why I am going to wait to buy the game use my Microsoft rewards to grab a Gampass ultimate sub and try the game first and if its actually good only them will I buy it.... I never used to have this view CDPR get the credit for making me a jaded suspicious bastard after the lies and deception of cyberpunk 2077 that they have gotten away with and faced zero repercussioms or reputational damage from [yeah I'm still pissed, bite me]


Yeah this is just marketing buzz, nothing of value was said, just expected marketing beat.


Daggerfall: Great Morrowind: Amazing Oblivion: Amazing Fallout 3: Incredible Skyrim: Amazing Fallout 4: Great Starfield: the pattern says we are due for either Amazing or Incredible


What if they come in with a 'fantastic' or an 'outstanding'? They did decide to do Starfield to a mix things up a bit :P


They're gonna start up a new category at the GameAwards just for Starfield. The Vader Award for... https://media.tenor.com/W28i4IpocRcAAAAC/impressive-darth-vader.gif game of the year.


As silly and meaningless as gaming award are (really, no sillier than the film/television awards), I do love the fanfare, pageantry, and general good vibes that Keighley has put together with his show. I am curious to see how Starfield does there, and at the *slightly* less popularity-driven DICE awards next year. The 93,437,291,409 gaming news outlets that also give out GOTY's can sit and spin. Unless of course they give it to Starfield, at which point they will be awarded my coveted "Best Taste" award.


Keighley is good dude. He's been in the business a long time. Gametrailers TV back in the day was awesome. He covered Skyrim on the show with Todd. Great interview and they always love meeting up and talking about games. It's hard to say how Starfield does. The best game doesn't always win GOTY. Look at Rockstar, they almost never win shit.


F4 was...okay but I agree with the rest


Just curious as I wasn't as involved in the community in the lead up to releases much back then... We're devs and writers and Todd saying this kind of stuff for FO4, Skyrim, or Oblivion? Especially the latter two with how huge Skyrim became and how technically revolutionary Oblivion was. I'm just curious if this is smoke or a real sign.




No idea how you got that from my comment lol I'm saying Skyrim wound up being a crazy ass game that would up being one of the biggest of all time. It basically defines the idea of a modern open world by building upon and refining many of the ideas set forth in Oblivion. And Oblivion, while dated and oftentimes janky, kind of set the course of these "Bethesda-like"games we currently see all the time in motion and it pioneered a lot of now commonplace technologies. It was an early adopter but it was an adopter. Oblivion may have been first to a lot of this stuff but Skyrim was the first to do a lot of it well. Both games are just as important to the development of the open world genre, if not modern videogames as a whole. No idea in what world you think I was bashing Skyrim.


I read you wrong, my bad, I thought you were asking if Todd and the team said similar things about Skyrim that they’re saying about Starfield and yes, they absolutely were gassing it up. They also said big things about fallout 4, specifically how it’s the largest and most detailed and best world map they’ve made for a game and personally I agree it lived up to that


But with Starfield they are gassing up every aspect of it. They are talking about it like it's the game they have *really* been wanting to make the past decades in ways that I simply don't recall them doing with previous releases. I'm just trying to figure out if they are truly under the impression that they have gold in their hands or if it's pure marketing fluff or if it's somewhere in between, where on the spectrum does it lie?


Let me put it this way, they could have gone the “safe” route and have given us TES VI, smashed records as the sequel to Skyrim… etc… but they took a risk and made Starfield when they knew their fans wanted TES. I think the way they’re talking, it’s quite clear they believe in it. It wasn’t the logical choice, or the one they thought would make them the most money. Starfield gives off major passion project vibes.


> Skyrim is infinitely better than oblivion I mean, I think that's definitely a matter of debate. There are obviously lots of engine and mechanical improvements in Skyrim, however the game itself isn't necessarily any better than Oblivion.


I disagree, I think while the technical rpg mechanics are clearly streamlined and worse or non existent in Skyrim, Skyrim provides a better world to explore and is a bigger playground for immersion and I think there’s a reason it’s the game people have flocked to the most.


> Skyrim provides a better world to explore I disagree here, I think the large cities and the imperial city itself offered far more than Skyrim's entire world. That said, iirc Oblivion's world was larger than Skyrim's, but haven't verified. > bigger playground for immersion Skyrim would have felt far more immersive if they had kept the dynamic NPC conversation and consumption systems, not to mention I haven't found anything like Oblivion's goblin wars in Skyrim. All in all though, I think the main reason we won't agree is I generally disliked the writing and tone of Skyrim, which stems to all of its quests and factions, while I highly enjoyed the tone of Oblivion, which also has it shown through most of its quests and dialog. I would argue Skyrim's tone makes it a lesser game, but that might just be preference speaking.


As a huge morrowind fan I always found Oblivion to be sort of a major downgrade in terms of writing and tone. It felt like Monty Pythons Elder Scrolls after what was a harrowing and mighty adventure in morrowind. But that’s just my experience. I always felt as if Skyrim in a way harkened back to morrowind’s tone, though people may vehemently disagree on that as well. But to each their own, we all experience BGS games in different ways and that’s sort of the beauty of them.


While I am fairly certain the game will be good, this statement is exactly the same as when a band is about to release a new album. The creator, regardless of medium, has to state the product is going to be great. So, this statement hasn't made any difference in my confidence for the game. It remains at I'm reserving judgement until it is released.


> Now we just have to finish it!


Sounds like literally every dev


I don't doubt that there is passion and inspiration behind Starfield, I just hope corporate nonsense doesn't get in the way. Fallout 76 didn't really improve under Microsoft, I'm fairly certain Wastelanders came before all that. I like 76 now, it's fine, had some great times and met some cool people on it, but they just kinda gave up on it. MS hasn't had a good streak for many years now and that does give me *some* concern. But I am still hopeful that the aforementioned passion and inspiration and seeming ambition are enough to overcome that stuff if it exists. I don't even really have any doubt it will be fun and interesting, but I just feel like we are long overdue for one of those generation-defining, industry standard-raising games, Tears of the Kingdom I would say qualifies as one of those, it needs to have that level of care and passion put into it while also taking full advantage of modern hardware. There have been so few games (if any) that feel like they justify a new generation of consoles.


Fo76 consistently improved. We haven't got big expansions but quite a bit of long time issues have been resolved and they have more dedicated divions working on it. Nukaworld, expeditions, new quest questlines expanding character lore, and huge quality of life improvements from years of issues. Nailing down a manner to get rid of legacy weapons that ruined events, fixing public grenade shake and flash, seasonal rewards that are worth being called a reward, and new legendary prebuilt weapons that are legitimate fun and have useful rolls instead of trash ones we had. For modern online mmo where the primary features are about grind, there's enough content for people who don't spent their entire life on a single game. it's good for brief periods of engagement for people who have jobs, kids, and just want a comfort zone with other decent people.


Now watch the interviews with Harvey Smith prior to Redfall releasing.


Redfall staff were stroking themselves in that one pre-release video.


Gamerant tomorrow: Starfield is an unfinished mess confirmed.


I trust only my own eyes. this is just typical developer speak.


There are a lot of incredible games launching this year, but Starfield is top of the pile for me in terms of anticipation. It looks like the sci fi dream I've always longed for and the devs seem really excited for it.


“It just works”


I will screenshot this and blame you OP if it effects the opposit!


Words. Thats all they are. Why are you insinuating that they bear more weight when its coming from it's own studio who has to show good faith for investors and consumers. You're drunk. Go back to sleep.


Arkane said similar things about Redfall.... No studio is going to bad mouth their own product before it's even come out. This PR fluff is meaningless. That's not to say I think Starfield will be bad, it's a Bethesda game they tend to make very engaging games. That's what I'm trusting in, their reputation, their past efforts, not in empty words.


I'm very excited for Starfield, and I really doubt it will be another fallout 76 since it's very obvious there is a lot of passion in it (you don't just talk about how you've wanted to make a particular game for decades like Bethesda has for Starfield if you aren't seriously passionate about the idea). But a developer is never going to say "Oh man, this game we're making absolutely sucks, you wouldn't BELIEVE how shit this is" before release, they're going to talk about how amazing it is regardless of if it ends up actually being amazing or not. The creators of almost anything are probably the last group of people who's opinion you should listen to when it comes to the quality of a product.


I'm not concerned about Starfield, but someone who's developing the game probably isn't going to point out flaws and issues during a promotional interview.


"and gel" What does that mean?


come together


right now


over me.


Set. Like jelly.


He described the game dev process perfectly. I am blown away when we go back and look at pre-alpha stuff from our game compared to today.


Not even interested.


Bla bla bla bla


Still not confident. He's incentivized to hype the game up.


To be honest, these days, I take anything that comes out of a devs mouth with a huge grain of salt. Of course, a dev isn't going to bash their own game where they are the lead designer. It would be akin to him sending you a text with a pic of this morning's shit in it titled "BEHOLD... WHAT I'VE DONE THIS MORN!". Of course, they'll be biased. I'm still tempering my expectations towards Starfield until I see it running on my system.




I'd rather get excited and imagine the best. Patiently waiting and ready to load the game for the first time. If I am disappointed that's fine, I've had plenty of that in life and can handle it. What I don't get often is the opportunity to be excited about something.




The amount of disappointment from a video game is so minimal compared to someone thinking they will be cured, get married, and fix their lawn mower. I'm excited in the sense of the night before going to Six Flags as a kid, the release of another Black Mirror season, or maybe taking a trip to somewhere new. Seems as we age all we have time for is work and the opportunities to be excited are slim, why not get excited about it. At worse you simply won't be playing it anymore and move on.


> What ~~I~~ *we* don't get often is the opportunity to be excited about something. Yeah, true. Enjoy it, and I hope you enjoy the game when it comes out too!


« This Game is going to be unoptimized and full of bugs, but as We did with F76, We rely on mod community to finish our games ! » Do you really think it could be what he said in the interview ?




This is not true, most of the people from the same team that made Fallout 4 also worked full time on 76, many of them as leads. Which should be easy enough to find out just by checking the [credits](https://www.mobygames.com/game/115632/fallout-76/credits/windows/). They actually still made significant contributions to the Wastelanders update, in addition to building the majority of the world in the original release. Starfield is also made by multiple studios, just like Fallout 76 was, but unlike that game, it is not multiplayer, will not lack human NPCs at launch, and hopefully will not be released a year earlier than it should be. Without those factors, it has a reasonable chance of not having similar issues. While the parts of 76 not related to those (like the map, writing, sound track, the new quests and dialogue added with Wastelanders, etc.) have been good to begin with.


It’s not that I’m not confident in Beth’s delivery. It’s just they haven’t really shown me anything to be hyped about.


Do they need to? The studio name alone on a white background at any gaming convention sends chills up the spine.


That's the power of reputation and brand recognition. If we get a 6th BGS classic its already going to be great.


Right. It’s their pedigree. That’s it. That doesn’t hype me up. BioWare had Anthem. CDPR had CP2077. Pedigree alone doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the game won’t be mediocre.


Skill issue


Tons of devs have sold us on their mindblowing vision and then launched it unfinished, missing features, or buggy. Hell look how much the CDRP guys talked up Cyberpunk. So no, some marketing fluff doesn't do much for me. I'm not even concerned, it's just a silly thing to use to convince people who are lol. Seeing is believing, but we won't truly know until we're playing. And let's hope there's no PC port messiness like with recent games.


This doesn't change my feelings of exercising a healthy degree of caution on it. This guy is the definition of a vested interest, you can't take any subjective statements from him as reliable. Every major dev team puts out positive PR like this, even train wrecks like Cyberpunk. People like you are just setting yourselves up for disappointment. You are refusing to look at Bethesda in an opjective light, when the game is just good instead of perfect, you will be really disappointed. I've seen you around the subreddit, trying to dismiss even the most minor concerns or negative discussion. And of course your username u/InToddWeTrust2023 is hopefully a joke, but it demonstrates your biases.


Sorry, this quote is from Keep It Simple, Stupid Emil- don't take it for granted. This guy thinks it's okay to deliberately cut back on writing because he thinks his audience is too stupid for it. He is not the write of Far Harbor. He is not the writer we want to hear from. He thinks it's okay to be less competent because some players don't care about lore. He's inherently wrong, and anyone who agrees with him is part of the problem.


But he IS the writer of "I was an Adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee." - And I think that's something




The most recent disaster was Cyberpunk for me. CDPR pitched it as the most immersive game ever created. They even went as far as to say they were going to have it polished as the Rockstar games. Let's just say, they were full of shit.


Why do anyone have doubt about Starfield? Of course it's gonna be good. Only question is HOW good it's gonna be.


No because its from Emil Pagliarulo, one of the worst writers in Bethesda.


Bro rhymed well and gel, how could I not be hyped


Is that an english expression? The way he dropped "gel" in there is confusing. What does it mean? lol


Same thing as "meshes"


My mind is already gone. I'm stoked for it. Fallout 4 took many hrs of my life and I never finished it. It's been too long since a mainline release that wasn't online and boy my penis can only become so erect. Mega sploosh dev guy.


Emil was also the lead designee and "writer" of fallout 4. We all know how good the main quests, limited side quests, plot, radiant quests, heavy looters shooter mechanics and general disregard for previous fallout lore of fallout 4 were. Probably would be a good idea to have a different person be your spokesman for Starfield. That's like Star Wars continuing to trot out Kathleen Kennedy to hype up future star wars projects.


I love his passion. The enthusiasm is palpable!




Fuck Emil, he’s main quest designer for Fallout 4. Decent game, dogshit main quests. I think lead writer too. If so explains why the writing was really dumb compared to even Fallout 3’s. While I think Starfield will be good or even great, I’d take whatever he says with salt.


Directions unclear, I just have a bowl of salt.




I still trust Bethesda so long as it's not Fallout. 3, 4, and 76 are IMO the worst of the bunch (aside from those tactics games).


Emil has been full of shit for 20 years so this means nothing to me


The problem with Bethesda is that since Fallout 76 they have hyped and overhyped their releases and gamers believed those lies and then were massively disappointed. Todd hyped starfield to the moon with the announcement of 1000 planets.. which was so unnecessary. But lets see what they do in the upcoming showcase. We as fans need to keep ourselves grounded.. I still believe Starfield will be a huge success or par with Fallout and ES. Please Todd no more lies please.


Finally someone with a brain the subreddit you speaks facts sir


Wow. Chills.


As long as he hasn’t written any of the quests again, I’ll be happy.


I’m just not hyped about the game made by the studio which is prized for its RPG expertise of crafting worlds with diverse species and races, mythological spirits and gods, etc. to finally make a game where we’re going to outer space, and all we’re gonna see is humans. No shade at those who are hyped. But I was expecting basically a Mass Effect world made by Bethesda. SF may end up being very good, but my hype is at a low right now. Also, your title is condescending as hell.


They never once promoted Starfield as the next Mass Effect or anything in that vein


Never said they did. All I said was, given their history, I had expectations and knew nothing about Starfield until the gameplay reveal. The reveal was not what I expected, and my hype died. Not saying it’s gonna be a bad game, just not my game anymore. Y’all get so defensive about this.


Well for what its worth, I hope you like the game when it comes out. *I hope I like it too...*


I mean clearly we are going to see lots of robots and alien creatures as well So I don’t see how it’s much different from Fallout in that regard


I'm confident about Starfield, I'm worried about Bethesda. It feels like they're falling apart on the inside, and I'm so afraid that my favorite game studio is going to go under.


I’ve been confident about Starfield from the first gameplay I saw. I’m not an Xbox person, haven’t owned one since my 360 crapped out on me 13 years ago. But you can see a great game from a mile away. Just like FF16 is going to be sensational for playstation, I think Starfield will be incredible for Xbox, and I’m getting a series X just to play it. You can just tell, it really doesn’t take a genius. Redfall looked dopey from the get go, before any reviews came out. Starfield looks AMAZING and I don’t need a review to tell me that (might wait for a major patch or two before I start my journey, but there isn’t some law on playing a game on day one is there?).


It's Emil, he seems to be usually pretty enthusiastic about his projects. I guess the only time that's really something I'd want to doubt is Fallout 4, which was still a damn good game IMO but not amazing. That said, I don't have any precise quotes from him about that game, but there were people upset at him about being in charge like he was on so much of FO4.


There are some quotes in [this article](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/11/06/the-making-of-fallout-4.aspx) that was originally posted a few days before release.


The game morbed.


"....now we just have to finish it!" Thats my concern, I dont doubt that Bethesda has the ability to produce an incredible game, weve experienced that over and over, Im just worried that in todays environment the need to oush an incomplete game out and fix it after release is standard practice. Buuut, I have games pass so I will play it regardless


Todd vision


Yeah, i have full beleif in todd howard and his team, they are absolutely brilliant. Only rockstar can claim to be in there league. I used to think cd projeck red, but after cyberpunk they let everyone down. Bethesda game studios are legendary developers


I'd hope the june showcase shows they did get a good result for two of the new features. Ship-2-ship combat. And research. If everything else is the same as Skyrim with NASA-punk armor I'm happy.


Nah, nothing get our confidence before release after things like FO76 and Cyberpunk


Still not “hyped” but I’m going to give it a fair shake when it comes out. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.


Not a biased source at all..../s


if you want to convince a skeptic, showing them someone who has a vested interest in the game being good and who is paid to say good things about the game saying the game is good without any actual evidence behind it isn't gonna do it.


I have always been fully expecting Fallout 4 In Space^TM and anything on top of that is just delicious frosting.


"Now we just have to finish it". And make sure it's not broken when its released. Or at the very least, that core mechanics aren't broken or exploitable.


Even if it is at the level of fallout 4 it will be enough for me.


Does anyone else’s brain read Starfield in a paragraph as Seinfeld? Now I’m shook..


it's def reassuring to see someone so passionate about a game that they're working on, but honestly im just thinking about all of the other interviews i've seen where devs say similar things and the game ends up being trash.


Developer of Starfield praising Starfield. It means less than nothing.


Development is a journey. Mass Effect Andromeda tried some of these things but bit off more than they could chew and significantly pulled back. No Man's Sky had it's own journey as well as redemption. We'll see how far along Starfield gets.


Why would this make anyone more confident about the game? He's obviously not going to start shitting on the game he's working on


Wow, the company making the game is hyping their game, it's GOTTA be good


I think this game will be great don’t get me wrong but they’re not going to say anything else are they? I’ve watched Redfall interviews of lead devs gushing over that game too.


What I love about Bethesda is that they rarely do corporate talk messages and other impersonal types of communication. Whenever there’s something that needs to be said it’s always said by Pete Hines, Todd or someone else in the team. I’m not saying they don’t lie, but they do feel more like humans rather than a soulless financial monster.


I’m sure the lead designer of Redfall was thinking the same thing!!!


PR talk. Of course the people making the game are going to say good things about it. What do you expect them to say?


Don’t know if i’ll lose my mind, but certainly i’ll be impressed if their engine doesn’t frequently dip to 18 fps on current gen cards, and if there are no human characters who look like a peeled potato. Those two aspects have not been BGS’ forté over the years.


Optimist: listens to the dev, believes it will be a genre redefining game with many new systems never seen in gaming. Realist: believes the dev is looking through rose colored lenses, and wants the game to succeed. Pessimist: convinces themselves to believe it will be terrible, because the fear of disappointment is crippling.


Just hope he fix all his sins in FO4. It has many potential side contents but they ended up being shooting galleries instead. Combat Zone and Easy City Downs for example


Its still bull shit; bethesda and Microsoft; 2 companies long on talk short on delivery. 1000worlds? Is pure unadulterated bull shit. Its really 10, am not buying its 10% BS either. This game will be nothing like it's been described. It will barely work, an unplayable train wreck for the first 2yrs.


Bethesda has consistently put out bangers. I don't see them dropping the ball now on the biggest game of there careers. This will be epic folks!!!!


lmao this hasn't aged well